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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
447195 Nicole Damin 11020 Sun Center Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 916-464-4785 Nicole.damin@waterboards.ca.gov
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
Total Related Places: 0
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
137762 Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento Office Organization Employee 05/24/2018 None Waterboard
42030 Stanislaus Cnty Dept of Parks & Rec Organization Legally Responsible Official 11/15/2007 05/23/2018 County Agency
Total Related Parties: 2
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
Total Regulatory Measures: 0
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1134796 05/16/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Tuolumne County Cannabis Cultivation Violation None Inspection Gonzales, Juan Property 453275 None Y
1131084 05/16/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Tuolumne County cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Montejano, Victorino Birrueta Property 451048 None Y
1130954 05/16/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Tuolumne county cannabis cultivation inspection Violation None Inspection Pulido, Diego Property 451062 None Y
1120161 07/06/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Preserving Land LLC Property 453460 None N
1120042 08/31/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Sims, Keenan Property 454334 None N
1120041 08/31/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Sims, Keenan Property 454334 None N
1118440 06/14/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Pomce, Antonio Property 453462 None N
1118439 07/05/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Preserving Land LLC Property 453460 None N
1118175 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Collins, Robert La Mont Property 453279 None Y
1118173 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Isidrio, Alondra Santana Property 453277 None Y
1118172 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Gonzales, Juan Property 453275 None Y
1118171 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Robinson, Jason Property 453273 None Y
1118170 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Barajas, Antonio Property 453271 None Y
1118169 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Meraz, Samuel Property 453269 None Y
1118168 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Lopez, Gerado Property 453267 None Y
1118167 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Mercado, Teresa Property 453265 None Y
1118166 06/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Madngal, Jesus Property 453263 None Y
1118165 05/12/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Rivas, Dolores Property 452842 None N
1118161 05/12/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Alcaraz, Rodolfo Property 452836 None N
1117770 05/11/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Mendoza, Rueben Property 452834 None N
1117724 05/11/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Medrano, Leonal Property 452832 None N
1117710 05/11/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Napoles, Alfredo Property 452828 None N
1117709 05/11/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Samano, Gabriel Property 452830 None N
1117689 05/11/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Springs, Eric Property 452826 None N
1117579 05/11/2023 Other Codes Water Code section 13260 - Failure to file report of waste discharge for waste a Violation None Inspection Valencia, Hector Property 452824 None N
1117578 05/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Water Code section 13260. A person discharging waste, or proposing to discharge Violation None Inspection Valencia, Hector Property 452825 None N
1117385 05/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Rangel, David Property 452852 None N
1117384 05/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Zamora, Aurelia Property 452850 None N
1117383 05/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Orozco, Jaime Property 452848 None N
1117381 05/17/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Lolonis, Tryfon Property 452846 None N
1117379 05/25/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Sanchez, Maria Property 452844 None N
1117377 05/13/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Rivas, Dolores Property 452842 None N
1117375 05/13/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Nastase, Radu Property 452840 None N
1117374 05/12/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Roth, Henry Property 452838 None N
1117373 05/12/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Alcaraz, Rodolfo Property 452836 None N
1117372 05/12/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Mendoza, Rueben Property 452834 None N
1117371 05/12/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Mendoza, Rueben Property 452834 None N
1117370 05/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Medrano, Leonal Property 452832 None N
1117369 05/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Samano, Gabriel Property 452830 None N
1117368 05/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Napoles, Alfredo Property 452828 None N
1117367 05/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Springs, Eric Property 452826 None N
1117366 05/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Valencia, Hector Property 452824 None N
1113177 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection AVINA, FELIPE PEREZ Property 451074 None Y
1113176 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Lee, Rob Property 451072 None Y
1113175 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Zuniga, Guadalupe Property 451070 None Y
1113174 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection BUSTOS, ADRIAN CARRANZA Property 451068 None Y
1113173 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Pimental, Gonzalo Pulido Property 451066 None Y
1113172 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Jimenez, Diego Pulido Property 451064 None Y
1113171 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Pulido, Diego Property 451062 None Y
1113170 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Hernandez, Juan Property 451060 None Y
1113169 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Ingram, Kristi Property 451058 None Y
1113168 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Davis, Clarence Property 451056 None Y
1113167 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Raghav, Man Mahan Property 451054 None Y
1113166 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Schuler, Geoffery Property 451052 None Y
1113165 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Gonzalez, Gregorio Property 451050 None Y
1113164 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Montejano, Victorino Birrueta Property 451048 None Y
1113163 09/16/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Singh Rana, Karnvir Property 451046 None Y
1109804 10/04/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Hernandez, Juan Property 449800 None Y
1109803 10/04/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Elite Realty Holdings LLC Property 449798 None Y
1109802 10/04/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Pimental, Gonzalo Property 449796 None Y
1109500 06/01/2022 Enforcement Action California Water Code Violations and Failure to Comply with Cannabis Policy Requ Violation N Inspection Henter LLC Property 448214 None N
1106037 06/07/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Ornelas, Luis Property 448495 None Y
1106036 06/29/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Aguilar, Julio Cesar Medina Property 448493 None N
1106035 06/29/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Thao, Mai Property 448491 None N
1106034 06/29/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Her, Teng Property 448489 None N
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 65
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
Total Enforcement Actions: 0
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
448363 Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento Office Resolution PLNBPP 06/10/2022 Historical
402503 Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento Office Resolution PLNBPP 07/09/2004 Historical
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 2
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/28/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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