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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
137767 Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Waterboard 3737 Main Street 500 Riverside, CA 92501-3348 951-782-4130 None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
Total Related Places: 0
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
648286 Anselm Krause Person Employee 12/03/2024 None None
647216 Phuong Schmit-Kallas Person Employee 06/03/2024 None None
647215 Jorge Paredes Person Employee 04/02/2024 None None
643205 Gaurav Rajen Person Employee 12/27/2023 None None
641316 Alice Nash Person Employee 08/03/2023 None None
639773 Adaoha Ollivierre Person Employee 06/01/2023 None None
638462 Victor Gonzalez Person Employee 03/06/2023 None None
637219 Celina Rong Person Employee 02/23/2024 None None
637215 Cassidy Lunetta Person Employee 12/12/2022 None None
636529 Gabby Pocius Person Employee 10/03/2022 None None
636380 Gongde Chen Person Employee 11/01/2022 None None
630732 Hossein Shahrokhnia Person Employee 01/19/2022 None None
629312 Michael Jones Person Employee 06/03/2021 None None
624215 Ryan Yip Person Employee 04/26/2021 12/15/2024 None
623240 Emma Arres Person Employee 11/24/2021 03/08/2024 None
621791 Patrick Lewis Person Employee 08/08/2022 05/06/2024 None
621710 Kyle Fructuoso Person Employee 02/01/2021 None None
621605 Mark Allen Person Employee 01/25/2021 12/31/2023 None
621600 Maria Arechiga Person Employee 01/25/2021 None None
612298 Steven Stephansen Person Employee 09/01/2020 None None
612136 Reyna Mendoza Person Employee 08/25/2020 12/06/2021 None
610779 Rebeca Griner Person Interested Party 04/05/2021 None None
604135 Adrian Jackson Person Employee 11/07/2019 05/26/2023 None
603840 Samantha Mak Person Employee 08/01/2019 05/15/2023 None
603839 Miguel Oviedo Person Employee 10/30/2019 None None
603837 Chad Nishida Person Employee 02/05/2018 05/08/2023 None
603623 Kayla Kawamura Person Employee 10/21/2019 None None
602250 Lenore Gamez Person Employee 11/07/2019 09/30/2021 None
602248 David Davalos Person Employee 09/16/2019 12/20/2019 None
594258 Maher Zaher Person Employee 01/21/2019 None None
593771 Brian Covellone Person Employee 01/09/2019 None None
593645 Jose Valle de Leon Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
588297 David Arellano Person Employee 11/16/2018 07/01/2019 None
584345 Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC) Organization Member Of 09/17/2018 None Government Agency Combination
584069 Nathan Patenaude Person Employee 09/12/2018 None None
583759 SueAnn Neal Person Employee 08/30/2018 03/22/2024 None
581262 Jessica Law Person Employee 02/06/2017 None None
575204 Celia Pazos Person Employee 03/28/2018 01/24/2023 None
571962 Lauma Willis Person Employee 04/04/2017 11/30/2022 None
571960 Eric Lindberg Person Employee 01/04/2018 None None
571664 Adriana Godinez Person Employee 08/06/2024 None None
569047 Taylor Lee Person Employee 10/12/2017 04/13/2018 None
568605 Kyle Wright Person Employee 09/15/2017 None None
567786 Christine Barks Person Employee 08/11/2017 None None
564891 Jessica Love Person Employee 06/27/2017 12/20/2019 None
563508 Claudia Tenorio Person Employee 08/07/2017 None None
563429 Allysen Calalang Person Employee 09/11/2024 None None
563356 Sangavi Pari Person Employee 04/07/2017 None None
561270 Sarah Recinto Person Employee 12/20/2016 05/13/2017 None
560735 Garrett Fong Person Employee 01/18/2018 None None
560567 Maile Gee Person Employee 08/01/2016 12/06/2024 None
560548 Gabriel Macario Person Employee 01/04/2017 06/27/2019 None
558129 Amanda Khury Person Employee 07/19/2016 12/30/2016 None
558002 Mary Edwards Person Employee 07/14/2016 02/28/2018 None
556490 Ryan Harris Person Employee 05/04/2016 None None
554990 Jason Freshwater Person Employee 03/07/2016 None None
554929 Faraz Asad Person Employee 03/03/2016 None None
554889 Barbara Barry Person Employee 03/01/2016 None None
554039 Victor Sturdivant Person Employee 06/24/2008 None None
553875 Phoebe Khan Person Employee 07/10/2020 None None
553422 Mona Behrooz Person Employee 07/01/2015 None None
550422 Katie Duprey Person Employee 03/16/2015 04/21/2017 None
550422 Katie Duprey Person Employee 03/01/2018 07/31/2024 None
545096 Alan Kuoch Person Employee 01/28/2014 02/10/2023 None
545002 Yelena Galbina Person Employee 07/10/2020 None None
542462 Grace Ng Person Employee 08/13/2013 01/01/2014 None
542462 Grace Ng Person Employee 06/29/2016 06/30/2020 None
542273 Tomas Eggers Person Employee 05/01/2013 06/01/2015 None
541993 Barbara Barry Person Employee 07/02/2014 None None
540299 Tirunesh Futassa Person Employee 06/03/2013 01/01/2014 None
539136 Anish Pathak Person Employee 03/13/2013 01/01/2014 None
538152 Kimberley Nguyen Person Employee 01/07/2013 01/01/2014 None
537815 Pauline Xie Person Employee 12/04/2012 01/01/2014 None
537247 Taahira Major Person Employee 10/11/2012 11/07/2014 None
537223 Pamela Ybarra Person Employee 02/09/2018 None None
537223 Pamela Ybarra Person Employee 10/09/2012 06/18/2015 None
536407 Judith Pittman-Logue Person Employee 05/11/2017 None None
530175 Sean Cross Person Employee 02/10/2014 12/14/2015 None
529891 Joshua Sargent Person Employee 10/31/2011 01/01/2014 None
529766 Jason Bill Person Employee 04/27/2023 05/02/2023 None
529766 Jason Bill Person Employee 12/01/2014 04/30/2021 None
529567 Travis You Person Employee 10/13/2011 01/01/2014 None
529354 Eric Ford Person Employee 09/30/2011 01/01/2014 None
529347 Audra Hanks Person Employee 09/30/2011 01/01/2014 None
529295 Ian Ferrari Person Employee 09/28/2011 01/01/2014 None
528068 Nick Amini Person Employee 07/25/2011 None None
526875 Sara Aujla Person Employee 03/22/2012 01/01/2014 None
526259 Raul Dominguez Person Employee 03/17/2011 12/31/2016 None
524574 Test Test Person Employee 09/14/2010 03/07/2012 None
523454 Tara Van Person Employee 07/06/2010 01/01/2014 None
521587 Wan Wong Person Employee 03/15/2010 01/01/2014 None
521586 Vinny Tran Person Employee 03/15/2010 01/01/2014 None
521414 Ameesha Purohit Person Employee 03/04/2010 01/01/2014 None
520979 Oscar Rojas Person Employee 02/03/2010 01/01/2014 None
520750 Han Tran Person Employee 01/07/2010 01/01/2011 None
511299 Katherine Aquino Person Employee 06/23/2009 01/01/2010 None
511296 Elaine Xu Person Employee 06/23/2009 01/01/2012 None
511295 Tanya Ratanasirimongkol Person Employee 06/23/2009 01/01/2010 None
508837 Curtis Hayes Person Employee 06/02/2009 09/22/2011 None
506730 Nydia Celis Person Employee 05/11/2009 07/01/2009 None
504363 Noori Alavi Person Employee 07/02/2018 12/31/2020 None
501833 Paloma Abell-Orozco Person Employee 05/24/2018 None None
501833 Paloma Abell-Orozco Person Employee 03/16/2009 07/01/2009 None
499397 Nai Saeteurn Person Employee 02/27/2009 08/31/2012 None
485196 Daniel Mefford Person Employee 09/11/2008 12/02/2013 None
475942 Kaitlin Traver Person Employee 03/26/2012 01/01/2014 None
475942 Kaitlin Traver Person Employee 07/01/2008 07/01/2009 None
474767 Tavish Sturdivant Person Employee 06/24/2008 None None
467638 Kristy Monji Person Employee 05/07/2008 10/14/2008 None
465073 Imtiaz-Ali Kalyan Person Employee 03/01/2014 02/21/2016 None
465073 Imtiaz-Ali Kalyan Person Employee 04/11/2008 07/01/2009 None
461575 Karla Dominguez Person Employee 03/11/2008 07/01/2009 None
439864 Tetra Tech Inc Organization Contracted With (Passive) 10/05/2007 06/30/2010 Privately-Owned Business
395617 George Stadler Person Employee 08/24/2007 03/18/2010 None
366861 Ranveer Sandhu Person Employee 07/24/2007 09/22/2011 None
355029 Michael Kashak Person Employee 07/02/2009 None None
351843 Roberto Batista Person Employee 07/23/2007 01/01/2014 None
340463 Don Swiden Person Employee 10/20/2009 01/29/2010 None
332789 Connie Lizarraga Person Employee 07/12/2006 01/01/2008 None
324354 Jeni Shipley Person Employee 07/24/2007 11/01/2008 None
322476 Jeffrey Kashak Person Employee 06/14/2006 12/31/2007 None
281184 Brandi Outwin-Beals Person Employee 11/19/2007 07/01/2010 None
149685 Jarma Bennett Person Employee 05/11/2017 None None
149666 Karol Ing Person Employee 08/21/2007 08/01/2009 None
149563 Victoria Whitney Person Employee 05/10/2011 01/01/2014 None
147271 Dottie Wolfinbarger Person Employee 06/20/2005 02/01/2006 None
147270 Gerard Thibeault Person Legally Responsible Official 12/21/2009 08/01/2010 None
147269 Talitha Crain Person Employee 06/20/2005 04/06/2007 None
147268 Craig Salonen Person Employee 06/20/2005 07/01/2007 None
147265 Margie Quiroz Person Employee 06/20/2005 01/01/2012 None
147264 Ricky Perez Person Employee 06/20/2005 06/18/2005 None
147260 Valerie Jahn-Bull Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/14/2023 None
147259 Robert Holub Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/01/2012 None
147256 Catherine Ehrenfeld Person Employee 06/20/2005 10/01/2017 None
147254 Felipa Carrillo Person Employee 06/20/2005 10/30/2019 None
147253 Frank Bell Person Employee 06/20/2005 06/18/2005 None
147070 Catherine Woody Person Employee 03/13/2023 None None
141703 Mila Kleinbergs Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139737 David Woelfel Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/28/2021 None
139658 Region 4 Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
139625 Kathleen Fong Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139618 Michael Perez Person Employee 06/17/2005 11/02/2022 None
139569 Brianna St. Pierre Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139552 Kirk Larkin Person Employee 12/02/2008 None None
139551 Kevin Heinemann Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/02/2013 None
139547 Compliance Login R8 Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139450 Joanne Schneider Person Employee 06/17/2005 09/06/2017 None
139359 Nam Nguyen Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139357 Milasol Gaslan Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/31/2019 None
139356 Jeff Knapp Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139344 Doug Shibberu Person Employee 06/17/2005 09/01/2020 None
139342 Amder Rheubottom Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139341 Maria Macario Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/01/2010 None
139339 Troy Johnston Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139338 David Bunting Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139337 Marc Brown Person Employee 04/27/2023 05/02/2023 None
139337 Marc Brown Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/04/2021 None
139294 Sandy Cheek Person Employee 10/06/2010 01/01/2014 None
139293 Thea Tryon Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
139290 Tetra Tech Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2008 None
139217 Debi Ney Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2011 None
139180 Patrice Copeland Person Employee 06/17/2006 08/19/2008 None
139169 Keith Elliott Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/28/2011 None
139169 Keith Elliott Person Employee 11/01/2011 07/29/2022 None
139145 Ann Iaali Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/01/2008 None
139137 Michelle Beckwith Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139135 Aaron Buck Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2008 None
139117 Heather Boyd Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2008 None
139093 Stephanie Gasca Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
139072 Mary Bartholomew Person Employee 06/17/2005 11/30/2019 None
139059 Lucy Singletary Person Employee 01/22/2008 01/01/2014 None
139059 Lucy Singletary Person Employee 07/10/2020 None None
139016 Annette Subriar Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2011 None
138981 Lance Lin Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138919 Dannas Berchtold Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138871 Marc Doalson Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138861 Jessie Powell Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2006 None
138831 Laurie Taul Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138816 Adam Fischer Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138706 Kelly Schmoker Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138706 Kelly Schmoker Person Employee 04/27/2023 04/28/2023 None
138669 Najah Amin Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2023 None
138570 David Barr Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138563 Michael Adackapara Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/22/2016 None
138562 M Salter Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138561 Mark Smythe Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/31/2021 None
138560 Tom Meregillano Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138559 Cindy Li Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138558 Terri Reeder Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138557 Ed Kashak Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/01/2017 None
138449 Deborah Neiter Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138448 Rose Scott Person Employee 06/17/2005 04/30/2021 None
138353 Wanda Cross Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/01/2017 None
138326 Pamela Creedon Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138286 Muhammad Bashir Person Employee 06/17/2005 05/31/2021 None
138285 Maneck Chichgar Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2010 None
138284 Linda Candelaria Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/11/2023 None
138235 Bill Norton Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/21/2017 None
138233 Tom Mbeke-Ekanem Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/28/2018 None
138191 Tom Peltier Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138189 Susan Beeson Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138188 Sam Ittiphol Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138187 Shaw Lin Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138186 Steve Overman Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138185 Steve Mayville Person Employee 06/17/2005 09/01/2015 None
