Violation ID |
Occurrence Date |
Violation Type |
Violation Description(+) |
Violation Status |
Priority |
Source |
Facility Name |
Violated Reg. Meas. ID |
Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. |
Linked to Enf. |
1139188 |
06/18/2024 |
Order Conditions |
The Dairy was utilizing low spots and manure drying are as solid separating basi |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Lakeside Dairy |
441176 |
R5-2010-0130 |
Y |
1139187 |
06/18/2024 |
Deficient Reporting |
An insufficient Nutrient Management Plan was produced during the inspection proc |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Lakeside Dairy |
441176 |
R5-2010-0130 |
Y |
1139186 |
06/18/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Irrigation wells had insufficient backflow prevention in the form of an air gap, |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Lakeside Dairy |
441176 |
R5-2010-0130 |
Y |
1139175 |
12/17/2024 |
Order Conditions |
I observed excessive vegetation in the wastewater storage pond, in violation of |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Joe Soares |
422750 |
R5-2017-0058 |
Y |
1137422 |
07/18/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed in the center wastewater pond in violation of |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Clark Feedlot |
423168 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1137421 |
07/18/2024 |
Deficient Reporting |
Failure to provide monthly photographs for all wastewater ponds as required by T |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Jersey Creek Dairy |
335483 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1137416 |
07/18/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Irrigation well 6 had insufficient backflow prevention in the form of an air gap |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Jersey Creek Dairy |
335483 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1137013 |
09/25/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed on the north end of Wastewater Pond 2 in viola |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Neves Dairy |
335426 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1136909 |
02/02/2023 |
Deficient Reporting |
Missing Domestic well samples from the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Annual Reports |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Sierra Blanca Ranch #2 |
335489 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1136908 |
02/02/2023 |
Order Conditions |
I observed ponding in the Production Area more than 72 hours after a precipitati |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Sierra Blanca Ranch #2 |
335489 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1136905 |
01/30/2023 |
Order Conditions |
I observed excessive vegetation in the northwest wastewater storage pond, in vio |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Contente & Company Dairy |
335421 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1136048 |
05/18/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
Failure to either furnish individual groundwater monitoring results and summary |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Fagundes Agribusiness Dairy |
335427 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1136046 |
02/15/2023 |
Order Conditions |
I observed ponding in the Production Area more than 72 hours after a precipitati |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Double A Feeders |
342119 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1136045 |
06/18/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Wastewater ponds had erosional features in violation of Standard Provisions B.17 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Diamond D LLC Dairy |
341537 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1136044 |
06/18/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Irrigation well D-5 had insufficient backflow prevention in the form of an air g |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Diamond D LLC Dairy |
341537 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1130021 |
07/29/2024 |
Deficient Reporting |
Missing an Irrigation Well sample for Ag Well 1 in the 2018 Annual Report in vio |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Flatland Farms, LLC |
335428 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1129315 |
01/19/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Staff visited the facility in response to a complaint email from the Santa Rosa |
Violation |
None |
Complaint |
J and A Dairy, LLC |
342143 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1125682 |
10/19/2023 |
Late Report |
Failure to submit a new Report of Waste Discharge (RWD) for the expansion of the |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Georgenson Dairy |
340884 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1125681 |
10/19/2023 |
Late Report |
Failure to submit a revised Flood Study as requested in 19 June 2018 Inspection |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Georgenson Dairy |
340884 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1125680 |
10/19/2023 |
Failure to Notify |
A Priority Reporting of Significant Events (PROSE) notification of noncompliance |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Georgenson Dairy |
340884 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1125679 |
10/19/2023 |
Order Conditions |
Manure and wastewater appear to have been applied within a declared land applica |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Georgenson Dairy |
340884 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1116979 |
08/23/2021 |
Order Conditions |
On 23 August 2021, I observed excessive vegetation in the north wastewater stora |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Manuel & Alda Lawrence Dairy |
335495 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1116978 |
08/23/2021 |
Deficient Reporting |
Regarding the manure application above, the Discharger has not submitted a Prior |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Manuel & Alda Lawrence Dairy |
335495 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1116977 |
08/23/2021 |
Deficient Reporting |
Related to the carcass composting, the Discharger has not submitted a Priority R |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Manuel & Alda Lawrence Dairy |
335495 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1116976 |
08/23/2021 |
Order Conditions |
On 23 August 2021, I observed carcasses being composted at the south end of Fiel |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Manuel & Alda Lawrence Dairy |
335495 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1116975 |
08/23/2021 |
Deficient Reporting |
