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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
39771 San Luis Obispo City City Agency 990 Palm Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-781-7239(+) mark@copelandproperties.com
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
201054 SLO City Aquatic Pesticides San Luis Obispo 3 Waterway/Shoreline Site Owner 08/06/2002 None
271808 San Luis Obispo Water Reclamation Facility San Luis Obispo 3 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 10/24/2003 None
255380 San Luis Obispo WWTP San Luis Obispo 3 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 07/26/1994 None
637513 San Luis Obispo City Water Distribution System San Luis Obispo 3 Utility Structure None None None
826571 San Luis Obispo City WS San Luis Obispo 3 Utility Structure Owner and Operator 07/25/2016 None
716472 City of SLO Cleanup Sites on Tank Farm Road San Luis Obispo 3 Service/Commercial Site, NEC Owner and Operator 04/25/2013 None
255379 San Luis Obispo Municipal SW San Luis Obispo 3 MS4 Owner 06/17/2005 None
602576 San Luis Obispo City Reservoir Number 1 Pipeline Project San Luis Obispo 3 Facility Owner 09/09/2005 None
247437 Palm Street Dewatering San Luis Obispo 3 Facility Owner 01/15/2004 None
633101 Recycled Water Flushing San Luis Obispo 3 Facility None None None
232660 Irrigation Wells San Luis Obispo 3 Facility Owner 12/09/2002 None
821919 Calle Joaquin Siphon and Lift Station Replacement Project San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/10/2016 None
808934 34014WQ16 Broad Street Bank Stabilization San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/03/2014 None
795357 Andrews Creek Bypass storm Drain Improvements Project, San Luis Obispo Cnty San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/11/2013 None
890120 San Luis Obispo Creek Repair near Johnson Avenue Project San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site None None None
783536 Cty of San Luis Obispo Creek Maintenance Annual Work Plan San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/16/2012 None
772866 Sediment Removal in San Luis Obispo Creek and Perfumo Creek Bypass Channels San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Operator 11/08/2011 None
851052 Laguna Lake Sediment Management Program San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/18/2018 None
767722 City of San Luis Obispo Silt Removal Project - Prefumo at Madonna San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Operator 06/22/2011 None
783601 Higuera Street Storm Drain Culvert Repair San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/17/2012 None
778661 Motel Inn Sewer Line Temporary Armoring San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Operator 03/14/2012 None
767724 City of San Luis Obispo Sediment Removal Project - SLO Creek at Marsh and Prefum San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Operator 06/22/2011 None
782234 Storm Drain Repairs at Various Locations Phase 1 Spec. No. 91307 San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/18/2012 None
810809 34014WQ21 Prefumo Creek Sediment Removal San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/20/2014 None
896173 Johnson Ranch Riparian Restoration Project San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/23/2024 None
810808 34014WQ22 San Luis Obispo Creek Sediment Removal San Luis Obispo 3 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/20/2014 None
631748 San Luis Obispo CS San Luis Obispo 3 Collection_System Owner 04/06/2006 None
Total Related Places: 27
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
646867 Lucia Pohlman Person Legally Responsible Official 08/23/2024 None None
642955 John Huggins Person Legally Responsible Official 12/13/2023 None None
639319 Keith Schwanemann Person Data Submitter 05/08/2023 None None
633756 Jill Rose Person Data Submitter 06/13/2022 None None
632749 matthew stiles Person Data Submitter 04/26/2022 None None
630624 Ryan Beech Person Legally Responsible Official 02/08/2022 None None
629887 Patrick McGrath Person Legally Responsible Official 01/19/2022 None None
625699 Patrice Parsons Person Data Submitter 06/22/2021 None None
624526 Bryan Chen Person Data Submitter 05/19/2021 None None
623910 Christopher Duncan Person Data Submitter 04/29/2021 None None
622541 Daren Kersey Person Legally Responsible Official 03/17/2021 None None
610331 Jarrett Rucker Person Legally Responsible Official 07/01/2020 None None
601717 Andrew Mora Person Legally Responsible Official 09/10/2019 None None
594827 James Austin Person Data Submitter 02/13/2019 None None
584394 Robert Hill Person Legally Responsible Official 09/18/2018 None None
581491 Christopher Lehman Person Legally Responsible Official 07/31/2018 None None
