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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
568606 Brian Fuller 5550 Skylane Boulevard A Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-576-2806 Brian.Fuller@waterboards.ca.gov
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
Total Related Places: 0
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
137757 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Organization Employee 09/15/2017 None Waterboard
Total Related Parties: 1
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
Total Regulatory Measures: 0
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1131652 07/24/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ4, WQ5, WQ6 and WQ7 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 None Y
1131660 07/31/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 None Y
1131664 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Elida Farias 458137 None Y
1132645 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Sandra Neumann 458347 None Y
1137425 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1131650 07/24/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to unnamed tributaries to Mill Creek a Violation None Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 None Y
1131656 07/31/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 None Y
1131713 08/16/2024 Other Codes Water Code 13260 and 13264 Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 176-030-08-00 453657 None Y
1137427 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of sediment to the USGS mapped blue line tributary to Ro Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1137432 10/23/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 None Y
1137433 10/23/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2, WQ3, WQ4, WQ5 and WQ6 that violate the Cannabis Pol Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 None Y
1137434 10/17/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being cond Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 None Y
1131648 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Arturo Ramirez 458117 None Y
1131657 07/31/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 None Y
1131659 07/31/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2, WQ3, WQ4 and WQ5 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 None Y
1137437 10/17/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 None Y
1131649 07/24/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Arturo Ramirez 458117 None N
1131651 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 None Y
1132600 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 None Y
1132610 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Jason Humpris 458342 None Y
1132614 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 None Y
1132618 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Catherine Vanessa Ngo 458348 None Y
1132646 08/15/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Long Branch Creek from a plugged an Violation None Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 None Y
1137418 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 None Y
1137419 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of cannabis plant material to a tributary to String Cree Violation None Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 None Y
1131653 07/24/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Elida Farias 458137 None Y
1131658 07/31/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 None Y
1131661 07/31/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 None Y
1132615 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 None Y
1137423 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Earthen fill in a United States Geologic Survey (USGS) mapped blue line tributar Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1132613 08/15/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Tomki Creek at location WQ3 in viol Violation None Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 None Y
1132616 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Catherine Vanessa Ngo 458348 None Y
1132647 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 None Y
1132648 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 None Y
1132818 09/16/2024 Order Conditions Failure to Comply with Cleanup and Abatement and Investigative Order No. R1-2024 Violation N Complaint Yesenia and Raul Carrillo Property 457878 R1-2024-0034 Y
1137411 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 None Y
1137420 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ7 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 None Y
1137424 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Rocktree Creek from locations WQ2 a Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1137428 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ4 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1131662 07/31/2024 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Cannabis Cultivation Pol Violation None Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 None Y
1132596 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 None Y
1132619 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Sandra Neumann 458347 None Y
1137410 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ2 and Violation None Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 None Y
1137417 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of organic or earthen material to String Creek from locati Violation None Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 None Y
1137430 10/23/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Garden Creek at locations WQ3, WQ4 Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 None Y
1131665 07/24/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Elida Farias 458137 None Y
1132598 08/15/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ1 whe Violation None Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 None Y
1132611 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Jason Humpris 458342 None Y
1137409 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 None Y
1137431 10/23/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 None Y
1137436 10/17/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of petroleum products to land at WQ1 where they threaten Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 None Y
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 51
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
Total Enforcement Actions: 0
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 03/13/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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