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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
38487 Ormond Beach Power, LLC Privately-Owned Business 6635 South Edison Drive Oxnard, CA 93003 805-986-7251(+) None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
254025 Mandalay Generating Station (advanced onsite sewage treatment system) Ventura 4 Power Plant Owner 10/25/2002 02/13/2018
246823 Ormond Beach Generating Station Ventura 4 Power Plant Owner and Operator 06/20/2006 None
242209 Mandalay Generating Station Ventura 4 Power Plant Owner 02/28/1977 None
223416 Edison Canal Maintenance Dredging Ventura 4 Facility Owner 04/02/2001 None
Total Related Places: 4
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
631520 Sheila Reilly Person Data Submitter 06/12/2023 None None
562567 Mari Tiscareno Person Data Submitter 02/21/2017 None None
561150 Alexander Hoogland Person Data Submitter 12/14/2016 None None
561149 Anthony Sutter Person Data Submitter 12/14/2016 None None
550939 Jay Bellingham Person Legally Responsible Official 05/05/2015 None None
548333 Kathy Crist Person Data Submitter 10/02/2024 None None
543302 William Probasco Person Legally Responsible Official 09/26/2013 None None
537918 Charles Mason Person Legally Responsible Official 01/10/2013 None None
537435 Matthew Pistner Person Legally Responsible Official 11/27/2012 03/24/2015 None
536918 Jacqueline Hernandez Person Data Submitter 09/24/2012 None None
521715 Scott Warnock Person Data Submitter 07/02/2012 None None
521706 Roger Kahle Person Data Submitter 09/29/2022 None None
507648 Adolfo Melchor Person Facility Contact 05/20/2009 None None
507643 Thomas DiCiolli Person Legally Responsible Official 02/27/2015 02/13/2018 None
507643 Thomas DiCiolli Person Facility Contact 05/20/2009 02/13/2018 None
507643 Thomas DiCiolli Person Legally Responsible Official 06/08/2020 None None
308653 John Mihatov Person Legally Responsible Official 07/26/2006 06/30/2013 None
303029 Gary Norfolk Person Interested Party 03/09/2006 None None
293241 Richard Whaley Person Interested Party 03/09/2006 None None
129127 Sheila Henika Person Data Submitter 03/29/2017 None None
113219 Julie Babcock Person Data Submitter 05/23/2012 None None
113219 Julie Babcock Person Legally Responsible Official 02/28/1977 None None
Total Related Parties: 22
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
440503 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019002 Active NPDINDLRG R4-2020-0132 01/01/2021 None Discharger 09/18/2020 None N
397601 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019002 Historical NPDINDLRG R4-2015-0172 11/01/2015 12/31/2020 Discharger 08/07/2014 None N
394172 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019001 Historical NPDINDLRG R4-2015-0201 01/01/2016 09/13/2018 Discharger 12/10/2013 None N
353455 WDR 4 4A562019004 Historical WDRMUNIOTH R4-2008-0087 10/02/2008 10/02/2018 Discharger 08/07/2003 None N
350810 Enrollee - WDR 4 4A567000105 Historical WDRMUNIOWTS 01-031 08/08/2008 02/16/2010 Discharger 08/07/2003 None N
305086 Enrollee 4 4A566700025 Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS 93-010 05/26/2006 12/16/2009 Discharger 06/20/2006 None N
298470 Letter 4 None Historical WDR R4-2004-0119 02/16/2006 02/16/2006 Discharger 08/05/2004 None N
148288 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019002 Historical NPDINDLRG R4-2001-0092 02/28/1977 10/31/2015 Discharger 06/28/2001 None N
148167 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019001 Historical NPDINDLRG 01-057 04/26/2001 12/31/2015 Discharger 04/26/2001 None N
135512 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019002 Historical NPDESWW 94-132 12/05/1994 06/28/2001 Discharger 12/05/1994 None N
