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Interactive Sanitary Sewer System Spill Report

A spill is a discharge of sewage from any portion of a sanitary sewer system due to a sanitary sewer system overflow, operational failure, and/or infrastructure failure. Sewage spills pollute surface and ground waters, threaten public health, beneficial uses of waters of the State, and the environment.

An Enrollee regulated under the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems (Order 2022-0103-DWQ), is defined as a public, private, or other non-governmental entity that has obtained approval for regulatory coverage, including:

• A state agency, municipality, special district, or other public entity that owns and/or operates one or more sanitary sewer systems:

  • greater than one (1) mile in length (each individual sanitary sewer system);
  • one (1) mile or less in length where the State Water Board or a Regional Water Board requires regulatory coverage under this Order; or

• A federal agency, private company, or other non-governmental entity that owns and/or operates a sanitary sewer system of any size where the State Water Board or a Regional Water Board requires regulatory coverage under this Order in response to a history of spills, proximity to surface water, or other factors supporting regulatory coverage.

Enrollees are required to report all spills from their sanitary sewer system into the State Water Resources Control Board’s online California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) database. Only a Legally Responsible Official, on an Enrollee’s behalf, can certify required reporting information associated with the sanitary sewer system in the CIWQS database.

Enrollees may voluntarily report sewage discharges from privately-owned laterals or private sanitary sewer systems, for which the Enrollee has knowledge of the event but is not responsible for reporting. Private spills that are reported by the Enrollee are not associated with the Enrollee’s system.

Please visit the Sanitary Sewer Systems General Order Program website for additional information: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/sso/

The Interactive Sanitary Sewer System Spill Report allows users to view information of spills reported by enrollees. Note that it does not include Category 4 spills or spills from Enrollee owned/operated laterals.

Use the below link to access the form:


The current report was generated with data entered by Enrollees on the previous day.
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