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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
22556 Jackson City City Agency 33 Broadway Jackson, CA 95642 209-223-1646 None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
849767 South Avenue Bridge Replacement Project Amador 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/02/2018 None
824707 French Bar Road over South Fork Jackson Creek Bridge (26C-0035) Replacement Amador 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/23/2016 None
820890 Pitt Street Bridge Replacement Project Amador 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/12/2016 None
784342 Marcucci Lane Bridge Replacement Amador 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/30/2012 None
631507 City Of Jackson CS Amador 5S Collection_System Owner 04/05/2006 None
214642 City of Jackson WWTP Amador 5S Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 11/19/1998 None
210491 Broadway St. Bridge Replacemen Amador 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 None
Total Related Places: 7
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
647378 Trevor Hoaas Person Data Submitter 10/04/2024 None None
622545 Todd Sweet Person Data Submitter 03/08/2021 None None
596539 Baron Birge Person Legally Responsible Official 04/05/2019 None None
593211 Max Godde Person Legally Responsible Official 01/03/2019 None None
582229 Yvonne Kimball Person Legally Responsible Official 08/02/2018 None None
565278 Jason Fishback Person Legally Responsible Official 07/17/2017 05/01/2020 None
561804 Bree Wilder Person Legally Responsible Official 01/17/2017 None None
556574 Gary Ghio Person Legally Responsible Official 05/23/2016 05/03/2020 None
548838 Joel Lindsey Person Legally Responsible Official 05/20/2019 None None
535655 Michael Daly Person Enforcement Contact 03/08/2005 05/03/2020 None
535655 Michael Daly Person Legally Responsible Official 07/30/2012 05/03/2020 None
531876 Joshua Brown Person Data Submitter 12/01/2017 05/31/2019 None
531875 Donald Brown Person Legally Responsible Official 12/18/2017 05/31/2019 None
528966 Eric Neuschmid Person Legally Responsible Official 09/12/2011 05/31/2019 None
521015 Daniel Wurzburger Person Legally Responsible Official 05/09/2016 01/17/2017 None
491663 Jim McCrory Person Legally Responsible Official 11/17/2008 08/04/2014 None
491499 Adam Thompson Person Data Submitter 11/14/2008 08/04/2014 None
389621 Larry White Person Data Submitter 07/20/2007 08/04/2014 None
306291 Mike Rankin Person Interested Party 03/24/2006 08/04/2014 None
300340 Terry Watson Person Legally Responsible Official 04/05/2006 08/04/2014 None
Total Related Parties: 20
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
455508 Enrollee - NPDES 5S 5B030103001 Active NPDMUNIOTH R5-2023-0025 01/01/2024 None Discharger 01/11/2024 None N
444463 Letter 5S 5B030103001 Historical NPDMUNIOTH None 08/02/2021 08/02/2021 Discharger 08/04/2021 None N
423235 401 Certification 5S 5B03CR00086 Active CERFILLEXC None 11/09/2018 None Discharger 08/02/2018 None N
422113 NPDES Permit 5S 5B030103001 Historical NPDMUNIOTH R5-2018-0036 08/01/2018 12/14/2023 Discharger 06/19/2018 None Y
411912 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 5S None Historical SSOMUNISML R5-2006-0003-DWQ 02/03/2017 02/03/2017 Discharger 02/21/2017 None N
406301 401 Certification 5S 5B03CR00078 Historical CERFILLEXC None 01/13/2017 05/06/2024 Discharger 05/23/2016 None Y
404267 401 Certification 5S 5B03CR00076 Active CERFILLEXC None 02/04/2016 None Discharger 01/12/2016 None N
394299 NPDES Permit 5S 5B030103001 Historical NPDMUNIOTH R5-2013-0146 01/24/2014 07/31/2018 Discharger 12/05/2013 None Y
386667 401 Certification 5S 5B03CR00060 Historical CERFILLEXC None 04/26/2011 04/26/2016 Discharger 07/30/2012 None N
339946 NPDES Permit 5S 5B030103001 Historical NPDMUNIOTH R5-2007-0133 12/14/2007 01/23/2014 Discharger 06/16/2000 None Y
301616 Enrollee - WDR 5S 5SSO10895 Active SSOMUNISML 2022-0103-DWQ 10/19/2006 None Discharger 04/20/2006 None N
170810 401 Certification 5S 5B03CR00014 Historical CERFILLEXC None 05/28/2003 06/17/2009 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
147736 NPDES Permit 5S 5B030103001 Historical NPDMUNIOTH R5-2000-0173 06/16/2000 10/24/2007 Discharger 06/16/2000 None Y
141734 NPDES Permit 5S 5B030103001 Historical NPDMUNIOTH 94-132 05/20/1994 06/15/2000 Discharger 05/20/1994 None N
140647 NPDES Permit 5S 5B030103001 Historical NPDMUNIOTH 89-060 04/28/1989 05/19/1994 Discharger 04/28/1989 None N
140464 NPDES Permit 5S 5B030103001 Historical NPDMUNIOTH 84-049 04/27/1984 04/27/1989 Discharger 04/27/1984 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 16
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past year
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(-) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
459024 Time Schedule Order R5-2024-0053 TSO R5-2024-0053 for Jackson City, Jackson WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 10/18/2024 Active
455908 Admin Civil Liability R5-2021-0503 ACL R5-2021-0503 for Jackson City SSOMUNISML 06/14/2021 Historical
455648 Notice of Violation None NOV 01/24/2024 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 01/24/2024 Historical
453512 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/17/2023 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 07/17/2023 Historical
450478 Notice of Violation None NOV 12/13/2022 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 12/13/2022 Historical
450384 Notice of Violation None NOV 02/18/2022 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 02/18/2022 Historical
440205 Notice of Violation None NOV 09/16/2020 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 09/16/2020 Historical
435815 Notice of Violation None NOV 12/03/2019 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 12/03/2019 Historical
434988 Admin Civil Liability R5-2019-0514 ACL R5-2019-0514 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 08/01/2019 Historical
430499 Notice of Violation None NOV 05/10/2019 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 05/10/2019 Historical
425259 Notice of Violation None NOV 09/11/2018 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 09/11/2018 Historical