562996 Jeremy Gearhart Person Legally Responsible Official 03/28/2017 06/23/2021 None
558262 Donald Thomas Person Employee 07/25/2016 None None
556578 Mychal Boerman Person Legally Responsible Official 05/31/2016 None None
554894 Tyler Lee Person Data Submitter 01/06/2022 None None
554724 Marcus Henderson Person Legally Responsible Official 02/25/2016 None None
554602 Jennifer Metz Person Legally Responsible Official 02/10/2016 None None
551631 Mitchell Plum Person Data Submitter 06/10/2015 None None
550892 Benjamin Marquart Person Legally Responsible Official 05/01/2015 09/04/2019 None
550892 Benjamin Marquart Person Data Submitter 04/22/2015 05/01/2015 None
549942 Christina Claxton Person Data Submitter 02/03/2015 11/06/2019 None
549942 Christina Claxton Person Legally Responsible Official 11/06/2019 None None
541114 Manuel Guzman Person Legally Responsible Official 11/20/2014 None None
540886 Matt Horn Person Legally Responsible Official 06/11/2013 None None
535208 Dan Van Beveren Person Legally Responsible Official 07/16/2012 None None
534490 Freddy Otte Person Legally Responsible Official 06/18/2012 None None
523932 Howard Brewen Person Legally Responsible Official 07/27/2010 07/20/2018 None
375126 Daniel Goulet Person Legally Responsible Official 04/24/2007 07/20/2018 None
375125 Bud Nance Person Legally Responsible Official 04/24/2007 07/20/2018 None
303832 Matthew Anderson Person Data Submitter 03/10/2006 None None
303826 Joe O'Donnell Person Data Submitter 03/10/2006 None None
303590 Aaron Floyd Person Employee 03/19/2008 07/25/2018 None
303590 Aaron Floyd Person Legally Responsible Official 03/09/2006 07/25/2018 None
303581 Anne Fairchild Person Data Submitter 03/09/2006 03/04/2019 None
213794 Patti Gwathmey Person Legally Responsible Official 04/24/2007 12/12/2007 None
144711 Jim Autry Person Employee 10/01/2004 01/01/2008 None
98474 David Hix Person Employee 04/06/2006 None None
98474 David Hix Person Employee 07/26/1994 None None
Total Related Parties: 43
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
458179 Enrollee - 401 Certification 3 34024WQ26 Active CERREST SB12006GN 10/07/2024 None Discharger 08/23/2024 None N
456704 NPDES Permit 3 3 400107001 Active NPDMUNILRG R3-2024-0001 09/01/2024 None Discharger 04/24/2024 None N
454149 Enrollee - 401 Certification 3 34023WQ36 Active CERFILLEXC 2018-0029-EXEC 10/31/2023 None Discharger 08/31/2023 None N
440267 Co-Permitee SB 3 400107001 Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 None Discharger 09/18/2020 None N
425282 401 Certification 3 34018WQ31 Historical CERDREDGE None 09/11/2019 09/11/2024 Discharger 09/18/2018 None N
407879 Enrollee - NPDES 3 4DW0125 Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2014-0194-DWQ 07/01/2016 None Discharger 07/01/2016 None N
404622 401 Certification 3 34016WQ06 Historical CERFILLEXC None 11/19/2020 09/01/2021 Discharger 02/10/2016 None Y
399576 NPDES Permit 3 3 400107001 Historical NPDMUNILRG R3-2014-0033 12/01/2014 08/31/2024 Discharger 01/23/2015 None N
398906 401 Certification 3 34014WQ21 Historical CERFILLEXC None 01/15/2015 07/30/2018 Discharger 11/20/2014 None N
398905 401 Certification 3 34014WQ22 Historical CERFILLEXC None 01/22/2015 08/08/2018 Discharger 11/20/2014 None N
397914 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERFILLEXC None 12/11/2014 12/11/2021 Discharger 09/03/2014 None N
391007 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERFILLEXC None 05/16/2011 05/14/2016 Discharger 06/11/2013 None N
386272 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERFILLEXC None 12/06/2010 12/06/2015 Discharger 07/17/2012 None N
386236 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERFILLEXC 34010wq07 08/27/2010 08/27/2015 Discharger 07/16/2012 None N
385568 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERFILLEXC None 07/30/2012 07/29/2017 Discharger 06/18/2012 None N
383755 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERFILLEXC None 04/09/2012 04/08/2017 Discharger 03/14/2012 None N
382065 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERFILLEXC None 01/06/2012 01/06/2017 Discharger 11/08/2011 None N
379824 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERDREDGE None 08/16/2011 08/06/2016 Discharger 03/23/2011 None N
379820 401 Certification 3 None Historical CERDREDGE None 08/16/2011 08/16/2016 Discharger 06/20/2011 None N
344344 Enrollee - Waiver 3 3 400408186 Active WDRNONMUNIPRCS R3-2024-0035 03/21/2008 None Discharger 04/24/2008 None N
306620 Enrollee 3 3 400706389 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R3-2011-0223 12/01/2006 07/26/2016 Discharger 07/20/2006 None N
