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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
38180 Ramona MWD Special District 105 West Earlham Street Ramona, CA 92065-1599 760-789-1330(+) abenson@rmwd.org
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
852687 Ramona Pipeline Erosion Repair Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/13/2018 None
631547 San Vicente Treatment Plant CS San Diego 9 Collection_System Owner 04/05/2006 None
631528 Santa Maria CS San Diego 9 Collection_System Owner 04/05/2006 None
256463 Santa Maria/ San Vicente Treatment Plant CS San Diego 9 Collection_System Owner 03/15/1996 None
255679 Santa Maria WWTP San Diego 9 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 05/27/1969 None
255468 San Vicente WWTP San Diego 9 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 09/29/1994 None
251588 Ramona WWTP Constr Dewater San Diego 9 Facility Owner 11/17/2000 None
251584 Ramona MWD-Drinking Water System Discharges San Diego 9 Utility Structure Owner 10/16/2002 None
241574 Mount Woodson Waterline San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 None
Total Related Places: 9
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
632159 Randy Robertson Person Legally Responsible Official 05/02/2022 None None
632159 Randy Robertson Person Data Submitter 03/29/2022 None None
621878 Cesar Lopez Person Legally Responsible Official 06/01/2021 None None
569036 David Barnum Person Legally Responsible Official 07/01/2017 None None
563115 Edward Corbett Person Legally Responsible Official 04/04/2017 03/03/2022 None
525428 Ralph McIntosh Person Legally Responsible Official 12/22/2010 10/04/2011 None
525263 Jon Miller Person Data Submitter 12/13/2010 None None
372098 Joe Lomeli Person Employee 07/01/2017 None None
145395 Alice Benson Person Facility Contact 09/29/1994 10/04/2011 None
135878 Berry Gerrity Person Facility Contact 09/29/1994 10/04/2011 None
108415 Jim Anderson Person Legally Responsible Official 09/15/2011 None None
Total Related Parties: 11
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
169780 401 Certification 9 9 00001C074 Historical CERFILLEXC None None None Discharger 06/17/2005 None N
426361 401 Certification 9 9 000003369 Historical CERFILLEXC R9-2019-0102 04/08/2019 04/03/2023 Discharger 11/13/2018 None N
404699 WDR 9 9 000000077 Active WDRMUNILRG R9-2016-0154 06/22/2016 None Discharger 02/16/2016 None N
214111 Enrollee - NPDES 9 None Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2010-0003 10/17/2002 06/30/2017 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
362394 WDR 9 9 000000076 Active WDRMUNILRG R9-2009-0005 03/11/2009 None Discharger 03/11/2009 None Y
213962 Enrollee 9 9 000000780 Active SSOMUNISML R9-2007-0005 05/09/1996 None Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
403143 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 9 None Historical WDRMUNILRG R9-2000-0177 10/08/2015 10/08/2015 Discharger 10/08/2015 None N
148103 WDR 9 9 000000077 Historical WDRMUNILRG R9-2000-0177 09/13/2000 06/22/2016 Discharger 09/13/2000 None N
142539 WDR 9 9 000000077 Historical WDRMUNILRG 95-022 04/13/1995 None Discharger 04/13/1995 None Y
142436 WDR 9 9 000000076 Historical WDRMUNILRG 93-003 02/01/1993 03/11/2009 Discharger 02/01/1993 None Y
142391 WDR 9 9 000000077 Historical WDRMUNILRG 91-058 05/20/1991 None Discharger 05/20/1991 None Y
143360 WDR 9 9 000000077 Historical WDRMUNILRG 87-126 10/05/1987 None Discharger 10/05/1987 None N
142768 WDR 9 9 000000076 Historical WDRMUNILRG 86-072 09/08/1986 None Discharger 09/08/1986 None Y
141839 WDR 9 9 000000076 Historical WDRMUNILRG 79-017 02/26/1979 None Discharger 02/26/1979 None Y
147045 WDR 9 9 000000077 Historical WDRMUNILRG 69-019 05/27/1969 None Discharger 05/27/1969 None Y
300771 Enrollee 9 9SSO10698 Active SSOMUNISML 2022-0103-DWQ 09/21/2006 None Discharger 04/13/2006 None N
300698 Enrollee 9 9SSO10695 Active SSOMUNISML 2022-0103-DWQ 09/21/2006 None Discharger 04/13/2006 None N
440392 Co-Permitee SB 9 000000077 Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 None Discharger 09/18/2020 None N
416808 Enrollee - NPDES 9 4DW0405 Active NPDMUNIOTH 2014-0194-DWQ 07/01/2017 None Discharger 07/01/2017 None N
214046 Enrollee 9 9 000000926 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 01-096 12/19/2000 04/20/2004 Discharger 09/01/2005 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 20
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1101897 03/03/2022 Order Conditions SSMP -The District?s OERP (SSMP Appendix E) does not reflect the 2013 MRP notifi Violation None Inspection Santa Maria/ San Vicente Treatment Plant CS 213962 R9-2007-0005 Y
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 1
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
446943 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for 2006-0003-DWQ & R9-2007-0005 for Ramona MWD (Inspection 47059484 San Vicente CS) SSOMUNISML 03/28/2022 Historical
427809 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2009-0005 SEL for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 05/30/2019 Historical
427336 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2016-0154 SEL for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 08/23/2019 Historical
416429 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 10/26/2017 Historical
411672 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 02/10/2017 Historical
399326 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for Ramona MWD 2014-15 WDRMUNILRG None Historical
398966 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for Ramona MWD, San Vicente WRP, 12-1-2014 WDRMUNILRG 12/11/2014 Historical
397197 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 07/11/2014 for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 08/15/2014 Historical
397194 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for Ramona MWD, San Vicente WWTP 7-14-2014 WDRMUNILRG 07/14/2014 Historical
382107 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for Ramona MWD Santa Maria WTP, 11-10-2011 WDR 11/10/2011 Historical
379324 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL WDR 93-003 for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 05/25/2011 Historical