On 23 August 2021, I observed that the Dairy has expanded its production area fo |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Manuel & Alda Lawrence Dairy |
335495 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1116974 |
08/23/2021 |
Order Conditions |
On 23 August 2021, I observed manure applied in a declared land application area |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Manuel & Alda Lawrence Dairy |
335495 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1116972 |
08/23/2021 |
Deficient Reporting |
The 2019 and 2020 Annual Reports indicate that the Dairy has expanded its herd s |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Manuel & Alda Lawrence Dairy |
335495 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1116970 |
08/23/2021 |
Deficient Reporting |
The Discharger has reportedly falsified its herd size in annual reports for 2018 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Manuel & Alda Lawrence Dairy |
335495 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1111714 |
01/03/2023 |
Order Conditions |
Waste applications to crops indicated by the 2017 Annual Report have resulted in |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
F&S Brasil Dairy |
164903 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1111713 |
01/03/2023 |
Order Conditions |
Standing water observed in the southern portion of the corrals is a violation of |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
F&S Brasil Dairy |
164903 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1111711 |
01/03/2023 |
Deficient Reporting |
The 2020 Manure Manifests were incomplete, in violation of Attachment D of the B |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Sam Habib Cattle Co |
423166 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1111710 |
01/03/2023 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed in all wastewater ponds, in violation of Pond |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Sam Habib Cattle Co |
423166 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1111407 |
12/22/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation, an erosional feature, and an animal burrow were observed o |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Frank Vaz Dairy |
341545 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1111406 |
12/22/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Manure slurry runoff to the south end and west end of the production area does n |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Frank Vaz Dairy |
341545 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1111405 |
12/22/2022 |
Failure to Notify |
A Priority Reporting of Significant Events (PROSE) notification of noncompliance |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Frank Vaz Dairy |
341545 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1111404 |
12/22/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Manure and wastewater appear to have been applied within cropland south of the p |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Frank Vaz Dairy |
341545 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1111402 |
12/22/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Erosion of the south embankment of wastewater pond 5 was observed, in violation |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Lu - AR Dairy |
340787 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1111349 |
12/20/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed in the south solid settling basin, in violatio |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Antonio Garcia Dairy |
341302 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1111220 |
12/13/2022 |
Order Conditions |
An erosional feature was observed in the west side of the settling basin, in vio |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Joe V Pimentel Dairy |
335442 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1110839 |
12/01/2022 |
Order Conditions |
An erosional feature was observed on the northeast bank of the south wastewater |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Cowlifornia Dairy LLC |
341118 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1110838 |
12/01/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed on the northeast bank of the south wastewater |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Cowlifornia Dairy LLC |
341118 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1110643 |
11/29/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
Evidence that the Dairy was applying manure and wastewater to cropland at reason |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Philip Verwey Farms 4 Dairy |
366845 |
None |
N |
1110642 |
11/29/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
Evidence that the Dairy was applying manure and wastewater at reasonable rates a |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Top Line Dairy #1 |
367068 |
None |
N |
1110640 |
11/29/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
Failure to submit certification that a Nutrient Management Plan has been impleme |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Robert Martins Cattle |
428597 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1110639 |
11/29/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Wastewater storage did not exist for the Feedlot, in violation of Pond Specifica |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Robert Martins Cattle |
428597 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1110638 |
11/29/2022 |
Late Report |
A Waste Management Plan has not been submitted, in violation of Required Reports |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Robert Martins Cattle |
428597 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1110637 |
11/29/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
There was no Nutrient Management Plan available for the Feedlot, in violation of |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Robert Martins Cattle |
428597 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1109119 |
10/11/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
Failure to submit a revised Flood Study as requested by the 20 February 2018 Ins |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
E. Mendes Dairy |
335466 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1109118 |
10/11/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
Failure to submit a revised Nutrient Budget as requested by the 20 February 2018 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
E. Mendes Dairy |
335466 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1109117 |
08/26/2022 |
Failure to Notify |
A Priority Reporting of Significant Events (PROSE) notification of noncompliance |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
