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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
607331 Timberland Resource Consultants Privately-Owned Business Fortuna, CA 95540 707-725-1897 trc@timberlandresource.com
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
855537 THP 1-99NTMP-042 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 01/24/2019 None
830720 Briceland Humboldt 1 Cannabis Site Interested Party 12/14/2016 None
824439 Boldt Brand Farms Humboldt 1 Cannabis Site Interested Party 02/10/2016 None
807527 THP 1-02NTMP-016 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 07/08/2014 None
756574 THP 1-95NTMP-012 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 07/28/2014 None
754590 THP 1-09-070 HUM Felt Road THP Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Owner and Operator 07/08/2010 None
754126 THP 1-10NTMP-005 HUM Moses Ranch NTMP Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 06/28/2010 None
739575 THP 1-08NTMP-019 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 05/04/2009 None
739538 THP 1-07NTMP-019 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 05/04/2009 None
735641 THP 1-04-121 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 10/05/2004 None
734622 THP 1-04-110 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 09/24/2004 None
734621 THP 1-04-082 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 09/24/2004 None
734618 THP 1-04-016 HUM Humboldt 1 Timber Harvesting Operator 09/24/2004 None
Total Related Places: 13
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
608810 Jessie Cahill Person Employee 05/05/2020 01/31/2021 None
607332 Stephanie Bowler Person Employee 06/03/2021 None None
607332 Stephanie Bowler Person Employee 02/05/2021 None None
607332 Stephanie Bowler Person Employee 04/12/2019 None None
607332 Stephanie Bowler Person Employee 01/25/2021 None None
607332 Stephanie Bowler Person Employee 05/27/2021 None None
595956 Madison Rueda Person Employee 08/02/2023 None None
595956 Madison Rueda Person Employee 04/17/2018 None None
585242 Jose Lopez Person Employee 12/05/2018 None None
579563 Terra McAuliffe Person Employee 06/18/2018 None None
573009 Christopher Carroll Person Employee 01/28/2016 None None
572224 Jessica Moore Person Employee 04/01/2019 None None
561031 Curran Bohdan Organization In an Agreement With 08/28/2017 None Privately-Individual
561008 McBeth, Michael Organization In an Agreement With 04/06/2016 None Privately-Individual
560934 Heavy Ratchet LLC Organization In an Agreement With (Passive) 07/19/2019 None Privately-Owned Business
557449 Owens, Adam Organization In an Agreement With 03/07/2016 None Privately-Individual
557179 James Knapp Organization In an Agreement With 06/20/2016 None Privately-Individual
557176 Humboldt Redwood Healing, Inc. Organization In an Agreement With 06/20/2016 None Privately-Individual
557174 James Knapp Organization In an Agreement With 06/20/2016 None Privately-Individual
556944 Michael Power (TRC88) Organization In an Agreement With 04/29/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556943 Ryan Zuccaro Organization In an Agreement With 04/29/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556942 Sara Bleser (TRC86) Organization In an Agreement With 04/29/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556877 Smith, Tonya Organization In an Agreement With 03/07/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556876 Kazimir Wisniewski (TRC45) Organization In an Agreement With 03/07/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556875 Gregg Stefani Organization In an Agreement With 03/07/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556873 Mark Balletta Organization In an Agreement With 03/07/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556871 Dustin Painter Organization Member Of (Passive) 05/20/2016 05/08/2018 Privately-Owned Business
556870 Crooks, Matthew Organization In an Agreement With 05/20/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556868 Becky Reynolds Organization In an Agreement With 05/20/2016 None Privately-Individual
556866 Venture Nordell (TRC90) Organization In an Agreement With 05/20/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556865 Rea Smith (TRC89) Organization In an Agreement With 05/20/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556347 Tone, Andrew Organization In an Agreement With 04/13/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556346 Magalhaes, Joaquim Organization In an Agreement With 04/13/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556345 Emerald Orchards Organization In an Agreement With 04/13/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556344 Byers, Oliver Organization Member Of (Passive) 04/11/2016 01/22/2018 Privately-Owned Business
556343 Eshea Bennett TRC81 Organization In an Agreement With 04/10/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556342 Tim Busman Organization In an Agreement With 04/10/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556340 James Shayne Monroe Organization In an Agreement With 04/06/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556339 Nathan Whittington (TRC77) Organization In an Agreement With 04/06/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556338 Kenneth Tucker (TRC76) Organization In an Agreement With 04/05/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556337 Alioto Farms Organization In an Agreement With 04/05/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556336 Pacific Madrone Timber LLC Organization In an Agreement With 04/04/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556335 Sean Porter TRC73 Organization In an Agreement With 04/04/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556330 Charbonneau, Tiffany Organization In an Agreement With 03/31/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556329 Whitmire, Justin Organization In an Agreement With 03/31/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556328 Megan McCormack Organization In an Agreement With 03/31/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556327 Dragoytchev, Dimitre Organization In an Agreement With 03/30/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556326 Neil Vittum Organization In an Agreement With 03/28/2016 06/12/2019 Privately-Owned Business
