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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
148702 Santa Rosa City Dept of Public Works City Agency 69 Stony Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95401 707-543-3800 None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
896548 Hearn Avenue Community Hub Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/17/2024 None
896318 Llano Road Trunk Rehabilitation Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/04/2024 None
896028 Fulton Road Sewer Main Improvements, W 3rd to Santa Rosa Creek Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/13/2024 None
893242 Robles Sewer Trunk Lining from West of Arlington Avenue to East of Sunland Avenu Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/01/2024 None
892169 Teasdale Lane Emergency Storm Drain Replacement Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/18/2024 None
889816 Twin Vista Levee Emergency Repair Project Sonoma 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/08/2023 None
881977 Laguna Treatment Plant Flood Protection Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 06/28/2022 None
878618 Geysers-Delta Pond Connection/Diffuser Improvements Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/05/2022 None
862081 Leland Street Outfall Replacement & Bank Repair Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 10/14/2019 None
856945 Santa Rosa City North Trunk Sewer Replacement Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 03/14/2019 None
827322 Santa Rosa City Lower Colgan Creek Restoration Project Phase 2 Sonoma 1 Habitat Restoration Area Owner and Operator 08/17/2016 None
815161 Santa Rosa City Biosolids - Alpha Farm Sonoma 1 Wastewater Treatment Facility None None None
790428 Chanate Road Pedestrian Pathway Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 01/17/2013 None
778649 Santa Rosa City - Mun Separate Storm Sewer, MS4 Sonoma 1 MS4 Owner and Operator 03/14/2012 None
766596 Santa Rosa Laguna Treatment Plant Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 05/17/2011 None
761183 Santa Rosa City Oakmont Trunk Sewer Relocation Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 01/07/2011 None
759768 Santa Rosa City Hydrogeologic Investigation at 5 Locations Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 12/23/2010 None
758270 Santa Rosa Reclaimed Wastewater Irrigation System Sonoma 1 Recycled Water Use Area Owner and Operator 11/23/2011 None
751787 Santa Rosa City Lornadell Creek Sediment Maintenance Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/01/2011 None
751787 Santa Rosa City Lornadell Creek Sediment Maintenance Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Operator 04/20/2010 None
744607 Santa Rosa City Delta Pond Diffuser - Discharge Outfall Replacement Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site None None None
744246 Calistoga Road at Badger Road Turn Lane Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Responsibility For 09/01/2009 None
734475 North Village Test Well Sonoma 1 Development Site, NEC Owner and Operator 03/02/2009 None
731806 Brookwood Avenue Bridge Repair - Matanzas Creek Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Responsibility For 01/13/2009 None
728982 Talbot-Montgomery Water, Sewer and Storm Drain Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Responsibility For 11/05/2008 None
728640 Doyle Park Pedestrian Bridge Repair Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Responsibility For 10/28/2008 None
727594 Dennis Lane Storm Drain Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Responsibility For 10/07/2008 None
722688 Yerba Buena Storm Damage Repair Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site None None None
721677 Boyd Street/Earle Street Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Operator 03/02/2006 None
645200 Santa Rosa, City of, Geysers Recharge Project 2001 Phase Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/16/2001 None
272075 West College Utilities Facilities Yard Phase 1 Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/01/2004 None
272031 Santa Rosa City West Avenue Improvements Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/11/2002 None
259376 Summerfield Road Median Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/07/2004 None
256177 Santa Rosa City DPW Sebastopol Road Widening Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/02/2003 None