135511 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019001 Historical NPDESWW 94-131 12/05/1994 04/25/2001 Discharger 12/05/1994 None N
134482 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019002 Historical NPDESWW 90-032 02/26/1990 12/05/1994 Discharger 02/26/1990 None N
134481 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019001 Historical NPDESWW 90-031 02/26/1990 12/05/1994 Discharger 02/26/1990 None N
134385 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019002 Historical NPDESWW 84-116 11/19/1984 02/26/1990 Discharger 11/19/1984 None N
134384 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019001 Historical NPDESWW 84-115 11/19/1984 02/26/1990 Discharger 11/19/1984 None N
133432 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019002 Historical NPDESWW 77-052 02/28/1977 11/19/1984 Discharger 02/28/1977 None N
133431 NPDES Permit 4 4A562019001 Historical NPDESWW 77-051 02/28/1977 11/19/1984 Discharger 02/28/1977 None N
132986 WDR 4 4A562019003 Historical WDR R4-2004-0096 06/10/2004 09/13/2006 Discharger 06/10/2004 None N
132684 WDR 4 4A562019006 Historical WDRMUNIOTH R4-2004-0119 08/05/2004 09/06/2007 Discharger 08/05/2004 None N
132133 WDR 4 4A562019004 Historical WDRMUNIOTH R4-2003-0109 08/07/2003 10/01/2008 Discharger 08/07/2003 None N
131649 WDR 4 4A562019003 Historical WDR R4-2002-0106 05/23/2002 06/09/2004 Discharger 05/23/2002 None N
131262 Resolution 4 4A562019002 Historical NPDESWW 88-0074R 07/27/1988 07/28/1988 Discharger 07/27/1988 None N
131261 Resolution 4 4A562019001 Historical NPDESWW 88-0073R 07/27/1988 07/27/1988 Discharger 07/27/1988 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 23
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
419514 Admin Civil Liability R4-2018-0008 ACL R4-2018-0008 for NRG California South LP NPDINDLRG 04/25/2018 Historical
414813 Admin Civil Liability R4-2017-0103 ACL R4-2017-0103 for NRG California South LP NPDINDLRG 08/17/2017 Historical
403274 Time Schedule Order R4-2015-0479 TSO R4-2015-0479 for NRG California South LP NPDINDLRG 01/01/2016 Historical
392000 Oral Communication None Oral Com 07/10/2013 for GenOn West, LP NPDINDLRG 07/10/2013 Historical
384994 Notice of Violation None NOV 05/07/2012 for GenOn West, LP NPDINDLRG 05/07/2012 Historical
384991 Notice of Violation None NOV 05/07/2012 for GenOn West, LP NPDINDLRG 05/07/2012 Historical
358105 Admin Civil Liability SWB-2008-4-0071 Expedited Payment Letter for Reliant Energy Mandalay, LLC NPDINDLRG 07/15/2009 Historical
355988 Admin Civil Liability R4-2008-0113-M Expedited Settlement Ltr sent 11/19/08 for 64 effluent limit violations. NPDINDLRG 11/19/2008 Historical
249189 Time Schedule Order R4-2003-0110 TSO R4-2003-0110 adopted 8/7/03 to comply with Order R4-2003-0109 WDRMUNIOTH 08/07/2003 Historical
237039 Notice of Violation NOV NOV - Reliant Energy Mandalay, LLC, Ormond Beach Generating Station (06/29/01) NPDESWW 06/29/2001 Historical
236989 Notice of Violation NOV NOV - Reliant Energy Mandalay, LLC, Ormond Beach Generating Station (06/26/01) NPDESWW 06/26/2001 Historical
236569 Admin Civil Liability R4-2001-0083 MMPC 01-083 for $3,000 (07/09/01) - Reliant Energy, Mandalay Generating Station NPDESWW 07/09/2001 Historical
235560 Notice of Violation NOV NOV - Reliant Energy, Mandalay Generating Station (04/25/01) NPDESWW 04/25/2001 Historical
228254 Admin Civil Liability R4-2000-0193 MMPC R4-2000-0193 Reliant Energy Mandalay, LLC, Ormond Beach Generating Station NPDINDLRG 12/27/2000 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 14
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 03/13/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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