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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
137767 Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Waterboard 3737 Main Street 500 Riverside, CA 92501-3348 951-782-4130 None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
Total Related Places: 0
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
648286 Anselm Krause Person Employee 12/03/2024 None None
647216 Phuong Schmit-Kallas Person Employee 06/03/2024 None None
647215 Jorge Paredes Person Employee 04/02/2024 None None
643205 Gaurav Rajen Person Employee 12/27/2023 None None
641316 Alice Nash Person Employee 08/03/2023 None None
639773 Adaoha Ollivierre Person Employee 06/01/2023 None None
638462 Victor Gonzalez Person Employee 03/06/2023 None None
637219 Celina Rong Person Employee 02/23/2024 None None
637215 Cassidy Lunetta Person Employee 12/12/2022 None None
636529 Gabby Pocius Person Employee 10/03/2022 None None
636380 Gongde Chen Person Employee 11/01/2022 None None
630732 Hossein Shahrokhnia Person Employee 01/19/2022 None None
629312 Michael Jones Person Employee 06/03/2021 None None
624215 Ryan Yip Person Employee 04/26/2021 12/15/2024 None
623240 Emma Arres Person Employee 11/24/2021 03/08/2024 None
621791 Patrick Lewis Person Employee 08/08/2022 05/06/2024 None
621710 Kyle Fructuoso Person Employee 02/01/2021 None None
621605 Mark Allen Person Employee 01/25/2021 12/31/2023 None
621600 Maria Arechiga Person Employee 01/25/2021 None None
612298 Steven Stephansen Person Employee 09/01/2020 None None
612136 Reyna Mendoza Person Employee 08/25/2020 12/06/2021 None
610779 Rebeca Griner Person Interested Party 04/05/2021 None None
604135 Adrian Jackson Person Employee 11/07/2019 05/26/2023 None
603840 Samantha Mak Person Employee 08/01/2019 05/15/2023 None
603839 Miguel Oviedo Person Employee 10/30/2019 None None
603837 Chad Nishida Person Employee 02/05/2018 05/08/2023 None
603623 Kayla Kawamura Person Employee 10/21/2019 None None
602250 Lenore Gamez Person Employee 11/07/2019 09/30/2021 None
602248 David Davalos Person Employee 09/16/2019 12/20/2019 None
594258 Maher Zaher Person Employee 01/21/2019 None None
593771 Brian Covellone Person Employee 01/09/2019 None None
593645 Jose Valle de Leon Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
588297 David Arellano Person Employee 11/16/2018 07/01/2019 None
584345 Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC) Organization Member Of 09/17/2018 None Government Agency Combination
584069 Nathan Patenaude Person Employee 09/12/2018 None None
583759 SueAnn Neal Person Employee 08/30/2018 03/22/2024 None
581262 Jessica Law Person Employee 02/06/2017 None None
575204 Celia Pazos Person Employee 03/28/2018 01/24/2023 None
571962 Lauma Willis Person Employee 04/04/2017 11/30/2022 None
571960 Eric Lindberg Person Employee 01/04/2018 None None
571664 Adriana Godinez Person Employee 08/06/2024 None None
569047 Taylor Lee Person Employee 10/12/2017 04/13/2018 None
568605 Kyle Wright Person Employee 09/15/2017 None None
567786 Christine Barks Person Employee 08/11/2017 None None
564891 Jessica Love Person Employee 06/27/2017 12/20/2019 None
563508 Claudia Tenorio Person Employee 08/07/2017 None None
563429 Allysen Calalang Person Employee 09/11/2024 None None
563356 Sangavi Pari Person Employee 04/07/2017 None None
561270 Sarah Recinto Person Employee 12/20/2016 05/13/2017 None
560735 Garrett Fong Person Employee 01/18/2018 None None
560567 Maile Gee Person Employee 08/01/2016 12/06/2024 None
560548 Gabriel Macario Person Employee 01/04/2017 06/27/2019 None
558129 Amanda Khury Person Employee 07/19/2016 12/30/2016 None
558002 Mary Edwards Person Employee 07/14/2016 02/28/2018 None
556490 Ryan Harris Person Employee 05/04/2016 None None
554990 Jason Freshwater Person Employee 03/07/2016 None None
554929 Faraz Asad Person Employee 03/03/2016 None None
554889 Barbara Barry Person Employee 03/01/2016 None None
554039 Victor Sturdivant Person Employee 06/24/2008 None None
553875 Phoebe Khan Person Employee 07/10/2020 None None
553422 Mona Behrooz Person Employee 07/01/2015 None None
550422 Katie Duprey Person Employee 03/16/2015 04/21/2017 None
550422 Katie Duprey Person Employee 03/01/2018 07/31/2024 None
545096 Alan Kuoch Person Employee 01/28/2014 02/10/2023 None
545002 Yelena Galbina Person Employee 07/10/2020 None None
542462 Grace Ng Person Employee 08/13/2013 01/01/2014 None
542462 Grace Ng Person Employee 06/29/2016 06/30/2020 None
542273 Tomas Eggers Person Employee 05/01/2013 06/01/2015 None
541993 Barbara Barry Person Employee 07/02/2014 None None
540299 Tirunesh Futassa Person Employee 06/03/2013 01/01/2014 None
539136 Anish Pathak Person Employee 03/13/2013 01/01/2014 None
538152 Kimberley Nguyen Person Employee 01/07/2013 01/01/2014 None
537815 Pauline Xie Person Employee 12/04/2012 01/01/2014 None
537247 Taahira Major Person Employee 10/11/2012 11/07/2014 None
537223 Pamela Ybarra Person Employee 02/09/2018 None None
537223 Pamela Ybarra Person Employee 10/09/2012 06/18/2015 None
536407 Judith Pittman-Logue Person Employee 05/11/2017 None None
530175 Sean Cross Person Employee 02/10/2014 12/14/2015 None
529891 Joshua Sargent Person Employee 10/31/2011 01/01/2014 None
529766 Jason Bill Person Employee 04/27/2023 05/02/2023 None
529766 Jason Bill Person Employee 12/01/2014 04/30/2021 None
529567 Travis You Person Employee 10/13/2011 01/01/2014 None
529354 Eric Ford Person Employee 09/30/2011 01/01/2014 None
529347 Audra Hanks Person Employee 09/30/2011 01/01/2014 None
529295 Ian Ferrari Person Employee 09/28/2011 01/01/2014 None
528068 Nick Amini Person Employee 07/25/2011 None None
526875 Sara Aujla Person Employee 03/22/2012 01/01/2014 None
526259 Raul Dominguez Person Employee 03/17/2011 12/31/2016 None
524574 Test Test Person Employee 09/14/2010 03/07/2012 None
523454 Tara Van Person Employee 07/06/2010 01/01/2014 None
521587 Wan Wong Person Employee 03/15/2010 01/01/2014 None
521586 Vinny Tran Person Employee 03/15/2010 01/01/2014 None
521414 Ameesha Purohit Person Employee 03/04/2010 01/01/2014 None
520979 Oscar Rojas Person Employee 02/03/2010 01/01/2014 None
520750 Han Tran Person Employee 01/07/2010 01/01/2011 None
511299 Katherine Aquino Person Employee 06/23/2009 01/01/2010 None
511296 Elaine Xu Person Employee 06/23/2009 01/01/2012 None
511295 Tanya Ratanasirimongkol Person Employee 06/23/2009 01/01/2010 None
508837 Curtis Hayes Person Employee 06/02/2009 09/22/2011 None
506730 Nydia Celis Person Employee 05/11/2009 07/01/2009 None
