General Information |
Party ID |
Party Name |
Party Classification |
Mailing Address |
Work Phone |
Email/Website |
536773 |
City of San Luis Obispo |
City Agency |
990 Palm Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 |
805-781-7203 |
None |
Related Places
Total Related Places: 16
Related Parties
Total Related Parties: 8
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID |
Regulatory Measure Type |
Region |
Status |
Program |
Order No. |
RM Effective Date |
RM Termination Date |
Relationship |
Relationship Start Date |
Relationship End Date |
Amended? |
454484 |
Enrollee - 401 Certification |
3 |
34023WQ15 |
Active |
2018-0029-EXEC |
11/03/2023 |
None |
Discharger |
09/26/2023 |
None |
N |
452356 |
Enrollee - 401 Certification |
3 |
34023WQ16 |
Active |
2023-0095-DWQ |
02/15/2024 |
None |
Discharger |
04/20/2023 |
None |
N |
449837 |
Enrollee - 401 Certification |
3 |
34022WQ17 |
Active |
2018-0029-EXEC |
11/15/2022 |
None |
Discharger |
11/09/2022 |
None |
N |
445093 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34021WQ14 |
Active |
None |
09/22/2022 |
None |
Discharger |
03/29/2024 |
None |
Y |
442034 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34021WQ02 |
Active |
None |
06/02/2021 |
None |
Discharger |
01/26/2021 |
None |
Y |
436616 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34020WQ02 |
Active |
None |
07/14/2020 |
None |
Discharger |
02/03/2020 |
None |
N |
431101 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34019WQ10 |
Active |
None |
04/01/2021 |
None |
Discharger |
06/07/2019 |
None |
N |
422772 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34018WQ27 |
Historical |
None |
10/29/2018 |
05/30/2022 |
Discharger |
07/17/2018 |
None |
N |
422390 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34018WQ24 |
Active |
None |
12/20/2019 |
None |
Discharger |
07/03/2018 |
None |
N |
419574 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34018WQ04 |
Historical |
None |
05/10/2018 |
04/01/2021 |
Discharger |
02/21/2018 |
None |
N |
394014 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34013WQ16 |
Historical |
None |
07/17/2014 |
07/17/2019 |
Discharger |
11/22/2013 |
None |
Y |
391289 |
Enrollee - 401 Certification |
3 |
None |
Historical |
2004-0004-DWQ |
07/15/2011 |
07/13/2016 |
Discharger |
06/18/2013 |
None |
N |
391240 |
401 Certification |
3 |
34012WQ17 |
Historical |
None |
07/30/2012 |
07/29/2017 |
Discharger |
06/17/2013 |
None |
N |
389675 |
401 Certification |
3 |
None |
Historical |
None |
04/15/2013 |
04/15/2018 |
Discharger |
03/25/2013 |
None |
N |
387393 |
401 Certification |
3 |
None |
Historical |
None |
04/28/2014 |
04/28/2024 |
Discharger |
09/14/2012 |
None |
Y |
Total Regulatory Measures: 15
Violations within the past five years
Total Violations: 3
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID |
Enforcement Type |
Enf. Order No. |
Title |
Program |
Effective Date |
Status |
456570 |
Notice of Violation |
None |
NOV 04/12/2024 for City of San Luis Obispo |
04/12/2024 |
Historical |
456198 |
Notice of Violation |
None |
NOV 03/08/2024 for City of San Luis Obispo |
03/08/2024 |
Historical |
407199 |
Staff Enforcement Letter |
None |
SEL 06/28/2016 for City of San Luis Obispo |
06/28/2016 |
Historical |
403315 |
Staff Enforcement Letter |
None |
SEL 07/29/2015 for City of San Luis Obispo |
07/29/2015 |
Historical |
403226 |
Staff Enforcement Letter |
None |
SEL 07/29/2015 for City of San Luis Obispo |
07/29/2015 |
Historical |
Total Enforcement Actions: 5
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0