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 California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
   Party At-A-Glance Report


General Information
Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
137759 Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Waterboard 895 Aerovista Place 101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-542-4638 None
Expand/Contract Related Places
Related Places
Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
Total Related Places: 0
Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
648284 Anthony Schuetze Person Employee 12/02/2024 None None
647359 Naomi Bacop Person Employee 10/02/2024 None None
647201 Mattie Nelson Person Employee 09/18/2024 None None
646312 Elena Roth Person Employee 10/14/2024 None None
642212 Analisa Duarte Person Employee 10/17/2023 None None
641782 Audrey Liebhaber Person Employee 09/22/2023 None None
641184 Alex Lung Person Employee 08/22/2023 None None
640964 Anna Stegman Person Employee 08/04/2023 None None
640337 Alia Ajina Person Employee 06/29/2023 None None
639268 Hayden Reed Person Employee 05/04/2023 None None
638857 Anna Melvin Person Employee 04/05/2023 None None
638856 Sydney Roncal Person Employee 04/05/2023 None None
637435 April Woods Person Employee 02/14/2023 None None
635605 Amanda Christophe Person Employee 10/05/2022 None None
635244 Tiffany Hampton Person Employee 09/15/2022 None None
635196 Radha Kamineni Person Employee 09/13/2022 None None
634896 Noah Maidrand Person Employee 08/17/2022 None None
634415 Joseph Fredette Person Employee 07/18/2022 None None
634287 Jesse Woodard Person Employee 07/08/2022 None None
632007 Corinne Watson Person Employee 03/25/2022 None None
630754 Sarah Crable Person Employee 02/04/2022 None None
629868 Genevieve Safi Person Employee 12/20/2021 None None
629369 Rachel Hohn Person Employee 11/30/2021 None None
629184 Ryan Lee Person Employee 11/18/2021 None None
629183 Sarah Bragg-Flavan Person Employee 11/18/2021 None None
628410 Caroline Webster Person Employee 10/20/2021 None None
625842 Emily Castillo Lopez Person Employee 06/28/2021 None None
625841 Lanie Carl Person Employee 06/28/2021 None None
625840 Zelda Zivny Person Employee 06/28/2021 None None
625838 Olivia Williams Person Employee 06/28/2021 None None
625754 Jackson Welch Person Employee 06/24/2021 08/01/2023 None
623858 Bryan Little Person Employee 07/01/2018 None None
623540 Michael Sandecki Person Employee 04/15/2021 None None
623422 Stephanie McCallum Person Employee 04/12/2021 None None
611119 Danial Woldearegay Person Employee 07/21/2020 None None
610779 Rebeca Griner Person Employee 06/03/2021 None None
605691 Allyson Swain Person Employee 01/07/2020 None None
604334 Mark Lemus Person Employee 06/02/2021 None None
603176 Sarah Treadwell Person Employee 10/04/2019 None None
603004 Jace Nunes Person Employee 02/13/2020 None None
601255 Alejandra Celio Person Employee 08/20/2019 None None
601116 Jerilynn Riordan Person Employee 08/15/2019 None None
601023 Daniel Pelikan Person Employee 08/13/2019 None None
600656 Kathleen Gonzalez Person Employee 07/30/2019 None None
600617 Jordan Haserot Person Employee 07/29/2019 None None
598151 Tessa Gallagher Person Employee 05/24/2019 None None
597754 Jacqueline Tkac Person Employee 05/14/2019 None None
597264 RB3 WDR Students Person Employee 05/01/2019 None None
595594 Thomas Mello Person Employee 03/08/2019 None None
594269 Kathy Truong Person Employee 01/25/2019 None None
583553 Kelsey DeLong Person Employee 08/27/2018 None None
581640 Joey Velasquez Person Employee 08/21/2018 08/19/2021 None
581508 Lauren Gordon Person Employee 07/23/2018 None None
580651 Jordan Martin Person Employee 07/10/2018 None None
580118 Alyssa Bucci Person Employee 07/02/2018 None None
577733 Amber Sellinger Person Employee 05/18/2018 None None
577732 Tim Dinh Person Employee 05/18/2018 None None
577731 Gavrielle Orman Person Employee 05/18/2018 None None
572161 Mark Davis Person Employee 01/11/2018 None None
570979 James Bishop Person Employee 12/06/2017 None None
569045 Michael McKee Person Employee 10/12/2017 None None
569041 Aaron Katona Person Employee 10/12/2017 None None
568701 Daniel Burgett Person Employee 09/20/2017 10/03/2019 None
568701 Daniel Burgett Person Employee 04/27/2023 None None
568461 Leah Lemoine Person Employee 09/07/2017 None None
564853 Ashley Green Person Employee 06/23/2017 10/04/2019 None
564853 Ashley Green Person Employee 04/27/2023 None None
564389 Kayla Nguyen Person Employee 05/24/2017 None None
563429 Allysen Calalang Person Employee 04/20/2021 None None
560735 Garrett Fong Person Employee 01/18/2018 10/04/2019 None
558835 Christopher Mohs Person Employee 08/23/2016 12/09/2017 None
555502 Arwen Wyatt-Mair Person Employee 03/29/2016 None None
553875 Phoebe Khan Person Employee 07/10/2020 None None
553196 Jessica Duffey Person Employee 09/30/2015 12/09/2017 None
553053 Michael Godwin Person Employee 10/17/2016 None None
552299 Monique Gaido Person Employee 04/01/2021 None None
551689 Shea Oades Person Employee 06/15/2015 07/19/2017 None
551689 Shea Oades Person Employee 08/30/2017 None None
551479 Rachel Remillard Person Employee 06/04/2015 12/01/2016 None
550538 Tanya Peterson Person Employee 08/30/2018 10/04/2019 None
549512 Paula Richter Person Employee 12/23/2014 None None
549393 Casandra Angulo Person Employee 12/15/2014 01/01/2015 None
547719 Priya Chopra Person Employee 07/22/2014 12/01/2015 None
545438 James Pilkington Person Employee 02/25/2014 01/01/2015 None
545248 Jessica Taylor Person Employee 02/10/2014 10/01/2018 None
545002 Yelena Galbina Person Employee 07/27/2021 None None
543806 Bill Shires Person Employee 10/21/2013 01/01/2015 None
542280 Ashley Betance-Kearn Person Employee 04/27/2023 None None
542280 Ashley Betance-Kearn Person Employee 08/02/2013 07/12/2015 None
540299 Tirunesh Futassa Person Employee 06/03/2013 None None
540114 Kelley Kendrick Person Employee 05/20/2013 01/01/2015 None
539479 Anthony Bonilla Person Employee 04/09/2013 10/04/2019 None
539478 Devon Striegel Person Employee 04/09/2013 10/04/2019 None
536919 Jennifer Valentine Person Employee 09/24/2012 01/01/2015 None
536916 Sharon Denker Person Employee 09/24/2012 None None
535324 Tyler Morelli Person Employee 07/19/2012 01/08/2013 None
534473 Nathaniel Olivas Person Employee 06/15/2012 12/01/2015 None
534202 Melanie Seydel Person Employee 06/01/2012 10/18/2012 None
529230 David Athey Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/22/2010 None
527411 Tyler Grossheim Person Employee 06/20/2011 07/23/2012 None
526712 Devin Miranda Person Employee 04/27/2011 10/03/2019 None
526096 Jake Fitzhugh Person Employee 03/02/2011 10/04/2019 None
526077 Kylie Hensley Person Employee 08/25/2011 08/08/2017 None
525851 Nick Kunz Person Employee 02/11/2011 07/23/2012 None
524617 Elaine Sahl Person Employee 09/20/2010 None None
524615 William Yee Person Employee 09/20/2010 03/01/2012 None
524614 Kim Sanders Person Employee 09/20/2010 None None
524613 Gary Nichols Person Employee 09/20/2010 01/01/2015 None
524612 Katie DiSimone Person Employee 09/20/2010 None None
524611 Shasta Billings Person Employee 09/20/2010 10/04/2019 None
524610 Mackenzie Billings Person Employee 09/20/2010 06/06/2018 None
524609 Monica Barricarte Person Employee 09/20/2010 None None
524574 Test Test Person Employee 09/14/2010 03/07/2012 None
524284 Mark Cassady Person Employee 12/27/2017 None None
523812 Jon Rohrbough Person Employee 12/03/2008 06/01/2017 None
522566 Lucas Sharkey Person Employee 04/08/2024 None None
521111 Martin Fletcher Person Employee 02/17/2010 None None
520716 Jillian Kim Person Employee 01/04/2010 09/22/2011 None
520591 Ryan Switzer Person Employee 12/14/2009 07/23/2012 None
520390 Don Eley Person Employee 11/13/2007 None None
520321 Kyle Giacomini Person Employee 11/17/2009 11/17/2010 None
520249 Lindsay Ringer Person Employee 10/19/2009 10/18/2010 None
511522 Laura Cremer Person Employee 06/24/2009 10/04/2019 None
511470 Alex Moreland Person Employee 06/24/2009 03/22/2010 None
509270 Katie Spahr Person Employee 06/08/2009 06/08/2010 None
509192 Maria Gordon Person Interested Party 06/05/2009 10/03/2019 None
508837 Curtis Hayes Person Employee 06/02/2009 09/22/2011 None
506577 John Biegel Person Employee 05/08/2009 10/04/2019 None
504391 Erica Chabot Person Employee 04/10/2009 04/11/2010 None
502662 Arthur Garney Person Employee 03/24/2009 03/22/2010 None
502372 Tom Porpiglia Person Employee 03/23/2009 03/22/2010 None
499397 Nai Saeteurn Person Employee 02/27/2009 08/31/2012 None
491796 Jennifer Hong Person Employee 11/18/2008 11/19/2009 None
487546 Kaitlin Rathe Person Employee 10/02/2008 03/22/2010 None
487067 Greg Bishop Person Employee 10/31/2019 None None
486016 Parker Wills Person Employee 09/18/2008 03/22/2010 None
484535 Jennifer Epp Person Employee 12/09/2008 None None
478254 Nicholas Smaira Person Employee 09/01/2015 None None
477571 Peter Meertens Person Employee 07/10/2008 None None
470947 Scarlett Miers Person Employee 05/30/2008 10/04/2019 None
457976 Laura Sahl Person Employee 02/11/2008 07/23/2012 None
456230 Alejandra Sanchez Person Employee 01/29/2008 03/22/2010 None
453550 RB3 View only acount Person Employee 01/08/2008 07/23/2012 None
446408 Nicole Look Person Employee 11/13/2007 03/22/2010 None
442907 Kortnie Millhouse Person Employee 10/22/2007 03/22/2010 None
399357 Tom Rose Person Employee 09/18/2007 03/22/2010 None
392343 Tricia Compas Person Employee 08/06/2007 08/01/2008 None
383322 Sherry Kuykendall Person Employee 06/12/2007 06/12/2010 None
381667 Rassam Zarghami Person Employee 07/16/2015 None None
366861 Ranveer Sandhu Person Employee 07/24/2007 09/22/2011 None
355218 Rich Chandler Person Employee 12/13/2006 12/09/2017 None
341927 Tamara Anderson Person Employee 09/19/2006 None None
324354 Jeni Shipley Person Employee 07/24/2007 11/01/2008 None
314447 Dean Thomas Person Employee 06/12/2006 12/31/2017 None
301436 Laurie Greco Person Employee 06/13/2006 03/22/2010 None
297267 Cecile Blancarte Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
297266 David LaCaro Person Employee 01/30/2006 10/03/2019 None
149712 Allison Dominguez Person Employee 12/16/2005 12/16/2007 None
149685 Jarma Bennett Person Employee 03/13/2015 None None
149669 RB Entry Person Employee 10/20/2005 07/23/2012 None
149666 Karol Ing Person Employee 07/16/2007 08/01/2009 None
149563 Victoria Whitney Person Employee 05/10/2011 10/04/2019 None
147274 Phil Hammer Person Employee 02/04/2014 None None
147274 Phil Hammer Person Employee 08/26/2013 None None
147245 Jon Rokke Person Employee 12/15/2014 None None
147203 Peter Osmolovsky Person Employee 01/01/2006 None None
147153 Kristina Olmos Person Employee 06/20/2005 None None
147150 Brandon Sanderson Person Employee 06/20/2005 03/22/2010 None
147147 Drew Perkins Person Employee 06/20/2005 06/21/2005 None
147146 David Paradies Person Employee 06/20/2005 10/04/2019 None
147145 Eileen Mick Person Employee 06/20/2005 10/04/2019 None
147144 Katie McNeill Person Employee 06/20/2005 None None
147143 Shanta Keeling Person Employee 06/20/2005 None None
147142 Cyndee Jones Person Employee 06/20/2005 10/04/2019 None
147139 Carol Hewitt Person Employee 06/20/2005 06/01/2010 None
147138 Larry Harlan Person Employee 06/20/2005 None None
147137 Sue Gerdsen Person Employee 06/20/2005 06/01/2011 None
147135 Julia Dyer Person Employee 06/20/2005 03/22/2010 None
147135 Julia Dyer Person Employee 01/05/2011 None None
147134 Stacy Denney Person Employee 06/20/2005 None None
147132 Bethany Crews Person Employee 06/20/2005 03/22/2010 None
147129 Mary Adams Person Employee 06/20/2005 None None
147070 Catherine Woody Person Employee 03/13/2023 None None
146756 Ron Robinette Person Employee 10/25/2007 07/01/2009 None
146637 Steve Saiz Person Employee 01/01/2008 None None
139745 Sheila Soderberg Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139744 Matt Keeling Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139691 Karyn Steckling Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139691 Karyn Steckling Person Employee 11/14/2019 None None
139689 David Innis Person Employee 06/20/2006 None None
139668 Emily Kearns Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139657 Region 3 Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139647 Amanda Bern Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139641 Burton Chadwick Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2010 None
139568 Ken Katen Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139546 Nancy Xiong Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/22/2010 None
139463 Barbara Brooks Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139454 Todd Stanley Person Employee 03/01/2001 None None
139446 Donette Dunaway Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/31/2018 None
139445 Corey Walsh Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/04/2019 None
139432 Dominic Roques Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139430 Chris Rose Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139429 Linda Stone Person Employee 06/17/2005 04/17/2008 None
139386 Corinne Huckaby Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139371 Maura Mahon Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139329 Matt Thompson Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/22/2010 None
139304 Carrie Fauset Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139294 Sandy Cheek Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2010 None
139293 Thea Tryon Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139260 Kimberly Gonzalez Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139206 Jennifer Bitting Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139188 Ryan Lodge Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139177 Tom Sayles Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
139174 Peter Von Langen Person Employee 06/20/2005 None None
139169 Keith Elliott Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/30/2011 None
139085 Karen Meece Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
139075 Christina St Clare Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/03/2019 None
138912 Richard Welch Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138863 Michael Thomas Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/04/2019 None
138801 Scott Phillips Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138773 Compliance Login R3 Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138686 Frank DeMarco Person Employee 06/17/2005 03/01/2008 None
138684 Vern Jones Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138663 Bob Hurford Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138662 Ron Sherer Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138661 Richard Brown Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138660 Kris Van Tassel Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/03/2019 None
138659 Keith Haas Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/04/2019 None
138658 John Goni Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/01/2017 None
138656 Gerhardt Hubner Person Employee 06/17/2005 05/01/2006 None
138651 Bill Arkfeld Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138650 Bob Brown Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138648 Mary Sheean Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/04/2019 None
138647 Jessica Nelligan Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138646 Hector Hernandez Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138645 Howard Kolb Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138644 Harvey Packard Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138638 Sandra Turshman Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138632 Kevin Kratzke Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
138583 Chris Adair Person Employee 06/17/2005 04/04/2018 None
138565 Grant Himebaugh Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/09/2017 None
138541 Roger Briggs Person Employee 06/17/2005 10/18/2012 None
138539 Paul Jagger Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138532 Lisa McCann Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/09/2016 None
138528 Karen Worcester Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138524 Jay Cano Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
138459 Phillip Hammer Person Employee 04/13/2009 None None
138443 Diane Kukol Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
138439 Eric Gobler Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/01/2008 None
138432 Jill North Person Employee 03/03/2010 None None
138418 Tom Kukol Person Employee 06/17/2005 07/26/2017 None
138417 Sorrel Marks Person Employee 06/17/2005 09/25/2012 None
138369 Brad Hagemann Person Employee 06/17/2005 09/21/2006 None
138265 Diana Glanville Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2015 None
138106 Renan Jauregui Person Employee 01/07/2016 None None
138081 Bruce Paine Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 None
137928 David Eisen Person Employee 06/17/1990 06/01/1995 None
137927 Lida Tan Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137926 Carol Kolb Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137925 Dan Niles Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137923 Adam White Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137921 Lou Blanck Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137920 Richard Aleshire Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137918 Mike Higgins Person Employee 06/17/2005 12/12/2017 None
137916 Katie Anderson Person Employee 06/17/2001 06/01/2003 None
137915 John Robertson Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137912 Bob Baldridge Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137832 Bill Meece Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137830 Katie Kropp Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137829 Alison Jones Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2015 None
137828 Angela Carpenter Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137827 Wei Liu Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137826 Mike Lebrun Person Employee 06/17/2005 06/18/2005 None
137825 J H3 Person Employee 06/17/2005 None None
137823 David Schwartzbart Person Employee 06/17/2005 01/01/2015 None
137807 John Mijares Person Employee 06/17/2005 08/22/2018 None
Total Related Parties: 276
Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures (non-enforcement)
Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Amended?
442831 Resolution 3 None Active WDRMUNIOTH R3-0000-0000 01/01/2021 None Discharger 04/06/2021 None N
Total Regulatory Measures: 1
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(+) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1140006 11/12/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 13.75 mg/ Violation None Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1140005 11/12/2024 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Sodium concentrations of 210 and 210 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1140003 11/12/2024 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Sodium concentrations of 180 and 180 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1140002 10/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 13.0 mg/L Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 448089 R3-2020-0020 N
1140001 10/01/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 200 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 448089 R3-2020-0020 N
1140000 10/01/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 160.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 448089 R3-2020-0020 N
1139998 09/12/2024 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1139997 08/06/2024 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1139995 01/29/2025 Deficient Monitoring Due to some personnel changes the BOD sample was not read for the week of Januar Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1139937 07/12/2024 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( SUMRPT ) (Coastal Hazards Response Plan (Permit Sct Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1139921 11/25/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1139920 10/09/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 850.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1139917 12/31/2024 Groundwater Nitrate (as N) exceeded limit of 10 mg/L in MW-1, MW-2, and MW-4 with levels of Violation N Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1139916 12/31/2024 Groundwater Total Dissolved Solids exceeded limit of 4,000 mg/L in MW-1 with levels of 4,250 Violation N Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1139890 09/20/2024 Pretreatment We discovered a failure of UV disinfection on our Ocean's Edge Exotic Species Tr Violation N eSMR Monterey Bay Aquarium 389513 R3-2023-0013 N
1139879 02/23/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1139878 02/19/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1139877 01/04/2025 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1000.0 mg/L and rep Violation None Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1139875 12/11/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 232.0 mg/L and reported value was 287.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1139874 12/11/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 300.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1139873 10/15/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Fort Hunter Liggett WWTP 447426 2014-0153-DWQ N
1139872 10/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 440.0 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1139871 10/31/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 283.0 m Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1139840 10/25/2024 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1139839 12/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 265.8 mg/L at M Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1139838 11/30/2024 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 284.5 mg/L at M Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1139837 10/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 294.2 mg/L at M Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1139836 10/31/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 22.2 % at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1139820 12/31/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139819 12/02/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139818 12/10/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 17 ug/L and reported val Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139817 12/26/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139816 12/10/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139815 12/27/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-002 on the week on 12/23/24, due to low staffing. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139814 12/27/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-003 on the week on 12/23/24, due to low staffing. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139813 12/13/2024 Deficient Monitoring The pH sampled collected at M-002 was not analyzed in the fifteen-minute hold ti Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139812 12/26/2024 Deficient Monitoring The M-002 Total Coliform was sampled, inoculated, and presumptive test were done Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139811 12/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring M-002 Dissolved Oxygen sampled but not analyzed due to staff not familiar with t Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139810 12/20/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-002 on the week on 12/16/24, due to low staffing. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139809 12/20/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at M-001 on the week on 12/16/24, due to low staffing. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139808 12/20/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-003 on the week on 12/16/24, due to low staffing. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139807 12/27/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at M-001 on the week on 12/23/24, due to low staffing. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139774 06/13/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 N
1139765 10/18/2024 Deficient Monitoring Failure to monitor influent for the third week of August. Violation None Report Hollister Domestic WWTP 359247 R3-2008-0069 N
1139764 12/11/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.5 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1139763 12/18/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average of Daily Aver Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1139762 12/18/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 60.0 mg/L Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1139761 10/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 60.0 mg/L Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1139760 11/21/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1200 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1139745 09/13/2021 Order Conditions Failure of Waste Pile Management Facility to fully contain waste Violation N Report Cat Canyon Oil Field WPMF 376906 R3-2020-0006 Y
1139742 07/15/2024 Late Report Pursuant to section VI.G.2.b of the General Order, California Army National Guar Violation None Report Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1139741 10/02/2024 Late Report Pursuant to California Water Code section 13267, Central Coast Water Board requi Violation N Report Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1139637 10/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unit was offline with no effluent, unable to collect weekly pH sample. Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1139636 10/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unit was offline with no effluent, unable to collect weekly pH sample. Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1139635 10/31/2024 CAT1 Oil and Grease Monthly Average limit is 15 mg/L and reported value was 17 mg/L a Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1139634 10/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1139612 12/15/2024 Deficient Monitoring . Deficient monitoring violation occurred on 12/16/24 when the 12/15/24 RD sampl Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1139611 12/15/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 360 ug/L and reported val Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1139610 12/03/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.0 SU and reported value was 4.2 SU at EFF-00 Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1139524 10/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 11 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1139523 10/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 20 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1139522 10/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 1200 mg/L and report Violation N Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1139521 10/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1450 mg/L and report Violation N Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1139486 12/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 750.0 mg/L and reported value was 11 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1139477 11/01/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.7 feet. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1139423 11/08/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastic sampling at M-001 was not completed due to staffing issues. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139422 11/27/2024 OEV Plastics Other limit is 0 mg and reported value was 1.37 mg at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139421 11/08/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastic sampling at R-002 was not completed due to staffing issues. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139420 11/19/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139419 11/04/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139418 11/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring The daily Turbidity measurement at M-002 was missed due to turbidity meter was n Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139417 11/05/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139416 11/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring The daily Turbidity measurement at M-002 was missed due to turbidity meter was n Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139415 11/25/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139414 11/07/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139413 11/03/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139412 11/02/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139411 11/14/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139410 11/01/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139409 11/15/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastic sampling at R-003 was not conducted due to staffing issues. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139408 11/08/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastic sampling at R-003 was not conducted due to staffing issues. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139407 11/15/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastic sampling at R-002 was not conducted due to staffing issues. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139406 11/27/2024 OEV Plastics Other limit is 0 count and reported value was 5 count at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139405 11/15/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastic sampling at M-001 was not completed due to staffing issues. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139404 10/08/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.5 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139403 10/02/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139402 10/01/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139401 10/30/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139400 10/22/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139399 10/08/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139398 10/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139397 10/15/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139396 10/16/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 7.8 M Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139395 10/15/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4.5 M Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139394 10/08/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.56 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139393 10/01/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 17 ug/L and reported val Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139392 10/25/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139391 10/20/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139390 10/15/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139389 10/19/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139388 10/18/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.5 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139387 10/04/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139386 10/03/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139385 10/14/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139384 10/11/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139383 10/08/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 17 ug/L and reported val Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139382 10/30/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139381 10/16/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139380 10/12/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.5 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139379 10/10/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139378 10/09/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139377 10/07/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.5 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139376 10/06/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.5 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139375 10/05/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139374 10/17/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4.5 M Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139373 10/11/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4.5 M Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139372 10/18/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4.5 M Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139371 10/31/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139370 10/30/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139369 10/29/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139368 10/28/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139367 10/27/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139366 10/22/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139365 10/21/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139364 10/17/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139363 10/26/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.76 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139362 10/24/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139361 10/23/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139360 10/08/2024 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average limit is 0.40 ug/L and reported value was 0 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139349 01/24/2025 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Collection System Maintenance Failure (specify below) ca Violation None SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1139347 01/09/2023 Deficient Monitoring This deficient monitoring violation occurred during an "atmospheric river" rain Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1139295 12/09/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 6 Violation N Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 454299 2014-0153-DWQ N
1139294 11/26/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 7 Violation N Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 454299 2014-0153-DWQ N
1139293 10/17/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 6 Violation N Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 454299 2014-0153-DWQ N
1139292 09/14/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 4 Violation N Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 454299 2014-0153-DWQ N
1139290 08/26/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 8 Violation N Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 454299 2014-0153-DWQ N
1139289 07/16/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 454299 2014-0153-DWQ N
1139284 11/30/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 8 mg/L and reported value was 14.7 Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1139283 11/14/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1139282 11/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10 m Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1139281 11/30/2024 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1139280 10/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 12 Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1139279 10/08/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1139278 12/02/2024 CAT1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) Other limit is 2.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Mission Hills La Purisima WWTP 430892 R3-2019-0042 N
1139277 11/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1139276 10/01/2024 Order Conditions Total Nitrogen reduction of 50% was not met in October with a reported removal o Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1139275 12/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Minimum limit is 50.0 % and reported value Violation N Report Canyon Crest 450587 2014-0153-DWQ N
1139274 10/10/2024 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 353.0 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1139273 10/10/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1139272 10/10/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1139271 12/31/2024 OEV Turbidity 30-Day Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 6.69 NTU. Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1139270 12/11/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1139269 11/30/2024 OEV Turbidity 30-Day Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.52 NTU. Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1139268 10/31/2024 OEV Turbidity 30-Day Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.93 NTU. Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1139267 10/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 5 mg Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1139266 10/10/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1139265 10/04/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1139264 12/31/2024 Groundwater 2024 sampling of GW-002 showed TDS levels elevated above the water quality objec Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1139263 12/31/2024 Groundwater 2024 sampling of GW-002 showed Sodium levels elevated above the water quality ob Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1139262 12/31/2024 Groundwater 2024 sampling of GW-002 showed Sulfate levels elevated above the water quality o Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1139261 12/23/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1139260 12/18/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1139259 12/13/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1139258 12/02/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1139257 11/25/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 % and reported Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1139256 11/20/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1139255 11/04/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1139254 11/15/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum and reported value was 740800 GPD. Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1139253 12/19/2024 CAT1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 180.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 458119 None N
1139252 12/27/2024 CAT1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 180.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 458119 None N
1139248 01/01/2025 Deficient Reporting Report is 26 days past due. Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1139140 12/03/2024 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.03 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1139139 12/11/2024 Surface Water Receiving Water RSW-005 Color - RSW-005 was 30 true color units greater than RSW Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1139138 07/02/2024 Surface Water The annual running mean for RSW-005 sodium was 70 mg/L. THIS VIOLATION HAS BEEN Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1139096 12/17/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit i Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1139074 09/26/2024 Enforcement Action Violation of Cannabis General Order, Attachment A, Section 2, requirement 38 for Violation N Inspection High Star Farms 425713 2023-0102-DWQ N
1139037 01/02/2025 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (influent and effluent) report for November 2024 (28961 Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1139031 01/02/2025 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Monitoring Monthly) report for November 2024 (23 Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1139030 01/02/2025 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES monthly sampling) report for November 2024 (2896 Violation None Report Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1138849 12/28/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 845 gallons of sewage to sp Violation None SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1138797 12/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 50.0 % and reported value was -8 Violation None Report Monterey Bay Academy WWTP 447411 2014-0153-DWQ N
1138796 12/14/2024 Deficient Monitoring On 12/14/2024, M1W lost commercial power to AWPF and communications at IWF due t Violation None Report Pure Water Monterey Groundwater Replenishment Project 412699 R3-2017-0003 N
1138656 12/02/2024 Deficient Reporting Report is 36 days past due. Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1138605 10/31/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported value was 13.7 ug/L Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1138601 12/01/2024 Deficient Reporting 34 days past due Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1138580 11/13/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 300.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1138579 11/13/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 232.0 mg/L and reported value was 282.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1138558 08/05/2024 Other Codes Discharging waste not in compliance with the requirements of the General Order Violation None Report Carmel Area Wastewater District Collection System 301218 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1138557 08/05/2024 Order Conditions Failure to effectively implement its Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP). Violation None Report Carmel Area Wastewater District Collection System 301218 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1138556 08/05/2024 Order Conditions Discharge from a sanitary sewer system that has the potential to discharge to su Violation N Report Carmel Area Wastewater District Collection System 301218 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1138292 11/12/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 33 MPN Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1138291 11/06/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 26 MPN Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1138290 11/05/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 26 MPN Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1138041 11/04/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Discharge of waste without obtaining waste discharge requirements from the Centr Violation None Inspection Ephemeral Stream in Santa Barbara County 459505 None Y
1138040 11/04/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Discharge of waste to waters of the state, without having filed the required rep Violation N Inspection Ephemeral Stream in Santa Barbara County 459505 None Y
1137898 12/11/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Controls caused 200 ga Violation None SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1137873 11/05/2024 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.4 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1137872 11/05/2024 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0.81 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1137871 11/05/2024 Surface Water temperature Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1137870 11/05/2024 Surface Water color Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1137763 02/16/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Placement and discharge of materials in quantities deleterious to waters of the Violation None Inspection 661 Mail Road 459475 None Y
1137762 02/16/2024 Other Codes Discharge of waste without having filed a Report of Waste Discharge Violation None Inspection 661 Mail Road 459475 None Y
1137761 02/16/2024 Other Codes Failure to submit a Report of Waste Discharge Violation N Inspection 661 Mail Road 459475 None Y
1137760 11/01/2023 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit 2022 and 2023 monitoring reports Violation N Report Cuyama Dairy 131363 R3-2002-0085 Y
1137752 04/10/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard was less than 2 feet (1.9 ft) in pond C. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1137751 04/03/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard was less than 2 feet (1.9 ft) in pond C. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1137750 06/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137749 06/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137748 05/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137747 04/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137746 04/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137745 04/23/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137744 04/16/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137743 04/09/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137739 04/04/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1137731 12/07/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG),Debris-wipes/Non-disposables Violation None SSO Salinas City CS 299921 2022-0103-DWQ N
1137729 07/01/2024 Order Conditions Operation of a wastewater treatment plant without an appropriate grade certified Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1137705 12/03/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for October 2024 (2869155) was due on 02-DEC-24 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1137704 12/03/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (influent and effluent) report for October 2024 (286915 Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1137702 12/03/2024 Late Report Semi-Annual SMR ( MONRPT ) (Semi Annual Effluent) report for H2 2024 (2577059) w Violation None Report Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1137689 11/24/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.58 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1137688 04/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1137681 12/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES monthly sampling) report for October 2024 (28691 Violation None Report Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1137678 12/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (MRP Sect 3 (Inf) & 4 (Eff)) report for October 2024 (2 Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1137676 12/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Monitoring Monthly) report for October 2024 (236 Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1137152 11/25/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Damage by Others Not Related to Collection System Constr Violation None SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1137081 07/31/2023 CAT2 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Sum 30-Day Average limit is 0.0 pg/L and repor Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1137052 09/02/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) 12-Month Average limit is 4.5 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1137051 09/02/2024 CAT1 Boron, Total 12-Month Average limit is .5 mg/L and reported value was .9 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1137050 09/02/2024 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) 12-Month Average limit is 175.0 mg/L and reported value wa Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1137049 09/02/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total 12-Month Average limit is 105.0 mg/L and reported value was 186 mg Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1137048 09/02/2024 CAT1 Chloride 12-Month Average limit is 100.0 mg/L and reported value was 229.5 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1137047 09/02/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 12-Month Average limit is 750.0 mg/L and reported v Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1137046 07/01/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.7 feet. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 N
1137045 08/20/2024 OEV pH violation; permit limits are to be between 6.4-8.5; reported value is 9.3. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1137027 06/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1137023 05/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1137022 12/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1137021 01/07/2022 Deficient Reporting Failure to provide a complete technical report as required in 10/8/21 13267 Inve Violation N Report 1544 Buena Vista Drive Unauth Fill Site 459340 None Y
1137020 02/16/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized discharge of fill material to Gallighan Slough reported by Californ Violation N Complaint 1544 Buena Vista Drive Unauth Fill Site 459338 None Y
1136953 06/26/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 196.9 lb/day and repo Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136907 03/02/2024 Late Report 2023 Annual report not submitted by 3/1/2024. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136906 11/02/2024 Late Report Q3 2024 report not submitted by 11/1/2024. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136903 08/02/2024 Late Report Q2 2024 report not submitted by 8/1/2024. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136902 05/02/2024 Late Report Q1 2024 report not submitted by 5/1/2024. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136892 03/26/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136891 03/19/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136889 03/05/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136888 02/27/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136887 02/06/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136886 01/23/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136885 01/16/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1136831 09/19/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1136828 09/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 10. Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1136826 05/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 10. Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1136823 10/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1136820 09/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1136819 07/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1136818 05/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1136808 10/09/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 232.0 mg/L and reported value was 282.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1136807 10/09/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 300.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1136806 10/14/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1136805 09/03/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1136804 07/21/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1136730 10/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring On October 14, 2024, Lab Staff discovered that expired IDEXX Enterolert media ha Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1136646 10/15/2024 Surface Water Receiving Water RSW-005 Color - RSW-005 was 33 true color units greater than RSW Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136645 10/15/2024 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.024 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136644 10/23/2024 Deficient Monitoring Sodium hypochlorite was used to disinfect and clean a UV vessel on 10/23/24. Th Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136578 06/30/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136577 05/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136576 02/28/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136575 01/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136574 06/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136571 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reporte Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136556 10/23/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth 24-hour Average limit is 1.0 TUc and reported Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1136541 08/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 138 lb/day and repo Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136530 01/11/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.5 SU at INT-00 Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136529 12/29/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU at INT-00 Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136528 12/08/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU at INT-00 Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136526 06/14/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.3 SU at INT-00 Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136525 06/04/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9. SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at INT-002 Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1136503 10/01/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Minimum limit is 90 % and reported value was Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136502 10/05/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136501 10/09/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136500 10/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136499 10/12/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1136498 02/19/2024 OEV Turbidity Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 100 NTU and reported value was 150 NTU a Violation None Report El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1136497 02/19/2024 OEV Flow Monthly Average limit is 12.5 MGD and reported value was 12.775 MGD at EFF- Violation None Report El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1136182 01/04/2024 Order Conditions Exceedance of flow and wastewater limits from January to June of 2024 Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1136181 06/16/2022 Other Codes Failure to submit Report of Waste Discharge Violation N Report Los Prietos Boys Camp 147017 97-02 Y
1136024 11/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (influent and effluent) report for September 2024 (2858 Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1136023 11/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) (Pretreatment Mon Rpt Quarterly) report for Q3 2024 (2 Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1136008 11/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) (Pretreatment Mon Rpt Quarterly) report for Q3 2024 (2 Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1136007 11/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Mon Rpt Quarterly) report for Q3 2024 (2910119 Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135987 08/14/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 448089 R3-2020-0020 N
1135986 07/17/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 180.0 m Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1135985 07/01/2024 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 220.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1135984 07/17/2024 Order Conditions 7-Day median Coliform violations with a value of 86 MPN on June 24th. Violation None Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1135965 10/30/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 8460 gallons of sewage to s Violation None SSO Goleta West SD CS 318732 2022-0103-DWQ N
1135602 10/02/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.58 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1135601 10/01/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.43 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1135597 07/02/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 60 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1135573 07/20/2024 Groundwater Nitrogen limit of 10 mg/L exceed in pond 7 with values of 19.7 mg/L and 40.8 mg/ Violation None Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1135571 09/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring in the month of September. Samples were not collected in Se Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1135566 07/31/2024 Groundwater MW-6 TDS limit is 1200 mg/L and reported value was 1700 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1135565 07/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 320 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1135564 06/20/2024 CAT1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 150.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 458119 None N
1135563 08/29/2024 Order Conditions Plastics Other limit is 0 mg and reported value was 1.9 mg at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135562 08/29/2024 Order Conditions Plastics Other limit is 0 count and reported value was 3 count at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135561 09/10/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average limit is .0.56 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135560 09/10/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Daily Maximum limit is 0.88 ug/L and reported value was 0.9 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135559 09/10/2024 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Daily Maximum limit is 0.80 ug/L and reported value was 1.3 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135558 09/26/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135557 09/04/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 17 ug/L and reported val Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135556 09/26/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135555 09/30/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135554 09/23/2024 Deficient Monitoring Did not sample for Total Coliform, due to no flow during working hours. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135553 09/10/2024 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average limit is .40 ug/L and reported value was 1. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1135551 07/11/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1135550 07/08/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1135549 07/07/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1135548 07/03/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1135547 10/31/2024 Late Report Q3 2024 report not submitted by 10/30/2024 Violation N Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1135458 11/10/2021 CAT2 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Sum 30-Day Average limit is 0.0 pg/L and repor Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1135453 09/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Did not report 6-month median for copper in lbs/day. Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1135357 08/25/2021 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable 6-Month Median limit is 10 ug/L and reported value was Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1135332 08/23/2024 Other Codes Failure to provide the required technical report (completion report including a Violation N Report Former Semco Twist Drill and Tool Company Cleanup Site 455502 R3-2023-0070 Y
1135331 04/28/2021 OEV Temp Diff b/n Intake and Discharge Instantaneous Maximum limit is 26.0 Degrees F Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1135223 11/16/2021 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 20 mg/L and reported value was 23.6 mg/L a Violation N Report PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant 144201 R3-1990-0009 N
1135215 07/15/2024 Deficient Monitoring Failure to monitor influent and effluent PH for the first week of August as well Violation None Report Hollister Domestic WWTP 359247 R3-2008-0069 N
1135214 07/15/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1135213 07/15/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1135212 07/10/2024 Order Conditions Total Nitrogen reduction of 50% was not met in July with a reported removal of - Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1135209 07/15/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 500.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1135208 07/15/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 500.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1135207 07/15/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 500.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1135206 07/15/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.86 SU. Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1135205 06/11/2024 Groundwater Exceedances at Well #1 of Nitrate (125 mg/L), Sulfate (981 mg/L), and TDS (990 m Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1135204 10/09/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 297.0 m Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1135203 10/01/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 460 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1135202 09/20/2024 Order Conditions Discharger violated Specification WDR 6: There was a field seepage of West Field Violation None Inspection PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1135201 09/11/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135200 09/04/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135199 09/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135198 09/12/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135197 09/09/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135196 09/06/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135195 09/05/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135194 09/10/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135193 08/31/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth Daily Maximum limit is 1 TUc and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1135192 07/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 269 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1135191 07/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1135190 09/30/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 288 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1135189 08/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 280 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1135159 11/01/2024 Late Report 2023 Annual report not submitted by 10/31/2024 Violation N Report Cuyama Dairy 131363 R3-2002-0085 N
1135158 11/01/2023 Late Report 2022 Annual report not submitted by 10/31/2023 Violation N Report Cuyama Dairy 131363 R3-2002-0085 N
1135148 09/23/2024 OEV Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1135147 09/06/2024 Deficient Monitoring Sample collection for Oil & Grease was missed on September 6, 2024. The sample Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1135144 09/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Net Value 3-Sample Maximum limit is 90 mg/L and re Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1135143 07/12/2024 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Chloride concentrations of 160 and 17 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1135142 07/12/2024 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Sodium concentrations of 160 and 160 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1135141 09/30/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1450.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1135131 09/24/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1135130 09/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1135129 09/24/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 138 lb/day and reported va Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1135128 08/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring The monthly TSS sample for EFF-004 was not collected due to an error in our cont Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1135093 09/12/2024 Order Conditions Effluent-002 Total Coliform Daily Max 25.6 MPN/100 mL on 9/12/24. The elevated Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135092 09/03/2024 Surface Water RSW-005 was 26 true color units greater than RSW-004. The SLO WRRF upgrade, kno Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135091 09/19/2024 Order Conditions Effluent-002 7 Sample Median 3.1 MPN/100 mL on 9/19/24. The elevated results wer Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135090 09/13/2024 Order Conditions Effluent-002 Total Coliform Daily Max 65.0 MPN/100 mL on 9/13/24. The elevated Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1135089 09/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring The Water Quality Laboratory used method Standard Methods 9223 for Total Colifor Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 456704 R3-2024-0001 N
1134953 08/22/2024 Order Conditions Failure to implement a contingency plan to prevent spills due to insufficient fr Violation None Inspection Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1134952 08/22/2024 Order Conditions No permanent markers in some of the treatment ponds Violation None Inspection Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1134951 08/22/2024 Order Conditions Failure to maintain at least two feet of freeboard in the treatment pond Violation N Inspection Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1134950 10/01/2024 Order Conditions Nitrogen, 25-month rolling median was above the permit limit of 10 mg/L the reco Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 N
1134949 10/01/2024 Order Conditions Boron, 25-month rolling median was above the permit limit of 0.5 mg/L the record Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 N
1134948 10/01/2024 Order Conditions Sodium, 25-month rolling median was above the permit limit of 150 mg/L the recor Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 N
1134947 07/10/2024 Order Conditions Failure to maintain a dissolved oxygen concentration of 1.0 milligrams per liter Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 N
1134946 08/29/2024 Order Conditions All samples during monitoring period were over the effluent TSS 7-day and 30-day Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 N
1134928 07/24/2024 Order Conditions Failure to maintain at least two feet of freeboard in Pond 1 through Pond 5. Thi Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 N
1134927 08/10/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 850.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1134924 08/22/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 50.0 % and reported value was -2 Violation None Report Monterey Bay Academy WWTP 447411 2014-0153-DWQ N
1134922 09/11/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 235.0 mg/L and reported value was 282.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1134921 09/11/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 290.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1134918 12/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134917 11/30/2023 CAT1 Oil and Grease Monthly Average limit is 15.0 mg/L and reported value was 16.0 mg Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134916 11/21/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at INT-00 Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134915 08/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134914 08/14/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134913 01/19/2023 CAT2 Cyanide, Total (as CN) 6-Month Median limit is 8.4 ug/L and reported value was 1 Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134912 10/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134911 12/30/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU at INT-002B Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134908 07/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134907 09/30/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134906 05/18/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 100 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134905 06/08/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 100 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134904 03/03/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at INT-002B Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134903 02/11/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU at INT-002B Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134902 01/17/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at INT-002B Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134901 01/12/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at INT-002B Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134898 01/05/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at INT-002B Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134897 07/27/2024 Other Codes Discharge of waste generated from commercial cannabis cultivation activities int Violation N Inspection Brent Knowles Property 458959 None Y
1134896 07/24/2024 Other Codes Potential discharge of waste from commercial cannabis cultivation activities to Violation None Inspection Brent Knowles Property 458959 None Y
1134811 07/31/2022 CAT2 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Sum 30-Day Average limit is 0.0 pg/L and repor Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134810 12/15/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.3 SU at INT-00 Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134807 07/27/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU at INT-002B Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134805 07/06/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9 SU and reported value was 9.3 SU at INT-002B Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134804 06/07/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.3 SU at INT-00 Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134792 06/26/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134790 09/20/2024 Deficient Monitoring The weekly oil and grease sample collection was scheduled for 9/20/24. New labor Violation N eSMR Goleta SD WWTP 418037 R3-2017-0021 N
1134778 09/18/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth 24-hour Average limit is 1.0 TUc and reported Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1134777 09/04/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth 24-hour Average limit is 1.0 TUc and reported Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1134769 06/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 59 lb/day and reported val Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134768 06/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134751 02/23/2024 Deficient Reporting Various data and information were not reported for Q4 2023 and have not yet been Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1134721 05/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1134720 04/19/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1134719 06/12/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1134718 05/07/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1134717 05/03/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1134716 04/05/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1134715 01/04/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1134669 08/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1134668 07/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1134666 07/18/2024 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 379 mg Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1134665 07/18/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1134664 07/18/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1134663 07/07/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.01 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1134662 08/23/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 9 Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1134661 07/18/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1134660 07/11/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.8 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1134659 09/27/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134657 09/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 m Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134656 09/27/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134655 07/25/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134654 09/24/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134653 08/23/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134652 09/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 5.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134651 08/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 5.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134650 07/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 5.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134649 07/17/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1134648 09/22/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.8 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1134647 08/15/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.6 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1134646 09/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1134645 09/23/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1134644 09/02/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1134600 07/02/2024 Surface Water The annual running mean for RSW-005 sodium was 70 mg/L Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1134583 08/31/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1134582 08/02/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1134558 10/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (influent and effluent) report for August 2024 (2850419 Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1134553 10/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Monitoring Monthly) report for August 2024 (2361 Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1134550 09/30/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.61 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1134433 04/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 138 lb/day and discharger Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134432 04/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134430 06/06/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU at INT-00 Violation None Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134429 04/12/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.0 SU and reported value was 9.3 SU at INT-00 Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134420 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring For effluent EFF-004, the monthly Total Suspended Solids (TSS) sample was not co Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134417 03/31/2023 CAT2 Cyanide, Total (as CN) 6-Month Median limit is 8.4 ug/L and reported value was 1 Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1134388 05/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring Per cover letter, "On June 27, 2024, the DCPP Chemistry department discovered th Violation N Report PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant 144201 R3-1990-0009 N
1134334 09/22/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General caused 500 gallons of sewage to spill fro Violation None SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134323 08/14/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 235.0 mg/L and reported value was 282.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1134322 08/14/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 300.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1134116 06/08/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Construction Diversion Failure caused 528 gallons of sew Violation None SSO Freedom Co Sanitation District CS 301446 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134109 01/28/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 1195 gallons of sewage to s Violation None SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134108 12/21/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Rainfall Exceeded Design, I and I (Separate Collection S Violation None SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134097 02/19/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Flow Exceeded Capacity (Separate Collection System Only) Violation None SSO Montecito SD CS 301777 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134069 01/13/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 1370 gallons of sewage t Violation None SSO Watsonville CS 453237 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134068 11/14/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pump Station Failure - Controls, Pump Station Failure - Violation None SSO Watsonville CS 453237 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134066 12/25/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-Rags, Debris-wipes/Non-disposables, Fats, Oil and Violation None SSO Gilroy CS 300317 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134061 03/30/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Collection System Maintenance Failure (specify below) ca Violation None SSO Carmel Area Wastewater District Collection System 301218 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134060 09/15/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Collection System Maintenance Failure (specify below) ca Violation None SSO Carmel Area Wastewater District Collection System 301218 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134013 07/15/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General, Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 600 ga Violation None SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134011 02/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Controls caused 50 gal Violation None SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1134010 09/25/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 1200 gallons of sewage to s Violation None SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133755 02/26/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pump Station Failure - Controls caused 50 gallons of sew Violation None SSO Santa Ynez C.S.D. CS 299985 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133723 07/23/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Lateral, Root Intrusion caused 911 gallons o Violation None SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133534 02/16/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 1140657 gallons of sewage t Violation None SSO Goleta West SD CS 318732 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133533 08/07/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 250 gallons of sewage to Violation None SSO Pismo Beach CS 299873 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133532 07/19/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Controls caused 120 ga Violation None SSO Pismo Beach CS 299873 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133531 07/03/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pump Station Failure - Mechanical, Pump Station Failure Violation None SSO Pismo Beach CS 299873 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133529 07/24/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction, Debris-General caused 1500 gal Violation None SSO Pismo Beach CS 299873 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133528 07/03/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Pump Station Failure - Power caused 600 gallons of sewag Violation None SSO Pismo Beach CS 299873 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133522 03/12/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Natural Disaster (specify below) caused 800000 gallons o Violation None SSO Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133518 02/04/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Natural Disaster (specify below) caused 2221 gallons of Violation None SSO Santa Cruz City CS 301229 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133422 06/12/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Root Intrusion caused 200 gallons of sewage to spill fro Violation None SSO Heritage Ranch CS 301728 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133385 03/28/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 376 gallons of sewage Violation None SSO Guadalupe City CS 301227 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133384 02/09/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris from Construction caused 907 gallons of sewage to Violation None SSO Guadalupe City CS 301227 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133360 05/11/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-Rags, Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG), Other (specify Violation None SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133355 08/07/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Damage by Others Not Related to Collection System Constr Violation None SSO Salinas City CS 299921 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133353 12/02/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-wipes/Non-disposables, Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) Violation None SSO Salinas City CS 299921 2022-0103-DWQ N
1133037 07/31/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported value was 10.9 ug/L Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1133030 03/29/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 100 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1133022 03/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 441133 R3-2020-0031 N
1132996 01/31/2024 CAT2 TCDD Equivalents Monthly Average (Mean) limit is .00078 ulbs/day and reported va Violation N eSMR Phillips 66 Company, Santa Maria Refinery (formerly ConocoPhillips) 392881 R3-2013-0028 N
1132995 08/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring Installation of a new flow meter will require extensive planning and coordinatio Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1132985 08/29/2024 CAT1 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1132984 08/27/2024 CAT1 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1132980 05/21/2024 Deficient Reporting 2023 Annual report not submitted by 5/20/2024 Violation N Report Los Prietos Boys Camp 147017 97-02 Y
1132979 05/23/2023 Deficient Reporting 2022 Annual report not submitted by 5/22/2023 Violation N Report Los Prietos Boys Camp 147017 97-02 N
1132978 05/21/2022 Deficient Reporting 2021 Annual report not submitted by 5/20/2022 Violation N Report Los Prietos Boys Camp 147017 97-02 N
1132977 05/21/2021 Deficient Reporting 2020 Annual report not submitted by 5/20/2021 Violation N Report Los Prietos Boys Camp 147017 97-02 N
