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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
9093 US Navy Southwest Division Federal Agency 1220 Pacific Coast Highway San Diego, CA 92132-5190 None len.sinfield@navy.mil
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
204490 Adm. Baker Golf Course Landfil San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 02/03/1997 None
254910 S.E.R.E Camp Landfill San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 02/03/1997 None
269450 US Naval Base Coronado (NBC) San Diego 9 Military Facility Owner 01/12/1990 None
227580 Golf Course Landfill San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 02/03/1997 None
645086 NAVFAC Southwest Utility CS San Diego 9 Collection_System Owner 01/04/2007 None
870136 GW EX - Naval Base Coronado, Naval Amphibious Base San Diego 9 Domestic Site NEC Owner and Operator 11/02/2020 None
225821 Federal Fire Station 11 Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 12/20/2002 None
211121 Basic Underwater Demolition Center Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 06/08/1990 None
245479 Nsw Maritime Facility Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 12/27/1991 None
245910 Old Spanish Bight Landfill San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 02/03/1997 None
226219 Former LB Naval Sta, NEX Gas S Los Angeles 4 Facility Owner 11/05/1998 None
243989 Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) San Diego 9 Military Facility Owner and Operator 01/12/1990 None
244933 Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 01/31/2002 None
238555 Long Beach Naval Complex Los Angeles 4 Facility Owner 10/25/1996 None
244011 US Navy NBSD Graving Dock San Diego 9 Boatyard/Shipyard None None None
244934 Naval Auxilliary Landing Field Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 05/30/1997 None
248794 US Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) San Diego 9 Military Facility Owner 12/05/2001 None
260064 San Clemente Island WWTP Los Angeles 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 12/14/1998 07/16/2013
Total Related Places: 18
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
648081 Frank Williamson Person Legally Responsible Official 12/10/2024 None None
642680 Jasmine Lara Person Data Submitter 11/13/2023 None None
639910 CHRIS KASPROVICH Person Legally Responsible Official 12/28/2023 None None
639910 CHRIS KASPROVICH Person Data Submitter 10/31/2023 None None
636629 Lindsay Nehm Person Employee 12/22/2022 None None
636337 James Webb Person Data Submitter 11/28/2022 None None
635090 Charles Ginsberg Person Data Submitter 08/31/2022 None None
634817 Kim Patrick Impreso Person Data Submitter 08/15/2022 None None
633004 Nick Critti Person Data Submitter 05/09/2022 None None
626505 Samantha Lui Person Data Submitter 07/27/2023 None None
626505 Samantha Lui Person Data Submitter 08/03/2021 None None
626505 Samantha Lui Person Data Submitter 07/26/2023 None None
621390 US Navy Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) Organization In an Agreement With (Passive) 07/06/2021 None Federal Agency
610728 Alejandra Orozco Person Data Submitter 07/02/2020 None None
610603 Vanessa Capestany Person Data Submitter 06/30/2020 None None
608945 Melanie Kito Person Legally Responsible Official 06/05/2020 None None
607878 Katelyn Taylor Person Data Submitter 04/01/2020 None None
607878 Katelyn Taylor Person Data Submitter 01/31/2024 None None
606159 Ashley Labagnara Person Data Submitter 02/18/2020 None None
606159 Ashley Labagnara Person Data Submitter 01/28/2020 None None
605732 Thomas Stockton Person Data Submitter 01/08/2020 None None
602441 Mike Mathias Person Data Submitter 11/25/2019 None None
602441 Mike Mathias Person Data Submitter 09/25/2019 None None
601579 Jacob Dunk Person Data Submitter 08/29/2019 None None
600867 Kayla Carpenter Person Data Submitter 08/07/2019 None None
597549 Irma Govea Person Data Submitter 05/08/2019 None None
597121 Scott Ketcham Person Data Submitter 12/23/2024 None None
597121 Scott Ketcham Person Data Submitter 04/26/2019 None None
596737 Frederick Pedrena Person Data Submitter 04/15/2019 None None
577632 Teresa Toye Person Data Submitter 05/17/2018 None None
577494 CHRISTOPHER LOUGHMAN Person Data Submitter 05/16/2018 None None
577433 Christina Stewart Person Data Submitter 05/15/2018 None None
577342 Justin Rhoads Person Data Submitter 05/14/2018 None None