138184 Sid Rahman Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138183 Scott Dawson Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138182 Roger Turner Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138181 Ricardo Tejidor Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138180 Rich Bailey Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138179 Ray Akhtarshad Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138178 Jane Qiu Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2012 None
138177 Pavlova Vitale Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/20/2011 None
138175 Patricia Hannon Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138173 Nancy Olson-Martin Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/30/2019 None
138132 Michael Roth Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/07/2020 None
138131 Mark Adelson Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/30/2015 None
138130 Myron Eng Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138129 Larry Vitale Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138128 Li-Min Shih Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138127 Leslie Alford Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138126 Linda Garcia Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138125 Kamron Saremi Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/18/2019 None
138124 Ken Williams Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/16/2021 None
138122 Keith Person Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138121 Joanne Lee Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138120 John Fernald Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138118 John Hillenbrand Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138106 Renan Jauregui Person Employee 01/07/2016 None None
138089 Bruce Cameron Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138085 Gale Madyun Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138083 Bill Hereth Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138081 Bruce Paine Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138080 Albert Johnson Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138058 Joe Aldern Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138057 Jawed Shami Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2020 None
138056 John Broderick Person Employee 06/17/2005 04/15/2013 None
138055 Hani Zarifa Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138054 Hope Smythe Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/06/2021 None
138053 Glenn Robertson Person Employee 06/17/2005 11/09/2022 None
138011 Gary Litton Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138004 Getachu Eshete Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138003 Gary Stewart Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/30/2015 None
138001 Jun Martirez Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/01/2009 None
137938 Dan Brown Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137937 Dixie Lass Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2010 None
137935 Chuck Griffin Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137934 Cilia Fitzgerald Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137933 Carl Bernhardt Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2021 None
137930 Bob Whitaker Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2009 None
137852 Ann Knight Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137850 Ann Sturdivant Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/06/2023 None
137846 Augustine Anijielo Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/16/2005 None
137829 Alison Jones Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137813 Julio Lara Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137812 Kumar Jain Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137810 William Rice Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137808 Dennis Merklin Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/01/2008 None
137807 John Mijares Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137806 Athar Khan Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2014 None
137804 Kurt Berchtold Person Legally Responsible Official 06/17/2005 11/15/2017 None
72855 Ken Theisen Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/10/2019 None
67810 Jayne Joy Person Employee 03/01/2018 None None
Total Related Parties: 263
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
Total Regulatory Measures: 0
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1140041 12/20/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 7015160 gallons of sewage t Violation None SSO Eastern Municipal Water District CS 300408 2022-0103-DWQ N
1140022 01/09/2025 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized discharge of cannabis cultivation wastewater to land. See final ins Violation None Inspection SPG Life Corp. 441408 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1140018 02/12/2025 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 900 gallons of sewage to Violation None SSO Hemet City CS 318454 2022-0103-DWQ N
1139469 12/03/2024 CAT2 Dieldrin Daily Maximum limit is 0.00028 ug/L and reported value was 0.013 ug/L a Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1139468 12/03/2024 CAT2 Dieldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.00014 ug/L and reported value was 0.0065 ug/ Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1139352 01/24/2025 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General caused 6600 gallons of sewage to spill fr Violation None SSO Corona City CS 300926 2022-0103-DWQ N
1139075 12/20/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 7015160 gallons of sewage t Violation None SSO Eastern Municipal Water District CS 300408 2022-0103-DWQ N
1139069 01/09/2025 Unauthorized Discharge Los Angeles County unpermitted cannabis cultivation with unauthorized discharge. Violation N Complaint AGM Katch Vartan LLC Property 459721 None Y
1138787 01/09/2025 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-wipes/Non-disposables,Debris from Lateral,Debris- Violation None SSO Newport Beach City CS 298938 2022-0103-DWQ N
1138484 11/22/2024 Surface Water On November 22, 2024, the Chino Creek temperature was 28.5 degrees Celsius above Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 5 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1138483 11/13/2024 Surface Water On November 13, 2024, the Chino Creek temperature was 28.4 degrees Celsius above Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 5 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1138195 11/18/2024 Deficient Monitoring On November 27th, the City was notified by the sublab, that the WRF No. 1 BOD in Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1138194 11/05/2024 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average limit is 4.3 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1138193 11/15/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1138192 11/15/2024 CAT2 Lead, Dissolved Daily Maximum limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 31.6 ug/L Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1138191 11/15/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1138190 11/15/2024 CAT2 Copper, Dissolved Daily Maximum limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 29.5 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1138189 11/15/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Daily Maximum limit is 117 ug/L and reported value was 471.7 ug/L at Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1137798 11/19/2024 Order Conditions pH instantaneous maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at M-INTB Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1137738 07/07/2020 Deficient Reporting 8250 gallons of effluent was discharged to the storm drain, and monitoring was n Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1137737 01/01/2021 Deficient Reporting 9250 gallons of effluent was discharged to the storm drain, and monitoring was n Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1137736 06/03/2021 Deficient Reporting 500 gallons of effluent was discharged to the storm drain, and monitoring was no Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1137735 07/14/2021 Deficient Reporting 8250 gallons of effluent was discharged to the storm drain, and monitoring was n Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1137734 07/22/2022 Deficient Reporting 8250 gallons of effluent was discharged to the storm drain, and monitoring was n Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1137733 04/06/2022 Deficient Reporting 9250 gallons of effluent was discharged to the storm drain, and monitoring was n Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1137732 01/18/2023 Deficient Reporting 9250 gallons of effluent was discharged to the storm drain, and monitoring was n Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1137429 12/04/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below),Vandalism (specify below) caused 1 Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136913 01/04/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1136912 08/21/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.8 NTU at Violation None Report Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1136911 04/09/2021 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.49 NTU at Violation None Report Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1136910 04/08/2021 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.18 NTU at Violation None Report Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1136858 11/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-wipes/Non-disposables,Debris-Rags,Debris-General, Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136832 11/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General,Inappropriate Discharge to Collection Sys Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136728 10/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring Daily total coliform samples are required to be collected from the final effluen Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1136727 10/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring Daily total coliform samples are required to be collected from the final effluen Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1136726 10/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring Daily total coliform samples are required to be collected from the final effluen Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1136552 10/16/2024 Deficient Monitoring On October 16th, the City was notified by the laboratory that the Lab Control Sa Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1136533 11/10/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pump Station Failure - Controls,Other (specify below) ca Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136524 10/25/2024 Order Conditions pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.02 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1136408 11/10/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below),Pump Station Failure - Controls ca Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136199 10/31/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Michael and Brian McMullen Property 459219 None Y
1136151 09/18/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Birdie Baida Property 459203 None Y
1135978 11/01/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( PRETRPT ) report for 2023 (2736597) was due on 31-OCT-24 Violation None Report Los Alisos WD WWTP 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135715 09/25/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Nick and Savanah Martinez Property 459144 None Y
1135617 10/15/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1135616 10/15/2024 CAT1 Sulfide, Total (as S) Daily Maximum limit is 0.4 mg/L and reported value was 0.5 Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1135615 10/15/2024 OEV TPH as Kerosene Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 0.21 mg/L Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1135222 10/28/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 29250 gallons of sewage Violation None SSO UC Irvine CS 300453 2022-0103-DWQ N
1135157 03/01/2024 Deficient Reporting Aquatic Herbicide Application Logs (AHALs) for January, June, and July of 2024 w Violation N Complaint OCPW - Aquatic Pesticide (Weeds) Application Sites 388749 2013-0002-DWQ Y
1135139 09/11/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 34 mg/L at Violation N eSMR Los Alisos WD WWTP 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135138 08/21/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 36 mg/L at Violation N eSMR Los Alisos WD WWTP 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135137 09/11/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 18 mg/L at Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135136 08/07/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135135 09/11/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 18 mg/L at Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135134 08/07/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135133 07/10/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135132 07/10/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1134980 09/10/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.12 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1134945 10/28/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 29250 gallons of sewage Violation None SSO UC Irvine CS 300453 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134752 10/16/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 360 gallons of sewage Violation None SSO EVMWD Regional Plant CS 300417 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134548 08/28/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside Country cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Charles S. Jr. and Dauna R. Cerulli 458806 None Y