256062 Santa Rosa Area MS4 Phase 1 Permit Sonoma 1 MS4 Owner 10/01/1996 None
255703 Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility Sonoma 1 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 01/29/1999 None
255697 Santa Rosa City Oakmont Plant Sonoma 1 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 12/07/1978 None
252727 Rincon Valley Community Park Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/17/2005 None
251480 Railroad Square Storm Drain Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/15/2002 None
249208 Prince Trail Memorial Greenway Sonoma 1 Groundwater Cleanup Site Owner 02/25/1998 None
248383 Pierson Connector Ramp Project Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/23/2004 None
236382 Lance Drive Pedestrian Pathway Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/07/2004 None
236244 Lake Ralphine Boathouse Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/15/2002 None
234668 Santa Rosa City DPW Kawana Springs 2003 Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/18/2003 None
227111 Geysers Recharge Project 2002 Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/15/2002 None
209168 Bellevue Avenue Widening & Rehab Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/23/2002 None
Total Related Places: 46
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
646697 Daniel Hennessey Person Employee 08/13/2024 None None
646697 Daniel Hennessey Person Legally Responsible Official 09/04/2024 None None
643608 James Jensen Person Legally Responsible Official 02/01/2024 None None
630160 Andrew Allen Person Employee 01/05/2022 None None
630160 Andrew Allen Person Legally Responsible Official 01/04/2022 None None
627216 Chris Catbagan Person Employee 08/30/2021 None None
618604 Jason Nutt Person Employee 10/09/2020 None None
603473 Lori Urbanek Person Legally Responsible Official 10/14/2019 None None
596416 Melissa Jones Person Data Submitter 04/03/2019 None None
583681 Heather Johnson Person Data Submitter 03/25/2021 None None
583681 Heather Johnson Person Data Submitter 08/29/2018 None None
583681 Heather Johnson Person Legally Responsible Official 11/07/2018 None None
558743 Linda Reed Person Legally Responsible Official 08/17/2016 None None
554456 Hazem Gabr Person Legally Responsible Official 02/01/2024 None None
553789 North Coast Region MS4 Phase 1 Organization In an Agreement With (Passive) 11/25/2015 None Government Agency Combination
547720 Judy Wells Person Data Submitter 07/22/2014 None None
545597 Rakesh Patel Person Legally Responsible Official 08/13/2024 None None
539367 Sean McNeil Person Employee 08/17/2016 06/06/2019 None
539367 Sean McNeil Person Legally Responsible Official 06/06/2019 None None
539366 Tanya Mokvyts Person Employee 03/14/2019 None None
538920 Jennifer Burke Person Employee 03/25/2013 None None
538920 Jennifer Burke Person Legally Responsible Official 07/18/2019 None None
538260 Colleen Brackett Person Data Submitter 01/14/2013 None None
538018 David Guhin Person Legally Responsible Official 03/25/2013 08/24/2016 None
532297 Santa Rosa Area MS4 Phase 1 Organization In an Agreement With 03/14/2012 None Government Agency Combination
527267 Robert Wilson Person Data Submitter 11/23/2020 None None
527076 Cynthia Kaul Person Legally Responsible Official 05/26/2011 None None
525570 Norman Amidon Person Employee 01/13/2011 None None
523045 Miles Ferris Person Legally Responsible Official 06/16/2010 12/13/2012 None
523008 Cynthia Larkin Person Data Submitter 06/15/2010 None None
523006 Shirlee Johnson Person Data Submitter 06/15/2010 01/23/2018 None
523005 Matthew McGarey Person Data Submitter 06/15/2010 None None
522105 Steve Kroeck Person Employee 04/20/2010 None None
520864 Steve Dittmer Person Employee 01/20/2010 None None
518742 Clay Thistle Person Employee 09/01/2009 None None
490705 Scott Reynolds Person Employee 11/05/2008 None None
490011 Greg Dwyer Person Employee 10/28/2008 None None
488040 Rita Miller Person Legally Responsible Official 10/07/2008 03/01/2019 None
400033 Randy Piazza Person Employee 05/02/2006 None None
376718 Miles Ferris Person Legally Responsible Official 03/22/1996 12/13/2012 None
376718 Miles Ferris Person Enforcement Contact 05/02/2002 12/13/2012 None
364392 Lynn Small Person Legally Responsible Official 06/15/2010 12/13/2012 None
364392 Lynn Small Person Employee 03/07/2006 12/13/2012 None
