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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
48194 USDA Forest Service Tahoe NF Sierraville Federal Agency Po Box 95 Sierraville, CA 96126 530-994-3401 None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
868547 McNair Sierra 5R Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 08/24/2020 None
865189 Jackson Reoffer Timber Sale Nevada 5R Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 02/26/2020 None
854792 Saddle Project Sierra 5R Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 12/28/2018 None
854790 Pass Creek Aspen Project Sierra 5R Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 12/28/2018 None
854788 Middlin Project Sierra 5R Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 12/28/2018 None
854787 Lira Timber Sale Project Sierra 5R Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 12/28/2018 None
854772 Dingo Aspen Restoration Project Sierra 5R Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 12/27/2018 None
850729 Brumby Project Sierra 5R Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 08/31/2018 None
850728 Yuba Project Sierra 5R Timber Harvesting None None None
836533 Dry Creek Restoration-Sites 5, 6, 7 & 8 Nevada 6A Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/07/2017 None
833706 Carman II Watershed Restoration Site 8 Project Plumas 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/15/2017 None
817610 Jammer Chair Springs Sierra 6A Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/26/2015 None
788427 Transition Project Sierra 6A Timber Harvesting Owner 11/27/2012 None
786520 Middlin Project Sierra 6A Timber Harvesting Owner 09/24/2012 None
776942 Carman Creek Watershed Restoration Phase II Sierra 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/07/2012 None
773024 Davies Merril Watershed Restoration Sierra 6A Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/14/2011 None
764474 Dingo Aspen Restoration Thinning and Group Selection Sierra 6A Facility Owner 03/18/2011 None
757069 Dinkum Thinning, Group Selection & Aspen Restoration Project Sierra 6A Facility Owner 09/22/2010 None
752382 Jumbuck Aspen Regeneration Sierra 6A Facility None None None
750078 Outback Aspen Restoration Project Sierra 6A Timber Harvesting Owner 03/03/2010 None
745275 Phoenix Project Sierra 6A Timber Harvesting Owner 10/01/2009 None
736401 Tucker DFPZ Thinning & Group Selection Tahoe NF Sierra 6A Facility Owner 04/16/2009 None
735213 Perazzo Meadows Watershed Restoration Sierra 6A Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/19/2009 None
219208 Davies/Merril Watershed Rest Sierra 6A Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 None
Total Related Places: 24
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
583803 Carol Purchase Person Employee 08/31/2018 None None
545171 Sharon Falvey Person Legally Responsible Official 07/07/2017 None None
545171 Sharon Falvey Person Employee 02/03/2014 None None
531676 Randy Westmoreland Person Legally Responsible Official 02/07/2012 None None
531676 Randy Westmoreland Person Employee 01/30/2012 None None
530088 Sam Wilbanks Person Legally Responsible Official 11/14/2011 None None
528447 Quentin Youngblood Person Legally Responsible Official 08/12/2011 None None
Total Related Parties: 7
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
259608 Letter 6T None Historical WDR LT960906 None 09/06/1996 Discharger 09/06/1996 None N
259607 Letter 6T None Historical WDR LT960826 None 08/26/1996 Discharger 08/26/1996 None N
378117 Enrollee - Waiver 6T 6AT64610038 Active TH R6T-2009-0029 10/14/2010 None Discharger 03/18/2011 None N
388242 Enrollee - Waiver 6T 6AT64612084 Active TH R6T-2009-0029 09/28/2012 None Discharger 11/27/2012 None N
371648 Enrollee - Waiver 6T 6AT64609003 Active TH R6T-2009-0029 05/26/2009 None Discharger 10/01/2009 None N
373301 Enrollee - Waiver 6T 6AT64609013 Historical TH R6T-2009-0029 11/16/2009 01/31/2024 Discharger 11/16/2009 None N
375967 Enrollee - Waiver 6T 6AT4610034 Active TH R6T-2009-0029 07/22/2010 None Discharger 09/22/2010 None N
387507 Enrollee - Waiver 6T 6AT44612082 Active TH R6T-2009-0029 08/15/2012 None Discharger 09/24/2012 None N
436955 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Active TH R5-2017-0061 03/02/2020 None Discharger 02/26/2020 None N
428056 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Historical TH R5-2017-0061 12/28/2018 05/27/2021 Discharger 12/28/2018 None N
428041 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Active TH R5-2017-0061 12/27/2018 None Discharger 12/27/2018 None N
439719 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Active TH R5-2017-0061 08/25/2020 None Discharger 08/24/2020 None N
428057 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Active TH R5-2017-0061 12/28/2018 None Discharger 12/28/2018 None N
425003 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Historical TH R5-2017-0061 08/16/2018 06/13/2024 Discharger 08/31/2018 None N
428059 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Historical TH R5-2017-0061 12/28/2018 11/01/2023 Discharger 12/28/2018 None N
428058 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Active TH R5-2017-0061 12/28/2018 None Discharger 12/28/2018 None N
425002 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Active TH R5-2017-0061 08/16/2018 None Discharger 08/31/2018 None N
412206 Enrollee - 401 Certification 5R 5A46CR00021 Historical CERREST SB12006GN 05/02/2017 05/02/2022 Discharger 03/15/2017 None N
364004 Enrollee 6T 6AT54607011 Historical NPS R6T-2007-0008 07/19/2007 01/16/2012 Discharger 04/16/2009 None N
375968 Enrollee 6T 6AT64610034 Historical TH R6T-2009-0029 07/22/2010 06/23/2014 Discharger 09/22/2010 None N
363994 Enrollee 6T 6AT54607002 Historical NPS R6T-2007-0008 07/16/2007 01/15/2011 Discharger 01/12/2010 None N
383076 401 Certification 5R 5A32CR00094 Historical CERFILLEXC None 02/09/2012 02/09/2017 Discharger 02/07/2012 None N
402613 401 Certification 6T None Historical CERREST R6T-2015-0059 09/28/2015 12/20/2019 Discharger 08/26/2015 None N
362743 401 Certification 6T 6A460903003 Historical CERFILLEXC None 06/04/2009 06/03/2014 Discharger 03/19/2009 None N
414215 401 Certification 6T 6A291706008 Historical CERREST RR6-2018-0040 08/22/2018 08/22/2023 Discharger 07/07/2017 None N
382108 401 Certification 6T 6A02CT33620 Historical CERFILLEXC None 09/30/2005 None Discharger 11/14/2011 None Y
382098 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 6T None Historical UNREGS R6T-2011-0010 02/10/2011 03/02/2011 Discharger 11/10/2011 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 27
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
388913 Oral Communication None Oral Com 08/24/2012 for USDA Forest Service Tahoe NF Sierraville TH 08/24/2012 Historical
388837 Oral Communication None Oral Com 11/02/2012 for USDA Forest Service Tahoe NF Sierraville TH 11/02/2012 Historical
388324 Oral Communication None Oral Com 02/05/2010 for USDA Forest Service Tahoe NF Sierraville NPS 02/05/2010 Historical
376065 Oral Communication None Oral-USFS Tahoe NF-Perazzon Meadows Restoration (6/17/2010) CERFILLEXC 06/17/2010 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 4
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
439719 Carol Purchase Enrollee - WDR TH 08/25/2020 Active
436955 Carol Purchase Enrollee - WDR TH 03/02/2020 Active
425003 Carol Purchase Enrollee - WDR TH 08/16/2018 Historical
425002 Carol Purchase Enrollee - WDR TH 08/16/2018 Active
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 4
The current report was generated with data as of: 11/29/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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