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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
369584 San Marcos City City Agency 1 Civic Center Drive San Marcos, CA 92069 760-960-8500(+) None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
214491 Chula Vista MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
778849 City of San Marcos - Discovery Lake and Jack's Pond Aquatic Weed Control San Diego 9 Waterway/Shoreline Site Owner and Operator 03/20/2012 None
222391 El Cajon MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
236851 Lemon Grove MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
255222 San Diego City, MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
232267 Imperial Beach MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
210207 Bradley Park Old Linda Vista LF San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 04/09/1997 None
738365 Borden Road and Bridge Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/02/2009 None
841999 La Cienega Basin Temporary Outlet Modification Pilot Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/04/2017 None
243907 National City MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
717403 Creekside Marketplace San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Land Owner 05/14/2008 None
711044 San Marcos Creek Specific Plan and Flood Protection Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Land Owner 01/09/2008 None
751786 Grand Avenue Capital Improvements 317 Drainage/Road Improvements Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/21/2015 None
835667 South Lake Community Park - Phase I Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/05/2017 None
255223 San Diego Cnty, MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
771530 GW Extraction, Las Posas Reach Flood Protection Const Dewat, City of San Marcos San Diego 9 Development Site, NEC Owner 09/27/2011 None
814094 Geotechnical Survey Work Along Bent Avenue, San Marcos San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/25/2015 None
833503 San Marcos Creek District Geotechnical Boring Survey Work San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/06/2017 None
222765 Encinitas MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
235927 La Mesa MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
245793 Oceanside MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
269200 Universal Boot Orange 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 None
767546 San Marcos City - Fireworks Events Locations San Diego 9 Outdoor Event Venue Owner 06/16/2011 None
817989 San Marcos Creek District Geotechnical Boring Survey Work San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/11/2015 None
848230 S. Bent Ave and Via Vera Cruz Bridge Projects San Diego 9 Domestic Site NEC Owner and Operator 06/18/2018 None
249010 Poway MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
222931 Escondido MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
756109 State Route 78 Hydraulic Capacity Improvements Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site None None None
266821 TWIN OAKS VALLEY ROAD Extension Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/14/2008 None
255263 San Elijo Rd-County Dip Segment San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/14/2008 None
711044 San Marcos Creek Specific Plan and Flood Protection Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 07/11/2011 None
820177 City of San Marcos - San Marcos Creek groundwater study San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/14/2015 None
771530 GW Extraction, Las Posas Reach Flood Protection Const Dewat, City of San Marcos San Diego 9 Development Site, NEC Owner and Operator 04/22/2016 None
219460 Del Mar MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
270704 Vista MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
215783 Coronado MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
255407 San Marcos MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 Owner 07/16/1990 None
255177 San Diego Port District MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
213271 Carlsbad MS4 San Diego 9 MS4 None None None
Total Related Places: 39
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
640227 Isaac Etchamendy Person Legally Responsible Official 09/28/2023 None None
