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   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
147397 San Francisco International Airport Special District 676 Mcdonnell Road San Francsco, CA 94128 650-821-7809(+) None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
894719 SFO Shoreline Structures Repair Program San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/07/2024 None
888703 SFO Shoreline Protection System Maintenance Program San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/07/2023 None
885976 Runway 10L-28R Guide Lighting Trestle Repair Project San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/08/2023 None
884460 SFO Storm Drain Pump Station Trestle Repair and Replacement Project San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/29/2022 None
883852 SDPS 2 Outfall E004 Emergency Repairs San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 10/20/2022 None
881307 Shoreline Protection System Urgent Maintenance Project San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/20/2022 None
875243 Outfall E007 Structural Repair Project San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/14/2021 None
875205 Perimeter Buoy As-Needed Maintenance Project San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/12/2021 None
874207 San Francisco Garter Snake Recovery Action Plan 2019-2029 San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/24/2021 None
829341 SFO Emergency Seawall Erosion Repair Project San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 10/26/2016 None
828253 SFO Emergency Outfall Support Repair San Mateo 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/19/2016 None
815270 San Francisco Internatioal Airport Recycled Water San Mateo 2 Recycled Water Use Area Owner and Operator 01/01/1980 None
256507 SF Airport Mel Leong TP-Sanitary Waste San Mateo 2 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 11/05/2008 None
256506 SF Arprt Mel Leong TP-Industrl San Mateo 2 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 11/05/2008 None
Total Related Places: 14
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
626115 Audrey Park Person Legally Responsible Official 07/12/2021 None None
624706 Aaron Craig Person Data Submitter 05/26/2021 None None
624634 Natalie Reeder Person Legally Responsible Official 05/24/2021 None None
611268 Arturo Castro Person Legally Responsible Official 08/04/2020 None None
611268 Arturo Castro Person Data Submitter 07/27/2020 None None
595503 William Jones Person Data Submitter 04/08/2019 None None
594420 Sheila Calabro Person Data Submitter 01/30/2019 None None
586713 Crystal Zhu Person Legally Responsible Official 02/14/2019 None None
575981 Leroy Sisneros Person Legally Responsible Official 04/23/2018 None None
569637 Eric Kuhn Person Data Submitter 10/12/2017 11/27/2017 None
549727 Geoffrey Neumayr Person Legally Responsible Official 09/19/2016 None None
538489 George Engel Person Legally Responsible Official 03/27/2017 03/07/2019 None
534181 Jennifer Acton Person Legally Responsible Official 06/21/2019 None None
527072 William Zolan Person Legally Responsible Official 05/31/2011 06/04/2019 None
522878 Nora Mill Person Employee 05/13/2010 05/24/2016 None
522828 Joseph Birrer Person Employee 07/02/2010 None None
522827 Brian Ciappara Person Employee 07/02/2010 None None
303173 Felix Ching Person Data Submitter 05/31/2011 None None
303173 Felix Ching Person Employee 03/07/2006 None None
Total Related Parties: 19
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
456809 401 Certification 2 2 CW456809 Active CERFILLEXC None 07/11/2024 None Discharger 05/07/2024 None N
452963 401 Certification 2 2 CW452963 Active CERFILLEXC None 06/07/2024 None Discharger 06/07/2023 None N
451017 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW451017 Historical CERFILLEXC R2-2018-0009 04/19/2023 09/14/2023 Discharger 02/08/2023 None N
450329 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW450329 Historical CERFILLEXC R2-2018-0009 06/01/2023 01/31/2024 Discharger 11/29/2022 None N
