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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
7849 Carmel Area Wastewater District Special District Po Box 221428 Carmel, CA 93922 None None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
872689 CRFREE Mitigation Pipeline Undergrounding Monterey 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/04/2021 None
856021 Carmel Lagoon Crossing Emergency Repairs Monterey 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/11/2019 None
851959 Hatton Canyon Sewer Main Replacement Monterey 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 10/24/2018 None
846910 Calle La Cruz Pipeline Replacement Monterey 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/02/2018 None
631879 Carmel Area Wastewater District Collection System Monterey 3 Collection_System Owner 04/06/2006 None
213561 Carmel Reclamation Monterey 3 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 09/10/1993 None
213281 Carmel Area WWTP Monterey 3 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 11/21/1994 None
Total Related Places: 7
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
358186 David Sollid Person Legally Responsible Official 01/03/2007 05/31/2013 None
528103 Barbara Buikema Person Legally Responsible Official 07/28/2011 None None
575007 Robert Bowman Person Data Submitter 03/22/2018 None None
554080 Kevin Young Person Legally Responsible Official 12/30/2015 None None
74991 Mark Scheider Person Legal representative 11/21/1994 08/17/2011 None
576647 Drew Lander Person Legally Responsible Official 05/02/2018 06/29/2018 None
303606 Richard Mellinger Person Employee 03/09/2006 04/05/2013 None
74991 Mark Scheider Person Legally Responsible Official 04/06/2006 08/17/2011 None
539937 Daryl Lauer Person Legally Responsible Official 05/08/2013 None None
544545 Barry Blevins Person Data Submitter 12/18/2013 None None
303084 Mark Scheiter Person Employee 03/07/2006 08/17/2011 None
585881 Patrick Treanor Person Legally Responsible Official 03/04/2021 None None
539937 Daryl Lauer Person Employee 05/14/2013 None None
643866 Carla James Person Data Submitter 02/26/2024 None None
539346 Henry (Hank) Matz Person Data Submitter 03/27/2013 12/01/2016 None
315658 Richard Mellinger Person Data Submitter 05/10/2006 04/05/2013 None
532459 James Pinkevich Person Legally Responsible Official 01/04/2016 04/25/2016 None
560741 Raymond De Ocampo Person Data Submitter 08/24/2017 None None
521623 Edward Waggoner Person Legally Responsible Official 10/06/2016 None None
558639 Fanny Mui Person Data Submitter 06/21/2018 None None
560740 Trevor Weidner-Holland Person Data Submitter 12/01/2016 None None
Total Related Parties: 21
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
442461 401 Certification 3 32721WQ01 Active CERFILLEXC None 11/24/2021 None Discharger 03/04/2021 None N
440258 Co-Permitee SB 3 270101001 Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 None Discharger 09/18/2020 None N
428741 Enrollee - 401 Certification 3 32719WQ01 Historical CERFILLEXC RGP 8 01/25/2019 03/26/2019 Discharger 02/11/2019 None N
425856 401 Certification 3 32718WQ21 Active CERFILLEXC None 08/05/2019 None Discharger 10/24/2018 None N
396646 NPDES Permit 3 3 270101001 Active NPDMUNILRG R3-2014-0012 07/11/2014 None Discharger 06/04/2014 None N
360658 NPDES Permit 3 3 270101001 Historical NPDMUNILRG R3-2008-0007 04/30/2008 07/10/2014 Discharger 03/22/2002 None N
323719 NPDES Permit 3 3 270101001 Historical NPDMUNILRG R3-2002-0026 03/22/2002 None Discharger 03/22/2002 None N
301218 Enrollee 3 3SSO10244 Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 07/27/2006 None Discharger 04/17/2006 None N
147963 Reclamation Requirements 3 3 270101002 Active REC 93-072 09/10/1993 None Discharger 09/10/1993 None N
147770 NPDES Permit 3 3 270101001 Historical NPDMUNILRG 00-061 07/14/2000 03/21/2002 Discharger 07/14/2000 None N
146983 NPDES Permit 3 3 270101001 Historical NPDMUNILRG 95-024 04/14/1995 07/13/2000 Discharger 04/14/1995 None N
144583 NPDES Permit 3 3 270101001 Historical NPDMUNILRG 90-040 06/08/1990 None Discharger 06/08/1990 None N
143706 NPDES Permit 3 3 270101001 Historical NPDMUNILRG 85-041 04/12/1985 None Discharger 04/12/1985 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 13
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1136503 10/01/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Minimum limit is 90 % and reported value was Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136502 10/05/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136501 10/09/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136500 10/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136499 10/12/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1135144 09/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Net Value 3-Sample Maximum limit is 90 mg/L and re Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1134061 03/30/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Collection System Maintenance Failure (specify below) ca Violation None SSO Carmel Area Wastewater District Collection System 301218 2022-0103-DWQ N
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 7
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
454643 Notice of Violation None NOV 10/04/2023 for Carmel Area Wastewater District SSOMUNILRG 10/04/2023 Historical
401516 Notice of Violation None NOV and 13267 Order 06/04/2015 for Carmel Area Wastewater District CS SSOMUNILRG 06/04/2015 Historical
304601 Oral Communication None Oral Communication for Carmel Area WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/15/2006 Historical
373625 Oral Communication None Oral Com 03/01/2010 for CARMEL AREA WWD NPDMUNILRG 03/01/2010 Historical
236225 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDMUNILRG 03/30/2001 Historical
234769 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDMUNILRG 04/09/2001 Historical
255917 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDESWW 01/06/2005 Historical
255457 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDMUNILRG 01/05/2005 Historical
252516 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 270101002 REC 04/09/2004 Historical
255861 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDMUNILRG 03/01/2005 Historical
234797 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDMUNILRG 05/04/2001 Historical
441291 Admin Civil Liability R3-2021-0003 ACL R3-2021-0003 for Carmel Area Wastewater District NPDMUNILRG 01/13/2021 Historical
429142 Admin Civil Liability R3-2019-0047 ACL R3-2019-0047 for Carmel Area Wastewater District NPDMUNILRG 05/21/2019 Historical
404678 Admin Civil Liability R3-2016-0011 ACL R3-2016-0011 for Carmel Area Wastewater District SSOMUNILRG 02/11/2016 Historical
393427 Admin Civil Liability R3-2013-0054 ACL R3-2013-0054 for Carmel Area Wastewater District NPDMUNILRG 07/03/2015 Historical
227797 Admin Civil Liability R3-2000-0064 Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDMUNILRG 06/08/2000 Historical
221506 Cease and Desist Order 92-041 Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDMUNILRG 02/07/1992 Historical
221928 Cease and Desist Order 85-060 Enforcement - 3 270101001 NPDMUNILRG 04/12/1985 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 18
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 11/29/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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