504363 Noori Alavi Person Employee 07/02/2018 12/31/2020 None
501833 Paloma Abell-Orozco Person Employee 05/24/2018 None None
501833 Paloma Abell-Orozco Person Employee 03/16/2009 07/01/2009 None
499397 Nai Saeteurn Person Employee 02/27/2009 08/31/2012 None
485196 Daniel Mefford Person Employee 09/11/2008 12/02/2013 None
475942 Kaitlin Traver Person Employee 03/26/2012 01/01/2014 None
475942 Kaitlin Traver Person Employee 07/01/2008 07/01/2009 None
474767 Tavish Sturdivant Person Employee 06/24/2008 None None
467638 Kristy Monji Person Employee 05/07/2008 10/14/2008 None
465073 Imtiaz-Ali Kalyan Person Employee 03/01/2014 02/21/2016 None
465073 Imtiaz-Ali Kalyan Person Employee 04/11/2008 07/01/2009 None
461575 Karla Dominguez Person Employee 03/11/2008 07/01/2009 None
439864 Tetra Tech Inc Organization Contracted With (Passive) 10/05/2007 06/30/2010 Privately-Owned Business
395617 George Stadler Person Employee 08/24/2007 03/18/2010 None
366861 Ranveer Sandhu Person Employee 07/24/2007 09/22/2011 None
355029 Michael Kashak Person Employee 07/02/2009 None None
351843 Roberto Batista Person Employee 07/23/2007 01/01/2014 None
340463 Don Swiden Person Employee 10/20/2009 01/29/2010 None
332789 Connie Lizarraga Person Employee 07/12/2006 01/01/2008 None
324354 Jeni Shipley Person Employee 07/24/2007 11/01/2008 None
322476 Jeffrey Kashak Person Employee 06/14/2006 12/31/2007 None
281184 Brandi Outwin-Beals Person Employee 11/19/2007 07/01/2010 None
149685 Jarma Bennett Person Employee 05/11/2017 None None
149666 Karol Ing Person Employee 08/21/2007 08/01/2009 None
149563 Victoria Whitney Person Employee 05/10/2011 01/01/2014 None
147271 Dottie Wolfinbarger Person Employee 06/20/2005 02/01/2006 None
147270 Gerard Thibeault Person Legally Responsible Official 12/21/2009 08/01/2010 None
147269 Talitha Crain Person Employee 06/20/2005 04/06/2007 None
147268 Craig Salonen Person Employee 06/20/2005 07/01/2007 None
147265 Margie Quiroz Person Employee 06/20/2005 01/01/2012 None
147264 Ricky Perez Person Employee 06/20/2005 06/18/2005 None
147260 Valerie Jahn-Bull Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/14/2023 None
147259 Robert Holub Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/01/2012 None
147256 Catherine Ehrenfeld Person Employee 06/20/2005 10/01/2017 None
147254 Felipa Carrillo Person Employee 06/20/2005 10/30/2019 None
147253 Frank Bell Person Employee 06/20/2005 06/18/2005 None
147070 Catherine Woody Person Employee 03/13/2023 None None
141703 Mila Kleinbergs Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139737 David Woelfel Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/28/2021 None
139658 Region 4 Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
139625 Kathleen Fong Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139618 Michael Perez Person Employee 06/17/2005 11/02/2022 None
139569 Brianna St. Pierre Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139552 Kirk Larkin Person Employee 12/02/2008 None None
139551 Kevin Heinemann Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/02/2013 None
139547 Compliance Login R8 Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139450 Joanne Schneider Person Employee 06/17/2005 09/06/2017 None
139359 Nam Nguyen Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139357 Milasol Gaslan Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/31/2019 None
139356 Jeff Knapp Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139344 Doug Shibberu Person Employee 06/17/2005 09/01/2020 None
139342 Amder Rheubottom Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139341 Maria Macario Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/01/2010 None
139339 Troy Johnston Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139338 David Bunting Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139337 Marc Brown Person Employee 04/27/2023 05/02/2023 None
139337 Marc Brown Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/04/2021 None
139294 Sandy Cheek Person Employee 10/06/2010 01/01/2014 None
139293 Thea Tryon Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
139290 Tetra Tech Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2008 None
139217 Debi Ney Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2011 None
139180 Patrice Copeland Person Employee 06/17/2006 08/19/2008 None
139169 Keith Elliott Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/28/2011 None
139169 Keith Elliott Person Employee 11/01/2011 07/29/2022 None
139145 Ann Iaali Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/01/2008 None
139137 Michelle Beckwith Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139135 Aaron Buck Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2008 None
139117 Heather Boyd Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2008 None
139093 Stephanie Gasca Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
139072 Mary Bartholomew Person Employee 06/17/2005 11/30/2019 None
139059 Lucy Singletary Person Employee 01/22/2008 01/01/2014 None
139059 Lucy Singletary Person Employee 07/10/2020 None None
139016 Annette Subriar Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2011 None
138981 Lance Lin Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138919 Dannas Berchtold Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138871 Marc Doalson Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138861 Jessie Powell Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2006 None
138831 Laurie Taul Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138816 Adam Fischer Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138706 Kelly Schmoker Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138706 Kelly Schmoker Person Employee 04/27/2023 04/28/2023 None
138669 Najah Amin Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2023 None
138570 David Barr Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138563 Michael Adackapara Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/22/2016 None
138562 M Salter Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138561 Mark Smythe Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/31/2021 None
138560 Tom Meregillano Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138559 Cindy Li Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138558 Terri Reeder Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138557 Ed Kashak Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/01/2017 None
138449 Deborah Neiter Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138448 Rose Scott Person Employee 06/17/2005 04/30/2021 None