577342 Justin Rhoads Person Data Submitter 07/26/2023 None None
577342 Justin Rhoads Person Data Submitter 01/27/2023 None None
572310 Long Tran Person Data Submitter 01/18/2018 None None
571936 Nicholas Popaditch Person Legally Responsible Official 05/05/2022 None None
571936 Nicholas Popaditch Person Data Submitter 01/03/2018 05/05/2022 None
571931 Victoria Pena Person Data Submitter 01/02/2018 None None
568976 Jeremy Judd Person Data Submitter 10/06/2017 03/29/2019 None
564087 Jason Golumbfskie-Jones Person Legally Responsible Official 05/16/2017 04/11/2024 None
564087 Jason Golumbfskie-Jones Person Data Submitter 05/10/2017 05/16/2017 None
555506 Stephen Knowles Person Data Submitter 03/30/2016 07/26/2017 None
555476 Vanessa Jette Person Data Submitter 03/29/2016 09/01/2022 None
553989 Grady Beasley Person Data Submitter 12/17/2015 None None
552547 Anthony Yamat Person Data Submitter 03/30/2020 None None
552547 Anthony Yamat Person Data Submitter 05/06/2020 None None
552547 Anthony Yamat Person Data Submitter 08/14/2015 None None
552539 John Crow Person Data Submitter 04/11/2016 None None
552291 Jeff Waldman Person Data Submitter 07/27/2015 05/24/2017 None
552291 Jeff Waldman Person Data Submitter 09/02/2016 05/24/2017 None
550547 Rose Gutowski Person Data Submitter 03/28/2016 09/13/2018 None
550547 Rose Gutowski Person Data Submitter 03/25/2015 09/13/2018 None
550267 Dustin Burton Person Data Submitter 03/03/2015 07/26/2017 None
548661 J Craft Person Data Submitter 10/02/2014 07/26/2017 None
548161 Rebecca Keller Person Data Submitter 08/19/2014 None None
544889 Jessica Palmer Person Data Submitter 01/13/2014 None None
544889 Jessica Palmer Person Data Submitter 09/01/2016 None None
544889 Jessica Palmer Person Legally Responsible Official 02/12/2019 None None
544889 Jessica Palmer Person Data Submitter 02/09/2015 None None
544888 Sarah Koppel Person Legally Responsible Official 02/05/2020 None None
544888 Sarah Koppel Person Data Submitter 01/13/2014 07/26/2017 None
538059 Thelma Wheaton Person Data Submitter 04/29/2019 04/11/2024 None
538059 Thelma Wheaton Person Data Submitter 09/27/2019 04/11/2024 None
538059 Thelma Wheaton Person Data Submitter 12/21/2012 04/11/2024 None
537988 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Organization Division Of (Passive) 01/07/2021 None Federal Agency
534988 Kevin Korstad Person Data Submitter 01/27/2014 None None
534988 Kevin Korstad Person Data Submitter 07/10/2012 None None
526140 Robert Chichester Person Data Submitter 03/04/2011 11/23/2015 None
525879 Cecilia Ellema Person Data Submitter 02/15/2011 None None
524274 Ryan Anson Person Data Submitter 07/06/2021 None None
524274 Ryan Anson Person Data Submitter 06/08/2016 None None
524274 Ryan Anson Person Data Submitter 03/16/2016 None None
514440 Hadrianna Delos Santos Person Data Submitter 01/29/2015 None None
514440 Hadrianna Delos Santos Person Data Submitter 07/21/2009 None None
514439 Ellen Graubard Person Data Submitter 07/21/2009 07/26/2017 None
511159 Daryel Stager Person Data Submitter 07/21/2009 07/26/2017 None
504822 Mark Edson Person Legally Responsible Official 10/12/2009 None None
504822 Mark Edson Person Facility Contact 04/16/2009 None None
484521 Theresa Morley Person Employee 09/05/2008 07/26/2017 None
367957 Len Sinfield Person Legally Responsible Official 03/06/2007 11/01/2022 None
363402 Luis Perez Person Facility Contact 04/16/2009 None None
125432 Robert Campbell Person Facility Contact 02/03/1997 None None
125432 Robert Campbell Person Enforcement Contact 06/07/2001 None None
125432 Robert Campbell Person Enforcement Contact 01/29/2004 None None
93345 Brian Gordon Person Legally Responsible Official 06/08/1990 None None
93345 Brian Gordon Person Facility Contact 01/12/1990 None None
93345 Brian Gordon Person Facility Contact 06/08/1990 None None
81036 Robert Chichester Person Legally Responsible Official 01/04/2007 None None
81036 Robert Chichester Person Legal representative 01/12/1990 None None
Total Related Parties: 90
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
441129 Enrollee - NPDES 9 None Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2015-0013 11/30/2020 06/30/2022 Discharger 11/02/2020 None N
412420 Enrollee - Waiver 4 4B190703008 Historical WDRMUNIOTH 2012-0032 03/30/2017 03/31/2017 Discharger 03/30/2017 None N
412419 Enrollee - WDR 4 None Historical WDRMUNIOTH 2012-0032 03/30/2017 03/31/2017 Discharger 03/30/2017 None N