556325 V & P Organics LLC Organization In an Agreement With 03/28/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556324 Steelman, Chad Organization In an Agreement With 03/25/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556323 Neufeld, Loren Organization In an Agreement With 03/24/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556322 Robert Schultz Organization In an Agreement With 03/24/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556321 Sunny West LLC Organization In an Agreement With 02/12/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556320 Ethan Aronson Organization In an Agreement With 03/23/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556319 Patrick Murphy TRC57 Organization In an Agreement With 03/23/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556318 Jessie Carnes Organization In an Agreement With 03/22/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556317 Burns, Chris Organization In an Agreement With 03/22/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556316 Michael Harding Organization In an Agreement With 03/22/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556315 Bryan Sayre Organization In an Agreement With 03/21/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556314 Rob Golightly (TRC52) Organization In an Agreement With 03/21/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556312 Steve Spence Organization In an Agreement With 03/16/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556311 Iliayana Hoisova Organization In an Agreement With 03/15/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556310 Harold Neufeld Organization In an Agreement With 03/11/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556309 Seth Glasson Organization In an Agreement With (Passive) 03/11/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556307 Nathaniel Shears (TRC40) Organization In an Agreement With 03/04/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556306 Aaron Lieberman Organization In an Agreement With 03/03/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556305 Richard Houghton (TRC38) Organization In an Agreement With 03/03/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556304 Loren Furbur Organization In an Agreement With 02/23/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556303 Frink, Anthony Organization In an Agreement With 02/24/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556302 Kidd, Jason Organization In an Agreement With 02/26/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556301 Nicholas Holiday Organization In an Agreement With 02/21/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556300 Robert Moore TRC33 Organization Member Of (Passive) 02/19/2016 05/01/2018 Privately-Owned Business
556299 Bryan Wheeless Organization In an Agreement With 02/18/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556298 Allison McGonagle (TRC31) Organization In an Agreement With 02/17/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556297 180101020302TRC30 - Eric Paulsen Organization In an Agreement With 02/17/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556296 Mad River Horticulture LLC Organization In an Agreement With 02/17/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556295 James Hay (TRC28) Organization In an Agreement With 02/15/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556294 Barn Cat Farm LLC (TRC27) Organization In an Agreement With 02/15/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
556293 Bourque, Kevin Organization In an Agreement With 02/15/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
555805 Nejedly, Craig Organization In an Agreement With 07/20/2016 None Privately-Individual
555485 Hamory, Alex Organization In an Agreement With 05/20/2016 None Privately-Individual
555335 Jonathan Snyder TRC24 Organization In an Agreement With 02/15/2016 None Privately-Individual
555334 Jason Miller Organization In an Agreement With 02/15/2016 None Privately-Individual
555333 Miller, Bradley (TRC22) Organization In an Agreement With 02/14/2016 None Privately-Individual
555331 Miller, Alexandra (TRC21) Organization In an Agreement With 02/14/2016 None Privately-Individual
555330 Butts, Andrew Organization In an Agreement With 02/15/2016 None Privately-Individual
555329 Meenan, Tyler Organization In an Agreement With 02/12/2016 None Privately-Individual
555328 Robert Wiener Organization In an Agreement With 02/15/2016 None Privately-Individual
555322 Renfro Jr, .Robert Organization In an Agreement With 02/12/2016 None Privately-Individual
555320 Kyle Christenson Organization In an Agreement With 02/12/2016 None Privately-Individual
555318 Michael Hainaut Organization Member Of (Passive) 02/12/2016 05/03/2018 Privately-Individual
555315 Free, Colby Organization In an Agreement With 02/11/2016 None Privately-Individual
555314 Joe Bilandzija Organization In an Agreement With 02/04/2016 None Privately-Individual
555314 Joe Bilandzija Organization In an Agreement With 02/11/2016 None Privately-Individual
555311 Ehrhardt, Brent Organization In an Agreement With 02/04/2016 None Privately-Individual
555302 Mulder, Thomas Organization In an Agreement With 02/04/2016 None Privately-Individual
555298 Petrusevski, Dejan Organization In an Agreement With 03/21/2016 None Privately-Individual
555175 Vuvace Holdings (TRC174) Organization In an Agreement With 11/07/2016 None Privately-Owned Business
555125 O'Connor, Thomas Organization In an Agreement With 03/24/2017 None Privately-Individual
554652 Tommaso, Peter Organization In an Agreement With 03/24/2017 None Privately-Individual