550552 Paul Vo Person Legally Responsible Official 03/24/2015 None None
563694 Matt Little Person Legally Responsible Official 06/05/2017 03/26/2021 None
525474 San Diego Cnty MS4 Copermitees Organization In an Agreement With (Passive) 06/27/2013 None Municipal
536787 San Diego Region MS4 Copermitees Organization In an Agreement With 06/27/2013 None Government Agency Combination
143659 Jasen Boyens Person Enforcement Contact 01/09/2004 03/01/2009 None
528364 Kathleen Trepa Person Employee 08/08/2011 None None
508876 Susan Vandrew Rodriguez Person Employee 06/02/2009 None None
494293 Erica Ryan Person Employee 03/20/2012 09/01/2015 None
563694 Matt Little Person Employee 04/26/2017 03/26/2021 None
120499 Mike Mercereau Person Employee 04/17/2006 None None
494293 Erica Ryan Person Employee 03/01/2009 03/19/2012 None
550552 Paul Vo Person Employee 03/25/2015 None None
522108 Josh Vipul Person Employee 04/20/2010 None None
520749 Mike Edwards Person Employee 01/06/2010 None None
546091 San Marcos City PWD Organization Division Of (Passive) 12/03/2019 None City Agency
527368 Reed Thornberry Person Data Submitter 06/27/2023 None None
142224 Richard Wygant Person Board member 02/04/2003 None None
139945 Alan Schluer Person Board member 07/17/2000 None None
108191 Jerry Backoff Person Board member 07/11/2011 None None
108191 Jerry Backoff Person Board member 06/02/2003 None None
527368 Reed Thornberry Person Board member 06/16/2011 None None
Total Related Parties: 22
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
453209 Enrollee - NPDES 9 9 000002290 Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2022-0002 06/28/2023 None Discharger 06/27/2023 None N
441432 Co-Permitee SB None Active SLIC 2019-0006-DWQ 03/20/2019 None Discharger 11/25/2020 None N
422145 Enrollee - Waiver 9 None Active WDRNONMUNIPRCS R9-2024-0001W2 07/06/2018 None Discharger 06/20/2018 None N
417301 Enrollee - 401 Certification 9 9 000003244 Historical CERFILLEXC SB17001GN 02/01/2018 03/18/2022 Discharger 12/04/2017 None N
412078 Enrollee - 401 Certification 9 None Historical CERFILLEXC NWP-2012 04/13/2017 03/14/2018 Discharger 03/06/2017 None N
405850 Enrollee - NPDES 9 None Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2015-0013 06/24/2016 12/10/2020 Discharger 04/22/2016 None N
403958 Enrollee - 401 Certification 9 9000002948 Historical CERFILLEXC NWP-2012 01/27/2016 01/17/2018 Discharger 12/14/2015 None N
403419 Co-Permitee 9 None Historical MNSTW1 R9-2001-0001 02/21/2001 01/23/2007 Discharger 02/21/2001 None N
403340 Co-Permitee 9 None Historical MNSTW1 R9-2007-0001 01/24/2007 06/26/2013 Discharger 01/24/2007 None N
402816 Enrollee - 401 Certification 9 900000284 Historical CERFILLEXC NWP-2012 10/26/2015 10/13/2020 Discharger 09/11/2015 None N
400367 Enrollee - 401 Certification 9 None Historical CERFILLEXC NWP-2012 04/22/2015 05/22/2020 Discharger 03/25/2015 None N
384107 Enrollee 9 9 000002440 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2008-0002 04/17/2012 08/13/2013 Discharger 03/30/2012 None N
383849 Enrollee 9 9 000002439 Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2013-0002-DWQ 03/28/2014 None Discharger 03/28/2014 None N
381574 Enrollee - NPDES 9 9 000002343 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2008-0002 10/04/2011 06/24/2016 Discharger 09/27/2011 None N
380177 401 Certification 9 9 000002309 Active CERFILLEXC 11C-053 01/27/2012 None Discharger 07/11/2011 None Y
379733 Enrollee 9 9 000002290 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2011-0022 06/01/2011 05/31/2023 Discharger 06/08/2011 None N
376791 Individual Monitoring Requirem 9 9 000000918 Active LFNONOPER R9-2010-0123 10/27/2010 None Discharger 12/03/2010 None N
373818 401 Certification 9 9000002059 Historical CERFILLEXC 10C-029 04/25/2011 04/23/2016 Discharger 04/20/2010 None N
372434 401 Certification 9 9 000001147 Historical CERFILLEXC 03C-067 02/20/2004 04/22/2012 Discharger 05/14/2008 None Y
371834 401 Certification 9 9000001987 Historical CERFILLEXC 09C-084 None None Discharger 10/23/2009 None N
366145 401 Certification 9 9000001931 Historical CERFILLEXC 09C-041 06/02/2011 03/30/2020 Discharger 06/02/2009 None Y
345320 401 Certification 9 None Historical CERFILLEXC None 09/17/2003 None Discharger 09/17/2003 None N
339405 401 Certification 9 9 000001736 Historical CERFILLEXC 07C-118 None 03/26/2008 Discharger 01/09/2008 None N
