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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
471176 Paul Violetti 19855 Barton Hill Road Strawberry Valley, CA 95981-9700 530-675-2343 None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
844830 THP 2-17EM-038-PLU East Quincy Emergency Plumas 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 02/15/2018 None
830885 THP 2-16-084-PLU Spring Camp Plumas 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 12/20/2016 12/10/2020
827427 THP 2-09-066-YUB Peterson Ranch Yuba 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 08/22/2016 None
815686 THP 2-15-018-PLU Icky Thump Plumas 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 06/04/2015 12/10/2020
814082 THP 2-15EX-112-PLU Lee Summit Plumas 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 03/25/2015 None
812998 THP 2-14-111 YUB, Scales THP Yuba 5R Timber Harvesting None None None
809680 THP 2-14-064-YUB Slapback Yuba 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 05/07/2018 None
808004 THP 2-08-35 PLU Rapala Ridge Plumas 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 07/30/2014 None
808003 THP 2-09-067 PLU Bradley Plumas 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 07/30/2014 None
807979 THP 2-08-091-PLU Meadow Valley Plumas 5R Timber Harvesting Contact 07/29/2014 None
786927 EX 1-12EX-141 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Contact 10/03/2012 None
739962 THP 1-09-0130 MEN Mendocino 1 Timber Harvesting Contact 06/25/2009 None
735199 THP 1-03-224 SON Sonoma 1 Timber Harvesting Contact 10/15/2004 None
718629 THP 1-07-192 MEN Mendocino 1 Timber Harvesting Contact 06/02/2008 None
Total Related Places: 14
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
595457 Soper Company Organization Employee 07/03/2019 None Privately-Owned Business
556142 Soper Wheeler Company Organization Employee 08/22/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
41510 Soper Company Organization Employee 06/02/2008 None Privately-Owned Business
Total Related Parties: 3
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
419520 Enrollee - WDR 5R None Historical TH R5-2017-0061 10/12/2017 01/15/2020 Discharger Contact 02/15/2018 None N
410956 Enrollee - Waiver 5R None Historical TH R5-2014-0144 04/11/2017 01/31/2018 Discharger Contact 12/20/2016 None N
408388 Enrollee - Waiver 5R None Historical TH R5-2014-0144 12/09/2009 07/08/2016 Discharger Contact 08/22/2016 None N
401340 Enrollee - Waiver 5R None Historical TH R5-2014-0144 07/07/2016 01/31/2018 Discharger Contact 06/04/2015 None N
400362 Enrollee - Waiver 5R None Historical TH R5-2014-0144 02/09/2015 03/31/2018 Discharger Contact 03/25/2015 None N
399791 Enrollee - Waiver 5R None Historical TH R5-2010-0022 None 07/04/2018 Discharger Contact 02/10/2015 None N
398356 Enrollee - Waiver 5R None Historical TH R5-2014-0144 04/16/2015 02/14/2018 Discharger Contact 10/02/2014 None N
397508 Enrollee 5R None Historical TH R5-2010-0022 None 07/30/2014 Discharger Contact 07/30/2014 None N
397506 Enrollee 5R None Historical TH R5-2010-0022 None 07/30/2014 Discharger Contact 07/30/2014 None N
397494 Enrollee - Waiver 5R None Historical TH R5-2014-0144 03/31/2015 07/08/2016 Discharger Contact 07/29/2014 None N
387640 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B112EX141HUM Active TH R1-2014-0011 06/08/2012 None Discharger Contact 10/03/2012 None N
367573 Enrollee - WDR 1 1B109013MEN Active TH R1-2004-0030 07/06/2009 None Discharger Contact 06/25/2009 None N
362720 Enrollee - Waiver 1 None Active TH R1-2014-0011 10/15/2004 None Discharger Contact 10/15/2004 None N
346182 Enrollee - WDR 1 1B107192MEN Active TH R1-2004-0030 04/22/2008 None Discharger Contact 06/02/2008 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 14
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
Total Enforcement Actions: 0
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
442427 Soper Wheeler Company Enrollee - WDR TH 06/08/2021 Active
442369 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/01/2018 Historical
441165 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 11/06/2020 Active
441100 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 10/13/2020 Active
441099 Soper Wheeler Company Enrollee - WDR TH 03/10/2021 Historical
438000 Soper Wheeler Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/01/2018 Historical
434173 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/01/2018 Historical
433663 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/01/2018 Historical
433415 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 05/30/2019 Historical
432821 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 07/05/2018 Active
431784 Soper Wheeler Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/06/2020 Active
431065 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 04/26/2019 Historical
430992 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 04/10/2019 Historical
429233 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/25/2019 Historical
427673 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 05/20/2019 Historical
421397 Soper Wheeler Company Enrollee - WDR TH 08/17/2018 Active
419620 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/15/2018 Active
419520 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 10/12/2017 Historical
419323 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/01/2018 Historical
419321 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 02/01/2018 Historical
410956 Soper Wheeler Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 04/11/2017 Historical
409540 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 06/30/2017 Historical
408388 Soper Wheeler Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 12/09/2009 Historical
406012 Soper Wheeler Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 07/25/2016 Historical
403639 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 06/22/2010 Historical
403493 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 03/25/2010 Historical
401340 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 07/07/2016 Historical
400362 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 02/09/2015 Historical
399791 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH None Historical
399233 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 06/25/2015 Historical
398356 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 04/16/2015 Historical
397964 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 07/02/2012 Historical
397508 Soper Company Enrollee TH None Historical
397506 Soper Company Enrollee TH None Historical
397494 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 03/31/2015 Historical
396908 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 01/01/2008 Historical
396902 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 07/03/2014 Historical
395524 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 06/06/2011 Historical
391319 Soper Company Enrollee TH 07/03/2014 Historical
390279 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 05/13/2013 Historical
389888 Soper Company Enrollee TH 04/18/2013 Historical
388787 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 01/15/2013 Historical
387870 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 04/18/2013 Active
387640 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 06/08/2012 Active
385794 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 03/31/2015 Historical
385375 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 05/19/2014 Active
384045 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 04/04/2005 Historical
383940 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 03/25/2010 Historical
383935 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 05/31/2013 Historical
381978 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 08/09/2012 Active
379534 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 07/28/2011 Active
378677 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 06/15/2011 Active
374890 Soper Company Enrollee TH 07/16/2010 Historical
367573 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 07/06/2009 Active
366555 Soper Company NPDES Permit NPDMINING 09/20/2008 Historical
366203 Soper Company Enrollee TH 06/22/2009 Historical
362720 Soper Company Enrollee - Waiver TH 10/15/2004 Active
356776 Soper Company Enrollee TH 05/31/2007 Historical
348731 Soper Company 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 09/28/2006 Historical
346187 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 04/30/2008 Active
346182 Soper Company Enrollee - WDR TH 04/22/2008 Active
327398 Soper Company Enrollee TH 06/28/2007 Historical
324067 Soper Company 401 Certification TH None Historical
176682 Soper Company Enrollee TH 06/13/2005 Historical
148078 Soper Company WDR WDRINDIVLRG 08/04/2000 Historical
146564 Soper Company NPDES Permit NPDMINING 10/25/1996 Historical
135225 Soper Company WDR NPDINDSML 12/03/1993 Historical
134292 Soper Company WDR NPDINDSML 12/06/1996 Historical
134253 Soper Company WDR WDRMINING 09/20/1996 Active
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 69
The current report was generated with data as of: 12/03/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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