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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 255703
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
1 255703 Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility Wastewater Treatment Facility 4300 Llano Santa Rosa, CA, 95407 Sonoma

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
527267 Person Robert Wilson Is A Data Submitter For 11/23/2020
609011 Person Matthew Herman Case Worker 08/01/2020
539367 Person Sean G McNeil Is Onsite Manager For 06/06/2019
596416 Person Melissa Jones Is A Data Submitter For 04/03/2019
583681 Person Heather Johnson Is Onsite Manager For 11/07/2018
583681 Person Heather Johnson Is A Data Submitter For 08/29/2018
138907 Person Cathleen A. Goodwin Case Worker 10/01/2015 12/14/2021
547720 Person Judy Wells Is A Data Submitter For 07/22/2014 09/25/2023
488040 Person Rita Miller Is Onsite Manager For 07/16/2014 03/01/2019
138987 Person Lisa Bernard Case Worker 07/01/2014 11/01/2015
138697 Person Charles E. Reed Case Worker 12/05/2013 07/01/2014
538018 Person David Guhin Is Onsite Manager For 03/25/2013 08/24/2016
538920 Person Jennifer Burke Is Onsite Manager For 03/25/2013
538260 Person Colleen Brackett Is A Data Submitter For 01/14/2013 12/01/2021
538018 Person David Guhin Contact 12/15/2012 08/24/2016
527076 Person Cynthia Kaul Is Onsite Manager For 10/16/2012
523045 Person Miles Ferris Is Onsite Manager For 06/16/2010 12/13/2012
364392 Person Lynn Small Is Onsite Manager For 06/15/2010 12/13/2012
523008 Person Cynthia Larkin Is A Data Submitter For 06/15/2010 04/03/2019
523005 Person Matthew McGarey Is A Data Submitter For 06/15/2010
523006 Person Shirlee Johnson Is A Data Submitter For 06/15/2010 01/23/2018
364710 Person Kason Grady Inspector 11/01/2008 09/01/2012
400033 Person Randell Piazza Contact 05/02/2006 05/01/2014
376718 Person Miles Ferris Contact 06/17/2005 12/15/2012
148702 Organization Santa Rosa City Dept of Public Works Owner City Agency 01/29/1999
Total Related Parties: 25

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
427520 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG R1-2020-0012 1B83099OSON 10/01/2020 09/30/2025 Active Y
440253 Co-Permitee SB SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 1B83099OSON 07/09/2020 Active N
378138 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG R1-2013-0001 1B83099OSON 02/01/2014 01/31/2019 Historical N
349917 Resolution 1 NPDESWW R1-2008-0061 1B83099OSON 07/24/2008 Historical Y
315598 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG R1-2006-0045 1B83099OSON 11/09/2006 11/09/2011 Historical Y
261094 Letter 1 NPDESWW 112103 11/21/2003 Historical N
260624 Letter 1 NPDESWW 001 04/27/2001 Historical N
179921 Enrollee 1 NPDNONMUNIPRCS R1-1993-0061 1B83099OSON 10/18/2000 Historical N
131727 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG R1-2000-0003 1B83099OSON 03/01/2000 11/09/2006 Historical N
139287 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG 98-084 1B83099OSON 08/26/1998 08/25/2003 Historical N
138061 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG 95-018 1B83099OSON 06/22/1995 06/20/2000 Historical N
138623 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG 90-079 1B83099OSON 08/16/1990 08/16/1995 Historical N
137168 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG 86-190 1B83099OSON 12/04/1986 07/01/1990 Historical N
137043 NPDES Permit 1 NPDMUNILRG 83-099 1B83099OSON 09/22/1983 09/22/1988 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 14

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1124610 01/22/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Daily Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 83.1 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface waters. The downstream reclamation system diversion mode was activated in order to divert flow to Brown Pond in response to the event. The actual dose during this diversion was maintained above 100 mJ/cm2 if the treatment supplied by redundant banks was allowed to be included. On January 22, 2024 at 01:14 the calculated UV dose surpassed the 100 mJ/cm2 minimum dose threshold. Plant effluent then began meeting all permit limits and the diversion was stopped. The average plant flow during the diversion was 38.5 mgd. The duration of the diversion was 88 minutes. The amount of affected flow was approximately 2.35 million gallons. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the offspec water by Reclamation Staff. Violation B eSMR