403759 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000495 Active DODNPDESWW R9-2015-0117 01/01/2016 None Discharger 11/24/2015 None Y
399403 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190703013 Active REC R4-2015-0107 05/14/2015 None Discharger 12/14/1998 07/16/2013 N
395496 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000538 Active DODNPDESWW R9-2014-0037 08/01/2014 None Discharger 03/26/2014 None Y
390231 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000497 Active DODNPDESWW R9-2013-0064 11/01/2013 None Discharger 05/14/2013 None Y
388399 NPDES Permit 4 4B190703003 Historical DODNPDESWW R4-2013-0111 08/30/2013 12/31/2018 Discharger 06/29/2000 07/16/2013 N
371790 NPDES Permit 9 None Historical DODNPDESWW R9-2009-0081 06/10/2009 12/31/2015 Discharger 05/14/2003 None Y
318444 Enrollee 9 9SSO11461 Historical SSOMUNISML 2006-0003-DWQ 01/04/2007 06/04/2023 Discharger 01/04/2007 None N
260849 Letter 9 None Historical LNDISP None None 06/13/2012 Discharger 08/29/2001 None N
213993 Enrollee 9 9 000000822 Historical LFNONOPER None 04/09/1997 02/14/2007 Discharger 09/01/2005 None Y
213992 Enrollee 9 9 000000821 Active LFNONOPER R9-2012-0003 04/09/1997 None Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
213990 Enrollee 9 9 000000819 Active LFNONOPER R9-2012-0002 06/13/2012 None Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
213987 Enrollee 9 9 000000815 Historical LFNONOPER R9-1997-0011 04/09/1997 11/12/2008 Discharger 09/01/2005 None Y
194151 Enrollee - WDR 4 4B197000030 Historical WDRMUNIOWTS 01-031 02/04/2003 12/19/2015 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
194143 Enrollee - WDR 4 4B197000020 Historical WDRMUNIOWTS 01-031 10/09/2002 11/20/2015 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
194004 Enrollee 4 4B196600123 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 97-046 11/10/1998 02/27/2001 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
148244 NPDES Permit 4 4B190703003 Historical DODNPDESWW 00-090 06/29/2000 08/29/2013 Discharger 06/29/2000 None N
147522 WDR 4 4B190703011 Historical WDR 00-045 04/13/2000 None Discharger 04/13/2000 None N
136142 WDR 4 4B190703012 Active WDRMUNIOTH 97-128 09/29/1997 None Discharger 09/29/1997 None N
136116 WDR 4 4B190703011 Historical WDR 96-098 12/09/1996 04/12/2000 Discharger 12/09/1996 None N
135355 WDR 4 4B190703010 Historical WDRMUNIOTH 92-048 07/20/1992 03/29/2017 Discharger 07/20/1992 None N
134724 WDR 4 4B190703008 Historical WDRMUNIOTH 91-012 01/28/1991 03/29/2017 Discharger 01/28/1991 None N
133747 NPDES Permit 4 4B190703003 Historical DODNPDESWW 79-119 07/23/1979 06/28/2000 Discharger 07/23/1979 None N
132753 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190703013 Historical REC R4-2004-0057 04/01/2004 05/13/2015 Discharger 04/01/2004 None N
132414 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000495 Historical DODNPDESWW R9-2003-0008 05/14/2003 06/09/2009 Discharger 05/14/2003 None Y
131368 NPDES Permit 9 None Historical DODNPDESWW R9-2002-0169 11/13/2002 11/01/2013 Discharger 11/13/2002 None Y
131212 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000538 Historical DODNPDESWW R9-2002-0002 09/11/2002 07/31/2014 Discharger 09/11/2002 None Y
Total Regulatory Measures: 29
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1131468 06/18/2024 Surface Water Pier 10 Berth 6: It was determined that an unknown amount of hydraulic oil was s Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131467 06/11/2024 Surface Water Pier 3 Berth 2: During a marine propulsion test, the starboard shaft of the list Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131466 05/15/2024 Surface Water Pier 4 Berth 6: One gallon of hydraulic oil discharged from a vessel into San Di Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131465 05/14/2024 Surface Water Pier 7 Berth 1: One gallon of AFFF (foam) was accidentally released into San Die Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131464 05/03/2024 Surface Water Pier 10 Berth 2: While disconnecting a fuel line, the line gave out resulting in Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131460 05/14/2024 Surface Water Pier 6 berth 5: AFFF was released from #3 fire suppression system into San Diego Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131459 04/05/2024 Surface Water Pier 6 Berth 6: A vessel released F-76 fuel oil on onto the deck, and went into Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131458 04/01/2024 Surface Water Pier 6 Berth 6: About 10 gallons of fuel oil was released from equipment and les Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131457 04/19/2024 Surface Water Pier 5 Berth 6: Within the boom of a vessel there was an unknown oil sheen about Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131456 03/06/2024 Surface Water Pier 6 Berth 5: A spill of AFFF onto the flight deck and well deck occurred afte Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131455 03/18/2024 Surface Water Pier 3 Beth 1: A sheen was observed in San Diego Bay. It is unknown as to why t Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131454 04/12/2024 Surface Water Pier 10 Berth 6: Petroleum was released into San Diego Bay from a vessel. The c Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131447 05/17/2024 Surface Water A sheen of unknown source was discovered within the perimeter of the boom. Inves Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131446 05/15/2024 Surface Water Pier 13 Berth 2: A rainbow colored oil sheen was discovered from a barge attache Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131443 06/07/2024 Surface Water Pier 8 Berth 6: During a fuel alignment a valve was accidentally left open and l Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131439 06/03/2024 Surface Water Pier 7 Berth 6: A mechanical failure occurred on a chain hoist during servicing. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131438 06/17/2024 Surface Water Pier 10 Berth 1: A rainbow sheen was in the water, but it is unknown how and whe Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N
1131422 06/14/2024 Surface Water At the FLC Fueling Pier (DFSP): During fueling operations at a floating fuel far Violation N eSMR US Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) 395496 R9-2014-0037 N
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 18
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
443407 Notice of Violation R9-2021-0149 NOV R9-2021-0149; for US Navy Southwest Division; three unauthorized discharges of diesel and lubrication oil in 2021 DODNPDESWW 06/07/2021 Historical
441666 13383 Letter R9-2020-0129 13383 Letter No. R9-2020-0129; 12/17/2020 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 12/17/2020 Historical
441557 13383 Letter R9-2020-0116 Investigative Order (13383 Letter) No. R9-2020-0116 for US Navy Southwest Division related to acute toxicity violations DODNPDESWW 11/24/2020 Historical
441508 Notice of Violation R9-2020-0128 NOV No. R9-2020-0128; 12/17/2020 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 12/17/2020 Historical
441415 Notice of Violation R9-2020-0115 NOV R9-2020-0115; 11/24/2020; US Navy Southwest Division; Naval Base Coronado; Acute Toxicity Violations for Storm Water DODNPDESWW 11/24/2020 Historical
430426 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 06/11/2019 Historical
430296 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 05/03/2019 Historical
430176 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/26/2019 Historical
410579 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 SEL re R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma (Annual Reports 2014-2016, Quarterly Jan 2014-Sept 2016) DODNPDESWW 01/26/2017 Historical
407281 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 SEL re R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma (Quarterly Oct 2015- March 2016) DODNPDESWW 08/16/2016 Historical
404337 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 SEL re R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma (Annual 2014, Quarterly April 2015- Sept 2015) DODNPDESWW 01/19/2016 Historical
403816 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0064 SEL re R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego (September 2015) DODNPDESWW 12/08/2015 Historical
403762 Time Schedule Order R9-2015-0118 TSO R9-2015-0118 for Naval Base Coronado (NBC) DODNPDESWW 11/18/2015 Historical
403635 13267 Letter R9-2015-0058 Terminated IO R9-2015-0058 for CalTrans et al. re Investigation of Sediments at Mouth of Chollas Creek INDSTW 10/26/2015 Historical
402798 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 09/09/2015 Historical
402796 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 SEL re R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma (June 2015 Spill) DODNPDESWW 09/23/2015 Historical
