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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
630873 Pacific Gas & Electric Company Oakland Privately-Owned Business 300 Lakeside Drive Oakland, CA 94612 559-832-0907 None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
882371 Shell Pond (Swmu 4.18) Culvert Removal Project Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/20/2022 None
888042 Piers 39-45 Sediment Investigation San Francisco 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/28/2023 None
891273 Lakeville-Ignacio IG01/004 Emergency Repairs Sonoma 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/20/2023 None
892235 Angel Island Cable Replacement Project Marin 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/22/2024 None
894567 PG&E North Dublin Substation Erosion Control Project Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/24/2024 None
895474 Piers 39 To 43½ Sediment Remediation Project San Francisco 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/01/2024 None
893318 A-822 Johns Manville Meter & Reg Station Access Rd Rehabilitation 84023961 Glenn 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/06/2024 None
887306 McCloud Dam Spillway Shasta 5F Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/24/2023 None
894258 Ignacio-Alto-Sausalito 60 kV 07/54 Tower Replacement Project Marin 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/02/2024 None
887647 Prefumo Creek Bank Stabilization San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/13/2023 None
895408 35518180 IGNACIO 1104 Overhead Pole Replacement Bachelors Road Novato Project Marin 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/25/2024 None
895509 Panoche Station Access Road Fresno 5F Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/02/2024 None
895641 Woodruff Creek Crossing Rehabilitation Projec San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/15/2024 None
885520 Rocky Creek Sediment Removal Project Monterey 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/17/2023 None
890420 PG&E Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary D-1537 L-137B MP 6.448 ECDA Dig Project Humboldt 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/19/2023 None
895734 Lakeville-Ignacio 230 kV Tower IG01/004 Emergency Repairs Boardwalk Replacement Sonoma 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/22/2024 None
891046 Ignacio-Alto-Sausalito Tower 013/094 Replacement Project Marin 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 10/30/2023 None
892320 Ignacio-Alto-Sausalito 60 kV Tower 04/37 & 04/38 Project Marin 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/25/2024 None
888047 Grant-Eastshore #1 115 kV Tower 000/007 Screw Anchor Installation Project Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/28/2023 None
889778 Ignacio-Alto Tower Relocation Project Marin 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/04/2023 None
888058 Bell Springs Road Water Crossing Improvements Mendocino 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/01/2023 None
894540 San Mateo-Bair Twr 8/57 Insulator Replacement Project San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/23/2024 None
892808 Ravenswood-San Mateo Mudline Work 115 kilovolt (kV) 002/015 San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/30/2024 None
896433 PG&E Freestone Frac-Out Sonoma 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/10/2024 None
890649 Butte Canal Debris Flow Mitigation Project Butte 5R Dredge/Fill Site None None None
889846 PG&E Bell Springs Road Water Crossing Improvements Project Mendocino 1 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/10/2023 None
897790 R-1742 L-191 MP 9.4-10.6 Retire Pipe Project Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/03/2024 None
879348 35152630 Lynwood Pump Station Reliability Marin 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/10/2022 None
889904 PG&E I-195E L-021A Napa River Crossing Pipeline Replacement Project Napa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/17/2023 None
896302 PG&E Line 131 Emergency Leak Repair - Dixon Landing - 46307304 Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/03/2024 None
890114 PG&E R-1654 San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/31/2023 None
891018 2023 Outside East Harbor Sediment Sampling San Francisco 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 10/26/2023 None
886329 PG&E R-1408 Pipeline Replacement Project Amador 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/22/2023 None
897740 PG&E Emergency Santa Maria River Tower Protection Project San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/27/2024 None
893903 PG&E Cortina-Mendocino Watercourse Improvements Project Lake 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/07/2024 None
886908 Jakes Culvert Replacement Project Shasta 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/06/2023 None
894038 PG&E Boardwalk Access Program Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/18/2024 None
885598 Red Hill Road Emergency Culvert Replacement San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/20/2023 None
891574 Pacific Gas & Electric - McDonald Island Water Well Alameda 5S Domestic Site NEC Owner and Operator 12/19/2023 None
Total Related Places: 39
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
648265 Sean Rudden Person Legally Responsible Official 11/27/2024 None None
646782 Jennifer Litteral Person Legally Responsible Official 08/19/2024 None None
646026 Brenda McConathy Person Legally Responsible Official 07/01/2024 None None
645955 Bridget Bischoff Person Legally Responsible Official 06/25/2024 None None
643590 Jeremiah Davis Person Legally Responsible Official 01/30/2024 None None
643093 David Swartz Person Legally Responsible Official 12/19/2023 None None
641728 Sean Wallace Person Employee 09/19/2023 None None
641728 Sean Wallace Person Legally Responsible Official 09/18/2023 None None
639201 Trevor Burwell Person Legally Responsible Official 04/28/2023 None None
638984 Geoff Mahley Person Legally Responsible Official 04/13/2023 None None