138353 Wanda Cross Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/01/2017 None
138326 Pamela Creedon Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138286 Muhammad Bashir Person Employee 06/17/2005 05/31/2021 None
138285 Maneck Chichgar Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2010 None
138284 Linda Candelaria Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/11/2023 None
138235 Bill Norton Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/21/2017 None
138233 Tom Mbeke-Ekanem Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/28/2018 None
138191 Tom Peltier Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138189 Susan Beeson Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138188 Sam Ittiphol Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138187 Shaw Lin Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138186 Steve Overman Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138185 Steve Mayville Person Employee 06/17/2005 09/01/2015 None
138184 Sid Rahman Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138183 Scott Dawson Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138182 Roger Turner Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138181 Ricardo Tejidor Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138180 Rich Bailey Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138179 Ray Akhtarshad Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138178 Jane Qiu Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2012 None
138177 Pavlova Vitale Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/20/2011 None
138175 Patricia Hannon Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138173 Nancy Olson-Martin Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/30/2019 None
138132 Michael Roth Person Employee 06/17/2005 02/07/2020 None
138131 Mark Adelson Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/30/2015 None
138130 Myron Eng Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138129 Larry Vitale Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138128 Li-Min Shih Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138127 Leslie Alford Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138126 Linda Garcia Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138125 Kamron Saremi Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/18/2019 None
138124 Ken Williams Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/16/2021 None
138122 Keith Person Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138121 Joanne Lee Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138120 John Fernald Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138118 John Hillenbrand Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138106 Renan Jauregui Person Employee 01/07/2016 None None
138089 Bruce Cameron Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138085 Gale Madyun Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138083 Bill Hereth Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138081 Bruce Paine Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138080 Albert Johnson Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138058 Joe Aldern Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138057 Jawed Shami Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2020 None
138056 John Broderick Person Employee 06/17/2005 04/15/2013 None
138055 Hani Zarifa Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138054 Hope Smythe Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/06/2021 None
138053 Glenn Robertson Person Employee 06/17/2005 11/09/2022 None
138011 Gary Litton Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138004 Getachu Eshete Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138003 Gary Stewart Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/30/2015 None
138001 Jun Martirez Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/01/2009 None
137938 Dan Brown Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137937 Dixie Lass Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2010 None
137935 Chuck Griffin Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137934 Cilia Fitzgerald Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137933 Carl Bernhardt Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/31/2021 None
137930 Bob Whitaker Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2009 None
137852 Ann Knight Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137850 Ann Sturdivant Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/06/2023 None
137846 Augustine Anijielo Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/16/2005 None
137829 Alison Jones Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137813 Julio Lara Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137812 Kumar Jain Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137810 William Rice Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137808 Dennis Merklin Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/01/2008 None
137807 John Mijares Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137806 Athar Khan Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2014 None
137804 Kurt Berchtold Person Legally Responsible Official 06/17/2005 11/15/2017 None
72855 Ken Theisen Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/10/2019 None
67810 Jayne Joy Person Employee 03/01/2018 None None
Total Related Parties: 263
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
Total Regulatory Measures: 0
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(-) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1140041 12/20/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 7015160 gallons of sewage to spill from Force Main at Day Street Lift Force Main to Drainage Conveyance System,Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO Eastern Municipal Water District CS 300408 2022-0103-DWQ N
1140022 01/09/2025 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized discharge of cannabis cultivation wastewater to land. See final inspection report and NOV for details. Violation None Inspection SPG Life Corp. 441408 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1140018 02/12/2025 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 900 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Sanderson and Florida, Goodwill Shopping Center to Drainage Conveyance System,Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3) Violation None SSO Hemet City CS 318454 2022-0103-DWQ N