302444 Enrollee 3 3 400406378 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 01-119 04/11/2006 06/27/2006 Discharger 05/09/2006 None N
299937 Enrollee 3 3SSO10320 Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 07/27/2006 None Discharger 04/10/2006 None N
261519 Enrollee 3 3 400106335 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R3-2011-0223 12/01/2006 06/01/2007 Discharger 01/19/2006 None N
261358 NPDES Permit 3 3 400107001 Historical NPDMUNILRG R3-2002-0043 MOD 03/25/2005 11/30/2014 Discharger 01/16/2007 None N
185357 Enrollee 3 3 400212016 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 01-119 01/14/2003 11/19/2003 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
185354 Enrollee 3 3 400206023 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2001-0012-DWQ 06/25/2004 None Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
174951 Enrollee 3 3 40MS03009 Historical MNSTW2 2003-0005-DWQ 06/30/2009 06/30/2013 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
146994 NPDES Permit 3 3 400107001 Historical NPDMUNILRG 95-048 10/13/1995 05/30/2002 Discharger 10/13/1995 None N
144202 NPDES Permit 3 3 400107001 Historical NPDMUNILRG 90-012 04/13/1990 None Discharger 04/13/1990 None N
143665 NPDES Permit 3 3 400107001 Historical NPDMUNILRG 85-021 02/08/1985 None Discharger 02/08/1985 None N
143462 NPDES Permit 3 3 400107001 Historical NPDMUNILRG 86-063 01/10/1986 None Discharger 01/10/1986 None N
132348 WDR 3 3 400309097 Active WDRMUNILRG R3-2003-0081 10/24/2003 None Discharger 10/24/2003 None N
131511 NPDES Permit 3 3 400107001 Historical NPDMUNILRG R3-2002-0043 05/31/2002 03/24/2005 Discharger 05/31/2002 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 34
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1140054 02/02/2025 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Mon Rpt Annual) report for 2024 (2788365) was du Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1140038 12/03/2024 Surface Water Sodium Annual Mean was 76 mg/L at RSW-005 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1139349 01/24/2025 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Collection System Maintenance Failure (specify below) ca Violation None SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1139140 12/03/2024 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.03 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1139139 12/11/2024 Surface Water Receiving Water RSW-005 Color - RSW-005 was 30 true color units greater than RSW Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1139138 07/02/2024 Surface Water The annual running mean for RSW-005 sodium was 70 mg/L. THIS VIOLATION HAS BEEN Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1137873 11/05/2024 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.4 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1137872 11/05/2024 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0.81 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1137871 11/05/2024 Surface Water temperature Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1137870 11/05/2024 Surface Water color Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136646 10/15/2024 Surface Water Receiving Water RSW-005 Color - RSW-005 was 33 true color units greater than RSW Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136645 10/15/2024 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.024 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136644 10/23/2024 Deficient Monitoring Sodium hypochlorite was used to disinfect and clean a UV vessel on 10/23/24. Th Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136023 11/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) (Pretreatment Mon Rpt Quarterly) report for Q3 2024 (2 Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1136008 11/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) (Pretreatment Mon Rpt Quarterly) report for Q3 2024 (2 Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136007 11/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Mon Rpt Quarterly) report for Q3 2024 (2910119 Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135201 09/11/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135200 09/04/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135199 09/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135198 09/12/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135197 09/09/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135196 09/06/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135195 09/05/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135194 09/10/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135093 09/12/2024 Order Conditions Effluent-002 Total Coliform Daily Max 25.6 MPN/100 mL on 9/12/24. The