Violations within the past year
Violation ID |
Occurrence Date |
Violation Type |
Violation Description(-) |
Violation Status |
Priority |
Source |
Facility Name |
Violated Reg. Meas. ID |
Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. |
Linked to Enf. |
1140139 |
04/09/2024 |
Groundwater |
Exceeded the CUSUM limit of Boron, Carbonate Alkalinity as CACO3, Chloroform, and Iron during the 1st half 2024 monitoring period. Violates Board Order R6V-2020-0031 MRP I.C.1. |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Boron Mine Facility |
403003 |
R6V-2015-0057 |
N |
1140138 |
02/28/2024 |
Deficient Monitoring |
(1) Unsaturated zone soil moisture exceeded upper tolerance limits. Violates Board Order R6V-2015-0057 MRP II.A.5.b. (2) Soil moisture data for the VZ-05-05, VZ-05-10, VZ-05-15, VZ-05-20, VZ-05-25, VZ-05-30 were not included. Violates Board Order R6V-2015-0057 MRP II.A.5.b. (3) Soil moisture probes VZ-41-05, VZ-42-05, VZ-42-15, VZ-45-05 have no Upper Tolerance Limits listed in the monitoring report. Violates Board Order R6V-2015-0057 MRP II.A.5.b. |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Boron Mine Facility |
403003 |
R6V-2015-0057 |
N |
1140137 |
06/30/2024 |
Order Conditions |
(1) Failure to maintain groundwater well 3M-71 during the 1st half 2024 monitoring period. Violates Board Order R6V-2015-0057 WDR II.A.14. (2) Failure to maintain Soil Moisture TDT Sensors VMS-08-1-20, VMS-08-2-30, VMS-26-1-20, VMS-26-2-30, VMS-34-1-20, VMS-34-2-30, VMS-35-1-20, VMS-35-2-30, VMS-36-1-20, VMS-36-2-30, VMS-27-1-20, and VMS-27-2-30 during the 2nd half 2023 monitoring period. Violates Board Order R6V-2015-0057 WDR II.A.14. |
Violation |
N |
Report |
Boron Mine Facility |
403003 |
R6V-2015-0057 |
N |
1135572 |
10/24/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Trash/litter observed out of containment, Violated BO 6-01-34, Section II.A.1 and 2 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Bishop(Sunland)Class III LF |
148395 |
01-034 |
N |
1134446 |
09/09/2024 |
Unauthorized Discharge |
Soil Safe is in violation for failure to obtain a 401 certification or dredge and fill permit, for the discharged soil into ephemeral washes, waters of the state. Should any additional work to be performed in this area or within the City of Adelanto, the landowners will be required to inquire on 401 certification or dredge and fill permitting. Additionally, a Construction Stormwater General Permit, Order WQ 2022-0057-DWQ, is required for construction projects greater than an acre, total disturbance area. |
Violation |
None |
Complaint |
Mojave Drive west of Fremontia Road |
458757 |
None |
Y |
1131592 |
09/04/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation of BO 6-91-95 Section, I.D.1 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Soil Safe-Adelanto Soil Recycling Center |
146138 |
91-935 |
Y |
1125985 |
04/03/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation of Board Order 6-01-34, Standard Provisions 2.b - Pursuant to California Water Code Section 13260(c), any proposed material change in the character of the waste, manner or method of treatment or disposal, increase of discharge, or location of discharge, shall be reported to the Regional Board at least 120 days in advance of implementation of any such proposal. This shall include, but not limited to, all significant soil disturbances. Documentation of the proposed acceptance of other facilities septage sludge should have been provided to the Water Board at least 120 prior to acceptance. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Bishop(Sunland)Class III LF |
148395 |
01-034 |
Y |
1125983 |
04/03/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation of Board Order 6-01-34, Section I.B.1, Section II.A.7, Section II.A.4, Section II.E.1 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Bishop(Sunland)Class III LF |
148395 |
01-034 |
Y |
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 8
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.