1139469 12/03/2024 CAT2 Dieldrin Daily Maximum limit is 0.00028 ug/L and reported value was 0.013 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1139468 12/03/2024 CAT2 Dieldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.00014 ug/L and reported value was 0.0065 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1139352 01/24/2025 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General caused 6600 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Lincoln Ave & Fallbrook Dr to Surface Water,Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3),Paved Surface,Unpaved Surface Violation None SSO Corona City CS 300926 2022-0103-DWQ N
1139075 12/20/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 7015160 gallons of sewage to spill from Force Main at Day Street Lift Force Main to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water,Drainage Conveyance System Violation None SSO Eastern Municipal Water District CS 300408 2022-0103-DWQ N
1139069 01/09/2025 Unauthorized Discharge Los Angeles County unpermitted cannabis cultivation with unauthorized discharge. Violation N Complaint AGM Katch Vartan LLC Property 459721 None Y
1138787 01/09/2025 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-wipes/Non-disposables,Debris from Lateral,Debris-Rags caused 236 gallons of sewage to spill from Lateral Clean Out (Private) at 1445 Superior Ave. to Unpaved Surface,Drainage Conveyance System Violation None SSO Newport Beach City CS 298938 2022-0103-DWQ N
1138484 11/22/2024 Surface Water On November 22, 2024, the Chino Creek temperature was 28.5 degrees Celsius above the receiving water limitation of 26 degrees Celsius. The discharged temperature reported value was 27.1 degrees Celsius at RP-5 effluent. Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 5 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1138483 11/13/2024 Surface Water On November 13, 2024, the Chino Creek temperature was 28.4 degrees Celsius above the receiving water limitation of 26 degrees Celsius. The discharged temperature reported value was 27.8 degrees Celsius at RP-5 effluent. Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 5 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1138195 11/18/2024 Deficient Monitoring On November 27th, the City was notified by the sublab, that the WRF No. 1 BOD influent sample collected on November 18th was reanalyzed past hold time due to failure of quality control parameters in the initial analysis. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1138194 11/05/2024 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average limit is 4.3 ug/L and reported value was 7.10 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1138193 11/15/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1138192 11/15/2024 CAT2 Lead, Dissolved Daily Maximum limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 31.6 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1138191 11/15/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value was 101.8 mg/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1138190 11/15/2024 CAT2 Copper, Dissolved Daily Maximum limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 29.5 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1138189 11/15/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Daily Maximum limit is 117 ug/L and reported value was 471.7 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1137798 11/19/2024 Order Conditions pH instantaneous maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1137429 12/04/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below),Vandalism (specify below) caused 100 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Harmon Heights and Hagen Heights to Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3),Paved Surface,Drainage Conveyance System Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136858 11/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-wipes/Non-disposables,Debris-Rags,Debris-General,Inappropriate Discharge to Collection System,Vandalism (specify below) caused 30258 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole,Lateral Clean Out (Private) at 4080 Lime St. to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136832 11/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General,Inappropriate Discharge to Collection System,Debris-Rags,Debris-wipes/Non-disposables,Vandalism (specify below) caused 30258 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole,Lateral Clean Out (Private) at 4080 Lime St. to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136728 10/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring Daily total coliform samples are required to be collected from the final effluent sample REC-001 and are used to represent samples collected at REC-002 and M-003A. On 10/21/2024, a temporary power outage occurred, and water was diverted from the aeration basin rather than discharged to the recycled system to respond to the outage, and to access the vault to make repairs by the maintenance staff. During this time, the daily compliance sample was collected during the diversion but was deemed unrepresentative of the final effluent as it was not being sent to the system for tertiary recycled water reuse. A representative sample for that day was not collected; however, based on prior results, there is no indication that water quality changed during this period. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1136727 10/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring Daily total coliform samples are required to be collected from the final effluent sample REC-001 and are used to represent samples collected at REC-002 and M-003A. On 10/21/2024, a temporary power outage occurred, and water was diverted from the aeration basin rather than discharged to the recycled system to respond to the outage, and to access the vault to make repairs by the maintenance staff. During this time, the daily compliance sample was collected during the diversion but was deemed unrepresentative of the final effluent as it was not being sent to the system for tertiary recycled water reuse. A representative sample for that day was not collected; however, based on prior results, there is no indication that water quality changed during this period. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1136726 10/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring Daily total coliform samples are required to be collected from the final effluent sample REC-001 and are used to represent samples collected at REC-002 and M-003A. On 10/21/2024, a temporary power outage occurred, and water was diverted from the aeration basin rather than discharged to the recycled system to respond to the outage, and to access the vault to make repairs by the maintenance staff. During this time, the daily compliance sample was collected during the diversion but was deemed unrepresentative of the final effluent as it was not being sent to the system for tertiary recycled water reuse. A representative sample for that day was not collected; however, based on prior results, there is no indication that water quality changed during this period. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1136552 10/16/2024 Deficient Monitoring On October 16th, the City was notified by the laboratory that the Lab Control Sample had low bias readings for WRF No. 1 BOD influent sample collected on 10/7/24 due to instrument malfunction/stirrer on DO probe not stirring. On October 23rd, the City was notified by the laboratory that the Lab Control Sample failed for WRF No. 1 BOD influent sample collected on 10/14/24 due to low seed strength. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1136533 11/10/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pump Station Failure - Controls,Other (specify below) caused 38250 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Olivewood lift station to Unpaved Surface,Drainage Conveyance System,Paved Surface,Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136524 10/25/2024 Order Conditions pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.02 SU at M-INTB1. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1136408 11/10/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below),Pump Station Failure - Controls caused 38250 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Olivewood lift station to Unpaved Surface,Drainage Conveyance System,Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water,Paved Surface Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1136199 10/31/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Michael and Brian McMullen Property 459219 None Y
1136151 09/18/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Birdie Baida Property 459203 None Y
1135978 11/01/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( PRETRPT ) report for 2023 (2736597) was due on 31-OCT-24 Violation None Report Los Alisos WD WWTP 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135715 09/25/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Nick and Savanah Martinez Property 459144 None Y
1135617 10/15/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value was 88 mg/L. Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1135616 10/15/2024 CAT1 Sulfide, Total (as S) Daily Maximum limit is 0.4 mg/L and reported value was 0.53 mg/L. Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1135615 10/15/2024 OEV TPH as Kerosene Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 0.21 mg/L. Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1135222 10/28/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 29250 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Los Trancos Construction Site to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO UC Irvine CS 300453 2022-0103-DWQ N
1135157 03/01/2024 Deficient Reporting Aquatic Herbicide Application Logs (AHALs) for January, June, and July of 2024 were reviewed. The AHALs are consistent with the Discharger¿s APAP and have fields for all the information detailed in section VIII.E of the General Permit. The data reported in the AHALs are incomplete. Violation N Complaint OCPW - Aquatic Pesticide (Weeds) Application Sites 388749 2013-0002-DWQ Y
1135139 09/11/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 34 mg/L at REC-003. Violation N eSMR Los Alisos WD WWTP 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135138 08/21/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 36 mg/L at REC-003. Violation N eSMR Los Alisos WD WWTP 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135137 09/11/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 18 mg/L at REC-002. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135136 08/07/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at REC-002. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135135 09/11/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 18 mg/L at REC-001. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135134 08/07/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at REC-001. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135133 07/10/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at REC-001. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1135132 07/10/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at REC-002. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1134980 09/10/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.12 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1134945 10/28/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 29250 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Los Trancos Construction Site to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO UC Irvine CS 300453 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134752 10/16/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 360 gallons of sewage to spill from Gravity Mainline at Village Pkwy to Drainage Conveyance System,Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3) Violation None SSO EVMWD Regional Plant CS 300417 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134548 08/28/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside Country cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Charles S. Jr. and Dauna R. Cerulli 458806 None Y
1134546 08/21/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside Country cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Joshua P. Ghigliotty Property 458803 None Y
1134453 08/30/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Thongphet Srilasack and Dang Dung Property 458770 None Y
1134451 08/30/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection David G. Taylor Property 458766 None Y
1134450 08/13/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Arturo Lopez Property 458764 None Y
1134448 08/13/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inpsection. Violation None Inspection Thomas E and Barbara A Rufus Property 458762 None Y
1134447 08/13/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Catalina Torres Property 458759 None Y
