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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
46470 Tulare City City Agency 3981 South K Street Tulare, CA 93274 559-684-4318 lnelson@ci.tulare.ca.us
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
872487 City of Tulare WWTF Tulare 5F Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 09/27/2000 None
631395 Tulare CS Tulare 5F Collection_System Owner 04/05/2006 None
206095 AQ Stor. & Recov. Demo Proj. Tulare 5F Facility Owner 02/09/1995 None
Total Related Places: 3
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
630735 Jason Hooyer Person Data Submitter 02/03/2022 None None
611936 Trisha Whitfield Person Legally Responsible Official 08/18/2020 None None
549899 Bruno Huerta Person Data Submitter 01/29/2015 None None
537602 Richard Bono Person Employee 02/09/1995 12/28/2015 None
537602 Richard Bono Person Legally Responsible Official 08/04/2008 12/28/2015 None
536993 Jason Sherrell Person Data Submitter 08/18/2020 None None
518536 Colson, Walter Organization In an Agreement With (Passive) 07/02/2009 None Privately-Individual
401055 Oliver Pinheiro Person Data Submitter 09/28/2007 None None
299849 Josh Rogers Person Legally Responsible Official 08/30/2016 None None
109529 John Tindel Person Facility Contact 02/09/1995 10/05/2007 None
73673 Lewis Nelson Person Legally Responsible Official 04/05/2006 10/25/2012 None
73673 Lewis Nelson Person Facility Contact 06/17/2005 12/27/2013 None
Total Related Parties: 12
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
440435 Co-Permitee SB 5D540110001 Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 None Discharger 09/18/2020 None N
367947 WDR 5F 5D540110001 Active WDRMUNILRG R5-2013-0019 04/11/2013 None Discharger 10/18/2002 None N
300840 Enrollee - WDR 5F 5SSO10713 Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 07/20/2006 None Discharger 04/14/2006 None N
163056 Resolution 5F 5C54PT00002 Historical WDRMUNILRG R5-2004-0019 01/30/2004 01/30/2004 Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
146003 NPDES Permit 5F 5D540110002 Historical NPDESWW R5-1999-099 07/28/1999 08/04/2006 Discharger 07/28/1999 None N
144784 WDR 5F 5D540110001 Historical WDRMUNILRG 91-133 06/28/1991 10/16/2002 Discharger 06/28/1991 None Y
143939 WDR 5F 5D540110001 Historical WDRMUNILRG 75-231 10/24/1975 06/28/1991 Discharger 10/24/1975 None N
143423 WDR 5F 5D540110001 Historical WDRMUNILRG 72-276 06/30/1972 10/24/1975 Discharger 06/30/1972 None N
131617 WDR 5F 5D540110001 Historical WDRMUNILRG R5-2002-0185 10/18/2002 04/10/2013 Discharger 10/18/2002 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 9
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1125959 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring 2023 - Missing Priority Pollutants and General Mineral (12x - monthly) monitorin Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125958 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring 2022 - Missing Priority Pollutants and General Mineral (12x - monthly) monitorin Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125957 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring 4th Quarter 2023 - Missing Source Water Monitoring Data. This includes a 12-mont Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125956 09/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring 3rd Quarter 2023 - Missing Source Water Monitoring Data. This includes a 12-mont Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125955 06/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring 2nd Quarter 2023 - Missing Source Water Monitoring Data. This includes a 12-mont Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125954 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring 1st Quarter 2023 - Missing Source Water Monitoring Data (no report). This includ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125953 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring 4th Quarter 2022 - Missing Source Water Monitoring Data (no report). This includ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125952 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring 3rd Quarter 2022 - Missing Source Water Monitoring Data (no report). This includ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125944 12/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125943 12/22/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125942 12/20/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125941 12/14/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125940 12/12/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125939 12/08/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125938 12/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125937 12/21/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125936 12/20/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125935 12/19/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125934 12/18/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125933 12/14/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125932 12/13/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125931 12/12/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125930 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125929 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125928 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125924 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing weekly Total Nitrogen monitoring data. Industrial Plant Ferme Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125923 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing weekly TKN monitoring data. Industrial Plant Fermenter (BVF) Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125922 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing weekly Nitrate monitoring data. Industrial Plant Fermenter (B Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125921 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing weekly Ammonia monitoring data. Industrial Plant Fermenter (B Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125920 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing daily EC monitoring data. Industrial Plant Fermenter (BVF) Mo Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125919 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing daily pH monitoring data. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125918 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter (BVF) Monitorin Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125917 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing daily measurement of Ammonia Feed Rate. Industrial Plant Ferme Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125916 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing weekly measurement of Alkalinity. Industrial Plant Fermenter ( Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125915 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing weekly measurement of Total Nitrogen. Industrial Plant Ferment Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125914 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing weekly measurement of TKN. Industrial Plant Fermenter (BVF) Mo Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125913 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing weekly measurement of Ammonia. Industrial Plant Fermenter (BVF Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125912 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing weekly measurement of Nitrate. Industrial Plant Fermenter (BVF Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125911 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing daily E.C. monitoring data (28x). Industrial Plant Fermenter ( Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125910 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter (BVF) Mon Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125909 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter (BVF) Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125908 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing weekly Total Nitrogen monitoring data (3x). Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125907 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing weekly TKN monitoring data (3x). Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125906 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing weekly Nitrate. monitoring data (3x). Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125905 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing weekly pH daily monitoring data. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125904 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing daily E.C. monitoring data (28x). Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125903 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing daily pH monitoring data (28x). Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125902 12/14/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125901 12/12/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125900 12/08/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125899 12/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125898 12/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125897 12/23/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125896 12/22/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125895 12/19/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125894 12/18/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125893 12/14/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125892 12/13/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125891 12/12/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125890 12/08/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125889 12/07/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125888 12/06/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125887 11/12/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125886 11/10/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125885 11/02/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125884 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of Total Nitrogen. Domestic Plant Effl Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125883 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of TKN. Domestic Plant Effluent Monito Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125882 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of Nitrate. Domestic Plant Effluent Mo Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125881 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of Ammonia. Domestic Plant Effluent Mo Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125880 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125879 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125878 12/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125877 12/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 40.