1132976 05/21/2020 Deficient Reporting 2019 Annual report not submitted by 5/20/2020 Violation N Report Los Prietos Boys Camp 147017 97-02 N
1132975 05/21/2024 Deficient Reporting 2018 Annual report not submitted by 5/20/2019 Violation N Report Los Prietos Boys Camp 147017 97-02 N
1132920 01/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1132919 03/27/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard was less than 2 feet (1.9 ft) in pond C. Violation None Inspection Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1132918 03/11/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard was less than 2 feet (1.8 ft) in pond C. Violation None Inspection Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1132917 02/21/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard was less than 2 feet (1.9 ft) in pond C. Violation None Inspection Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1132916 03/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1132915 02/29/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1132914 01/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1132912 01/09/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100.0 Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1132911 08/29/2024 Other Codes Water Code Section 13260 Violation ? Potential discharge of waste from commercia Violation None Inspection Castenda, Armando Property 458261 None N
1132902 08/29/2024 Surface Water Increase of 29 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1132901 08/22/2024 Surface Water Increase of 24color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1132900 08/06/2024 Surface Water Increase of 16 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1132895 08/01/2023 Basin Plan Prohibition Placement and discharge of materials in quantities deleterious to waters of the Violation N Inspection 661 Mail Road 458594 None N
1132894 08/01/2023 Other Codes Discharge of waste without having filed a Report of Waste Discharge Violation N Inspection 661 Mail Road 458594 None N
1132893 08/01/2023 Other Codes Failure to submit a Report of Waste Discharge Violation N Inspection 661 Mail Road 458594 None N
1132855 08/17/2023 Enforcement Action NOTICE OF VIOLATION FOR CULTVATING CANNABIS WITHOUT OBTAINING REGULATORY COVERAG Violation None Complaint HORAN, GERALD E & Horan, Jennifer C Property 453488 None N
1132727 09/21/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 1000 gallons of sewage to s Violation None SSO Pacific Grove City CS 376632 2022-0103-DWQ N
1132612 08/01/2024 Deficient Reporting The Discharger submitted the Q2 2024 self-monitoring report 9/9/24, but the repo Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1132609 05/01/2024 Deficient Reporting The Discharger submitted the Q1 2024 self-monitoring report 9/9/24, but the repo Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1132095 08/01/2024 Late Report The Discharger failed to submit the self-monitoring report for Quarter 2 of 2024 Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1132094 05/01/2024 Late Report The Discharger failed to submit the self-monitoring report for Quarter 1 of 2024 Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1132070 08/18/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 10.27 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1132062 11/01/2023 Deficient Reporting Monthly estimates of daily flow based on water meter readings and other data and Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1132061 08/01/2023 Deficient Reporting Monthly estimates of daily flow based on water meter readings were not reported Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1132059 05/01/2023 Deficient Reporting Monthly estimates of daily flow based on water meter readings were not reported Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1132056 09/03/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for July 2024 (2839513) was due on 02-SEP-24 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1132051 09/03/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (influent and effluent) report for July 2024 (2839514) Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1131899 06/01/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard Other limit is 2 feet and reported value was 1.03 feet. Violation None Report Dole Fresh Vegetables, Inc. 399691 R3-2004-0066 N
1131610 07/19/2024 Other Codes Discharge of waste generated from commercial cannabis cultivation activities int Violation N Inspection SB Paradise Ranch LLC Property 457798 None Y
1131609 07/19/2024 Other Codes Potential discharge of waste from commercial cannabis cultivation activities to Violation N Inspection SB Paradise Ranch LLC Property 457798 None Y
1131579 05/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Quarterly monitoring was conducted in May instead of April. Quarterly groundwate Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1131551 08/28/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Castenda, Armando Property 458261 None N
1131548 10/31/2023 Groundwater MW-6 sodium limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 250 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1131547 10/31/2023 Groundwater MW-6 TDS limit is 1200 mg/L and reported value was 1400 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1131546 10/31/2023 Groundwater MW-6 and MW-2 chloride limit is 150 mg/L and reported value of 560 mg/L respecti Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1131535 06/05/2024 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of Boron. Limit = 0.2 mg/L, Val Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131534 06/05/2024 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of TDS. Limit = 710 mg/L, Value Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131533 03/26/2024 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of TDS. Limit = 710 mg/L, Value Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131532 07/10/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Median limit is 1104 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1131531 07/20/2024 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1131500 07/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring violation occurred on 7/2/2024 when the Oil & Grease sample Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1131414 07/18/2024 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 920 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1131413 07/12/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 1.33 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1131412 07/31/2024 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 540 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1131331 06/28/2024 Order Conditions Operating without an appropriate grade operator Violation N Report San Ardo WWTP 452450 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1131328 07/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1131327 07/31/2024 Surface Water Increase of 19 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1131326 07/17/2024 Surface Water Increase of 19 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1131325 07/02/2024 Surface Water Increase of 19 color units from RSW-004 and RSW-005. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1131322 09/11/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 70.0 mg/L and reported value was 126 mg/L. Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1131321 09/11/2023 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 65.0 mg/L and reported value was 157 mg/L. Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1131319 07/01/2023 Deficient Reporting A glitch occurred in our new reporting software that deleted samples from the s Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1131318 07/01/2023 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 8 mg/L and reported value was 8.1 Violation None Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1131315 03/08/2023 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 190.0 mg/L and reported value was 222.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1131314 03/08/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 141 mg/L and reported value was 147 mg/L. Violation None Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1131313 10/12/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 75.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1131312 10/12/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 75.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1131311 01/24/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 50.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1131310 07/24/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 1.0 TUc and re Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1131295 07/05/2023 Deficient Reporting The sampling technician did not collect effluent samples for analysis of total d Violation None Report Texaco San Ardo Reclamation PL 296604 R3-2005-0070 N
1131255 10/12/2023 OEV Haloacetic Acids Single Sample Maximum limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1131251 07/06/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1131231 10/12/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Single Sample Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Tres Pinos WWTP 450588 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131230 07/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Single Sample Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Tres Pinos WWTP 450588 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131227 05/03/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1131226 05/03/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131225 01/30/2024 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 384.0 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131224 01/30/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131223 01/30/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131222 01/12/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 6.69 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131221 01/12/2022 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 384.0 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131218 01/12/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131217 03/11/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 4.3 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131216 01/25/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 4.3 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131214 01/24/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 6.46 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131213 01/16/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 5.77 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131212 01/15/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 4.75 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131211 01/14/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.91 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1131208 01/26/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1131207 02/14/2024 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 364.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1131206 03/23/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1131204 02/29/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1131203 02/09/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1131202 01/10/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1131201 01/03/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1131197 06/22/2023 Groundwater TDS, Sodium, and Chloride exceeding basin plan limits for Salinas Basin, 180' aq Violation None Report D'Arrigo Bros Fruit/Veg Processing Facility 170866 R3-2004-0066 N
1131179 04/04/2024 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 mg/L and reported value was 24 Violation None Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1131173 01/02/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 147283 98-060 N
1131172 03/24/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 41000 GPD and reported value was 46047 GPD. Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131171 02/28/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 41000 GPD and reported value was 46047 GPD. Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131169 01/02/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 41000 GPD and reported value was 46047 GPD. Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131163 07/27/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Carpinteria SD WWTP 418040 R3-2017-0032 N
1131162 02/01/2023 Deficient Reporting Monthly estimates of daily flow based on water meter readings were not reported Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131161 02/01/2023 Late Report Q4 2022 report not submitted by 1/31/23. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131160 11/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Monthly estimates of daily flow based on water meter readings were not reported Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131159 11/01/2022 Late Report Q3 2022 report not submitted by 10/31/22. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131158 08/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Monthly estimates of daily flow based on water meter readings were not reported Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131157 08/01/2022 Late Report Q2 2022 report not submitted by 7/31/22. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131156 05/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Monthly estimates of daily flow based on water meter readings were not reported Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131155 05/01/2022 Late Report Q1 2022 report not submitted by 4/30/22. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131154 02/01/2022 Late Report Q4 2021 report not submitted by 1/31/22. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131153 12/31/2021 Deficient Reporting No flows reported. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131152 09/30/2021 Deficient Reporting No flows reported. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131151 11/01/2021 Late Report Q3 2021 report not submitted by 10/31/21. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131150 06/30/2021 Deficient Reporting No flows reported. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131149 08/01/2021 Late Report Q2 2021 report not submitted by 7/31/21. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131148 03/31/2021 Deficient Reporting No flows reported. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131147 05/01/2021 Late Report Q1 2021 report not submitted by 4/30/2021. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131146 12/31/2020 Deficient Reporting No flows reported. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131145 11/30/2020 Late Report Report submitted 11/30/2020, due 10/31/2020. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131144 09/30/2020 Deficient Reporting No flows reported. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131143 11/30/2020 Late Report Report submitted 11/30/2020, due 7/31/2020. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131142 06/30/2020 Deficient Reporting No flows reported. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131141 03/31/2020 Deficient Reporting No flows reported. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131131 03/12/2020 Late Report Report submitted 3/12/2020, due 1/31/2020. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131128 03/12/2020 Late Report Report submitted 3/12/2020, due 10/31/2019. Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1131127 03/13/2023 OEV Haloacetic Acids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 60.0 ug/L and reported value was Violation None Report Beltz 8 Well ASR Pilot Test 435936 2012-0010 N
1131096 08/11/2024 OEV Odor Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.008 T.O.N. and reported value was 0.1 T.O. Violation None Complaint San Benito Foods 443157 R3-2004-0066 N
1131083 05/13/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Little Bear WWTP 454556 2014-0153-DWQ N
1131066 04/29/2024 Late Report The AWPF experienced a hold time exceedance in the month of May for the AWPF inf Violation None Report Pure Water Monterey Groundwater Replenishment Project 412699 R3-2017-0003 N
1130989 08/15/2024 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1130988 08/01/2024 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 5.79 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1130960 02/01/2024 Deficient Reporting It appears that they did not report due to the termination of their old permit a Violation None Report Cambria Emergency Water Supply Facility 430809 R3-2019-0051 N
1130959 02/24/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.05 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1130958 10/27/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 4.74 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1130957 10/11/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.47 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1130956 10/03/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.44 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1130952 10/01/2023 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Sodium concentrations of 190 and 185 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1130950 10/01/2023 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring well 1 had a Chloride concentration of 220 mg/L respect Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1130915 06/17/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation None Report POST RANCH INN Onsite WW Treatment System 184997 97-010-DWQ N
1130914 06/17/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation None Report POST RANCH INN Onsite WW Treatment System 184997 97-010-DWQ N
1130899 07/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring No maximum flow was recorded for this day. Flowmeter connection to SCADA was not Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1130898 07/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring No maximum flow was recorded for this day. Flowmeter connection to SCADA was not Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1130894 06/19/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 338.0 m Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1130893 05/22/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 337.0 m Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1130892 04/25/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 322.0 m Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1130891 04/25/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 322.0 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1130890 06/19/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 492.0 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1130889 05/22/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 550.0 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1130888 04/25/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 514.0 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1130870 08/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for June 2024 (2829804) was due on 01-AUG-24 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1130856 08/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (influent and effluent) report for June 2024 (2829805) Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1130841 02/01/2024 Late Report The Discharger failed to submit the self-monitoring report for Quarter 4 of 2023 Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1130840 11/01/2023 Late Report The Discharger failed to submit the self-monitoring report for Quarter 3 of 2023 Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 Y
1130839 08/01/2023 Late Report The Discharger failed to submit the self-monitoring report for Quarter 2 of 2023 Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 Y
1130835 06/05/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 50.0 % and reported value was 30 Violation None Report Monterey Bay Academy WWTP 447411 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130793 05/01/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation None Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1130792 05/01/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation None Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1130791 04/01/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation None Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1130790 05/17/2024 Order Conditions Exceedance of turbidity allowances Violation N Inspection Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1130789 05/17/2024 Order Conditions Failure to comply with monitoring and reporting requirements Violation N Inspection Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1130788 05/17/2024 Other Codes Failure to submit a Report of Waste Discharge Violation N Inspection Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1130787 05/17/2024 Other Codes Discharge of waste to waters of the State Violation N Inspection Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1130786 05/17/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Discharge of earthen materials into waters of the State Violation N Inspection Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1130785 05/17/2024 Other Codes Discharge of fill material to waters of the United States Violation N Inspection Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1130784 05/17/2024 Order Conditions Vegetation and sediment removal conducted in exceedance of the amounts submitted Violation N Inspection Camp San Luis Obispo Emergency Sediment Removal Project 456541 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1130773 07/09/2024 Other Codes Failure to submit ROWD by 7/8/24 in violation of Water Code 13260 Violation N Report Mustang Village 458066 None Y
1130760 05/18/2024 Order Conditions Failure to allow Water Board staff to inspect the wastewater system Violation N Inspection Mustang Village 185417 97-010-DWQ Y
1130739 04/01/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Free Available Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130738 04/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 500.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130737 04/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 500.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130736 04/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 500 mg/L and reporte Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130735 04/01/2024 Order Conditions D.O minimum value is 1.0 mg/L. Reported D.O in Pond 1 was 0.7 mg/L Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130734 04/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as NO3) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130733 04/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as NO3) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130732 04/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as NO3) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130731 04/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as NO3) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1130730 04/02/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 28.5 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Gonzales WWTP 452393 R3-2020-0020 N
1130727 04/03/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 2.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report SV Partners Winery 147672 00-017 N
1130723 08/29/2023 Order Conditions Bypass or overflow of treated or untreated waste water Violation None Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1130722 07/01/2023 Order Conditions Exceeding specified effluent limits for Nitrogen, TSS and BOD Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1130720 12/07/2023 Order Conditions Discharge of effluent that caused the underlying groundwater to exceed the basin Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 455272 R3-2020-0020 Y
1130717 05/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Ongoing Malfunctioning flow meter: Installation of a new flow meter will require Violation None Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1130713 04/11/2024 OEV Flow Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 35000 GPD and reported value was 35008 GPD. Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 449606 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130710 01/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 449606 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130709 05/23/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1130708 04/11/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1130707 06/30/2024 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 196.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1130706 05/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 196.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1130705 04/30/2024 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 165.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1130703 05/16/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130702 04/19/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit i Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130701 04/05/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit i Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130700 04/19/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 7.5 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130699 05/03/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit i Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130698 05/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130697 04/19/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130696 04/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10 m Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130695 06/15/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 11192.2 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130694 06/09/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 12651.1 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130693 06/08/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 14765.1 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130692 06/07/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 12911.1 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130690 06/01/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 11599.0 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130689 05/26/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 12166.5 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130688 05/18/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 11561.4 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130687 05/11/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 12002.8 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130686 05/04/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 12419.7 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130685 04/28/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 11586.9 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130684 04/27/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 11605.7 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130683 04/20/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 11100.0 GPD and reported value was 13328.6 G Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130682 01/11/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130681 04/09/2024 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1.0 NTU and reported value was 2.2 NTU. Violation None Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130680 05/02/2024 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 352.0 GPD and reported value was 790.5 GPD. Violation None Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130679 06/24/2024 Order Conditions 7-Day median Coliform violations with a value of 150 MPN on June 24th. Violation None Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130673 10/28/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003 during weekly sampling for the month of Octo Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130672 10/21/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003 during weekly sampling for the month of Octo Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130671 10/14/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003 during weekly sampling for the month of Octo Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130670 05/25/2023 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at M-001. May 10, 2023, 10 pieces of plastic were fou Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130668 12/30/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Dece Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130667 12/23/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Dece Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130666 12/16/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Dece Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130665 12/02/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Dece Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130663 11/25/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Nove Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130661 11/11/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Nove Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130660 11/04/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Nove Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130659 10/28/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Octo Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130658 10/21/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Octo Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130657 10/14/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Octo Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130656 09/30/2022 Order Conditions Plastic was found in the outfall during weekly sampling for the month of Septemb Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130655 09/23/2022 Order Conditions Plastic was found in the outfall during weekly sampling for the month of Septemb Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130654 09/16/2022 Order Conditions Plastic was found in the outfall during weekly sampling for the month of Septemb Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130653 09/09/2022 Order Conditions Plastic was found in the outfall during weekly sampling for the month of Septemb Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130652 08/26/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly at M-001. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130651 08/19/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly at M-001. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130650 08/05/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly at M-001. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130649 07/29/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of July. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130648 07/22/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of July. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130647 07/01/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of July. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130646 06/24/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of June. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130645 06/17/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of June. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130644 06/03/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of June. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130643 05/27/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of May. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130642 05/20/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of May. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130641 05/13/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of May. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130640 04/29/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of April. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130639 04/22/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of April. Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1130541 02/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring No ammonia sample taken in January. Violation None Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1130539 01/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring No ammonia sample taken in January. Violation None Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1130538 06/01/2024 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1130521 06/29/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1130520 06/28/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1130519 06/10/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1130518 06/08/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1130517 06/09/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1130516 06/03/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1130515 06/26/2024 Groundwater TDS limit of 4,000 mg/L exceeded in MW-1 with a value of4070 mg/L Violation None Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1130514 06/26/2024 Groundwater Nitrate (as N) exceeded limit of 10 mg/L mg/L in MW-1, MW-2, MW-4 with levels of Violation None Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1130513 06/17/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 33.3 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130512 06/25/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130511 06/21/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130510 06/13/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130509 06/11/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130508 06/06/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130507 06/03/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130505 05/28/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130504 05/23/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130503 05/20/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130502 05/16/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130501 05/13/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130500 05/10/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130499 05/07/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22.2 % at Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130498 04/23/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 25 % at M-00 Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130497 04/18/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 25 % at M-00 Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130486 05/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 147283 98-060 N
1130483 06/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1130482 05/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1130480 04/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1130478 03/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1130477 02/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1130476 01/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1130471 06/06/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1130470 04/03/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1130468 04/10/2024 Groundwater GW TDS limit is 990 mg/L, GW TDS value was 2270 mg/L in MW 1 Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1130467 04/10/2024 Groundwater GW Sulfate limit is 205 mg/L, GW Sulfate values were 1010 mg/L, 206 mg/L, 207 mg Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1130451 04/10/2024 Groundwater GW TKN limit is 2.2 mg/L, GW TKN value was 5.3 mg/L in MW 2 Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1130449 04/10/2024 Groundwater GW nitrate limit is 8 mg/L, GW nitrate value was 128 mg/L in MW 1 Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1130441 05/31/2024 OEV Flow Monthly Average limit is 0.27 MGD and reported value was 0.31 MGD at M-001. Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130437 06/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1130436 05/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1130435 04/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1130433 02/01/2024 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 49999.0 GPD and reported value was 63700 GPD. Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130431 04/22/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130430 01/25/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130429 05/21/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130428 01/25/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130425 01/01/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2 feet and reported value was 1 feet. Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130396 05/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130395 06/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130394 05/31/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 25 % at M-00 Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130393 06/28/2024 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 22.22 % at M Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130392 05/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Percent Reduction limit is 85 % and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130391 05/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 229 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1130389 04/16/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 142955 80-036 N
1130388 04/16/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 142955 80-036 N
1130387 01/01/2024 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1130386 01/03/2024 OEV Haloacetic Acids Single Sample Maximum limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1130383 04/01/2024 Order Conditions Freeboard was below the Instantaneous Minimum limit of 2ft on all days during th Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1130382 04/01/2024 Order Conditions All samples during monitoring period were over the effluent TSS 7-day and 30-day Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 N
1130377 06/19/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 235.0 mg/L and reported value was 283.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1130376 06/19/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 290.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1130375 06/19/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 1094.0 mg/L and repo Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1130374 06/26/2024 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1130373 06/12/2024 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1130372 06/06/2024 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1130370 05/23/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 60.0 mg/L Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1130368 01/08/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 26 Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1130364 06/30/2024 Groundwater MW-6 sodium limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 249 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1130363 06/30/2024 Groundwater MW-6 TDS limit is 1200 mg/L and reported value was 1344 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1130362 07/31/2024 Groundwater MW-2 total nitrogen limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was 7.78 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1130361 06/30/2024 Groundwater MW-6 and MW-2 chloride limit is 150 mg/L and reported values were 519 and 174 mg Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1130351 10/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 45.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130350 10/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 45.0 Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130349 10/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 65.0 mg/L and reporte Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130348 10/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit i Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130347 10/31/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids 30-Day Average limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 0.55 m Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130346 01/18/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 45.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130345 01/18/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 65.0 mg/L and reporte Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130344 01/18/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 45.0 Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130343 01/18/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit i Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130342 03/31/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids 30-Day Average limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 0.35 m Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130341 02/29/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids 30-Day Average limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 0.73 m Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130340 01/31/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids 30-Day Average limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 0.43 m Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130339 05/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1130338 05/02/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.1 SU. Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1130337 05/01/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 1 ml/L. Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1130336 04/22/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1130326 06/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring Did not test for ammonia. Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1130288 03/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1130287 03/26/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 0.8 ml/ Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1130286 03/19/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 0.4 ml/ Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1130285 01/09/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 0.5 ml/ Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1130284 06/14/2024 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring violation occurred on 06/14/24 and 06/20/24 when the Oil & Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1130283 06/17/2024 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring violation occurred on 06/17/24 when field pH probe was not Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1130197 02/04/2024 Deficient Monitoring 2/4/2024 M1W failed to obtain a sample at PWPS for total coliform. On 2/5/2024 M Violation N Report Pure Water Monterey Groundwater Replenishment Project 412699 R3-2017-0003 N
1130136 02/23/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1130135 02/19/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1130093 01/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring Ongoing Malfunctioning flow meter: Installation of a new flow meter will require Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1130092 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring Ongoing Malfunctioning flow meter: Installation of a new flow meter will require Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1130085 06/24/2024 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1130084 07/27/2024 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1130083 06/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130082 05/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130081 04/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130080 06/10/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130079 05/13/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130078 05/06/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130077 04/15/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130076 04/01/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130073 04/18/2024 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 384.0 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130072 04/18/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130071 04/18/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1130070 05/20/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.9 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1130066 05/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1130063 01/17/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Boulder Creek Golf & Cntry Club WWTP 148200 01-034 N
1130042 04/02/2024 Surface Water Annual running mean 72mg/L Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1130041 06/19/2024 Surface Water RSW-005 was 16 true color units greater than RSW-004 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1130040 06/30/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1130034 04/09/2024 Deficient Monitoring Effluent disposal flow data missing 4/9 to 6/5 due to server problem Violation None Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 453915 R3-2020-0020 N
1130027 06/22/2024 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 0.2 NTU and reported value was 0.46 NTU. Violation None Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1130026 12/31/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Other limit is 2 feet and reported value was 1.16 feet. Violation N Report Dole Fresh Vegetables, Inc. 399691 R3-2004-0066 N
1130025 06/20/2024 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 0 CFU/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None Report Alila Ventana Resort, Big Sur (formerly Ventana Inn) 446812 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130023 04/16/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50   and reported value w Violation None Report Canyon Crest 450587 2014-0153-DWQ N
1130020 04/12/2024 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Sodium concentrations of 190 and 180 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1130019 04/12/2024 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Chloride concentrations of 210 and 21 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1130018 07/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 45.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130017 07/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 65.0 mg/L and reporte Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130016 07/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit i Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130015 07/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 45.0 Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130014 08/31/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids 30-Day Average limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 2.5 mg Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130013 04/01/2023 Deficient Reporting No sampling occurred during the monitoring period. No lab reports or chain of cu Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 N
1130012 01/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130011 03/31/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids 30-Day Average limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 0.4 mg Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130010 02/28/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids 30-Day Average limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 1.7 mg Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130009 02/28/2023 OEV pH 30-Day Average limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130008 02/28/2023 OEV pH 30-Day Average limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130007 01/31/2023 OEV pH 30-Day Average limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130006 01/31/2023 OEV pH 30-Day Average limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.5 SU. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130005 01/31/2023 OEV pH 30-Day Average limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1130004 05/13/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1130003 06/19/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1130002 04/16/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1129986 07/31/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129980 05/31/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129979 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring Effluent daily flows were not recorded during 2023 crush season. Flows were calc Violation N Report Fess Parker Winery 185812 R3-2017-0020 N
1129976 02/28/2024 Order Conditions Plastics (2 count) captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provi Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129974 01/19/2024 Order Conditions Plastics (2 count) captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provi Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129970 01/11/2024 Order Conditions Plastics (2 count) captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provi Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129967 07/24/2024 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Brent Knowles Property 457879 None N
1129966 05/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring In May of 2023 the wastewater effluent meter failed. Due to a unique type and gl Violation N Report Edna Valley Vineyard Winery 141453 00-066 N
1129949 12/31/2023 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 241 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1129947 12/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1129946 11/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1129945 10/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1129941 06/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % an Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1129940 06/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1129939 07/12/2024 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Coastal Hazards Response Plan (Permit Sct Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1129908 06/02/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5400 ug/L and reported v Violation N eSMR Montecito SD WWTP 449423 R3-2022-0010 N
1129907 06/28/2024 Deficient Monitoring No maximum flow was recorded for this day. Flowmeter connection to SCADA was not Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1129906 06/27/2024 Deficient Monitoring No maximum flow was recorded for this day. Flowmeter connection to SCADA was not Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1129905 06/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring No maximum flow was recorded for this day. Flowmeter connection to SCADA was not Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1129904 06/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring No maximum flow was recorded for this day. Flowmeter connection to SCADA was not Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1129903 06/27/2024 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 259.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1129902 05/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 5.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1129901 05/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1129900 05/15/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1129899 05/08/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1129898 05/01/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1129897 04/16/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1129896 04/10/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1129895 02/27/2023 Order Conditions Failure to have adequate safeguards in place to provide backup power in the even Violation N Report Atascadero State Hospital 445161 R3-2020-0020 Y
1129894 04/10/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 850.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1129891 02/27/2023 Order Conditions Bypass of 216,650 gallons of partially treated wastewater between 2-27-23 throug Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 445161 R3-2020-0020 Y
1129890 02/27/2023 Order Conditions Discharge of 216,650 gallons of partially treated wastewater between 2-27-23 thr Violation N Report Atascadero State Hospital 445161 R3-2020-0020 Y
1129883 04/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 2.0 mg/L and reported value was 2.2 mg/L. Violation None Report Mission Hills La Purisima WWTP 430892 R3-2019-0042 N
1129882 04/30/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported value was 14.3 ug/L Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1129805 03/02/2023 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit complete annual self-monitoring reports Violation N Report Santa Margarita Lake Campground 433602 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1129786 08/21/2023 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 219200.0 Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129785 08/08/2023 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 135300.0 Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129784 03/08/2023 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 135200.0 Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129783 03/06/2023 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 135200.0 Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129709 08/15/2023 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % and reported Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129706 07/25/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Daily Minimum limit is 85.0 % and Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129703 08/15/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Daily Minimum limit is 85.0 % and Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129693 02/05/2024 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 135700.0 Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129692 01/25/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Other limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 33.6 mg/L. Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129689 01/25/2024 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % and reported Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129684 03/27/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Daily Minimum limit is 85.0 % and Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129682 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Daily Minimum limit is 85.0 % and Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129678 01/26/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Daily Minimum limit is 85.0 % and Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1129657 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring Didn't analyze for 1,2,3-Trichloropropane as part of the annual monitoring (DMR Violation N Report Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1129655 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring Missing total bentazon from annual monitoring for 2023. Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129543 12/01/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Single Sample Maximum limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1129542 12/01/2023 CAT1 Chloride Single Sample Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 210 mg/L Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1129541 12/01/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 850.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1129540 10/11/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1129537 10/05/2022 CAT1 Chloride Single Sample Maximum limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 210.0 Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1129523 07/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (influent and effluent) report for May 2024 (2819119) w Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1129522 07/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for May 2024 (2819118) was due on 01-JUL-24 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1129222 05/08/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 235.0 mg/L and reported value was 282.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1129221 05/08/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 290 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1129220 05/08/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 1094.0 mg/L and repo Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1129219 05/09/2024 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1129117 01/20/2024 Late Report Late Report Violation N Report Granite Rock Southside #1540 296608 R3-2005-0063 N
1129116 01/20/2023 Late Report Late Report Violation N Report Granite Rock Southside #1540 296608 R3-2005-0063 N
1129115 01/20/2022 Late Report Late Report Violation N Report Granite Rock Southside #1540 296608 R3-2005-0063 N
1129068 05/01/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 45 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1129067 05/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 % and reported value was Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1129066 05/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal 30-Day Average limit is 85 % and r Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1129065 05/15/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 45 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1129051 05/07/2024 Deficient Monitoring R-003 was not sampled for DO; DO, saturation; pH; Temperature; Turbidity; Chloro Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129050 05/07/2024 Deficient Monitoring R-002 was not sampled for DO; DO, saturation; pH; Temperature; Turbidity; Chloro Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129049 05/24/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at M-001 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129048 05/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at M-001 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129047 05/10/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at M-001 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129045 05/10/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-003 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129044 05/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-003 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129043 05/10/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-002 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129042 05/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-002 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129041 05/24/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-002 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1129040 05/24/2024 Deficient Monitoring Plastics were not sampled at R-003 due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128976 01/04/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1128969 05/01/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1128949 05/21/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Unionized (as N) Weekly Average limit is 0.025 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1128946 05/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1128945 01/01/2024 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) Other limit is 175 mg/L and reported value was 188 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128944 01/01/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 105 mg/L and reported value was 194 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128943 03/01/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 100 mg/L and reported value was 240 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128942 02/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 750 mg/L and reported value was 930 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128940 02/05/2024 OEV Flow Daily Average (Mean) limit is 0.2 MGD and reported value was 0.268 MGD. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128939 01/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Weekly effluent settleable solids was not conducted during the first, third, or Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128938 01/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Weekly influent monitoring for pH was not conducted during the monitoring period Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128937 01/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Quarterly groundwater monitoring for Groundwater Elevation, Depth to Groundwater Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128936 01/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring Quarterly effluent monitoring for Ammonia as N and Ammonium was not conducted. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128935 01/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Quarterly influent monitoring for Total Nitrogen, Nitrate as N, Nitrite as N, Am Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1128880 02/29/2024 Order Conditions Wastewater was not managed in accordance with the approved Water and Wastewater Violation None Report Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1128879 02/29/2024 Order Conditions Discharge of wastes including overflow, wastewater, or bypass from transport, tr Violation N Report Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1128719 11/18/2022 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 100000.0 GPD and reported value was 137750 GPD. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 N
1128718 11/17/2022 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 100000.0 GPD and reported value was 137750 GPD. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 N
1128717 11/16/2022 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 100000.0 GPD and reported value was 137750 GPD. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 N
1128716 11/15/2022 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 100000.0 GPD and reported value was 137750 GPD. Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 N
1128715 12/22/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit i Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1128714 12/30/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 45 m Violation None Report Chualar WWTP 449261 R3-2020-0020 N
1128699 04/30/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 10. Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1128698 02/29/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 10. Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1128697 05/03/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 10. Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1128696 04/30/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1128695 03/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1128694 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1128693 01/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1128660 06/04/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (influent and effluent) report for April 2024 (2803951) Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1128521 09/14/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 10.00 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1128509 05/10/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.83 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1128508 05/03/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.96 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1128506 04/12/2024 Deficient Monitoring Sampling was not completed for recycled water Dissolved Oxygen (daily) 4/12/2024 Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1128505 04/10/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 237.0 mg/L and reported value was 286 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1128504 04/10/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 290.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1128503 04/20/2024 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.41 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1128472 03/14/2024 Order Conditions Access roads were not constructed or maintained in a manner consistent with the Violation None Inspection Canyon Produce 435336 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1128471 03/14/2024 Order Conditions Culverts lacked design to direct flow towards the inlet to prevent erosion and w Violation None Inspection Canyon Produce 435336 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1128470 03/14/2024 Order Conditions Cannabis-related disturbed areas were present within the riparian setbacks of ep Violation N Inspection Canyon Produce 435336 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1128211 04/16/2024 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 10 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1128210 04/16/2024 CAT1 Aluminum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 1000 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1128209 04/16/2024 CAT1 Iron, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 1000 ug/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1128208 04/16/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1128176 04/30/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1128159 02/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring No settleable solids monthly monitoring data for February. The sample was mispla Violation None Report Imerys Minerals California - Lompoc Plant WWTP 185853 97-010-DWQ N
1128158 03/19/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1450.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128157 03/11/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 0.2 ml/ Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128156 03/10/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 0.3 ml/ Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128155 03/07/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 0.3 ml/ Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128154 03/06/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 0.5 ml/ Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128153 02/21/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 0.6 ml/ Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128152 02/05/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 0.7 ml/ Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128151 01/06/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 0.6 ml/ Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128150 01/19/2024 Deficient Monitoring Effluent Settleable Solids was not collected for January 19th 2024 (daily monito Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1128148 04/11/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/11/2024, did not sample R-003 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128147 04/26/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/26/2024, did not sample M-001 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128146 04/19/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/19/2024, did not sample R-003 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128145 04/26/2024 Deficient Monitoring Did not sample R-003 for the following substrates: DO, pH, Temperature, Turbidi Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128144 04/26/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/26/2024, did not sample R-002 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128143 04/19/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/19/2024, did not sample M-001 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128142 04/11/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/11/2024, did not sample M-001 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128141 04/05/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/5/2024, did not sample M-001 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128140 04/19/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/19/2024, did not sample R-002 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128139 04/11/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/11/2024, did not sample R-002 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128138 04/05/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/5/2024, did not sample R-002 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128137 04/26/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/26/2024, did not sample R-003 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128136 04/05/2024 Deficient Monitoring 4/5/2024, did not sample R-003 for plastics, due to hazardous conditions. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1128106 04/24/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1128105 04/24/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1128050 04/15/2024 OEV Total Coliform Monthly 90th% limit is 40000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 59 Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1128049 04/15/2024 OEV Total Coliform Monthly Maximum limit is 100000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1128044 07/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1128043 08/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1128042 07/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1128041 09/30/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 ml/L and reported value was 30 ml/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1128040 11/30/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1128039 12/12/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 ml/L and reported value was 9 ml/L. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1128038 12/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100.0 Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1128037 10/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1128036 10/21/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 ml/L and reported value was 0.6 ml/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1128017 03/30/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.17 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1128016 03/17/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.40 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1128015 03/10/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.23 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1128014 02/29/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.85 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1128013 02/03/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.46 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1128012 01/25/2024 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 319 mg/L. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1128011 02/29/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1128010 01/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1128009 03/31/2024 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Chloride concentrations of 220 and 21 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1128008 03/31/2024 Groundwater Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Sodium concentrations of 190 and 185 Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1128006 02/18/2024 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 8 MGD and reported value was 8.42 MGD. Violation None Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1128005 03/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation None Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1128004 02/29/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation None Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1128003 01/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation None Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1127843 01/06/2024 Groundwater MW-6 sodium limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 249 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1127842 01/06/2024 Groundwater MW-6 TDS limit is 1200 mg/L and reported value was 1344 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1127841 01/06/2024 Groundwater MW-2 total nitrogen limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was 7.74 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1127840 01/06/2024 Groundwater MW-6 and MW-2 chloride limit is 150 mg/L and reported values were 521 and 178 mg Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1127839 01/25/2024 Groundwater Exceedances at Well #1 of Nitrate (111 mg/L), Sulfate (916 mg/L), and TDS (2500 Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1127838 01/25/2024 Groundwater GW nitrate limit is 8 mg/L, GW nitrate values were 111 mg/L and 12.4 mg/L on MW Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1127823 03/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 232.5 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1127822 02/29/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 193 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1127821 01/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 210 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1127820 03/31/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 173 mg/ Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1127817 01/31/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 160 mg/ Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1127717 01/31/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 239 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1127614 05/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q1 2024 (2787223) was due on 01-MAY-24 but Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1127268 08/09/2023 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 340 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1127267 08/09/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249 mg/L and reported value was 360 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1127266 08/03/2023 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.59 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1127265 08/08/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 4.55 SU. Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1127257 01/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1127256 01/19/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1127255 01/03/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1127252 03/11/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 139.0 mg/L and reported value was 142 mg/L Violation None Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1127251 03/11/2024 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 190.0 mg/L and reported value was 151.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1127250 01/01/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total 12-Month Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 267 mg Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1127249 01/01/2024 CAT1 Chloride 12-Month Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 390 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1127214 03/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 Y
1127213 02/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 Y
1127212 01/01/2024 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 Y
1127211 03/01/2024 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.82 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1127210 02/09/2024 Order Conditions Failure to maintain at least two feet of freeboard in Pond 1 through Pond 5 Violation None Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1127208 02/06/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 142955 80-036 N
1127207 02/26/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 142955 80-036 N
1127152 08/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Central Coast Water Board staff observed an estimated 203 cubic yards or 41,000 Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 448813 R3-2022-0028 Y
1127089 01/01/2024 Order Conditions Multiple 7-Day median Coliform violations with a value of 690 MPN on May 1. Violation None Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1127084 03/13/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 237.0 mg/L and reported value was 290.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1127083 03/13/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Annual Average (Mean) limit is 249 mg/L and reported value was 300 Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1126787 01/31/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 8 mg/L and reported value was 10 Violation None eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1126778 03/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample R-004 for the following substrates: DO, DO saturation, pH, Tur Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126777 03/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at M-001 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126776 03/15/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126775 03/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126774 03/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-002 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126773 03/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at M-001 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126772 03/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample R-003 for the following substrates: DO, DO saturation, pH, Tur Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126771 03/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample R-002 for the following substrates: DO, DO saturation, pH, Tur Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126770 03/22/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126769 03/08/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126768 03/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126767 03/15/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-002 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126766 03/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-002 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126765 03/15/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at M-001 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1126551 03/31/2024 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Monthly Average limit is 10.0 ug/L and reported value was 16 u Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1126550 03/31/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1126503 03/06/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth 24-hour Average limit is 1.0 TUc and reported Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1126368 12/20/2023 Order Conditions Two separate discharge events from a sedimentation basin to Pila Creek with a co Violation N Report Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1126356 01/02/2024 Surface Water RSW-005 annual running mean for sodium was 79 mg/L. WRRF Influent sodium was 11 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1126355 03/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 11 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1126351 11/20/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126350 11/16/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126349 11/14/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 33 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126348 11/09/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 33 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126347 11/06/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 44 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126346 11/02/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 56 % at M-00 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126344 10/26/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 56 % at M-00 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126343 10/23/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 56 % at M-00 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126342 10/19/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 56 % at M-00 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126341 10/16/2023 OEV Total Coliform 5-Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 28 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126340 10/16/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126339 10/13/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 44 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126338 10/09/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126337 10/05/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126336 10/02/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126335 09/28/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 44 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126334 09/25/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126333 09/21/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126331 09/18/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20 % and reported value was 44 % at M-00 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126330 09/18/2023 OEV Total Coliform 5-Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 28 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126329 09/14/2023 OEV Total Coliform 5-Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 28 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126328 09/14/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126327 09/11/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126324 09/07/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126323 09/05/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 44 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126322 09/01/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 33 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126321 08/28/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 44 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126320 08/24/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 44 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126319 08/21/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126318 08/18/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126317 08/15/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126315 08/10/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 67 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126314 08/08/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 67 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126313 08/04/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 78 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126312 08/01/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 78 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126311 07/27/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 67 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126310 07/24/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 56 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126309 07/21/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 44 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126308 07/18/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 44 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126307 07/13/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 33 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126306 07/11/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126305 12/02/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126303 11/21/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126302 11/11/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 27 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126301 11/07/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 27 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126300 11/04/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 27 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126299 10/25/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 27 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126298 10/19/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126297 10/18/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126271 10/13/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126270 10/06/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126269 10/04/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126268 09/28/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126267 09/26/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 33 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126266 09/19/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 22 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126265 09/16/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 25 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126264 09/12/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 25 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126263 09/09/2022 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 25 % at M- Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126261 05/13/2023 Deficient Monitoring On May 13th a coliform sample was dropped off at the outside lab on a Saturday w Violation N eSMR Pasatiempo Golf Club Recycled Water Project (System No. 4490004) 412392 R3-2017-0001 N