1124611 01/21/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Daily Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 84.1 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface waters. For the first event - at 20:58 a UV Channel 1 low dose alarm activated, and the LTP SCADA system immediately diverted the effluent flow to an offline pond. The electrician corrected the electrical problem with the UV system. The plant remained in diversion mode until January 21, 2024, at 23:25 hours. The duration of the diversion was 177 minutes. The average plant flow during the diversion was 47.66 million gallons per day (mgd), and the total effluent flow affected was 5.86 million gallons. The lowest calculated UV dose during the diversion was 99 mJ/cm2. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the off-spec water by Reclamation Staff. For the second event - the downstream reclamation system diversion mode was activated in order to divert flow to Brown Pond in response to the event. The actual dose during this diversion was maintained above 100 mJ/cm2 if the treatment supplied by redundant banks was allowed to be included. On January 22, 2024 at 01:14 the calculated UV dose surpassed the 100 mJ/cm2 minimum dose threshold. Plant effluent then began meeting all permit limits and the diversion was stopped. The average plant flow during the diversion was 38.5 mgd. The duration of the diversion was 88 minutes. The amount of affected flow was approximately 2.35 million gallons. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the offspec water by Reclamation Staff. Violation B eSMR
1124609 01/15/2024 DMON The UV channel 3 Total Coliform sample for January 15, 2024 was invalidated due to an analytical error in the laboratory. Staff was counseled and the issue has been resolved. Violation B eSMR
1124608 01/13/2024 CAT1 UV Transmittance Daily Minimum limit is 50 % and reported value was 49.4 % at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface waters. The cause of the low UVT was excessive landfill leachate loading in the plant influent. Analysis of leachate input to LTP indicated that leachate deliveries from the landfill exceeded the expected number of trucks per hour. The landfill was trying to empty their leachate holding ponds in advance of the coming storms and brought too much at one time driving down the UVT. Santa Rosa Water Environmental Compliance staff are currently working with the Central Landfill staff to limit the rate of leachate delivery so that even if their leachate ponds are in alarm and at risk of overtopping, the treatment plant cannot take more than the agreed upon amount rate. Violation B eSMR
1122925 11/11/2023 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 96.9 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water. The cause of the event is unknown. In the past, leachate from the Mecham Road Central Landfill has been identified as a source of wastewater exhibiting low UVT. Santa Rosa Water staff inquired with Central Landfill staff after the event and determined that the leachate pipeline normally used to convey leachate to LTP was offline for repair. Review of the trucked waste logs for the period leading up to the event and during the period of low UVT showed that the amount of leachate delivered through the trucked waste program was not excessive compared to similar weeks before and after the UVT event. Santa Rosa Water Environmental Compliance staff checked with Industrial Users and could not identify any abnormal conditions around the time of the event. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the off-spec water by Reclamation Staff. Violation B eSMR
1122927 11/11/2023 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 50 % and reported value was 48.3 % at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water. The cause of the low UVT is unknown. In the past, leachate from the Mecham Road Central Landfill has been identified as a source of wastewater exhibiting low UVT. Santa Rosa Water staff inquired with Central Landfill staff after the event and determined that the leachate pipeline normally used to convey leachate to LTP was offline for repair. Review of the trucked waste logs for the period leading up to the event and during the period of low UVT showed that the amount of leachate delivered through the trucked waste program was not excessive compared to similar weeks before and after the UVT event. Santa Rosa Water Environmental Compliance staff checked with Industrial Users and could not identify any abnormal conditions around the time of the event. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the off-spec water by Reclamation Staff. Violation B eSMR
1122926 11/10/2023 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 49.2 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water. The cause of the event is unknown. In the past, leachate from the Mecham Road Central Landfill has been identified as a source of wastewater exhibiting low UVT. Santa Rosa Water staff inquired with Central Landfill staff after the event and determined that the leachate pipeline normally used to convey leachate to LTP was offline for repair. Review of the trucked waste logs for the period leading up to the event and during the period of low UVT showed that the amount of leachate delivered through the trucked waste program was not excessive compared to similar weeks before and after the UVT event. Santa Rosa Water Environmental Compliance staff checked with Industrial Users and could not identify any abnormal conditions around the time of the event. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the off-spec water by Reclamation Staff. Violation B eSMR