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125876 12/19/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125875 12/18/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125874 12/15/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125873 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of Sodium. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125872 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of Total Nitrogen. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125871 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of TKN. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125870 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of Nitrate. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125869 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing one weekly measurement of Ammonia. Industrial Plant Effluent Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125868 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125867 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125866 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125865 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125864 11/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125863 10/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125862 09/25/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125861 09/18/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125860 09/11/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125859 09/05/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125857 08/28/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125856 08/14/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125855 07/03/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125854 07/03/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125853 07/03/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Pond Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125852 07/17/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125851 07/03/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.0 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125849 09/25/2023 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.00 mg/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125848 09/18/2023 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.00 mg/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125847 09/11/2023 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.00 mg/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125846 09/05/2023 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.00 mg/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125845 08/14/2023 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.00 mg/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125844 07/17/2023 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.00 mg/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125808 09/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125807 08/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125806 07/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125805 09/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Fermenter Monitoring (BVF) Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125804 08/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Fermenter Monitoring (BVF) Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125803 07/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Fermenter Monitoring (BVF) Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125802 08/25/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125801 08/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125800 07/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125799 09/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125798 09/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125797 08/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125796 09/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125795 08/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125794 07/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125793 08/05/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125792 07/03/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125782 04/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring April 2023 - Missing all Dissolved Oxygen reporting data (Ponds do have water). Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125779 06/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring June - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125777 05/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring May - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125775 04/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring April - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125773 05/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125770 05/17/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125769 05/09/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125768 04/30/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 13.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125767 05/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 40.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125766 04/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 40.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125765 06/30/2023 Order Conditions June 2023 - Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reported data exceeds maximum contamina Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125764 05/31/2023 Order Conditions May 2023 - Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reported data exceeds maximum contaminan Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125763 04/30/2023 Order Conditions April 2023 - Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reported data exceeds maximum contamin Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125759 06/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring June - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitoring ( Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125758 05/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring May - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitoring (B Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125757 04/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring April - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125756 06/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Ammonia Data of Influent Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125755 05/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring May - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125754 04/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring April - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125753 05/31/2023 Order Conditions May 2023 - Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reported data exceeds maximum contaminan Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125752 04/30/2023 Order Conditions April 2023 - Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reported data exceeds maximum contamin Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125751 05/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 40.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125750 04/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 40.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125749 05/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125748 04/30/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125747 06/01/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125746 05/23/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125745 05/17/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125744 05/09/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125743 05/05/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125742 05/03/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125741 04/25/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125740 04/21/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125739 04/19/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125738 04/13/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125737 04/11/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125735 04/05/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125728 03/14/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.5 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125727 03/10/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.4 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125726 03/06/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.3 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125724 02/27/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.7 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125722 01/09/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.8 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125720 01/06/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.8 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125717 03/30/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125716 03/28/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125713 03/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125711 03/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125709 03/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125707 03/29/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125705 03/28/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125703 01/08/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125701 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring March - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125700 02/28/2023 Deficient Monitoring February - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125699 01/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring January - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125693 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring March - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125691 02/28/2023 Deficient Monitoring February - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitori Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125688 01/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring January - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitorin Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125675 03/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 40.