1126206 01/31/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported value was 9.43 ug/L Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1126113 09/11/2023 OEV Total Coliform 5-Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 28 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1126076 10/01/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Single Sample Maximum limit is 170.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126075 10/01/2023 CAT1 Chloride Single Sample Maximum limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 230 mg Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126074 10/01/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126073 07/01/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Single Sample Maximum limit is 170.0 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126072 07/01/2023 CAT1 Chloride Single Sample Maximum limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 250 mg Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126071 07/01/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126070 04/01/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126062 01/01/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Single Sample Maximum limit is 170.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126060 01/01/2023 CAT1 Chloride Single Sample Maximum limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 229 mg Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126058 01/01/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1126049 01/31/2024 CAT2 TCDD Equivalents Monthly Average limit is 0.3276 pg/L and reported value was 0.5 Violation N eSMR Phillips 66 Company, Santa Maria Refinery (formerly ConocoPhillips) 392881 R3-2013-0028 Y
1125984 04/01/2024 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit a timely and complete mitigation plan for City activities cond Violation N Report City of San Luis Emergency Repairs 452356 2023-0095-DWQ Y
1125949 12/31/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total 12-Month Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 279.5 Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1125947 12/31/2023 CAT1 Chloride 12-Month Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 419.1 mg/L. Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1125926 06/15/2023 Deficient Monitoring Water Supply TDS was collected on 6/15/2023, but was not reported by the lab. Violation N Report CAPPY CULVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Onsite WW Treatment System 433585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1125858 02/13/2024 Order Conditions Failure to maintain a monitoring device Violation N Inspection San Ardo WWTP 452450 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1125850 02/13/2024 Order Conditions Failure to monitor flow with a flow meter Violation N Inspection San Ardo WWTP 452450 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1125843 01/01/2023 Order Conditions Failure to maintain a dissolved oxygen concentration of 1.0 milligrams per liter Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1125842 01/18/2023 Order Conditions Failure to maintain ground water quality objectives Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1125841 09/01/2023 Order Conditions Discharging above the 30-Day average of 100 pounds/acre/day for BOD Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1125840 01/01/2023 Order Conditions Discharging above 30- and 7-day average effluent limits Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1125839 01/01/2023 Order Conditions Failure to maintain at least two feet of freeboard in Pond 1 through Pond 5 Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 Y
1125838 01/16/2023 Late Report Failure to submit annual self-monitoring reports in 2023 and 2024 Violation N Report Mustang Village 185417 97-010-DWQ Y
1125678 07/01/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 100.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1125677 08/01/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 150 mg/L and reported Violation None Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1125540 06/06/2023 Groundwater Nitrate concentrations in groundwater downgradient of the disposal area exceeded Violation N Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1125433 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1125432 02/29/2024 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Monthly Average limit is 10.0 ug/L and reported value was 12 u Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1125431 02/29/2024 CAT1 Aluminum, Total Monthly Average limit is 1000 ug/L and reported value was 1400 u Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1125415 03/28/2024 Late Report Late 2023 Annual Report Violation None Report Arctic Cold Santa Maria 450589 2014-0153-DWQ N
1125412 02/13/2024 Surface Water For RSW-A Entero samples obtained on 2/13/2024 and 2/22/2024 there was a violati Violation N eSMR Monterey One Water Regional WWTP 429636 R3-2018-0017 N
1125406 02/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring Sampling and testing for monthly BOD and TSS was not performed at INF-001. Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1125368 02/16/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at M_001 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125367 02/23/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125366 02/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at M_001 du to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125365 02/23/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at M_001 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125364 02/09/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at M_001 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125363 02/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125362 02/23/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-002 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125361 02/09/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-002 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125360 02/16/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125359 02/09/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-003 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125358 02/02/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-002 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125357 02/16/2024 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for plastics at R-002 due to hazardous conditions Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125356 01/26/2024 Deficient Monitoring M-001 Unable to sample for plastics as it was not safe. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125355 01/26/2024 Deficient Monitoring R-003 Unable to sample for plastics as it was unsafe. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125354 01/31/2024 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average limit is 0.56 ug/L and reported value was 0 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125353 01/26/2024 Deficient Monitoring R-002 Unable to sample for plastics as it was not safe. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125352 02/19/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 8260 lb/day and reported val Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1125351 02/29/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Monthly Average limit is 1.0 ml/L and reported value was 1.4 m Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1125350 02/24/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Weekly Average limit is 1.5 ml/L and reported value was 6.3 ml Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1125349 02/19/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3.0 ml/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1125320 02/01/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2867 lb/day and repor Violation N eSMR Goleta SD WWTP 418037 R3-2017-0021 N
1125298 02/29/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1125184 01/01/2024 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1125183 01/01/2024 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 243.0 mg/L and reported value was 297 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1125130 10/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1125129 08/31/2023 OEV Flow Daily Average (Mean) limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 13449 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1125128 07/31/2023 OEV Flow Daily Average (Mean) limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 11784 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1125126 07/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1125125 11/30/2023 Deficient Reporting Effluent Nitrogen Species, TDS, Sodium, Sulfate, & Boron failed to be sampled in Violation N Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1125124 12/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation N Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1125123 11/30/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation N Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1125122 10/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation N Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 453102 R3-2020-0020 N
1125071 12/31/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 268.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1125070 11/30/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 270.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1125069 10/30/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 20.0 % and reported value was 67 % at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1125068 10/30/2023 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1125067 11/02/2023 CAT1 Ammonia, Unionized (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 0.025 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1125066 10/31/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 259 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1125046 03/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Monitoring Monthly) report for January 2024 (236 Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1125035 06/06/2023 Groundwater Nitrate concentrations downgradient of the disposal area exceeded 10 mg/L nitrat Violation N Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1124950 04/13/2023 Unauthorized Discharge This Prefumo Creek from Los Osos Valley Road Project involved debris, vegetation Violation N Report Marsh Street Bridge Replacement 456197 None Y
1124949 04/14/2023 Unauthorized Discharge The City¿s San Luis Obispo Creek at Marsh Street Bridge Project involved debris Violation N Report Marsh Street Bridge Replacement 456197 None Y
1124945 06/01/2023 Late Report Failure to submit 2023 Annual Report by May 31, 2023 Violation N Report Tract 3070 Principal Avenue 419504 None Y
1124944 06/01/2023 Late Report Failure to submit 2023 Annual Report by May 31, 2023 Violation N Report Palo Colorado Road Repair (MP 3-3.5) 413952 None Y
1124943 06/01/2023 Late Report Failure to submit the 2023 Annual Report Violation N Report Felton Public Library Bull Creek Culvert Removal 416852 None Y
1124942 06/01/2023 Late Report Failure to submit the 2023 Annual Report Violation N Report 34214WQ14 Village at Los Carneros 398607 None Y
1124913 01/17/2024 Order Conditions Storage of water in the recycled water storage pond and application of recycled Violation None Inspection Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 Y
1124911 01/17/2024 Order Conditions Failure to properly mark reclaimed water distribution pipelines, valves, and spr Violation None Inspection Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 Y
1124909 01/17/2024 Order Conditions Failure to post signage warning the public that recycled water was being stored Violation None Inspection Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 Y
1124907 01/17/2024 Order Conditions Using uncolored or blue colored piping and valves to convey recycled water, and Violation N Inspection Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 Y
1124903 01/31/2024 Order Conditions Allowing fruit and vegetable processors to discharge incompatible wastes that in Violation None Report Gonzales WWTP 452393 R3-2020-0020 Y
1124902 01/31/2024 Order Conditions Failure to maintain a dissolved oxygen concentration of 1.0 milligram per liter Violation None Report Gonzales WWTP 452393 R3-2020-0020 Y
1124901 01/31/2024 Order Conditions Discharge above the 30-day average 100 pound per acre per day limit. Violation None Report Gonzales WWTP 452393 R3-2020-0020 Y
1124900 01/31/2024 Order Conditions Failure to treat, or only partially treating, wastewater Violation N Report Gonzales WWTP 452393 R3-2020-0020 Y
1124851 02/17/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Sewage discharge of approximately 1,022,500 gallons to waters of the United Stat Violation N Report Goleta West SD CS 318732 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1124850 09/02/2022 Order Conditions Failure to submit (4) semi-annual self-monitoring reports Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1124828 11/11/2023 Order Conditions Failure to maintain adequate pond freeboard to prevent wastewater spills Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 449258 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1124827 11/11/2023 Order Conditions (3) Discharging treated wastewater onto authorized disposal areas Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 449258 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1124762 09/30/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 231.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124761 07/31/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 229 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124760 09/20/2023 CAT1 Ammonia, Unionized (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 0.025 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124759 09/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124758 07/18/2023 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124757 07/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124756 08/31/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 237.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124755 08/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124725 01/31/2024 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Monthly Average limit is 10.0 ug/L and reported value was 14 u Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1124724 01/31/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000.0 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1124682 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring No monitoring in tank #34 during Q4 2023. MRP Table 3 requires quarterly monitor Violation None Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 N
1124657 01/06/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 0.93 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1124656 01/06/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6.9 mg/L and reported va Violation N eSMR San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1124513 01/10/2024 Surface Water RSW-004 11 Color Units, RSW-005 27 Color units. The upgraded liquids treatment Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124512 01/30/2024 Surface Water RSW-004 13 Color Units, RSW-005 29 Color units. The upgraded liquids treatment Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124510 01/18/2024 Surface Water RSW-004 8 Color Units, RSW-005 30 Color units. The upgraded liquids treatment p Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124508 01/18/2024 Surface Water RSW-004 Temp 13.3 Deg C, RSW-005 18.5 Deg C, 10 deg F difference not enough cool Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124506 01/31/2024 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124505 01/10/2024 Surface Water RSW-004 Temp 12.8 Deg C, RSW-005 17.6 Deg C, 9 deg F difference Not enough cooli Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124504 01/02/2024 Surface Water RSW-004 Temp 13.7 Deg C, RSW-005 17.8 Deg C, 7 deg F difference Not enough cooli Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124503 01/30/2024 Surface Water RSW-004 Temp 13.7 Deg C, RSW-005 17.4 Deg C, 7 deg F difference Not enough cooli Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124426 02/01/2023 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1124374 09/02/2023 Other Codes Incomplete Application to Discharge Waste for the Unauthorized Discharges of Fil Violation None Inspection California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1124373 08/23/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized Discharges of Unidentified Waste to Waters of the United States Violation None Inspection California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1124372 08/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized Discharges of Filter Backwash to Waters of the United States Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1124302 01/01/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total 6-Month Median limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 261 mg/L. Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1124301 01/01/2023 CAT1 Chloride 6-Month Median limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 400 mg/L. Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1124274 02/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( SLUDGE ) (Biosolids (Sludge) Tech Rpt) report for 2023 (2673352) w Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1124253 02/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2023 (2672272) was due on 01-FEB-24 but was n Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124252 02/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q4 2023 (2736272) was due on 01-FEB-24 but Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1124244 02/02/2024 Late Report Semi-Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Acute Toxicity) report for H2 2023 (2559461) was d Violation None Report Price Canyon Production Facility 444437 R3-2021-0010 N
1124243 12/22/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124242 11/22/2023 Surface Water Plastic material collected in receiving water sample at R-003. Violation of NPDE Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124241 11/22/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124240 11/14/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124239 10/20/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124238 10/13/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124237 09/08/2023 Surface Water Plastic material collected in receiving water sample at R-003. Violation of NPDE Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124236 09/01/2023 Surface Water Plastic material collected in receiving water sample at R-003. Violation of NPDE Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124235 09/15/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124234 09/08/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124232 08/03/2023 Surface Water Plastic material collected in receiving water sample at R-003. Violation of NPDE Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124231 08/23/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124230 08/18/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124229 08/11/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124228 07/28/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124227 07/21/2023 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples. Violation of NPDES permit Provision III.B Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124224 06/28/2023 Surface Water Plastic material collected in receiving water sample at R-003. Violation of NPDE Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124222 06/20/2023 Surface Water Plastic material collected in receiving water sample at R-003. Violation of NPDE Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124212 06/08/2023 Surface Water Plastic material collected in receiving water sample at R-003. Violation of NPDE Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124139 09/07/2023 Order Conditions Failure to provide training on a regular basis for operation and maintenance sta Violation None Inspection Monterey Csa - Chualar CS 301786 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1124138 09/07/2023 Order Conditions Failure to prepare and implement a sewer pipe blockage control program. Violation None Report Monterey Csa - Chualar CS 301786 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1124137 03/30/2023 Order Conditions Failure to submit and certify the No Spill Reports by the required dates. Violation None Report Monterey Csa - Chualar CS 301786 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1124136 09/07/2023 Order Conditions Failure to develop and implement a written Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) a Violation N Inspection Monterey Csa - Chualar CS 301786 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1124123 01/31/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) (Facility Summary Report) report for 2023 (2361698) was d Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124122 01/31/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Monitoring Annual) report for 2023 (2361692) was Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1124120 01/31/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) (NPDES Summary Report) report for 2023 (2673560) was due Violation None Report Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1123812 04/28/2022 Order Conditions Plastics captured in effluent samples collected during 4/28/22 inspection by Wat Violation None Inspection California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1123803 10/24/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 2.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report SV Partners Winery 147672 00-017 N
1123789 09/06/2023 Order Conditions Failure to provide training on a regular basis for operation and maintenance sta Violation None Inspection Boronda Sanitation District CS 350863 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1123788 09/06/2023 Late Report Failure to submit and certify the No Spill Reports by the required dates. Violation None Inspection Boronda Sanitation District CS 350863 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1123786 09/06/2023 Order Conditions Failure to develop and implement a written Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) a Violation N Inspection Boronda Sanitation District CS 350863 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1123746 02/02/2024 Order Conditions The disposal area catchment basin was at maximum volume with nearly zero freeboa Violation None Inspection Pictsweet Frozen Foods 131789 03-002 N
1123745 12/25/2023 Deficient Monitoring 12/25/2023, the Total Coliform analysis was not completed, due to the holiday. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1123744 01/01/2023 CAT1 Chloride Annual Average (Mean) limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 223 mg/L Violation None Report Hollister Domestic WWTP 359247 R3-2008-0069 N
1123738 04/06/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU. Violation N Report San Lucas WWTF 144125 89-076 N
1123737 10/11/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1500.0 mg/L and repo Violation N Report San Lucas WWTF 144125 89-076 N
1123736 10/25/2023 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.49 SU. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1123735 10/25/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1123734 12/13/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1123733 11/08/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1123732 10/25/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1123624 12/23/2023 Deficient Monitoring Oil & Grease analyzed past hold time. Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1123621 12/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring The ocean outfall was not inspected during 2023. Violation N eSMR San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1123562 12/06/2023 Surface Water Color The upgraded liquids treatment process does not use sodium hypochlorite f Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123561 12/01/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123560 12/14/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123559 12/07/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123558 12/06/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123557 12/02/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123556 12/09/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123555 12/03/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123554 12/08/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123553 12/16/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123552 12/15/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123551 12/13/2023 Deficient Monitoring Color The upgraded liquids treatment process does not use sodium hypochlorite f Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123550 12/17/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123549 12/13/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123548 12/31/2023 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as NO3) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123547 12/12/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123546 12/11/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123545 12/05/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123544 12/10/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123543 12/04/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123542 12/28/2023 Surface Water Temperature not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123541 12/20/2023 Surface Water Color The upgraded liquids treatment process does not use sodium hypochlorite f Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123479 09/18/2023 Deficient Monitoring Ammonia was analyzed on a composite sample instead of a grab sample as required Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1123436 01/09/2023 Deficient Monitoring Due to local flooding and numerous road closures, we were unable to deliver the Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1123430 04/30/2023 CAT2 Aldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.0033 ug/L and reported value was 0.027 ug/L at Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 Y
1123424 10/20/2023 CAT2 TCDD Equivalents 30-Day Average of Daily Maximums limit is 000000542 ug/L and re Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 N
1123417 12/31/2023 Groundwater 2023 sampling of GW2 showed Sulfate levels elevated above the water quality obje Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1123416 12/31/2023 Groundwater 2023 sampling of GW2 showed TDS levels elevated above the water quality objectiv Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1123415 07/01/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600 mg/L and reporte Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 Y
1123388 10/31/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 Y
1123374 10/12/2023 Order Conditions Discharge of treated wastewater at an unapproved location in violation of permit Violation N Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1123373 10/12/2023 Surface Water Discharge that increased the concentration of ammonia, an inorganic chemical, an Violation N Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1123371 10/12/2023 Order Conditions Discharge of effluent that altered the quality of its waters to a degree that un Violation N Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1123370 10/12/2023 Surface Water Discharge of waste that caused concentrations of un-ionized ammonia to exceed 0. Violation N Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1123369 10/12/2023 Surface Water Discharge of effluent containing toxic substances in concentrations toxic to aqu Violation N Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1123336 12/07/2023 CAT1 Nitrite Plus Nitrate (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 17 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 449668 R3-2022-0046 N
1123298 12/13/2023 CAT1 Chloride Annual Average (Mean) limit is 246 mg/L and reported value was 305 mg/L Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1123297 12/13/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Annual Average (Mean) limit is 249 mg/L and reported value was 300 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1123296 01/01/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 6-Week Rolling Geometric Mean limit is 710.0 mg/L a Violation None Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 148746 00-139 N
1123291 12/15/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 7.38 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR Goleta SD WWTP 418037 R3-2017-0021 N
1123290 12/14/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 7.38 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR Goleta SD WWTP 418037 R3-2017-0021 N
1123277 01/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Monitoring Monthly) report for November 2023 (23 Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1123270 05/01/2023 Late Report The Discharger failed to submit the self-monitoring report for Quarter 1 of 2023 Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 147309 99-061 Y
1123269 05/19/2023 Other Codes The Central Coast Water Board has not received a complete report of waste discha Violation N Report Dunn School WWTP 458119 None Y
1123107 11/07/2023 Surface Water Water The upgraded liquids treatment process does not use sodium hypochlorite fo Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123106 11/25/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123105 11/24/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123104 11/22/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123103 11/13/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123102 11/29/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123101 11/26/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123100 11/20/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123099 11/11/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123098 11/23/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123097 11/19/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123096 11/12/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123095 11/07/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123094 11/15/2023 Surface Water Water The upgraded liquids treatment process does not use sodium hypochlorite fo Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123093 11/30/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123092 11/28/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123091 11/27/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123090 11/09/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123089 11/17/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123088 11/16/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123087 11/15/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123086 11/14/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123085 11/05/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123084 11/04/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123083 11/08/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123082 11/06/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1123078 11/14/2023 Order Conditions The Olam Food Ingredients violated Permit section D.1 by not allowing staff to t Violation N Inspection Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1123077 11/14/2023 Order Conditions Olam West Coast Inc. violated Permit section B.7 by not disking or plowing all d Violation N Inspection Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1123076 11/14/2023 Order Conditions Olam West Coast, Inc. violated permit section D.1 by failing to operate and main Violation N Inspection Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1123075 11/14/2023 Order Conditions Olam West Coast Inc. violated Permit section B.6 by disposing wastewater in a ma Violation N Inspection Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1123074 11/14/2023 Order Conditions Olam West Coast Inc. violated Permit section D.1 by allowing the vegetable proce Violation N Inspection Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1123073 11/08/2023 Order Conditions Olam West Coast Inc. violated Permit section D.1 by failing to manage their vege Violation N Complaint Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1123072 11/14/2023 Order Conditions Olam West Coast Inc. violated Permit section D.1 by failing to manage their vege Violation N Inspection Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1123071 10/26/2023 Order Conditions Olam West Coast Inc. violated Permit section B.3 by allowing the vegetable proce Violation N Complaint Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1123062 06/14/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU. Violation N Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1123038 07/20/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and report Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1123037 07/20/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and report Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1123036 07/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 5.0 mg/L and report Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1123034 09/13/2023 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 300 mg/L and reported value was 320 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1123033 09/13/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 66.0 mg/L and reported value was 72.0 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1123032 09/28/2023 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.64 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1123014 11/04/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 930 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1122987 11/16/2023 Deficient Monitoring On 11/16/23 at 11:28am while performing preventive maintenance on the recycled w Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1122933 11/16/2023 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth 24-hour Average limit is 1.0 TUc and reported Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1122911 12/13/2023 Order Conditions Unpermitted waste hauling and unauthorized offsite disposal of RO and tailwater Violation None Inspection Stone Madrone Farms 422949 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1122910 10/26/2023 Order Conditions Unauthorized discharge of tailwater to onsite concrete basin Violation N Complaint West Cliff Patient Collective 419314 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1122861 07/26/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1122860 09/30/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 0 Violation N Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 Y
1122859 07/31/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation N Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 Y
1122851 11/01/2023 Surface Water The upgraded liquids treatment process does not use sodium hypochlorite for disi Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1122850 11/01/2023 Surface Water Not enough cooling towers were in service. The operations team has been balancin Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1122849 11/07/2023 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 42. Violation N Report Carmel Reclamation 147963 93-072 N
1122848 07/15/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing Monthly July 2019 SMR, September 2019 SMR, and February 2022 SMR Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1122782 09/30/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1122781 09/25/2023 OEV pH Other limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.80 SU. Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1122722 12/02/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Monitoring Monthly) report for October 2023 (236 Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1122721 12/02/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (effluent + receiving water) report for October 2023 (2 Violation None Report Olive Springs Quarry 416593 R3-2017-0018 N
1122495 07/01/2023 Groundwater Repeated groundwater nitrate violations, limit is 10 mg/L. Violation None Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122494 04/01/2023 Groundwater Repeated groundwater nitrate violations, limit is 10 mg/L. Violation None Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122493 07/01/2023 Groundwater Repeated fecal coliform violations in groundwater, limit is 2.2 MPN/ 100 mL Violation None Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122492 04/01/2023 Groundwater Repeated fecal coliform violations in groundwater, limit is 2.2 MPN/ 100 mL Violation None Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122491 07/01/2023 Groundwater Repeated formaldehyde violations in groundwater from 2013-2022. Violation None Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122490 04/01/2023 Groundwater Repeated formaldehyde violations in groundwater from 2013-2022. Violation None Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122489 01/01/2022 Groundwater Repeated fecal coliform violations in groundwater, limit is 2.2 MPN/ 100 mL Violation N Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122488 01/01/2022 Groundwater Repeated groundwater nitrate violations, limit is 10 mg/L. Violation N Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122487 01/01/2022 Groundwater Repeated formaldehyde violations in groundwater from 2013-2022. Violation N Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1122364 08/19/2023 Late Report Failure to Submit Interim Weekly Monitoring Reports Violation N Report Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1122314 10/12/2023 Surface Water RSW-005 unionized ammonia as N was 1.42 mg/L on 10/12/23 at 10:00. Effluent - 0 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1122313 10/04/2023 Surface Water RSW-005 exceeded RSW-004 true color units on 10/4/23 (19 units), 10/12/23 (28 co Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1122312 10/16/2023 Surface Water Receiving surface water temperature exceeded 22.5 degrees C at 14:40 on 10/16/23 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1122311 10/29/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.4 SU at EFF-00 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1122310 10/25/2023 Surface Water Receiving surface water temperature exceeded 22.5 degrees C at 13:41 on 10/16/23 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1122200 11/14/2023 Deficient Reporting The Interim Corrective Action Implementation Report does not contain as-builts a Violation N Report Lompoc Solid Waste Disp Site 442582 None Y
1122153 10/07/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 1.2 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 Y
1122048 07/22/2023 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.63 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1122047 06/15/2023 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1122046 07/10/2023 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.84 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1122045 09/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1122044 09/30/2023 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) Other limit is 182.0 mg/L and reported value was 184.4 mg/ Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1122043 09/30/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 950 mg/L and reported value was 998. Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1122042 08/30/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 950 mg/L and reported value was 998. Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1122041 07/30/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 950 mg/L and reported value was 998. Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1122040 09/30/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 136.0 mg/L and reported value was 149.3 mg/L. Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1122039 09/30/2023 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 198.0 mg/L and reported value was 231.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1122038 09/30/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 30.0 m Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1121982 07/27/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 60.0 mg/L Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1121981 07/27/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average of Daily Aver Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1121980 08/11/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 1.5 mg/ Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1121978 07/01/2023 CAT1 Chloride 6-Month Median limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 424.0 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1121977 07/01/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total 6-Month Median limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 292.0 mg Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1121976 09/14/2023 Groundwater MW-6 and MW-2 chloride limit is 150 mg/L and reported values were 553 and 183 mg Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1121975 09/14/2023 Groundwater MW-2 total nitrogen limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was 7.53 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1121974 09/14/2023 Groundwater MW-6 TDS limit is 1200 mg/L and reported value was 1375 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1121973 09/14/2023 Groundwater MW-6 sodium limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 253 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1121931 09/30/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 4.32 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1121843 11/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR (MONNPDES ) report for Q3 2023 (2705315) was due on 01-NOV-23 but Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1121763 06/30/2023 OEV pH Monthly Average limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.52 SU. Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1121634 09/30/2023 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1121630 09/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1121629 07/31/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 1 ml/L. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1121615 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 TNA annual report by 3/1/22. Violation N Report UC FARMS INC. - MILIAS RANCH (AW3631) (AGL020013675) 454939 R3-2021-0040 Y
1121454 09/20/2023 Surface Water RSW-005, exceeded 22.5 Deg C, sample taken at 0948 9/20/23 had a recorded temper Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1121453 09/27/2023 Surface Water Unionized ammonia at RSW-005 was 0.0500 mg/L as N on 9/27/23 14:16. All aeratio Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1121452 09/06/2023 Surface Water The upgraded liquids treatment process does not use sodium hypochlorite for disi Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1121404 09/06/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N eSMR San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1121402 09/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring The 2X/Month BOD, TSS second sample and test was not performed. Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1121401 09/08/2023 Deficient Monitoring Failed to sample Eff BOD for the first week of September Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1121342 08/06/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ On August 6, 2023, a FOG blockage caused an estimated total spill volume of 7,00 Violation N Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 Y
1121317 07/27/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Daily Maximum limit is 21.4 ug/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 Y
1121316 07/31/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 Y
1121281 09/27/2023 Deficient Monitoring Total Suspended Solids analysis was not performed for weekly requirement due to Violation N eSMR Montecito SD WWTP 449423 R3-2022-0010 N
1121273 09/06/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1121272 09/18/2023 Surface Water The Monthly Chloride Grab at R-004 was 41.6 mg/L, resulting in the annual averag Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1121271 09/18/2023 Surface Water The Monthly Sodium Grab at R-003 was 33.5 mg/L, resulting in the annual average Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120995 10/03/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for August 2023 (2727561) was due on 02-OCT-23 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1120988 10/01/2023 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( ROWD ) report for 2019/04/01 (2192465) was due on 30-SEP-23 Violation None Report Monterey One Water Regional WWTP 429636 R3-2018-0017 N
1120838 08/01/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 10. Violation None Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 148746 00-139 N
1120837 08/10/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg Violation None Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 148746 00-139 N
1120836 08/29/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120835 08/23/2023 Surface Water The monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 37.2 mg/L, resulting in the annual average Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120834 08/04/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120833 08/23/2023 Surface Water The monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 42.7 mg/L, resulting in the annual averag Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120832 08/01/2023 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0.8 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120831 08/31/2023 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average limit is 0.4 ug/L and reported value was 1. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120830 08/23/2023 Surface Water The monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 40.9 mg/L, resulting in the annual averag Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120829 08/03/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1120828 07/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring Biannual metals monitoring was conducted by the previous contract operator durin Violation N eSMR San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1120804 06/20/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1120803 06/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 60 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1120801 04/28/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1120800 03/23/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 ml/L and reported value was 34 ml/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1120794 07/28/2023 Deficient Monitoring Effluent flow rate required to be measured at ES-1. The City of Guadalupe has no Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1120793 07/25/2023 Deficient Monitoring Effluent flow rate required to be measured at ES-1. The City of Guadalupe has no Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1120792 05/10/2023 Deficient Monitoring Effluent flow rate required to be measured at ES-1. The City of Guadalupe has no Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1120791 04/05/2023 Deficient Monitoring Effluent flow rate required to be measured at ES-1. The City of Guadalupe has no Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1120790 02/27/2023 Deficient Monitoring Effluent flow rate required to be measured at ES-1. The City of Guadalupe has no Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1120788 09/25/2023 Late Report Pursuant to California Water Code section 13260, the City of Guadalupe must file Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 452803 R3-2020-0020 N
1120778 01/16/2023 Late Report Undisinfected Secondary Off-Specification Contingency Plan due January16, 2023. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1120776 06/14/2023 Late Report Recycled Water Reuse - Title 22 Engineering Report due June 14, 2023 has not bee Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1120444 06/23/2023 Other Codes The Central Coast Water Board has not received a complete report of waste discha Violation N Report Jalama Beach County Park WWTP 375084 97-010-DWQ Y
1120443 06/23/2023 Order Conditions Failure to submit to the Central Coast Water Board a complete report of waste di Violation N Report Jalama Beach County Park WWTP 375084 97-010-DWQ Y
1120442 06/23/2023 Order Conditions Failure to submit to the Central Coast Water Board new construction plans showin Violation N Report Jalama Beach County Park WWTP 375084 97-010-DWQ Y
1120441 08/17/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.31 SU at EFF-0 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1120440 08/04/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.40 SU at EFF-0 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1120379 08/02/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 90.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1120211 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to develop and implement an OERP. Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120209 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to complete regular cleaning of sewer pipes and manholes. Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120206 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to submit a ?No Spill? certification statement for 58 differ Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120205 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to complete regular visual and TV inspections of sewer pipes Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120204 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to meet the 30-calendar day certification requirement for fo Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120203 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to meet the 15-day certification requirement for three indiv Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120202 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to meet the 3-business day draft reporting requirement for t Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120201 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to update its CIWQS collection system questionnaire to accur Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120200 03/03/2023 Failure to Notify The Enrollee failed to report seven SSOs to CIWQS. Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120199 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to prepare and implement a fats, oil, and grease (FOG) contr Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120198 03/03/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee does not have any written standard operating procedures (SOPs). Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120197 03/07/2023 Order Conditions The Enrollee failed to develop and implement a written sewer system management p Violation None Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120196 03/11/2023 Unauthorized Discharge The Enrollee spilled 201,050 gallons of untreated sewage that reached surface wa Violation N Inspection Pajaro County Sanitation District Collection System 390052 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1120180 09/02/2023 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( MONNPDES ) (Biennial Metals 2023 (MRP Sect 4, Eff)) report f Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1120167 09/19/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection QUIROZ, JESUS Property 454433 None N
1120166 09/19/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection QUIROZ, JESUS Property 454431 None Y
1120165 09/20/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Trust, Baerwaldt Everett L - Shirley Living Property 454429 None N
1120157 05/11/2023 Deficient Reporting Site Closure Plan submitted 5/11/23 did not meet technical reporting requirement Violation N Report Eade Ranch Composting Facility 454396 None Y
1120095 09/02/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (effluent + receiving water) report for July 2023 (2189 Violation None Report Olive Springs Quarry 416593 R3-2017-0018 N
1120078 06/28/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1120077 05/19/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1120076 06/28/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 m Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1120075 05/23/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 m Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1120074 05/19/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 m Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1120073 05/12/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 m Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1120072 05/04/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/ Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1120070 06/06/2023 Order Conditions Total Nitrogen reduction of 50% was not met in September with a reported removal Violation None Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 Y
1120069 06/16/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU. Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1120068 06/30/2023 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1120067 04/01/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total 6-Month Median limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 257 mg/L. Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1120066 04/01/2023 CAT1 Chloride 6-Month Median limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 403 mg/L. Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1120065 01/09/2023 Surface Water As a direct result of the recent series of atmospheric river events, Cal Poly ex Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1120064 01/24/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is .080 kg/day and reported value was Violation N Report Mesa Dunes Mobile Home Estates 146934 94-042 N
1120057 09/12/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Thoum, Bora Property 454364 None Y
1120017 05/30/2023 OEV Total Coliform 20% for 30 days limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 11 Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1120008 03/15/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU. Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1120007 06/06/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1120006 04/07/2023 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1120005 03/17/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1120004 01/24/2023 Groundwater Coliform limit is 2.2 MPN, and reported values were 7 MPN and 4.5 MPN at MW 4 an Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1120003 01/24/2023 Groundwater TDS limit is 990 mg/L, reported values were 1160 mg/L and 1160 mg/L at MW 1 and Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1120002 04/07/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 75.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1120001 06/07/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 6.325 m Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1120000 04/12/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 1.85 mg Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1119999 08/01/2023 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.82 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1119970 09/08/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Complaint BAERWALDT , EVERETT L Property 454286 None N
1119969 09/08/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Complaint BAERWALDT , EVERETT L Property 454286 None N
1119963 01/24/2023 Groundwater GW sulfate limit is 205 mg/L, reported values were 438 mg/L, 235 mg/L, 322 mg/L, Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1119962 01/24/2023 Groundwater GW nitrate limit is 8 mg/L, GW nitrate values were 23.1 mg/L, 24.3 mg/L, and 23. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1119961 03/08/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of Boron. Limit = 0.2 mg/L, Val Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119960 03/08/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of Sodium. Limit = 90 mg/L, Val Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119959 03/08/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of Chloride. Limit = 95 mg/L, V Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119958 06/06/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of Chloride. Limit = 95 mg/L, V Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119957 03/08/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of Chloride. Limit = 95 mg/L, V Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119956 03/08/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Well #3 was found to be in exceedance of TDS. Limit = 710 mg/L, Value Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119951 06/05/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.87 feet. Violation None Report Dole Fresh Vegetables, Inc. 399691 R3-2004-0066 N
1119950 03/09/2023 Groundwater MW-1 Nitrate value was 43.6 mg/L and the limit is 10.0 mg/L Violation N Report Dole Fresh Vegetables, Inc. 399691 R3-2004-0066 N
1119935 06/06/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of TDS. Limit = 710 mg/L, Value Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119934 03/08/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of TDS. Limit = 710 mg/L, Value Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119933 04/01/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119932 03/08/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average limit is 45.0 Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119931 01/01/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 25.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119930 04/01/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 30. Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119929 03/01/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 30. Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119921 04/30/2023 Late Report Failed to submit H2 2022 report by 04/30/2023 Violation None eSMR Seminis San Juan Bautista null None N
1119920 10/30/2022 Late Report Failed to submit H1 2022 report by 10/30/2022 Violation None eSMR Seminis San Juan Bautista null None N
1119919 04/30/2022 Late Report Failed to submit H2 2021 report by 04/30/2022 Violation None eSMR Seminis San Juan Bautista null None N
1119918 10/30/2021 Late Report Failed to submit H1 2021 report by 10/30/2021 Violation None eSMR Seminis San Juan Bautista null None N
1119917 04/30/2021 Late Report Failed to submit H2 2020 report by 04/30/2021 Violation None eSMR Seminis San Juan Bautista null None N
1119916 10/30/2020 Late Report Failed to submit H1 2020 report by 10/30/2020 Violation None eSMR Seminis San Juan Bautista null None N
1119915 04/30/2020 Late Report Failed to submit H2 2019 report by 04/30/2020 Violation None eSMR Seminis San Juan Bautista null None N
1119803 06/24/2023 Order Conditions Rancho Paso HOA violated Permit section A.5 on June 24, 2023 and July 16, 2023, Violation None Report Rancho Paso MHP 145143 91-029 - NAR Y
1119799 06/24/2023 Order Conditions Rancho Paso HOA violated Permit section A.5 on June 24, 2023 and July 16, 2023, Violation None Report Rancho Paso MHP 145143 91-029 - NAR Y
1119798 06/24/2023 Order Conditions Rancho Paso HOA violated Permit section A.5 on June 24, 2023 and July 16, 2023, Violation None Report Rancho Paso MHP 145143 91-029 - NAR Y
1119797 06/24/2023 Order Conditions Rancho Paso HOA violated Permit section A.2 by overflowing sewage on June 24, 20 Violation None Report Rancho Paso MHP 145143 91-029 - NAR Y
1119796 06/24/2023 Order Conditions Rancho Paso HOA violated Permit section A.1 by discharging to an area prohibited Violation N Report Rancho Paso MHP 145143 91-029 - NAR Y
1119770 07/28/2023 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1119768 02/21/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119767 02/21/2023 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 262 mg/L. Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119766 03/16/2023 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 1.1 mg/L. Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119765 02/21/2023 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 1.8 mg/L. Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119764 01/19/2023 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 0.7 mg/L. Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119763 03/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119762 02/28/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119761 01/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119760 03/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119759 02/28/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119758 01/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1119738 07/23/2023 OEV Total Coliform 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 240 CFU/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR Los Osos Water Recycling Facility 379559 R3-2011-0001 N
1119711 07/25/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation Violation N Inspection ENZ, RUSSELL G Property 453579 None Y
1119593 07/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 30.9 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 61 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119592 07/06/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119591 07/05/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119590 07/07/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119589 07/03/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119588 07/02/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119587 07/01/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119586 07/20/2023 Surface Water The Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 37.3 mg/L, resulting in the annual averag Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119584 07/20/2023 Surface Water The Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 35.8 mg/L, resulting in the annual averag Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119571 07/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1119570 07/22/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 45 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1119569 07/20/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1119568 07/18/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1119567 07/14/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1119562 08/01/2023 Deficient Monitoring The influent had a petroleum substance come through affection the UV system caus Violation None Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1119557 04/30/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 206.5 mg/L a Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1119556 07/17/2023 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.56 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1119528 06/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1119527 06/30/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 233.25 mg/L Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1119526 05/31/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 211.6 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1119525 06/30/2023 CAT1 Ammonia, Unionized (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0.025 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1119405 06/30/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value was 16 Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119333 08/21/2023 Late Report Annual Report due date was 01/17/2023 Violation None Report Jalama Beach County Park WWTP 375084 97-010-DWQ N
1119324 04/30/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119322 04/21/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119321 04/21/2023 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125.0 mg/L and reported value was 333 mg Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119320 04/21/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119319 04/17/2023 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.57 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119315 08/05/2023 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Recycled Water Mngmnt Plan Phase 1 - Order Sect 6 Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1119238 08/02/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Maldonado, Carmen R Property 453945 None Y
1119235 08/02/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (effluent + receiving water) report for June 2023 (2189 Violation None Report Olive Springs Quarry 416593 R3-2017-0018 N
1119234 08/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q2 2023 (2672274) was due on 01-AUG-23 Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1119230 08/02/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (NPDES Mon Rpt Monthly) report for June 2023 (2705561) Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1119228 08/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Eff (MRP Sect. 4)) report for Q2 2023 (2650572) was Violation None Report Montecito SD WWTP 449423 R3-2022-0010 N
1119195 06/05/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1119176 12/22/2022 Deficient Monitoring Several late/missing monitoring reports from 2015-2022. Missing reports have bee Violation None Report REFUGIO STATE BEACH Onsite WW Treatment System 144586 90-04302 N
1119174 06/01/2023 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 11 Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1119173 06/22/2023 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1119172 06/14/2023 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5.0 % and reported value was 20.38 %. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1119171 05/20/2023 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 5.0 % and reported value was 5.63 %. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1119170 06/02/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 NTU and reported value was 10.05 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1119168 05/29/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 NTU and reported value was 10.05 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1119167 05/20/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 NTU and reported value was 10.05 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1119166 04/17/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 NTU and reported value was 10.08 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1119165 06/02/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 NTU and reported value was 10.04 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119164 05/20/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 NTU and reported value was 10.05 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119163 05/29/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 NTU and reported value was 10.05 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119162 04/17/2023 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 NTU and reported value was 10.8 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1119154 05/01/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 0 Violation N Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119153 06/01/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30 m Violation N Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119152 06/01/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119151 05/01/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119150 01/01/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119147 01/01/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard Daily Minimum limit is 2 feet and reported value was 1 feet. Violation N Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 448164 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119146 01/01/2023 OEV Effluent pH minimum of 6.5 violated 8 times in August. Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 147269 98-010 N
1119145 01/01/2023 Deficient Monitoring Monitoring not completed during H1 2023 for influent settleable solids, influent Violation None Report Cachuma Lake Recreation Area WWTP 147269 98-010 N
1119143 04/05/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 172.5 m Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1119142 04/05/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 207.5 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1119125 06/27/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1119124 06/20/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1119123 04/19/2023 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.12 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1119121 04/12/2023 Groundwater MW-6 and MW-2 chloride limit is 150 mg/L and reported values were 573 and 188 mg Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1119120 04/12/2023 Groundwater MW-6 sodium limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 273 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1119119 04/12/2023 Groundwater MW-6 TDS limit is 1200 mg/L and reported value was 1300 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1119118 04/12/2023 Groundwater MW-2 total nitrogen limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was 7.63 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1119116 04/26/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 60.0 mg/L Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1119115 04/26/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average of Daily Aver Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1119113 04/30/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 4 Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 449606 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119112 03/31/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 4 Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 449606 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119111 02/28/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 4 Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 449606 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119110 01/31/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 4 Violation N Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 449606 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119073 04/01/2023 Order Conditions Multiple 7-Day median Coliform violations with a value of 690 MPN on May 1. Violation N Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1119071 06/19/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 5.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119070 06/18/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 5.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119069 06/17/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.0 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119068 06/16/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.1 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119067 06/15/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119066 06/14/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119065 06/13/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119064 06/12/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119063 06/11/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119062 06/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 33.2 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119061 06/04/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119060 06/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 30.8 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119059 06/13/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119058 06/06/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119057 06/10/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119056 06/08/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119055 06/28/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119054 06/02/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119053 06/09/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.5 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119052 06/07/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119051 06/05/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119050 06/06/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119049 06/20/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 26 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119048 06/30/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119047 06/29/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119046 06/27/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119045 06/26/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119044 06/25/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119043 06/24/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119042 06/23/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 5.3 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119041 06/22/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 5.1 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119040 06/21/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 5.1 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119039 06/20/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 5.2 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119038 06/03/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.6 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119037 06/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 26.8 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 5 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119036 06/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 23.5 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119035 06/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 466 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 501 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119034 06/27/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119033 06/01/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.7 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119031 06/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring Did not sample GW-001 for Total B, Na, SO4, TDS, NO3-N, CL, and Conductivity bec Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119030 06/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring Did not sample for acute toxicity, due to be overgrown brush.. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119029 06/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring Did not sample GW-002 for Total B, Na, SO4, TDS, NO3-N, CL, and Conductivity. Th Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1119015 06/30/2023 Deficient Monitoring Total Dissolved Solids at RCY-001 has a minimum sampling frequency listed as qu Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1118803 05/16/2023 Other Codes Failure to Submit Accurate and Complete Enrollment Information to Obtain Regulat Violation None Report Wish Farms Ca Ranch 17, 9, 19, 3, Etc (AW4955) 453707 None Y
1118802 05/05/2023 Other Codes Failure to Obtain Regulatory Coverage in violation of Water Code section 13260. Violation N Report Wish Farms Ca Ranch 17, 9, 19, 3, Etc (AW4955) 453707 None Y
1118729 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 Total Nitrogen Applied Report by 3/1/22. Violation N Report Sunrise Ranch - Benito Valley Farm (AW3233) 438580 R3-2021-0040 Y
1118713 06/05/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1118712 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 Total Nitrogen Applied Report by 3/1/22. Violation N Report Big Hill, El Rancho Triple M (AW3774) 401386 R3-2021-0040 Y
1118711 06/05/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 190.0 mg Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1118710 06/05/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1118709 08/31/2021 Late Report Failure to conduct subsurface disposal monitoring in August, September, October, Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1118708 04/11/2023 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 450 mg/L. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1118705 04/03/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1118704 03/01/2023 Order Conditions Failure to adequately maintain a septic tank. Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1118699 01/17/2023 Late Report Water Boards have not received the Annual 2022 report due 1/16/2023 Violation None Report LAGUNA BLANCA SCHOOL Onsite WW Treatment System 377681 97-010-DWQ Y
1118698 09/01/2022 Order Conditions Failure to have staff properly trained to operate enhanced treatment system suff Violation N Inspection LAGUNA BLANCA SCHOOL Onsite WW Treatment System 377681 97-010-DWQ Y
1118697 06/08/2023 CAT1 Nitrite Plus Nitrate (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 17 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 449668 R3-2022-0046 N
1118694 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 Total Nitrogen Applied Report by 3/1/22. Violation N Report 755 East Hwy 246 (AW4690) 451504 R3-2021-0040 Y
1118685 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 Total Nitrogen Applied Report by 3/1/22. Violation N Report E&A Farming-Los Alamos Ranch (AW5012) 443650 R3-2021-0040 Y
1118667 06/10/2023 OEV Total Coliform Other limit is 0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 0 MPN/100 mL a Violation N eSMR Pajaro Valley WMA and City of Watsonville Water Reclamation 359226 R3-2008-0039 N
1118664 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 Total Nitrogen Applied Report for Sisquoc Ranch. Violation N Report Sinton Ranch, SISQUOC RANCH, NURSERY, Ramco (AW1620) 447115 R3-2021-0040 Y
1118663 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 Total Nitrogen Applied Report for Sinton Ranch. Violation N Report Sinton Ranch, SISQUOC RANCH, NURSERY, Ramco (AW1620) 447115 R3-2021-0040 Y
1118662 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 Total Nitrogen Applied Report for Ramco ranch. Violation N Report Sinton Ranch, SISQUOC RANCH, NURSERY, Ramco (AW1620) 447115 R3-2021-0040 Y
1118653 01/31/2023 Order Conditions Failure to submit Report of Waste Discharge Violation N Report Santa Cruz Co Medium Security 186426 97-010-DWQ Y
1118643 05/30/2023 Groundwater boron in monitoring well MW-2 exceeded the RWL of 0.5 mg/L at 0.59 mg/L. Violation None eSMR Texaco San Ardo Reclamation PL 296604 R3-2005-0070 N
1118642 05/30/2023 Groundwater Nitrogen (as N) indicated in monitoring well MW-1 marginally exceeded the RWL of Violation None eSMR Texaco San Ardo Reclamation PL 296604 R3-2005-0070 N
1118590 05/13/2023 Deficient Monitoring On May 13th a coliform sample was dropped off at the outside lab on a Saturday w Violation N eSMR Pasatiempo Golf Club Recycled Water Project (System No. 4490004) 412392 R3-2017-0001 N
1118572 07/25/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unpermitted commerical cannabis cultivation site. A field notice was left on sit Violation N Inspection ENZ, RUSSELL G Property 453579 None Y