E. Mendes Dairy |
335466 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1109116 |
08/26/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Manure and wastewater appear to have been applied within a declared cropland are |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
E. Mendes Dairy |
335466 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1109058 |
10/10/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
The 2021 Annual Report was not submitted, in violation of Reports and Requiremen |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Headquarters Ranch |
433671 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1108979 |
10/05/2022 |
Deficient Reporting |
Missing domestic well sample from 2020 Annual Report in violation of Table 4 of |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Headquarters Ranch |
433671 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1108978 |
10/05/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed around both wastewater storage features in vio |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Headquarters Ranch |
433671 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1108933 |
10/05/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Applications of wastewater were observed within 100 feet of a domestic water sup |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Alvaro Machado Dairy |
335445 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1108589 |
09/26/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed in several wastewater ponds in violation of Po |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Mattos Brothers Dairy |
335424 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1108382 |
04/19/2022 |
Failure to Notify |
A Priority Reporting of Significant Events (PROSE) report for the application of |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Sozinho Dairy #5 |
335498 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1108381 |
04/19/2022 |
Order Conditions |
An application of manure was observed west of the west wastewater pond onto a po |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Sozinho Dairy #5 |
335498 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1108380 |
04/19/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed in the southeast wastewater pond in violation |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Sozinho Dairy #5 |
335498 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1107991 |
04/28/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed in wastewater ponds 5 and 2, in violation of P |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
DeGroot Dairies-South |
341300 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1105542 |
06/20/2022 |
Order Conditions |
The Dairy has expanded beyond the maximum allowable herd size, in violation of P |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
The Dairy, Inc. |
342462 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1103332 |
04/07/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed in the wastewater pond adjacent to 16th Ave, i |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Mayar Feedlot |
335473 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1101820 |
09/29/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive Vegetation was observed around all three wastewater storage ponds, in |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Top Line Dairy #5 |
335504 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1100534 |
02/14/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive Vegetation was observed around all three wastewater storage ponds, in |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Tony Cox Family Dairy #3 |
335422 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1099127 |
09/14/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
Groundwater sample analysis results for House Dom Well are missing from the 2020 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
A&M Livestock |
423167 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1099083 |
09/14/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed around both wastewater ponds in violation of P |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
CD Ranch |
433673 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1096118 |
09/29/2021 |
Deficient Reporting |
A certification of completion of modifications made to meet storage capacity req |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Milk Flow Dairy |
342218 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1095879 |
09/29/2021 |
Deficient Reporting |
The Nutrient Budget designed for the Dairy is not accurate, as fields claimed fo |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Milk Flow Dairy |
342218 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1095878 |
09/29/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Goat remains were found being composted on the northeast side of the Dairy, in v |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Milk Flow Dairy |
342218 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1093008 |
04/28/2021 |
Order Conditions |
The 2019 Annual Report indicates that the Dairy had exceeded its maximum allowab |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
CSJ Dairy |
335474 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1093005 |
04/28/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Animal remains observed to be composting in the manure drying area represent ina |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
CSJ Dairy |
335474 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1093004 |
04/28/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Ponding was observed in the manure drying area on the north end of the corrals a |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
CSJ Dairy |
335474 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1091535 |
09/22/2020 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed around the wastewater settling basin, in viola |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Tony Cox Dairy #4 |
335439 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1090484 |
09/03/2020 |
Order Conditions |
The 2018 Annual Report appeared to have applied to removed ratios in excess of 1 |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Silva & Son Dairy |
327813 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1090360 |
09/28/2020 |
Order Conditions |
Excessive vegetation was observed in all wastewater storage ponds, in violation |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Cactus Ranch |
342197 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1090206 |
05/04/2020 |
Deficient Reporting |