201726 Dennis Daly Person Employee 03/02/2006 None None
144968 Dave Robertson Person Employee 11/10/2004 None None
144179 Richard Moshier Person Employee 05/14/2004 None None
141757 Edwin Brauner Person Employee 10/21/1992 None None
140280 Dave Montague Person Employee 09/26/2001 None None
129617 Steve Brady Person Employee 03/22/1996 None None
118447 Mike Prinz Person Legally Responsible Official 06/28/2022 None None
118447 Mike Prinz Person Employee 03/22/1996 None None
118447 Mike Prinz Person Employee 09/14/2009 None None
59555 Dan Carlson Person Employee 11/15/1994 None None
Total Related Parties: 53
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
455714 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB24012N Active CERFILLEXC 2020-0039- EXEC 02/14/2024 None Discharger 02/01/2024 None N
455559 Enrollee - WDR 1 1B24004WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC 2023-0058-DWQ 02/15/2024 03/28/2024 Discharger 01/18/2024 None N
446209 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B22001WNSO Active CERFILLEXC R1-2022-0031 07/11/2022 None Discharger 01/05/2022 None N
441240 Individual Monitoring Requirem 1 1B20110RSON Active WDRMUNIENROTH R1-2020-0029 09/29/2020 None Discharger 06/19/2020 None Y
440253 Co-Permitee SB 1B83099OSON Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 None Discharger 09/18/2020 None N
438767 Enrollee - WDR 1 1B20110RSON Active WDRMUNIENROTH 2016-0068-DDW 09/29/2020 None Discharger 06/19/2020 None N
434859 Enrollee - WDR 1 1B190183WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC 2004-0004-DWQ 10/14/2019 11/15/2019 Discharger 10/14/2019 None N
429402 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B180176WNSO Active CERFILLEXC R1-2022-0031 04/16/2019 None Discharger 03/14/2019 None N
427520 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Active NPDMUNILRG R1-2020-0012 10/01/2020 None Discharger 03/01/2000 None Y
408349 401 Certification 1 1B161072WNSO Active CERREST None 01/22/2021 None Discharger 08/17/2016 None N
388811 Enrollee - 401 Certification 1 1B13008WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC 2004-0004-DWQ 04/12/2013 04/12/2018 Discharger 01/17/2013 None N
378138 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDMUNILRG R1-2013-0001 02/01/2014 09/30/2020 Discharger 03/01/2000 None N
377195 401 Certification 1 1B11003WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 04/18/2011 04/16/2016 Discharger 01/07/2011 None N
373817 401 Certification 1 1B10035WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 12/20/2010 12/20/2015 Discharger 04/20/2010 None N
371135 401 Certification 1 1B09108WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 04/08/2010 04/08/2015 Discharger 09/14/2009 None N
370729 401 Certification 1 1B09104WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 04/01/2010 04/01/2015 Discharger 09/01/2009 None N
361916 Enrollee 1 1B09018NSON Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R1-2009-0045 04/02/2009 01/27/2010 Discharger 03/02/2009 None N
354859 Waiver 1 1B08066WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 10/29/2008 10/29/2013 Discharger 11/05/2008 None N
354515 401 Certification 1 1B08153WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 06/08/2009 06/08/2014 Discharger 10/28/2008 None N
353382 401 Certification 1 1B08145WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 05/27/2009 05/27/2014 Discharger 10/07/2008 None N
349917 Resolution 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDESWW R1-2008-0061 07/24/2008 07/24/2008 Discharger 07/24/2008 None Y
332501 Enrollee - WDR 1 1B06065RSON Active WDRMUNIENROTH 2004-0012-DWQ 06/06/2007 None Discharger 05/02/2006 None N
318576 401 Certification 1 1B01041WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 08/31/2001 01/08/2007 Discharger 05/16/2001 None N
315598 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDMUNILRG R1-2006-0045 11/09/2006 01/31/2014 Discharger 03/01/2000 None Y
261195 Letter 1 1B96074SSON Historical MNSTW1 050604 05/06/2004 05/06/2009 Discharger 05/06/2004 None N
261094 Letter 1 None Historical NPDESWW 112103 11/21/2003 11/22/2003 Discharger 11/21/2003 None N
261025 Letter 1 1B98010RSON Historical WDR 050703 05/07/2003 05/08/2003 Discharger 05/07/2003 None N
261008 Letter 1 1B96074SSON Historical MNSTW1 001 03/06/2003 03/06/2003 Discharger 03/06/2003 None N