1118493 07/13/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection VELASQUEZ, FRANCISCO GABRIEL Property 453535 None N
1118483 07/04/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for May 2023 (2696492) was due on 03-JUL-23 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1118468 07/14/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection HORAN, GERALD E & Horan, Jennifer C Property 453488 None Y
1118405 12/02/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported va Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118396 01/11/2023 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 259.0 mg/L and reported value was 327 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118395 01/11/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118392 04/12/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 290 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118391 04/26/2023 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.53 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118388 04/12/2023 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 259.0 mg/L and reported value was 319 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118387 02/08/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 290 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118367 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 Total Nitrogen Applied (TNA) Report by 3/1/2022. Violation N Report Ocean Field Ranch (AW4822) 451525 R3-2021-0040 Y
1118346 03/11/2023 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 0.2 NTU and reported value was 0.28 NTU. Violation None Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1118328 11/09/2022 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1118327 01/01/2023 Deficient Monitoring No Flow monitoring for January through December 2022 Violation None Report Live Oak Camp Lake Cachuma 131427 02-0112 N
1118321 05/28/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.66 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118320 05/27/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.85 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118319 05/26/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.84 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118318 05/25/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.84 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118317 05/30/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.48 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118316 05/24/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.94 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118315 05/29/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.65 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118314 05/31/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.36 SU at M-002. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118308 05/09/2023 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 259.0 mg/L and reported value was 316.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118307 05/03/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 290.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1118241 05/13/2023 Deficient Monitoring Due to staffing issues an effluent total chlorine residual sample was not taken Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1118176 06/28/2023 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Lobue, Tony Victor Property 453281 None N
1118160 05/23/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-003 was 23.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 70 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118159 05/23/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 31.7 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118158 05/23/2023 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 480 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 508 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118157 05/23/2023 Deficient Monitoring R-005 was not accessable due to standing water and heavy brush in the trail. Una Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118156 05/31/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118155 05/23/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 24.7 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 54 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118154 05/23/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-003 was 31.1 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118152 05/10/2023 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at M-001. May 10, 2023, 10 pieces of plastic were fou Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1118017 06/14/2023 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit monthly monitoring and maintenance reports Violation None Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1118016 06/13/2023 Order Conditions Failure to report wastewater discharge Violation N Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1117884 01/01/2023 Order Conditions Repeated exceedances of single sample maximum for total coliform through Jan, Fe Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117883 01/01/2023 Order Conditions Repeated exceedances of one sample taken over a 30-day range total coliform for Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117882 01/01/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10 m Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117881 01/18/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117879 01/01/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117878 01/18/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117877 01/01/2023 Order Conditions Repeated total coliform 7-day median concentration exceedances through January, Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117753 06/12/2023 Deficient Reporting Monterey County Parks Division has failed to submit the report of waste discharg Violation None Complaint Laguna Seca Recreation Area 146989 95-032 N
1117722 08/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit a Report of Waste Discharge Violation N Report Laguna Seca Recreation Area 146989 95-032 Y
1117719 08/01/2022 Order Conditions Conditions of the plant, signage, and -processes were not up to permit requireme Violation None Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1117637 10/13/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 2.1 mg/ Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1117636 12/29/2022 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 150000.0 GPD and reported value was 166806 GPD. Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1117634 03/14/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 150000.0 GPD and reported value was 164465 GPD. Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1117633 03/11/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 150000.0 GPD and reported value was 174312 GPD. Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1117570 06/02/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion caused 400.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Ma Violation N SSO Santa Cruz City CS 301229 2022-0103-DWQ N
1117566 01/06/2022 OEV Effluent pH violation: limit is 6.5 and reported value is 6.0 Violation None Report San Jerardo WWTP 132422 03-0054 Y
1117517 04/19/2023 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1117414 04/25/2023 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1.0 TUc and re Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1117413 04/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-003 was 24.9 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 71 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1117412 04/20/2023 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1117411 04/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab at R-004 was 453 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 511 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1117410 04/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-004 was 24.1 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 58 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1117409 04/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-004 was 32.5 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1117408 04/20/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-003 was 32.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1117339 12/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117338 11/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117337 10/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117336 09/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117335 08/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117334 06/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117333 05/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117332 03/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117331 01/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117330 02/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117329 01/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1117119 12/08/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 450 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117118 12/08/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 410 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117117 12/08/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117116 11/08/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 189.0 mg Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117115 11/22/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117114 11/08/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117113 11/29/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117112 11/22/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117111 11/15/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117110 05/08/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117109 11/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117108 10/20/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117107 10/25/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117106 10/20/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117105 10/11/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117104 10/05/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117053 09/30/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 35 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117052 09/29/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 92 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117051 09/27/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 16 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117050 08/31/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 16 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117049 08/25/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 92 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117048 08/02/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117047 07/15/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117046 09/30/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 217 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117045 09/30/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117044 09/29/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117043 09/23/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117042 09/16/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117041 09/09/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117040 08/05/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 151 mg/L. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117039 07/21/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 220.0 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117038 08/05/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 182 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117037 07/21/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 230 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117036 07/21/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117035 08/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117034 07/22/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117033 07/14/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117032 08/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117031 07/21/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117030 07/14/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117029 07/07/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117028 08/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117027 07/07/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117026 05/26/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117025 05/22/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117024 05/21/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117023 05/20/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117022 05/18/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117021 05/16/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117020 05/15/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117019 05/14/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117018 05/07/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117017 05/05/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117016 05/02/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117015 05/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117014 04/29/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117013 04/27/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117012 04/25/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117011 04/19/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117010 06/01/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 179.0 mg Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117009 04/29/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 164 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117008 05/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117007 05/23/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117006 05/17/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117005 05/09/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117004 05/04/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117003 04/25/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117002 04/18/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117001 04/11/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1117000 04/06/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1116999 05/04/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1116998 06/17/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1116997 06/01/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1116996 05/05/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported va Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1116995 04/29/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1116915 04/30/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reporte Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1116914 04/08/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 Y
1116913 04/05/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 ml/L and reported value was 3 ml/L Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 Y
1116867 02/28/2023 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 270.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1116866 03/13/2023 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1116865 03/16/2023 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1116852 03/04/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1116845 05/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) (POTW compliance) report for Q1 2023 (2723807) was due Violation None Report Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1116844 02/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) (POTW compliance) report for Q4 2022 (2723806) was due Violation None Report Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1116843 11/02/2022 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) (POTW compliance) report for Q3 2022 (2723805) was due Violation None Report Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1116842 08/02/2022 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) (POTW compliance) report for Q2 2022 (2723804) was due Violation None Report Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1116759 05/13/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 295.0 gallons of sewage to spil Violation N SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1116750 05/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Eff (MRP Sect. 4)) report for Q1 2023 (2650571) was Violation None Report Montecito SD WWTP 449423 R3-2022-0010 N
1116748 05/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONRPT ) ((Conditional) Hauled Saline Wst Program (MRP Sect 9.3) Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1116744 05/02/2023 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q1 2023 (2672273) was due on 01-MAY-23 Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1116644 05/01/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONRPT ) (Recycled Wtr Vol, MRP Sect. 7.2 [Rpt to GT]) report for Violation None Report Montecito SD WWTP 449423 R3-2022-0010 N
1116504 01/12/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1116495 05/01/2023 Deficient Reporting Q1 Pretreatment Report was not submitted by the 5/1/2023 deadline. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1116484 12/12/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition Placing or disposal of sand, silt, clay, bark, slash, sawdust, or other organic Violation None Inspection Rocky Creek Sediment Removal Project 452559 None Y
1116483 12/12/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition The discharge or threatened discharge of sand, silt, clay, bark, slash, sawdust, Violation None Inspection Rocky Creek Sediment Removal Project 452559 None Y
1116482 09/22/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition The placing or disposal of soil, silt, bark, slash, sawdust, or other organic an Violation None Inspection Rocky Creek Sediment Removal Project 452559 None Y
1116481 09/22/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition The discharge or threatened discharge of soil, silt, bark, slash, sawdust, or ot Violation N Inspection Rocky Creek Sediment Removal Project 452559 None Y
1116479 03/08/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition The placing or disposal of soil, silt, bark, slash, sawdust, or other organic an Violation None Inspection Rocky Creek Sediment Removal Project 452559 None Y
1116478 03/08/2022 Basin Plan Prohibition The discharge or threatened discharge of soil, silt, bark, slash, sawdust, or ot Violation N Inspection Rocky Creek Sediment Removal Project 452559 None Y
1116477 04/26/2023 Order Conditions Performing washdown of WWTP equipment on bare soil is a violation of General Per Violation None Inspection Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1116476 04/26/2023 Deficient Reporting Monitoring and Reporting Program No. R3-2022-0023 requires turbidity measurement Violation None Inspection Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1116475 04/26/2023 Order Conditions Water softeners are prohibited in Santa Barbara County. Staff?s review of the Re Violation None Inspection Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1116474 04/26/2023 Order Conditions Central Coast Water Board Staff discussed with facility operators that, of main Violation None Inspection Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1116427 02/03/2023 Order Conditions Disposing of wastewater on land that isn't controlled by the city Violation N Inspection Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1116426 02/03/2023 Order Conditions Allowing the discharge of treated wastewater from the conveyance ditch onto an a Violation N Inspection Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1116425 10/31/2022 Order Conditions Failure to submit the site remediation plan as required by Required Action No. 1 Violation N Report Duarte Property 448813 R3-2022-0028 Y
1116256 03/31/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1116255 03/31/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 12 ug/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1116254 03/31/2023 CAT1 Aluminum, Total Monthly Average limit is 1000 ug/L and reported value was 1100 u Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1116144 03/08/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-003 was 37 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 74 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1116143 03/08/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-004 was 38 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 80 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1116142 03/08/2023 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab at R-004 was 433 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 515mg/ Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1116141 03/08/2023 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1116140 03/08/2023 Deficient Monitoring Did not sample for plastic at M-001 outfall. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1116139 03/08/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-003 was 30 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 72.4 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1116138 03/08/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-004 was 30 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 61 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1116137 03/31/2023 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average limit is 0.40 ug/L and reported value was 0 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1116136 03/08/2023 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab at R-003 was 425 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 506mg/ Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1116135 03/10/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 15000 GPD and reported value was 19335 GPD at EFF-00 Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1116134 03/09/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 15000 GPD and reported value was 16127 GPD at EFF-00 Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1116084 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1116083 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1116082 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1116081 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1116080 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1116079 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1116059 03/24/2023 OEV Flow 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0.041 MGD and reported value was 0.043 MGD. Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1116058 02/28/2023 OEV Flow 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0.041 MGD and reported value was 0.046 MGD. Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1116057 01/02/2023 OEV Flow 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0.041 MGD and reported value was 0.046 MGD. Violation N Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1116044 01/14/2023 Order Conditions Freeboard was measured at 1.5 ft. Minimum allowed freeboard is 2 ft. Violation None Report Davenport WWTP 146985 95-027 N
1116004 01/01/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 10000 GPD and reported value was 12520 GPD. Violation None Report San Lorenzo Valley HS 147274 98-016 N
1115985 11/05/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ A transfer pump used to drain the biofilter into the post-treatment holding tank Violation N Report Windset Farms 401419 R3-2015-0007 N
1115984 09/20/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Mission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center 399531 R3-2014-0025 N
1115981 01/31/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 Y
1115974 03/08/2023 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth 24-hour Average limit is 1.0 TUc and reported Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1115848 03/10/2023 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 3.0 ml/L and reported value was 4.0 ml/ Violation N eSMR San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1115827 03/22/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Damage by Others Not Related to CS Construction/Maintenance (S Violation N SSO Carmel Area Wastewater District Collection System 301218 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1115814 01/08/2023 Deficient Monitoring Weekly effluent monitoring was not completed between January 8-14 of 2023. Weekl Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1115813 10/11/2022 Groundwater Exceedances at Well #1 of Nitrate (154 mg/L), Sulfate (1210 mg/L), and TDS (3350 Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1115812 10/11/2022 Groundwater Chloride limit is 250 mg/L reported value is 277 m/L. Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1115809 01/17/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1115741 11/08/2022 Order Conditions Discharging wastewater offsite that wasn?t the result of a chronic or catastroph Violation None Inspection Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 Y
1115740 11/08/2022 Order Conditions Failure to protect wastewater ponds and manure areas from inundation, washout, o Violation None Inspection Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 Y
1115737 11/08/2022 Order Conditions Failure to prepare a a solid waste and sludge water management plan Violation None Inspection Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 Y
1115736 11/08/2022 Order Conditions Failure to prepare a nutrient and irrigation water management plan Violation N Inspection Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 Y
1115630 11/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1115629 10/03/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 147283 98-060 N
1115628 05/20/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1115627 04/26/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1115626 01/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Subsurface Disposal Area Monitoring was not conducted. Violation None Report Cold Canyon Landfill 419466 2014-0153-DWQ N
1115625 04/19/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 3. Grease Deposition (FOG);The mainline blocked of with grease. c Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1115624 10/04/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 20 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1115622 10/25/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1115621 10/25/2022 Groundwater Groundwater Nitrate Limitation (8 mg/L) was violated. Result: 10.0 mg/L Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 144278 87-110 N
1115620 12/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1115619 12/01/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.98 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1115615 12/01/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.56 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1115604 04/20/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Construction Diversion Failure;Bypass pump stopped pumping. ca Violation N SSO Atascadero Collection System 300071 2022-0103-DWQ N
1115584 10/01/2022 Order Conditions The DU is permitted for 375 Animal Units (AU) of cattle, and had a population of Violation None Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1115582 03/29/2023 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1115581 01/27/2023 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1115580 01/03/2023 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 124.0 mg/L and reported value was 160.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1115579 01/03/2023 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 121.0 mg/L and reported value was 150.0 mg/ Violation None Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1115576 10/01/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1115575 10/01/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 430.0 mg/L and reported value was 458.0 Violation None Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1115297 03/31/2023 CAT1 Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Percent Removal Monthly Average limit is 85 % and re Violation N eSMR Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1115161 02/14/2023 Deficient Monitoring Plastic sampling at the outfall due to weather conditions and the flow was to st Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1115160 02/21/2023 Surface Water The Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 46.3 mg/L; resulting in the annual averag Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1115159 02/07/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1115158 02/16/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1115157 02/21/2023 Surface Water The Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 32.3 mg/L; resulting in the annual average Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1115156 02/21/2023 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003. They range from 28 mm to 2 mm in length. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1115155 02/21/2023 Surface Water The Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 34.7 mg/L; resulting in the annual average Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1115154 02/21/2023 Surface Water The Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 557 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 5 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1115153 02/28/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1115152 02/21/2023 Surface Water The Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 536 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 5 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1115151 02/28/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1115150 02/01/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1115149 02/21/2023 Surface Water The Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 44.3 mg/L; resulting in the annual averag Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1115148 02/22/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1115147 02/14/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1115146 02/18/2023 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1115145 02/28/2023 CAT1 Aluminum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 1000.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1115144 02/28/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1115143 02/28/2023 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 10.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1115126 02/21/2023 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 160 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1115125 02/15/2023 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1115097 02/13/2023 CAT2 Heptachlor Monthly Average limit is 0.00005 ug/L and reported value was .000171 Violation N eSMR Monterey One Water Regional WWTP 429636 R3-2018-0017 N
1114997 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114996 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114995 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114994 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114993 02/01/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114992 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114924 03/26/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Rags;Between manholes F03-024 and F03-025 caused 800.0 Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1114808 02/22/2023 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1.0 TUc and re Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1114761 03/20/2023 Order Conditions Anonymous complaint about septic odors emanating from the Matteis' Tavern proper Violation None Complaint Mattei's Tavern 443159 2014-0153-DWQ N
1114742 03/17/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 2310 gallons of sewage to spill Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1114732 08/01/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 26.0 mg Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114731 07/01/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 59.0 mg Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114730 05/01/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 34.0 mg Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114729 04/01/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 21.0 mg Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114728 07/01/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4   and reported value was 8.8  . Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114727 08/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114726 07/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114725 05/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114724 04/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114723 12/01/2022 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 150000 GPD and reported value was 166806 GPD. Violation N Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1114719 03/15/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure caused 6652 gallons of sewage Violation N SSO Montecito SD CS 301777 2022-0103-DWQ N
1114670 03/13/2023 Order Conditions Facility feedstocks listed in the notice of intent and Technical Report are gree Violation None Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1114669 03/13/2023 Order Conditions The Discharger has not adequately reported events of noncompliance or notified C Violation None Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1114668 03/13/2023 Order Conditions The Discharger has not implemented sufficient corrective actions to address prev Violation None Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1114667 03/13/2023 Order Conditions The Discharger has not maintained the drainage conveyance systems to convey wast Violation None Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1114666 03/13/2023 Order Conditions The Discharger has not maintained Facility berms in good working condition and h Violation None Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1114665 03/13/2023 Order Conditions The Discharger discharged feedstock and compost outside of the designated compos Violation None Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1114664 03/13/2023 Order Conditions The Discharger has discharged waste (wastewater) to surface water (Pila Creek) w Violation None Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1114638 03/13/2023 Order Conditions The Discharger has not managed wastewater in accordance with the Facility?s appr Violation N Inspection Tajiguas Compost Management Unit 443847 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1114623 02/01/2023 Deficient Monitoring During the transition of lab personnel, the sample was inadvertently missed and Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1114584 03/02/2023 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Monthly sampling) report for January 2023 (2009484) wa Violation None Report Morro Bay/Cayucos WWTP 418033 R3-2017-0050 N
1114470 03/10/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Rainfall Exceeded Design, I and I (Separate CS Only);This lift Violation N SSO Cambria Csd CS 301204 2022-0103-DWQ N
1114332 11/20/2022 Late Report Failure to submit the indoor air sampling workplan by 11/19/2022 Violation None Report Former Shamrock Cleaners Site Cleanup 451882 None Y
1114105 01/31/2023 CAT1 Iron, Total Monthly Average limit is 1000 ug/L and reported value was 1300 ug/L Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1114104 01/31/2023 CAT1 Aluminum, Total Monthly Average limit is 1000.0 ug/L and reported value was 1900 Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1114103 01/31/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1114079 01/09/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 8260 lb/day and reported val Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1114064 01/26/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 26.4 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114063 01/17/2023 Deficient Monitoring Plastic monitoring was missed as hazardous conditions were present at M-001 outa Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114062 01/04/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1114061 01/31/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1114060 01/26/2023 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 24.5 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 7 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114059 01/24/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1114058 01/26/2023 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 452 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 511 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114057 01/26/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 35.8 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114056 01/26/2023 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 464 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 523 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114055 01/26/2023 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 34.9 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114053 01/26/2023 Deficient Monitoring Chlorophyl A was sampled at R-003, but the contract laboratory has not released Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114051 01/10/2023 Deficient Monitoring Weekly BOD and TSS analysis were not performed as samples were not collected. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1114048 01/01/2023 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 15000 GPD and reported value was 15426 GPD at EFF-00 Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1114047 01/01/2023 Deficient Monitoring There was no required sampling performed during ocean discharge for the month of Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1114011 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114010 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114009 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114008 01/24/2023 Deficient Monitoring Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114007 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114006 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1114005 01/24/2023 Deficient Monitoring Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operatio Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1113955 01/11/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 45 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR Montecito SD WWTP 449423 R3-2022-0010 N
1113718 02/18/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Vandalism caused 24675.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Manho Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1113562 11/30/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60.0 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1113560 01/09/2023 Deficient Monitoring Total Coliform Sample was not analyzed on this day. Flooding in County prevented Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1113558 02/17/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion caused 5940.0 gallons of sewage to spill from L Violation N SSO City of Morgan Hill CS 299990 2022-0103-DWQ N
1113407 12/11/2022 Unauthorized Discharge The WWTP's ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system closed the effluent discharge va Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1113388 02/02/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( SLUDGE ) (MRP section X (Biosolids)) report for 2022 (2313263) was Violation None Report Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1113372 02/02/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2022 (2553141) was due on 01-FEB-23 Violation None Report San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1113259 01/31/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Annual Report Limited Threat) report for 2023 (2655596 Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1113257 01/31/2023 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) (Facility Summary Report) report for 2022 (2361697) was d Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1113243 12/31/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 269.75 mg/L Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1113242 11/30/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 321.4 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1113241 10/31/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 345.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1113209 06/22/2022 Groundwater TDS, Sodium, and Chloride exceeding basin plan limits for Salinas Basin, 180' aq Violation None Report D'Arrigo Bros Fruit/Veg Processing Facility 170866 R3-2004-0066 N
1113206 10/19/2022 Groundwater Halo Acetic Acid levels of 496 ug/L discovered in the downgradient drainage chan Violation None Report True Leaf Farms Fruit & Veg Processing Facility 185259 R3-2004-0066 N
1113205 01/09/2023 Order Conditions The cover damage and slope failure on the Phase 1 final cover failed during a st Violation N Inspection Chicago Grade Landfill SWDS 448837 R3-2020-0001 Y
1113149 11/09/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 300.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1113148 11/09/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 259.0 mg/L and reported value was 331.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1113147 11/09/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Median limit is 1104 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1113146 01/18/2023 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 30   and reported value was 45   Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1113092 11/22/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Diane E. Holmgren Trust Property 451007 None N
1113091 10/20/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Valdez, Justin Property 451005 None Y
1113090 10/20/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Valdez, Justin Property 451005 None N
1113004 10/11/2022 Groundwater MW-2 total nitrogen limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was 8.2 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1113003 10/11/2022 Groundwater MW-6 sodium limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 200 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1113002 10/11/2022 Groundwater MW-6 TDS limit is 1200 mg/L and reported value was 1300 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1113001 10/11/2022 Groundwater MW-6 and MW-2 chloride limit is 150 mg/L and reported values were 590 and 180 mg Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 447918 R3-2020-0020 N
1112990 10/21/2022 Order Conditions San Lucas County Water District violated 2013 Standard Provisions and Reporting Violation None Inspection San Lucas WWTF 144125 89-076 Y
1112989 10/21/2022 Order Conditions 2013 Standard Provisions and Reporting Requirements, Section A - General Permit Violation None Inspection San Lucas WWTF 144125 89-076 Y
1112988 10/21/2022 Order Conditions Permit Section D, Provisions Item 3 requires compliance with Standard Provisions Violation None Inspection San Lucas WWTF 144125 89-076 Y
1112914 12/26/2022 OEV Turbidity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.27 NTU a Violation N eSMR Los Osos Water Recycling Facility 379559 R3-2011-0001 N
1112913 12/26/2022 OEV Turbidity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.27 NTU a Violation N eSMR Los Osos Water Recycling Facility 379559 R3-2011-0001 N
1112906 12/08/2022 OEV Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1112904 10/04/2022 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 ug/L and reported value was 17.8 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1112903 10/04/2022 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 ug/L and reported value was 2.1 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1112902 10/31/2022 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.56 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1112901 10/31/2022 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average limit is 0.40 ug/L and reported value was 2 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1112845 12/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample GW-002 for the following parameters: Total Boron, COD, Chlorid Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112844 12/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample GW-001 for the following parameters: Total Boron, COD, Chlorid Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112843 10/31/2022 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average limit is 1.8 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1112841 12/08/2022 Groundwater Nitrogen limit of 10 mg/L exceed at MW #1 and #2 Violation N Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1112807 12/21/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 80.6 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112806 12/21/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 65.8 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112805 12/21/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 60.2mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 66 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112804 12/21/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 47.4 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 7 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112803 12/06/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001 for weekly sampling during the month of Dece Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112802 12/21/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 583 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 526 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112801 12/21/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 588 mg/L; resulting in the annual average of 511 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1112800 12/13/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1112798 12/21/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1112797 12/28/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1112796 12/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1112790 05/31/2021 Unauthorized Discharge The Central Coast Water Board has evidence of land disturbance activities result Violation N Inspection Rancho Encantado 450921 None N
1112780 12/31/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1112779 12/31/2022 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 10.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1112777 05/24/2022 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Monterey One Water Regional WWTP 429636 R3-2018-0017 N
1112773 12/26/2022 OEV Turbidity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.3 NTU at Violation N eSMR Los Osos Water Recycling Facility 379559 R3-2011-0001 N
1112772 12/26/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 0 NTU at EFF-001 Violation N eSMR Los Osos Water Recycling Facility 379559 R3-2011-0001 N
1112771 01/26/2023 OEV Turbidity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 02.27 NTU Violation N eSMR Los Osos Water Recycling Facility 379559 R3-2011-0001 N
1112749 12/15/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 7.3 mg/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1112720 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1112719 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1112718 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1112717 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1112716 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1112609 01/09/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster;Broken sewer pipe on the bridge spanning Syca Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112441 12/03/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1112401 09/16/2022 Late Report Failure to submit monthly progress report due September 15, 2022 Violation None Report Former Semco Twist Drill and Tool Company Cleanup Site 450439 None Y
1112400 10/16/2022 Late Report Failure to submit monthly progress report due October 15, 2022 Violation N Report Former Semco Twist Drill and Tool Company Cleanup Site 450439 None Y
1112399 12/16/2022 Late Report Failure to submit monthly progress report due December 15, 2022 Violation None Report Former Semco Twist Drill and Tool Company Cleanup Site 450439 None Y
1112398 11/16/2022 Late Report Failure to submit monthly progress report due November 15, 2022 Violation N Report Former Semco Twist Drill and Tool Company Cleanup Site 450439 None Y
1112396 01/09/2023 Order Conditions Violation for employing an operator without a valid certificate and failure to m Violation N Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 450332 R3-2022-0077 Y
1112357 01/16/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Rainfall Exceeded Design, I and I (Separate CS Only) caused 37 Violation N SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112355 05/31/2022 Failure to Notify Missing all reports from 2019-2021 Violation N Report Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1112352 01/19/2023 Failure to Notify To date, the Central Coast Water Board has not received a report of waste discha Violation N Report Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1112351 01/19/2023 Order Conditions Requirement 1 of CAO No. R3-2022-0077 (Requirement 1) requires the Dischargers t Violation N Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 450332 R3-2022-0077 Y
1112350 12/04/2022 Order Conditions This report concerns an unauthorized discharge that occurred at the Cayucos Wate Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1112330 01/16/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Rainfall Exceeded Design, I and I (Separate CS Only) caused 14 Violation N SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112325 10/03/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 600.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 147283 98-060 N
1112268 01/11/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster caused 13440.0 gallons of sewage to spill fro Violation N SSO Montecito SD CS 301777 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112249 01/09/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster caused 21383 gallons of sewage to spill from Violation N SSO Lopez Lake Recreation Area CS 360115 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112245 01/16/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Flow Exceeded Capacity (Separate CS Only);Excessive flows due Violation N SSO Santa Cruz City CS 301229 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112233 01/14/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Rainfall Exceeded Design, I and I (Separate CS Only) caused 15 Violation N SSO Scotts Valley CS 299987 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112159 01/09/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster caused 640.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112157 01/09/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster caused 400.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Violation N SSO Atascadero Collection System 300071 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112154 01/09/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster caused 22300.0 gallons of sewage to spill fro Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112152 01/09/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster caused 4350.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112109 01/09/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster;Due to the high volume of storm runoff and hi Violation N SSO Atascadero Collection System 300071 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112094 01/09/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster;Natural Disaster, Received Heavy Rainfall, ca Violation N SSO City of Morro Bay CS 318584 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112011 01/08/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion caused 4601.0 gallons of sewage to spill from M Violation N SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1112009 01/10/2023 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Natural Disaster;State of California declared emergency https Violation N SSO Guadalupe City CS 301227 2022-0103-DWQ N
1111954 11/15/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found R-003. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111953 11/15/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-004 was 88.1 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111952 11/15/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-003 was 65.5 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111951 11/15/2022 Deficient Monitoring Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate was sampled on 11/15/2022, however, the contract la Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111950 11/15/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1111949 11/15/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab at R-004 was 536 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 520 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111948 11/15/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-003 was 220.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 7 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111947 11/15/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at M-001 during the month of November. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111946 11/15/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab at R-003 was 518 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 506 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111945 11/15/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-004 was 82.2 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 67 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1111910 10/05/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1111904 01/06/2023 Order Conditions Cattle limit of 375 exceeded each month of quarter: report 481 head in May, 420 Violation None Report CAL Poly - Dairy Sciences null None N
1111756 11/15/2022 Deficient Reporting No TSS monitoring on November 15th due to error at the testing lab. Violation N Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1111755 11/15/2022 Deficient Reporting No TSS monitoring on November 15th due to error at the testing lab. Violation N Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1111703 10/21/2022 Order Conditions Sampling Results and Methods. Permit Section D, Provisions, Item 2 requires comp Violation None Inspection Little Bear WWTP 143454 86-026 Y
1111702 10/21/2022 Order Conditions Chain of Custody. Permit Section D, Provisions, Item 3 requires compliance with Violation None Inspection Little Bear WWTP 143454 86-026 Y
1111701 10/21/2022 Order Conditions Flow Meter. Permit Section D, Provisions, Item 2 requires compliance with Standa Violation None Inspection Little Bear WWTP 143454 86-026 Y
1111700 10/21/2022 Order Conditions Force Main Monitoring. Permit Section D, Provisions, Item 6 specifies that a ?pr Violation None Inspection Little Bear WWTP 143454 86-026 Y
1111653 12/31/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG);We believe the spill was caused by gre Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1111604 11/01/2022 Surface Water The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream from the wastewater treatment plant an Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1111500 12/26/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion;The spill was caused by root intrusion into the Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1111442 12/23/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 20 gallons of sewage to spill f Violation N SSO Santa Cruz City CS 301229 2022-0103-DWQ N
1111403 12/19/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General caused 50.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Oth Violation N SSO Pismo Beach CS 299873 2022-0103-DWQ N
1111396 11/18/2022 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids sample not taken. Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1111364 11/30/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 42.6 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1111362 12/20/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General;Unknown blockage in City main was cleared when Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1111358 12/14/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Wyser, David and Wyser, Edith Property 450552 None Y
1111357 12/14/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Wyser, David and Wyser, Edith Property 450552 None N
1111344 11/17/2022 Order Conditions Improperly stored trash was observed on the property, both inside and outside of Violation None Inspection Crest and Canyon Ranch 422514 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1111343 11/17/2022 Order Conditions Evidence of erosion in the form of rills and gullies was present on access road Violation None Inspection Crest and Canyon Ranch 422514 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1111342 11/17/2022 Order Conditions Sediment control wattles with plastic monofilament netting and other plastic mat Violation None Inspection Crest and Canyon Ranch 422514 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1111341 11/17/2022 Order Conditions Erosion and sediment control measures in the form of wattles and gravel bags wer Violation None Inspection Crest and Canyon Ranch 422514 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1111340 11/17/2022 Order Conditions Evidence of erosion in the form of rills and gullies was present around cultivat Violation None Inspection Crest and Canyon Ranch 422514 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1111339 11/17/2022 Order Conditions Cannabis-related disturbed area was present within the riparian setbacks of an i Violation None Inspection Crest and Canyon Ranch 422514 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1111337 09/26/2022 Order Conditions The Enrollee does not have records of training related to the Collection System. Violation N Inspection Guadalupe City CS 301227 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1111336 09/26/2022 Order Conditions The Enrollee has not conducted SSMP audits. Violation N Inspection Guadalupe City CS 301227 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1111335 09/26/2022 Order Conditions The Enrollee's SSMP has not been updated every five years. Violation N Inspection Guadalupe City CS 301227 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1111334 09/26/2022 Order Conditions The Enrollee lacks a FOG Control Program. Violation N Inspection Guadalupe City CS 301227 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1111323 08/25/2022 Order Conditions Costanoa violated 2013 Standard Provision section B.3 by not sending some of the Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111322 08/25/2022 Order Conditions Costanoa violated Permit section E.11 by not installing a diversion pipe. The Fa Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111321 08/25/2022 Order Conditions Costanoa violated Permit section C.14 by not using purple color pipe in their re Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111320 08/25/2022 Order Conditions Costanoa violated Permit section C.28 by not having an off-specification conting Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111319 08/25/2022 Order Conditions Costanoa violated Permit section C.28 by not having an off-specification conting Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111318 08/25/2022 Order Conditions Costanoa violated Permit section C.27 by not implementing an off-specification c Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111317 08/25/2022 Order Conditions Costanoa violated Permit section C.20 by not keeping all equipment in reliable o Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111316 08/25/2022 Order Conditions Costanoa violated Permit section C.6 by not displaying the required signage Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111314 08/25/2022 Order Conditions The pipeline connecting the wastewater treatment plant to the holding pond is be Violation N Inspection Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1111303 10/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 87.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1111302 10/05/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 850.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1111271 01/31/2022 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Annual Report Limited Threat) report for 2022 (2655595 Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1111252 10/12/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Median limit is 1104 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1111251 10/12/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 350.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1111250 10/12/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 259.0 mg/L and reported value was 332.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1111249 10/21/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.61 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1111243 11/27/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.79 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1111232 09/23/2022 Order Conditions Violation of General Permit provision E.12.k for failure to comply with PCRs sec Violation N Inspection Paso Robles Municipal SW 185787 2003-0005-DWQ N
1111231 05/13/2022 Order Conditions Violation of General Permit provision E.12.k for failure to comply with PCRs sec Violation N Inspection Paso Robles Municipal SW 185787 2003-0005-DWQ N
1111230 05/13/2022 Order Conditions Violation of General Permit provision E.12.k for failure to comply with PCRs sec Violation N Inspection Paso Robles Municipal SW 185787 2003-0005-DWQ N
1111193 11/04/2022 CAT1 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1111132 06/29/2022 Order Conditions Pursuant to General Permit Section B.2. ?Wastewater ponds must contain permanent Violation None Inspection Greenfield WWTP, City of 447519 R3-2020-0020 N
1111131 11/09/2022 Groundwater The dairy contains two non-engineered storage ponds that are used to store olive Violation None Inspection Cuyama Dairy 131363 R3-2002-0085 N
1111130 11/09/2022 Order Conditions Mature cows are being composted onsite on native soil with dairy generated manur Violation None Inspection Cuyama Dairy 131363 R3-2002-0085 N
1111115 06/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring Failure to submit 2022 annual report Violation N Report Alvarez Ace Hardware 404238 None Y
1111012 12/04/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 100 gallons of sewage to spill Violation N SSO Pacific Grove City CS 376632 2022-0103-DWQ N
1110948 10/22/2022 OEV Total Coliform 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation N Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 N
1110947 07/20/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Minimum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 N
1110946 10/15/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 N
1110945 10/14/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 6. Violation N Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 N
1110944 12/03/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General;Building Maintenance snaked the line and cleare Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1110928 05/05/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Lion's Gate Reserve 147253 97-050 N
1110927 10/08/2022 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.26 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1110926 10/24/2022 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.1 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1110870 10/11/2022 Deficient Monitoring Total Coliform on RCY-001 must be analyzed at a daily frequency on a grab sample Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1110780 10/04/2022 Surface Water The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream from the wastewater treatment plant an Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1110745 10/03/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003, during the month of October. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1110744 10/03/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 117 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1110743 10/03/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 530, resulting in the annual average of 524 mg/L; Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1110742 10/03/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 79.2 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1110741 10/03/2022 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 3.6 ug/L and reported Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1110740 10/03/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in M-001, during the month of October. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1110739 10/03/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 108 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1110738 10/03/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium gram at R-004 was 77.4 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1110737 10/03/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 478 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 506 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1110666 11/29/2022 Enforcement Action Failure to submit weekly reports starting on Friday, November 25, 2022, and ever Violation N Report Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 450332 R3-2022-0077 Y
1110665 11/24/2022 Enforcement Action Failure to reduce wastewater levels in all WWTP basins to a minimum of two feet Violation N Report Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 450332 R3-2022-0077 Y
1110617 10/27/2022 Order Conditions Failure to operate facility with proper certification Violation N Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110615 10/20/2022 Late Report Failure to submit quarterly reports for: Quarter 1, 2022 due April 20, 2022 Quar Violation None Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110614 11/29/2022 Order Conditions Failure to have safeguards in place Violation None Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110613 09/22/2022 Order Conditions Failure to take reasonable steps to minimize or prevent discharge Violation None Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110612 09/09/2021 Order Conditions Failure to properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment Violation None Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110611 08/30/2022 Order Conditions Creating a habitat for carriers of pathogenic microorganisms Violation None Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110610 08/30/2022 Order Conditions Collection, treatment, or discharge of waste is creating a nuisance Violation None Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110609 09/22/2022 Order Conditions Unauthorized discharge to ground Violation None Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110608 09/22/2022 Order Conditions Failure to keep a generator on site Violation N Inspection Big Basin Woods Subdivision WWTP 147027 97-026 Y
1110586 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110522 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110520 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110518 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110517 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110516 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110500 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110481 11/17/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion caused 736.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Ma Violation N SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1110472 09/13/2022 Groundwater Effluent nitrogen limits exceeded in groundwater monitoring wells 1, 2, and 3. Violation N Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1110459 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110445 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110443 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110442 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110439 07/31/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 150 mg/L and reported va Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1110438 04/25/2024 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 514.0 mg/L. Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1110437 07/05/2022 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation N Report Hollister Domestic WWTP 359247 R3-2008-0069 N
1110436 08/03/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 60 mg/L a Violation N Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1110435 07/06/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average of Daily Averages limit is 60 mg/L a Violation N Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1110434 08/03/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average of Daily Aver Violation N Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1110433 07/06/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average of Daily Aver Violation N Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1110429 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring After detailed reviews of laboratory workflow performed on November 1, 2022 reve Violation N eSMR Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1110417 11/04/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Updated TRE Workplan - Order Sect report Violation None Report City of Morro Bay Water Reclamation Facility 448596 R3-2022-0029 N
1110409 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Lucky 7 Points 443841 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110408 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Kosmic Flora Farms 442690 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110407 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Ocean Grown Hughes LLC 441343 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110406 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 600 Amesti 440055 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110405 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report site a 440035 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110404 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 64 Marsh Ln 438911 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110403 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Happy Frog Tim 438430 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110402 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Browns Valley Farms, LLC 437758 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110401 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Big Shot 437084 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110400 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Minto Ranch 433814 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110399 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Boulder Creek Confidential 430168 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110398 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report DeMille Farms LLC 429775 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110397 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report JLN House 427263 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110396 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Ocean Grown SC and Sunrize Nursery 427078 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110395 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report NNTTT 426404 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110394 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 620 maymens flat road, los gatos, 95033 426217 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110393 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Blue Heron Ridge 425929 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110392 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Soquel Estates 425184 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110391 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Lola Kent Farms, LLC 423254 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110390 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 831 Cannabis 422860 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110389 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Site A Main Garden 422223 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110388 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Webb Road Ranch 421085 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110387 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Hughes Ranch 419024 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110386 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report SugarHill Farms 445772 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110385 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 1508 Wasioja Road 445269 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110384 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Elysian Harvest 442561 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110383 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report The World Is Yours, LLC 441394 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110382 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report El Dorado Gardens, LLC 438018 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110381 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Gateway 434407 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110380 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Red Barn 434406 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110379 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Cuyama Ventures LLC 433190 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110378 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Newera LLC 433018 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110377 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report The Grass Gods 432710 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110376 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Cat Canyon 432969 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110375 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Casitas Greenhouse, LLC 431035 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110374 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Hog Honey Farms 428593 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110373 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Funny Farms 428621 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110372 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Hacienda Baseline 428437 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110371 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Pedro Cardenaas & Ana R. Ybarra 427839 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110370 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Cuyama Farm LLC 427754 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110369 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report CENTRAL COAST FARMS 427123 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110368 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report PEDRO CARDENAS & ANA R. YBARRA 427089 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110367 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Red Eagle Farms, LLC 426750 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110366 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Dirt 426549 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110365 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Petal Luxe, Inc. 426432 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110364 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 2500 Wild Oak 426280 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110363 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Santa Barbara Cultivation 251 Castro Canyon 425579 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110362 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Drum Canyon 425188 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110361 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Cat Canyon Cultivations, LLC 425175 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110360 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 131-090-027 425064 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110359 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 131-070-045 425062 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110358 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 131-100-017/ 131-100-005 425060 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110357 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 131-200-021 425059 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110356 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report G&B Family Farms LLC 425012 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110355 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Santa Rita Valley AG 099-230-012 423378 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110354 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Slo Cultivation North 422902 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110353 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Scintilla Cultivation 425825 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110352 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Scintilla Cultivation 422831 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110351 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Klush LLC 424837 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110350 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Crest and Canyon Ranch 422514 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110349 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Sunshine Organics Greens, Inc. 422508 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110348 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report HBF LLC 422075 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110347 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Wellsprings 421924 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110345 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Cas Road Investments 421921 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110344 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Farmily 425187 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110343 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Avo Vista 422219 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110342 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 079 420997 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110341 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Tepusquet 420830 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110340 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Lion Eye Farms 420559 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110339 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Tahquitz Farms LLC 433772 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110338 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Rp Agrochimex 439102 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110337 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Copper Creek Farms LLC 436836 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110336 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report tinashe inc. 434609 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110335 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Engrained 433383 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110334 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Rocky 432227 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110333 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Penman 432204 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110331 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Green Gold Organic Collective 428318 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110330 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report SLO Selects 427073 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110329 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 13350 River Road 426722 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110328 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 7510 LOVR 426748 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110327 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 7510 LOVR 426748 2019-0001-DWQ N
