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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
583758 GenOn Energy, Inc. Privately-Owned Business 6635 Edison Drive Oxnard, CA 93033(+) 925-427-3513(+) None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
646484 Mirant Delta Pittsburg Power Plant Contra Costa 2 Land fill Owner 01/19/2001 None
269069 Unit 8 Construction Dewtr Contra Costa 5S Facility Owner 09/17/2001 None
257950 Pittsburg Power Plant, Oily Water Pond Contra Costa 2 Surface Impoundment Owner 03/18/1987 None
254025 Mandalay Generating Station (advanced onsite sewage treatment system) Ventura 4 Power Plant Owner and Operator 02/14/2018 None
248542 Pittsburg Generating Station Contra Costa 2 Power Plant Owner and Operator 03/11/2019 03/10/2021
245927 Oleum Power Plant Contra Costa 2 Facility Owner 10/01/1974 None
239685 Martinez Power Plant Contra Costa 2 Power Plant Owner 12/17/1974 None
219559 Delta Power Plant, Sludge Disp Contra Costa 5S Facility Owner 02/10/1998 None
215588 Contra Costa Power Plant Antioch Contra Costa 5S Power Plant Owner 09/30/1994 None
205616 Ammonia Tank Foundation Dewtr Contra Costa 5S Facility Owner 03/29/2001 None
Total Related Places: 10
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
583634 Steve Dawkin Person Employee 02/06/2019 None None
578795 Robert Rea Person Legally Responsible Official 06/15/2018 None None
574184 Mark Gouveia Person Legally Responsible Official 03/06/2018 None None
573920 Aman Singh Person Data Submitter 02/14/2018 08/24/2018 None
548781 Lawrence Penn Person Legally Responsible Official 11/25/2014 02/14/2018 None
548333 Kathy Crist Person Data Submitter 09/05/2014 03/10/2021 None
548295 David Frandsen Person Employee 09/02/2014 None None
543126 Charles Oliver Person Legally Responsible Official 09/18/2013 None None
537940 Michael Montany Person Legally Responsible Official 01/10/2013 None None
537435 Matthew Pistner Person Legally Responsible Official 11/27/2012 None None
525670 Monte Ash Person Legally Responsible Official 02/10/2011 12/31/2012 None
524755 Susan Song Person Data Submitter 10/05/2010 09/02/2014 None
524754 Diane Griffin Person Data Submitter 10/05/2010 08/17/2017 None
524751 John Chillemi Person Legally Responsible Official 10/05/2010 None None
507643 Thomas DiCiolli Person Legally Responsible Official 02/14/2018 None None
129601 Steve Bauman Person Employee 03/07/2006 None None
129601 Steve Bauman Person Facility Contact 02/10/1998 None None
129601 Steve Bauman Person Facility Contact 04/24/2001 None None
129601 Steve Bauman Person Data Submitter 10/05/2010 01/28/2013 None
Total Related Parties: 19
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
424976 Enrollee - WDR 4 4A568201038 Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS 2014-0153-DWQ 08/28/2018 10/18/2018 Discharger 08/28/2018 None N
389094 Co-Permitee 2 None Historical NPDINDLRG R2-2017-0041 01/01/2013 12/31/2012 Discharger 03/01/2008 None N
360954 Co-Permitee 2 None Historical NPDINDLRG R2-2007-0077 03/01/2008 12/31/2012 Discharger 03/01/2008 None N
322169 WDR 2 2 071030004 Historical LNDISP R2-2006-0057 09/13/2006 None Discharger 09/13/2006 None N
309984 WDR 2 2 071030004 Active LNDISPOTH R2-2006-0057 09/13/2006 None Discharger 11/16/1994 None Y
194724 Enrollee 5S 5B07NC00005 Historical WDR 82-036 10/29/2001 01/01/2003 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
194723 Enrollee 5S 5B07NC00004 Historical WDR 82-036 07/13/2001 01/01/2003 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
148182 NPDES Permit 5S 5B072014008 Historical NPDINDLRG R5-2001-0107 04/27/2001 10/03/2013 Discharger 04/27/2001 None N
146300 WDR 2 2 071116001 Historical NPDESWW 76-062 05/18/1976 None Discharger 05/18/1976 None N
146285 WDR 2 2 071116001 Historical NPDESWW 74-204 10/01/1974 None Discharger 10/01/1974 None N
146284 WDR 2 2 071030003 Historical NPDESWW 74-203 12/17/1974 None Discharger 12/17/1974 None N
145988 WDR 2 2 071030003 Historical NPDESWW 84-043 07/18/1984 None Discharger 07/18/1984 None N
145966 NPDES Permit 2 2 071030001 Historical NPDESWW 84-015 04/18/1984 None Discharger 04/18/1984 None N