376501 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 11/08/2010 for San Vicente WWTP WDRMUNILRG 11/08/2010 Historical
376388 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 11/03/2010 for San Vicente WWTP WDRMUNILRG 11/03/2010 Historical
376380 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 10/28/2010 for Santa Maria WRF WDRMUNILRG 10/28/2010 Historical
376076 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 09/30/2010 for Santa Maria WRF WDRMUNILRG 09/30/2010 Historical
374887 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 07/07/2010 for San Vicente Wastewater Treatment Plant WDR 07/07/2010 Historical
373114 Notice of Violation R9-2010-0035 NOV R9-2010-0035 WDR 02/18/2010 Historical
373113 Notice of Violation R9-2010-0034 NOV R9-2010-0034 SSOMUNISML 02/18/2010 Historical
372214 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL for Ramona MWD SSOMUNISML 12/15/2009 Historical
372054 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL 07/08/2009 for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 07/08/2009 Historical
372053 Notice of Violation None NOV 07/09/2009 for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 07/09/2009 Historical
355042 Notice of Violation R9-2008-0154 NOV No. R9-2008-0154 for San Vicente Water Reclamation Facility WDRMUNILRG 11/17/2008 Historical
332519 Staff Enforcement Letter None SEL: Effluent and Reporting Violations Mar07-Jun07 SMR WDR 09/21/2007 Historical
321028 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN SEL for TDS violation on SMR for Oct-Dec 06 WDRMUNILRG 02/16/2007 Historical
314939 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Violations for May 06 and Apr-Jun 06;SMRs WDRMUNILRG 11/15/2006 Historical
314397 Staff Enforcement Letter None TDS Violations for Apr-Jun and Jul-Sep 06 SMRs WDRMUNILRG 11/02/2006 Historical
306368 Notice of Violation R9-2006-0092 NOV; Effluent violations for Dec 05-Apr 06 Monthly SMR's WDRMUNILRG 07/14/2006 Historical
305139 Notice of Violation R9-2006-0087 NOV for TDS exceedances; Oct-Dec05 and Jan-Mar 06 WDRMUNILRG 06/23/2006 Historical
255945 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 02/25/2005 Historical
253906 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 12/07/2004 Historical
253429 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000780 WDRMUNILRG 10/07/2004 Historical
253428 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000780 WDRMUNILRG 10/07/2004 Historical
252390 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 08/09/2004 Historical
252155 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDR 07/26/2004 Historical
251279 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 03/05/2004 Historical
250369 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 10/31/2003 Historical
250325 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 12/19/2003 Historical
248817 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 02/25/2002 Historical
248816 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 03/12/2002 Historical
247831 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 08/12/2002 Historical
247756 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 08/09/2002 Historical
246212 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 10/25/2002 Historical
245922 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 12/10/2002 Historical
245048 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 02/19/2003 Historical
245046 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 02/19/2003 Historical
244966 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000780 WDRMUNILRG 05/05/2003 Historical
244544 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 05/07/2003 Historical
244540 13267 Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 05/07/2003 Historical
243707 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 05/22/2003 Historical
243658 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 05/22/2003 Historical
242040 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 08/12/2003 Historical
242015 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDR 08/12/2003 Historical
235495 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 04/10/2001 Historical
235488 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 05/14/2001 Historical
235486 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDR 05/18/2001 Historical
235251 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000780 WDRMUNILRG 11/22/2000 Historical
235121 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 01/09/2001 Historical
235026 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 08/03/2000 Historical
234888 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 07/07/2000 Historical
234673 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 06/06/2000 Historical
234431 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 05/26/2000 Historical
234417 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 11/09/1999 Historical
233409 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 12/02/1999 Historical
222896 Time Schedule Order 85-057 Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 06/10/1985 Historical
222895 Time Schedule Order 85-056 Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 06/10/1985 Historical
222782 Cease and Desist Order 86-086 Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 10/27/1986 Historical
222781 Admin Civil Liability 93-052 Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 06/21/1993 Historical
220452 Cease and Desist Order 95-0221 Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 04/13/1995 Historical
219931 Cease and Desist Order R9-1999-0003 CDO No. 99-03 for Ramona Municipal Water District WDRMUNILRG 03/10/1999 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 69
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
416808 Joe Lomeli Enrollee - NPDES NPDMUNIOTH 07/01/2017 Active
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 1
The current report was generated with data as of: 12/03/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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