447766 401 Certification 2 2 CW447766 Historical CERFILLEXC None 07/15/2022 12/13/2022 Discharger 05/20/2022 None N
444157 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 2 CW444157 Historical CERFILLEXC R2-2018-0009 10/20/2021 12/01/2022 Discharger 07/14/2021 None N
443404 401 Certification 2 2 CW443404 Active CERREST None 12/06/2021 None Discharger 05/24/2021 None Y
430634 Co-Permitee 2 2 417032001 Active NPDMUNILRG R2-2019-0017 07/01/2019 None Discharger 05/20/2019 None N
425630 NPDES Permit 2 2 417032001 Active NPDMUNILRG R2-2018-0045 12/01/2018 None Discharger 10/10/2018 None Y
409975 401 Certification 2 2 CW409975 Historical CERFILLEXC None 02/08/2017 03/09/2017 Discharger 10/26/2016 None N
409209 401 Certification 2 2 CW409209 Historical CERFILLEXC None 10/20/2016 01/20/2018 Discharger 09/19/2016 None N
407944 Enrollee - WRR 2 2 417033002 Active REC R2-1991-0042 03/20/1991 None Discharger 03/20/1991 None N
390160 NPDES Permit 2 2 417032001 Historical NPDMUNILRG R2-2013-0011 07/01/2013 11/30/2018 Discharger 05/09/2013 None N
389152 Co-Permitee 2 2 417033001 Active NPDINDLRG R2-2017-0041 01/01/2013 None Discharger 03/01/2008 None Y
378822 Co-Permitee 2 2 417033001 Historical NPDINDLRG R2-2011-0012 04/01/2011 12/31/2012 Discharger 03/01/2008 None N
360532 Co-Permitee 2 2 417033001 Historical NPDINDLRG R2-2007-0077 03/01/2008 12/31/2012 Discharger 03/01/2008 None N
337341 NPDES Permit 2 2 417032001 Historical NPDMUNILRG R2-2007-0058 10/01/2007 06/30/2013 Discharger 11/30/2005 None Y
337297 NPDES Permit 2 2 417033001 Historical NPDINDLRG R2-2007-0060 10/01/2007 06/30/2013 Discharger 11/01/2005 None Y
Total Regulatory Measures: 18
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1106886 06/30/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR SF Airport Mel Leong TP-Sanitary Waste 425630 R2-2018-0045 Y
1106885 06/30/2022 CAT1 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average Violation N eSMR SF Airport Mel Leong TP-Sanitary Waste 425630 R2-2018-0045 Y
1106884 06/30/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR SF Airport Mel Leong TP-Sanitary Waste 425630 R2-2018-0045 Y
1072079 02/27/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.0 SU and reported value was 5.78 SU at EFF-0 Violation N eSMR SF Arprt Mel Leong TP-Industrl 425630 R2-2018-0045 Y
1069945 12/31/2019 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 30 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR SF Airport Mel Leong TP-Sanitary Waste 425630 R2-2018-0045 Y
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 5
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
455279 Admin Civil Liability R2-2024-1015 ACL R2-2024-1015 for San Francisco International Airport NPDMUNILRG 03/05/2024 Historical
412417 Oral Communication None Oral Com 12/2016 for San Francisco International Airport NPDMUNILRG 12/30/2016 Historical
412416 Oral Communication None Oral Com 01/17/2017 for San Francisco International Airport NPDMUNILRG 01/17/2017 Historical
412412 Oral Communication None Oral Com 03/13/2015 for San Francisco International Airport NPDMUNILRG 03/13/2015 Historical
412411 Oral Communication None Oral Com 04/24/2015 for San Francisco International Airport NPDMUNILRG 04/24/2015 Historical
412405 Oral Communication None Oral Com 01/15/2015 for San Francisco International Airport NPDMUNILRG 01/15/2015 Historical
401694 Admin Civil Liability R2-2015-1015 ACL R2-2015-1015 for San Francisco International Airport NPDMUNILRG 10/15/2015 Historical
338996 Cease and Desist Order R2-2007-0061 CDO SFIA Mel Leong Treatment Plant, Industrial Plant NPDINDLRG 11/01/2007 Historical
338992 Cease and Desist Order R2-2007-0059 CDO R2-2007-0059 for San Francisco International Airport NPDMUNILRG 11/01/2007 Historical
Total Enforcement Actions: 9
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 12/20/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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