1134443 08/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Liahoua Vang Property 458749 None Y
1134435 09/26/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Construction Diversion Failure caused 20615 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 4646 Brockton Ave x Tequesquite Ave to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134434 09/04/2024 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Kliewer Family Trust Property 458743 None Y
1134387 08/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Youa Lor Property 458713 None Y
1134382 08/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Nelson Antonio Garcia and Angel de Jesus Arias Garcia Property 458705 None Y
1134368 08/02/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Hill Springs Farms LLC Property 458694 None Y
1134352 07/24/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Katana Investments Property 458678 None Y
1134009 05/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-Rags, Other (specify below) caused 9000 gallons of sewage to spill from Gravity Mainline at St College Blvd/ Craig Park to Surface Water Violation None SSO Brea City CS 298919 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133872 05/21/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Collection System Maintenance Failure (specify below) caused 165 gallons of sewage to spill from Other (specify below) at 2400 Main St, Irvine, CA 92614 to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO IRWD - OCSD Regional 1 CS 338949 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133666 03/27/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 650 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 2 Willowrun, Irvine, CA, 92604, USA to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO Michelson WRP CS 298936 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133628 03/04/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction, Debris-Rags, Debris-wipes/Non-disposables, Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 12000 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Castello LN and Florentina CT to Drainage Conveyance System, Paved Surface, Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3), Unpaved Surface Violation None SSO Beaumont City CS 300636 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133599 07/03/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Damage by Others Not Related to Collection System Construction/Maintenance caused 14814 gallons of sewage to spill from Gravity Mainline at 1092 N. Mountain Ave. to Drainage Conveyance System Violation None SSO Upland City CS 300919 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133493 03/20/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction, Debris-General caused 750 gallons of sewage to spill from Lateral Clean Out (Private), Manhole at Winward Dr. to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water, Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3) Violation None SSO EVMWD Regional Plant CS 300417 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133325 06/13/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pump Station Failure - Power caused 810000 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Sterling Natural Resource Center to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation None SSO East Valley Water District CS 300934 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133116 05/06/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Lateral, Other (specify below) caused 780 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Colfax and Francis to Drainage Conveyance System, Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water, Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3) Violation None SSO La Habra City CS 298933 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133043 08/28/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Baklae Keophomma Property 458634 None Y
1133035 07/24/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ben Txhiajhwm Song and Zong Thao Property 458632 None Y
1132825 08/28/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inpsection. Violation None Inspection Khamseng Xaychaleun Property 458572 None Y
1132731 07/22/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection WKM Liquidating Partnership Property 458536 None Y
1132729 07/22/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside Country cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ka Houa Xiong Property 458534 None Y
1132728 07/22/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Ka Houa and Dia Xiong Property 458531 None Y
1132723 07/17/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Jose Luis Arias Property 458527 None Y
1132711 08/07/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value was 110 mg/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Knott's Berry Farm 402228 R8-2015-0030 N
1132597 08/09/2024 Unauthorized Discharge San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Black Canyon Trust Property 458487 None Y
1132153 08/21/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.34 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1132018 09/08/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Lateral caused 150 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda, CA 92886 to Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3),Drainage Conveyance System,Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water,Paved Surface,Groundwater Infiltration Basin or Facility Violation None SSO Yorba Linda Water District CS 298951 2022-0103-DWQ N
1132017 05/30/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below),Debris-wipes/Non-disposables caused 5500 gallons of sewage to spill from Lateral Clean Out (Private) at 4511 Ohio St, Yorba Linda CA to Drainage Conveyance System Violation None SSO Yorba Linda Water District CS 298951 2022-0103-DWQ N
1131757 07/17/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Golden Leaf Investments LLC Property 458401 None Y
1131756 07/16/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection The Lee Living Trust Property 458399 None Y
1131691 07/16/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Mike D Walton Property 458360 None Y
1131675 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Valentine and Geneva Valdez 458358 None Y