637533 Wendy Nettles Person Legally Responsible Official 02/22/2023 None None
636887 Elizabeth Pritchard Person Legally Responsible Official 01/17/2023 None None
634451 Caitlin Gorman Person Legally Responsible Official 07/20/2022 None None
626641 Erica Jones Person Legally Responsible Official 03/06/2023 None None
568630 Jeff Warshauer Person Employee 08/31/2023 None None
555435 Maggie Trumbly Person Legally Responsible Official 04/28/2023 None None
552839 Sandee Hufana Person Legally Responsible Official 02/10/2022 None None
546982 Matt Walker Person Legally Responsible Official 03/24/2023 None None
541222 David Thomas Person Legally Responsible Official 04/23/2024 None None
539179 Craig Geldard Person Legally Responsible Official 05/01/2023 None None
535848 Trixie Martelino Person Legally Responsible Official 11/20/2023 None None
534542 Betsy Brunswick Person Legally Responsible Official 10/03/2023 None None
339802 Brandon Liddell Person Legally Responsible Official 08/04/2023 None None
Total Related Parties: 23
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
459282 Enrollee - 401 Certification 3 34024WQ38 Active CERFILLEXC 2023-0095-DWQ 12/06/2024 None Discharger 11/27/2024 None N
458928 Enrollee - 401 Certification 1 1B24125WNSO Active CERDREDGE WQ 2023-0022-DWQ 11/06/2024 None Discharger 09/10/2024 None N
457793 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW457793 Active CERFILLEXC WQ 2023-0022-DWQ 08/27/2024 None Discharger 07/22/2024 None N
457705 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW457705 Active CERFILLEXC WQ 2023-0022-DWQ 10/28/2024 None Discharger 07/15/2024 None N
457555 Enrollee - WDR 5F 5C10CR00090 Active CERFILLEXC 2004-0004-DWQ 07/24/2024 None Discharger 07/02/2024 None N
457507 401 Certification 2 2 CW457507 Active CERFILLEXC None 09/30/2024 None Discharger 07/01/2024 None N
457450 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW457450 Historical CERFILLEXC WQ 2023-0022-DWQ 08/16/2024 11/12/2024 Discharger 06/25/2024 None N
456665 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW456665 Active CERFILLEXC WQ 2023-0022-DWQ 06/05/2024 None Discharger 04/23/2024 None N
456426 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW456426 Active CERFILLEXC WQ 2023-0022-DWQ 05/21/2024 None Discharger 04/02/2024 None N
456271 401 Certification 2 2 CW456271 Active CERFILLEXC None 10/21/2024 None Discharger 03/18/2024 None N
456154 Enrollee - WDR 5S 5A17CR00196 Historical CERFILLEXC 2004-0004-DWQ 08/14/2024 10/16/2024 Discharger 03/07/2024 None N
455654 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW455654 Active CERFILLEXC WQ 2023-0022-DWQ 05/21/2024 None Discharger 01/25/2024 None N
455332 Enrollee - Waiver 5S 5B01NC00002 Active WDRNONMUNIPRCS R5-2023-0061 06/11/2024 None Discharger 12/19/2023 None N
455056 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW455056 Historical CERFILLEXC 2019-0044-EXEC 01/29/2024 06/03/2024 Discharger 11/20/2023 None N
454893 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW454893 Historical CERFILLEXC 2019-0044-EXEC 01/06/2024 02/28/2024 Discharger 10/30/2023 None N
454608 Enrollee - 401 Certification 5R 5A04CR00359 Active CERFILLEXC 2023-0061-DWQ 10/05/2023 None Discharger 10/03/2023 None N
454400 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB23087IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 12/12/2023 None Discharger 09/19/2023 None N
453961 401 Certification 2 2 CW453961 Active CERFILLEXC None 02/28/2024 None Discharger 08/17/2023 None N
453894 401 Certification 1 1B23122WNME Active CERFILLEXC None 12/28/2023 None Discharger 08/10/2023 None Y
453839 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW453839 Active CERFILLEXC WQ 2023-0022-DWQ 09/20/2023 None Discharger 08/04/2023 None N
452449 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB23025IN Historical CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 05/16/2023 10/31/2023 Discharger 04/28/2023 None N
452445 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW452445 Active CERFILLEXC 2021-0048-DWQ 06/14/2023 None Discharger 04/28/2023 None N
452054 Enrollee - 401 Certification 5R SB20031GN Active CERDREDGE SB20031GN 04/14/2023 None Discharger 03/24/2023 None N
451868 Enrollee - 401 Certification 5R 5A45CR00634 Active CERFILLEXC 2021-0048-DWQ 04/18/2023 None Discharger 03/06/2023 None N
451340 401 Certification 5S 5B03CR00098 Active CERFILLEXC None 05/26/2023 None Discharger 02/22/2023 None N
450849 Enrollee - 401 Certification 3 34023WQ06 Active CERFILLEXC 2019-0044-EXEC 01/20/2023 None Discharger 01/20/2023 None N
450809 Enrollee - WDR 3 32723WQ01 Active CERFILLEXC 2004-0004-DWQ 01/27/2023 None Discharger 01/17/2023 None N
448622 401 Certification 2 2 CW448622 Active CERFILLEXC None 09/29/2022 None Discharger 07/20/2022 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 28
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1131744 08/27/2024 Unauthorized Discharge A frac-out of drilling fluid (bentonite mixture) occurred while conducting horiz Violation None Report PG&E Freestone Frac-Out 458373 None Y
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 1
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
458405 Notice of Violation None NOV 09/06/2024 for PG&E Freestone Frac-Out CERDREDGE 09/06/2024 Active
455115 13267 Letter None 13267 Letter 09/01/2023 for Pacific Gas & Electric Company Oakland CERFILLEXC 09/01/2023 Historical
452560 Notice of Violation None NOV 04/17/2023 for Pacific Gas and Electric Company CERFILLEXC 04/17/2023 Historical
452557 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/01/2022 for Pacific Gas and Electric Company CERFILLEXC 07/01/2022 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 4
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
454400 Craig Geldard Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 12/12/2023 Active
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 1
The current report was generated with data as of: 12/11/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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