1122929 11/10/2023 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 50 % and reported value was 30.6 % at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water. The cause of the low UVT is unknown. In the past, leachate from the Mecham Road Central Landfill has been identified as a source of wastewater exhibiting low UVT. Santa Rosa Water staff inquired with Central Landfill staff after the event and determined that the leachate pipeline normally used to convey leachate to LTP was offline for repair. Review of the trucked waste logs for the period leading up to the event and during the period of low UVT showed that the amount of leachate delivered through the trucked waste program was not excessive compared to similar weeks before and after the UVT event. Santa Rosa Water Environmental Compliance staff checked with Industrial Users and could not identify any abnormal conditions around the time of the event. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the off-spec water by Reclamation Staff. Violation B eSMR
1122930 11/09/2023 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 47.7 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water. The cause of the event is unknown. In the past, leachate from the Mecham Road Central Landfill has been identified as a source of wastewater exhibiting low UVT. Santa Rosa Water staff inquired with Central Landfill staff after the event and determined that the leachate pipeline normally used to convey leachate to LTP was offline for repair. Review of the trucked waste logs for the period leading up to the event and during the period of low UVT showed that the amount of leachate delivered through the trucked waste program was not excessive compared to similar weeks before and after the UVT event. Santa Rosa Water Environmental Compliance staff checked with Industrial Users and could not identify any abnormal conditions around the time of the event. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the off-spec water by Reclamation Staff. Violation B eSMR
1122928 11/09/2023 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 50 % and reported value was 30.6 % at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water. The cause of the low UVT is unknown. In the past, leachate from the Mecham Road Central Landfill has been identified as a source of wastewater exhibiting low UVT. Santa Rosa Water staff inquired with Central Landfill staff after the event and determined that the leachate pipeline normally used to convey leachate to LTP was offline for repair. Review of the trucked waste logs for the period leading up to the event and during the period of low UVT showed that the amount of leachate delivered through the trucked waste program was not excessive compared to similar weeks before and after the UVT event. Santa Rosa Water Environmental Compliance staff checked with Industrial Users and could not identify any abnormal conditions around the time of the event. There were no recycled water deliveries to irrigation customers during the event and Calpine was immediately notified of the off-spec water by Reclamation Staff. Violation B eSMR
1118822 06/15/2023 DMON The Total Coliform samples for June 15, 2023 were invalidated due to an equipment failure in the laboratory where the disposable vials were reused and subsequently cracked during the analysis. As a result, no coliform values were reported for that day. As a corrective action the City is no longer reusing disposable vials. Violation B eSMR
1117508 04/05/2023 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 93.8 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. A review of the UV program found a hard programmed alarm delay of 5 seconds for the Low Low Dose Delivered alarm which points to the reason why LTP operations staff were unaware of the event. The programming has been altered and the delay has been changed to 0 seconds so staff will be made aware of any Low Low Dose events regardless of the duration. Furthermore, a metric to display the lowest dose of the day will be added to the daily report so management can be made aware of potential low dose situations sooner. Violation B eSMR
1108825 08/04/2022 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 23 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. The City will install an additional UPS and power supply for the UV PLC so that in the event one fails, the other will continue providing power. Additionally, procedures will be put in place so that when the UV PLC is worked on, the controls to the UV channel influent gates will be turned off to prevent unanticipated operation of the system. Senior Operations staff will also receive refresher training on investigating off-spec events so that support staff are notified in a timely manner of any off-spec condition. Violation B eSMR