Maps depicting potential freshwater discharge points were not labeled on the map |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Parreira & Gaspar Dairy |
335438 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1090205 |
05/04/2020 |
Order Conditions |
Ponding was observed just north of the solar field in the silage storage area, i |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Parreira & Gaspar Dairy |
335438 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1087913 |
03/09/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Corrals are built within the Kings County water way in violation of section 2256 |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Linda Cloves Bovine |
442730 |
None |
N |
1087909 |
03/09/2021 |
Order Conditions |
A portion of the corrals appear to be built within the Kings River stream channe |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Javier Moreno Bovine |
442729 |
None |
N |
1087908 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Bovine were observed entering a freshwater canal at the south end of the Product |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Jersey Avenue Feedlot |
436702 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1087885 |
03/24/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
Missing 2018 first quarter wastewater analysis in violation of the Monitoring an |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Sozinho Jerseys Dairy |
335432 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1087814 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Ponding was observed in the corrals with manure in violation section 22564 of Ti |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Thomas Dairy |
436355 |
None |
N |
1086694 |
02/05/2021 |
Deficient Reporting |
Failure to submit a Report of Waste Discharge as required by section 22560(b) of |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Thomas Dairy |
436355 |
None |
N |
1085812 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Robert Martins Cattle |
428597 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1085810 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Jason & Julie Starr |
423170 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1085757 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Laurel Avenue Feedlot (Dairy) |
335503 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1085756 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
J and A Dairy, LLC |
342143 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1085753 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Frank Vaz Dairy |
341545 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1085707 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Less than one foot of freeboard was observed at wastewater pond L1 (north pond), |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Georgenson Dairy |
340884 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1085706 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Georgenson Dairy |
340884 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1085701 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
E. Mendes Dairy |
335466 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1085700 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Eden-Vale Dairy |
340874 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1085633 |
02/05/2021 |
Order Conditions |
Standing wastewater in the corrals more than 72 hours after the last precipitati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
John & Natalie Toste |
422876 |
R5-2017-0058 |
N |
1085526 |
09/29/2020 |
Late Report |
Failure to submit an updated Waste Management Plan and a Statement of Completion |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Barreto & Silveira Dairy |
340890 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1085509 |
09/01/2020 |
Order Conditions |
Well 18s had an inadequate air gap as required by Attachment B of the Reissued G |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Still Water Ranch LLC |
340893 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1081463 |
11/13/2020 |
Deficient Reporting |
A discharger shall submit a closure plan a minimum of 90 days prior to terminati |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Vitor Borba Dairy |
342151 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1080973 |
07/02/2020 |
Deficient Reporting |
Failure to submit 2019 Annual Report |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Vitor Borba Dairy |
342151 |
R5-2013-0122 |
Y |
1080547 |
04/16/2020 |
Deficient Reporting |
A written Priority Reporting of Significant Events report was not submitted to C |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Jersey Creek Dairy |
335483 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1079642 |
04/16/2020 |
Order Conditions |
Erosion of the sidewall of settling basin #2 adjacent to and beneath the solid s |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Jersey Creek Dairy |
335483 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1079641 |
04/16/2020 |
Order Conditions |
An application of manure was observed during the inspection that appeared to not |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Jersey Creek Dairy |
335483 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1078278 |
05/20/2020 |
Order Conditions |
Waste not generated by on-site animal production activities was observed in the |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
M. Garcia |
335506 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1078276 |
05/20/2020 |
Order Conditions |
The wastewater storage pond did not appear to have one foot of freeboard, as req |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
M. Garcia |
335506 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1077141 |
07/22/2020 |
Late Report |
Failure to submit a revised Waste Management Plan that incorporates the merged F |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Dutra & Dutra Dairy |
335449 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1076084 |
06/25/2020 |
Deficient Reporting |
Failure to maintain enrollment under the Central Valley Representative Dairy Mon |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Clarence Dutra Dairy |
341674 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
1073003 |
04/23/2020 |
Deficient Reporting |
Evidence that the Dairy was applying manure and wastewater at reasonable rates a |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Lakeside Dairy |
366847 |
None |
N |
1071741 |
03/16/2020 |
Deficient Monitoring |
One manure analysis was missing from the 2017 Annual Report, as required by the |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Golden Star Dairy LLC #2 |
335477 |
R5-2013-0122 |
N |
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.