1110326 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Wild Coast Farms 426606 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110325 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report AG Harvest 426642 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110324 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 1255 Tierra Redonda 426457 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110323 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 510 Rancho 426456 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110322 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 6860 LOVR 426444 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110321 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Bloomfield Farms 426776 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110320 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Cougar Ridge 425640 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110319 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Willow Greenhouse 423028 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110318 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 8380 Carrisa Highway 421893 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110317 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report City Boy Farms cannabis cultivation 418887 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110316 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 2338 Alisal Road 444416 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110315 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Carmel Valley Cannabis 444038 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110314 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Farm 443398 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110313 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Kola Seed 440867 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110311 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Monterey Ocean Grown-GH, LLC 439625 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110310 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report California New Wave I, LLC 435870 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110308 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Alvarez Brothers LLC 428044 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110307 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 370 Espinosa Road 426212 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110305 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 214 Lewis Road 426209 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110304 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Von Monk Organics, LLC 426548 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110303 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report CEA Development, LLC 426018 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110302 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Quail Creek Farms, Inc. 425234 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110301 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Bonaventure Growers Association Inc. 423650 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110299 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report California New III, LLC 422893 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110298 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Surific Farms 422896 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110297 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Monterey Valley Pride, LLC 428226 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110296 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report New Leaf Family Farms, Inc. 423397 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110295 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Monterey Botanicals II 422171 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110294 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report The Hive, Inc. 427462 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110293 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Noble Farms 422343 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110292 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report ECCA Investment Partners, LLC 421708 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110291 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Zabala Farms of Salinas, LLC 421885 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110290 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report Faith & Family Farms, LLC 421322 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110289 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report DH Investments, LLC. 422927 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1110288 03/02/2022 Late Report Failure to submit 2021 annual report Violation N Report 360 Espinosa Road 418880 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1110062 11/12/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Rags caused 598.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Manho Violation N SSO Gilroy CS 300317 2022-0103-DWQ N
1110056 03/01/2021 Late Report Failed to submit annual reports for 2020 Violation None Report Reiter Berry Farms-Employee Housing 435508 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1110055 03/01/2022 Late Report Failed to submit annual reports for 2021 Violation N Report Reiter Berry Farms-Employee Housing 435508 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1109940 09/30/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 342 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1109939 07/18/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1109938 09/30/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 252.0 m Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1109937 08/31/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 344.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1109936 08/31/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 256.0 m Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1109935 07/31/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 339 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1109903 05/31/2021 Enforcement Action [6 Violations noted here, and any subsequent nitrate violations that occur durin Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 435710 R3-2019-0124 N
1109883 10/05/2021 Enforcement Action [4 Violations noted here, and any subsequent THM violations that occur during th Violation N Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 435710 R3-2019-0124 N
1109856 11/05/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Other (specify below);Roots from lateral. caused 1043.0 gallon Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1109840 12/27/2021 Late Report Failure to report SSO event to CalOES within two hours in violation of WDR Repor Violation N Report Gilroy CS 300317 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1109839 01/12/2022 Late Report Failure to certify final SSO event report to CIWQS within 15 calendar days (or n Violation N Report Gilroy CS 300317 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1109838 12/31/2021 Late Report Failure to submit draft SSO event report to CIWQS within three business days (or Violation N Report Gilroy CS 300317 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1109824 11/07/2022 Deficient Reporting SMRs required by 97-10 MRP are missing from 2016-2022. Violation None Report SANTA YNEZ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Onsite WW Treatment System 185822 97-010-DWQ Y
1109780 06/09/2022 Other Codes Central Coast Water Board staff observed Cannabis General Order violations, incl Violation N Inspection Farmlane 438235 2023-0102-DWQ N
1109778 09/01/2022 Late Report Failure to comply with California water code section 13267 requirement for time Violation None Report Former Semco Twist Drill and Tool Company Cleanup Site 450439 None Y
1109760 09/17/2022 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1109759 09/10/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1109758 09/14/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 120.0 mg/L, resulting in the annual average o Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109757 09/14/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 80.1 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109756 09/01/2022 Order Conditions Plastic was found in the outfall during the month of September. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109755 09/13/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1109754 09/14/2022 Surface Water TDS grab at R-003 was 478 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 509 mg/L; abo Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109753 09/14/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 107.0 mg/L, resulting in the annual average o Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109752 09/14/2022 Surface Water TDS grab at R-004 was 516 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 526 mg/L; abo Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109751 09/14/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 97.4 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109750 09/12/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1109749 07/06/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found in the outfall during the month of July, August, and Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109723 09/28/2022 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth Monthly Maximum limit is 1 TUc and reported v Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1109546 09/08/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1109545 09/13/2022 Surface Water The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream from the wastewater treatment plant an Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1109544 09/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1109507 09/06/2022 CAT1 Chloride 12-Month Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 205 mg/L at E Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1109471 10/18/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Installation;City of Pacific Violation N SSO Monterey One Water Reg Trtmt & Outfall Sys CS 301793 2022-0103-DWQ N
1109468 09/23/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1109449 08/22/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1733 Violation N eSMR Pasatiempo Golf Club Recycled Water Project (System No. 4490004) 412392 R3-2017-0001 N
1109448 08/22/2022 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Pasatiempo Golf Club Recycled Water Project (System No. 4490004) 412392 R3-2017-0001 N
1109443 09/26/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.52 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109442 09/24/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.78 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109441 09/22/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.73 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109440 09/21/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.62 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109439 09/16/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.66 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109438 09/15/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.66 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109437 09/06/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.50 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109436 09/04/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.59 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109435 09/03/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.65 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109434 09/02/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.62 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109433 09/01/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.5 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1109432 07/28/2022 Groundwater Groundwater nitrate (as N) was 10 mg/L and the limit was 8 mg/L. However, Well 2 Violation N Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 144278 87-110 N
1109382 10/11/2022 Deficient Reporting Instead of one comprehensive feasibility study, the Central Coast Water Board re Violation N Report Former Tecknit and Tube Holding 222056 94-49 N
1109378 09/19/2022 Deficient Monitoring Ammonia as N has a minimum sampling frequency of once per week. Three samples w Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1109374 10/04/2022 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for August 2022 (2009165) was due on 03-OCT-22 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1109365 07/31/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 Y
1109295 10/02/2022 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for August 2022 (2188114) was due on 01-OCT-22 Violation None Report Chevron Estero Bay Marine Terminal 422617 R3-2017-0049 N
1109283 06/01/2021 Order Conditions Canyon Crest is violating Standard Provision A.12 by not maintaining the disposa Violation N Inspection Canyon Crest 147263 97-104 N
1109281 10/14/2022 Groundwater Canyon Crest is violating Groundwater limitation C.2, as indicated by nitrate as Violation N Report Canyon Crest 147263 97-104 Y
1109279 10/14/2022 Groundwater Canyon Crest is violating Groundwater limitation C.1, as indicated by significan Violation N Report Canyon Crest 147263 97-104 Y
1109073 03/01/2022 Other Codes Rancho Paso HOA violated Standard Provision A.19 by not having a certified opera Violation None Inspection Rancho Paso MHP 145143 91-029 - NAR Y
1109072 03/01/2022 Groundwater Rancho Paso HOA violated Standard Provisions A.18 by disposing of sludge and bio Violation N Inspection Rancho Paso MHP 145143 91-029 - NAR Y
1109071 03/01/2022 Groundwater Rancho Paso HOA violated Prohibition A.4 by spray applying undisinfected seconda Violation N Inspection Rancho Paso MHP 145143 91-029 - NAR Y
1109048 09/12/2022 Other Codes See 10/5/2022 directive letter Violation N Inspection Kellogg, Brooke Lynn Property 449286 None N
1109027 08/09/2022 Surface Water Plastic material was found at R-003. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109026 08/09/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109025 08/09/2022 Deficient Monitoring Unable to sample for Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Oxygen Saturation, Nitrate (as Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109024 08/09/2022 Surface Water The monthly at R-004 Chloride grab was 108 mg/L, resulting in the annual average Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109023 08/09/2022 Surface Water The monthly at R-003 Sodium grab was 98.7mg/L, resulting in the annual average o Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109022 08/09/2022 Surface Water The monthly at R-004 TDS grab was 494 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 5 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109021 08/09/2022 Surface Water The monthly at R-003 Chloride grab was 109 mg/L, resulting in the annual average Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109020 08/09/2022 Surface Water The monthly at R-003 TDS grab was 535 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 5 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1109019 08/09/2022 Surface Water The monthly at R-004 Sodium grab was 82.5 mg/L, resulting in the annual average Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1108990 08/03/2022 Deficient Monitoring August samples were not properly received by lab, therefore were not tested. Violation N Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1108977 08/11/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Median limit is 1104 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1108976 08/11/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249.0 mg/L and reported value was 340.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1108975 08/17/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.53 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1108974 08/11/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 259.0 mg/L and reported value was 330.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1108972 08/09/2022 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 461 M Violation None Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1108971 08/01/2022 Order Conditions UV Dose Daily Minimum limit is 200.0 mJ/cm2 and reported value was 132.0 mJ/cm2. Violation None Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1108970 08/04/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 m Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1108861 08/21/2022 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 4.9 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1108860 08/13/2022 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.48 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1108859 08/05/2022 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.54 SU. Violation None Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1108768 09/06/2022 Deficient Reporting Missed Influent BOD and TSS monitoring in September 2022. Violation N eSMR Los Osos Water Recycling Facility 379559 R3-2011-0001 N
1108715 07/13/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 m Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1108714 07/20/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 m Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1108713 07/27/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 m Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1108712 07/20/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 87 mg/L and reported value wa Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1108711 07/13/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 87 mg/L and reported value wa Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1108690 09/01/2022 Unauthorized Discharge State Park Peace Officer Supervisor performed warrant search of site on 9/1/22 a Violation N Inspection David Anzelmo Property 424603 None Y
1108655 12/01/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 389 mg/L Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1108654 12/01/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1108636 08/09/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1108624 08/17/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.2 SU. Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1108569 04/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1108568 06/14/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1108567 05/06/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1108566 04/06/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1108565 06/15/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40.0 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1108564 06/16/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1108563 04/08/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40.0 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1108562 04/13/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1108561 04/14/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1108547 05/17/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Cannabis cultivation without obtaining regulatory coverage and California Water Violation N Inspection Oveyssi Mahmoud Manijeh 448296 None Y
1108546 06/29/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 224 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108545 06/22/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 224 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108544 06/15/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 224 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108543 06/08/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 224 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108542 06/29/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 188 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 Y
1108541 06/22/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 188 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108540 06/15/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 188 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108539 06/08/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 188 mg/L. Violation None Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108538 06/01/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 224 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108536 06/01/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 188 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108533 05/14/2022 Late Report The site investigation report has not been received. Violation N Report 795 Buckley Rd Site Investigation 449310 None Y
1108493 09/12/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Kellogg, Brooke Lynn Property 449286 None Y
1108471 05/10/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Minimum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 1. Violation N Report Carmel Reclamation 147963 93-072 N
1108469 05/11/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 217 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108468 05/04/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 190 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1108284 06/10/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU. Violation None Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1108283 07/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring No flow was metered for entire month of July. Violation None Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1108282 01/06/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1108281 01/05/2022 Deficient Monitoring Missing January sampling for TDS, Na, Cl, B, potable water monitoring and SO4. Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 Y
1108270 06/28/2022 Failure to Notify CA American Water violated Permit Section B.1 by not maintaining records of dive Violation None Inspection Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 Y
1108268 06/28/2022 Order Conditions CA American Water violated Permit Section D.2. The facility collects grab sample Violation None Inspection Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 Y
1108267 06/28/2022 Order Conditions First, CA American Water did not have a current Operation and Maintenance Manual Violation None Inspection Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 Y
1108239 06/10/2022 Late Report Failed to submit report by 05/30/2022 Violation None eSMR Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy null None N
1108230 06/07/2022 Groundwater Nitrate in monitoring Well #1 and #2 was 22.6 and 39.1 mg/L respectively, which Violation None Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1108225 06/07/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1108222 06/16/2022 Groundwater Nitrate (as N) exceeded limit of 10 mg/L mg/L in MW-1, MW-2, MW-3 with levels of Violation None Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1108221 06/16/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) High Weekly Average limit is 4000.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1108212 07/05/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 820 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1108211 07/05/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 121.0 mg/L and reported value was 130.0 mg/ Violation None Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1108210 07/05/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 124.0 mg/L and reported value was 125.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1108201 05/04/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1108200 05/03/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1108199 04/27/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1108198 05/04/2022 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % and reported Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1108197 04/27/2022 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % and reported Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1108175 08/31/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108174 08/18/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108173 08/16/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108172 08/12/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108171 08/11/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108170 08/10/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108169 08/09/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108168 08/08/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108167 08/07/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108166 08/05/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108165 08/04/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108163 08/03/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108162 08/02/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108161 08/01/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.95 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1108060 08/26/2022 Deficient Monitoring The Effluent Composite sample for BOD & TSS were taken and recorded on the Chain Violation N eSMR Morro Bay/Cayucos WWTP 418033 R3-2017-0050 N
1108037 08/30/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Mendez, Lorenzo & Rodriguez, Edgard Mendez Property 449172 None Y
1108011 04/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring Freeboard not documented. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1108010 04/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring New pumps installed in May, but some issues with meter reading throughout the qu Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1108009 01/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring Influent flow not recorded accurately due to pump issues. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1108008 01/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring Sludge depth not recorded. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1108007 01/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring Freeboard not monitored weekly. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1107990 09/09/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing Q4 2021 and 2021 annual self-monitoring reports. Q1 and Q2 2022 self-mon Violation None Report Atascadero State Hospital 445161 R3-2020-0020 Y
1107913 08/09/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Commercial cannabis cultivation without regulatory coverage from the Central Coa Violation N Inspection Fernandez Brothers, Inc. Property 449126 None Y
1107901 09/02/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris from Construction;Contractor paying road and raising ut Violation N SSO Nipomo CSD Collection System 301797 2022-0103-DWQ N
1107855 07/23/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1107854 07/22/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1107853 07/21/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1107852 07/20/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1107851 07/19/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1107850 07/18/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1107849 07/15/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1107848 07/14/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1107847 07/13/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation None eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107735 07/20/2022 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 270 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1107734 07/14/2022 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 240 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1107652 07/02/2022 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 57.0 % and reported value was 39 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107651 07/12/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107650 07/12/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 521mg/L resulting in the annual average of 540 mg/ Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107649 07/12/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107648 07/12/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 86.3 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107647 07/12/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 497 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 519 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107646 07/12/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 69.2 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 68 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107645 07/12/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of July. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107644 07/12/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 68.1 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 67 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107643 07/12/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 90.9 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1107613 07/07/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average limit is 18 ug/L and reported value was 20.2 ug/L Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1107593 07/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring We regret to inform the Board that we are submitting, via CIWQS, a permit violat Violation N eSMR Montecito SD WWTP 388741 R3-2012-0016 N
1107591 07/27/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Sorich, Brian & Michael Liso Property 449050 None Y
1107489 06/27/2022 Order Conditions Monterey County violated Standard Provisions Section A.17 by not informing the C Violation None Inspection Laguna Seca Recreation Area 146989 95-032 Y
1107488 06/27/2022 Order Conditions Monterey County violated Standard Provisions Section A.12 by not properly operat Violation None Inspection Laguna Seca Recreation Area 146989 95-032 Y
1107417 08/01/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection CHAE, JOSEPH Property 448979 None Y
1107416 07/27/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Rosingana, Harry Property 448977 None Y
1107415 07/27/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Rosingana, Harry Property 448977 None N
1107406 05/25/2022 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.48 SU. Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 Y
1107401 06/29/2022 Deficient Reporting INSPECTION JUNE 2022: Failure to submit MRPs Violation None Inspection Laguna Seca Recreation Area 146989 95-032 N
1107394 07/26/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Wilkie, Charlez L Property 448949 None N
1107238 07/19/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Cannabis cultivation activities were occurring without obtaining permit coverage Violation N Inspection Porter Estate Company Bradley Ranch Inc 448755 None Y
1107172 08/15/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Operator Error;Souza construction was working on Broad x Ramon Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1107115 08/02/2022 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q2 2022 (2294665) was due on 01-AUG-22 Violation None Report El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1107114 08/02/2022 Late Report Semi-Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for H1 2022 (2294458) was due on 01-AUG-22 Violation None Report El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1107105 08/02/2022 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( PRETRPT ) report for Q2 2022 (2554027) was due on 01-AUG-22 Violation None Report Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1107104 08/02/2022 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for June 2022 (2009163) was due on 01-AUG-22 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1107050 06/29/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 90 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1107049 06/15/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 17 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1106902 04/25/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1106901 04/29/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 16 Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1106900 04/29/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1106867 06/08/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1106866 05/19/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1106865 06/08/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1106864 05/19/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60.0 Violation None Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1106863 04/29/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 60 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1106862 04/29/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60 m Violation N Report PRUNETREE SHOPPING CENTER Onsite WW Treatment System 304606 97-010-DWQ N
1106857 06/14/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Luong, Truong and Nguyen, Henry Property 448767 None Y
1106856 06/14/2022 Unauthorized Discharge Unauthorized land disturbances associated with cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Luong, Truong and Nguyen, Henry Property 448767 None N
1106843 04/04/2022 Order Conditions Other Conditions - Floating Material - Plastics Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106841 06/08/2022 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 57.0 % and reported value was 38 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106840 06/07/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 89.3 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106839 06/07/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 517 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 521 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106838 06/07/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found at R-003. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106837 06/07/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of June. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106836 06/07/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 546 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 542 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106835 06/07/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 96.8 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106834 06/07/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 70.6 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 68 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106833 06/07/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 92.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 68 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1106824 06/08/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 320 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1106823 05/04/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 290 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1106822 04/06/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1106821 06/08/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 2450 mg/ Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1106820 05/04/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 260 mg/L Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1106819 04/06/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 230 mg/L Violation None Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1106791 06/30/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 230 mg/L and reported value was 29 Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1106790 06/30/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 430 mg/L and reported value was 451 mg/ Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1106785 06/16/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1106784 06/02/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1106783 05/19/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1106782 05/03/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1106781 04/21/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1106780 04/07/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1106762 06/08/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 259 mg/L and reported value was 345 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106761 06/08/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106760 06/08/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Median limit is 1104 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106759 06/10/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is .3 ml/L and reported value was .5 ml/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106758 06/16/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106757 06/15/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106756 06/14/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106755 06/13/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106742 06/12/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106741 12/04/2023 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106740 06/11/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106739 06/09/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106734 05/10/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation None Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1106733 05/22/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 535 mg/L. Violation None Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1106732 05/22/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 496 mg/L Violation None Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1106731 05/13/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1106730 06/13/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 Violation None Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1106727 05/11/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60 ug/L and reported value was 158 ug/ Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106726 04/14/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60 ug/L and reported value was 363 ug/ Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106725 04/14/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60.0 ug/L and reported value was 441 u Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106720 04/14/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60.0 ug/L and reported value was 363 u Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106719 04/14/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60.0 ug/L and reported value was 441 u Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106718 03/09/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60.0 ug/L and reported value was 441 u Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106717 02/09/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60.0 ug/L and reported value was 198 u Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106716 01/19/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids Single Sample Maximum limit is 60 mg/L and reported value was 3 Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106714 04/14/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60.0 ug/L and reported value was 488 u Violation None Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106713 01/20/2022 OEV Haloacetic Acids 24-hour Average limit is 60 ug/L and reported value was 223 ug/ Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1106683 06/30/2022 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Other limit is 1 TUc and reported value wa Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1106682 06/30/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 339 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1106681 05/31/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 311 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1106680 04/30/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 303 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1106679 06/30/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 253 mg/ Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1106678 06/30/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1106605 06/05/2022 Deficient Monitoring 2nd influent flowmeter failed on June 5, 2022. Total flow data was provided by t Violation N eSMR Cayucos SD WWTP 435501 R3-2020-0004 N
1106598 05/20/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1106597 04/26/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Santa Lucia WW Recycling Facility (Prod/User) 405498 2014-0153-DWQ N
1106504 05/11/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 260 mg/L and reported value was 349 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106503 05/11/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106502 05/19/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.53 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106501 05/08/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.68 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106500 05/07/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.74 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106499 05/06/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.70 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106498 05/04/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.68 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106497 05/03/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.63 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106496 05/02/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.86 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106495 05/01/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.85 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1106469 07/12/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Coastal Hazards Response Plan (Permit Sct Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 445991 R3-2022-0003 N
1106466 07/05/2022 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR Pajaro Valley WMA and City of Watsonville Water Reclamation 359226 R3-2008-0039 N
1106439 04/06/2022 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 431 mg/L Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1106438 04/06/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 272 Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1106437 04/06/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1106436 06/27/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.69 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106435 06/26/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.68 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106434 06/25/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 4.20 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106433 06/24/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.89 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106432 05/01/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 6.39 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106431 05/27/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.71 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106430 05/26/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.06 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106429 05/21/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.03 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106428 05/18/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.03 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106427 05/15/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.41 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106426 05/12/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.44 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106425 05/11/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.10 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106424 05/02/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.19 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106423 04/27/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.83 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 Y
1106422 04/26/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.06 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 Y
1106421 04/24/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.60 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 Y
1106420 04/23/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.43 NTU. Violation N Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1106419 04/06/2022 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 248 mg/L Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1106418 04/01/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.32 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1106417 04/11/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 15 mg/L and reported value was 26 Violation N Report Mission Hills La Purisima WWTP 430892 R3-2019-0042 N
1106416 04/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring Settleable solids samples were not collected during the first week of April 2022 Violation N Report Mission Hills La Purisima WWTP 430892 R3-2019-0042 N
1106411 06/12/2022 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % and reported v Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1106403 04/19/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 940 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 144278 87-110 N
1106401 04/19/2022 Order Conditions Effluent Chloride was 280 mg/L which is more than Order specified limit: 259 mg/ Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 144278 87-110 N
1106399 04/27/2022 Groundwater Groundwater Nitrate Limitation (8 mg/L) was violated. Result: 8.6 mg/L Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 144278 87-110 N
1106391 03/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1106390 02/25/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1106387 05/11/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1106386 05/04/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1106385 05/18/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1106384 05/25/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1106383 05/18/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 m Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1106382 05/11/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 m Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1106380 05/04/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80.0 m Violation None Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1106370 05/29/2022 OEV Fecal Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 34.4 Violation N eSMR Pasatiempo Golf Club Recycled Water Project (System No. 4490004) 412392 R3-2017-0001 N
1106369 05/15/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.53 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106368 05/14/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.70 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106367 05/13/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.96 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106366 05/12/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 8.98 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106365 05/11/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.16 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106364 05/10/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.25 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106363 05/09/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.36 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106362 05/08/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.40 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106361 05/07/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.50 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106360 05/06/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.58 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106359 05/05/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.80 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106358 05/04/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.81 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106357 05/03/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.88 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106356 05/03/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.79 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106355 05/02/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.82 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106354 05/01/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.53 SU and reported value was 9.88 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1106241 04/05/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1106098 04/29/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is .5 ml/L and reported value was 39 ml/L. Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1106097 04/24/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 ml/L and reported value was 4 ml/L. Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1106045 07/11/2022 Late Report A leak was discovered and repaired for the high usage reported for the months of Violation N Report lions gate 433565 2014-0153-DWQ N
1106044 07/11/2022 Late Report Annual 2020 report was submitted on 7/11/2022, and no inspection or pumping was Violation N Report lions gate 433565 2014-0153-DWQ N
1105976 07/05/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure;Spill reported by business own Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1105954 05/10/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 85.8 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1105953 05/10/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 64.8 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 68 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1105952 05/06/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of May. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1105951 05/10/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 518 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 544 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1105950 05/10/2022 Deficient Monitoring R-003 was not sampled for the following: pH; Turbidity; Dissolved Oxygen; Disso Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1105949 05/15/2022 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 57.0 % and reported value was 41 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1105899 05/24/2022 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR Monterey One Water Regional WWTP 429636 R3-2018-0017 N
1105881 05/19/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.96 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1105844 05/31/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 47 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1105827 06/24/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Air Relief Valve (ARV)/Blow-Off Valve (BOV) Failure;Debris gat Violation N SSO Paso Robles CS 299863 2022-0103-DWQ N
1105764 04/12/2022 Unauthorized Discharge 48,000 gallons of chilled water from rented temporary "skid" filtration system t Violation N Report Cal Poly SLO Utilidor (Central Boiler Plant and Distribution System) 448361 None Y
1105760 05/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Attachment E Sec 1 3.1 Page E-5 Table E-2. Did not take an Inf-001 TDS grab samp Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 447545 R3-2022-0004 N
1105629 04/05/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 820 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1105628 04/05/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 124 mg/L and reported value was 180 mg/L. Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1105627 04/05/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 121 mg/L and reported value was 210 mg/L. Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1105626 04/28/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1105625 04/20/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1105624 04/13/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1105602 05/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 425 MP Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1105601 05/19/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is .3 mg/L and reported value was 2 mg/L. Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1105600 05/19/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 75.0 mg/L and report Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1105576 05/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR Carpinteria SD WWTP 418040 R3-2017-0032 N
1105297 01/24/2022 Unauthorized Discharge CDFW observed cannabis cultivation in Sept. 17, 2021, issued a NOV in Jan. 24 20 Violation N Inspection Jeffrey & Hillary USA Corporation Property 446967 None Y
1105129 04/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring No flow was metered for entire month of April. Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1105128 04/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring Due to staffing shortages, consultant was unable to complete groundwater monitor Violation N Report Wilbur-Ellis Co. King City Facility 297994 R3-2005-0001 N
1105127 04/30/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 220 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1105126 04/30/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 190 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1105125 04/06/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1105123 04/30/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1105122 04/20/2022 CAT1 Bicarbonate Ion (as HCO3) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1105121 04/06/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1105120 04/10/2022 Deficient Monitoring PG&E power outage/surge damaged transmitting equipment. This resulted in incorre Violation N Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1105118 04/30/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.98 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1105116 10/24/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Local power outages or surges caused irrigation control satellites to turn on sp Violation N Report Pebble Beach Community Services District - Recycled Water Distributer 412694 2016-0068-DDW N
1105075 03/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring No pH readings for several ponds. Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1105073 01/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring No ammonia sample taken in January. Violation N Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1104915 05/16/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 441102 2016-0068-DDW Y
1104914 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Wildhorse Cafe 404935 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104913 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104911 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Gaviota Safety Roadside Rest Area 427602 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104907 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Post Mile R5.3 Southbound Safety Roadside Rest Area 437672 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104899 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Post Mile R2.9 Northbound Camp Roberts Safety Roadside Rest 437529 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104892 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Paso Robles Athletic Club 433600 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104886 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Wine Country RV Resort 433603 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104885 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report VINEYARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Onsite WW Treatment System 433596 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104884 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Northshore Ski & Boat Club 433502 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104883 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report lions gate 433565 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104882 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Henry W Coe St Pk 424947 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104851 04/06/2022 Order Conditions Daily effluent monitoring was not conducted on April 6th. Violation N Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 N
1104842 03/01/2020 Deficient Reporting Due to administrative turnover, no annual monitoring or sampling was conducted. Violation N Report San Benito Elementary School 423606 2014-0153-DWQ N
1104840 05/19/2022 Deficient Reporting Due to administrative turnover, annual monitoring and sampling was not performed Violation N Report SANTA MARGARITA ELEMENTARY Onsite WW Treatment System 423605 2014-0153-DWQ N
1104839 05/19/2022 Late Report Annual Report due date was 01/17/2022 Violation N Report Jalama Beach County Park WWTP 375084 97-010-DWQ N
1104729 05/01/2022 Enforcement Action Failure to complete SEP Component 1: System Assessment, Outreach Services by req Violation N Report Monterey One Water Regional WWTP 444662 R3-2021-0051 Y
1104706 10/25/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing multiple daily sample test results due to operator error. These include Violation N Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 441102 2016-0068-DDW N
1104705 04/18/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Daily Minimum limit is 85 % and re Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1104683 04/05/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 52.6 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1104682 04/28/2022 Surface Water During facility inspection Water Board staff collected receiving water samples a Violation N Inspection California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1104681 04/05/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 38.7 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 69 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1104680 04/05/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 77.8 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1104679 04/05/2022 Surface Water Monthly pH reading at R-004 was 8.95 SU; above the limit 8.3 and exceeding a 0.5 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1104678 04/05/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 57.2 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 67 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1104677 04/04/2022 Order Conditions Plastic material was found weekly in the outfall during the month of April. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1104676 04/05/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 513 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 530.2 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1104675 04/05/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 499 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 547.9 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1104608 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report RESTHAVEN PARK Onsite WW Treatment System 433500 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104607 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Santa Margarita Lake Campground 433602 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104606 04/30/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 45 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1104605 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Betabel Valley RV Resort 424948 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104604 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Oak Dell RV Park 412278 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104603 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Branch Elementary 411464 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104601 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Shandon Roadside Rest Area 423607 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104600 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report Trestle Beach Onsite WW Treatment System 424945 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104599 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing report(s) required by MRP. Violation None Report SANTA MARGARITA ELEMENTARY Onsite WW Treatment System 423605 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104598 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing reports required by MRP. Violation None Report SAN JUAN OAKS GOLF CLUB Onsite WW Treatment System 424950 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104597 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing reports required by MRP. Violation None Report San Benito Elementary School 423606 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1104512 03/02/2021 Late Report Failure to submit 2020 TNA Report by 3/1/2021. Violation None Report Blanco Ranch (AGL020004847) 447834 R3-2017-0002 Y
1104511 03/02/2020 Late Report Failure to submit 2019 TNA Report by 3/1/2020. Violation None Report Blanco Ranch (AGL020004847) 447834 R3-2017-0002 N
1104344 04/25/2022 Late Report Missing reports required by MRP. Violation None Report PACHECO CREEK ESTATES Onsite WW Treatment System 424949 None Y
1104300 03/17/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1104299 03/17/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 7.3 Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1104298 03/17/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 535 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1104297 03/17/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 384 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1104296 03/17/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1200 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1104295 03/17/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30 m Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1104294 03/17/2022 OEV pH Other limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 9.21 SU. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1104293 03/02/2022 Groundwater Nitrate concentrations in groundwater downgradient of the disposal area exceeded Violation N Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1104290 10/01/2021 Deficient Monitoring ADF & MRF - Quarterly effluent BOD, TSS, TDS, Total N and influent Total N not s Violation N Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1104288 12/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring ADF & MRF - Quarterly effluent BOD, TSS, TDS, Total N and influent Total N not s Violation N Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1104287 07/01/2021 Deficient Monitoring ADF-Effluent turbidity was not recorded. MRF- BOD, TSS, TDS, Total N was not sam Violation N Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1104113 03/31/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.32 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1104112 03/30/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.55 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1104111 03/20/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.59 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1104110 03/19/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 4.11 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1104109 03/31/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 10.0 and reported value was Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1103961 05/06/2022 Order Conditions "Perform a cross-connection test at each reuse site every four years." Testing h Violation None Report Scotts Valley Recycled Water Distribution 148623 R3-2001-0067 Y
1103959 01/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Subsurface Disposal Area Monitoring was not conducted. Violation N Report Cold Canyon Landfill 419466 2014-0153-DWQ N
1103928 02/09/2022 Groundwater TDS limit is 990. Reported value is 3110. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1103927 02/09/2022 Groundwater Sodium limit is 175 mg/L. Reported value is 190 mg/L. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1103926 02/09/2022 Groundwater Nitrate limit is 2.2 mg/L. Reported value was 152 mg/L. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1103925 02/09/2022 Groundwater Chloride limit is 250 mg/L reported value is 271 m/L. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1103923 02/09/2022 Groundwater Sodium in Monitory Well 1 was 190 mg/L. Limit is 205 mg/L. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1103922 02/09/2022 Groundwater Nitrate in Groundwater Monitoring Well 1 was 152 mg/L. Limit is 2.2 mg/L. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1103921 02/09/2022 Groundwater Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 271 mg/L and reported value was 250 mg/L. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1103920 03/01/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 354 mg/L and reported value was 390 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103919 03/31/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 300 mg/L and reported value was 360.0 mg/L. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103918 03/30/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.60 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103917 03/27/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.68 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103916 03/26/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103915 03/25/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103914 03/24/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103913 03/16/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103912 03/08/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.60 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103911 03/03/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.54 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103910 03/22/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103909 03/21/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103908 03/19/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103907 03/18/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103906 03/17/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103905 03/15/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103904 03/14/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103903 03/13/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103902 03/12/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103901 03/10/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103900 03/08/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103899 03/07/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103898 03/06/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103897 03/19/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103896 03/22/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103895 03/13/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103894 03/09/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103893 03/07/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103892 03/06/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103891 03/05/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103890 03/02/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1103889 03/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1103887 02/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1103886 01/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1103885 03/01/2022 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 mg/L and reported value was 0.625 m Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1103884 02/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 75.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1103883 01/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 75 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1103881 01/13/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 409.0 Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1103880 01/13/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report California Utilities 446382 R3-2020-0020 N
1103879 03/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 92 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103878 02/21/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 16 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103877 02/20/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 16 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103876 02/07/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 92 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103875 02/17/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 16 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103874 02/04/2022 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 350 Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103872 03/09/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103871 02/09/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103870 01/12/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103869 03/28/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103868 01/26/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103866 01/19/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103865 01/10/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103864 01/03/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103862 03/28/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103861 03/16/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103860 03/09/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103859 02/09/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103858 01/12/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1103812 01/19/2022 CAT1 Chloride Single Sample Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 263 mg/L Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1103811 03/27/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1103810 03/22/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.10 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1103809 03/03/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.22 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1103808 02/13/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.51 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1103807 02/12/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.18 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1103806 02/11/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.35 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1103805 02/10/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.54 NTU. Violation None Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1103804 02/07/2022 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.21 NTU. Violation N Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1103789 02/14/2022 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1103788 01/31/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 278.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1103787 03/31/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 310 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1103785 02/28/2022 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 305 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1103760 03/11/2022 Late Report Failure to submit report of waste discharge by March 10, 2022. Violation N Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 447585 None Y
1103714 03/03/2022 CAT1 Nitrite, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was 6 Violation None Report Casa De Fruta 447331 2014-0153-DWQ N
1103713 02/03/2022 CAT1 Nitrite, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was 4 Violation None Report Casa De Fruta 447331 2014-0153-DWQ N
1103712 01/06/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Casa De Fruta 447331 2014-0153-DWQ N
1103711 01/06/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Single Sample Maximum limit Violation N Report Casa De Fruta 447331 2014-0153-DWQ N
1103710 01/06/2022 CAT1 Nitrite, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 8.3 Violation N Report Casa De Fruta 447331 2014-0153-DWQ N
1103671 03/11/2022 Deficient Monitoring Deficient Monitoring of multiple parameters and multiple locations. Continuous Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1103639 03/02/2022 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 2.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103620 02/16/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % an Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103619 02/02/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % an Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103618 01/19/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % an Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103617 01/05/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % an Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103616 02/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103615 01/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103614 03/30/2022 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % and reported v Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103613 02/16/2022 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % and reported v Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103612 02/02/2022 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % and reported v Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1103601 03/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1103597 03/01/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1103596 03/29/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90.0 Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1103595 03/24/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90.0 Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1103574 03/30/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value was 13. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103573 03/04/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value was 7.4 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103572 02/03/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103571 01/20/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103570 02/18/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103569 01/05/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103467 03/30/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 383021 R3-2011-0211 N
1103435 01/19/2022 Surface Water Monthly grab sample for pH at R-004 is 8.38 on 1/19/22, exceeding the limit of p Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103434 02/09/2022 Surface Water Monthly grab sample for pH at R-004 is 8.61 on 2/09/22, exceeding the limit of p Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103433 02/09/2022 Surface Water Monthly grab sample for pH at R-003 is 8.56 on 2/09/22, exceeding the limit of p Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103398 03/08/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 535 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 533 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103397 03/08/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 45.5 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 69 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103396 03/08/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride at R-004 grab was 71.9 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103395 03/08/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 56.8 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 67 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103394 03/08/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-003 was 56.1 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103393 03/08/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 555 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 554 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1103347 03/10/2022 Enforcement Action Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 18 ug/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 442915 R3-2018-0011 N
1103329 04/24/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General;The spill was caused by grit in the City main. Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1103304 02/13/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.00 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103303 02/05/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.78 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103302 02/12/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.20 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103301 02/01/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.4 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103300 01/27/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.57 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103299 01/28/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.90 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103298 01/27/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.01 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103297 01/26/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.28 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103296 01/25/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 7.11 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103295 01/24/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.94 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103294 01/21/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.51 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103292 01/20/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.60 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103291 01/19/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.96 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103290 01/18/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.37 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103289 01/17/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.32 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103288 01/16/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.74 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103287 01/04/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.40 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103286 01/03/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.94 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103285 01/02/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.78 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103284 01/01/2022 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.55 NTU. Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103283 01/01/2022 OEV Turbidity 30-Day Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 4.69 NTU. Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1103268 01/01/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation N Report Boulder Creek Golf & Cntry Club WWTP 148200 01-034 N
1103265 03/30/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Daily Minimum limit is 85 % and re Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1103264 03/30/2022 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Daily Minimum limit is 85 % and reported value Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1103238 03/01/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 208.0 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1103237 03/01/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 188.0 mg Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1103234 01/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 45 Violation N Report Boulder Creek Golf & Cntry Club WWTP 148200 01-034 N
1103233 03/01/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Mean limit is 660 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Buena Vista Migrant Labor Camp/Tierra Alta Apartments 370889 R3-2009-0043 N
1103230 01/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 0 Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1103229 03/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1103228 03/01/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1103227 03/02/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1103226 03/23/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1103225 03/16/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1103199 04/15/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pump Station Failure-Controls caused 108600.0 gallons of sewag Violation N SSO Salinas City CS 299921 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1103073 04/02/2022 Late Report Once Per 5 Years SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Receiving water 1x/permit) report for 2017 ( Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1103059 03/31/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 46 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1102990 03/02/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation N Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1102989 02/02/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation N Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1102988 01/19/2022 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation N Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1102980 01/01/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1102978 01/12/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90.0 Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1102977 01/05/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Average (Mean) limit i Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1102936 02/09/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-003 was 43.5 mg/L resulting the annual average of 94. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1102935 02/09/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab at R-004 was 47.2 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 67 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1102934 02/09/2022 Surface Water The monthly Sodium grab at R-003 was 33.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average o Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1102933 02/09/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab at R-004 was 63.2 mg/L resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1102932 02/09/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 508 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 530 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1102931 02/09/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 509 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 553 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1102930 02/28/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1102928 01/04/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 N
1102925 03/30/2022 Unauthorized Discharge This hotel is the site of a private lateral sewage overflow on 3/30/22 dischargi Violation N Report Rose Garden Inn 447428 None Y
1102876 06/25/2021 Order Conditions Reynolds Resorts - Avila Beach, LLC violated Prohibition A.1 by developing new l Violation None Inspection Ocean Canyon Camping Resort / Avila-Pismo Beach KOA 144276 87-102 Y
1102875 06/25/2021 Order Conditions Reynolds Resorts - Avila Beach, LLC violated Standard Provisions, Section C, Gen Violation None Inspection Ocean Canyon Camping Resort / Avila-Pismo Beach KOA 144276 87-102 Y
1102874 06/25/2021 Order Conditions Reynolds Resorts - Avila Beach, LLC violated Provision A.12 by not adequately ma Violation None Inspection Ocean Canyon Camping Resort / Avila-Pismo Beach KOA 144276 87-102 Y
1102873 08/25/2021 Order Conditions Cal Poly violated Permit Section D.3 by not regularly evaluating and updating th Violation None Inspection California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 Y