1107578 07/13/2022 Order Conditions UV Dose Daily Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 0 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. The Operators involved were counselled on their error and the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for shutting down the UV system was updated. This procedure was reviewed by the Wastewater Treatment Superintendent and has been added to the City's SOP Library and distributed to Operations staff for training. Violation B eSMR
1107579 07/07/2022 DMON The Total Coliform sample for UV Channel 2 was invalidated due to the analyst failing to properly set-up the test when performing the analysis. As a result, staff received counseling regarding the error. Violation B eSMR
1104442 04/01/2022 DMON Total Coliform sample for UV Channel 1 was invalidated due to the analyst failing to properly set-up the test when performing the analysis. Staff was counseled regarding the error. Violation B eSMR
1098183 11/08/2021 DMON The Total Coliform sample for UV Channel 1, sampled on November 8, 2021, was invalidated due to the analyst using expired media when performing the analysis. Staff received counseling regarding the error and the City modified the bench sheet to include spaces for lot number and expiration date of media used for the analysis. Violation B eSMR
1097308 10/28/2021 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 50 % and reported value was 48 % at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water at this time. The root cause of the incident was due to the high amount of rainfall brought by the October 24th category 5 atmospheric river that culminated in approximately 10 inches of rain. Throughout and due to the storm event, trucked waste haulers were bringing increased amounts of leachate from landfills and composting facilities to the plant. To proactively prevent the trucked leachate from negatively impacting UVT values, the leachate was stored in the emergency holding basin (EHB) for later treatment. Plant staff accommodated waste haulers throughout the storm event but ultimately had to temporarily cease deliveries as the system continued exceeding capacity. The combined efforts of storing trucked leachate and ceasing hauling allowed the plant to return to on-spec operations following the off-spec event that occurred October 24th through 26th, 2021. Once the plant returned to stable, on-spec operations following the storm event, operators began feeding the stored leachate into the headworks and again began accommodating trucked leachate haulers. The amount of leachate needing to be returned from the EHB following the storm event in combination with the trucked deliveries ultimately caused a dramatic reduction in UVT and the subsequent off-spec event. Violation B eSMR
1097313 10/26/2021 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 75.1 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water at this time. Staff responded by manually diverting primary effluent to the flow equalization basins. Mechanical Services on-call staff responded to the failure. However, by the time the primary effluent channel control valve was manually opened, much of the flow equalization basin storage had already been used. At approximately 1500 hours, the usable storage space in the flow equalization basins had been utilized and the plant began taking all influent flow. The off-spec water was either captured in City-owned recycled water storage ponds or conveyed into the Geysers recharge system pipeline. Verbal and email notification were provided to the Geysers informing their operation of the off-spec water delivery and estimated time when it would reach terminal reservoir. Violation B eSMR
1097314 10/25/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 66.9 MGD and reported value was 68.7 MGD at EFF-001. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water at this time. Staff responded by manually diverting primary effluent to the flow equalization basins. However, by the time the primary effluent channel control valve was manually opened, much of the flow equalization basin storage had already been used. At approximately 1500 hours, the usable storage space in the flow equalization basins had been utilized and the plant began taking all influent flow. Violation B eSMR
1097312 10/25/2021 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 41.6 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water at this time. Staff responded by manually diverting primary effluent to the flow equalization basins. Mechanical Services on-call staff responded to the failure. However, by the time the primary effluent channel control valve was manually opened, much of the flow equalization basin storage had already been used. At approximately 1500 hours, the usable storage space in the flow equalization basins had been utilized and the plant began taking all influent flow. The off-spec water was either captured in City-owned recycled water storage ponds or conveyed into the Geysers recharge system pipeline. Verbal and email notification were provided to the Geysers informing their operation of the off-spec water delivery and estimated time when it would reach terminal reservoir. Violation B eSMR
