Violation ID |
Occurrence Date |
Violation Type |
Violation Description(+) |
Violation Status |
Priority |
Source |
Facility Name |
Violated Reg. Meas. ID |
Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. |
Linked to Enf. |
1139671 |
11/05/2024 |
Surface Water |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1139670 |
12/27/2024 |
Deficient Monitoring |
December 2024 sampling event and analytical monitoring for SRTTP-OOOPS monthly a |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1139561 |
10/02/2024 |
Deficient Reporting |
Attachment E, sections IV.C.1.a, IV.C.2.a, IV.C.3.a, IV.D.1.a, and IV.D.2.a stat |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1138317 |
11/30/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Flow Monthly Average limit is 3.6 MGD and reported value is 3.7 MGD at EFF-001. |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1136641 |
10/31/2024 |
Flow Monthly Average limit is 3.6 MGD and reported value was 3.8 MGD at EFF-001. |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1136052 |
11/04/2024 |
Late Report |
This report was submitted 3 days past the due date. |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1136051 |
11/04/2024 |
Late Report |
Report was submitted three days past the due date. |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1135377 |
09/12/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation of Order section III.A. "The discharge of waste from the SRTTP not tre |
Violation |
None |
Report |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1135211 |
09/30/2024 |
Flow Monthly Average limit is 3.6 MGD and reported value was 3.7 MGD at EFF-001. |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1135210 |
05/19/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Unauthorized discharged to land Lemon Grove basin 1 liner. The estimated total v |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1133303 |
06/12/2024 |
Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ |
Type: Category 1 Spill; Damage by Others Not Related to Collection System Constr |
Violation |
None |
USMC Base, Camp Pendleton CS |
300837 |
2022-0103-DWQ |
N |
1133301 |
06/08/2023 |
Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ |
Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 250 gallons of sewage to sp |
Violation |
None |
USMC Base, Camp Pendleton CS |
300837 |
2022-0103-DWQ |
N |
1133300 |
06/07/2023 |
Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ |
Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General, Debris-Rags, Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) |
Violation |
None |
USMC Base, Camp Pendleton CS |
300837 |
2022-0103-DWQ |
N |
1132689 |
07/09/2024 |
Late Report |
The report was submitted on July 9, 2024, eight days after the due date of July |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1130315 |
04/06/2024 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin 30-Day Average limit is .0026 ug/L and reported value was .0098 ug/L at E |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1130312 |
04/06/2024 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin 30-Day Average limit is 0.0000581 lb/day and reported value was 0.00023 l |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1129990 |
12/23/2023 |
CAT2 |
Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 704 ug/L and reported value was |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1129989 |
10/02/2023 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.0000581 lb/day and reported value was 0.00016 |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1129988 |
10/02/2023 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.00194 ug/L and reported value was 0.006 ug/L a |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1129987 |
08/10/2023 |
Unauthorized Discharge |
On August 10, 2023, MCB Camp Pendleton had a 22,125 gallon tertiary treated wast |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1129291 |
05/05/2024 |
Unauthorized Discharge |
Unauthorized discharge of a combination of treated wastewater, untreated wastewa |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1128195 |
04/22/2024 |
Unauthorized Discharge |
On 4/22/24, a failure in the Lemon Grove (LG) basin 2 liner was reported at the |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1125226 |
02/06/2024 |
CAT1 |
Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3.0 ml/L and reported value was |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1125225 |
02/19/2024 |
Deficient Monitoring |
Greater than 10% of samples collected for enterococci exceeded the STV. Greater |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1125224 |
02/07/2024 |
Surface Water |
The sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-3, S-4 an |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1125223 |
02/17/2024 |
Deficient Monitoring |
One of the five required weekly TSS samples was not collected the week of 2/11-1 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1125222 |
02/17/2024 |
Deficient Monitoring |
One of the five required weekly BOD samples was not collected the week of 2/11-1 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1124365 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-5 (1,1 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1124364 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-3 (725 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1124363 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-2 (540 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1124362 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Greater than 10% of samples collected for enterococci exceeded the STV. |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1124361 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-1 (540 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1123526 |
09/11/2023 |
Surface Water |
On 9/11/23 the A-2 mid depth sample (1600 MPN/100 ml), exceeded the single sampl |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1123525 |
12/24/2023 |
Deficient Monitoring |
Due to plant maintenance from 12/28/2023 through 12/30/2023, the Base was not ab |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1122913 |
11/20/2023 |
Deficient Monitoring |
Laboratory or procedural error occurred on 11/20/2023. Incubator temperatures we |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1121343 |
09/11/2023 |
Surface Water |
The A-2 mid depth sample taken on 09/11/23 (1600 MPN/100 ml) exceeded the single |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1120187 |
08/01/2023 |
Surface Water |
Greater than 10% of samples collected for Enterococci exceeded the STV. |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1120186 |
08/22/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-4 location sampled on 08/22/23 exceeded the 30-day geometric mean for feca |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1120185 |
08/07/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-4 samples taken on 08/07/23 at 0838 and 0853, and S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, and |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1119657 |
03/08/2023 |
Deficient Monitoring |
A Settleable Solids sample collected on 3/8/2023 at 9:00 AM was rejected as a co |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1119088 |
03/08/2023 |
pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.0 SU and reported value was 5.5 SU at EFF-00 |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1118691 |
01/10/2023 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The 3-species fish toxicity screening was not conducted within the 24-month peri |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1118690 |
06/19/2023 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab has informed the Base that several SDG's for TSS analysis were affected |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1116098 |
03/18/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-3 location on 03/18/23 and 03/19/23 exceeded the 30-day geometric mean for |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1116097 |
03/15/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-2 on 03/15/23 and 03/16/23, S-3 on 03/15/23, and S-4 on 03/20/23 locations |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1116096 |