1102872 05/03/2021 Deficient Reporting 2021 First Quarter Report Missing Violation None Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 Y
1102871 01/31/2021 Deficient Reporting 2020 Annual Report Missing Violation None Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 Y
1102865 08/25/2021 Order Conditions Cal Poly violated Provision D.1. by not implementing the WQMP. Violation None Inspection California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 Y
1102764 02/14/2022 Late Report 2021 Annual report not submitted Violation None Report Cuyama Dairy 131363 R3-2002-0085 Y
1102763 02/14/2021 Late Report 2020 Annual report not submitted Violation N Report Cuyama Dairy 131363 R3-2002-0085 Y
1102754 02/28/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 40 mg/ Violation N Report Woodlands Mutual Water Company 422799 R3-2018-0002 N
1102727 02/23/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 267 mg/L and reported value was 352 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1102726 02/23/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1102724 01/13/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 206.67 mg/L. Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1102723 01/13/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Single Sample Maximum limit is 170 mg/L and reported value was 197 Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1102722 01/13/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 180 mg/L and reported value was 257.33 mg/L. Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1102721 01/13/2022 CAT1 Chloride Single Sample Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 314 mg/L Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1102720 01/13/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 825 mg/L and reported value was 1133 Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1102719 01/13/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Single Sample Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1102717 02/28/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 218 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1102716 02/28/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 190 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1102715 02/28/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1000.0 mg/L and reported va Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1102714 02/28/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102713 02/23/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102712 02/28/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102711 02/02/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102652 02/28/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1102634 09/02/2021 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONRPT ) (Annual Report (Chronic Toxicity)) report for 2022 (25805 Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 392787 R3-2013-0021 N
1102633 09/02/2020 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONRPT ) (Annual Report (Chronic Toxicity)) report for 2021 (25805 Violation None Report San Simeon WWTP 392787 R3-2013-0021 N
1102546 02/28/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 46 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1102545 02/28/2022 Deficient Monitoring Eff-001 was not sampled for Oil and Grease in February 2022. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1102427 02/24/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Daily Maximum limit is 25 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1102426 02/24/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable 30-Day Average limit is 18 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1102425 03/01/2022 Deficient Monitoring There was an oversight on our part and we did not take the H1-2022 semi-annual s Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1102262 01/04/2022 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 117 mg/L and reported value was 150 mg/L. Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1102261 01/04/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 190 mg/L. Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1102260 01/31/2022 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 220 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1102259 01/31/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 182.5 mg/L Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1102258 01/26/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value was 110 mg/L. Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1102257 02/01/2022 Order Conditions Influent flow is calculated instead of measured. Inflow meter is not working. Violation N Report Fort Hunter Liggett WWTP 146930 94-031 N
1102256 01/01/2022 Order Conditions Influent flow is calculated instead of measured. Inflow meter is not working. Violation N Report Fort Hunter Liggett WWTP 146930 94-031 N
1102201 01/31/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.29 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102200 01/30/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.39 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102199 01/29/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.39 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102198 01/28/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.27 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102197 01/27/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.38 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102196 01/26/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.37 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102195 01/25/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.37 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102194 01/24/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.28 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102193 01/23/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.25 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102192 01/22/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.38 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102191 01/21/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.29 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102190 01/20/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.02 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102189 01/19/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.11 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102188 01/18/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.85 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102187 01/17/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.99 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102186 01/16/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.32 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102185 01/15/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.04 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102184 01/14/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.91 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102183 01/13/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.9 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102182 01/12/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.93 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102181 01/11/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.67 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102180 01/10/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.48 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102179 01/22/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.35 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102178 01/20/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.90 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102177 01/19/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.85 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102176 01/18/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.80 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102175 01/17/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.20 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102174 01/16/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.55 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102173 01/15/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.39 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102172 01/14/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.46 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102171 01/13/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.49 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102170 01/12/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.60 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102169 01/11/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.44 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102168 01/10/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.45 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102167 01/09/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.53 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102166 01/08/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.31 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102165 01/07/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.38 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102164 01/06/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.29 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102163 01/05/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.20 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102162 01/04/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.15 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102161 01/03/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.14 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102160 01/02/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.14 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102159 02/15/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.5 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102158 02/14/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.79 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102157 02/13/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.90 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102156 02/12/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.99 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102155 02/11/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.58 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102154 02/10/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.17 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102153 02/09/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.20 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102152 02/08/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.06 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102151 02/07/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.06 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102150 02/06/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.29 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102149 02/05/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.20 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102148 02/04/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.19 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102147 02/03/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.27 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102146 02/02/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.24 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102145 02/01/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.25 SU. Violation None Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102144 01/01/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.06 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102143 02/14/2022 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.36 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1102141 01/05/2022 Deficient Monitoring BOD results were not reportable for the 1st week of January. All the samples had Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1102140 01/27/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.57 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1102139 01/18/2022 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1102138 01/12/2022 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 270 mg/L and reported value was 353 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1102137 01/12/2022 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 249 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1102130 03/11/2022 Deficient Monitoring Failure to submit monitoring reports from H1 2020 - H2 2021. Violation N Report Monterey Bay Academy WWTP 143253 84-008 Y
1102126 03/02/2022 Late Report Annual SMR ( TECHRPT ) (Infiltration/Inflow/Spill prevention) report for 2021 ( Violation None Report Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1102123 03/02/2022 Late Report Semi-Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Semi Annual Effluent/RW) report for H1 2022 (20087 Violation None Report Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 N
1102100 01/05/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 850 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102099 01/31/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102098 01/19/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102097 01/12/2022 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102096 01/31/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1102092 01/12/2022 Order Conditions Effluent was mistakenly discharged to an old spray field rather than to the perc Violation N Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
1102066 02/01/2022 Order Conditions The 2021 Dry Season Biennial Receiving Water report was originally due on 2/1/20 Violation N eSMR Price Canyon Production Facility 444437 R3-2021-0010 N
1102065 02/01/2022 Order Conditions The 2021 Dry Season Biennial Receiving Water report was originally due on 2/1/20 Violation N eSMR Price Canyon Production Facility 444437 R3-2021-0010 N
1102061 12/21/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 30. Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102060 11/23/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 30. Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102059 09/23/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 30. Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102058 11/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported val Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102057 12/21/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 25.0 mg/L and reported value was 7 Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102056 11/23/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 25.0 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102054 09/23/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 25.0 mg/L and reported value was 6 Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102053 11/23/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average limit is 45.0 Violation None Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102050 07/31/2021 OEV Flow Monthly Average limit is 5952 GPD and reported value was 6117 GPD. Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102048 09/30/2021 Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 was found to be in exceedance of Total Nitrogen, Boron, Sulfa Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102044 08/26/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg/L and reported value was 130 Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102043 11/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102042 08/26/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102040 09/23/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average limit is 45 m Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102038 08/26/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 30 Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102036 11/30/2021 Order Conditions Monthly subsurface disposal monitoring was not conducted in July, August, Septem Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1102034 07/30/2021 Order Conditions No monitoring was conducted during July 2021, except effluent flow monitoring. Violation N Report Pacific Dunes Ranch 444585 2014-0153-DWQ Y
1101914 02/23/2022 Order Conditions Records of sludge monitoring in 2021 were incomplete. FRM staff notified Cappy C Violation N Report CAPPY CULVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Onsite WW Treatment System 433585 2014-0153-DWQ N
1101913 12/01/2021 Order Conditions Due to an outdated chain of custody being used for sampling, effluent TSS was no Violation N Report San Benito Elementary School 423606 2014-0153-DWQ N
1101912 10/12/2021 Groundwater Exceedances at Well #1 of Chloride (276 mg/L), Nitrate (160 mg/L), Sodium (208 m Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1101561 12/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 190 mg/L and reported value was 282 mg/L. Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1101560 12/08/2021 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 255 mg/L and reported value was 282 mg/L. Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1101559 12/31/2021 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 8 mg/L and reported value was 8.1 Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1101558 12/23/2021 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 18.4 Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1101557 12/22/2021 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 19.1 Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1101556 11/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1101555 11/03/2021 Order Conditions BOD loading rate limit for discharges to land is 30-day average < 100 lb/acre/da Violation N Report True Leaf Farms Fruit & Veg Processing Facility 185259 R3-2004-0066 N
1101554 09/15/2021 Order Conditions BOD loading rate for discharges to land has a limit of 30-day average <100 lb/ac Violation N Report True Leaf Farms Fruit & Veg Processing Facility 185259 R3-2004-0066 N
1101477 10/01/2021 Deficient Monitoring Influent meter not working, so influent flows not recorded correctly. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1101475 11/01/2021 Deficient Monitoring Missing November and December sampling for BOD, TSS, TDS, Na, Cl, B, and SO4. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1101460 06/14/2021 Deficient Monitoring Did not monitor flow meters for several weeks during the off-crush season. Violation N Report Fess Parker Winery 185812 R3-2017-0020 N
1101412 12/27/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 5650 gallons of sewage to spill Violation N SSO Gilroy CS 300317 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1101389 01/31/2022 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1.8 ug/L and report Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1101388 01/31/2022 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 10.0 ug/L and repo Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1101387 01/31/2022 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1000.0 mg/L and rep Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1101386 12/31/2021 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 10.0 ug/L and repo Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1101385 12/31/2021 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1.8 ug/L and report Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1101384 12/31/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1000 mg/L and repor Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1101092 02/24/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris from Construction;Construction contractor installing ne Violation N SSO Montecito SD CS 301777 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1101077 10/09/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1 mg/L and reported value was 0. Violation N Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1101076 10/07/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1 mg/L and reported value was 0. Violation N Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1101074 12/14/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 462 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1101073 12/14/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 433 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1101072 12/14/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1200 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1101071 12/14/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30 m Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1101070 09/03/2021 Groundwater Groundwater chloride concentrations not to exceed median groundwater objectives Violation N Report D'Arrigo Bros Fruit/Veg Processing Facility 170866 R3-2004-0066 N
1101069 01/07/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Percent Reduction limit is 8 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1100892 01/04/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-003 was 36.0 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1100891 01/19/2022 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab at R-004 was 62.1 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1100890 01/19/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-004 was 502 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 550 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1100889 01/04/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-003 was 27.0 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 7 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1100888 01/04/2022 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab at R-003 was 457 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 525 m Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1100887 01/19/2022 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab at R-004 was 47.5 mg/L, resulting in the annual average of 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1100858 12/07/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 330 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1100857 11/08/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 310 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1100856 12/07/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 260 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1100855 11/08/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 260 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1100854 10/10/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 340 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1100853 10/10/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 230 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1100852 12/09/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) High Weekly Average limit is 4000 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1100850 11/23/2021 Order Conditions Sodium is a required analyte for the effluent analysis panel. Sodium analysis wa Violation N Report Kendall Jackson Winery 184999 R3-2017-0020 N
1100841 12/15/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % and reported valu Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100840 11/10/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % and reported valu Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100839 11/03/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % and reported valu Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100838 10/20/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % and reported valu Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100836 12/15/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Percent Reduction limit is 8 Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100835 11/10/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Percent Reduction limit is 8 Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100834 11/03/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Percent Reduction limit is 8 Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100833 10/20/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Percent Reduction limit is 8 Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100830 10/06/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Percent Reduction limit is 8 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100829 10/06/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Percent Reduction limit is 85 % and reported value Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100828 11/03/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1100827 12/04/2021 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported va Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1100826 12/22/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1100825 12/08/2021 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 272 mg/L and reported value was 354 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1100824 12/08/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 284 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1100820 10/01/2021 Order Conditions Sections B-9, B-13, B-16. "Treatment ponds and disposal ponds shall have a freeb Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1100639 02/02/2022 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( MONNPDES ) (Rec Wtr 2021 Dry Season) report for 2021/01/01 ( Violation None Report Price Canyon Production Facility 444437 R3-2021-0010 N
1100637 02/02/2022 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for December 2021 (2009157) was due on 01-FEB-22 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1100636 02/02/2022 Late Report Annual SMR ( SLUDGE ) (Biosolids (Sludge) Tech Rpt) report for 2021 (2416393) w Violation None Report San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1100528 10/13/2021 Deficient Monitoring Contract lab¿s subcontractor broke the hold time on Pesticide samples Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1100470 12/27/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100469 12/20/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100468 12/14/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100467 12/07/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100466 11/30/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100465 11/22/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100464 11/16/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100463 11/09/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100462 11/02/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100461 10/26/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100460 10/19/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100459 10/12/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100458 12/27/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100457 12/20/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100456 12/14/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100455 12/07/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100454 11/30/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100453 11/22/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100452 11/16/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100451 11/09/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100450 11/02/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100449 10/26/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100448 10/19/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100447 10/12/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100446 12/27/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 1.1 ml/ Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100445 12/20/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 1 ml/L. Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100444 12/14/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 0.5 ml/ Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100443 12/07/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 0.5 ml/ Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100442 12/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40.0 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100441 11/30/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40.0 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100440 12/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100439 11/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100438 12/27/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100437 12/20/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100436 12/14/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100435 12/07/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100434 11/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100433 11/22/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100432 11/16/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100431 11/09/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100430 11/02/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100429 10/26/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100428 10/19/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100427 10/12/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100426 11/30/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 0.5 ml/ Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100425 10/05/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100424 10/05/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100423 10/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100422 10/05/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100421 10/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100420 10/19/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1100419 10/04/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1050 mg/L and report Violation None Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 144278 87-110 N
1100362 12/22/2021 Order Conditions 4th Quarter sampling was missed due to homeowner being out of town. Another samp Violation N Report 22507 H Street Residence 429956 2014-0153-DWQ N
1100360 12/10/2021 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.5 SU. Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1100359 12/03/2021 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.5 SU. Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1100358 10/04/2021 Groundwater Groundwater Nitrate Limitation (8 mg/L) was violated. Result: 10.9 mg/L Violation N Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 144278 87-110 N
1100357 12/23/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 258.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100356 12/17/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 256 mg Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100355 11/10/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250.0 mg/L and reported value was 254.0 Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100354 12/16/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100353 12/02/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100352 12/20/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100351 11/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and report Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100350 12/31/2021 OEV Turbidity Monthly Mean limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 9.74 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100349 11/30/2021 OEV Turbidity Monthly Mean limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 7.20 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100348 12/31/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100347 12/30/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100346 12/29/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100345 12/28/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100344 12/27/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.3 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100343 12/26/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.0 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100342 12/25/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.0 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100341 12/24/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.0 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100340 12/23/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.0 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100339 12/22/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.0 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100338 12/21/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.0 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100337 12/20/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.0 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100336 12/19/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.3 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100335 12/18/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.3 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100334 12/17/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10.4 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100333 12/16/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100332 12/15/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.69 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100331 12/14/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 7.74 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100330 12/13/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.37 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100329 12/12/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.09 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100328 12/11/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.94 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100327 12/10/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.13 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100326 12/09/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.99 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100325 12/08/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.98 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100324 12/07/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.56 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100323 12/06/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.02 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100322 12/05/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100321 12/04/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100320 12/03/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100319 12/02/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100318 12/01/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100317 11/30/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100316 11/29/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100315 11/28/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 10 NTU. Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100314 11/27/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.10 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100313 11/26/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.81 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100312 11/25/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.81 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100311 11/24/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.37 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100310 11/22/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.07 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100309 11/14/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 7.31 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100308 11/13/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.95 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100307 11/12/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.61 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100306 11/11/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.35 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100305 11/10/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.57 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100304 11/09/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.08 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100303 11/08/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.46 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100302 11/07/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.96 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100301 11/06/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.32 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100300 11/05/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.47 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100299 11/04/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.64 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100298 11/03/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.69 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100297 11/02/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 8.64 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100296 11/01/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 9.30 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100295 10/31/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 7.42 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100294 10/30/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.33 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100293 10/29/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 5.02 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100292 10/27/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.0 NTU and reported value was 6.72 NTU Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100291 12/10/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100290 12/20/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 5 mg/L Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100289 11/10/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100288 11/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100287 10/26/2021 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5.00 NTU and reported value was 5.52 NT Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100286 10/31/2021 OEV Turbidity Monthly Mean limit is 2.00 NTU and reported value was 2.05 NTU. Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1100285 11/09/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 22 Violation N Report Boulder Creek Golf & Cntry Club WWTP 148200 01-034 N
1100284 10/06/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 39 Violation N Report Boulder Creek Golf & Cntry Club WWTP 148200 01-034 N
1100264 10/27/2021 Deficient Monitoring Carbonate and Bicarbonate were not tested, due to an oversight. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1100159 08/23/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ [PRIVATE SYSTEM] Discharged estimated 11,400 gallons of untreated domestic waste Violation N Report Silver City Mobile Home Lodge at 3860 South Higuera 446523 None Y
1100154 12/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Annual Average (Mean) limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 237 mg/L Violation N Report Hollister Domestic WWTP 359247 R3-2008-0069 N
1100153 12/31/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Average (Mean) limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 203 Violation N Report Hollister Domestic WWTP 359247 R3-2008-0069 N
1100151 12/28/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.53 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1100150 12/27/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.47 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1100149 12/26/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.27 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1100148 12/24/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.36 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1100147 12/08/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.14 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1100146 11/28/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 10 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1100137 12/09/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.46 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100136 12/08/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.57 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100134 12/07/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.99 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100133 12/06/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.85 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100132 10/25/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.53 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100131 10/24/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.06 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100130 10/23/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.19 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100129 10/14/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 309 mg/L Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100128 10/14/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 212 Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100127 10/14/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100126 10/22/2021 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.80 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1100123 10/14/2021 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 300 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1100122 10/14/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 1300 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1100121 10/24/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 180000 GPD and reported value was 327720 GPD. Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1100120 12/06/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100119 11/17/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100118 11/05/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100117 12/27/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100116 12/21/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100115 12/06/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100114 12/01/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100113 11/22/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100112 11/17/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100111 11/10/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100110 11/05/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100027 09/08/2021 Deficient Monitoring Cyanide and total chlorine residual were collected as a grab sample. The analyti Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1100026 09/08/2021 Deficient Monitoring Only 2,3,7,8 TCDD was analyzed for the influent instead of the entire list of TC Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1100004 10/27/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100003 10/18/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100002 10/11/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100001 12/07/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1100000 11/24/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099999 10/29/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099998 11/24/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Mean limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 175 mg/L. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099997 10/29/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Mean limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 158.0 mg/L Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099996 12/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab was 102.0 mg/L at R-004, resulting in the annual average o Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1099995 12/31/2021 OEV UV Banks in Operation Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9000.0 count and reported v Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1099994 12/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab was 70.8 mg/L at R-004, resulting in the annual average of 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1099993 12/07/2021 Deficient Monitoring R-003 was not sampled for Turbidity; Dissolved Oxygen; Dissolved Oxygen, saturat Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1099992 12/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab was 518 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 of 549 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1099991 12/31/2021 CAT1 UV Transmittance Instantaneous Minimum limit is 57.0 % and reported value was 45 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1099990 11/24/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 188 mg/ Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099989 10/20/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Mean limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 155 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099988 10/20/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099987 10/04/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099986 10/04/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1099865 11/30/2021 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2300 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1099864 10/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 298 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1099863 11/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 312 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1099862 12/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 272.0 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1099773 01/28/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion;CCTV inspection shows root intrusion between 65 Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1099750 12/31/2021 CAT2 Copper, Total 6-Month Median limit is 150 ug/L and reported value was 160 ug/L a Violation N eSMR Avila WWTP 418016 R3-2017-0025 N
1099708 07/15/2021 Deficient Monitoring Coliform incubator lost power resulting in a low temperature. Circuit breaker tr Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1099707 08/17/2021 Deficient Monitoring SCRWA LAB)The BOD test standard did not meet the QC requirements. The GGA was a Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1099706 07/27/2021 Order Conditions A filter feed pump failed but did not call out for the alarm. The level dropped Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1099678 12/01/2021 Order Conditions Influent flow is calculated instead of measured. Inflow meter is not working. Violation N Report Fort Hunter Liggett WWTP 146930 94-031 N
1099676 12/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Mean limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 200 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1099675 12/31/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Mean limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 178 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1099674 12/16/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1099673 12/01/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1099672 11/18/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1099671 11/01/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1099670 10/21/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1099669 10/04/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50.0 % and reported value was Violation None Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1099668 12/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1099667 12/15/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1099666 12/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1099644 12/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 30 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1099643 12/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 30 mg/ Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1099642 12/29/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1099641 12/22/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1099640 12/15/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1099636 12/27/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1099635 12/20/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1099633 12/12/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1099632 12/07/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1099631 12/27/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 156600 GPD. Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1099630 12/26/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 144300 GPD. Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1099629 12/25/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 144200 GPD. Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1099628 12/24/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 125000.0 GPD and reported value was 144300 GPD. Violation None Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1099626 12/15/2021 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1099625 12/13/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 125000 GPD and reported value was 162700 GPD. Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1099624 11/17/2021 Order Conditions Quarterly sampling is to be performed in October. These tests were performed on Violation N Report Mission Hills La Purisima WWTP 430892 R3-2019-0042 N
1099623 10/08/2021 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.73 SU. Violation N Report Mission Hills La Purisima WWTP 430892 R3-2019-0042 N
1099622 10/01/2021 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.60 SU. Violation N Report Mission Hills La Purisima WWTP 430892 R3-2019-0042 N
1099621 11/17/2021 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 260 mg/L. Violation N Report Mission Hills La Purisima WWTP 430892 R3-2019-0042 N
1099253 11/30/2021 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.4 SU. Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1099251 11/14/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.19 SU. Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1099246 04/19/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 3 MPN Violation None Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1099245 05/26/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN Violation None Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1099244 04/19/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 7 MPN Violation N Report Thousand Trails RV Resort and Campground - San Benito 382955 R3-2011-0214 N
1099240 12/01/2021 Order Conditions Total Nitrogen in wastewater shall be reduced by at least 50% prior to subsurfac Violation None Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1099239 11/22/2021 Order Conditions Total Nitrogen in wastewater shall be reduced by at least 50% prior to subsurfac Violation None Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1099238 10/06/2021 Order Conditions Total Nitrogen in wastewater shall be reduced by at least 50% prior to subsurfac Violation N Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1099220 09/08/2021 Order Conditions Did not achieve at least 50% nitrogen removal. Level was only at 28.1% reduction Violation N Report Boulder Creek Golf & Cntry Club WWTP 148200 01-034 N
1099219 08/04/2021 Order Conditions Did not achieve at least 50% nitrogen reduction. Only achieved 38.6% reduction. Violation N Report Boulder Creek Golf & Cntry Club WWTP 148200 01-034 N
1099184 11/02/2021 Late Report Semi-Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Chronic Toxicity) report for H2 2021 (2559479) was Violation None Report Price Canyon Production Facility 444437 R3-2021-0010 N
1099147 10/31/2021 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average limit is 0.56 ug/L and reported value was 1 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1099146 10/05/2021 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 ug/L and reported value was 1.2 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1099145 10/31/2021 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average limit is 0.4 ug/L and reported value was 1. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1099144 10/05/2021 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 ug/L and reported value was 10.8 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1099036 12/28/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 31 MPN Violation N eSMR Carpinteria SD WWTP 418040 R3-2017-0032 N
1098932 11/17/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90.0 Violation None Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1098931 11/24/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 30 mg/ Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1098930 11/10/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1098929 11/24/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 30 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1098927 11/03/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 ml/L and reported value was 76 ml/L Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1098829 11/18/2021 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 270 mg/L and reported value was 360 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1098828 11/18/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 248 mg/L and reported value was 274 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1098827 11/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 215 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1098826 11/30/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 192.5 mg/L Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1098766 01/05/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 2. Damage by Others Not Related to CS Construction/Maintenance (S Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1098690 01/03/2022 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Rags caused 53.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhol Violation N SSO City of Morro Bay CS 318584 2022-0103-DWQ N
1098617 11/01/2021 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 09.96 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 Y
1098604 12/30/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Wipes/Non-Dispersables caused 850 gallons of sewage to Violation N SSO Pacific Grove City CS 376632 2022-0103-DWQ N
1098353 11/20/2021 Deficient Monitoring The auto sampler for EFF-001A produced an unusually high volume of sample, requi Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1098337 12/24/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 3. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure;Broken 4" PVC Force Main cause Violation N SSO Oak Shores Development CS 359423 2022-0103-DWQ N
1098325 11/15/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 72.4mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 to 68. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1098324 11/15/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 96.2mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 to 9 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1098323 11/15/2021 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab was 579mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 to 549mg/L Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1098322 11/15/2021 Deficient Monitoring R-003 was not sampled for Turbidity, Dissolved oxygen, Dissolved oxygen, saturat Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1098138 12/13/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Other (specify below);Joint fixtures/bracket between pipe segm Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1098114 11/30/2021 Order Conditions Violation of Board Order R3-2004-0153 Section E. General Specifications for Recl Violation None Inspection Rancho Larios WWTP 371615 R3-2004-0153 N
1098113 11/30/2021 Order Conditions Violation of Board Order R3-2004-0153 Section E. General Specifications for Recl Violation None Inspection Rancho Larios WWTP 371615 R3-2004-0153 N
1098112 11/30/2021 Order Conditions Violation of Board Order R3-2004-0153 Section E. General Specifications for Recl Violation None Inspection Rancho Larios WWTP 371615 R3-2004-0153 N
1098111 11/30/2021 Order Conditions Violation of Board Order R3-2004-0153 Section B. Reclamation Specifications, No. Violation None Inspection Rancho Larios WWTP 371615 R3-2004-0153 N
1098110 11/30/2021 Order Conditions 1. Violation of Board Order R3-2004-0153 Section B. Reclamation Specifications, Violation None Inspection Rancho Larios WWTP 371615 R3-2004-0153 N
1098101 11/09/2021 CAT1 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value was 132.5 mg/L Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1098100 11/09/2021 CAT1 Oil and Grease Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 4000 lb/day and reported value was Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1098099 11/09/2021 CAT1 Oil and Grease Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 40 mg/L and reported value was 132 Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1098086 11/01/2021 Order Conditions Influent flow is calculated instead of measured. Inflow meter is not working. Violation N Report Fort Hunter Liggett WWTP 146930 94-031 N
1097917 11/30/2021 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 43 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1097886 10/31/2021 Order Conditions Sample for Settleable Solids in Effluent analyzed outside of hold time. Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1097816 06/01/2021 Order Conditions Freeboard is to be measured weekly and shall exceed two feet in all wastewater p Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1097814 06/29/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 9.8 SU. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097805 04/27/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 60 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097804 04/13/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097803 03/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 60 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097802 03/02/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097801 03/30/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097800 03/02/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097799 03/31/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Monthly Mean limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 6.25 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097798 03/05/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 11 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097797 03/04/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 10 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097796 03/03/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 150 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097795 03/02/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 20 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097793 02/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097792 02/17/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097791 02/10/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097790 02/23/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100.0 Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097789 02/17/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100.0 Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097788 02/10/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097787 02/27/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 150 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097786 02/26/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 2 mg/L. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097785 02/25/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3 mg/L. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097784 02/23/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 95 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097783 02/19/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 30 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097782 02/17/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3.5 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097781 02/16/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 90 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097780 02/15/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 15 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097779 02/12/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 7.5 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097778 02/11/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 6.8 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097777 02/10/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3 mg/L. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097776 02/09/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 100 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097775 02/08/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 2.5 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097774 02/06/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 35 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097773 02/05/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4.5 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097772 02/04/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 50 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097771 02/03/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 50 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097770 02/28/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Monthly Mean limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 23.45 mg Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097769 02/02/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 7.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097768 02/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 60 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097767 02/03/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097766 02/23/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 60 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097765 02/03/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1097719 11/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1097717 11/23/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1097699 12/07/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Other (specify below);Force Main coupler failed due to settlem Violation N SSO Nipomo CSD Collection System 301797 2022-0103-DWQ N
1097550 07/01/2021 Order Conditions Sections B-13 and B-16 requires sprayfield irrigation areas to be rotated and al Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1097549 07/01/2021 Order Conditions Treatment ponds shall have a freeboard greater than two feet. Freeboard conditio Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1097547 10/28/2021 OEV Turbidity Other limit is 0.2 NTU and reported value was 0.30 NTU. Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1097546 10/24/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.60 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097545 10/23/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.61 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097544 10/22/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.58 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097543 10/21/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.65 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097542 10/20/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.51 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097541 10/17/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.68 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097540 10/16/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.60 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097539 10/15/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.60 SU. Violation None Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097538 10/13/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 270 mg/L and reported value was 310 mg/L Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097537 10/13/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 248 mg/L and reported value was 270 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097536 10/13/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1104 mg/L and report Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097535 10/14/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.60 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1097533 10/05/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 180 mg/L Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1097532 10/05/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 128 mg/L and reported value was 210 Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1097531 10/05/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 890 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1097530 10/01/2021 Order Conditions Missed sampling for settleable solids on 10/01/2021. Violation N Report City of Santa Maria WWTP 373327 R3-2010-0001 N
1097529 04/29/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 187.5 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097528 04/29/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 170.0 mg/L and reported value was 1 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097527 04/29/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 240 mg Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097526 04/29/2021 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 180.0 mg/L and reported value was 229.67 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097525 04/29/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 825.0 mg/L and reported value was 10 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097524 04/29/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097523 07/06/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 200.5 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097522 07/06/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 170.0 mg/L and reported value was 2 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097521 07/06/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 267 mg Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097520 07/06/2021 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 180.0 mg/L and reported value was 240.5 mg/L. Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097519 07/06/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097518 07/06/2021 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) Other limit is 175.0 mg/L and reported value was 175.67 mg Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097517 07/06/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 825.0 mg/L and reported value was 11 Violation None Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097516 10/04/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 208.83 mg/L. Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097514 10/04/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 170 mg/L and reported value was 235 Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097513 10/04/2021 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) Other limit is 175 mg/L and reported value was 179.67 mg/L Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097512 10/04/2021 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 180.0 mg/L and reported value was 245.5 mg/L. Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097511 10/04/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 253 mg/L Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097510 10/04/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Other limit is 825 mg/L and reported value was 1128 Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097509 10/04/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1097476 05/05/2021 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 90 % and reported v Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1097475 04/05/2021 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 90 % and reported v Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1097474 10/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 230 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1097473 10/31/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 195 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1097467 10/24/2021 Order Conditions Total Influent flow is not to exceed 0.18 MGD (180,000 GPD). Flow on 10/24/2021 Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1097465 10/14/2021 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 386 mg/L Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1097464 10/14/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 287 Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1097463 10/14/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1300 mg/L and report Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1097460 11/08/2021 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Instantaneous Maximum limit is 0.009 mg/L and reported Violation None Report Former Whittaker Ordnance Facility at 2751 San Juan Road 311664 R3-2016-0035 Y
1097377 10/08/2021 OEV Enterococci Monthly 90th% limit is 110 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419.2 Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1097280 10/08/2021 CAT1 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 23 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1097279 10/31/2021 CAT1 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 20 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1097201 06/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Didn't report chlorine usage or chlorine residual for 001-A. Used NODI Code E fo Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097200 06/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Didn't sample for BOD or TSS. Reported NODI E (for failed to sample) in DMR for Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097199 05/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Didn't report chlorine usage for 001-A. Used NODI Code E for failed to sample/an Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097198 05/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Didn't sample for BOD or TSS. Reported NODI E (for failed to sample) in DMR for Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097197 04/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Didn't sample for BOD or TSS. Reported NODI E (for failed to sample) in DMR for Violation None Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097073 10/12/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 92.3 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 of 75 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097072 10/12/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 81.2 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 of 99 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097071 10/12/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 121.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097070 10/12/2021 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab was 519 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 of 520 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097069 10/12/2021 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab was 553 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 of 547 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097068 10/12/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 109.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1097044 11/21/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion;Roots from lateral and debris. caused 127.0 gal Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1097008 09/30/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.1 SU. Violation N Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1097007 09/21/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU. Violation N Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1097006 09/09/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU. Violation N Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1096999 10/20/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 920 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 Y
1096967 09/14/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 65 mg/L and reported value was 207 mg/L. Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1096966 09/16/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1096965 09/16/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 232 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1096964 09/16/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 502 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1096963 09/16/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.90 SU. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1096938 09/11/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 330 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1096935 08/13/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 310 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1096933 07/22/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 320 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1096932 09/11/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 250 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1096931 08/13/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 250 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1096929 07/22/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 230 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1096911 07/01/2021 Order Conditions Excess cattle at dairy unit. 523 in July and 519 in August and September. Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1096903 09/14/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1096886 09/28/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096885 09/21/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096884 09/14/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096883 09/07/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096881 08/31/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096880 08/24/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096879 08/17/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096877 08/10/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096876 08/03/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096843 07/27/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096841 07/20/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096840 07/13/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096839 07/06/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096836 09/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096835 08/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096834 07/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096833 08/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096831 07/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1096829 09/20/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096828 09/19/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096827 09/18/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096826 09/17/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096825 09/16/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096824 09/15/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096823 09/14/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096822 09/13/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096821 09/12/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096820 09/11/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096819 09/10/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096818 09/09/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096817 09/08/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096816 09/07/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096815 09/06/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096814 09/05/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096813 09/04/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096812 09/03/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096811 09/02/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096810 09/01/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096809 08/31/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096808 08/30/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096807 08/29/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096806 08/28/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096805 09/20/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096804 09/19/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096803 09/16/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096802 09/14/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096801 09/12/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096800 09/10/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096799 09/09/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096798 09/07/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096797 09/05/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096796 09/04/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096795 09/03/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096794 09/02/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096793 09/01/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096792 08/30/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096791 08/26/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096790 08/25/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096789 09/20/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096788 09/16/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096787 09/14/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096786 09/01/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096785 08/31/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096784 08/26/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096783 08/25/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240.0 MPN/100 mL and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096782 09/28/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096781 09/22/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096780 09/24/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096779 08/04/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096778 07/14/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096777 08/27/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096776 07/12/2021 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096775 08/24/2021 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096774 08/28/2021 Deficient Monitoring From SMR, "One bacti sample in August was taken to lab after holding time and th Violation N Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1096773 09/24/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 151 mg/L. Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096772 09/22/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096771 09/15/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096770 07/07/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 Y
1096769 09/30/2021 Order Conditions Influent Total Nitrogen not measured. Violation N Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1096767 07/07/2021 Order Conditions Missed a day of coliform sampling. Violation N Report Tajiguas Resource Recovery Project - Materials Recycling Facility & ADF 440132 2014-0153-DWQ N
1096765 09/01/2021 Unauthorized Discharge WDR section B1 states that no discharge will "overflow, seepage, or bypass onto Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1096759 09/03/2021 Order Conditions Samples for Effluent Settleable Solids were analyzed outside of hold time (lab e Violation None Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1096758 09/02/2021 Order Conditions Samples for Effluent Settleable Solids were analyzed outside of hold time (lab e Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1096754 09/08/2021 CAT1 Chloride Annual Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 360 mg/L Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096753 09/08/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Annual Average (Mean) limit is 248 mg/L and reported value was 300 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096752 09/24/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.66 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096751 09/10/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.70 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096750 09/08/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.70 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096749 09/07/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.61 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096748 09/06/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.92 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096747 09/05/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.82 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096746 09/04/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.72 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096745 09/01/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.52 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1096742 07/01/2021 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Percent Reduction limit is 50 % and reported value was 30 Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1096690 10/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1096689 10/06/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 850 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1096637 07/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Cannabis cultivation without coverage under the Cannabis General Order Violation N Complaint Velasquez Property 445745 None Y