402793 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0064 SEL re R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego (2015) DODNPDESWW 09/23/2015 Historical
401672 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2009-0081 SEL re R9-2009-0081 for Naval Base Coronado DODNPDESWW 07/10/2015 Historical
401652 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0064 SEL re R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego (July 2014- April 2015) DODNPDESWW 07/10/2015 Historical
398348 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0064 SEL re R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego (2014) DODNPDESWW 10/08/2014 Historical
398204 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 10/08/2014 Historical
397912 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 10/08/2014 Historical
395193 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 01/21/2014 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 01/21/2014 Historical
393217 Time Schedule Order R9-2013-0095 Time Schedule Order R9-2013-0095 for US Navy Southwest Division, Naval Base San Diego DODNPDESWW 11/01/2013 Historical
393169 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for US Naval Base Point Loma Monitoring Reports DODNPDESWW 09/16/2013 Historical
392139 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/15/2013 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 07/15/2013 Historical
386888 Notice of Violation R9-2012-0051 NOV R9-2012-0051 USN BAE and NASSCO for Violation of Directives CAO R9-2012-0024 SLIC 07/10/2012 Historical
373950 Notice of Violation None NOV 04/13/2010 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical
373949 Notice of Violation None NOV 04/13/2010 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical
373921 Notice of Violation None NOV 04/13/2010 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical
373920 Notice of Violation None NOV 04/13/2010 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical
373913 Notice of Violation None NOV for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical
371760 Notice of Violation NOV NOV sent 9/25/09 for 10 late monitoring reports. WDRMUNIOTH 09/25/2009 Historical
340860 Clean-up and Abatement Order R9-2012-0024 CAO No. R9-2012-0024 for Shipyard Sediment Site San Diego Bay SLIC 03/12/2012 Active
329375 13267 Letter UNKNOWN Follow-up 13267 Letter - Palmer Hall cross-connection WDRMUNILRG 07/30/2007 Historical
252207 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000495 NPDESWW 07/29/2004 Historical
252206 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000497 NPDESWW 07/29/2004 Historical
249855 Notice of Violation R9-2001-0195 Order R9-2001-0195, NOV for failure to submit semiannual report LNDISP 06/07/2001 Historical
249830 Notice of Violation R9-2004-0043 Order R9-2004-0043, NOV for failure to provide complete report LNDISP 01/29/2004 Historical
242233 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000495 NPDESWW 08/21/2003 Historical
240472 Notice of Violation NOV NOV sent 1/16/02 for 41 effluent violations & numerous reporting deficiencies. DODNPDESWW 01/16/2002 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 41
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
446991 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - NPDES NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/01/2022 Historical
444835 US Navy Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) Co-Permitee DODNPDESWW 11/01/2013 Active
441771 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - Waiver WDRINDIVSML 01/25/2021 Active
439448 US Navy Naval Base Coronado 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 07/30/2020 Historical
420104 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 03/19/2018 Historical
402759 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 10/18/2015 Historical
392844 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 08/23/2013 Historical
390231 US Navy Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) NPDES Permit DODNPDESWW 11/01/2013 Active
388458 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee DODNPDESWW 01/03/2013 Historical
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 9
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/28/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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