1134546 08/21/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside Country cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Joshua P. Ghigliotty Property 458803 None Y
1134453 08/30/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Thongphet Srilasack and Dang Dung Property 458770 None Y
1134451 08/30/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection David G. Taylor Property 458766 None Y
1134450 08/13/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Arturo Lopez Property 458764 None Y
1134448 08/13/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inpsection. Violation None Inspection Thomas E and Barbara A Rufus Property 458762 None Y
1134447 08/13/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Catalina Torres Property 458759 None Y
1134443 08/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Liahoua Vang Property 458749 None Y
1134435 09/26/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Construction Diversion Failure caused 20615 gallons of s Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134434 09/04/2024 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Kliewer Family Trust Property 458743 None Y
1134387 08/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Youa Lor Property 458713 None Y
1134382 08/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Nelson Antonio Garcia and Angel de Jesus Arias Garcia Property 458705 None Y
1134368 08/02/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Hill Springs Farms LLC Property 458694 None Y
1134352 07/24/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Katana Investments Property 458678 None Y
1134100 08/30/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General caused 30 gallons of sewage to spill from Violation None SSO Eastern Municipal Water District CS 300408 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134009 05/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-Rags, Other (specify below) caused 9000 gallons o Violation None SSO Brea City CS 298919 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134008 12/16/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below), Vandalism (specify below) caused Violation None SSO Brea City CS 298919 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134007 08/29/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General, Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 1749 g Violation None SSO Newport Beach City CS 298938 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134005 07/29/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Damage by Others Not Related to Collection System Constr Violation None SSO Newport Beach City CS 298938 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133872 05/21/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Collection System Maintenance Failure (specify below) ca Violation None SSO IRWD - OCSD Regional 1 CS 338949 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133792 08/21/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Natural Disaster (specify below) caused 480 gallons of s Violation None SSO Yucaipa Valley Water Dist CS 300476 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133666 03/27/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 650 gallons of sewage Violation None SSO Michelson WRP CS 298936 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133665 02/13/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Vandalism (specify below) caused 16810 gallons of sewage Violation None SSO Michelson WRP CS 298936 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133663 02/13/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-Rags, Root Intrusion caused 129 gallons of sewage Violation None SSO Orange City CS 298940 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133628 03/04/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction, Debris-Rags, Debris-wipes/Non- Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133625 07/10/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Air Relief Valve (ARV)/ Blow-Off Valve (BOV) Failure cau Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133599 07/03/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Damage by Others Not Related to Collection System Constr Violation None SSO Upland City CS 300919 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133549 02/13/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 377 gallons of sewage to Violation None SSO East Orange Cnty Sanitation Dist CS 407612 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133493 03/20/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction, Debris-General caused 750 gall Violation None SSO EVMWD Regional Plant CS 300417 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133492 12/18/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Installation, Pump Sta Violation None SSO EVMWD Regional Plant CS 300417 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133490 06/11/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 100 gallons of sewage to sp Violation None SSO EVMWD Regional Plant CS 300417 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133325 06/13/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pump Station Failure - Power caused 810000 gallons of se Violation None SSO East Valley Water District CS 300934 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133316 06/29/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Installation caused 72 Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133315 06/29/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Installation caused 72 Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133121 02/12/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Operator Error (specify below) caused 41 gallons of sewa Violation None SSO Costa Mesa SD CS 298922 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133120 12/27/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-Rags, Debris-wipes/Non-disposables, Fats, Oil and Violation None SSO Costa Mesa SD CS 298922 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133119 12/21/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-Rags, Debris-wipes/Non-disposables caused 200 gal Violation None SSO Costa Mesa SD CS 298922 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133116 05/06/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Lateral, Other (specify below) caused 780 ga Violation None SSO La Habra City CS 298933 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133043 08/28/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Baklae Keophomma Property 458634 None Y
1133035 07/24/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ben Txhiajhwm Song and Zong Thao Property 458632 None Y
1132825 08/28/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inpsection. Violation None Inspection Khamseng Xaychaleun Property 458572 None Y
1132731 07/22/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection WKM Liquidating Partnership Property 458536 None Y
1132729 07/22/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside Country cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ka Houa Xiong Property 458534 None Y
1132728 07/22/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ka Houa and Dia Xiong Property 458531 None Y
1132723 07/17/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Jose Luis Arias Property 458527 None Y
1132711 08/07/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1132597 08/09/2024 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Black Canyon Trust Property 458487 None Y
1132153 08/21/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.34 SU at M-INTB2 Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1132018 09/08/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Lateral caused 150 gallons of sewage to spil Violation None SSO Yorba Linda Water District CS 298951 2022-0103-DWQ N
1132017 05/30/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below),Debris-wipes/Non-disposables cause Violation None SSO Yorba Linda Water District CS 298951 2022-0103-DWQ N
1131780 01/16/2024 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2023 Annual Report by the 1/15/2024 deadline. Violation None Report Batista Family Farm LLC 394540 R8-2018-0001 Y
1131757 07/17/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Golden Leaf Investments LLC Property 458401 None Y
1131756 07/16/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection The Lee Living Trust Property 458399 None Y
1131691 07/16/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Mike D Walton Property 458360 None Y
1131675 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Valentine and Geneva Valdez 458358 None Y
1131620 07/31/2024 OEV TPH as Kerosene Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 0.420 mg/ Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1131618 07/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1131614 04/17/2024 CAT1 Sulfide, Total (as S) Daily Maximum limit is 0.4 mg/L and reported value was 1.5 Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1131601 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Marisela Jaquez Property 458314 None Y
1131599 04/17/2024 OEV TPH as Kerosene Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 0.17 mg/L Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1131588 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Arnulfo Ugalde Property 458297 None Y
1131552 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Jovita Aragon and Jose Jaquez Property 458237 None Y
1131415 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Eugenio Rivera Barriga and Yanira Lizbeth Escobar Property 458234 None Y
1131301 07/24/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1131300 07/24/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.9 lb/day and reported v Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1131299 07/24/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.54 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1131253 08/14/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Root Intrusion caused 90 gallons of sewage to spill from Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1131233 07/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring On July 12, 2024, the City was notified by the contract laboratory, Eurofins, th Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1131232 07/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring On July 12, 2024, the City was notified by the contract laboratory, Eurofins, th Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #3 395382 R8-2014-0015 N
1130862 08/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONRPT ) report for Q2 2024 (2788149) was due on 01-AUG-24 Violation None Report Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1130335 08/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as NO3) 12-Month Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1130064 06/05/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.45 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1130049 07/16/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) (Stormwater) report for 2024 (2788259) was due on 15-JUL- Violation None Report WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 N
1129924 06/24/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation Violation N Inspection Richard Rodriguez Property 457862 None Y
1129922 06/19/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported va Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 1 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1129414 04/26/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Discharges from unpermitted land disturbance and work performed Violation None Inspection Houcia LLC Property 455445 None Y
1129387 04/11/2024 Other Codes Excessive storage of greenwaste and AD digestate onsite, resulting in elevated p Violation N Inspection CR&R Perris TS 457692 None N
1129105 04/05/2024 CAT2 Hydrocarbons, Petroleum Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 100 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1129102 05/10/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1129101 05/01/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Instantaneous Maximum limit is 75 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1129100 05/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring for influent BOD on 5/31/24 due to lab error. Violation N eSMR Colton WRF 388624 R8-2012-0050 N
1129099 05/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring No reportable result is available for the influent sample collected and submitte Violation N eSMR Margaret H Chandler WWRF 418662 R8-2017-0049 N
1129098 06/11/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Gloria Lozano Property 457538 None Y
1129097 06/11/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inpsection. Violation None Inspection Michael Kus Property 457536 None Y
1129081 06/06/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection William Jr. and Janet Cramer Property 457526 None Y
1129074 06/06/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection MGA Associates Inc. Property 457519 None Y