1097309 10/25/2021 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 50 % and reported value was 48.4 % at INT-002. *** MMP Exempt Reason:No discharge to surface water at this time. Staff responded by manually diverting primary effluent to the flow equalization basins. Mechanical Services on-call staff responded to the failure. However, by the time the primary effluent channel control valve was manually opened, much of the flow equalization basin storage had already been used. At approximately 1500 hours, the usable storage space in the flow equalization basins had been utilized and the plant began taking all influent flow. The off-spec water was either captured in City-owned recycled water storage ponds or conveyed into the Geysers recharge system pipeline. Verbal and email notification were provided to the Geysers informing their operation of the off-spec water delivery and estimated time when it would reach terminal reservoir. Violation B eSMR
1097310 10/24/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 66.9 MGD and reported value was 71.2 MGD at EFF-001. Staff responded by manually diverting primary effluent to the flow equalization basins. Mechanical Services on-call staff responded to the failure. However, by the time the primary effluent channel control valve was manually opened, much of the flow equalization basin storage had already been used. At approximately 1500 hours, the usable storage space in the flow equalization basins had been utilized and the plant began taking all influent flow. Violation B eSMR
1097311 10/24/2021 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 37.3 mJ/cm2 at INT-002. Staff responded by manually diverting primary effluent to the flow equalization basins. Mechanical Services on-call staff responded to the failure. However, by the time the primary effluent channel control valve was manually opened, much of the flow equalization basin storage had already been used. At approximately 1500 hours, the usable storage space in the flow equalization basins had been utilized and the plant began taking all influent flow. The off-spec water was either captured in City-owned recycled water storage ponds or conveyed into the Geysers recharge system pipeline. Verbal and email notification were provided to the Geysers informing their operation of the off-spec water delivery and estimated time when it would reach terminal reservoir. Violation B eSMR
1097315 10/24/2021 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 50 % and reported value was 48 % at INT-002. Staff responded by manually diverting primary effluent to the flow equalization basins. Mechanical Services on-call staff responded to the failure. However, by the time the primary effluent channel control valve was manually opened, much of the flow equalization basin storage had already been used. At approximately 1500 hours, the usable storage space in the flow equalization basins had been utilized and the plant began taking all influent flow. Throughout and due to the storm event, trucked waste haulers were bringing increased amounts of leachate from landfills and composting facilities to the plant. To proactively prevent the trucked leachate from negatively impacting UVT values, the leachate was stored in the emergency holding basin (EHB) for later treatment. Plant staff accommodated waste haulers throughout the storm event but ultimately had to temporarily cease deliveries as the system continued exceeding capacity. Violation B eSMR
1093631 07/29/2021 DMON The pH meter used for the final effluent (EFF-001) grab on July 29, 2021 was calibrated using a second source pH 7 buffer from the same lot number as the original source pH 7 buffer. As this is not in line with requirements found in Standard Methods, the sample for that day has been invalidated The lab the lab will use pH 8 buffer as a second source check standard instead of a pH 7 buffer. Violation B eSMR
1092485 06/29/2021 DMON On June 29, 2021 at 1349 hrs. the filter effluent turbidity meter went offline. Staff became aware that the meter was offline at 2000 hrs. and immediately began hourly reads using a bench top turbidity meter. Upon further investigation of the incident, staff discovered that a light bulb failure in the meter caused the instrument to go down. The light bulb was replaced, and the turbidity meter was placed back into service at 0728 hrs. on June 30, 2021. The turbidity before and after the off-line period was 0.7 NTU and there is no indication that there was a turbidity violation during the event. The Treatment Plant Operator on shift was counseled on checking trends twice per shift, as required in the Operators¿ work plans. Violation B eSMR
1091446 05/18/2021 DMON There was only one reportable Biochemical Oxygen Demand results for treatment plant final effluent for the week of May 16-22 because of analytical quality control failure. As a result of the QC failure the City of Santa Rosa began subcontracting BOD samples to an outside laboratory allowing staff to investigate the cause of the failed QC without risking further analytical results. While the investigation is still ongoing, QC issues have been resolved and it is likely they were a result of poor-quality BOD dilution water. City staff is working with the deionized water system vendor to provide a maintenance frequency that will help eliminate future BOD QC issues. Violation B eSMR