1096580 09/08/2021 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85.0 % and repo Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096579 08/25/2021 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85.0 % and repo Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096578 08/11/2021 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85.0 % and repo Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096577 07/20/2021 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85.0 % and repo Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096576 09/22/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096575 09/08/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096574 08/25/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096573 08/11/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096572 07/20/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85.0 % Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096571 09/08/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096569 08/11/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 100.0 mg/L and repor Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096568 09/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 50.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096567 08/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 50.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation None Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096564 07/07/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % an Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096563 07/07/2021 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Percent Reduction limit is 85 % and reported v Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096562 07/20/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096561 07/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096560 09/01/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1096559 07/22/2021 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report California Utilities 321211 R3-2007-0008 N
1096558 07/29/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 420 mg/L. Violation N Report California Utilities 321211 R3-2007-0008 N
1096557 07/29/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 280 mg/L. Violation N Report California Utilities 321211 R3-2007-0008 N
1096525 11/02/2021 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Qtrly Constituents ) report for Q3 2021 (2507003) wa Violation None Report Price Canyon Production Facility 444437 R3-2021-0010 N
1096522 11/02/2021 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for September 2021 (2009154) was due on 01-NOV-2 Violation None Report Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1096461 09/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 224 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1096460 09/30/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 194 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1096450 07/31/2021 Deficient Reporting Missing groundwater monitoring data Violation None Report George Chiala Farm- Morgan Hill 169557 R3-2004-0066 N
1096449 01/19/2021 Deficient Reporting Missing groundwater monitoring data Violation None Report George Chiala Farm- Morgan Hill 169557 R3-2004-0066 N
1096448 07/01/2020 Deficient Reporting Missing groundwater monitoring data Violation None Report George Chiala Farm- Morgan Hill 169557 R3-2004-0066 N
1096447 02/18/2020 Deficient Reporting Missing groundwater monitoring data Violation None Report George Chiala Farm- Morgan Hill 169557 R3-2004-0066 N
1096444 10/01/2021 Order Conditions Influent flow is calculated, inflow meter is not working. Violation N Report Fort Hunter Liggett WWTP 146930 94-031 N
1096411 09/22/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096410 09/21/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096409 09/20/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096408 09/17/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096407 09/16/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096406 09/15/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096405 09/14/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 and reported value was 0.5 Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096404 09/13/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096367 09/01/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 and reported value was 0.21 Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096280 09/10/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096279 09/08/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation None Report Courtside Cellars 148510 01-115 N
1096237 09/29/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096224 07/17/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value Violation None eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096168 07/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096167 07/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 312 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096166 09/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 305.5 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096165 08/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200.0 mg/L and reported value was 295.8 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096164 07/26/2021 CAT1 Ammonia, Unionized (as N) Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0.025 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096163 09/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096162 08/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 20.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1096062 09/13/2021 Deficient Monitoring The auto sampler for EFF-001A malfunctioned and failed to produce a composite sa Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1095999 07/13/2021 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 3.6 ug/L and reported Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1095998 09/08/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 104.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 67.1 mg/L Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1095997 09/08/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 148.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 96.4 mg/ Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1095996 09/08/2021 Surface Water R-004 TDS annual average result of 544 mg/L with set limit of 500 mg/L. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1095995 09/08/2021 Surface Water R-003 TDS annual average result of 519 mg/L with a set limit of 500 mg/L. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1095994 09/08/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 117.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average of 72.8 mg/L Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1095993 09/08/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 131.o mg/L resulting in the annual average of 91.7 mg/ Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1095928 07/01/2021 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as SO4) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value was 5 Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095927 08/05/2021 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 3.3 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095926 07/01/2021 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 1.06 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095925 08/05/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 237 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095924 07/01/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 163 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095923 08/05/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 250 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095922 08/05/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095921 07/01/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095920 09/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095919 09/30/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10 m Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095918 09/24/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095917 09/16/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095916 09/09/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095915 09/02/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095914 08/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095913 08/26/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095912 08/19/2021 CAT1 Total Solids (TS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095911 08/05/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095909 07/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095908 07/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 10 m Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095907 07/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095906 07/15/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095905 07/08/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095904 07/01/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095860 09/30/2021 CAT1 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 20 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1095851 09/24/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095850 09/16/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095849 09/09/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095848 07/29/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095847 07/01/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1095805 10/27/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 415 gallons of sewage to spill Violation N SSO Santa Cruz City CS 301229 2022-0103-DWQ N
1095702 08/11/2021 Deficient Reporting Submitted workplan did not meet the requirements of the 13267 Order Violation N Report Los Osos Closed Landfill 445454 None Y
1095626 07/06/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth 24-hour Average limit is 1 TUc and reported v Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 383021 R3-2011-0211 N
1095623 09/14/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Giant Kelp-Germ-tube length Daily Maximum limit is 85 TUc and r Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1095615 07/14/2021 Groundwater Groundwater Nitrate Limit (8 mg/L) exceeded: 9.4 mg/L Violation N Report Rancho Colina MH Estates STP 144278 87-110 N
1095503 07/15/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4.1 M Violation N eSMR Pajaro Valley WMA and City of Watsonville Water Reclamation 359226 R3-2008-0039 N
1095480 10/19/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure;NA caused 175.0 gallons of sew Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1095375 07/31/2021 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 8.8 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 443460 R3-2021-0001 Y
1095332 09/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1095330 01/26/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 8 mg/L. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095329 01/28/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 100 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095328 01/22/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 31 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095327 01/21/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4.5 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095326 01/20/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4 mg/L. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095325 01/31/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Monthly Mean limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 5.10 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095324 01/06/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 7.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095323 01/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 60 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095322 01/28/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095321 01/07/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1095320 05/12/2021 Order Conditions BOD Loading was 119.1 lbs/acre/day when maximum value mandated by order is 100 l Violation N Report True Leaf Farms Fruit & Veg Processing Facility 185259 R3-2004-0066 N
1095319 04/21/2021 Order Conditions BOD Loading was 259.4 lbs/acre/day when maximum value mandated by order is 100 l Violation N Report True Leaf Farms Fruit & Veg Processing Facility 185259 R3-2004-0066 N
1095318 07/22/2020 Order Conditions BOD Loading was 126.2 lbs/acre/day when maximum value mandated by order is 100 l Violation N Report True Leaf Farms Fruit & Veg Processing Facility 185259 R3-2004-0066 N
1095209 01/28/2021 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 2.5 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1095174 09/16/2021 Order Conditions Freeboard was less than 2 feet in their facultative pond. Violation None Inspection Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 N
1095100 11/01/2020 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 2.5 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report City of Pacific Grove 409750 2016-0068-DDW N
1094986 01/28/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 350 mg/L. Violation None Report California Utilities 321211 R3-2007-0008 N
1094788 08/31/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.69 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094787 08/30/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.86 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094786 08/29/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.99 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094785 08/28/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.07 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094784 08/27/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.15 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094783 08/26/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.22 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094782 08/25/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.16 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094781 08/24/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.36 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094780 08/23/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.35 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094779 08/22/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.34 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094778 08/21/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.59 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094777 08/20/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.35 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094776 08/19/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.25 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094775 08/18/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.18 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094774 08/17/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.20 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094773 08/16/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.26 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094772 08/15/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.24 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094771 08/13/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.06 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094770 08/12/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.80 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094769 08/11/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.83 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094768 08/10/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.59 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094767 08/04/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.42 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094766 08/03/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.66 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094765 08/02/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.61 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1094761 08/25/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1094760 08/18/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1094746 08/03/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 1.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1094741 08/31/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.98 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094740 08/30/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.99 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094739 08/29/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.53 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094738 08/27/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.62 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094737 08/18/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.75 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094736 08/17/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.75 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094735 08/16/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.92 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094734 08/15/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.94 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094733 08/14/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.04 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094732 08/13/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.88 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094731 08/12/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.99 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094730 08/11/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.06 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094729 08/09/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.03 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094728 08/08/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.94 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094727 08/07/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.00 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094726 08/06/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.93 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094725 08/05/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.87 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094724 08/04/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.96 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094723 08/03/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.99 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094722 08/02/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.93 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094721 08/11/2021 CAT1 Chloride Other limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 360 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094720 08/11/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Other limit is 247 mg/L and reported value was 300 mg/L. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094719 08/01/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.85 SU. Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1094650 08/02/2021 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 09.96 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1094649 08/27/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 350 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1094553 08/24/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab was 83.7 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 to 60 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1094552 08/24/2021 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab was 608 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 of 523 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1094551 08/24/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium grab was 104.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 to 6 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1094550 08/24/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab was 122.0 mg/L resulting in the average annual grab at R-0 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1094549 08/24/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride grab was 146.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 to Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1094548 08/24/2021 Deficient Monitoring Did not sample at R-005 as there was no flow. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1094489 05/26/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Water Code section 13260: Cannabis cultivation activities occurred without permi Violation N Inspection APN 015-050-005-000 444885 None Y
1094482 05/26/2021 Basin Plan Prohibition Used toilet paper was found in the riparian area. Multiple homemade bathing area Violation N Inspection APN 015-050-005-000 444885 None Y
1093740 07/14/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 160 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1093698 07/07/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1093638 07/16/2021 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 25.8 Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 Y
1093527 08/24/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Rags caused 2536.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Late Violation N SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1093435 08/06/2021 Order Conditions The limit of 15,000gpd was exceeded due to a pump failure the previous day. Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1093425 12/08/2020 Groundwater Downgradient wells MW-6 and MW-8, as well as mid-gradient well MW-1 experienced Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 Y
1093424 12/08/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.45 SU. Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093423 12/01/2020 Order Conditions The DU is permitted for 375 Animal Units (AU) of cattle and population was 523 A Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093422 11/01/2020 Order Conditions The DU is permitted for 375 Animal Units (AU) of cattle and population was 533 A Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093421 10/01/2020 Order Conditions The DU is permitted for 375 Animal Units (AU) of cattle and population was 520 A Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093411 06/01/2021 Groundwater Downgradient wells MW-4 and MW-8, as well as mid-gradient well MW-1 had elevated Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 Y
1093410 06/02/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.6 SU and reported value was 9.82 SU. Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093409 06/02/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.86 SU. Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093407 06/01/2021 Order Conditions The DU is permitted for 375 Animal Units (AU) of cattle, and had a population of Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093406 05/01/2021 Order Conditions The DU is permitted for 375 Animal Units (AU) of cattle, and had a population of Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093405 04/01/2021 Order Conditions The DU is permitted for 375 Animal Units (AU) of cattle, and had a population of Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093404 05/01/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.6 SU and reported value was 9.88 SU. Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1093398 07/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 69.3 mg/L at R-004 resulting in the annual average of 58 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1093397 07/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 79.4 mg/L resulting in an annual average at R-003 of 58. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1093396 07/31/2021 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average limit is 1.8 ug/L and reported valu Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1093395 07/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 105.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1093394 07/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 92.7 mg/L at R-004 resulting in the annual average of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1093393 07/07/2021 Surface Water TDS annual average result of 519 mg/L with a set limitation of 500.0 mg/L. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1093384 08/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Unpermitted cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Moon John Leonard III TR Property 444693 None Y
1093382 08/13/2021 Unauthorized Discharge Unpermitted active cannabis cultivation. Violation N Inspection Anna Adlerbert and Marvin Lawrence Property 444674 None Y
1093334 06/22/2021 Order Conditions Not using a spray field: "Wastewater application to spray irrigation areas shall Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1093333 05/05/2021 Order Conditions Treatment ponds have freeboard less than 2 feet (1.5-1.9 ft). Permit says: &quot Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1093330 06/29/2021 Groundwater downgradient monitoring well 2S. sodium reported value is 152 mg/L (permitted ma Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1093326 06/24/2021 Groundwater Measurement obtained from downgradient well 4S. Reported value of Nitrate: 18.2 Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1093325 06/24/2021 Groundwater Downgradient monitoring well 2D. Reported value of nitrate: 31.6 mg/L (max permi Violation N Report Greenfield WWTP, City of 131446 R3-2002-0062 N
1093117 04/30/2021 Late Report Failure to submit Q1 2021 Violation N Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 Y
1093116 01/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit Annual 2020 SMR Violation N Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 Y
1093115 01/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit Q4 2020 Violation N Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 Y
1093114 10/30/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit Q3 2020 Violation N Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 Y
1093113 07/30/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit Q2 2020 SMR Violation N Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 Y
1093112 04/30/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit Q1 2020 Violation N Report Chualar WWTP 148201 01-038 Y
1093079 07/26/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 1 TUc and repor Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 383021 R3-2011-0211 N
1093031 09/22/2020 Groundwater Well #1 exceeded Chloride (270 mg/L), Nitrate (121 mg/L), Sodium (181 mg/L). Wel Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1093030 02/29/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was 6.3 Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1093029 02/21/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5.0 mg/L and reported value was 6.2 Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1093026 01/05/2021 Groundwater Well #1 violated Chloride (260 mg/L), Nitrate (136 mg/L), Sodium (200 mg/L), Sul Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1093025 06/22/2021 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.00 NTU. Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1093024 06/21/2021 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.00 NTU. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1093023 06/20/2021 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.00 NTU. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1093022 06/19/2021 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.95 NTU. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1093021 06/18/2021 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.40 NTU. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092759 07/29/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure caused 1589 gallons of sewage Violation N SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1092755 04/07/2021 Groundwater Exceedances at Well #1 of of Nitrate (144 mg/L), Sulfate (1030 mg/L), and TDS (3 Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092754 04/01/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 175 mg/L and reported value was 250 mg/L. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092748 01/31/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 990 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092746 03/28/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092745 03/20/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092744 03/12/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092743 02/08/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092742 01/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092726 06/30/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity (Species 3) Other limit is 1 TUc and reported value was 1.1 TUc Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1092725 05/31/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 250 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1092724 04/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 348 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1092723 06/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 344 mg/ Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1092722 04/30/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 250 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1092721 05/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 351 mg/ Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1092720 06/28/2021 CAT1 Ammonia, Unionized (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 0.025 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1092692 06/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride 12-Month Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 205 mg/L at E Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1092664 03/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Ammonia on a grab sample at EFF-001B has a minimum sampling frequency list as 2/ Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1092663 06/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Total Dissolved Solids at RCY-001 has a minimum sampling frequency listed as qua Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1092572 12/14/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092571 12/31/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L mg/L. Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092570 10/11/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 9.8 m Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092569 10/07/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 9.9 m Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092568 10/03/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 9.2 m Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092567 10/07/2020 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) 30-Day Average limit is 205 mg/L and reported value was 20 Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092566 12/02/2020 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 10.02 NTU Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092565 10/19/2020 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 21.74 NTU Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1092468 06/22/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 200 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1092467 06/21/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 200 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1092407 12/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride Annual Average (Mean) limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 215 mg/L Violation N Report Hollister Domestic WWTP 359247 R3-2008-0069 N
1092348 06/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly TDS Sodium Grab was 77.8 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 o Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1092347 06/26/2021 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.3 ml/L and reported value was 0.6 ml/ Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1092346 06/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 85 % % at M-I Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1092345 06/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly TDS grab was 561 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 0f 519 mg Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1092344 06/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 85 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1092343 06/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 90.6 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 to Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1092341 06/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 65.5 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 of 58 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1092340 06/30/2021 Deficient Monitoring R005 was not sampled for Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Oxygen Saturation, Nitrate Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1092339 06/07/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 104.0 mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 of Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1092317 07/21/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092316 07/21/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092315 06/30/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092311 06/15/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092310 06/15/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092309 05/05/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092304 04/13/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 80 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092301 03/10/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092295 01/13/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 850 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1092263 06/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 240 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092262 06/30/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 192 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092261 05/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 237.5 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092260 05/31/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 190 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092259 04/30/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092258 04/30/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 227.5 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092257 04/30/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 227.5 mg Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092256 03/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 236.0 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092255 03/31/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 196.0 mg Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092254 02/28/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 228.0 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092253 02/28/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 175.0 mg Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092252 01/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 210 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092251 01/31/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150.0 mg/L and reported value was 180 mg/L Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1092150 02/03/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.4 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1092089 07/19/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General caused 50 gallons of sewage to spill from Later Violation N SSO Sewage Treatment Plant CS 299995 2022-0103-DWQ N
1092084 07/17/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 897 gallons of sewage to spill Violation N SSO Santa Cruz County CS 299967 2022-0103-DWQ N
1091582 05/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge 13260 Directive Violation N Inspection APN 087-241-01 444082 None Y
1091581 05/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge 13260 Directive Violation N Inspection 19950 Kings Creek Road 444080 None Y
1091580 05/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge 13260 Directive Violation N Inspection 1260 Locan Creek Road, Boulder Creek 444078 None Y
1091579 05/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge 13260 Directive Violation N Inspection APN 089-461-35 444076 None Y
1091578 05/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge 13260 Directive Violation N Inspection APN 087-231-28 444074 None Y
1091577 05/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge 13260 Directive Violation N Inspection APN 756-09-024 444072 None Y
1091576 05/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge 13260 Directive Violation N Inspection APN 756-09-024 444071 None Y
1091575 05/21/2021 Unauthorized Discharge 13260 Directive Violation N Inspection APN 759-09-026 444069 None Y
1091574 05/21/2021 Enforcement Action 13260 Letter Violation N Inspection 506 Summit Road 444067 None Y
1091482 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Domestic sewage was piped to an IBC tote located in a hole in the ground. Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091481 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Trash and debris were stored improperly, littered on the ground, and not removed Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091480 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Fertilizers, pesticides, and petroleum products were stored outdoors and without Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091478 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Piles of soil were stored outdoors and uncovered where they were subject to eros Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091477 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Cannabis green waste was improperly stored on site in locations where it could e Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091476 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Access roads were not constructed consistent with the requirements of California Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091475 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Bare, unvegetated ground was present on site and susceptible to erosion. No eros Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091474 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Cut and fill slopes were present in the disturbed area that exceeded 50% slope. Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091473 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Cannabis cultivation activities and land disturbance occurred within the riparia Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091472 04/30/2021 Order Conditions Cannabis cultivation activities were occurring without obtaining permit coverage Violation N Inspection Duarte Property 444035 None Y
1091462 05/04/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 55.6mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 increa Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1091461 05/04/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 63.4mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 decrea Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1091460 05/04/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 90.3mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 incr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1091459 05/05/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1091458 05/17/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1091457 05/04/2021 Surface Water Monthly TDS Grab was 569mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 increasing Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1091456 05/04/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 84.2mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 incr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1091455 03/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Didn't sample for BOD or TSS. Reported NODI E (for failed to sample) in DMR for Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1091450 04/19/2021 Order Conditions Containers of paint and acetone were stored outdoors, uncovered, and without sec Violation N Inspection APN 067-171-085 443030 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1091448 04/19/2021 Order Conditions Fertilizer, chemicals, and trash cans of unknown liquid stored without secondary Violation N Inspection APN 067-171-085 443030 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1091447 04/19/2021 Order Conditions The discharger did not apply for enrollment under the Cannabis General Order bef Violation N Inspection APN 067-171-085 443030 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1091415 05/10/2021 Deficient Monitoring Suspected error in the 24 Hour Composite sampling. Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1091393 10/14/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1091392 10/14/2020 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1091389 05/31/2021 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 43 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1091282 06/22/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion caused 634 gallons of sewage to spill from Late Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1090895 06/06/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General caused 4050.0 gallons of sewage to spill from L Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1090887 06/04/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion;Root intrusion from lateral, combined with grea Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1090883 04/01/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Percent Reduction limit is 8 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1090795 04/28/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1090794 04/26/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1090793 04/06/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 80.0mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 incr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1090792 04/06/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 54.9mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 incr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1090791 04/09/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1090790 04/06/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 46.8mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 increa Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1090789 04/06/2021 Surface Water TDS annual average result of 507 with set limitation of 500.0mg/L. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1090788 04/06/2021 Surface Water Monthly Sodium Grab was 61.2mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 increa Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1090751 02/10/2021 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation N Report Carmel Valley Ranch WWTP (Producer) 141169 01-083 N
1090581 03/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090580 02/28/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090579 03/30/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090578 03/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090577 03/16/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090576 03/09/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090575 03/02/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090574 02/23/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090573 02/16/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090572 02/02/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090571 03/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090570 02/28/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090569 03/30/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090568 03/23/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090567 03/16/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090566 03/09/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090565 03/02/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090564 02/23/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090563 02/16/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090562 02/09/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090561 02/02/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090560 01/26/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090559 01/19/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090558 01/12/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090557 01/05/2021 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090556 01/31/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090555 01/05/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090554 12/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090553 12/08/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 75 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090552 11/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090551 12/21/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090550 12/14/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090549 12/08/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090548 12/01/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090547 11/23/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090546 11/17/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090545 11/10/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090544 11/03/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090543 10/27/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090542 10/20/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090541 10/13/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2419. Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090540 10/06/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090539 10/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090538 02/25/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090537 02/18/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation None Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1090528 04/07/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Event Discharge limit is 850 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1090527 12/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Annual Average (Mean) limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 333 Violation N Report Hollister Industrial WWTP 147671 00-020 N
1090526 12/31/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Annual Average (Mean) limit is 1415 mg/L and report Violation N Report Hollister Industrial WWTP 147671 00-020 N
1090161 05/19/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Other (specify below);Monterey One Water was performing mainte Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1089992 08/22/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1089991 08/12/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 8 mg/L and reported value was 8.4 Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1089808 10/13/2020 Groundwater Boron, Total Annual Median limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 0.896 mg/L a Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1089807 10/13/2020 Groundwater Sodium, Total Annual Median limit is 50 mg/L and reported value was 77.1 mg/L at Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1089804 04/26/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Rags caused 103 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole Violation N SSO Gilroy CS 300317 2022-0103-DWQ N
1089761 02/28/2021 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average limit is 1.8 ug/L and reported valu Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1089760 01/05/2021 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 3.6 ug/L and reported Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1089759 01/31/2021 CAT2 Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Monthly Average limit is 1.8 ug/L and reported valu Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1089758 11/30/2020 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average limit is 0.40 ug/L and reported value was 0 Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1089757 11/30/2020 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N Report California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1089670 03/16/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1089669 03/02/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 69.8mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 incr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1089667 03/15/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1089666 03/02/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 82.2mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 incr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1089643 03/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 330 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1089642 02/28/2021 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1089641 02/28/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 315 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1089640 01/31/2021 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 331 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1089552 03/14/2021 Deficient Monitoring Microbiological contamination in laboratory¿s DI system caused NV results betwee Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1089551 03/19/2021 Deficient Monitoring New laboratory staff failed to analyze settleable solids on March, 19th 2021. Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1089365 04/25/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris from Construction;Debris related to road rehabilitation Violation N SSO Seaside Co Sd CS 299993 2022-0103-DWQ N
1089211 04/22/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General caused 52 gallons of sewage to spill from Insid Violation N SSO Sewage Treatment Plant CS 299995 2022-0103-DWQ N
1089170 03/02/2021 CAT1 Chloride 12-Month Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 202 mg/L at E Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1088955 12/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088942 11/04/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 120 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088941 11/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 80 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088940 11/30/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088939 11/18/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088938 11/12/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088937 10/07/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 174 mg/L Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088936 10/07/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 930 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088935 10/21/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 120 mg/L and report Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088934 10/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 80 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088933 10/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088932 10/21/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088931 10/14/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088930 10/07/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088929 04/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 80 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088928 04/22/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088927 04/15/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088926 04/08/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088925 04/01/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1088687 03/29/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Air Relief Valve (ARV)/Blow-Off Valve (BOV) Failure caused 10. Violation N SSO Monterey One Water Reg Trtmt & Outfall Sys CS 301793 2022-0103-DWQ N
1088525 04/06/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Wipes/Non-Dispersables caused 75.0 gallons of sewage to Violation N SSO Oak Shores Development CS 359423 2022-0103-DWQ N
1088454 01/01/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.6 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1088234 02/02/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 57.3mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 decr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1088233 02/02/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 51.7mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 decr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1088167 03/25/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Rags caused 200 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole Violation N SSO Gilroy CS 300317 2022-0103-DWQ N
1088040 01/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Discharger did not monitor depth to groundwater as required by the MRP. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1088039 01/31/2021 Deficient Monitoring Discharger did not conduct quarterly groundwater sampling as required by the MRP Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1088037 01/31/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 9182 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1087893 12/28/2020 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1087890 11/10/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1087889 10/06/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1087698 03/17/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 2930.0 gallons of sewage to spi Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1087640 11/01/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1087560 04/02/2020 Late Report Discharger failed to submit annual report Violation N Report Engel & Gray Regional Composting 422420 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1087297 01/29/2021 Late Report Discharger failed to certify 1/13/21 spill event report in CIWQS by 1/28/21 (wit Violation N Report Santa Cruz City CS 301229 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1087003 01/31/2021 CAT2 Molybdenum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 10.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1087002 01/31/2021 CAT1 Aluminum, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 1000.0 ug/L and reported va Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1087001 01/31/2021 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1000.0 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 Y
1087000 01/28/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.5 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1086999 01/28/2021 Deficient Monitoring Nitrate/Nitrite analysis was not performed by lab. Violation N eSMR Granite Rock Arthur Wilson Quarry 418028 R3-2017-0027 N
1086960 01/30/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1086959 01/29/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1086958 01/05/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 90.2mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-004 incr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1086955 01/13/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1086954 01/05/2021 Surface Water Monthly Chloride Grab was 86.8mg/L resulting in the annual average at R-003 incr Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1086953 01/19/2021 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.9 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1086699 01/27/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 0.015 MGD and reported value was 0.021 MGD at EFF-00 Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1086698 01/26/2021 Order Conditions Maximum Daily Flow exceeded 0.015MGD due to Historically Heavy Rainfall Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1086697 01/28/2021 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 0.015 MGD and reported value was 0.022 MGD at EFF-00 Violation N eSMR Ragged Point Inn Motel 436981 R3-2020-0003 N
1086578 01/06/2021 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 800 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1086453 01/16/2021 Surface Water RSW-004 pH 7.65 su 1/16/21 10:38 RSW-005 pH 7.10 su 1/16/21 10:35 Effluent 001 p Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1086450 02/18/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pump Station Failure-Controls;Bubbler pump failure caused 2299 Violation N SSO Watsonville CS 300343 2006-0003-DWQ N
1086049 07/08/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger did not report monthly effluent BOD sample as required by the MRP. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086047 06/16/2020 CAT2 Formaldehyde Daily Maximum limit is 100 ug/L and reported value was 570 ug/L. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086046 03/04/2020 CAT2 Formaldehyde Daily Maximum limit is 100 ug/L and reported value was 120 ug/L. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086041 12/31/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 11745 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086040 10/31/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 9173 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086039 11/30/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 11237 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086038 09/30/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 10980 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086037 08/31/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 12488 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086035 07/31/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 8076 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086034 06/30/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 15634 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086033 05/31/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 17408 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086032 04/30/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 13154 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086031 03/31/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 10316 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1086030 02/29/2020 OEV Flow Daily Maximum limit is 6750 GPD and reported value was 10188 GPD. Violation N Report Monterey Vacation RV Park 421597 2014-0153-DWQ N
1085952 01/28/2021 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 2400 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N eSMR Morro Bay/Cayucos WWTP 418033 R3-2017-0050 N
1085846 02/12/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Other (specify below);By-pass valve leak caused 116 gallons of Violation N SSO Montecito SD CS 301777 2022-0103-DWQ N
1085510 02/01/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Rags;Debris, Rags, Mop Head , and Industrial Wipes caus Violation N SSO Salinas City CS 299921 2022-0103-DWQ N
1085216 11/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 332 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1085215 10/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 339 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1085214 12/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1085213 10/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1085212 12/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 345 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1085209 04/07/2020 Deficient Monitoring Used a plastic bottle instead of a glass bailer to collect grab sample for analy Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1085170 12/04/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 105 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Morro Bay/Cayucos WWTP 418033 R3-2017-0050 N
1085156 09/02/2020 Deficient Monitoring Six parameters listed under Ocean Plan Table 3 were not analyzed this monitoring Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1085150 10/18/2020 Deficient Monitoring The Do meter was not properly calibrated (probe cap was missing) Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1085149 09/21/2020 Deficient Monitoring BOD test standard did not meet QC requirements Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1085148 06/06/2020 Deficient Monitoring Contract Laboratory missed the standard and the hold time on a Reclamation Efflu Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1085147 11/10/2020 Order Conditions The contact time for chlorine contact basin dropped below 450mg-min/L for 11 min Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1085109 01/28/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Rainfall Exceeded Design, I and I (Separate CS Only) caused 62 Violation N SSO Guadalupe City CS 301227 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1085096 01/27/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pump Station Failure-Power caused 7300 gallons of sewage to sp Violation N SSO Cambria Csd CS 301204 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1085094 12/29/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.42 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 Y
1085093 12/28/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.77 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085092 12/27/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.7 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085091 12/26/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.46 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085090 12/25/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.38 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085089 12/23/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.27 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085088 12/22/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.7 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085087 12/21/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.42 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085086 12/18/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.11 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085084 12/15/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.11 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085083 12/14/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.2 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085082 12/07/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.13 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085080 11/29/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.17 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085079 11/25/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.33 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085078 11/23/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.65 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085077 11/22/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.03 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085076 11/21/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.30 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085075 11/20/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.85 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085074 11/08/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.15 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085073 10/31/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.18 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085072 10/30/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.33 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085071 10/29/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.12 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085070 10/05/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.06 NTU. Violation None Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085069 10/04/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.06 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085068 10/03/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.65 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085067 10/02/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.12 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085066 10/01/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.07 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085064 11/16/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1085062 12/25/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.34 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085061 12/24/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.25 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085060 12/22/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.23 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085059 12/21/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.27 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085058 12/20/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.20 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085057 12/19/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.19 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085056 12/18/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.15 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085055 12/17/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.12 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085054 12/16/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085053 12/15/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.10 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085052 12/14/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.81 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085051 12/13/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085050 12/12/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.59 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085048 12/11/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.46 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1085047 12/31/2020 OEV Enterococci Monthly 90th% limit is 110 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 112.4 M Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1085045 10/09/2020 Order Conditions Order 99-093 Section B.3 requires 50% of Total Nitrogen removal prior to disposa Violation N Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1085044 12/16/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1085043 12/31/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.01 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085042 12/30/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.67 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085041 12/29/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.72 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085040 12/28/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.94 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085039 12/27/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.04 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085038 12/23/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.68 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085037 12/22/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.4 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085036 12/21/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.73 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085035 12/20/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.69 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085034 12/19/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.77 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085033 12/18/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.72 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085032 12/17/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.40 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085031 12/16/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 7.34 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085030 12/15/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.83 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085029 12/14/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 7.64 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085028 12/13/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 6.43 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085027 12/12/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.17 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085026 12/11/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 10.27 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085025 12/10/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 12.23 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085024 12/09/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 6.27 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085023 12/08/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 7.17 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085022 12/07/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 8.52 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085021 12/06/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.3 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085020 12/05/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.16 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085019 12/04/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.35 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085018 12/03/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.45 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085017 12/01/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.64 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085016 11/30/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.43 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085015 11/28/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.65 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085014 11/27/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.47 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085013 11/24/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.26 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085012 11/23/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.66 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085011 11/22/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.27 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085010 11/21/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.76 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085009 11/20/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.3 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085008 11/19/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.83 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085007 11/18/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.24 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085006 11/17/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.37 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085005 11/16/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.34 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085004 11/15/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.59 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085003 11/14/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.1 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085002 11/13/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.16 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085001 11/12/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.27 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1085000 11/10/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.65 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084999 11/01/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.14 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084998 10/31/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.83 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084997 10/15/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.07 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084996 10/14/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.3 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084995 10/13/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.57 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084994 10/12/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.87 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084993 10/11/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 6.01 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084992 10/10/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.22 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084991 10/09/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084990 10/08/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.4 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084989 10/07/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.4 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084988 10/06/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.42 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084987 10/05/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.48 NTU. Violation None Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084986 10/04/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.48 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084985 10/03/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 6.56 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084984 10/02/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.59 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084983 10/01/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.57 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084982 10/07/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 453 mg/L. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084981 10/07/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 347 mg/L. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084980 10/07/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 600 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084979 12/20/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 5 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084978 10/20/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 5 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1084940 12/07/2020 Deficient Monitoring Our plant PLC went down, and we lost the totalizer for the influent flow for th Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1084939 09/01/2020 Deficient Monitoring Contract laboratory received our 9/1/20 samples for Influent and Effluent TSS bu Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1084707 12/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 218 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1084706 12/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 178 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1084540 12/14/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 TUc and reported value was 1.4 TUc a Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 383021 R3-2011-0211 N
1084539 12/07/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Green Alga-Growth Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 TUc and reported v Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 383021 R3-2011-0211 N
1084538 10/14/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 TUc and reported value was 1.4 TUc a Violation N eSMR Lompoc City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant 383021 R3-2011-0211 N
1084519 12/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride 12-Month Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 201 mg/L at E Violation N eSMR SCRWA WWTP 418038 R3-2017-0028 N
1084518 12/07/2020 Order Conditions We do not have a recorded flow for 12/07/20. The WWTP PLC had issues and the flo Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1084370 12/01/2020 Surface Water Receiving waters R-003 Chloride annual rolling average increased to 60.1, above Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1084368 12/01/2020 Surface Water Receiving waters R-004 Chloride annual rolling average increased to 66.8, above Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1084045 04/13/2020 CAT2 TCDD Equivalents Monthly Average limit is 0.00000045 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR Scotts Valley WWTP 389665 R3-2013-0001 Y
1083964 01/13/2021 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Other (specify below);Combination of roots and non-flushable w Violation N SSO Santa Cruz City CS 301229 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1083841 11/09/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 1 TUc TUc Violation N eSMR Paso Robles WWTP 379360 R3-2011-0002 N
1083752 12/05/2020 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 1.36 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083739 09/24/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083738 09/17/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083737 09/10/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083736 09/10/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083735 09/10/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 306 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083734 09/10/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 262 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083733 09/10/2020 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 3.37 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083732 08/06/2020 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 2.8 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083731 08/06/2020 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value was 63 Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083730 08/06/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 237 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083729 08/06/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 245 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083728 08/06/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083727 08/13/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083726 08/06/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083725 07/02/2020 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 2.26 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083724 07/02/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 178 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083723 07/02/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083722 07/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083721 07/23/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083720 07/16/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083719 07/09/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083718 07/02/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083717 07/23/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg Violation None Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083716 07/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083715 03/05/2020 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 1.59 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083714 03/05/2020 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as S) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value was 60 Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083713 03/05/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 277 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083712 03/05/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 236 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083711 03/05/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083710 03/26/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083709 03/19/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083708 03/12/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083707 03/05/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083701 02/27/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083694 07/22/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.45 SU. Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1083693 01/01/2022 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6.0 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park WWTP 147285 98-062 N
1083692 10/12/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 180 mg/L and reported value was 189 Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1083691 10/12/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 247 mg/L Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1083690 10/12/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1083689 07/21/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 170 mg/L and reported value was 210 Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1083688 07/21/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 243 mg/L Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1083687 07/21/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1083584 10/31/2020 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average limit is 0.56 ug/L and reported value was 2 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1083583 10/06/2020 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 ug/L and reported value was 2.5 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1083572 09/17/2020 Order Conditions Total Nitrogen reduction of 50% was not met in September with a reported removal Violation N Report The Inn at Pasatiempo 146674 99-136 N
1083571 10/07/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 1300 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1083570 10/07/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 233 mg/L. Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1083569 10/07/2020 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 341 mg/L. Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1083568 07/08/2020 CAT1 Chloride Daily Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 267 mg/L. Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1083567 07/08/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Daily Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 237 mg/L. Violation N Report Spreckels WWTP 147406 99-086 N