1129073 05/14/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.42 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1129072 05/14/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.34 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1128217 04/05/2024 CAT2 Hydrocarbons, Petroleum Daily Maximum limit is 100 ug/L and reported value was 2 Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1128215 04/23/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.59 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1128214 04/23/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 13.2 lb/day and reported v Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1128213 04/23/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1128065 04/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring On May 8, 2024, the City was notified by the contract laboratory (Eurofins) that Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1128064 04/30/2024 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.3 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1128060 04/30/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1128059 04/02/2024 CAT2 Dichlorodifluoromethane Monthly Average limit is 46 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1128032 04/14/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 5.7 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1128031 04/14/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1128030 04/14/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 230. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1127931 04/11/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection by RSO-MET Violation N Inspection German Cano Leiva Property 457008 None Y
1126931 04/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Tia K. Ngo and James W. Harris Property 456778 None Y
1126802 03/16/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at REC-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1126801 03/16/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at M-002. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1126800 03/16/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at REC-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1126799 03/16/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at M-002. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1126591 03/31/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1126590 03/06/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 46 ug/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1126587 03/04/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.42 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1126586 03/04/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.14 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1126509 04/11/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Martha Morales Property 456741 None Y
1126453 03/30/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 190. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126452 03/07/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 134. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126451 03/30/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 9.9 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126450 03/07/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 11.2 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126449 03/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring Analysis for Oil and Grease, originally supplied by facility to the lab for anal Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126085 03/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Aristeo Rosales Arreola Property 456629 None Y
1125980 04/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) report for 2023 (2672757) was due on 01-APR-24 Violation None Report Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1125468 03/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Jose Calderon Property 456442 None Y
1125405 02/03/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1125404 02/01/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1125403 02/02/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1125313 02/06/2024 Deficient Monitoring Following the monitoring period on March 12, 2024, the City of Corona was notifi Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1125297 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and report Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1125296 02/07/2024 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.2 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1125274 02/21/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125273 02/01/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125272 02/01/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125271 02/20/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125270 02/20/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125269 02/20/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported v Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125268 02/02/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125189 02/14/2024 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 23.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1125188 02/14/2024 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 19.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1125187 02/14/2024 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 20.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1124920 04/02/2023 Late Report Burrtec has failed to submit the late Annual Report (for the January-December 20 Violation N Report RA Nelson MRF Transfer Station - Burrtec 442033 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1124764 02/23/2024 Unauthorized Discharge On February 23, 2024, at approximately 10:45 AM, Santa Ana Water Board staff obs Violation None Inspection Gordon Dairy #4 390356 R8-2018-0001 Y
1124721 01/23/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.05 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124720 01/15/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.67 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124719 01/16/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.30 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124718 01/14/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.42 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124717 01/17/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.01 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124716 01/31/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124715 01/11/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124714 01/13/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.47 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124713 01/12/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.88 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124712 01/19/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.43 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124711 01/18/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.83 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124710 01/23/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 5 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124709 01/22/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 5 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124708 01/18/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 5 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124707 01/17/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 5 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124706 01/30/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.31 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124705 01/29/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.37 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124704 01/28/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.63 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124703 01/27/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.95 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124702 01/26/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.92 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124701 01/24/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.99 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124700 01/25/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.86 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124699 01/22/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.29 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124698 01/21/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.15 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124697 01/20/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.19 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124696 01/30/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1124684 01/15/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average limit is 46 ug/L and reported value was 15 Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1124683 01/15/2024 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average limit is 4.2 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1124646 01/10/2024 Deficient Monitoring On January 16, 2024, the City of Corona was notified by the contract laboratory, Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1124449 01/09/2024 Order Conditions Deficiencies noted during the January 9, 2024 facility inspection, in violation Violation None Inspection Belltown Landfill - Inactive 393437 R8-2013-0010 Y
1124384 01/22/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 213. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124383 01/03/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 11.6 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124382 01/20/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 144. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124381 01/22/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 15. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124380 01/07/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 6.4 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124379 01/22/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 15.2 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124378 01/03/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 163. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124377 01/20/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 7.4 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124376 01/03/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1123578 12/17/2023 Order Conditions Temp Diff b/n Intake and Discharge Instantaneous Maximum limit is 30.0 Degrees C Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1123446 12/08/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported va Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1123445 12/09/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported va Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1123398 12/20/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 239. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1123397 12/21/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 45. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1123396 12/22/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 21. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1123395 12/20/2023 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 15.6 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1123394 12/20/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 16. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1123393 12/22/2023 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 37.9 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1123392 12/22/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 356. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1123368 12/28/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Dennis Boer Property 455672 None Y
1123357 01/02/2024 Deficient Reporting The Discharger's October 2023 semi-annual monitoring report does not include fac Violation None Report California Street Landfill 454066 R8-2023-0001 Y
1123299 12/04/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing influent & effluent BOD data for 12/04/23 due to lab error. Violation N eSMR Colton WRF 388624 R8-2012-0050 N
1123119 12/22/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Paul and Shelly Connors Property 455484 None Y
1123067 11/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Lucino Ugalde Property 455447 None Y
1123066 11/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Lucino Ugalde Property 452563 None Y
1123065 11/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Lucino Ugalde Property 452563 None Y
1123064 11/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Houcia LLC Property 455445 None Y
1123035 11/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Glori Hill Pomegranate Property 450377 None N
1123031 11/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Conor Reed Garvie Property 455435 None Y
1122969 11/25/2023 Deficient Monitoring On November 27, 2023, the City of Corona was notified by the laboratory, Eurofin Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #3 395382 R8-2014-0015 N
1122968 11/25/2023 Deficient Monitoring On November 27, 2023, the City of Corona was notified by the contracted laborato Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1122915 10/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Rene and Gaudencia Cardona Property 453981 None Y
1122912 10/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Raul Ayala Silva and Felipe de Jesus Rosales Herrera Property 453975 None Y
1122893 11/16/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported va Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 1 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1122892 10/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ramiro Paez Hernandez Property 453969 None Y
1122785 11/15/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 75.0 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1122784 11/15/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 26. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1122783 11/15/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 420. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1122301 10/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Kamphan Changthong Property 455162 None Y