423426 Admin Civil Liability R5-2018-0517 ACL R5-2018-0517 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 08/08/2018 Historical
422115 Time Schedule Order R5-2018-0037 TSO R5-2018-0037 for Jackson City, City of Jackson WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 08/01/2018 Historical
419247 Notice of Violation None NOV 01/17/2018 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 01/17/2018 Historical
414937 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/26/2017 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 07/26/2017 Historical
414055 Notice of Violation None NOV 03/20/2017 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 03/20/2017 Historical
413912 Notice of Violation None NOV 06/19/2017 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 06/19/2017 Historical
412369 Admin Civil Liability R5-2017-0506 ACL R5-2017-0506 for Jackson City SSOMUNISML 03/20/2017 Historical
411737 Notice of Violation None NOV 01/25/2017 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 01/25/2017 Historical
409701 Notice of Violation None NOV 09/22/2016 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 09/22/2016 Historical
409062 Admin Civil Liability R5-2016-0560 ACL R5-2016-0560 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 10/04/2016 Historical
407770 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/13/2016 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 07/13/2016 Historical
406827 Admin Civil Liability R5-2016-0534 ACL R5-2016-0534 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 06/09/2016 Historical
404899 Notice of Violation None NOV 02/17/2016 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 02/17/2016 Historical
404392 Notice of Violation None NOV 01/14/2016 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 01/14/2016 Historical
404036 Notice of Violation None NOV 12/14/2015 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 12/14/2015 Historical
402553 Notice of Violation None NOV 08/10/2015 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 08/10/2015 Historical
399841 Time Schedule Order R5-2015-0003-02 TSO R5-2015-0003-02 for Jackson City, Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 02/05/2015 Historical
399284 Notice of Violation None NOV 12/23/2014 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 12/23/2014 Historical
397598 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/31/2014 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 07/31/2014 Historical
396763 Notice of Violation None NOV 06/12/2014 for Jackson City, City of Jackson CS SSOMUNILRG 06/12/2014 Historical
396147 Admin Civil Liability R5-2014-0533 ACL R5-2014-0533 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 05/06/2014 Historical
396042 Notice of Violation None NOV 04/30/2014 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 04/30/2014 Historical
394300 Time Schedule Order R5-2013-0147 TSO R5-2013-0147 for Jackson City, Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 12/05/2013 Historical
393529 Notice of Violation None NOV 11/19/2013 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 11/19/2013 Historical
391520 Notice of Violation None NOV 7/1/2013 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 06/24/2013 Historical
390012 Notice of Violation None NOV 01/15/2013 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 01/15/2013 Historical
390011 Notice of Violation None NOV 01/20/2012 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 01/20/2012 Historical
387369 Admin Civil Liability R5-2012-0560 ACL R5-2012-0560 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 09/07/2012 Historical
386976 Notice of Violation None NOV 8/16/2012 for Jackson City, City of Jackson CS SSOMUNISML 08/16/2012 Historical
385930 Notice of Violation None NOV 06/27/2012 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 06/27/2012 Historical
385192 Notice of Violation None NOV 05/15/2012 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 05/15/2012 Historical
382643 Notice of Violation None NOV 12/16/2011 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 12/16/2011 Historical
382641 Notice of Violation None NOV 12/19/2011 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 12/19/2011 Historical
382072 Time Schedule Order R5-2011-0909 TSO R5-2011-0909 for Jackson City, City of Jackson WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 11/03/2011 Historical
381957 Notice of Violation None NOV 10/12/2011 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 10/12/2011 Historical
381639 Notice of Violation None NOV 09/21/2011 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 09/21/2011 Historical
380788 Notice of Violation None NOV 08/08/2011 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 08/08/2011 Historical
380587 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/26/2011 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 07/26/2011 Historical
380516 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/18/2011 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 07/18/2011 Historical
379865 Notice of Violation None NOV 06/17/2011 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 06/17/2011 Historical
378583 Notice of Violation None NOV 03/28/2011 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 03/28/2011 Historical
377233 Notice of Violation None NOV 01/13/2011 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 01/13/2011 Historical
376167 Notice of Violation None NOV 10/01/2010 for Jackson City WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 10/01/2010 Historical
374212 Admin Civil Liability R5-2010-0531 ACL R5-2010-0531 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 07/01/2010 Historical
344802 Admin Civil Liability R5-2008-0523 MMP Complaint R5-2008-0523 for Jackson City NPDMUNIOTH 05/05/2008 Historical
255838 Notice of Violation None NOV 03/08/2005 for Jackson City, City of Jackson WWTP NPDMUNIOTH 03/08/2005 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 57
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 03/13/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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