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125674 03/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125673 03/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125672 03/29/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125671 03/28/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125670 03/27/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125669 03/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125668 01/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125667 03/30/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125666 03/28/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125665 01/12/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125664 01/06/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125663 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring March - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125662 02/28/2023 Deficient Monitoring February - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125661 01/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring January - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125660 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring March - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125659 02/28/2023 Deficient Monitoring February - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125658 01/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring January - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125657 01/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125656 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring March - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125655 02/28/2023 Deficient Monitoring February - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125654 01/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring January - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125653 12/19/2022 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.7 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125652 12/16/2022 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.8 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125651 12/09/2022 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.8 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125650 12/22/2022 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.5 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125649 12/16/2022 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.8 feet. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125648 10/17/2022 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.00 mg/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125647 10/17/2022 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.00 mg/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125646 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125645 11/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125644 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Alkalinity Data of Commingled (Combined) Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125643 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitori Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125642 11/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitori Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125641 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitorin Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125640 12/08/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125639 10/11/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125638 10/10/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125637 10/07/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125636 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125635 11/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125634 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125633 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125632 11/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125631 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125630 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Data of Domestic Plant Influent Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125629 11/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Data of Domestic Plant Influent Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125628 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Data of Domestic Plant Influent M Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125627 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring December - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125626 11/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring November - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125625 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring October - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125506 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing source water flow-weighted 12-month rolling EC average data. Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125505 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing Source Water Data for 3rd Quarter 2022 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125504 08/15/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125503 07/11/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125502 07/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Pretreatment Program Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125501 08/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Pretreatment Program Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125500 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Pretreatment Program Monitorin Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125499 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitor Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125498 08/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Ammonia Feed Rate Data of Industrial Plant Fermenter Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125497 08/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125496 07/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Alkalinity Data of Domestic Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125495 07/04/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125493 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125492 08/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125491 07/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Alkalinity Data of Industrial Plant Effluent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125490 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring September - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125489 08/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring August - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125488 07/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring July - Missing Ammonia Data of Industrial Plant Influent Monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125487 09/30/2022 Order Conditions 3rd Quarter 2022, Missing a summary of the notations made in the pond monitoring Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125486 09/30/2022 Order Conditions 3rd Quarter 2022, Missing calculation of the 12-Month Rolling Average EC of the Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125485 09/30/2022 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 758.0 umhos/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125484 08/31/2022 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 748.0 umhos/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1125483 07/31/2022 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 759.0 umhos/ Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1119288 07/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119286 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119285 11/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119284 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119283 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119282 08/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119281 06/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119280 05/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119279 04/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119278 03/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119277 02/28/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (28X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119276 01/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119275 12/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119274 11/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119273 10/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119272 09/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119271 08/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119270 07/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119269 06/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119268 05/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119267 04/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119265 03/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119264 02/28/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (28X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119263 01/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119262 12/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119261 11/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119260 10/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119259 09/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119258 08/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119257 07/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119256 06/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119255 05/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119254 04/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (30X); effluent weekly BOD (4X) and TSS (4X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119253 03/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119252 02/29/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (29X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119251 01/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119250 12/31/2019 Deficient Monitoring Missing effluent daily flow (31X); effluent weekly BOD (3X) and TSS (3X); pond w Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119192 08/02/2023 Late Report 2Q23; missing quarterly report; 13 days late. Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119191 05/02/2023 Late Report 1Q23; missing quarterly report; 166 days late. Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119190 08/02/2020 Late Report 2Q20; missing quarterly report; 1180 days late. Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1119189 02/02/2020 Late Report 4Q19; missing quarterly report; 1290 days late. Violation None Report California Hot Springs Water Co WWTF 377953 97-010-DWQ N