1122294 10/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring pH measurements outside the acceptable range for relative percent difference (RP Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1121836 09/29/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Ventura County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Jerry and Lisa Kenton Property 455036 None Y
1121428 09/20/2023 Deficient Monitoring Samples were collected per the NPDES permit requirement. Cross contamination occ Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1121427 09/20/2023 Deficient Monitoring Samples were collected per the NPDES permit requirement. Cross contamination occ Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1121426 09/20/2023 Deficient Monitoring Samples were collected per the NPDES permit requirement. Cross contamination occ Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1121315 09/06/2023 OEV pH 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 6.50 SU and reported value was 6.308 SU at M-0 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 451859 R8-2022-0042 N
1121049 07/07/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported va Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 5 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1120670 08/29/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1120669 08/29/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.96 SU at M-INTB1 Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1120668 08/29/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1120343 08/20/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 36. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1120342 08/20/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 397. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1120341 08/20/2023 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 12.2 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1119938 08/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Sengchanh and Joe S Nanthavong Property 454266 None Y
1119937 08/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ryan Lee Property 454264 None Y
1119936 08/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Maricela Rendon Property 454258 None Y
1119737 07/24/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.24 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1119520 07/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection William Woo Property 454096 None Y
1119479 07/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Say and Siyi Xiong Property 454073 None Y
1119475 07/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Phia Xiong Property 454071 None Y
1119446 07/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Jane Mason Property 454053 None Y
1119445 07/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Maria Cortez Property 454047 None Y
1119443 07/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Julie Smith Property 454045 None Y
1119295 06/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Rene and Gaudencia Cardona Property 453981 None Y
1119292 06/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Raul Ayala Silva and Felipe de Jesus Rosales Herrera Property 453975 None Y
1119291 06/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ramiro Paez Hernandez Property 453969 None Y
1119231 08/02/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) report for 2022 (2505006) was due on 01-AUG-23 Violation None Report Poseidon Huntington Beach Seawater Desalination Facility 422463 R8-2021-0011 N
1119081 07/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Kao Xiong Property 453837 None Y
1119080 07/06/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Leng Thao Property 453834 None Y
1119078 07/06/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Jamie Vang Property 453830 None Y
1119077 07/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Zong Thao 453829 None Y
1119076 08/03/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation N Inspection Champa and Joann Planthavilay Property 453822 None Y
1119075 07/06/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation N Inspection Champa and Joann Planthavilay Property 453819 None Y
1118740 07/07/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation N Inspection Rigoberto Vivanco Botello and Leslie Ann Vivanco Property 453395 None N
1118683 06/06/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized discharged of fill material to waters of the State. Violation N Complaint Unauthorized Discharge at Mystic Lake 453645 None N
1118669 06/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Andres and Maria Gonzalez Property 453632 None Y
1118666 06/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Chu Nguyen Property 453629 None Y
1118417 06/09/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation Violation N Inspection Brian and Cynthia Klea Property 453430 None Y
1118371 06/07/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation Violation None Inspection Bolder Teck Construction 455-280-002 Property 453426 None Y
1118363 08/28/2022 Order Conditions Failure to submit an acceptable Restoration and Monitoring Report as required by Violation N Report Daniel K and Janet I Musetti Property 446814 R8-2022-0031 Y
1118362 03/31/2023 Order Conditions Failure to implement an approved Restoration and Monitoring Plan as required by Violation None Report Daniel K and Janet I Musetti Property 446814 R8-2022-0031 Y
1118361 05/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Celestino Botello Property 453396 None Y
1118360 05/26/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Rigoberto Vivanco Botello and Leslie Ann Vivanco Property 453394 None Y
1118359 05/25/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation. Violation None Inspection James Terry Polson Property 453391 None Y
1118325 04/20/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized discharge of fill material to waters of the United States Violation N Inspection 1731 Boyd Ave 453356 None N
1118313 05/16/2023 Order Conditions On May 16 2023 Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (Santa Ana Water B Violation None Inspection San Timoteo Creek Reach 3B Flood Control Improvements 148499 01-075 N
1118246 05/08/2023 Deficient Monitoring Delta between duplicate samples was greater than 0.1 pH unit. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1118011 05/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Bolder Teck Construction 455-250-002 Property 453168 None Y
1117797 05/04/2023 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 15.4 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1117796 05/04/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 289. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1117795 05/04/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 17. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1117794 05/04/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1117511 04/05/2023 Deficient Monitoring Analysis for mercury and priority pollutant pesticides was not conducted due lab Violation N eSMR Margaret H Chandler WWRF 418662 R8-2017-0049 N
1117430 05/05/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Felipe Verduzco Property 452861 None Y
1117237 05/05/2023 Unauthorized Discharge details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report Violation None Inspection Thomas McManus Property 452783 None Y
1116928 04/04/2023 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average limit is 46 ug/L and reported value was 59 Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1116927 04/20/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1116926 04/04/2023 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average limit is 4.6 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1116891 04/19/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.50 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1116781 04/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Alan Harp Property 452631 None Y
1116488 04/07/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Lucino Ugalde Property 452563 None Y
1116145 03/29/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported va Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1116123 03/08/2023 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.2 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1116122 03/08/2023 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 46 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1116121 03/31/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1115793 03/01/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 139. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1115792 03/22/2023 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 6.0 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1115791 03/30/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 140. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1115790 03/14/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 158. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1115789 03/01/2023 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 5.7 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1115788 03/10/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 218. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1115787 03/10/2023 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 15.3 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1115786 03/10/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 14. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1115769 03/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Cedar Ranch Investments, LLC Property 452399 None Y
1115500 04/02/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) report for 2022 (2711194) was due on 01-APR-23 Violation None Report IEUA Carbon Canyon WWRF 394393 R8-2015-0036 N
1115441 04/02/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) report for 2022 (2553933) was due on 01-APR-23 Violation None Report IEUA Carbon Canyon WWRF 394393 R8-2015-0036 N
1115438 04/02/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) report for 2022 (2553597) was due on 01-APR-23 Violation None Report Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1115342 03/14/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection James Haley Property 452250 None Y
1115341 03/14/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Canyon Copper Property 452248 None Y
1115340 03/14/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Pat Desantis Property 452242 None Y
1115112 02/06/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Discharge limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1115111 02/06/2023 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1115110 02/07/2023 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 6 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1115109 02/07/2023 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1115108 02/07/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Discharge limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1115107 02/06/2023 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1115062 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring M-004 Annual Perchlorate - IEUA missed analysis Violation N eSMR IEUA Carbon Canyon WWRF 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1115061 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring M-INF 3C (RP-2 Recycled Flow) Annual TCDD (full list) - IEUA missed analysis Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 5 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1115060 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring M-002 Annual Perchlorate - IEUA missed analysis; Annual 505 partial list - Euro Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 1 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1115059 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring M-003 Annual Perchlorate - IEUA missed analysis Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 5 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1115058 02/01/2023 Deficient Monitoring Total Dissolved Solids analysis did not occur as per the requirements of section Violation N eSMR Margaret H Chandler WWRF 418662 R8-2017-0049 N
1115029 02/15/2023 Unauthorized Discharge San Bernardino County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation N Inspection Matrix Document Imaging Inc. Property 452106 None Y
1114933 02/27/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 172. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1114932 02/23/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 160. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1114931 02/24/2023 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 131. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1114810 02/28/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1114809 02/05/2023 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average limit is 4.2 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1114356 02/02/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) report for December 2022 (2697753) was due on 01-FEB-23 Violation None Report Beaumont WWTP No. 1 451859 R8-2022-0042 N
1114355 02/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( SLUDGE ) report for Q4 2022 (2697754) was due on 01-FEB-23 Violation None Report Beaumont WWTP No. 1 451859 R8-2022-0042 N
1114354 01/02/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) report for November 2022 (2697752) was due on 01-JAN-23 Violation None Report Beaumont WWTP No. 1 451859 R8-2022-0042 N
1114331 02/22/2023 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Lisamarie Gonzales 451879 None Y