1091445 05/18/2021 DMON There was only one reportable Biochemical Oxygen Demand results for treatment plant influent for the week of May 16-22 because of analytical quality control failure. As a result of the QC failure the City of Santa Rosa began subcontracting BOD samples to an outside laboratory allowing staff to investigate the cause of the failed QC without risking further analytical results. While the investigation is still ongoing, QC issues have been resolved and it is likely they were a result of poor-quality BOD dilution water. City staff is working with the deionized water system vendor to provide a maintenance frequency that will help eliminate future BOD QC issues. Violation B eSMR
1082170 10/15/2020 DMON The filter effluent turbidity meter was placed in the hold position for calibration purposes. Difficulties with the calibration process caused the on-line monitoring of the filter effluent to be paused for 1 hour and 47 minutes, from 1456 hours to 1643 hours. This exceeded the permitted monitoring requirement to record the filter effluent turbidity levels at intervals of no less than once every 1 hour and 12 minutes over a 24-hour period Prior to the meter being placed on hold the effluent turbidity was averaging 0.64 NTU and after the meter was placed back on-line the effluent turbidity averaged 0.72 NTU. The operator involved received counseling on this matter. Violation B eSMR
1076256 05/31/2020 DMON There is no reportable Chloride result for May 2020 due to a laboratory analyst error in missing the regulatory hold time during a period of reduced staffing levels related to Covid-19. The laboratory staff has received refresher training on the necessity of performing a daily review of all samples submitted to the laboratory in an effort to prevent this error from recurring. Violation U eSMR
1076257 05/17/2020 DMON There is only one reportable Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) result for the week of May 17, 2020 due to a potentially inactive glucose-glutamic acid standard (GGA) for the BOD5 test. Per Table E-4 of the NPDES permit, two BOD5 results per calendar week are required. Upon discovery of two consecutive GGA failures, the laboratory immediately ordered a new lot of standard and was back in compliance with the NPDES permit the following calendar week. Violation U eSMR
1075288 04/28/2020 DMON On April 28, 2020 the on-line ultraviolet transmittance (UVT) analyzer was put on hold at 0802 hrs. for the analyzer to be checked. The actual UVT value before the hold was 62 percent; following established protocol, the manual output during the check was set to 60 percent to compensate for unexpected drops in UVT during the procedure. The Treatment Plant Operator forgot to place the UVT analyzer back on-line after the check was completed and the hold continued until 1542 hrs. at which time it was placed back on-line. The actual UVT value at that time was 64 percent. For 7 hours and 40 minutes there was no monitoring of the actual UVT value. Typically, the treatment plant¿s UVT value increases during daytime hours, and decreases late night/early morning. There is no reason to believe that the UV system did not provide full dose during the affected period and the coliform results for April 28 were non-detect for all three on-line channels. To prevent this type of incident from recurring, an alarm will be programmed to alert staff if the analyzer is on hold longer than 20 minutes. The employee involved in the incident received appropriate counselling. Violation U eSMR
1073324 03/09/2020 DMON There was no reportable Total Suspended Solids result for treatment plant final effluent on March 9, 2020 due to soap residue in the sample after a Treatment Plant Operator cleaned the autosampler with soap. The Operator was counseled that day on the proper procedure for cleaning autosamplers using brushes and water without soap. The autosampler was thoroughly rinsed and put back into service the same day. Violation U eSMR
1073323 03/02/2020 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 86 mJ/cm2 at EFF-001. The under-disinfected water was either captured in City-owned ponds or conveyed into the Geysers recharge system pipeline. Reclamation and Geysers operations staff were immediately informed of the event and received follow-up calls from Laguna staff. Following investigation of the incident, it was determined that an electronic connection to the installed communication board had not been properly landed, and that the operational Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for channel maintenance of this type had not been strictly followed. If the SOP had been followed in its entirety, the resulting dose would possibly have been sufficient to maintain the required dose. The communications board for the affected module was reinstalled correctly after the incident and is currently functioning properly. Employees involved in the incident will receive appropriate counselling. Violation U eSMR
