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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
568606 Brian Fuller 5550 Skylane Boulevard A Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-576-2806 Brian.Fuller@waterboards.ca.gov
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
Total Related Places: 0
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
137757 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Organization Employee 09/15/2017 None Waterboard
Total Related Parties: 1
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
Total Regulatory Measures: 0
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1090915 05/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized discharge of wast Violation N Inspection Daniel Suarez 443583 None Y
1090958 05/13/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Cassady Mandzik 443595 None Y
1093124 07/21/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Jeremy David Burns 444342 None Y
1093446 07/20/2021 Other Codes 13260 Violation N Inspection Edwin Vanden Bossche 444339 None Y
1105286 04/20/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition Basin Plan Section 4.2.1, Prohibitions 1 and 2 for discharges, threatened and a Violation None Inspection Hector Felix 447762 None Y
1117973 08/08/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition violations of the of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2 at locations WQ2 Violation None Inspection Mitchell Bradley Scott Property 449131 None Y
1120208 08/22/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection Silviano Viscanio 454383 None Y
1120218 08/23/2023 Other Codes large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Karla Navarrete 454444 None Y
1121253 10/13/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Zhen Ping Huang Property 454805 None Y
1122881 08/23/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Weather Fugawi LLC 455358 None Y
1131652 07/24/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ4, WQ5, WQ6 and WQ7 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 None Y
1132600 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 None Y
1132613 08/15/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Tomki Creek at location WQ3 in viol Violation None Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 None Y
1132619 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Sandra Neumann 458347 None Y
1132645 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Sandra Neumann 458347 None Y
1132646 08/15/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Long Branch Creek from a plugged an Violation None Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 None Y
1090959 05/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized discharge of wast Violation N Inspection Cassady Mandzik 443595 None Y
1093126 07/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Federal Clean Water Act Section 301 at location WQ3 and California Water Code Se Violation N Inspection Jeremy David Burns 444342 None Y
1093224 07/20/2021 Other Codes California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized cannabis cultivat Violation N Inspection Giovanni Baassiri 444596 None Y
1093240 07/21/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Basin Plan Section 4.2.1, Prohibitions 1 and 2 at locations WQ2, WQ3, WQ5, WQ6, Violation N Inspection Matthew Selino 444340 None Y
1120217 08/23/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Gary Greer 454443 None Y
1120617 08/29/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Violations of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 1 and Water Code section Violation None Inspection Rick Jones and Ryan Miller Property 454480 None Y
1121255 10/13/2023 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Zhen Ping Huang Property 454805 None Y
1122882 08/23/2023 Other Codes Violation of Water Code section 13264 at location WQ1 for discharging fine sedim Violation None Inspection Weather Fugawi LLC 455358 None Y
1131653 07/24/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Elida Farias 458137 None Y
1132596 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 None Y
1132598 08/15/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ1 whe Violation None Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 None Y
1132615 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 None Y
1132647 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 None Y
1090886 04/29/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Kenneth Bowman Site #3 443390 None Y
1093225 07/20/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Section 4.2.1 for threatened discharge associated with culvert condition at loca Violation N Inspection Giovanni Baassiri 444596 None Y
1093278 07/21/2021 Order Conditions Cannabis policy and General Order No. WQ 2019-0001-DWQ at inspection locations W Violation N Inspection Matthew Selino 444340 None Y
1093279 07/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code Section 13260 at inspection location WQ2 and WQ12 Violation N Inspection Matthew Selino 444340 None Y
1108678 08/29/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection John Lowery 449349 None Y
1119757 05/09/2023 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ11 that violate the Cannabis Policy Violation None Inspection Raul Carrillo 032-293-15-00 453652 None Y
1119780 07/18/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2 at location WQ1 for threatened discharge Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 176-030-08-00 453657 None Y
1120215 08/22/2023 Other Codes large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Jose Luis Rodriguez property 453860 None Y
1121257 10/13/2023 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2, WQ4, WQ5, WQ6 and WQ7 that violate the Cannabis Pol Violation None Inspection Zhen Ping Huang Property 454805 None Y
1122880 08/23/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Violation of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2 at location WQ1 for the Violation None Inspection Weather Fugawi LLC 455358 None Y
1122883 08/23/2023 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Weather Fugawi LLC 455358 None Y