1113967 01/09/2023 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Other limit is 1 TUc and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1113966 01/31/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1113946 01/27/2023 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1113665 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report Zephyr Dairy 405094 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113664 01/16/2023 Late Report NOV issued 2/7/2023 for failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1 Violation None Report Souza Dairy 399686 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113662 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report Legend Dairy Farms - 8185 Edison 443996 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113661 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report Ramona Dairy 377034 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113660 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report Ramona Dairy #2 394537 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113659 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report P & D Dairy #3 385660 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113658 02/07/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report LaBrucherie Bros LLC - Schaefer 399527 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113657 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report Hollandia Farms North 367324 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113656 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report George Borba & Son Dairy 211628 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113655 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report Frank Souza Dairy - Euclid 211674 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113654 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report Batista Family Farm LLC 394540 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113632 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline. Violation None Report Art Venegas Dairy - Euclid 374119 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113628 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit a complete 2022 Annual Report by the 1/15/2023 deadline, as re Violation N Report Archibald Ranch 437259 R8-2018-0001 Y
1113532 01/20/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Angela Melchor Property 451292 None Y
1113525 01/20/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Donald Kelley Property 449604 None Y
1113379 02/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( SLUDGE ) report for Q4 2022 (2616923) was due on 01-FEB-23 Violation None Report Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1113216 01/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Heraclio Ramirez Property 449607 None Y
1113215 01/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Abdul Salam Property 451125 None Y
1113214 01/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Raul and Teresa Salvidar Property 451123 None Y
1113013 01/06/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Three violations observed during 1/6/2023 inspection: 1) Unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection MedCare Farms 421656 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1112958 12/06/2022 CAT2 Heptachlor Daily Maximum limit is 0.00042 ug/L and reported value was 0.03 ug/L Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1112957 12/06/2022 CAT2 Heptachlor Monthly Average limit is 0.00021 ug/L and reported value was 0.03 ug/ Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1112956 12/06/2022 CAT2 Dieldrin Daily Maximum limit is 0.00028 ug/L and reported value was 0.0037 ug/L Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1112955 12/06/2022 CAT2 Dieldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.00014 ug/L and reported value was 0.0037 ug/ Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1112698 12/11/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1112697 12/28/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1112696 12/12/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1112695 12/31/2022 CAT2 Lead, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1112694 12/11/2022 CAT2 Lead, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1112220 12/31/2022 OEV pH Other limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.40 SU at M-W05D. Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1112219 12/31/2022 OEV pH Other limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.06 SU at M-W05E. Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1112218 12/31/2022 OEV pH Other limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.27 SU at M-W005. Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1112217 12/31/2022 OEV pH Other limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.29 SU at M-W34A. Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1112216 12/31/2022 OEV pH Other limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.47 SU at M-W22B. Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1112215 12/31/2022 OEV pH Other limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.32 SU at M-W06C. Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1112214 12/31/2022 OEV pH Other limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.12 SU at M-W003. Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1112164 05/16/2022 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average limit is 5.9 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1112163 05/16/2022 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Daily Maximum limit is 11.8 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1111629 11/08/2022 CAT2 4,4-DDT Daily Maximum limit is 0.0012 ug/L and reported value was 0.0021 ug/L at Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1111628 11/08/2022 CAT2 4,4-DDT Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.00059 ug/L and reported value was 0.00 Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1111627 11/22/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.05 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1111626 11/22/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.13 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1111585 11/15/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation Violation N Complaint Spectrum Family Irrevocable Trust Property 450617 None Y
1111419 11/08/2022 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 6.9 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1111418 11/09/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 200. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1111417 11/07/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 165. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1111416 11/09/2022 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 10.0 u Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1111378 11/22/2022 BMP EWMP and NMP were not onsite. Minimum capacity markers were damaged and/or missi Violation None Inspection Falloncrest Farms 301923 R8-2018-0001 Y
1111227 11/08/2022 OEV pH Event Discharge limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.15 SU at M-W34A. Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1111141 11/15/2022 Unauthorized Discharge San Bernardino County cannabis cultivation Violation N Complaint RTF Platinum Construction LLC 450456 None Y
1111140 11/15/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation Violation N Complaint WSL LLC Property 450454 None Y
1110924 06/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation Violation N Report Glori Hill Pomegranate Property 450377 None Y
1110872 10/31/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.08 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1110871 10/31/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.47 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1110800 11/15/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection 1820 Container Circle Property 450350 None Y
1110662 10/03/2022 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1110661 10/03/2022 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1110660 10/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 13 MP Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1110553 09/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity, and Chloride were not ana Violation None Report Running Springs WWTP 138550 87-008 N
1110514 11/09/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Phillip Kong Mang Vue Property 450277 None Y
1110512 11/09/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Humberto Arciniega Property 450274 None Y
1110491 11/09/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Ryan Lee Property 450248 None Y
1109842 10/20/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Mlkxay Sirivong Property 449833 None Y
1109807 10/20/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Scott Allen Wasko Property 449804 None Y
1109797 10/15/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 331. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1109716 09/06/2022 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 ug/L and reported value was 1 Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1109714 09/06/2022 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average limit is 4.3 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1109658 09/14/2022 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN Violation N eSMR Colton/San Bernadino STP, RIX 392658 R8-2013-0032 N
1109495 09/15/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.13 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1109392 09/28/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Donald Kelley Property 449604 None N
1109389 09/28/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation N Inspection Donald Kelley Property 449604 None Y
1109386 09/28/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Heraclio Ramirez Property 449607 None Y
1109293 10/01/2022 Late Report Annual SMR ( PRETRPT ) report for 2021 (2416108) was due on 30-SEP-22 Violation None Report IEUA Carbon Canyon WWRF 394393 R8-2015-0036 N
1109247 09/28/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report and NOV. Violation None Inspection Alondra Guzman Property 446927 None Y
1109243 10/01/2022 Order Conditions Failure to implement an approved Restoration and Monitoring Plan as required by Violation N Report Olivia Liu Property 444368 R9-2021-0165 Y
1108843 08/02/2022 Deficient Monitoring Ammonia Nitrogen was collected on 8/2/22 in an improperly preserved container. T Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #3 395382 R8-2014-0015 N
1108842 08/13/2022 Deficient Monitoring 8/13/22 TSS sample lost by lab. No data available. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1108839 08/02/2022 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average limit is 5.9 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1108836 08/02/2022 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Daily Maximum limit is 11.8 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1108791 08/16/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.36 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1108635 08/10/2022 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 23.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1108634 08/10/2022 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 22.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1108227 08/19/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Betsworth Limited Partnership Property 449219 R9-2022-0153 Y
1107764 07/25/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.95 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1107566 07/06/2022 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 ml/L and reported value was 27.0 ml/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1107565 07/06/2022 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 33.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1107564 07/06/2022 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 18.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1107563 07/06/2022 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 29.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1107103 08/02/2022 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) report for June 2022 (2504933) was due on 01-AUG-22 Violation None Report Poseidon Huntington Beach Seawater Desalination Facility 422463 R8-2021-0011 N
1107102 08/02/2022 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) report for 2021 (2505005) was due on 01-AUG-22 Violation None Report Poseidon Huntington Beach Seawater Desalination Facility 422463 R8-2021-0011 N
1106700 04/21/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 % and reported value was Violation N eSMR Road Undercrossing Dewatering Sites 173489 R8-2019-0061 N
1106611 06/29/2022 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average limit is 5.9 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1106601 06/08/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.14 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1106505 06/20/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Temescal Valley WD WWRF 388621 R8-2012-0028 N
1106402 07/06/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Esteban Gonzalez Property 448640 None Y
1106397 07/06/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection William Roger and Marrie J. Reaves Property 448637 None Y
1106393 07/06/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Louis Guerra Property 448634 None Y
1106392 07/06/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Duane Matekel Property 448632 None Y
1106078 12/14/2021 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.2 SU at M-005. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1106077 12/14/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1106076 12/14/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.2 SU at M-004. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1106075 12/14/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1105897 01/07/2022 Fees Failure to pay 2021fees Violation None Report Vila Borba Project 175489 R8-2007-0011 Y