03/19/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-2 on 03/19/23, 03/20/23, 03/27/23 and S-3 on 03/17/23, 03/18/23, 03/19/23, |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1115011 |
02/02/2023 |
Unauthorized Discharge |
Discharge of approximately three (3) million gallons of treated/untreated waste |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1114022 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due t |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114021 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due t |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114020 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 m |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114019 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due t |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114018 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due t |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114017 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due t |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114016 |
01/17/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 m |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114015 |
01/17/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 m |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114014 |
01/17/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 m |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1114013 |
01/17/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 m |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1112748 |
12/11/2022 |
Deficient Monitoring |
On 12/11/2022, a power pole was knocked down and the resulting power outage prev |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1112747 |
12/12/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1112746 |
11/14/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1112745 |
11/14/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1112744 |
11/14/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1110623 |
10/01/2022 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed HT for TSS samples collected between 10/1/2022 through 10/4/2022. |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1110622 |
10/01/2022 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed HT for TSS samples collected between 10/1/2022 through 10/4/2022. |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1109783 |
08/31/2022 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed HT for the influent and effluent TSS samples on 8/31/2022. This w |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1109782 |
08/31/2022 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed HT for the influent and effluent TSS samples on 8/31/2022. This w |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1109701 |
09/26/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1109700 |
09/01/2022 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed HT for all TSS samples for the month of September with the except |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1109699 |
09/01/2022 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed HT for two settleable solids sample on 9/25/2022 and 9/30/2022 an |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1109698 |
09/05/2022 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed HT for TSS samples collected on 9/5/2022, 9/12/2022, 9/19/2022 an |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1107592 |
07/25/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1106079 |
01/14/2021 |
Unauthorized Discharge |
Brine tank spill at Advanced Water Treatment Plant (AWT) at Haybarn Canyon. The |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1103337 |
01/24/2022 |
CAT2 |
TCDD Equivalents 30-Day Average limit is 0.343 pg/L and reported value was 0.748 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1099931 |
03/29/2021 |
Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ |
Sanitary sewer overflow on March 29, 2021 that resulted in 38,000 gallons of unt |
Violation |
N |
Report |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1099929 |
07/07/2021 |
Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ |
Sanitary sewer overflow on July 7, 2021 that resulted in the discharge of 50,000 |
Violation |
N |
Report |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1099481 |
12/13/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
TSS was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retent |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1099480 |
12/14/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
TSS was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retent |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1099479 |
12/12/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
TSS was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retent |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1099478 |
12/14/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
BOD was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retent |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1099477 |
12/13/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
BOD was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retent |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1099476 |
12/12/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
BOD was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retent |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1099475 |
08/31/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed to collect pH 7-days/week for one week in July or August. |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1099474 |
08/31/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The lab failed to collect Settleable Solids 7-days/week for one week in July or |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1093613 |
07/09/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
One of the 5 weekly required settleable solids sample was not collected The week |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1090382 |
04/04/2021 |
CAT2 |
TCDD Equivalents 30-Day Average limit is 0.343 pg/L and reported value was 0.457 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1090381 |
04/04/2021 |
CAT2 |
TCDD Equivalents 30-Day Average limit is 0.013 ulbs/day and reported value was 0 |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
Y |
1086795 |
12/29/2020 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1086794 |
12/29/2020 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1086793 |
01/02/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1086792 |
01/01/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1086791 |
01/02/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1086790 |
01/01/2021 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1084903 |
12/25/2020 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The OOOPS shut down at 9:09 AM on 12/25/20. The autosampler did not collect 8 al |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1084900 |
12/29/2020 |
Deficient Monitoring |
The OOOPS flow was restored on 12/29/20 at 5:34 PM . A grab settleable solids an |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1080395 |
09/01/2020 |
Failure to Notify |
About two and a half weeks ago, MCBCP noticed the chlorine dosing for the raw gr |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1080394 |
09/01/2020 |
Unauthorized Discharge |
About two and a half weeks ago, MCBCP noticed the chlorine dosing for the raw gr |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1079678 |
04/07/2020 |
Chronic Toxicity-Topsmelt-Survival Event Discharge limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = |
Violation |
N |
eSMR |
USMC Camp Pendleton Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1078874 |
06/30/2020 |
Deficient Monitoring |
One of the five per week grab settleable solids samples were not collected the w |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Advanced Water Treatment Plant at Haybarn Canyon |
422969 |
R9-2019-0167 |
N |
1071761 |
03/13/2020 |
Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ |
Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 3375.0 gallons of sewage to spi |
Violation |
N |
USMC Base, Camp Pendleton CS |
300837 |
2022-0103-DWQ |
N |
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.