1131658 07/31/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 None Y
1131661 07/31/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 None Y
1132648 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 None Y
1137424 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Rocktree Creek from locations WQ2 a Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1137428 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ4 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1137430 10/23/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Garden Creek at locations WQ3, WQ4 Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 None Y
1137431 10/23/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 None Y
1137433 10/23/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2, WQ3, WQ4, WQ5 and WQ6 that violate the Cannabis Pol Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 None Y
1137437 10/17/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 None Y
1090885 04/29/2021 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized discharge of wast Violation N Inspection Kenneth Bowman Site #3 443390 None Y
1090984 05/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized discharge of wast Violation N Inspection Patrick Norgaard (Site #2) 443727 None Y
1091717 06/24/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Noah Sheppard 444109 None Y
1091912 06/28/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Federal Clean Water Act Section 301 at locations WQ5, WQ8 and WQ9. Violation N Inspection Syed Shahzad Karim 444146 None Y
1093125 07/21/2021 Other Codes California Water Code Section 13260: cannabis cultivation operations of sufficie Violation N Inspection Jeremy David Burns 444342 None Y
1093262 07/20/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Section 4.2.1 for threatened discharge associated with the condition of the road Violation N Inspection Anthony Beltran 444337 None Y
1093340 07/21/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Section 4.2.1 for threatened discharge associated with failing road at WQ1, road Violation N Inspection Andrea Chevalier 444341 None Y
1108683 08/29/2022 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Cannabis Cultivation Pol Violation None Inspection David Buchanan 449348 None Y
1119787 07/20/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Ruben Martinez Florez 453668 None Y
1120214 08/22/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection Jose Luis Rodriguez property 453860 None Y
1131651 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 None Y
1131660 07/31/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 None Y
1137419 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of cannabis plant material to a tributary to String Cree Violation None Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 None Y
1137434 10/17/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being cond Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 None Y
1085427 11/04/2020 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Pure Organic Medicinals POM420 Gio Sky SamorI 441811 None Y
1085429 11/04/2020 Other Codes Water Code sections 13260 and 13264 Violation N Inspection Pure Organic Medicinals POM420 Gio Sky SamorI 441811 None Y
1091037 04/29/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Michael Harding (Site #3) 443745 None Y
1091911 06/28/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Syed Shahzad Karim 444146 None Y
1093261 07/20/2021 Other Codes California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized cannabis cultivat Violation N Inspection Anthony Beltran 444337 None Y
1096286 10/13/2021 Other Codes California Water Code (Water Code) section 13260 for cannabis cultivation operat Violation None Inspection Armando Medrano Martinez 444305 None Y
1113080 09/09/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection White Lightning 2.5 LLC. 427857 None Y
1121249 10/13/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Violations of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2 at locations WQ2 and WQ Violation None Inspection Zhen Ping Huang Property 454805 None Y
1131665 07/24/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Elida Farias 458137 None Y
1132610 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Jason Humpris 458342 None Y
1132614 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 None Y
1137427 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of sediment to the USGS mapped blue line tributary to Ro Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1090985 05/13/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Patrick Norgaard (Site #1) 443727 None Y
1093200 07/20/2021 Other Codes California Water Code Section 13260: cannabis cultivation operations of sufficie Violation N Inspection Armando Medrano Martinez 444305 None Y
1093522 07/27/2021 Other Codes California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized cannabis cultivat Violation N Complaint Cali Connect 1 LLC 444793 None Y
1096130 10/11/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection Tommie Dillion 445561 None Y
1096131 10/11/2021 Other Codes California Water Code Section 13260 and 13264: cannabis cultivation operations o Violation None Inspection Tommie Dillion 445561 None Y
1096239 10/11/2021 Other Codes California Water Code Section 13260: cannabis cultivation operations of sufficie Violation None Inspection Phil Flora Property MENCO APN 037-580-01-00 445619 None Y
1108680 08/29/2022 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Cannabis Cultivation Pol Violation None Inspection John Lowery 449349 None Y
1108682 08/29/2022 Other Codes California Water Code (Water Code) Sections 13260 and 13264; Violation None Inspection David Buchanan 449348 None Y
1119756 05/09/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Raul Carrillo 032-293-15-00 453652 None Y
1119783 07/20/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Alexander Diaz 032-520-08-05 453665 None Y
1119785 07/20/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities without first obtaini Violation None Inspection Alexander Diaz 032-520-10-00 453666 None Y