1105847 05/12/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.4 SU at M-INTB Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1105707 05/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Los Alisos WD WWTP 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1105603 05/20/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Yankui Yang Property 448236 None Y
1104661 04/11/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.18 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1104660 04/11/2022 Deficient Monitoring Circulating water flow was reversed at the time of sampling at M-001 sampling po Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1104575 04/22/2022 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 5.9 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1104574 04/22/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 21. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1104503 04/30/2022 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Los Alisos WD WWTP 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1104502 05/05/2022 Deficient Reporting R8 Annual Compliance Summary was submitted on the April 1, 2022 due date, as req Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1103986 04/21/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Bassem Kabbara Property 447678 None Y
1103790 04/08/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the CDFW inspection are attached in the NOV Violation N Inspection Southern Cross Property 447613 None Y
1103670 03/19/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.03 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1103669 03/18/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.74 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1103668 03/22/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.03 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1103667 04/20/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.66 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1103666 03/17/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.07 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1103665 03/16/2022 OEV CT (Cl residual * contact time) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg-min/L and Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1103664 03/21/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.44 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1103584 02/07/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Road Undercrossing Dewatering Sites 173489 R8-2019-0061 N
1103488 03/29/2022 Order Conditions WRF No. 3 experienced low chlorine conditions. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #3 395382 R8-2014-0015 N
1103479 03/22/2022 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Colton/San Bernadino STP, RIX 392658 R8-2013-0032 N
1103432 08/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Toxicity data was not reported for 003-A for August 2021. Discharger used NODI P Violation N Report IEUA Carbon Canyon WWRF 394393 R8-2015-0036 N
1103409 03/31/2022 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 4.5 mg/L and reported value was 5. Violation N eSMR EVMWD Regional WWRF 371955 R8-2013-0017 N
1103356 04/12/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Rick Robledo and Caren Barca Property 447547 None Y
1103306 08/18/2021 Other Codes Failure to retain copies of the facilities manure manifest monitoring reports fo Violation None Inspection Ramona Dairy 377034 R8-2018-0001 Y
1103263 03/28/2022 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 6.3 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1103262 03/28/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 237. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1103261 03/28/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14 ug/L and reported val Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1103095 10/15/2021 Order Conditions Failure to submit an acceptable Restoration and Monitoring Report as required by Violation N Report Olivia Liu Property 444368 R9-2021-0165 Y
1103000 04/01/2022 Late Report Semi-Annual SMR ( PRETRPT ) (SIU Status Report) report for H2 2021 (2494929) was Violation None Report OCSD Plant 1 386791 R8-2012-0035 N
1102738 03/09/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Victor Viet Hoang Property 447313 None Y
1102389 03/09/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Michael Camp Property 447092 None Y
1102265 08/17/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Unlicensed cannabis cultivation. Details are provided in the Notice of Violation Violation N Report Henry Wesolowski III Property 447030 None Y
1101907 02/24/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Alondra Guzman Property 446927 None Y
1101565 02/24/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Moten Enterprises Inc Property 446847 None Y
1101377 01/09/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 11 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101374 01/09/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.73 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101372 01/11/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 9.99 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101370 01/08/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 11 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101369 01/12/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 9.99 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101368 01/09/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 9.99 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101360 01/08/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.98 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101359 01/07/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 9.99 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101354 01/10/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.35 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101349 01/11/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.74 NTU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101348 01/10/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 9.99 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101347 01/08/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 9.99 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101346 01/11/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 11 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101342 01/07/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 11 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101341 01/10/2022 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 11 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1101256 01/19/2022 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 Y
1101201 01/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 7.8 M Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1100473 02/08/2022 Other Codes Unauthorized discharge of fill related to alteration of creek bank and installat Violation None Inspection Car Wash,Woodcrest 446597 Complaint 53121 N
1100472 02/10/2022 Other Codes Unauthorized discharge of effluent to waters of the U.S. Discharge reportedly o Violation None Inspection Car Wash,Woodcrest 446597 Complaint 53121 N
1099841 12/26/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1099840 12/28/2021 OEV pH 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.55 SU at M-001 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1099839 12/27/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1099527 12/25/2021 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 131. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1099526 12/09/2021 CAT2 Copper, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 23. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1099525 12/31/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1099524 12/25/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1099523 12/28/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1099522 12/09/2021 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 9.5 ug Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1099521 12/14/2021 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 143. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1099520 12/09/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 75.0 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1099519 12/09/2021 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 240. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1098608 11/08/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 7.8 M Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1098567 11/29/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 6.1 M Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1098564 11/07/2021 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 11 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1098563 11/07/2021 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 11 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1098556 11/16/2021 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 11 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1097998 12/02/2021 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) report for October 2021 (2504924) was due on 01-DEC-21 Violation None Report Poseidon Huntington Beach Seawater Desalination Facility 422463 R8-2021-0011 N
1097409 10/25/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1097176 10/05/2021 CAT2 4,4-DDE Daily Maximum limit is 0.0012 ug/L and reported value was 0.0031 ug/L at Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1097174 10/05/2021 CAT2 4,4-DDE Monthly Average limit is 0.00059 ug/L and reported value was 0.0031 ug/L Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1096445 10/27/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Yueh Ling Huang Property 445694 None Y
1095946 09/13/2021 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1095853 09/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring An equipment malfunction with the aquatic monitoring vehicle resulted in the sch Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1094913 10/01/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation None Inspection Juan Manuel and Maria Sanchez Property 445207 None Y
1094710 08/03/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1094709 08/03/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.27 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1094636 08/18/2021 OEV pH 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.428 SU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1094635 08/15/2021 OEV pH 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.477 SU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1094634 08/22/2021 OEV pH 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.466 SU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1094633 08/22/2021 OEV pH 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.490 SU at M-00 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1094632 08/31/2021 OEV pH Monthly Discharge limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.466 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1094631 08/14/2021 OEV pH 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 06.472 SU at M-0 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1094373 08/25/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Chang Xiong and Kong Pheng Yang Property 445079 None Y
1094372 08/24/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Praseuth Sotakoun Property 445077 None Y
1094370 08/24/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Chrismaly Boonklun Property 445074 None Y
1094369 08/24/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Marcos Mireles Property 445072 None Y
1094366 08/24/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Sisoudavong Vayakone Property 441914 None Y
1093420 07/06/2021 CAT2 4,4-DDE Daily Maximum limit is 0.0012 ug/L and reported value was 0.0053 ug/L at Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1093419 07/06/2021 CAT2 4,4-DDE Monthly Average limit is 0.00059 ug/L and reported value was 0.0053 ug/L Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1093413 07/29/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1093408 07/08/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.69 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1092906 07/09/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Donqwu Chen and Jing Lin Property 444502 None Y
1092904 07/09/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Emma Mercado Property 444500 None Y
1092654 07/08/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Xue Mel Deng Property 444406 None Y
1092653 07/08/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Champa and Joann Planthavilay Property 444403 None Y
1092652 07/08/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Fong Vang and Sheng Xiong Property 444401 None Y
1092651 07/08/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Dawn R Smith Property 444399 None Y
1092648 07/08/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Sherry Gin Lin and Mui Hang Du Property 444397 None Y
1092631 06/19/2021 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 5.50 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092628 06/19/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092627 06/20/2021 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 7.16 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092622 06/18/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092616 06/21/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092615 06/24/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092613 06/18/2021 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 5.15 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092612 06/20/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092611 06/23/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092609 06/22/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092604 06/17/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1092602 07/08/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Kin Cun Hoong Property 444395 None Y