546955 Laurie Kepon Person Employee 06/04/2014 None None
527895 Nigl Robinson Person Facility Contact 07/18/2011 None None
388807 Mark Distefano, RPF Person Data Submitter 06/08/2007 None None
Total Related Parties: 103
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
432171 Enrollee - WDR 1 1_12CC418809 Active IRRICANNABIS 2023-0102-DWQ 07/01/2019 None Discharger 06/27/2019 None N
428421 Enrollee - WDR 1 1B199NTMP042HUM Active TH R1-2013-0005 07/18/2018 None Discharger 01/24/2019 None N
406074 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B16402CHUM Historical IRRICANNABIS R1-2015-0023 02/10/2016 05/17/2018 Discharger 05/09/2016 None N
397483 Enrollee - WDR 1 1B195NTMP012HUM Active TH R1-2013-0005 12/10/2014 None Discharger 07/28/2014 None N
374929 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B109070HUM Active TH R1-2014-0011 07/06/2010 None Discharger 07/06/2010 None N
374719 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B110NTMP005HUM Active TH R1-2014-0011 07/15/2010 None Discharger 06/28/2010 None Y
367065 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B108NTMP019H Active TH R1-2014-0011 05/04/2009 None Discharger 05/04/2009 None Y
367058 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B107NTMP019H Active TH R1-2014-0011 05/04/2009 None Discharger 05/04/2009 None N
363164 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B104121HUM Active TH R1-2014-0011 10/05/2004 None Discharger 10/05/2004 None N
362092 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B104110HUM Active TH R1-2014-0011 09/24/2004 None Discharger 09/24/2004 None N
362091 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B104082HUM Active TH R1-2014-0011 09/24/2004 None Discharger 09/24/2004 None N
362090 Enrollee - Waiver 1 1B104016HUM Active TH R1-2014-0011 09/24/2004 None Discharger 09/24/2004 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 12
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1107253 07/21/2022 Order Conditions The Disturbed Area Stabilization Plan submitted for the Property does not meet t Violation None Inspection Marcus Ranch 430436 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1102115 02/16/2022 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board Order WQ 2019-0001-DWQ General Waste Dischar Violation None Inspection Almonte Site 436938 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1102025 02/16/2022 Late Report Site Management Plan Violation None Inspection Almonte Site 436938 2019-0001-DWQ N
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 3
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
447027 Notice of Violation None NOV 03/18/2022 for Ignacio Almonte IRRICANNABIS 03/18/2022 Active
Total Enforcement Actions: 1
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
448305 Aaron Lieberman Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 06/07/2023 Active
444525 Gregg Stefani Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 09/14/2021 Active
443952 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - WDR TH 06/02/2022 Active
441589 James Shayne Monroe Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 01/08/2021 Historical
440081 Sunny West LLC Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 09/03/2021 Active
439041 Heavy Ratchet LLC Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 07/15/2021 Active
434892 Joe Bilandzija Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/15/2020 Historical
434892 Joe Bilandzija Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/15/2020 Historical
434890 Joe Bilandzija Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/28/2020 Active
434890 Joe Bilandzija Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/28/2020 Active
434345 Nejedly, Craig Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 09/25/2019 Active
432906 Nathaniel Shears (TRC40) Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
432843 Burns, Chris Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
432736 Owens, Adam Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
432721 Bryan Sayre Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
432575 Meenan, Tyler Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
432446 Jessie Carnes Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
432380 Renfro Jr, .Robert Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
432362 Humboldt Redwood Healing, Inc. Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
432337 Burns, Chris Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
432201 Bourque, Kevin Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
432147 Pacific Madrone Timber LLC Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
432137 Bryan Wheeless Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
432032 Tim Busman Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431921 Nathan Whittington (TRC77) Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431911 Petrusevski, Dejan Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431899 Seth Glasson Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431875 Heavy Ratchet LLC Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431718 Steve Spence Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431716 Steve Spence Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431506 Kidd, Jason Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431186 Ethan Aronson Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
431159 Iliayana Hoisova Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
431034 McBeth, Michael Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
430913 Miller, Alexandra (TRC21) Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
430912 Miller, Bradley (TRC22) Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
430835 Free, Colby Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
430534 V & P Organics LLC Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