elevated Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135092 09/03/2024 Surface Water RSW-005 was 26 true color units greater than RSW-004. The SLO WRRF upgrade, kno Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135091 09/19/2024 Order Conditions Effluent-002 7 Sample Median 3.1 MPN/100 mL on 9/19/24. The elevated results wer Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135090 09/13/2024 Order Conditions Effluent-002 Total Coliform Daily Max 65.0 MPN/100 mL on 9/13/24. The elevated Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135089 09/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1134600 07/02/2024 Surface Water The annual running mean for RSW-005 sodium was 70 mg/L Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1133723 07/23/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Lateral, Root Intrusion caused 911 gallons o Violation None SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1132902 08/29/2024 Surface Water Increase of 29 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1132901 08/22/2024 Surface Water Increase of 24color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1132900 08/06/2024 Surface Water Increase of 16 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1131328 07/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1131327 07/31/2024 Surface Water Increase of 19 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1131326 07/17/2024 Surface Water Increase of 19 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1131325 07/02/2024 Surface Water Increase of 19 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1130042 04/02/2024 Surface Water Annual running mean 72mg/L Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1130041 06/19/2024 Surface Water RSW-005 was 16 true color units greater than RSW-004 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1130040 06/30/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1128946 05/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1128176 04/30/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1126355 03/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 11 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1125298 02/29/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 45
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
456715 Time Schedule Order R3-2024-0021 TSO R3-2024-0021 for San Luis Obispo City NPDMUNILRG 09/01/2024 Active
455677 Notice of Violation None NOV 01/24/2024 for San Luis Obispo City NPDMUNILRG 01/24/2024 Historical
455271 Admin Civil Liability R3-2024-0004 ACL R3-2024-0004 for San Luis Obispo City NPDMUNILRG 02/14/2024 Historical
452410 Notice of Violation None NOV 04/17/2023 for San Luis Obispo City Sanitary Sewer System SSOMUNILRG 04/17/2023 Historical
450300 Notice of Violation None NOV 11/21/2022 for San Luis Obispo City CS SSOMUNILRG 11/21/2022 Historical
450286 Admin Civil Liability R3-2023-0005 ACL R3-2023-0005 for San Luis Obispo City NPDMUNILRG 02/23/2023 Historical
444062 Admin Civil Liability R3-2021-0061 ACL R3-2021-0061 for San Luis Obispo City NPDMUNILRG 03/23/2022 Historical
438868 Notice of Violation None NOV 06/22/2020 for San Luis Obispo City CS 25K SSO SSOMUNILRG 06/22/2020 Historical
437392 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 03/26/2020 for San Luis Obispo City CS Late Report Certfication for 3/8/20 25K SSO SSOMUNILRG 03/26/2020 Historical
435710 Time Schedule Order R3-2019-0124 TSO R3-2019-0124 for San Luis Obispo City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/01/2019 Historical
425264 Notice of Violation None NOV 09/07/2018 for San Luis Obispo City CERFILLEXC 09/07/2018 Historical
407201 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 06/28/2016 for San Luis Obispo City CERFILLEXC 06/28/2016 Historical
407200 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 06/28/2016 for San Luis Obispo City CERFILLEXC 06/28/2016 Historical
406950 Notice of Violation None NOV 06/16/2016 for San Luis Obispo City CERFILLEXC 06/16/2016 Active
406051 Notice of Violation None NOV 05/05/2016 for San Luis Obispo City 1/31/16 SSO SSOMUNILRG 05/05/2016 Active
403231 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 07/29/2015 for San Luis Obispo City CERFILLEXC 07/29/2015 Historical
403228 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 07/29/2015 for San Luis Obispo City CERFILLEXC 07/29/2015 Historical
403216 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 07/30/2015 for SLO City 34014WQ22 San Luis Obispo Creek Sediment Removal CERFILLEXC 07/30/2015 Historical
402901 Notice of Violation None NOV 09/02/15 for 34014WQ16 Broad Street Bank Stabilization CERFILLEXC 09/02/2015 Historical
