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   ESMR At-A-Glance Report


Reporting Year 0
Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2016
General Information
Contract All Sections Expand All Sections
Agency Facility Reporting Period Due Date Date Received Certified By
Novato Sanitary District Novato and Ignacio WWTP 01/01/2016 to 12/31/2016 02/01/2017 01/31/2017 John Bailey
Expand/Contract Monitoring Locations
Monitoring Locations
Name Type Lat/Long Associated Discharge Point Receiving Water Description(+)
E-003 Effluent Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A At a point in the outfall from the Novato Plant between the point of discharge
EFF-001 Effluent Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A At any point in the Novato Plant?s outfall between the point of discharge and t
EFF-001P Effluent Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A At a point where all water from the pond to the outfall is present upstream of
EFF-001REC Recycled Water Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A A point in the plant at which all treatment phases are complete, including disin
INF-001 Influent Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A At any point in the Novato Plant headworks after the influent bar screens at whi
Total Monitoring Locations: 5
Expand/Contract No Discharge Dates
No Discharge Dates
Discharge Point Name Description(+) Dates of No Discharge Comments
Novato Discharge Point 001 Secondary Effluent disharge to San Pablo Bay 06/01/2016 None
Expand/Contract Analytical Data
Data Summary-Analytical
Monitoring Point Parameter Analytical Method Qualifier Result Units Sample Date MDL ML RL Comments
Total Analytical Data Points: 0
Expand/Contract Calculated Data
Data Summary-Calculated
Monitoring Point Parameter Analytical Method Qualifier Result Units Sample Date Comments
Total Calculated Data Points: 0
Expand/Contract Calculated Data
Violation ID Violation Date Violation Type Description(+) Corrective Action Created By Last Modified By
Total Violations: 0
Expand/Contract Attachment Data
File Name Description Size
Appendix A - Facilities Evaluation 2016.pdf Facilities Evaluation and Reliability 44 KB
Appendix B - 2016 Priority Pollutants Summary.pdf Priority Pollutants Summary 44 KB
Appendix C - Annual Report List of Approved Analyses - 2016.pdf List of Approved Analysis 18 KB
Appendix D - Process Diagrams & Sample Locations.pdf Maps, Process Diagrams, and Sample Locations 1.54 MB
Appendix E - 2016 BACWA Compliance Letters.pdf BACWA & SFEI Letter of Participation 265 KB
Appendix F - Collection System Overflows for 2016.pdf 2016 Collection System Report 22 KB
Total Attachments: 6
Expand/Contract Cover Letter
Cover Letter
File Name
2016 Annual SMR - NSD.pdf
Total No. of Cover Letter Files: 1      Cover Leter Text: No
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/26/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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