1131620 07/31/2024 OEV TPH as Kerosene Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 0.420 mg/L. Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1131618 07/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value was 140 mg/L. Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1131614 04/17/2024 CAT1 Sulfide, Total (as S) Daily Maximum limit is 0.4 mg/L and reported value was 1.5 mg/L. Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1131601 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Marisela Jaquez Property 458314 None Y
1131599 04/17/2024 OEV TPH as Kerosene Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 0.17 mg/L. Violation None Report Dewatering,General Motors LLC 425425 R8-2020-0006 N
1131588 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Arnulfo Ugalde Property 458297 None Y
1131552 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Jovita Aragon and Jose Jaquez Property 458237 None Y
1131415 07/08/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Eugenio Rivera Barriga and Yanira Lizbeth Escobar Property 458234 None Y
1131301 07/24/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 45.2 mg/L at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1131300 07/24/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.9 lb/day and reported value was 16.5 lb/day at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1131299 07/24/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.54 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1131253 08/14/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Root Intrusion caused 90 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Sunbeam Dr & Natalie Lane to Drainage Conveyance System Violation None SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N
1131233 07/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring On July 12, 2024, the City was notified by the contract laboratory, Eurofins, that the CalScience sub-laboratory had been experiencing contamination issues with one of their BOD instruments and have had failing Unseeded Control Blank and Laboratory Control Samples. They have been working on mitigating the issue by ordering new parts to replace instrument tubing and to conduct decontamination cleanups. Samples impacted include WRF No. 1 July 3rd weekly effluent BOD sample and the July 8th weekly BOD influent sample. Impacted samples with results that did not align with historical values were reanalyzed past hold time for result confirmation. A corrective action report was requested for these samples and is included in this report. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1131232 07/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring On July 12, 2024, the City was notified by the contract laboratory, Eurofins, that the CalScience sub-laboratory had been experiencing contamination issues with one of their BOD instruments and have had failing Unseeded Control Blank and Laboratory Control Samples. They have been working on mitigating the issue by ordering new parts to replace instrument tubing and to conduct decontamination cleanups. Samples impacted include WRF No. 3 weekly influent and effluent BOD samples collected on July 3rd. Impacted samples with results that did not align with historical values were reanalyzed past hold time for result confirmation. A corrective action report was requested for these samples and is included in this report. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #3 395382 R8-2014-0015 N
1130862 08/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONRPT ) report for Q2 2024 (2788149) was due on 01-AUG-24 Violation None Report Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1130335 08/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as NO3) 12-Month Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value was 50 mg/L at REC-001. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1130064 06/05/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.45 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1130049 07/16/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) (Stormwater) report for 2024 (2788259) was due on 15-JUL-24 Violation None Report WRCRWA Regional WWRF 396787 R8-2015-0013 N
1129924 06/24/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation Violation N Inspection Richard Rodriguez Property 457862 None Y
1129922 06/19/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 4.6 mg/L at M-002A. Violation N eSMR IEUA Regional Plant No. 1 448253 R8-2022-0041 N
1129414 04/26/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Discharges from unpermitted land disturbance and work performed Violation None Inspection Houcia LLC Property 455445 None Y
1129387 04/11/2024 Other Codes Excessive storage of greenwaste and AD digestate onsite, resulting in elevated pile temperatures at "active composting" level, in violation of Water Code, sections 13260 and 13264. Violation N Inspection CR&R Perris TS 457692 None N
1129105 04/05/2024 CAT2 Hydrocarbons, Petroleum Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 100 ug/L and reported value was 246 ug/L at M-008. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1129102 05/10/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reported value was 715 mg/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1129101 05/01/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Instantaneous Maximum limit is 75 ug/L and reported value was 77 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1129100 05/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring for influent BOD on 5/31/24 due to lab error. Violation N eSMR Colton WRF 388624 R8-2012-0050 N
1129099 05/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring No reportable result is available for the influent sample collected and submitted to the contract laboratory on May 31, 2024, for biochemical oxygen demand analysis. Due to laboratory error the analysis did not meet the method's quality assurance criteria. Violation N eSMR Margaret H Chandler WWRF 418662 R8-2017-0049 N
1129098 06/11/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Gloria Lozano Property 457538 None Y
1129097 06/11/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inpsection. Violation None Inspection Michael Kus Property 457536 None Y
1129081 06/06/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection William Jr. and Janet Cramer Property 457526 None Y
1129074 06/06/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection MGA Associates Inc. Property 457519 None Y