430407 Nejedly, Craig Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Active
429712 Jessica Moore Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
428894 Ehrhardt, Brent Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 03/28/2019 Historical
427457 Jose Lopez Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/28/2020 Historical
427239 Aaron Lieberman Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/01/2019 Historical
425722 Nejedly, Craig Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 11/28/2018 Historical
425616 Jose Lopez Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/28/2020 Historical
423434 Owens, Adam Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 09/20/2019 Active
423297 Barn Cat Farm LLC (TRC27) Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 08/30/2018 Active
422538 Mad River Horticulture LLC Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 07/25/2018 Historical
422218 Humboldt Redwood Healing, Inc. Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 08/30/2018 Active
422020 Nejedly, Craig Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 11/30/2018 Historical
419789 Michael Harding Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/20/2017 Historical
419444 Owens, Adam Enrollee - WDR IRRICANNABIS 03/19/2018 Historical
419174 Heavy Ratchet LLC Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 12/01/2016 Historical
419119 Mulder, Thomas Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 12/14/2016 Historical
418772 Dragoytchev, Dimitre Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/01/2017 Historical
413833 Smith, Tonya Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/09/2017 Historical
410857 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/18/2016 Historical
410855 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/18/2016 Historical
410854 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/18/2016 Historical
410853 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/18/2016 Historical
410852 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/18/2016 Historical
410851 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/18/2016 Historical
410850 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/15/2016 Historical
410849 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/11/2016 Historical
410847 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/12/2016 Historical
410845 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/08/2016 Historical
410845 Petrusevski, Dejan Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 07/08/2016 Historical
410757 Curran Bohdan Letter IRRICANNABIS 08/25/2016 Active
410735 McBeth, Michael Letter IRRICANNABIS 08/25/2016 Historical
410725 Jason Miller Letter IRRICANNABIS 08/25/2016 Active
410702 Mad River Horticulture LLC Letter IRRICANNABIS 08/25/2016 Historical
410662 Heavy Ratchet LLC Letter IRRICANNABIS 08/25/2016 Historical
407087 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/20/2016 Historical
407086 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/16/2016 Historical
407070 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/13/2016 Historical
407066 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/10/2016 Historical
407064 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/10/2016 Historical
407056 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 05/26/2016 Historical
406776 Michael Power (TRC88) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/29/2016 Historical
406775 Ryan Zuccaro Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/29/2016 Historical
406774 Sara Bleser (TRC86) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/29/2016 Historical
406675 Sean Porter TRC73 Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/04/2016 Historical
406673 Nathaniel Shears (TRC40) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/04/2016 Historical
406672 Allison McGonagle (TRC31) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/15/2016 Historical
406669 Smith, Tonya Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/07/2016 Historical
406668 Kazimir Wisniewski (TRC45) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/07/2016 Historical
406667 Gregg Stefani Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/07/2016 Historical
406666 Gregg Stefani Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/07/2016 Historical
406665 Mark Balletta Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/07/2016 Historical
406663 Crooks, Matthew Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 05/20/2016 Historical
406662 Becky Reynolds Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 05/20/2016 Historical
406661 Becky Reynolds Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 05/20/2016 Historical
406660 Hamory, Alex Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 05/20/2016 Historical
406659 Venture Nordell (TRC90) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 05/20/2016 Historical
406658 Rea Smith (TRC89) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 05/20/2016 Historical
406524 Magalhaes, Joaquim Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/13/2016 Historical
406523 Emerald Orchards Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/13/2016 Historical
406521 Eshea Bennett TRC81 Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/10/2016 Historical
406520 Tim Busman Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/10/2016 Historical
406519 McBeth, Michael Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/06/2016 Historical
406518 James Shayne Monroe Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/06/2016 Historical
406517 Nathan Whittington (TRC77) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/06/2016 Historical
406516 Kenneth Tucker (TRC76) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/05/2016 Historical
406515 Alioto Farms Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/05/2016 Historical
406514 Pacific Madrone Timber LLC Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/04/2016 Historical