1109848 09/22/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1109847 09/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1109846 08/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1109845 08/15/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1109844 08/14/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1109843 08/10/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103847 02/28/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103846 02/28/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103845 02/27/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103844 02/21/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103843 02/13/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103842 02/06/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103841 02/03/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103840 02/02/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103839 02/02/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103838 02/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103837 01/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103836 01/27/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103835 01/26/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103834 01/25/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103833 01/24/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103832 01/20/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103831 01/19/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103830 01/18/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103829 01/17/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103828 01/13/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103827 01/12/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103826 01/11/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103825 01/10/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103824 01/09/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103823 01/06/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103822 01/05/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103821 01/04/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103820 01/03/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103819 01/31/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1103818 01/28/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1102062 02/01/2022 Late Report 4Q2021 SMR due 01 February 2022, not submitted (42 days late). Violation None Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093020 06/30/2021 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 739 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093019 06/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093018 06/27/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093017 06/21/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093015 06/30/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093014 06/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093013 06/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093012 06/29/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093011 06/28/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093010 06/27/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093009 06/25/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093007 06/24/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093006 06/23/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093003 06/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093002 06/22/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093001 06/21/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1093000 06/20/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092998 05/31/2021 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 730 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092997 04/30/2021 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 730 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092996 03/31/2021 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 736 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092995 03/07/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092994 03/01/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092993 03/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092992 03/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092991 03/10/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092990 03/09/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092989 03/08/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092988 03/07/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092987 03/01/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092986 02/28/2021 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 737 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092985 02/28/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092984 02/28/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092983 02/17/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092982 02/16/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092981 02/15/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092980 02/28/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092979 02/28/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092978 02/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092977 02/17/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092976 02/16/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092975 02/15/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092974 02/11/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092973 02/10/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092972 01/31/2021 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 740 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092971 01/31/2021 Late Report January 2021 SMR, missing bi-weekly BOD samples (4x), & TSS samples (3x) from In Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092970 02/02/2021 Late Report 4Q2020 SMR, due 01 February 2021, submitted 02 February 2021 (1 day late) Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092969 12/31/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 13 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092968 12/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092967 12/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092966 12/31/2020 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 709 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092965 11/30/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 13 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092964 11/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092963 11/30/2020 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 728 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092962 10/31/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 13 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092961 10/31/2020 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 722 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092960 09/30/2020 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 729 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092959 08/31/2020 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 738 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092958 07/31/2020 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Monthly Average limit is 745 umhos/cm and re Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092859 09/01/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092858 08/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092857 08/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092855 08/26/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092854 08/25/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092853 07/09/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1092852 07/09/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1079012 05/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
1079011 04/02/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report City of Tulare WWTF 367947 R5-2013-0019 N
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 397
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
433699 Notice of Violation None NOV 06/17/2016 for California Hot Springs Water Company WDRMUNIENROTH 06/17/2016 Historical
392753 Notice of Violation None NOV 05/20/2013 for Tulare City WDRMUNILRG 05/20/2013 Historical
389762 Notice of Violation None NOV 3/27/2013 for Tulare City, Tulare CS SSOMUNILRG 03/27/2013 Historical
382435 Notice of Violation None NOV 12/16/2011 for Tulare City, Tulare CS SSOMUNILRG 12/16/2011 Historical
246419 Cease and Desist Order R5-2002-0186 CDO R5-2002-0186 for Tulare WWTF WDRMUNILRG 10/18/2002 Historical
242037 Notice of Violation None NOV 04/24/2002 for Tulare WWTF (IPP violations) WDRMUNILRG 04/24/2002 Historical
238878 Notice of Violation N/A NOV to Tulare WWTF WDRMUNILRG 10/30/2001 Historical
228844 Staff Enforcement Letter N/A SEL to Tulare WWTF WDRMUNILRG 06/06/2000 Historical
228404 Notice of Violation None NOV 02/11/2000 for Tulare WWTF WDRMUNILRG 02/11/2000 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 9
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 12/02/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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