1083566 11/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 203 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1083565 11/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 1225 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1083564 10/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 195 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1083563 10/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 215 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1083562 09/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 284 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1083561 09/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 178 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1083560 08/27/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 8.3 m Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083559 09/17/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 6.7 m Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083558 09/09/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 8.6 m Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083557 09/01/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 8.6 m Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083556 08/16/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 9 mg/ Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083555 08/08/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 14.4 Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083554 08/24/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 990 mg/L and reported value Violation None Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083553 08/08/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 990 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083552 08/05/2020 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 NTU and reported value was 25.10 NTU Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083551 07/07/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 5.2 m Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1083550 09/19/2020 OEV Total Coliform Monthly Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 225 Violation N Report Scotts Valley WWTF Producer 148618 R3-2001-0066 N
1083549 09/16/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1083548 09/09/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1083547 09/02/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35000 mg/L and repor Violation N Report Sand City Desal Plant 359216 R3-2008-0017 N
1083546 06/17/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU. Violation N Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1083545 09/15/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU. Violation N Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1083492 07/20/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 220 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083491 09/20/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 270 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083490 08/20/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 255 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083489 07/20/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 280 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083488 06/19/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 250 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083487 05/19/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 240 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083486 04/19/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 260 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083485 03/20/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.44 SU. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083484 03/20/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 240 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083483 02/20/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 230 mg/L. Violation N Report Ridgemark Estates WWTP 133135 R3-2004-0065 N
1083481 02/28/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 13. Violation N Report Rancho Larios WWTP 371615 R3-2004-0153 N
1083480 11/03/2020 Surface Water Receiving waters R-003 Chloride annual rolling average increased to 56.8 mg/L, Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1083479 11/03/2020 Surface Water Receiving waters R-004 chloride annual rolling average increased to 63.6 mg/L, a Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1083428 09/30/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.26 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083427 09/29/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.20 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083426 09/28/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 4.19 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083425 09/27/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.85 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083424 09/26/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.50 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083423 09/25/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 9.98 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083422 09/24/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 9.24 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083421 09/23/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.36 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083420 09/22/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.38 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083419 09/21/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.84 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083418 09/20/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.04 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083417 09/19/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.84 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083416 09/18/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.64 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083415 09/17/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 8.08 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083414 09/16/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.88 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083413 09/15/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.16 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083412 09/10/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.99 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083411 09/09/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 9.18 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083410 09/08/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 8.66 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083409 09/07/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 9.17 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083408 09/06/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 8.37 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083407 09/05/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.58 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083406 09/04/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.85 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083405 09/03/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.56 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083404 08/31/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.47 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083403 07/08/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 499 mg/L. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083402 07/08/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 383 mg/L. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083401 07/08/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 600 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083400 08/20/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 5 mg Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083399 07/20/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 5 mg Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1083387 09/16/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1083386 09/02/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1083385 08/19/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1083384 07/29/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1083383 07/15/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1083382 09/16/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1083381 08/19/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1083380 07/15/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1083379 11/10/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1083378 11/10/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1083377 10/16/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1083376 09/10/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1083375 09/10/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1083374 08/18/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1083372 11/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failure to collect effluent sample for evaluation of monthly Total Dissolved Sol Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083251 10/06/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 124 mg/L and reported value was 170 mg/L Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1083250 10/06/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 133 mg/L and reported value was 210 Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1083249 10/06/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 940 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1083248 07/07/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 126 mg/L and reported value was 180 mg/L Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1083247 07/07/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 127 mg/L and reported value was 230 Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1083246 07/07/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 870 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1083244 05/29/2020 Order Conditions Order Condition B.3 requiring a total nitrogen removal of at least 50% was not m Violation N Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1083243 04/08/2020 Order Conditions Order Condition B.3 requiring a total nitrogen removal of at least 50% was not m Violation N Report Mount Hermon Conference Center 147375 99-093 N
1083241 07/23/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 1000 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1083240 07/13/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Daily Maximum limit is 1000 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1083239 05/01/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 10.66 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1083236 09/22/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 8 mg/L and reported value was 11 m Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083235 09/30/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.26 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083234 09/29/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.14 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083233 09/28/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.33 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083232 09/27/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.67 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083231 09/26/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2. NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083230 09/23/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.19 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083229 09/22/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.95 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083228 09/21/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.33 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083227 08/26/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.76 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083226 08/25/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.62 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083225 08/24/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.41 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083224 08/23/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.57 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083223 08/10/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.37 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083222 08/06/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.97 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083221 07/30/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.57 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083220 07/21/2020 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083219 07/17/2020 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1083216 11/25/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083215 11/17/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg/L and reported value w Violation None Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083214 11/10/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083213 11/25/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083211 11/10/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083210 11/08/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083209 11/08/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083208 04/16/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083207 04/08/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083206 04/16/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083205 04/08/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 90 mg Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083204 03/24/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1083203 11/24/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083202 11/19/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083201 11/12/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083200 11/30/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083199 11/24/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083198 11/12/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083197 11/28/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 66 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083196 11/26/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 80 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083195 11/25/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 2 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083194 11/24/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 20 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083193 11/23/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 7.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083192 11/21/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083191 11/20/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 28 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083190 11/19/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 6 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083189 11/13/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 80 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083188 11/11/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 60 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083187 11/07/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083186 11/03/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 100 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083146 09/02/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083145 09/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083144 09/04/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 10 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083143 09/02/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3.9 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083142 09/01/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 5 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083141 08/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 60 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083140 08/27/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083139 08/13/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083137 08/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083136 08/27/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083135 08/31/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 23 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083134 08/30/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 5 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083132 08/29/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 14 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083131 08/28/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 50 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083129 08/27/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 5.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083128 08/26/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 160 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083127 08/24/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083126 08/22/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 70 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083125 08/21/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 7.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083124 08/20/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 1.1 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083123 08/18/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 2.5 mg/ Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083122 08/17/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 2.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083120 08/16/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 1.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083118 03/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 60 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083117 03/25/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083116 03/18/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083115 03/11/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083114 03/04/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083113 03/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 60 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083112 03/25/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083111 03/11/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083110 03/31/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 1.3 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083109 03/30/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 5 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083108 03/28/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083107 03/27/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 20 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083106 03/26/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 2 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083105 03/25/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083104 03/24/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083103 03/23/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 6.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083102 03/22/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 5 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083101 03/21/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 6 mg/L. Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083100 03/20/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 6 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083099 03/19/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 7 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083098 03/18/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 9 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083097 03/17/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 9 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083096 03/14/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 125 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083095 03/13/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 15 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083094 03/12/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 13 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083093 03/11/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 11 mg/L Violation None Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083092 03/10/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 11 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083091 03/09/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 22 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083090 03/08/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083089 03/07/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083088 03/06/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 13 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083087 03/05/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 66 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083086 03/04/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083085 03/03/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4 mg/L. Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083084 03/02/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 10 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083083 03/01/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 0.9 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1083051 09/30/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083050 08/31/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083049 07/31/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083048 09/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083047 08/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083046 07/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083045 08/30/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083044 07/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083043 06/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083042 06/30/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 40 m Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083041 05/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083040 06/01/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083039 05/01/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083038 04/07/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2400 Violation N Report Former Teledyne McCormick Selph Inc./Pacific Scientific 147428 99-078 N
1083036 10/14/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 840 mg/ Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083035 10/14/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 248 mg/L and reported value was 26 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083034 09/09/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 248 mg/L and reported value was 30 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083033 09/09/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 340 mg/ Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083032 08/13/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 390 mg/ Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083031 08/13/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 248 mg/L and reported value was 29 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083030 07/08/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 248 mg/L and reported value was 29 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083029 07/08/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 360 mg/ Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083028 03/12/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 330 mg/ Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1083027 06/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083026 06/25/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083025 06/18/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083024 06/11/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083023 06/04/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 15 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083022 06/30/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30 m Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083021 06/25/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083020 06/18/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083019 06/11/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 25 mg Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083018 04/01/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failure to monitor effluent monthly for Formaldehyde, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene, and M Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083017 06/04/2020 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 1.89 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083016 06/04/2020 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as SO4) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value was 7 Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083015 06/04/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 170 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083014 06/04/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083013 05/07/2020 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 2.08 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083012 05/07/2020 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as SO4) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value was 6 Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083011 05/07/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 209 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083010 05/07/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 210 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083009 05/07/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083008 04/02/2020 CAT1 Boron, Total 30-Day Average limit is 0.2 mg/L and reported value was 1.82 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083007 04/02/2020 CAT1 Sulfate, Total (as SO4) 30-Day Average limit is 50 mg/L and reported value was 5 Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083006 04/02/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 233 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083005 04/02/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 213 mg/L. Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083004 04/02/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 550 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Costanoa Lodge and Camp 394060 R3-2013-0010 N
1083003 03/16/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failure to monitor BOD and TSS on the week of March 16th as specified by MRP R3- Violation N Report City of Pacific Grove 411940 R3-2016-0044 N
1083001 09/14/2020 OEV Total Coliform 30-Day Average limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4.5 Violation N Report Chumash Casino Resort 402930 2016-0068-DDW N
1082999 09/30/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1082998 08/05/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1082997 07/31/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1082994 03/18/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1082993 02/24/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 900 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1082991 12/23/2020 Order Conditions Failure to meet conditions of the General Order for Composting Operations by the Violation N Report Gabilan Ag Services 410310 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1082984 09/17/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 337 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1082983 09/17/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 647 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1082982 09/17/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1082981 09/17/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30 m Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1082980 09/17/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1200 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1082979 09/17/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 9.18 SU. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1082977 11/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing a monthly pH grab Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1082976 07/03/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.5 SU. Violation N Report King City Industrial WWTF 147377 91-084 N
1082975 11/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Missing weekly pH monitoring Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082974 09/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082973 08/20/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.4 SU. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082972 08/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082971 08/20/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 150 mg/L and reported Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082970 07/15/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.5 SU. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082969 07/08/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 9.4 SU. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082968 07/03/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 10 SU. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082967 07/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1082965 11/07/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids samples were analyzed outside of hold times on 11/7, 11/10, 11 Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1082859 09/25/2020 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 8.84 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1082858 12/19/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion;After the blockage was cleared the mainline was Violation N SSO Summerland SD CS 300304 2022-0103-DWQ N
1082855 08/31/2020 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.41 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1082854 07/31/2020 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 10.23 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1082853 06/30/2020 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 10.60 SU. Violation N Report Lompoc Correctional Facility WWTP 147268 98-09 N
1082849 11/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger did not report weekly inspection of reclamation and disposal areas as Violation N Report Casa De Fruta 143779 88-138 N
1082775 11/19/2020 Surface Water RSW-005 pH was below 7.00 su or was not within 0.5 su units of RSW-004 on 11/19/ Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1082774 11/01/2020 Surface Water Receiving water color units at RSW-005 exceeded the permit limit of not to excee Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1082740 09/04/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 198 Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1082739 08/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 5 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1082738 08/27/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1082737 07/22/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1082734 07/09/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report California Utilities 321211 R3-2007-0008 N
1082733 07/23/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 360 mg/L Violation N Report California Utilities 321211 R3-2007-0008 N
1082729 08/01/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.76 SU. Violation N Report California Polytechnic University, Confined Animal Waste 131998 2003-035 N
1082727 10/01/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids sample not taken on 10/1 Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1082726 10/03/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids analyzed outside hold time on 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1082725 09/12/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids were analyzed outside hold times on 9/12 and 9/19 Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1082724 08/01/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids analyzed outside of hold time on 8/1, 8/2, 8/15, 8/29 Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1082723 07/04/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable solids measured out of hold time on 7/4, 7/11, 7/12, 7/18, 7/25 Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1082722 09/17/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total Organic (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 33 mg/L and report Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1082721 09/03/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total Organic (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 35.5 mg/L and repo Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1082720 08/03/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total Organic (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 30.5 mg/L and repo Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1082719 07/16/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total Organic (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 31 mg/L and report Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1082718 07/07/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total Organic (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 33.5 mg/L and repo Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1082712 12/12/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-Wipes/Non-Dispersables;Wipes and sticks caused 700.0 ga Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1082710 11/06/2020 Surface Water Receiving water R-004 Chloride measured 94.6 mg/L. The annual average chloride c Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1082406 12/09/2020 Order Conditions Operating past the compliance deadline without meeting the permit requirements Violation N Report Eade Ranch Composting Facility 410308 2015-0121-DWQ Y
1082298 03/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Coliform test performed outside of hold time Violation N Report Cypress Ridge Sewer Facility 147257 97-066 N
1082228 10/13/2020 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day p Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1082227 10/01/2020 Surface Water Receiving water color units at RSW-005 exceeded the permit limit of not to excee Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1082226 10/01/2020 Surface Water Un-ionized ammonia as N, exceeded 0.025 mg/L as N on 10/1/2020, 10/2/2020, 10/3 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1082225 10/06/2020 Surface Water RSW-004 pH at 15:12 10/6/2020 was 7.68 su. RSW-005 pH at 15:06 10/6/2020 was 7. Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1082224 10/13/2020 OEV Total Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 540 Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1081929 11/22/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris from Construction;Pieces of trenchless spot liners remo Violation N SSO El Estero CS 301443 2022-0103-DWQ N
1081742 11/19/2020 Order Conditions On December 10, 2019, in cooperation with onsite cannabis cultivation staff, Cen Violation N Inspection Ceres Farm LLC 426760 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1081556 11/13/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 980.0 gallons of sewage to spil Violation N SSO City of Morgan Hill CS 299990 2022-0103-DWQ N
1081293 09/15/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1081258 11/12/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General caused 9.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Manh Violation N SSO City of Morro Bay CS 318584 2022-0103-DWQ N
1081240 09/01/2020 Surface Water Chloride measured 70.8 mg/L with a rolling annual average of 56.9 mg/L. The rece Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1081185 09/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 358 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1081184 07/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1081183 09/21/2020 CAT1 Ammonia, Unionized (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 0.025 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1081182 09/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1081181 08/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1081180 08/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 400 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1081179 07/31/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1400 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1081178 07/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 565 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1081052 03/09/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 370 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1081051 03/09/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1200 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1081050 03/09/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 370 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1081049 03/09/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1081048 03/09/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 30-Day Average limit is 30 m Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1081047 03/09/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.89 SU. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1081046 08/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 197.5 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1081045 08/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 180 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1081044 07/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 188 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1081043 07/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 218 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1081042 06/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 177.5 mg/L Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1081041 06/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 220 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1081031 03/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 185 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1081030 03/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 155 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1081029 11/02/2020 Order Conditions Odors emanating from processing ponds. San Benito County Environmental Health ca Violation N Complaint George Chiala Farms- Hollister 404338 R3-2004-0066 Y
1080898 09/16/2020 Surface Water Violation lasted from 9/16/20 through 9/30/20. Color units at RSW-005 exceeded Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1080897 09/23/2020 Surface Water RSW-005 pH 6.82 su on 9/23/20 compliance on 9/24/20 ph 7.17 su Sodium bisulfite Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1080896 09/11/2020 Surface Water Violation lasted from 9/11/20 through 9/30/20. Un-ionized ammonia at RSW-005 ex Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1080894 09/01/2020 Deficient Monitoring Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Other limit is 0 mg/L and reported value was 0 mg/L Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1080695 07/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Total Coliform Other MPN/100 mL. Violation N eSMR Pajaro Valley WMA and City of Watsonville Water Reclamation 359226 R3-2008-0039 N
1080694 09/08/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Giant Kelp-Germ-tube length Daily Maximum limit is 85 TUc and r Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1080693 09/08/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Giant Kelp-Germination Daily Maximum limit is 85 TUc and report Violation N eSMR Watsonville WWTP 396491 R3-2014-0006 N
1080567 09/10/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 23.5 Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 Y
1080564 09/08/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 120 TUc and reported value was 4 Violation N eSMR Carmel Area WWTP 396646 R3-2014-0012 N
1080537 10/21/2020 Order Conditions Odors emanating from processing ponds. The Air District called to inform us of t Violation N Complaint George Chiala Farms- Hollister 404338 R3-2004-0066 Y
1080534 05/23/2020 Late Report Failure to submit a remedial investigation report. Violation N Report Noll Property at 4665 Thread Lane SLO - TCE Site Cleanup 433997 R3-2019-0090 Y
1080466 10/22/2020 Order Conditions Violation of WDR requirements for landfill drainage structures. Confirms reporti Violation N Report Lompoc Solid Waste Disp Site 132060 03-0014 Y
1080385 10/17/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General caused 1879.0 gallons of sewage to spill from L Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1080295 09/30/2020 CAT1 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 20 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1080143 06/16/2020 Other Codes 13267 order since not permitted and violating Basin plan prohibition for dischar Violation N Report Gonzales Compost Facility 428937 None Y
1079955 08/18/2020 Deficient Monitoring On the evening of 8/18 the park was evacuated due to the CZU fire and to this da Violation N eSMR Big Basin Redwoods SP WWTP 383015 R3-2011-0008 N
1079951 07/08/2020 Deficient Monitoring Unable to provide BOD data for both EFF-001 and INF-001 due to catastrophic lab Violation N eSMR Big Basin Redwoods SP WWTP 383015 R3-2011-0008 N
1079947 08/18/2020 OEV Enterococci Single Sample Maximum limit is 104 MPN/100 mL and reported value was Violation N eSMR Monterey One Water Regional WWTP 429636 R3-2018-0017 N
1079910 08/22/2020 OEV pH Daily Minimum limit is 7.0 SU and reported value was 6.8 SU at M-001. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 Y
1079909 08/04/2020 Surface Water Chloride at Receiving Water Site R-004 measured 64.2mg/L thus raising the rollin Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 439321 R3-2020-0005 N
1079746 08/22/2020 CAT1 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 25 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1079745 08/31/2020 CAT1 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 20 mg/L and reported Violation N eSMR Santa Cruz WWTP 418035 R3-2017-0030 N
1079304 06/30/2020 Groundwater Nitrate (as N) exceeded limit of 10 mg/L mg/L in MW-1, MW-2, MW-3 with levels of Violation N Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1079303 06/30/2020 Groundwater Total Dissolved Solids exceeded limit of 4,000 mg/L in MW-1 and MW-2 with levels Violation N Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1079301 06/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failure to report Effluent Monthly Flow, Monthly Pond Freeboard, and Quarterly R Violation N Report Moonglow Dairy--Moss Landing 131133 01-033 N
1079283 05/18/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 70.1 mg Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1079282 04/03/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 2.0 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1079281 04/02/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 0.8 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1079280 04/01/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 1.0 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1079279 04/08/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 100 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1079278 04/08/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1079277 06/13/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 249 mg/L and reported value was 30 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1079276 06/13/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 340 mg/ Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1079275 05/13/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 360 mg/ Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1079274 05/13/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 30 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1079154 03/12/2020 Order Conditions Storage of chemicals and nutrient solutions outdoors without overhead protection Violation N Inspection Monterey Valley Pride, LLC 428226 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1079153 03/12/2020 Order Conditions Erosion was observed in the drainage ditches for stormwater runoff at locations Violation N Inspection Monterey Valley Pride, LLC 428226 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1079152 03/12/2020 Order Conditions Unpermitted discharge of irrigation tailwater into Pond 2 Violation N Inspection Monterey Valley Pride, LLC 428226 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1079143 09/05/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion caused 3812.0 gallons of sewage to spill from M Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1079139 06/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1079138 05/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1079137 05/13/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1079136 03/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Mean limit is 80 mg/ Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1079135 03/18/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 120 m Violation N Report Los Alamos WWTP 296613 R3-2005-0133 N
1079132 03/17/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported val Violation N Report Camp Roberts Main (West) Garrison WWTP 399552 R3-2014-0046 N
1079130 05/01/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1079129 03/01/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1079128 04/01/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1079127 03/01/2020 Order Conditions Freeboard Instantaneous Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 1.8 fee Violation N Report Natural Selections Foods Inc. 328543 R3-2004-0066 N
1079059 03/31/2020 Groundwater Nitrate in monitoring Well #1 and #4 was 18.9 and 44 mg/L respectively, which is Violation N Report Gonzales WWTP 302168 R3-2006-0005 N
1079051 06/30/2020 Order Conditions Freeboard Instantaneous Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.5 fee Violation None Report Pictsweet Frozen Foods 131789 03-002 N
1079050 03/31/2020 Order Conditions Freeboard Instantaneous Minimum limit is 2.0 feet and reported value was 0.5 fee Violation N Report Pictsweet Frozen Foods 131789 03-002 N
1079049 06/30/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079048 04/09/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 600 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079047 04/09/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 350 Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079046 04/09/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 488 mg/L Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079045 04/30/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079044 04/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 5 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079043 04/27/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.41 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079042 04/26/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.29 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079041 04/23/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.91 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079040 04/22/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.89 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079039 04/21/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.41 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079038 04/20/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.36 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079037 04/07/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.15 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079036 04/06/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.32 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079035 04/05/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.7 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079034 04/03/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.65 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079033 04/02/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.50 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079032 04/01/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.33 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079027 03/31/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.39 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079026 03/30/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.34 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079025 03/21/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.37 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079024 03/20/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.74 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079023 03/19/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 4.13 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079022 03/18/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 2.91 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079021 03/17/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 3.46 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079020 03/04/2020 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2 NTU and reported value was 5.64 NTU. Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079019 03/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 5 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079018 02/29/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 5 mg/L and reported Violation N Report Pasadera Reclamation Facility (Producer) 147281 98-058 N
1079016 03/31/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1079015 02/29/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 10 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Fiero Lane Water Company, Inc. 133139 R3-2004-0154 N
1078971 03/09/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 420 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report San Lorenzo Valley HS 147274 98-016 N
1078970 03/09/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 135 mg/L and reported value was 145 mg/L Violation N Report San Lorenzo Valley HS 147274 98-016 N
1078966 06/09/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1078965 06/09/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1078964 05/07/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1078963 05/07/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Minimum limit Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1078962 04/15/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Minimum limit Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1078961 04/05/2020 OEV Flow Instantaneous Maximum limit is 125000 GPD and reported value was 127900 GPD Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1078960 03/27/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1078959 03/27/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1078892 06/22/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 100 m Violation N Report Lopez Rec Area 131901 2002-0011 N
1078801 04/07/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 20 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1078800 04/30/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 50 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1078798 03/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit Violation N Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1078797 02/18/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 50 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Meadowbrook WWTF (Templeton CSD) 326031 R3-2007-0029 N
1078786 04/14/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 10. Violation N Report Davenport WWTP 431017 R3-2019-0008 N
1078733 07/07/2020 Deficient Monitoring Deficient Monitoring: Sample was not collected in July for the monthly influent Violation N eSMR Los Osos Water Recycling Facility 379559 R3-2011-0001 N
1078732 06/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failure to sample effluent pH on monthly basis. Did not report weekly disposal a Violation N Report Nacimiento Resort 147009 96-026 N
1078731 03/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failure to sample effluent pH on monthly basis. Missing March Septic Monitoring Violation N Report Nacimiento Resort 147009 96-026 N
1078714 06/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger failed to report monthly disposal area inspection. Violation N Report Imerys Minerals California - Lompoc Plant WWTP 185853 97-010-DWQ N
1078712 03/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger failed to report monthly disposal area inspection. Violation N Report Imerys Minerals California - Lompoc Plant WWTP 185853 97-010-DWQ N
1078683 06/17/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1078682 06/03/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1078681 05/20/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1078680 04/29/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1078679 04/22/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1078678 04/08/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1078677 04/01/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1078676 06/17/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Shores Development CSA-7A 131134 01-130 N
1078675 07/15/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 18.1 Violation N eSMR Heritage Ranch WWTP 418018 R3-2017-0026 Y
1078627 04/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failed to sample for ground water elevation and water supply boron. Violation N Report Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients - Gilroy 147258 97-070 N
1078608 03/11/2020 Groundwater Exceedence of limit of 8 mg/L of Nitrate (as N) in Groundwater (Order 86-07, Sec Violation N Report Prunedale Shopping Center 143411 86-07 N
1078594 06/08/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 176 mg/L. Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1078593 06/08/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 125 mg/L and reported value was 127 mg/L. Violation N Report Cielo Vista Estates 144281 87-115 N
1078592 06/23/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1078590 05/20/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1078589 04/17/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1078588 04/15/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Cate School WWTP 371876 R3-2009-0037 N
1078587 06/23/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1000 mg/L and report Violation N Report Casa De Fruta 143779 88-138 N
1078566 03/10/2020 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 mg/L and reported value was 24 Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1078523 04/17/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1078522 03/11/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 256 mg/L Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1078521 03/06/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1000 mg/L and report Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1078520 02/26/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 258 Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1078519 02/26/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 305 mg/L Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1078518 02/21/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 280 mg/L Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1078514 02/26/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1000 mg/L and report Violation N Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1078513 02/21/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 1000 mg/L and report Violation None Report Canada Woods Reclamation Facility 147030 97-032 N
1078408 04/10/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.30 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU. Violation N Report King City Domestic WWTF 144671 91-005 N
1078311 03/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 170 mg/L and reported value was 185 Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1078310 03/30/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1078308 03/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 223 mg/L Violation N Report San Miguel SD WWTP 147307 99-046 N
1078305 03/18/2020 OEV Flow 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 150000 GPD and reported value was 206300 GPD Violation N Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1078304 03/15/2020 OEV Flow 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 150000 GPD and reported value was 152600 GPD Violation N Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1078303 03/14/2020 OEV Flow 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 150000 GPD and reported value was 152600 GPD Violation N Report San Miguelito Wild Cherry Canyon 146997 95-057 N
1078296 04/02/2020 Order Conditions Failure to reduce Nitrogen by 50% per Order No. 00-043, System Operations Specif Violation N Report Bear Creek Estates WWF 147775 00-043 N
1078295 05/21/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1078294 06/18/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Instantaneous Maximum limit Violation N Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1078293 05/07/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 5 mg/L and reported value Violation N Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1078292 05/07/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 900 mg/L and reporte Violation N Report Atascadero State Hospital 142084 01-002 N
1078281 06/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger failed to monitor dissolved oxygen in storage pond for the month of J Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1078280 05/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger failed to monitor dissolved oxygen in storage pond for the month of M Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1078279 04/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger failed to monitor dissolved oxygen in storage pond for the month of A Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1078277 03/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger failed to monitor dissolved oxygen in storage pond for the month of M Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1078275 02/29/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger failed to monitor dissolved oxygen in storage pond for the month of F Violation N Report Indian Springs Reclamation Facility 143182 83-003 N
1078272 05/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Failure to report Waste Disposal Monitoring items 1 through 3, Pavement and Sump Violation N Report Dune Co of Salinas 141166 01-050 N
1078259 07/07/2020 Deficient Monitoring Chloride for R-004 tested at 60.8mg/L, the resulting annual average increased up Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 N
1078258 07/07/2020 Surface Water Chloride for R-003 tested at 52.1mg/L, the resulting annual average increased up Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 N
1078257 07/07/2020 Surface Water TDS value tested at 507mg/L, slightly over the surface water limit of 500mg/L. Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 N
1078256 06/30/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids analyzed outside of hold time five times in June Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1078254 05/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids analyzed outside holding time 8 times in May Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1078251 03/31/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable Solids analyzed outside of specified hold time 4 times in March Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1078250 06/30/2020 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1078249 05/30/2020 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1078248 04/02/2020 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value w Violation N Report Soledad WWTP 349587 R3-2008-0042 N
1078244 05/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 217.5 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1078243 05/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 165 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1078242 04/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 192 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1078241 04/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 163 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1078240 04/01/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 2.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report SV Partners Winery 147672 00-017 N
1078239 06/01/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.89 SU. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078238 06/01/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078237 06/10/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 336 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078236 06/10/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 410 mg/L. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078235 06/10/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 30-Day Average limit is 1200 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078234 06/10/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30.0 mg/L and reported valu Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078233 05/01/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078232 05/01/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.89 SU. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078231 04/01/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078230 04/01/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.4 SU and reported value was 8.89 SU. Violation N Report Tres Pinos WWTP 384520 R3-2012-0015 N
1078189 06/29/2020 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.42 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1078188 06/27/2020 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.23 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1078187 06/26/2020 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.01 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 Y
1078186 06/25/2020 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.96 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1078185 06/24/2020 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.85 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1078183 06/23/2020 OEV Turbidity 24-hour Average limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 3.28 NTU. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1078177 02/19/2020 CAT1 Nitrate, Total (as N) 30-Day Average limit is 8.0 mg/L and reported value was 8. Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 N
1078132 07/30/2020 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 220 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 Y
1078131 07/09/2020 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.96 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 Y
1078103 02/24/2020 Order Conditions Unauthorized RO waste discharge Violation N Inspection FLRish Farms LLC 428957 2023-0102-DWQ Y
1078056 03/12/2020 Order Conditions The nutrient mixing area and the filling station are set up to discharge spills Violation N Inspection Monterey Ocean Grown Alisal 428227 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1078055 03/12/2020 Order Conditions Erosion was observed in the drainage ditch and under the culvert outlet to the s Violation N Inspection Monterey Ocean Grown Alisal 428227 2019-0001-DWQ N
1078054 03/12/2020 Order Conditions Unpermitted discharge of irrigation tailwater from a conveyance system into Pond Violation N Inspection Monterey Ocean Grown Alisal 428227 2019-0001-DWQ N
1078053 03/12/2020 Order Conditions The nutrient mixing area and the filling station are set up to discharge spills Violation N Inspection Monterey Valley Pride, LLC 428225 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1078052 03/12/2020 Order Conditions Erosion was observed in the drainage ditch and under the culvert outlet to the s Violation N Inspection Monterey Valley Pride, LLC 428225 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1078051 03/12/2020 Order Conditions Unpermitted discharge of irrigation tailwater from a conveyance system into Pond Violation N Inspection Monterey Valley Pride, LLC 428225 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1078050 03/12/2020 Order Conditions The total disturbed area of Monterey Valley Pride, LLC is greater than one acre, Violation N Inspection Monterey Valley Pride, LLC 428225 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1078034 06/30/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity (Species 3) Daily Maximum limit is 1 TUc and reported value was Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 N
1078033 06/30/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1400 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1078032 04/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1078031 04/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 334 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1078030 06/30/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 540 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1078029 05/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 484 mg/L at M-0 Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1078028 05/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable 30-Day Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value wa Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1078027 05/31/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1400 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1078026 06/30/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 337 mg/L Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1077918 03/30/2020 Groundwater Violation of NOA section 1.b, Groundwater Objectives, limit of 1 mg/L of Total N Violation N Report San Jerardo WWTP 434464 2014-0153-DWQ N
1077775 06/08/2020 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N Report Scotts Valley WWTF Producer 148618 R3-2001-0066 N
1077774 05/23/2020 OEV Total Coliform Monthly Maximum limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 120 Violation N Report Scotts Valley WWTF Producer 148618 R3-2001-0066 N
1077757 02/29/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 178 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1077756 02/29/2020 CAT1 Chloride 30-Day Average limit is 150 mg/L and reported value was 203 mg/L. Violation N Report Solvang WWTP 336192 R3-2007-0069 N
1077742 04/07/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Instantaneous Maximum limit is 128 mg/L and reported value was 180 Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1077741 04/07/2020 CAT1 Chloride Instantaneous Maximum limit is 123 mg/L and reported value was 150 mg/L Violation N Report Nipomo CSD Black Lake - Reclaimed Water Producer 146917 94-014 N
1077700 05/07/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.45 SU. Violation N Report Monterey Mushroom Farms (Hall Road) 147673 00-038 N
1077699 03/03/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.3 SU and reported value was 9.89 SU. Violation N Report Monterey Mushroom Farms (Hall Road) 147673 00-038 N
1077698 04/11/2020 Order Conditions Freeboard Instantaneous Minimum limit is 2 feet and reported value was 1 feet. Violation N Report Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. 777 Maher Court Royal Oaks Facility 147666 00-037 N
1077670 06/01/2020 Deficient Monitoring RSW001 and RSW002 samples for Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, and Kjeldahl Nitrogen w Violation N eSMR Big Basin Redwoods SP WWTP 383015 R3-2011-0008 N
1077578 04/18/2020 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1077577 04/17/2020 OEV Total Coliform Instantaneous Maximum limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1077576 04/13/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 280 mg/L and reported value was 320 mg/ Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1077575 04/13/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 250 mg/L and reported value was 28 Violation N Report Country Club Estates ? SLO Co CSA-18 132350 2003-0004 N
1077567 04/13/2020 Groundwater Nitrate in Down-gradient monitoring wells 1 and 2 had Nitrate concentrations of Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1077566 04/04/2020 Deficient Monitoring Settleable solids samples were analyzed outside of hold times on 4/4, 4/11, 4/18 Violation N Report Buellton WWTP 147482 99-134 N
1077491 04/28/2020 Groundwater Nitrate was 28.3 mg/L (as N) which is over the limit of 6 mg/L in shallow ground Violation N Report Salinas Industrial WWTF (IWTF) 131794 03-0008 N
1077158 06/09/2020 Surface Water R-004 Chloride single grab, 57.2mg/L, limit of 50mg/L. As a result, monthly ro Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 N
1077139 02/20/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1077138 02/20/2020 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Instantaneous Minimum limit is 85 % and report Violation N Report Oak Hills Development WWTP 148204 01-009 N
1077041 06/09/2020 OEV Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum limit is 2000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 920 Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1077003 02/18/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Laguna County Sanitation District Reclamation Plant 383007 R3-2011-0217 N
1076976 02/26/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 60 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076975 02/19/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 60 mg/L and reported value w Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076973 02/19/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 60 mg Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076971 02/29/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076970 02/28/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 13 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076969 02/27/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 22 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076968 02/26/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 4.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076967 02/25/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 1.0 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076966 02/24/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 0.8 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076965 02/22/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 3.5 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076964 02/21/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 100 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076963 02/20/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 28 mg/L Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076962 02/17/2020 CAT1 Settleable Solids Daily Maximum limit is 0.5 mg/L and reported value was 5.0 mg/ Violation N Report Guadalupe WWTP 296594 R3-2005-0015 Y
1076934 02/24/2020 Order Conditions Lack of erosion and sediment control Violation N Inspection New Leaf Family Farms, Inc. 423397 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1076933 02/24/2020 Order Conditions Inadequate disposal of domestic waste Violation N Inspection New Leaf Family Farms, Inc. 423397 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1076932 02/24/2020 Order Conditions Inadequate chemical storage Violation N Inspection New Leaf Family Farms, Inc. 423397 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1076931 02/24/2020 Order Conditions Unauthorized discharges Violation N Inspection New Leaf Family Farms, Inc. 423397 2019-0001-DWQ Y
1076869 06/02/2020 OEV Fecal Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 200 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1076868 06/01/2020 OEV Fecal Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 200 MPN/100 mL and reported value wa Violation N eSMR Pismo Beach WWTP 403753 R3-2015-0016 N
1076799 07/04/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger failed to sample for coliform. Violation N Report Hollister Domestic WWTP 359247 R3-2008-0069 N
1076685 06/27/2020 Deficient Monitoring Sampling frequency. A weekly pH sample and test was overlooked. Violation N eSMR San Simeon WWTP 392787 R3-2013-0021 N
1076477 04/16/2020 Groundwater GW-001 Sodium Measured at 85.6mg/L; Limit set at 50.0mg/L Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 N
1075806 05/05/2020 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Daily Maximum limit is 17 ug/L and reported value was Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 Y
1075804 05/12/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 50 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 Y
1075803 05/05/2020 Surface Water Chloride limit for surface waters is set at 50.0 mg/L; RecWater 4 ran at 50.5mg/ Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 N
1075802 05/31/2020 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 7.5 ug/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 Y
1075801 05/12/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 100 lb/day and reported value was Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 Y
1075773 04/07/2020 Deficient Monitoring Discharger has been using plastic bailer for collection of oil and grease efflue Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 N
1075396 06/04/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Damage by Others Not Related to CS Construction/Maintenance (S Violation N SSO Santa Cruz City CS 301229 2022-0103-DWQ N
1075328 04/07/2020 Surface Water R-003 Sodium at 50.7 mg/L, slightly above limit of 50.0 mg/L Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 N
1075314 06/01/2020 Deficient Monitoring Deficiencies in monitoring for influent flow, influent constituents, effluent co Violation N Report Misionero Vegetables - Gonzales Plant 394632 R3-2004-0066 Y
1075235 04/02/2020 Surface Water TDS at RSW-005 = 735 mg/L on 4/2/20. High influent chloride, sodium, and TDS cou Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1075234 04/02/2020 Surface Water Sodium at RSW-005 = 103 mg/L on 4/2/20. High influent chloride, sodium, and TDS Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1075221 04/05/2020 Deficient Monitoring TSS composite sample for 4/05/2020 and 4/06/2020 did not get pulled by operator Violation N eSMR Big Basin Redwoods SP WWTP 383015 R3-2011-0008 N
1075211 04/30/2020 OEV Enterococci Monthly 90th% limit is 110 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 770.1 M Violation N eSMR El Estero Water Resource Center NPDES 436198 R3-2019-0046 N
1075195 04/02/2020 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Daily Maximum limit is 1.0 ug/L and reported value was 5 ug Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1075194 04/30/2020 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Monthly Average (Mean) limit is .56 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1075193 04/30/2020 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane Monthly Average (Mean) limit is .4 ug/L and reported value Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1075192 04/02/2020 CAT2 Dichlorobromomethane Daily Maximum limit is 1 ug/L and reported value was 17 ug/ Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 Y
1074911 05/01/2020 Deficient Monitoring Supplier (Cal Am) effluent monitoring is incomplete, pond inspections are not be Violation N Report Las Palmas Ranch Reclamation Facility 317955 R3-2006-0041 Y
1074034 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit six semi-annual SMRs from 2015 to 2017 Violation N Report Classic Salads 342267 R3-2004-0066 Y
1074033 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit six semi-annual reports from 2013 to 2016 Violation N Report Fresh Leaf Farms 170317 R3-2004-0066 Y
1074032 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit six semi-annual reports from 2015 to 2018 Violation N Report Helena Chemical Company - Salinas 391010 R3-2005-0001 Y
1074031 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit five semi-annual reports from 2015 to present Violation N Report Nutrien Ag Solutions Santa Maria Main Street (Former Crop Production Service) 298009 R3-2005-0001 Y
1074030 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit six semi-annual SMRs from 2014 to 2017 Violation N Report Crop Production Service Greenfield Facility 184995 R3-2005-0001 Y
1074029 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit six semi-annual reports from 2014 to 2016 Violation N Report Converted Organics of California 184984 R3-2005-0001 Y
1074028 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit five semi-annual SMRs over past three years Violation N Report Performance Agriculture - Salinas 405417 R3-2005-0001 Y
1074027 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to report six semi-annual SMRs since 2016. Violation N Report Green Valley Farm Supply (former Performance Agriculture - Hollister) 405469 R3-2005-0001 Y
1074026 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to submit 10 semi-annual SMRs from 2014 to present Violation N Report Dune Co of Salinas 141166 01-050 Y
1074025 05/13/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to report five semi-annual SMRs from 2017 to 2020 Violation N Report Nutrien Santa Maria Facility (Former Crop Production Service) 131678 02-0040 Y
1073530 02/29/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 423 mg/L at M- Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1073528 03/31/2020 CAT1 Chloride Monthly Average limit is 200 mg/L and reported value was 431.6 mg/L at Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1073527 02/29/2020 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average limit is 1400 mg/L and reported val Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1073525 03/31/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1073524 02/29/2020 CAT1 Sodium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 250 mg/L and reported value w Violation N eSMR San Juan Bautista WWTP 364328 R3-2009-0019 Y
1073330 03/02/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 30-Day Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value Violation N eSMR Moss Landing Power Plant - NPDES 141448 R3-2000-0041 N
1073008 03/24/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 14 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 Y
1073007 03/17/2020 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 26 Violation N eSMR California Men's Colony WWTP 388775 R3-2012-0027 Y
1072929 03/31/2020 Order Conditions BOD loading was 409.01 lbs/acre/day for March. Order sets limit at 100 lbs/acre/ Violation N Report Misionero Vegetables - Gonzales Plant 394632 R3-2004-0066 N
1072928 02/29/2020 Order Conditions BOD loading was 314.48 lbs/acre/day for February. Order sets limit at 100 lbs/ac Violation N Report Misionero Vegetables - Gonzales Plant 394632 R3-2004-0066 N
1072908 03/23/2020 Deficient Reporting Failure to satisfy 13267/13383 Order reporting requirements. Report submitted 3/ Violation N Report Spyglass Ridge Trail 437244 None Y
1072141 02/26/2020 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Other limit is 0 mg/L and reported value was .35 mg/L a Violation N eSMR San Luis Obispo WWTP 399576 R3-2014-0033 N
1072058 03/25/2020 Late Report City failed to complete and certify 3/8/20 SSO report in CIWQS by 3/24/20 in vio Violation N Report San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1071989 02/25/2020 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Maximum limit is 9.96 mg/L and reported v Violation N eSMR South San Luis Obispo SD WWTP 430003 R3-2019-0002 Y
1071831 03/19/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General caused 40.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Man Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1071704 03/10/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure caused 2000.0 gallons of sewag Violation N SSO Pismo Beach CS 299873 2022-0103-DWQ N
1071636 03/10/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Rainfall Exceeded Design, I and I (Separate CS Only) caused 80 Violation N SSO Pismo Beach CS 299873 2022-0103-DWQ N
1071635 03/10/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure caused 3000.0 gallons of sewag Violation N SSO South San Luis Obispo Sd CS 300006 2022-0103-DWQ N
1071610 03/08/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Root Intrusion caused 25104.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ Y
1071123 02/23/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Grease Deposition (FOG) caused 3988.0 gallons of sewage to spi Violation N SSO Salinas City CS 299921 2022-0103-DWQ N
1071069 02/24/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Debris-General caused 500.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Ma Violation N SSO Monterey City CS 301789 2022-0103-DWQ N
1071000 02/21/2020 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1. Other (specify below);Possible roots due to main being on a cl Violation N SSO San Luis Obispo CS 299937 2022-0103-DWQ N
1008615 07/02/2024 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1000.0 mg/L and rep Violation N Report Cambria CSD WWTP 131132 01-100 N
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 4990
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status
Total Enforcement Actions: 0
Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties
Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status
144671 Kathy Truong WDR WDRMUNILRG 01/11/1991 Historical
Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 1
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/14/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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