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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
603861 SFPP, LP (a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan) Privately-Owned Business 1001 Louisiana Street Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77002(+) 712-420-6352(+) None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
892697 LS-9 CA-235 Integrity Dig Project Sacramento 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/30/2024 None
891545 LS 16 CA-245 Integrity Dig Project Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/15/2023 None
884286 SFPP, L.P. Line Section (LS)-72 Integrity Digs, Site CA-215 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/16/2022 None
883783 LS-9 Pipeline Assessment and Repairs Project (Joint 47260) San Joaquin 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 10/17/2022 None
883382 SFPP LS-126 Carroll Canyon Pipeline Replacement Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/22/2022 None
883190 L.P. Line Section (LS)-72 Integrity Digs, Site CA-215 Contra Costa 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/12/2022 None
883086 SFPP LS-130 Anomaly Repair at Site CA-180 Project Yolo 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/31/2022 None
882079 SFPP LS-9 SWML Anomaly Repair at CA-74 Project Sacramento 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/30/2022 None
881858 SFPP LS-130 SWML Anomaly Repair at Sites CA-180 Yolo 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/21/2022 None
881764 SFPP LS-130 SWML Anomaly Repair at Sites CA-187, CA-188, and CA-189 Yolo 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/14/2022 None
880477 SFPP LS-64 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-69 Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/01/2022 None
879755 SFPP LS-8 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-80 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/02/2022 None
879572 SFPP LS-72 SWML Anomaly CA-105 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/25/2022 None
879570 SFPP LS-72 SWML Anomaly CA-106 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/25/2022 None
879559 SFPP LS-8 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-88 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/24/2022 None
879491 SFPP LS-8 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-87 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/18/2022 None
879456 SFPP LS-16 SWML Integrity Digs CA-164 and CA-165 Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/16/2022 None
879373 SFPP LS-72 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-106 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/10/2022 None
879289 SFPP LS-72 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-105 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/07/2022 None
876104 LS 64 Yuba River Permanent Pipeline Alignment Project Yuba 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/31/2021 None
874359 LS-62 Pipeline Exposure at Merced River Project Merced 5F Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/28/2021 None
873426 SFPP LS-51 Pipeline Washout Repair Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/07/2021 None
869196 SFPP LS-126 Carlsbad Pipeline Exposure Evaluation Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/24/2020 None
867999 SFPP LS-111 Whitewater River Pipeline Washouts Integrity Evaluation Riverside 7 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/21/2020 None
867235 SFPP LS-16 Pipeline Exposure Repair at Alameda Creek Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/05/2020 None
866095 SFPP LS-126 Carroll Canyon Pipeline Replacement Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/13/2020 None
862558 SFPP LS-72 Pipeline Anomaly Dig - Joint 7640 Contra Costa 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 10/31/2019 None
Total Related Places: 27
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
643057 Meghan Dina Person Legally Responsible Official 12/15/2023 None None
632463 Jody Schapp Person Employee 04/07/2022 None None
632463 Jody Schapp Person Legally Responsible Official 06/14/2022 None None
630899 Jason Hartman Person Legally Responsible Official 02/09/2022 None None
630899 Jason Hartman Person Employee 02/10/2022 None None
627230 Gina Dorsey Person Legally Responsible Official 08/31/2021 None None
606534 Patrick Riban Person Legally Responsible Official 06/09/2020 None None
606534 Patrick Riban Person Legally Responsible Official 04/13/2020 None None
603862 Michelle Babaie Person Legally Responsible Official 10/31/2019 None None
595705 Eric Bolin Person Legally Responsible Official 09/24/2020 None None
595705 Eric Bolin Person Legally Responsible Official 06/05/2020 None None
595084 Toya Campbell Person Legally Responsible Official 07/21/2020 None None
Total Related Parties: 12
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
455693 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB24010IN Historical CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 02/27/2024 04/05/2024 Discharger 01/30/2024 None N
455306 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB24016IN Historical CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 02/27/2024 04/09/2024 Discharger 12/15/2023 None N
449896 401 Certification 2 2 CW449896 Active CERFILLEXC None 12/05/2022 None Discharger 11/16/2022 None N
449591 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB22070IN Historical CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 11/29/2022 05/19/2023 Discharger 10/17/2022 None N
449330 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB22047IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 11/01/2022 None Discharger 09/22/2022 None N
449083 401 Certification 5S 5A57CR00206 Active CERFILLEXC None 10/07/2022 None Discharger 08/31/2022 None N
448393 401 Certification 5S 5A34CR00857 Historical CERFILLEXC None 08/18/2022 12/30/2022 Discharger 06/30/2022 None N
448142 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB22030IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 08/12/2022 None Discharger 06/14/2022 None N
447319 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB22019IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 05/06/2022 None Discharger 04/01/2022 None N
446790 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB22013IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 08/23/2022 None Discharger 03/02/2022 None N
446724 401 Certification 2 2 CW446724 Active CERFILLEXC None 08/25/2022 None Discharger 02/25/2022 None N
446723 401 Certification 2 2 CW446723 Active CERFILLEXC None 08/25/2022 None Discharger 02/25/2022 None N
446720 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB22010IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 05/16/2022 None Discharger 02/24/2022 None N
446673 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB22009IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 06/15/2022 None Discharger 02/18/2022 None N
443459 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB21018IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 11/22/2021 None Discharger 05/28/2021 None N
442848 Enrollee - 401 Certification 8 63-332021-01 Historical CERFILLEXC RGP 63 04/06/2021 05/20/2021 Discharger 04/07/2021 None N
440573 Enrollee - 401 Certification 9 SB20026IN Active CERFILLEXC SB20031GN 05/12/2021 None Discharger 09/24/2020 None N
439245 401 Certification 7 7A333220001 Active CERDREDGE 2004-0004-DWQ 11/16/2020 None Discharger 07/21/2020 None N
438450 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW438450 Active CERFILLEXC 2019-0044-EXEC 07/24/2020 None Discharger 06/05/2020 None N
437596 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB20013IN Active CERFILLEXC SB17001GN 09/14/2020 None Discharger 04/13/2020 None N
435222 Enrollee - 401 Certification SB SB19043IN Active CERFILLEXC SB17001GN 01/27/2020 None Discharger 10/31/2019 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 21
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
Total Enforcement Actions: 0
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
447319 Jody Schapp Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 05/06/2022 Active
440573 Jody Schapp Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 05/12/2021 Active
447319 Jody Schapp Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 05/06/2022 Active
440573 Jody Schapp Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 05/12/2021 Active
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 4
The current report was generated with data as of: 12/20/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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