1129073 05/14/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.42 SU at M-INTB1. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1129072 05/14/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.34 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1128217 04/05/2024 CAT2 Hydrocarbons, Petroleum Daily Maximum limit is 100 ug/L and reported value was 246 ug/L at M-008. Violation N eSMR Michelson WWRF 402182 R8-2015-0024 N
1128215 04/23/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.59 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1128214 04/23/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 13.2 lb/day and reported value was 17.6 lb/day at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1128213 04/23/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 40.0 mg/L at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1128065 04/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring On May 8, 2024, the City was notified by the contract laboratory (Eurofins) that the sample for Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate was lost by the sub lab, CalScience, during the concentration phase and re-extraction was performed past hold time. Notification was received after the monitoring period, therefore, a resample was not collected. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1128064 04/30/2024 CAT2 Cyanide, Free Available Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.3 ug/L and reported value was 5.5 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1128060 04/30/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reported value was 704 mg/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1128059 04/02/2024 CAT2 Dichlorodifluoromethane Monthly Average limit is 46 ug/L and reported value was 63 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1128032 04/14/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 5.7 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1128031 04/14/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1128030 04/14/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 230.0 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1127931 04/11/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection by RSO-MET Violation N Inspection German Cano Leiva Property 457008 None Y
1126931 04/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Tia K. Ngo and James W. Harris Property 456778 None Y
1126802 03/16/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at REC-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1126801 03/16/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at M-002. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1126800 03/16/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at REC-001. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1126799 03/16/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU at M-002. Violation N eSMR Corona WWRF #1 422466 R8-2020-0021 N
1126591 03/31/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reported value was 678 mg/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1126590 03/06/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 46 ug/L and reported value was 58 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1126587 03/04/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.42 SU at M-INTB2. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1126586 03/04/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.14 SU at M-INTB1. Violation N eSMR Huntington Beach Generating Station 422464 R8-2020-0040 N
1126509 04/11/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated San Diego County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Martha Morales Property 456741 None Y
1126453 03/30/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 190.0 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126452 03/07/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 134.0 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126451 03/30/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 9.9 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126450 03/07/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 11.2 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126449 03/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring Analysis for Oil and Grease, originally supplied by facility to the lab for analysis, was cancelled due to incorrect containers the sample was submitted in. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1126085 03/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Aristeo Rosales Arreola Property 456629 None Y
1125980 04/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) report for 2023 (2672757) was due on 01-APR-24 Violation None Report Rialto WWRF 381374 R8-2014-0010 N
1125468 03/05/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unregulated Riverside County cannabis cultivation inspection. Violation None Inspection Jose Calderon Property 456442 None Y
1125297 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 650 mg/L and reported value was 661 mg/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR Temescal Creek Outfall 394108 R8-2015-0006 N
1125274 02/21/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 7.9 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125271 02/20/2024 CAT2 Lead, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 5.6 ug/L and reported value was 15.3 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125270 02/20/2024 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 117.0 ug/L and reported value was 278.9 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1125269 02/20/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 14.0 ug/L and reported value was 18.9 ug/L at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Steel Industries, Fontana Facility 399179 R8-2014-0007 N
1124764 02/23/2024 Unauthorized Discharge On February 23, 2024, at approximately 10:45 AM, Santa Ana Water Board staff observed liquid discharging on to Eucalyptus Avenue from a containment pond located at Gordon Dairy #4. The liquid appeared to flow west on Eucalyptus Avenue to Bon View Avenue. Violation None Inspection Gordon Dairy #4 390356 R8-2018-0001 Y
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 156
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
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Total Enforcement Actions: 0
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Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/19/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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