1072100 02/25/2020 DMON There were no reportable Total Coliform results on February 25, 2020 from the Laguna Treatment Plant UV Disinfection Channels due to a laboratory error during sample inoculation. The error was not discovered until samples were retrieved from the incubator the following day at which time the samples were invalidated. The lab staff will receive refresher training on best practices for sample organization during inoculation as corrective action to prevent this error from reoccurring. The training for lab staff will occur once the ¿shelter in place¿ order issued by the Sonoma County Health Officer is lifted and normal operations can resume. Violation U eSMR
1082005 08/23/2019 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2.4 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. *** MMP Exempt Reason:Violation occurred when not discharging to surface waters. The City has recalculated all Total Coliform 7-Day Median results for the entire permit term and is re-reporting the results in CIWQS. Violation B Report
1082004 08/22/2019 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2.4 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. *** MMP Exempt Reason:Violation occurred when not discharging to surface waters. The City has recalculated all Total Coliform 7-Day Median results for the entire permit term and is re-reporting the results in CIWQS. Violation B Report
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 38 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT1 = Category 1 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant) DMON = Deficient Monitoring
Order Conditions = Order Conditions OEV = Other Effluent Violation

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
411396 Settlement - Court Order SCV259592 10/24/2016 Active
403979 Admin Civil Liability R1-2015-0067 02/01/2016 Historical
395494 Admin Civil Liability R1-2014-0024 03/03/2015 Historical
381570 Time Schedule Order R1-2011-0103 11/04/2011 Active
374369 Admin Civil Liability R1-2010-0075 10/28/2010 Historical
374472 Notice of Violation null 02/22/2010 Historical
374473 13267 Letter R1-2010-0027 02/22/2010 Historical
327242 Admin Civil Liability R1-2007-0038 06/14/2007 Historical
321121 Admin Civil Liability R1-2007-0012 02/01/2007 Superceded
253390 Admin Civil Liability R1-2004-0083 09/13/2004 Historical
241889 Admin Civil Liability R1-2002-0053 05/02/2002 Historical
241694 Admin Civil Liability R1-2002-0049 04/30/2002 Historical
241639 Admin Civil Liability R1-2000-0086 10/27/2000 Historical
226685 Admin Civil Liability R1-2000-0063-B 09/08/2000 Historical
227136 Staff Enforcement Letter 11/02/1999 Historical
223948 Admin Civil Liability R1-1998-0055 05/28/1998 Historical
225443 Cease and Desist Order R1-1998-0036 03/26/1998 Active
220604 Admin Civil Liability 96-061 08/22/1996 Historical
220799 Cease and Desist Order 96-031 05/23/1996 Active
220222 Cease and Desist Order 95-038 05/25/1995 Active
223847 Cease and Desist Order 93-103 10/27/1993 Active
223933 Admin Civil Liability 93-084 08/25/1993 Historical
224232 Cease and Desist Order 92-147 12/10/1992 Active
219307 Cease and Desist Order 87-070 05/28/1987 Active
219428 Cease and Desist Order 86-163 08/28/1986 Historical
219427 Admin Civil Liability 86-144 06/27/1986 Historical
219429 Cease and Desist Order 85-160 10/23/1985 Historical
224296 Cease and Desist Order 85-080 05/02/1985 Historical
224297 Formal Refer to Attorney Gen 85-002 03/06/1985 Historical
224298 Cease and Desist Order R1-1985-0035 03/06/1985 Historical
224295 Clean-up and Abatement Order 85-021 02/14/1985 Active
Total Enf Actions: 31

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
51573876 B Type compliance inspection Matt Graves (Multiple) 11/14/2022 Y 0 Download
45962530 Miscellaneous inspection Brian Bernados (Multiple) 08/10/2021 N 0 Download
41420504 Miscellaneous inspection Cathleen A. Goodwin 10/07/2019 N 0 [Attachments]
36455061 Prerequirement inspection Audrey Signorelli (Multiple) 09/27/2018 N 0 Download
36455057 B Type compliance inspection Cathleen A. Goodwin (Multiple) 07/31/2018 N 0 [Attachments]
33017968 B Type compliance inspection Cathleen A. Goodwin (Multiple) 06/13/2018 N 0 [Attachments]
44791914 B Type compliance inspection Cathleen A. Goodwin (Multiple) 09/27/2017 N 0 Download
28827071 B Type compliance inspection Cathleen A. Goodwin (Multiple) 05/09/2017 N 0 Download
20996050 B Type compliance inspection Lisa Bernard 06/17/2015 N 0 Download
16727751 B Type compliance inspection Charles E. Reed 06/25/2014 N 0 N/A
8547712 B Type compliance inspection Kason Grady 01/31/2012 N 0 Download
4849632 Preatment Audit EPA Contractor 04/05/2011 N 0 [Attachments]
3118634 B Type compliance inspection Kason Grady 10/13/2010 N 1 [Attachments]
2379699 B Type compliance inspection Kason Grady 06/10/2010 Y 0 [Attachments]