1120213 08/22/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 in the vicinities of WQ2, WQ3 and WQ8; Staff observed v Violation None Inspection Rafeal Carrillo 454392 None Y
1120221 08/23/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Violations of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 1 and Water Code section Violation None Inspection Alfredo Vizcaino 454442 None Y
1131656 07/31/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 None Y
1131657 07/31/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 None Y
1132611 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Jason Humpris 458342 None Y
1137409 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 None Y
1137411 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 None Y
1137417 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of organic or earthen material to String Creek from locati Violation None Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 None Y
1137418 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 None Y
1137425 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1080488 07/20/2020 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Szagora LLC 410330 None Y
1080489 07/20/2020 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized discharge of wast Violation N Inspection Szagora LLC 410330 None Y
1090913 05/13/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Daniel Suarez 443583 None Y
1091038 04/29/2021 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized discharge of wast Violation N Inspection Michael Harding (Site #3) 443745 None Y
1091718 06/24/2021 Other Codes California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized discharge of wast Violation N Inspection Noah Sheppard 444109 None Y
1091910 06/28/2021 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized discharge of wast Violation N Inspection Syed Shahzad Karim 444146 None Y
1093127 07/21/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.1.1 Violation N Inspection Jeremy David Burns 444342 None Y
1093313 07/20/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Section 4.2.1 for threatened discharge associated with culverted watercourse at Violation N Inspection Daniel Dennis 444338 None Y
1094506 09/20/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation N Inspection Gordon Springer 445053 None Y
1096287 10/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Water Code Section 13264 for unauthorized discharge of waste at location CA1. Violation None Inspection Armando Medrano Martinez 444305 None Y
1108679 08/29/2022 Other Codes California Water Code (Water Code) Sections 13260 Violation None Inspection John Lowery 449349 None Y
1119773 05/09/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2 at locations of WQ1, WQ3, WQ4 and WQ5 fo Violation None Inspection Raul Carrillo Property 453653 None Y
1119779 07/18/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Dan LaRue 453655 None Y
1120216 08/22/2023 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2, WQ4 and WQ5 that violate the State Water Resources Violation N Inspection Jose Luis Rodriguez property 453860 None Y
1131650 07/24/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to unnamed tributaries to Mill Creek a Violation None Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 None Y
1131664 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Elida Farias 458137 None Y
1132616 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Catherine Vanessa Ngo 458348 None Y
1132618 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Catherine Vanessa Ngo 458348 None Y
1137423 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Earthen fill in a United States Geologic Survey (USGS) mapped blue line tributar Violation None Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 None Y
1137432 10/23/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 None Y
1090884 04/29/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Federal Clean Water Act Section 301 at WQ7 Violation N Inspection Kenneth Bowman (Site #4) 443390 None Y
1090914 05/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Federal Clean Water Act Section 301 at locations WQ1, WQ4 and WQ5 Violation N Inspection Daniel Suarez 443583 None Y
1105288 04/20/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition Basin Plan Section 4.2.1, Prohibition 2 associated with the threatened discharge Violation None Inspection Maria Martinez Property 447763 None Y
1108681 08/29/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection David Buchanan 449348 None Y
1119755 05/09/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 1 at locations WQ9 and WQ10 for discharges Violation None Inspection Raul Carrillo 032-293-15-00 453652 None Y
1131648 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Arturo Ramirez 458117 None Y
1131659 07/31/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2, WQ3, WQ4 and WQ5 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 None Y
1131662 07/31/2024 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Cannabis Cultivation Pol Violation None Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 None Y
1131713 08/16/2024 Other Codes Water Code 13260 and 13264 Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 176-030-08-00 453657 None Y
1137410 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ2 and Violation None Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 None Y
1137420 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ7 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 None Y
1137436 10/17/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of petroleum products to land at WQ1 where they threaten Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 None Y
1105287 04/20/2022 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board Cannabis Cultivation Policy Order No. WQ 20 Violation None Inspection Maria Martinez Property 447763 None N
1119781 07/18/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 176-030-08-00 453657 None N
1105285 04/20/2022 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board Cannabis Cultivation Policy Order No. WQ 20 Violation None Inspection Hector Felix 447762 None N
1117976 08/08/2022 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Cannabis Cultivation Po Violation None Inspection Mitchell Bradley Scott Property 449131 None N