214040 Enrollee 9 9 000000918 Active LFNONOPER R9-2012-0001 04/12/1997 None Discharger 04/09/1997 None N
177910 401 Certification 9 9 000001401 Historical CERFILLEXC 03C-147 02/07/2005 11/17/2020 Discharger 05/14/2008 None Y
142150 NPDES Permit 9 None Historical MNSTW1 R9-1990-0042 07/16/1990 02/20/2001 Discharger 07/16/1990 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 26
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
431178 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for San Marcos City NPDNONMUNIPRCS 06/11/2019 Historical
420913 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 04/17/2018 for San Marcos City NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/17/2018 Historical
409784 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for San Marcos City NPDNONMUNIPRCS 10/17/2016 Historical
406848 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL R9-2013-0001 Multiple CoPermitees 2nd Notice of Noncompliance for Carlsbad WMA Water Quality Improvement Plan MNSTW1 03/14/2016 Historical
404052 Staff Enforcement Letter 10C-029 Staff Enforcement Letter 10C-029 for San Marcos City CERFILLEXC 12/21/2015 Historical
404017 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0001 SEL re R9-2013-0001 for Carlsbad, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Vista Cities and San Diego Cty MNSTW1 12/17/2015 Historical
406762 Staff Enforcement Letter None Notice of Noncompliance for Water Quality Improvement Plans MNSTW1 08/05/2015 Historical
373174 Notice of Violation R9-2010-0022 NOV R9-2010-0022 CoPerm San Marcos in re R9-2007-0001 (Fail Verify Post Constn BMPs at PDP) MNSTW1 03/02/2010 Historical
354145 Admin Civil Liability R9-2008-0155 ACL Order No. R9-2008-0155, City of San Marcos LFNONOPER 12/10/2008 Historical
351358 13267 Letter R9-2008-0118 IO R9-2008-0118 for City of San Marcos - Copper Creek CERFILLEXC 09/24/2008 Historical
348752 Notice of Violation R9-2008-0083 NOV R9-2008-0083 City of San Marcos for CWA 401 Certifications CERFILLEXC 07/17/2008 Historical
347911 Notice of Violation R9-2008-0051 NOV R9-2008-0051 LNDISP 05/30/2008 Historical
320892 13267 Letter R9-2007-0041 IO 13267 Letter (5/14/2007) R9-2007-0041 Bradley Park Landfill, City of San Marcos DISCHSW 05/14/2007 Historical
301965 13267 Letter R9-2006-0044 Order R9-2006-0044, Investigative Order for Bradley Park/Linda Vista Landfill LFNONOPER 04/17/2006 Historical
256652 Notice of Violation R9-2005-0172 Enforcement - 9 000000918 LFNONOPER 05/26/2005 Historical
254775 Notice of Violation R9-2005-0046 NOV Bradley Park-Linda Vista LF, Liquid Seep from side of Unit LFNONOPER 02/01/2005 Historical
249633 Notice to Comply UNKNOWN Notice to Comply R9-2001-0001 CoPerm San Marcos (Fail Implem BMPs) MNSTW1 01/09/2004 Historical
256775 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN NOV R9-2001-0001 CoPerm San Marcos (Fail Submit SUSMP) MNSTW1 02/04/2003 Historical
256777 13267 Letter UNKNOWN 13267 Letter R9-2001-0001 CoPerm San Marcos (Tech Rpt Projects w/o SUSMP Compl) MNSTW1 02/04/2003 Historical
245753 Notice of Violation R9-2003-0049 Enforcement - 9 000000918 LFNONOPER 01/15/2003 Historical
246129 13267 Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000918 LFNONOPER 07/17/2000 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 21
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
414386 San Diego Region MS4 Copermitees Letter MNSTW1 06/02/2017 Active
405850 Mike Edwards Enrollee - NPDES NPDNONMUNIPRCS 06/24/2016 Historical
395673 San Marcos City PWD Enrollee - WDR CERFILLEXC 07/17/2014 Historical
380718 San Marcos City PWD 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 11/07/2014 Historical
373818 Josh Vipul 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 04/25/2011 Historical
366145 Susan Vandrew Rodriguez 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 06/02/2011 Historical
329556 San Diego Cnty MS4 Copermitees NPDES Permit MNSTW1 01/24/2007 Historical
214040 Mike Mercereau Enrollee LFNONOPER 04/12/1997 Active
131169 San Diego Cnty MS4 Copermitees NPDES Permit MNSTW1 02/21/2001 Historical
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 9
The current report was generated with data as of: 03/12/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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