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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
23863 Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility Privately-Owned Business 24001 Stevens Creek Cupertino, CA 95014(+) 408-996-4000 avery.richardson@lehighhanson.com
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
860195 Permanente Creek Maintenance Project Santa Clara 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/01/2019 None
835484 Permanente Creek Emergency Culvert Cleanout Project Santa Clara 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/26/2017 None
808137 Permanente Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project Santa Clara 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/01/2014 None
273205 Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) Santa Clara 2 Sand and Gravel Mining Owner 03/16/1994 None
234560 Kaiser Cement-Stormwater Santa Clara 2 Facility Owner 08/20/1974 None
Total Related Places: 5
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
642246 Bradd Statley Person Legally Responsible Official 10/27/2023 None None
642069 Morgan Webster Person Data Submitter 10/05/2023 None None
639172 Gregory Ronczka Person Legally Responsible Official 04/28/2023 None None
637122 Sanjeet Sen Person Data Submitter 04/25/2023 None None
637122 Sanjeet Sen Person Employee 01/31/2023 None None
634577 Avery Richardson Person Legally Responsible Official 08/01/2022 03/31/2023 None
630612 Carolina Addison Person Data Submitter 08/30/2019 04/28/2023 None
621007 Stacy Baird Person Employee 11/01/2017 07/26/2022 None
601614 Andrea Selvog Person Data Submitter 11/02/2017 01/18/2022 None
569362 Antonio Del Rio Person Legally Responsible Official 01/05/2017 None None
569360 Tressa Jackson Person Data Submitter 11/02/2017 09/04/2018 None
569360 Tressa Jackson Person Employee 11/01/2017 01/18/2022 None
562591 Erika Guerra Person Data Submitter 02/22/2017 01/18/2022 None
562591 Erika Guerra Person Legally Responsible Official 08/01/2019 01/18/2022 None
562590 Manjunath Shivalingappa Person Employee 06/01/2016 None None
561722 Keith Krugh Person Data Submitter 02/22/2017 01/18/2022 None
556823 Courtney Perry Person Data Submitter 06/01/2016 04/03/2018 None
553511 Sam Barket Person Legally Responsible Official 11/03/2015 08/15/2017 None
548217 George Wegmann Person Data Submitter 08/25/2014 None None
547908 Chow Yip Person Data Submitter 08/01/2014 None None
545696 James Kertis Person Legally Responsible Official 03/14/2014 07/30/2014 None
527932 Gregory Knapp Person Employee 03/01/2012 None None
139096 Alan Sabawi Person Legally Responsible Official 03/13/2014 05/25/2017 None
Total Related Parties: 23
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
432980 NPDES Permit 2 2 438668001 Active NPDINDLRG R2-2019-0024 09/01/2019 None Discharger 07/12/2019 None N
414776 NPDES Permit 2 2 438668001 Active NPDINDLRG R2-2017-0030 10/01/2017 None Discharger 07/19/2017 None N
395340 NPDES Permit 2 2 438668001 Historical NPDINDLRG R2-2014-0010 05/01/2014 08/31/2019 Discharger 03/13/2014 None Y
384455 WDR 2 2 438058002 Active LNDISPOTH R2-2018-0028 06/13/2018 None Discharger 07/26/1999 None N
380558 Enrollee 2 2 438674001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS None 11/22/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 None N
380556 Enrollee 2 2 438673001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 None N
380550 Enrollee 2 2 438672001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 None N
380549 Enrollee 2 2 438671001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 10/28/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 None N
380548 Enrollee 2 2 438670001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 None N
380546 Enrollee 2 2 438669001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS None 11/22/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 None N
380545 Enrollee 2 2 438668001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 None N
380543 Enrollee 2 2 438667001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 None N
146249 WDR 2 2 438058001 Historical WDR 74-065 08/20/1974 None Discharger 08/20/1974 None N
143297 Reclamation Requirements 2 2 438058002 Active REC 94-038 03/16/1994 None Discharger 03/16/1994 None N
143130 WDR 2 2 438058001 Historical WDR 97-061 05/21/1997 None Discharger 05/21/1997 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 15
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1119337 01/14/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Stormwater overtopped the Yeager Yard stormwater sediment basin and entered Perm Violation None Report Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) 432980 R2-2019-0024 N