406509 Charbonneau, Tiffany Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/31/2016 Historical
406508 Whitmire, Justin Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/31/2016 Historical
406507 Megan McCormack Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/31/2016 Historical
406504 V & P Organics LLC Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/28/2016 Historical
406503 Steelman, Chad Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/25/2016 Historical
406502 Neufeld, Loren Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/24/2016 Historical
406501 Robert Schultz Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/24/2016 Historical
406500 Sunny West LLC Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/12/2016 Historical
406499 Ethan Aronson Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/23/2016 Historical
406498 Patrick Murphy TRC57 Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/23/2016 Historical
406497 Jessie Carnes Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/22/2016 Historical
406496 Burns, Chris Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/22/2016 Historical
406495 Michael Harding Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/22/2016 Historical
406494 Bryan Sayre Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/21/2016 Historical
406493 Rob Golightly (TRC52) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/21/2016 Historical
406492 Steve Spence Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/16/2016 Historical
406491 Steve Spence Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/16/2016 Historical
406490 Iliayana Hoisova Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/15/2016 Historical
406489 Harold Neufeld Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/11/2016 Historical
406488 Seth Glasson Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/11/2016 Historical
406487 Owens, Adam Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/07/2016 Historical
406486 Aaron Lieberman Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/03/2016 Historical
406485 Richard Houghton (TRC38) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 03/03/2016 Historical
406483 Frink, Anthony Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/24/2016 Historical
406482 Kidd, Jason Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/26/2016 Historical
406481 Nicholas Holiday Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/21/2016 Historical
406479 Bryan Wheeless Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/18/2016 Historical
406477 Mad River Horticulture LLC Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/17/2016 Historical
406476 James Hay (TRC28) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/15/2016 Historical
406475 Barn Cat Farm LLC (TRC27) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/15/2016 Historical
406474 Bourque, Kevin Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/15/2016 Historical
406473 Bourque, Kevin Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/15/2016 Historical
406089 Jonathan Snyder TRC24 Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/15/2016 Historical
406087 Miller, Bradley (TRC22) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/14/2016 Historical
406086 Miller, Alexandra (TRC21) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/14/2016 Historical
406085 Butts, Andrew Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/15/2016 Historical
406084 Meenan, Tyler Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/12/2016 Historical
406082 Renfro Jr, .Robert Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/12/2016 Historical
406080 Renfro Jr, .Robert Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/12/2016 Historical
406080 Renfro Jr, .Robert Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/12/2016 Historical
406079 Renfro Jr, .Robert Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/12/2016 Historical
406078 Renfro Jr, .Robert Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/12/2016 Historical
406077 Renfro Jr, .Robert Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/12/2016 Historical
405755 Nejedly, Craig Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/23/2016 Historical
405721 James Knapp Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/08/2016 Historical
405720 James Knapp Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/08/2016 Historical
405719 Humboldt Redwood Healing, Inc. Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 06/08/2016 Historical
405319 Free, Colby Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/11/2016 Historical
405315 Joe Bilandzija Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/11/2016 Historical
405315 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/11/2016 Historical
405315 Joe Bilandzija Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/11/2016 Historical
405306 Ehrhardt, Brent Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/04/2016 Historical
405306 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/04/2016 Historical
405247 Mulder, Thomas Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/04/2016 Historical
405222 Petrusevski, Dejan Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/04/2016 Historical
405108 Vuvace Holdings (TRC174) Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 10/18/2016 Historical
405056 O'Connor, Thomas Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 04/25/2016 Historical
404602 Joe Bilandzija Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/04/2016 Historical
404602 Joe Bilandzija Enrollee - Waiver IRRICANNABIS 02/04/2016 Historical
400430 Christopher Carroll Enrollee - WDR TH 07/30/2015 Active
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 165
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/20/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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