260624 Letter 1 None Historical NPDESWW 001 04/27/2001 04/28/2001 Discharger 04/27/2001 None N
179948 Co-Permitee 1 1B96074SSON Historical MNSTW1 R1-2009-0050 10/01/2009 01/05/2016 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
179921 Enrollee 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R1-1993-0061 10/18/2000 10/18/2001 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
173283 401 Certification 1 1B04069WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 08/30/2004 08/30/2009 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
172598 401 Certification 1 1B02134WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 06/05/2003 06/05/2008 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
172522 401 Certification 1 1B02131WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 01/20/2003 01/20/2008 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
171625 401 Certification 1 1B02082WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None None None Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
171013 401 Certification 1 1B03054WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 03/19/2003 03/19/2008 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
170389 401 Certification 1 1B02042WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 07/26/2002 07/26/2007 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
170325 401 Certification 1 1B02008WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 11/10/2003 11/10/2008 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
154138 401 Certification 1 1B05062WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 01/09/2007 None Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
152727 401 Certification 1 1B04170WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 06/23/2005 06/23/2005 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
150839 401 Certification 1 1B05020WNSO Historical CERFILLEXC None 07/18/2005 07/18/2010 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
147208 WDR 1 1B98010RSON Active SLIC R1-2000-0005 01/27/2000 None Discharger 01/27/2000 None N
139287 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDMUNILRG 98-084 08/26/1998 01/01/2000 Discharger 08/26/1998 None N
139284 WDR 1 1B98010RSON Historical WDR 98-052 05/27/1998 01/27/2000 Discharger 05/27/1998 None N
138623 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDMUNILRG 90-079 08/16/1990 06/22/1995 Discharger 08/16/1990 None N
138061 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDMUNILRG 95-018 06/22/1995 08/26/1998 Discharger 06/22/1995 None N
137649 WDR 1 1B78209OSON Active WDRMUNILRG 88-052 04/28/1988 None Discharger 04/28/1988 None N
137358 WDR 1 1B78209OSON Historical WDRMUNILRG 78-209 12/07/1978 04/28/1988 Discharger 12/07/1978 None N
137168 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDMUNILRG 86-190 12/04/1986 08/16/1990 Discharger 12/04/1986 None N
137043 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDMUNILRG 83-099 09/22/1983 12/04/1986 Discharger 09/22/1983 None N
131727 NPDES Permit 1 1B83099OSON Historical NPDMUNILRG R1-2000-0003 03/01/2000 11/09/2006 Discharger 03/01/2000 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 51
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1139508 12/14/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 0 mJ/cm Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1139507 12/30/2024 Order Conditions On December 30, 2024, while performing routing maintenance on UV channel 2, bank Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1137894 11/23/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 61.2 mJ Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1137893 11/22/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 60.6 mJ Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1137892 11/21/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 82.2 mJ Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1137891 11/24/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 69.9 mJ Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1137890 11/16/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 95.1 mJ Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1137889 11/14/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 0 mJ/cm Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1136782 10/23/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 82.6 mJ Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1136781 10/09/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 68.1 mJ Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