1119775 05/09/2023 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, and WQ3 through WQ6 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Raul Carrillo Property 453653 None N
1113081 09/09/2022 Other Codes California Water Code (Water Code) Section 13264 for unauthorized discharge of w Violation None Inspection White Lightning 2.5 LLC. 427857 None N
1093521 07/27/2021 Other Codes California Water Code section 13260 and 13264 for unauthorized cannabis cultivat Violation N Complaint Cali Connect 1 LLC 444793 None N
1119788 07/20/2023 Order Conditions Cannabis cultivation occurring at WQ2 violated the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Ruben Martinez Florez 453668 None N
1131649 07/24/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharge Violation None Inspection Arturo Ramirez 458117 None N
1117975 08/08/2022 Other Codes California Water Code (Water Code) Sections 13260 and 13264 Violation None Inspection Mitchell Bradley Scott Property 449131 None N
1094505 09/20/2021 Other Codes California Water Code Section 13260: cannabis cultivation operations of sufficie Violation N Inspection Gordon Springer 445053 None N
1119774 05/09/2023 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being condu Violation None Inspection Raul Carrillo Property 453653 None N
1120210 08/22/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 in the vicinities of WQ2, WQ3, WQ5, WQ6 and WQ8; Staff Violation None Inspection Silviano Viscanio 454383 None N
1113093 09/09/2022 Other Codes California Water Code Section 13260 for unauthorized land disturbances associate Violation None Inspection White Lightning 2.5 LLC. 427857 None N
1119782 07/18/2023 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ3 and WQ6 violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Neil Gaston 176-030-08-00 453657 None N
1119784 07/20/2023 Order Conditions Cultivation occurring at WQ1 violated the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Alexander Diaz 032-520-08-05 453665 None N
1120212 08/22/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 Violation None Inspection Rafeal Carrillo 454392 None N
1093122 07/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge California Water Code Section 13264 for unauthorized discharge of waste at locat Violation N Inspection Edwin Vanden Bossche 444339 None N
1119786 07/20/2023 Order Conditions Cannabis cultivation occurring at WQ1 violated the Cannabis Policy. Violation None Inspection Alexander Diaz 032-520-10-00 453666 None N
1096238 10/11/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 for threatened discharges of fine sediment to a tributa Violation None Inspection Phil Flora Property MENCO APN 037-580-01-00 445619 None N
1132818 09/16/2024 Order Conditions Failure to Comply with Cleanup and Abatement and Investigative Order No. R1-2024 Violation N Complaint Yesenia and Raul Carrillo Property 457878 R1-2024-0034 Y
1122299 10/15/2023 Order Conditions Order No. R1-2022-0046 (Order) Required Action No. 6 Violation None Report Kenneth Bowman Site #3 449749 R1-2022-0046 Y
1122298 04/01/2023 Order Conditions Order No. R1-2022-0046 (Order) Required Action No. 4 Violation None Report Kenneth Bowman Site #3 449749 R1-2022-0046 Y
1122296 11/15/2023 Order Conditions Order No. R1-2022-0046 (Order) Required Action No. 2 Violation N Report Kenneth Bowman Site #3 449749 R1-2022-0046 Y
1113158 10/15/2022 Order Conditions Notice of Violation for failure to implement an approved CRMP identified as Requ Violation N Report Daniel Suarez 448153 R1-2022-0016 Y
1106506 05/01/2022 Other Codes Notice of Violation for failure to submit a technical report identified as Requi Violation N Inspection Daniel Suarez 448153 R1-2022-0016 Y
1095652 07/01/2021 Order Conditions Failure to Comply with Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R1-2021-0031 (CAO) Requi Violation N Complaint Szagora LLC 444103 R1-2021-0031 Y
1102202 10/15/2021 Order Conditions Failure to Comply with Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R1-2021-0031 (CAO) Requi Violation N Complaint Szagora LLC 444103 R1-2021-0031 Y
1095937 04/15/2021 Order Conditions Failure to submit approvable CRMP required by CAO Directive No. 1 by April 15, 2 Violation N Report P2P 442851 R1-2021-0003 Y
1101981 03/31/2021 Order Conditions Required Action No. 5 (completion of the CRMP including, facilitating inspection Violation None Inspection Rodney and Gayle Baker 438837 R1-2020-0028 Y
1101980 02/10/2022 Order Conditions Required Action No. 4 (submittal of monthly progress reports) is a condition of Violation None Inspection Rodney and Gayle Baker 438837 R1-2020-0028 N
1076597 06/01/2020 Enforcement Action Failure to submit required CRMP Violation N Report Callcre 3001 LLC 438985 R1-2020-0017 Y
1106916 10/15/2020 Order Conditions Order No. R1-2020-0017, Required Action No. 5 Violation None Report Callcre 3001 LLC 438985 R1-2020-0017 Y
1106915 06/01/2020 Order Conditions Order No. R1-2020-0017, Required Action No. 2 Violation N Report Callcre 3001 LLC 438985 R1-2020-0017 N
1076657 03/16/2020 Order Conditions Failed to comply with required action 4 of the CAO (submit Cleanup, Restoration, Violation N Report Mazari Farms inc. and Flore Farms inc. 436012 R1-2019-0051 Y
1095938 08/15/2021 Order Conditions Failed to comply with required action 8 of the CAO (Implement an approved CRMP) Violation None Report Mazari Farms inc. and Flore Farms inc. 436012 R1-2019-0051 Y
1112343 04/15/2020 Order Conditions Failure to Comply with Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R1-2019-0045 (CAO) Requir Violation N Report Krasilsa Pacific Farms LLC 436069 R1-2019-0045 Y
1112344 10/15/2020 Order Conditions Failure to Comply with Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R1-2019-0045 (CAO) Requir Violation N Report Krasilsa Pacific Farms LLC 436069 R1-2019-0045 Y
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 166
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
Total Enforcement Actions: 0
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 03/13/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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