1092601 07/08/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Antonio Chavez Gomez Property 444392 None Y
1092558 06/03/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.7 SU at M-INTB Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1092215 07/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Rodney and Jane Pimentel Property 444322 None Y
1092091 06/25/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection BNCC Holding LLC Property 444260 None Y
1092028 07/07/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Waldo and Marie Liljegren Property 436085 None Y
1092017 07/07/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Sinucon Em Property 444210 None Y
1092016 07/07/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Cinthia Avina Property 444208 None Y
1091906 03/10/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.1 SU at M-004. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1091905 03/10/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at M-005. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1091904 12/28/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at M-005. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1091565 06/24/2021 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation N Inspection Juan and Herlinda Torres Property 444060 None Y
1091485 05/23/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing data for COD for 5/23/21 due to lab error. Violation N eSMR Colton WRF 388624 R8-2012-0050 N
1091484 05/05/2021 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring data (Influent Analysis) due to laboratory error. Monthly N Violation N eSMR Colton WRF 388624 R8-2012-0050 N
1091413 05/08/2021 Deficient Monitoring The daily grab for Coliform organisms was conducted, however, the analytical res Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1091398 05/06/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.48 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1091385 05/01/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 JTU and reported value was 4.73 JTU at M- Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1090759 04/07/2021 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring data for monthly influent analysis due to lab error. Violation N eSMR Colton WRF 388624 R8-2012-0050 N
1090695 04/14/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.69 SU at M-INT Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1090124 05/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation N Inspection Xiansheng Wang Property 443360 None Y
1089897 04/14/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Gail M Murphy Property 443297 None Y
1089849 05/05/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Details of the inspection are attached in the final inspection report. Violation N Inspection Faye Y Liu Property 443271 None Y
1089744 04/14/2021 Order Conditions Failure to control waste according to the site EWMP; missing dike along east sid Violation N Inspection T5 Farm 435236 R8-2018-0001 Y
1089664 03/12/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1089453 03/31/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 12-Month Average limit is 650 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1089452 03/04/2021 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.2 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1089451 03/02/2021 CAT2 4,4-DDE Monthly Average limit is 0.00059 ug/L and reported value was 0.0036 ug/L Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1089450 03/02/2021 CAT2 4,4-DDE Daily Maximum limit is 0.0012 ug/L and reported value was 0.0051 ug/L at Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1089446 03/23/2021 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 8.7 NTU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1089334 03/02/2021 OEV pH 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at M-INTB Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1089266 03/03/2021 Deficient Monitoring Lab error - missing Influent TDS Violation N eSMR Colton WRF 388624 R8-2012-0050 N
1088920 03/18/2021 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation N Inspection Rebecca Zhu Property 442981 None Y
1088685 03/10/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1088564 09/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failed to sample for bromodichloromethane and chlorodibromomethane quarterly at Violation N Report IEUA Carbon Canyon WWRF 394393 R8-2015-0036 N
1088256 02/03/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Other limit is 1 TUc and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1088241 02/03/2021 Deficient Monitoring Failed to sample for influent Total Dissolved Solids due to operator error. Violation N eSMR Colton WRF 388624 R8-2012-0050 N
1088200 02/17/2021 CAT2 4,4-DDE Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0.0012 ug/L and reported value was 0.0054 Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1088198 02/17/2021 CAT2 Dieldrin Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0.00028 ug/L and reported value was 0.004 Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1088197 02/17/2021 CAT2 4,4-DDE Monthly Average limit is 0.00059 ug/L and reported value was 0.0054 ug/L Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1088196 02/17/2021 CAT2 Dieldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.00014 ug/L and reported value was 0.004 ug/L Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1088192 02/28/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 12-Month Average limit is 650 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1088191 02/17/2021 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.2 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1087205 01/04/2021 Order Conditions These violations are a result of the Permittees failure to comply with the condi Violation N Report Line 4002 Bank Stabilization Project 432295 None Y
1086992 01/04/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Other limit is 1 TUc and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1086935 01/29/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1086581 01/16/2021 Late Report Failure to submit report by January 15 Violation N Report T5 Farm 435236 R8-2018-0001 Y
1085843 01/16/2021 Late Report failure to submit 2020 annual report by January 15, 2021 Violation N Report Bollema Dairy - Schaefer 211771 R8-2018-0001 Y
1085834 01/16/2021 Late Report failure to submit 2020 annual report by January 15, 2021 Violation N Report Ramona Dairy #2 394537 R8-2018-0001 Y
1085833 01/16/2021 Late Report failure to submit annual report by January 15, 2021 Violation N Report Ramona Dairy 377034 R8-2018-0001 Y
1085832 01/16/2021 Late Report failure to submit annual report by January 15, 2021 Violation N Report Hollandia Farms North 367324 R8-2018-0001 Y
1085809 01/16/2021 Late Report failure to submit 2020 annual report Violation N Report GH Dairy #6 412019 R8-2018-0001 Y
1085754 01/16/2021 Late Report failure to submit annual report by January 15, 2021 Violation N Report Art Venegas Dairy - Euclid 374119 R8-2018-0001 Y
1085335 12/17/2020 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 4.5 mg/L and reported value was 5 Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1085301 01/16/2021 Late Report Failure to submit an annual report by January 15 of each year. Violation N Report American Beef Packers 399659 R8-2018-0001 Y
1085131 12/07/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at M-INTB Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 377497 R8-2014-0076 N
1084973 12/20/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1084972 12/20/2020 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1084971 12/19/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1080706 09/15/2020 CAT2 Heptachlor Epoxide Daily Maximum limit is 0.00022 ug/L and reported value was 0. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1080705 09/15/2020 CAT2 Heptachlor Epoxide Monthly Average limit is 0.00011 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 Y
1080121 04/20/2020 Deficient Reporting Laboratory failed to analyze for TPH. Influent and midpoint sample were analyzed Violation N Report Former Lockheed Propulsion Co., Beaumont 1 Test Facilities 209254 R8-2012-0027 N
1079891 08/03/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Single Sample Maximum limit is 1.01 TUc an Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1079890 08/17/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Single Sample Maximum limit is 1.01 TUc an Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1079889 08/19/2020 Deficient Monitoring Sampler malfunction so no BOD or TSS effluent sample taken. Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1078972 07/26/2020 OEV Total Coliform Monthly Maximum limit is 23 % and reported value was 33 % at M-00 Violation N eSMR Henry N. Wochholz WWRF 380760 R8-2015-0027 N
1078858 04/16/2020 Order Conditions The total volume injected into point IJ-PI-4 on April 16, 2020 was approximately Violation N Report Engineering Plating Corp 437590 R8-2018-0092 N
1078857 04/14/2020 Order Conditions An average NaMnO4 concentration of approximately 8.3% was initially used for som Violation N Report Engineering Plating Corp 437590 R8-2018-0092 N
1078203 08/18/2020 Unauthorized Discharge Uncontrolled visible pollutant discharge with non-storm and storm water, primari Violation N Inspection Norco Auto Center 439668 none N
1077564 06/24/2020 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.09 NTU at M- Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1077555 06/02/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.23 SU at M-INTB. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 377497 R8-2014-0076 N
1077540 04/09/2020 Deficient Monitoring No quarterly grab sample for Free Cyanide was collected and analyzed by the labo Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1077525 04/13/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Road Undercrossing Dewatering Sites 173489 R8-2019-0061 N
1077130 05/09/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 JTU and reported value was 2.27 JTU at Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1077129 05/09/2020 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 JTU and reported value was 10 JTU at Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1076825 04/06/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.2 SU at M-004. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1076824 03/12/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.0 SU at M-006. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1076413 05/11/2020 Deficient Monitoring Temperature probe was not connected properly at the time of pH probe calibration Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 377497 R8-2014-0076 N
1076412 05/04/2020 Deficient Monitoring Temperature probe was not connected properly at the time of pH probe calibration Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 377497 R8-2014-0076 N
1076146 05/20/2020 Deficient Monitoring Approximately 1,260,000 gallons was discharged at Outfall 05E after a valve was Violation N eSMR Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1075931 03/05/2020 OEV TPH C13-C22 Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 100.0 ug/L and reported value was 17 Violation N Report GW Cleanup-Stanton, G&M Oil SS 61 346915 R8-2012-0027 N
1075507 03/05/2020 OEV TPH C13-C22 Daily Maximum limit is 200.0 ug/L and reported value was 320.0 ug/L. Violation N Report GW Cleanup-Stanton, G&M Oil SS 61 346915 R8-2012-0027 N
1075418 05/20/2020 Deficient Monitoring On May 20, 2020 from 2:30 am to 11:05 am, an unauthorized discharge of 1,260,000 Violation N Report Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1075417 05/20/2020 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Other limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 0.48 mg/ Violation N Report Disneyland Resort 345363 R8-2008-0001 N
1075286 04/12/2020 Order Conditions For a period of 9 minutes, the measured chlorine contact CT time in milligram-mi Violation N eSMR Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1075183 04/27/2020 Deficient Monitoring Temperature probe was not connected properly at the time of pH probe calibration Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 377497 R8-2014-0076 N
1074994 04/30/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 12-Month Average limit is 650 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1073987 05/08/2020 Order Conditions Failure to construct containment structures according to EWMP Violation N Report Boys Republic Farm 378852 R8-2018-0001 Y
1073439 03/31/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 574 mg/L and reported value was 650 Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1073438 03/16/2020 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 ug/L and reported value was 1 Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1073437 03/16/2020 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average limit is 46 ug/L and reported value was 59 Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1073310 03/04/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 920 Violation N eSMR Beaumont WWTP No. 1 387658 R8-2015-0026 N
1072191 02/26/2020 Deficient Monitoring Monthly field observations were not recorded. Monthly samples for hardness and Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 678
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Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/19/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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