1130094 06/17/2024 CAT1 UV Dose Instantaneous Minimum limit is 100 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 80 mJ/c Violation N eSMR Santa Rosa Laguna Subregional Water Reclamation Facility 427520 R1-2020-0012 N
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 11
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
412000 Notice of Violation None NOV 02/22/2017 for Santa Rosa City Dept of Public Works MNSTW1 02/22/2017 Active
411396 Settlement - Court Order SCV259592 Court Settlement SCV259592 for Santa Rosa City Dept of Public Works NPDMUNILRG 10/24/2016 Active
403979 Admin Civil Liability R1-2015-0067 ACL R1-2015-0067 for Santa Rosa City Dept of Public Works NPDMUNILRG 02/01/2016 Historical
395494 Admin Civil Liability R1-2014-0024 ACL R1-2014-0024 for Santa Rosa City Dept of Public Works NPDMUNILRG 03/03/2015 Historical
385457 Admin Civil Liability R1-2012-0056 ACL R1-2012-0056 for Santa Rosa City Dept of Public Works CERFILLEXC 05/03/2012 Historical
381570 Time Schedule Order R1-2011-0103 TSO R1-2011-0103 for Santa Rosa Reclaimed Wastewater Irrigation System NPDMUNILRG 11/04/2011 Active
374473 13267 Letter R1-2010-0027 13267(b) Order for Santa Rosa WWTP, Laguna 1B83099OSON NPDMUNILRG 02/22/2010 Historical
374472 Notice of Violation None Enforcement - NOV for 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 02/22/2010 Historical
374369 Admin Civil Liability R1-2010-0075 ACL for SRDPW Laguna WWTP 1B83099OSON & 1SSO10070 NPDMUNILRG 10/28/2010 Historical
365360 Admin Civil Liability R1-2011-0005 ACL for Santa Rosa City Oakmont Plant WDRMUNILRG 01/27/2011 Historical
327242 Admin Civil Liability R1-2007-0038 Enforcement - ACL Order for Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 06/14/2007 Historical
321121 Admin Civil Liability R1-2007-0012 Enforcement - ACL Complaint for Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 02/01/2007 Superceded
318578 Admin Civil Liability R1-2006-0115 ACL Complaint 06-115 for 1B01041WNSO Santa Rosa, Geysers Recharge Project CERFILLEXC 12/11/2006 Historical
254595 Notice to Comply None Enforcement - 1B96074SSON Santa Rosa Area MS4 Phase 1 MNSTW1 11/10/2004 Historical
253390 Admin Civil Liability R1-2004-0083 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDESWW 09/13/2004 Historical
252340 Clean-up and Abatement Order R1-2004-0043 Enforcement - 1B04057CNSO SRDPW, Third Street SLIC 05/14/2004 Active
247926 Staff Enforcement Letter None Enforcement - 1B1SR343NUG Santa Rosa Fire Station No. 6 UST 05/28/2002 Historical
247925 Oral Communication None Enforcement - 1B1SR343NUG Santa Rosa Fire Station No. 6 UST 09/26/2001 Historical
242756 Staff Enforcement Letter None Enforcement - 1B1SR398NUG Santa Rosa Fire Station No. 5 UST 04/19/2002 Historical
241889 Admin Civil Liability R1-2002-0053 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDESWW 05/02/2002 Historical
241694 Admin Civil Liability R1-2002-0049 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDESWW 04/30/2002 Historical
241639 Admin Civil Liability R1-2000-0086 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 10/27/2000 Historical
241508 Staff Enforcement Letter None Enforcement - 1B1SR388NUG Santa Rosa Vacant Lot College Avenue UST 12/19/2001 Historical
241507 Oral Communication None Enforcement - 1B1SR388NUG Santa Rosa Vacant Lot College Avenue UST 10/18/2002 Historical
237977 Oral Communication None Enforcement - 1B98010RSON Prince Trail Memorial Greenway WDR 09/21/2001 Historical
236755 Notice to Comply None Enforcement - 1B96074SSON Santa Rosa Area MS4 Phase 1 MNSTW1 02/13/2001 Historical
227136 Staff Enforcement Letter None Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 11/02/1999 Historical
226685 Admin Civil Liability R1-2000-0063-B Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 09/08/2000 Historical
225443 Cease and Desist Order R1-1998-0036 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 03/26/1998 Active
224298 Cease and Desist Order R1-1985-0035 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 03/06/1985 Historical
224297 Formal Refer to Attorney Gen 85-002 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa Reclaimed Wastewater Irrigation System NPDMUNILRG 03/06/1985 Historical
224296 Cease and Desist Order 85-080 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 05/02/1985 Historical