1519044 B Type compliance inspection Charles E. Reed (Multiple) 11/05/2008 N 0 N/A
1514178 Miscellaneous inspection Charles E. Reed 05/23/2008 Y 0 N/A
1514179 Miscellaneous inspection Charles E. Reed 03/09/2007 Y 0 N/A
1514233 Miscellaneous inspection Charles E. Reed 03/17/2006 Y 0 N/A
336429 B Type compliance inspection Paul Keiran 10/18/2004 Y 0 N/A
1514180 B Type compliance inspection Charles E. Reed 07/06/2004 Y 0 N/A
334842 A Type compliance inspection Paul Keiran 06/28/2004 Y 0 N/A
331622 Prerequirement inspection Paul Keiran 06/13/2003 Y 0 N/A
307011 B Type compliance inspection Paul Keiran 05/17/2002 Y 0 N/A
307010 B Type compliance inspection Paul Keiran 02/09/2001 Y 0 N/A
307009 B Type compliance inspection Paul Keiran 01/31/2001 Y 0 N/A
307018 B Type compliance inspection Paul Keiran 06/10/2000 Y 0 N/A
306989 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/08/1999 Y 0 N/A
306980 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 05/21/1999 Y 0 N/A
306986 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 01/13/1999 Y 0 N/A
306981 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/03/1998 Y 0 N/A
306984 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 04/15/1998 Y 0 N/A
306990 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 03/12/1998 Y 0 N/A
306977 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 10/21/1997 Y 0 N/A
306978 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 10/10/1997 Y 0 N/A
306988 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/02/1997 Y 0 N/A
306979 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 03/28/1997 Y 0 N/A
306987 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 03/21/1997 Y 0 N/A
306985 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 10/23/1996 Y 0 N/A
306963 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/27/1996 Y 0 N/A
306964 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/04/1996 Y 0 N/A
306973 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 05/02/1996 Y 0 N/A
307012 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 01/23/1996 Y 0 N/A
307013 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 12/13/1995 Y 0 N/A
307016 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 12/06/1995 Y 0 N/A
307014 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 11/28/1995 Y 0 N/A
307015 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 11/03/1995 Y 0 N/A
307017 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 09/06/1995 Y 0 N/A
306992 A Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 05/17/1995 Y 0 N/A
307000 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 03/10/1995 Y 0 N/A
306999 Prerequirement inspection Tuck Vath 02/10/1995 Y 0 N/A
306998 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 01/10/1995 Y 0 N/A
306997 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 11/29/1994 Y 0 N/A
306996 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 10/28/1994 Y 0 N/A
306995 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 09/28/1994 Y 0 N/A
306993 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 09/06/1994 Y 0 N/A
306994 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 08/24/1994 Y 0 N/A
307001 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 07/26/1994 Y 0 N/A
307002 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 07/15/1994 Y 0 N/A
307004 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/24/1994 Y 0 N/A
307003 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/21/1994 Y 0 N/A
307008 Complaint inspection Tuck Vath 06/06/1994 Y 0 N/A
306968 A Type compliance inspection Dave Snetsinger 05/04/1994 Y 0 N/A
307007 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 02/04/1994 Y 0 N/A
307005 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 12/28/1993 Y 0 N/A
307006 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 11/23/1993 Y 0 N/A
306975 Complaint inspection Tuck Vath 10/22/1993 Y 0 N/A
306991 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 10/05/1993 Y 0 N/A
306976 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 08/10/1993 Y 0 N/A
306983 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/29/1993 Y 0 N/A
306982 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/11/1993 Y 0 N/A
306974 A Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 05/05/1993 Y 0 N/A
306965 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 11/23/1992 Y 0 N/A
306972 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 10/23/1992 Y 0 N/A
306966 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 10/05/1992 Y 0 N/A
306971 A Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 07/21/1992 Y 0 N/A
306970 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 07/09/1992 Y 0 N/A
306969 B Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 06/03/1992 Y 0 N/A
306967 A Type compliance inspection Tuck Vath 02/24/1992 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 78 Last Inspection: 11/14/2022
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/26/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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