145937 WDR 2 2 071116001 Historical NPDESWW 84-010 03/21/1984 None Discharger 03/21/1984 None N
145904 NPDES Permit 5S 5B072014008 Historical NPDESWW 95-234 10/27/1995 04/26/2001 Discharger 10/27/1995 None N
145603 NPDES Permit 2 2 071030001 Historical NPDESWW 83-022 06/23/1983 None Discharger 06/23/1983 None Y
145242 WDR 2 2 071030003 Historical NPDESWW 79-099 08/21/1979 None Discharger 08/21/1979 None N
142430 WDR 2 2 071116001 Historical NPDESWW 96-06215 05/15/1996 None Discharger 05/15/1996 None N
142427 WDR 2 2 071030003 Historical NPDESWW 96-06212 05/15/1996 None Discharger 05/15/1996 None N
142380 NPDES Permit 2 2 071030001 Historical NPDESWW 95-225 11/15/1995 06/18/2002 Discharger 11/15/1995 None N
141909 WDR 2 2 071030003 Historical NPDESWW 91-053 04/17/1991 None Discharger 04/17/1991 None N
141867 WDR 2 2 071116001 Historical NPDESWW 90-152 12/12/1990 None Discharger 12/12/1990 None N
141815 NPDES Permit 2 2 071030001 Historical NPDESWW 90-053 04/18/1990 None Discharger 04/18/1990 None N
141798 WDR 2 2 071030004 Historical LNDISP 94-166 11/16/1994 09/13/2006 Discharger 11/16/1994 None Y
141721 NPDES Permit 5S 5B072014008 Historical NPDESWW 94-094 04/22/1994 10/26/1995 Discharger 04/22/1994 None N
141328 WDR 2 2 071030004 Historical LNDISP 87-122 09/16/1987 None Discharger 09/16/1987 None Y
141008 WDR 2 2 071030004 Historical LNDISP 87-017 03/18/1987 None Discharger 03/18/1987 None N
140429 NPDES Permit 5S 5B072014008 Historical NPDESWW 90-131 04/27/1990 04/21/1994 Discharger 04/27/1990 None N
139716 NPDES Permit 5S 5B072014008 Historical NPDESWW 83-066 06/24/1983 04/26/1990 Discharger 06/24/1983 None N
139407 WDR 5S 5B072014009 Historical WDR 79-193 08/24/1979 10/18/2001 Discharger 08/24/1979 None Y
131974 NPDES Permit 2 2 071030001 Historical NPDINDLRG R2-2002-0072 06/19/2002 06/30/2018 Discharger 06/19/2002 None N
131106 WDR 5S 5B072014009 Historical WDR 01-248 10/19/2001 12/05/2002 Discharger 10/19/2001 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 32
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
386815 Admin Civil Liability R2-2013-1010 ACL R2-2013-1010 for GenOn Energy Inc. NPDINDLRG 03/27/2013 Historical
386759 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/31/2012 for GenOn Energy Inc. NPDINDLRG 07/31/2012 Historical
376961 Notice of Violation None NOV 12/10/2010 for Mirant Delta LLC, Contra Costa Power Plant NPDINDLRG 12/10/2010 Historical
376671 Notice of Violation None NOV 11/19/2010 for Mirant Delta LLC, Conra Costa Power Plant NPDINDLRG 11/19/2010 Historical
372442 Oral Communication None Oral Com 07/31/2009 for Mirant Delta LLC NPDINDLRG 07/31/2009 Historical
367493 Notice of Violation None NOV 06/01/2009 for MIRANT DELTA LLC, CONTRA COSTA POWER PLT ANTIOCH NPDINDLRG 06/01/2009 Historical
354522 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 10/07/2008 for MIRANT DELTA LLC NPDINDLRG 10/07/2008 Historical
319997 Waste Discharge Requirements R2-2006-0057 Revised Waste Discharge Requirements LNDISP 09/13/2006 Active
248744 Notice of Violation None NOV 09/09/2002 for MIRANT DELTA, LLC, DELTA POWER PLANT, SLUDGE DISP WDR 09/09/2002 Historical
227520 13267 Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 2 071030001 NPDINDLRG 10/29/1999 Historical
222080 Cease and Desist Order 88-025 Enforcement - 2 071030001 NPDINDLRG 02/17/1988 Historical
219288 Cease and Desist Order 85-084 Enforcement - 2 071030001 NPDINDLRG 06/19/1985 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 12
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
131974 Steve Bauman NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 06/19/2002 Historical
131974 Steve Bauman NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 06/19/2002 Historical
131974 Steve Bauman NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 06/19/2002 Historical
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 3
The current report was generated with data as of: 03/13/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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