224295 Clean-up and Abatement Order 85-021 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 02/14/1985 Active
224232 Cease and Desist Order 92-147 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 12/10/1992 Active
223948 Admin Civil Liability R1-1998-0055 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 05/28/1998 Historical
223933 Admin Civil Liability 93-084 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 08/25/1993 Historical
223847 Cease and Desist Order 93-103 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 10/27/1993 Active
220799 Cease and Desist Order 96-031 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 05/23/1996 Active
220604 Admin Civil Liability 96-061 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 08/22/1996 Historical
220222 Cease and Desist Order 95-038 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 05/25/1995 Active
219429 Cease and Desist Order 85-160 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 10/23/1985 Historical
219428 Cease and Desist Order 86-163 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 08/28/1986 Historical
219427 Admin Civil Liability 86-144 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 06/27/1986 Historical
219307 Cease and Desist Order 87-070 Enforcement - 1B83099OSON Santa Rosa City WWTP, Laguna NPDMUNILRG 05/28/1987 Active
Total Enforcement Actions: 44
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
446209 Steve Brady Enrollee - Waiver CERFILLEXC 07/11/2022 Active
440780 Jason Nutt 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 11/04/2021 Active
434859 Steve Brady Enrollee - WDR CERFILLEXC 10/14/2019 Historical
429402 Tanya Mokvyts Enrollee - Waiver CERFILLEXC 04/16/2019 Active
429378 Chris Catbagan 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 12/11/2019 Active
427520 Jennifer Burke NPDES Permit NPDMUNILRG 10/01/2020 Active
427520 Jennifer Burke NPDES Permit NPDMUNILRG 10/01/2020 Active
427520 Sean McNeil NPDES Permit NPDMUNILRG 10/01/2020 Active
401251 Sean McNeil 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 08/04/2015 Historical
396348 Steve Brady Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 07/29/2014 Active
394003 Sean McNeil 401 Certification CERREST 03/21/2014 Historical
394003 Richard Moshier 401 Certification CERREST 03/21/2014 Historical
393895 Clay Thistle 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 06/09/2015 Active
389733 Sean McNeil Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 06/18/2013 Historical
389733 Tanya Mokvyts Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 06/18/2013 Historical
388811 Steve Dittmer Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 04/12/2013 Historical
388811 Steve Brady Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 04/12/2013 Historical
378138 Jennifer Burke NPDES Permit NPDMUNILRG 02/01/2014 Historical
378138 Jennifer Burke NPDES Permit NPDMUNILRG 02/01/2014 Historical
377195 Norman Amidon 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 04/18/2011 Historical
371785 Santa Rosa Area MS4 Phase 1 NPDES Permit MNSTW1 10/01/2009 Historical
371135 Mike Prinz 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 04/08/2010 Historical
371135 Mike Prinz 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 04/08/2010 Historical
371135 Mike Prinz 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 04/08/2010 Historical
370729 Clay Thistle 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 04/01/2010 Historical
361916 Mike Prinz Enrollee NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/02/2009 Historical
361916 Mike Prinz Enrollee NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/02/2009 Historical
361916 Mike Prinz Enrollee NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/02/2009 Historical
354859 Scott Reynolds Waiver CERFILLEXC 10/29/2008 Historical
354515 Greg Dwyer 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 06/08/2009 Historical
318576 Dan Carlson 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 08/31/2001 Historical
150839 Steve Brady 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 07/18/2005 Historical
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 32
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/18/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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