399710 Time Schedule Order R3-2014-0036 TSO R3-2014-0036 for San Luis Obispo City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/01/2014 Historical
395894 Notice of Violation None NOV & 13267 Order 4/25/14 for SLO City Ca Blvd Potable Water Spill to SLO Crk DISCHSW 04/25/2014 Historical
381390 Admin Civil Liability R3-2011-0212 ACL R3-2011-0212 for San Luis Obispo City CS SSOMUNILRG 10/07/2011 Historical
374003 Time Schedule Order R3-2010-0013 TSO R3-2010-0013 for City of San Luis Obispo NPDMUNILRG 03/30/2010 Historical
373789 Oral Communication None Oral Com 03/16/2010 for SAN LUIS OBISPO, CITY OF SSOMUNILRG 03/16/2010 Historical
363726 Notice of Violation None NOV for San Luis Obispo, City Of SSOMUNILRG 03/13/2009 Historical
353205 Admin Civil Liability SWB-2008-3-0016 ACL SWB-2008-3-0016 for San Luis Obispo City NPDMUNILRG 02/19/2016 Historical
349194 Oral Communication None VER for San Luis Obispo CS SSOMUNILRG 02/28/2008 Historical
308186 Notice of Violation None NOV for SAN LUIS OBISPO, CITY OF NPDNONMUNIPRCS 08/22/2006 Historical
300370 Oral Communication None Verbal Enforcement Action for San Luis Obispo WWTP NPDMUNILRG 01/11/2006 Historical
299764 Oral Communication None Verbal Enforcement Action for City of San Luis Obispo WWTP NPDMUNILRG 10/18/2005 Historical
299762 Oral Communication None Verbal Enforcement Action for City of San Luis Obispo WWTP NPDMUNILRG 08/19/2005 Historical
299187 Notice of Violation None NOV for City of San Luis Obispo WWTP NPDMUNILRG 01/24/2006 Historical
261513 Admin Civil Liability R3-2005-0130 ACL R3-2005-0130 for San Luis Obispo City NPDMUNILRG 12/02/2005 Historical
254088 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 09/24/2004 Historical
254084 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 10/19/2004 Historical
253378 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 08/30/2004 Historical
253280 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 11/08/2004 Historical
253279 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 10/01/2004 Historical
252860 Admin Civil Liability R3-2004-0126 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDESWW 09/10/2004 Historical
252525 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400206023 NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/09/2004 Historical
251891 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 05/04/2004 Historical
251581 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 04/26/2004 Historical
249874 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 12/01/2003 Historical
249873 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 12/01/2003 Historical
249714 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400401159 NPDNONMUNIPRCS 03/23/2005 Historical
248206 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 07/26/2002 Historical
248205 Notice of Violation 88-09901 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 07/26/2002 Historical
248028 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 08/15/2002 Historical
246123 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 11/26/2002 Historical
239617 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 03/18/2002 Historical
238054 Admin Civil Liability R3-2001-120 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 11/06/2001 Historical
228061 Notice to Comply UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400001N01 UNREGS 08/23/2000 Historical
227949 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 3 400001N01 UNREGS 07/26/2000 Historical
227303 Admin Civil Liability R3-2001-0017 Enforcement - 3 400001N01 UNREGS 02/02/2001 Historical
222946 Cease and Desist Order 86-064 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 04/11/1986 Historical
222825 Admin Civil Liability 88-136 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 07/08/1988 Historical
222793 Cease and Desist Order 86-064A1 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 06/12/1987 Historical
222724 Clean-up and Abatement Order 88-099 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 05/06/1988 Historical
222588 Cease and Desist Order 90-014 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 04/13/1990 Historical
222293 Admin Civil Liability 86-179 Enforcement - 3 400107001 NPDMUNILRG 05/02/1986 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 60
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
407879 Donald Thomas Enrollee - NPDES NPDNONMUNIPRCS 07/01/2016 Active
399576 David Hix NPDES Permit NPDMUNILRG 12/01/2014 Historical
399576 David Hix NPDES Permit NPDMUNILRG 12/01/2014 Historical
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 3
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/18/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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