1119336 01/05/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Approximately 89,600 gallons of stormwater permitted by Order R2-2019-0024 to be Violation None Report Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) 432980 R2-2019-0024 N
1107881 07/29/2022 Order Conditions Lehigh previously notified the Regional Water Board on July 29, 2022 (initial re Violation N eSMR Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) 432980 R2-2019-0024 Y
1104648 04/30/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Monthly Average limit is 0.10 ml/L/hr and reported value was 0 Violation N eSMR Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) 432980 R2-2019-0024 Y
1087646 01/26/2021 Unauthorized Discharge An unauthorized chlorinated potable water discharge to Permanente Creek on Janua Violation N Report Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) 432980 R2-2019-0024 Y
1087645 03/18/2020 Unauthorized Discharge An unauthorized chlorinated potable water discharge to Permanente Creek occurred Violation N Report Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) 432980 R2-2019-0024 Y
1070113 12/31/2019 CAT1 Settleable Solids Monthly Average limit is 0.10 ml/L/hr and reported value was 0 Violation N eSMR Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) 432980 R2-2019-0024 Y
1070112 12/18/2019 CAT2 Selenium, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 8.2 ug/L and reported Violation N eSMR Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) 432980 R2-2019-0024 Y
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 8
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
455254 Admin Civil Liability R2-2024-1021 ACL R2-2024-1021 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 03/19/2024 Historical
454670 Admin Civil Liability R2-2023-1006 ACL R2-2023-1006 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 10/02/2023 Active
448309 Admin Civil Liability R2-2022-1017 ACL R2-2022-1017 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 11/17/2022 Historical
443743 Admin Civil Liability R2-2021-1021 ACL R2-2021-1021 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility DISCHSW 06/14/2021 Historical
433401 Admin Civil Liability R2-2020-1016 ACL R2-2020-1016 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 02/04/2020 Historical
428523 Admin Civil Liability R2-2019-1014 ACL R2-2019-1014 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 05/21/2019 Historical
424860 Admin Civil Liability R2-2018-1007 ACL R2-2018-1007 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 08/27/2018 Historical
415809 Admin Civil Liability r2-2017-1023 ACL r2-2017-1023 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 08/14/2017 Historical
414777 Cease and Desist Order R2-2017-0031 CDO R2-2017-0031 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 09/01/2017 Historical
411398 Admin Civil Liability R2-2017-1001 ACL R2-2017-1001 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 01/12/2017 Historical
409269 Notice of Violation None NOV 08/30/2016 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 08/30/2016 Historical
401881 Settlement - Court Order Case5:15-cv-01896 Court Settlement Case5:15-cv-01896 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/28/2015 Historical
395347 Cease and Desist Order R2-2014-0011 CDO R2-2014-0011 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 05/01/2014 Historical
390440 Referral to USEPA None Ref to USEPA 10/01/2012 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDNONMUNIPRCS 10/01/2012 Active
384976 Admin Civil Liability R2-2011-0023 ACL R2-2011-0023 INDSTW None Historical
377469 Oral Communication verbal Enforcement of WRR 94-038 for Lehigh Southwest Cement WWTP & Recycled Water REC 02/04/2011 Historical
235404 Clean-up and Abatement Order R2-1999-0018 CAO 99-018 for Kaiser Cement Corp, Cupertino REC 07/26/1999 Active
Total Enforcement Actions: 17
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
432980 Sanjeet Sen NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 09/01/2019 Active
432980 Sanjeet Sen NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 09/01/2019 Active
395340 Gregory Knapp NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 05/01/2014 Historical
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 3
The current report was generated with data as of: 11/29/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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