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   Party At-A-Glance Report


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Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website
632458 Erin Jonasson None Erin.Jonasson@Waterboards.ca.gov
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Total Related Places: 0
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Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification
229003 Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Redding Office Organization Employee 04/07/2022 None Waterboard
Total Related Parties: 1
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Total Regulatory Measures: 0
Expand/Contract Violations
Violations within the past five years
Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description(-) Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked to Enf.
1124118 01/31/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2023 (2791786) was due on 30-JAN-24 Violation None Report Red Bluff WW Reclamation Plant 448935 R5-2023-0048 N
1128595 05/30/2024 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Biosolids Management Plan Update) report for 2023/12/01 (2791481) was due on 29-MAY-24 Violation None Report Red Bluff WW Reclamation Plant 448935 R5-2023-0048 N
1137680 12/02/2024 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Grit Pond Operating Plan) report for 2023/12/01 (2791477) was due on 01-DEC-24 Violation None Report Red Bluff WW Reclamation Plant 448935 R5-2023-0048 N
1128629 06/02/2024 Late Report Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Cyanide WP) report for 2023/12/01 (2791482) was due on 01-JUN-24 Violation None Report Red Bluff WW Reclamation Plant 448935 R5-2023-0048 N
1131663 08/31/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 99 lb/day and reported value was 103 lb/day at EFF-001. Violation None Report Reynolds Molded Pulp Mill 443201 R5-2023-0018 N
1131974 09/02/2024 Late Report Monthly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for July 2024 (2730086) was due on 01-SEP-24 Violation None Report Reynolds Molded Pulp Mill 443201 R5-2023-0018 N
1131669 09/28/2023 Surface Water Receiving water limitations WDR R5-2022-0018 V.A.18.b states: Shall not increase more than 1 NTU where natural turbidity is between 1 and 5 NTUs in the Sacramento River. On 28 September 2023 the turbidity was 4.79 NTU for RSW-001 and 5.97 for RSW-002. Violation None Report Reynolds Molded Pulp Mill 443201 R5-2023-0018 N
1131668 06/22/2023 Surface Water Receiving Water Limitations (WDR Order R5-2022-0018 section V.A.18.c): Turbidity shall not increase more than 20 percent where natural turbidity is between 5 and 50 NTUs in the Sacramento River. On 22 June 2023 the turbidity was 5.45 NTU for RSW-001 and 7.5 for RSW-002. Violation None Report Reynolds Molded Pulp Mill 443201 R5-2023-0018 N
1131687 02/02/2024 Late Report Semi-Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for H2 2023 (2730077) was due on 01-FEB-24 Violation None Report Reynolds Molded Pulp Mill 443201 R5-2023-0018 N
1131686 02/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2023 (2730098) was due on 01-FEB-24 Violation None Report Reynolds Molded Pulp Mill 443201 R5-2023-0018 N
1126353 03/01/2024 Deficient Monitoring Environmental Coordinator did not understand the flow data was to be collected daily. Once discovered, the data has been collected daily. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Quincy Division Sawmill 444887 R5-2021-0036 N
1139656 12/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not measure settled matter depth for LND-003. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1126681 03/10/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI Burney did not collect a flow reading for 03/10/2024 from EFF-002 due to the meter data memory being full. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1139659 12/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not measure settled matter depth for LND-006. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1126679 03/08/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI Burney did not collect a flow reading for 03/08/2024 from EFF-002 due to the meter data memory being full. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1125234 02/27/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI failed to monitor weekly flow of receiving water monitoring location RSW-003. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1137886 11/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not complete a Total Hardness (as CaCO3) analysis for RSW-03 and RSW-04 upon start of discharge. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1128201 04/19/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not properly record the daily effluent flow. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1128198 04/24/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not properly record the daily effluent flow. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1128199 04/20/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not properly record the daily effluent flow. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1137888 11/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring Flow readings were not taken on the first day of discharge for RSW-003 and RSW-004. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1124722 01/22/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI fail to monitor weekly flow of receiving water monitoring location RSW-001. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1137887 11/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not complete an acute toxicity test the first day of discharge. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1139658 12/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not measure settled matter depth for LND-005. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1139657 12/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not measure settled matter depth for LND-004. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1128202 04/22/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not properly record the daily effluent flow. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1125231 02/07/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI failed to monitor weekly flow of the receiving water monitoring location RSW-003 Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1125233 02/22/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI failed to monitor weekly flow of receiving water monitoring location RSW-003. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1128200 04/21/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI did not properly record the daily effluent flow. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1125232 02/13/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI failed to monitor weekly flow of receiving water monitoring location RSW-003. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1126680 03/09/2024 Deficient Monitoring SPI Burney did not collect a flow reading for 03/09/2024 from EFF-002 due to the meter data memory being full. Violation N eSMR Sierra Pacific Industries Burney Division 436971 R5-2020-0017 N
1105428 04/14/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at EFF-001. Violation None Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1108312 08/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring No lab results for TDS at RGW-001 and RGW-002 - MN Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1112576 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring for RGW001 thru RGW003 Q4 2022. Ammonia, Total Coliform, TDS, TKN and Nitrate. Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118444 05/31/2023 Order Conditions Violation of Special Provision VIC.4.a Treatment Pond Operating Requirements subsection a.xiii. pH in Pond 5 was 9.76, above 9.5 Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1119560 07/21/2023 Deficient Monitoring BOD and TSS not sampled Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1107639 07/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Plugged vault *** Dismissed:Staff added this violation to violation ID 1107640. Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1107682 03/31/2022 Deficient Reporting See attachment for detailed list of Deficient Reporting violations for the March 2022 SMR period. The March 2022 SMR cover letter failed (Attachment E Section X.B.6.b.) to report the Deficient Monitoring violation (specifically incorrect frequency for discharging) of the following parameters: 1/Week at INF-001 for BOD, Electrical Conductivity, and TSS (Table E-2, Attachment E Section III.A.1.); at EFF-001 for Aluminum (1/Month), Ammonia (1/Week), BOD (1/Week), Copper (1/Month), DOC (1/Month), Iron (1/Month), Manganese (1/Month), Nitrite + Nitrate (1/Month), Total Coliform (1/Week), TSS (1/Week) (Table E-4, Attachment E Section IV.A.1.); and at RSW-002 for Aluminum (1/Month), Ammonia (1/Week), Copper (1/Month), DOC (1/Month), Dissolved Oxygen (1/Week), Electrical Conductivity (1/Week), pH (1/Week), Temperature (1/Week), and Turbidity (1/Week) (Table E-7, Attachment E Section VIII.A.1.). -EJ. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1113264 02/01/2023 Deficient Reporting Deficient reporting in annual report failing to identify deficient monitoring for 1.year samples at RSW-001 through RGW-003 for Standard Minerals Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1115785 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring RGW001 thru RGW003 Depth to Groundwater Groundwater Elevation pH Ammonia, Total (as N) Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Nitrate, Total (as N) Total Coliform Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) Depth to Groundwater Groundwater Elevation pH Ammonia, Total (as N) Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Nitrate, Total (as N) Total Coliform Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) Depth to Groundwater Groundwater Elevation pH Ammonia, Total (as N) Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Nitrate, Total (as N) Total Coliform Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1117477 04/18/2023 Deficient Monitoring Fecal Coliform *** Dismissed:Parameters added to Violation ID 1117476 for deficient monitoring Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1117478 04/18/2023 Deficient Monitoring Total coliform x3 *** Dismissed:Parameters added to Violation ID 1117476 for deficient monitoring Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118668 06/27/2023 Deficient Monitoring Overlooked sampling for BOD and TSS Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118679 06/30/2023 Order Conditions Violation of Special Provision for Treatment Pond Operating Requirements Section VI.C.4.a for pH in Pond 3 = 10.1, which is above 9.5. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1121472 10/17/2023 Deficient Monitoring No samples were taken for RGW001 thru RGW003. Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1115087 02/28/2023 Deficient Monitoring No Turbidity results due to expired holding time with Lab. Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1117407 03/31/2023 Deficient Monitoring Deficient Monitoring for: EFF-001: (2) BOD samples and (1) TSS sample missing (1/week required) RSW-002: copper, aluminum, dissolved organic carbon. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1117479 04/18/2023 Deficient Monitoring Fecal Coliform *** Dismissed:Parameters added to Violation ID 1117476 for deficient monitoring Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118025 12/31/2022 Order Conditions Operating freeboard of multiple ponds was below 2 feet, which is in violation with Order conditions VI.C.4.a.ix Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118445 05/16/2023 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 32 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105423 04/09/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001. Violation None Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1115088 02/28/2023 Deficient Monitoring Due to snow accumulation could not get February 2023 sample. Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118528 05/02/2023 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 38 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105887 05/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring RSW001 Lab Results for Turbidity still pending from lab INF-001 result for 1 pH sample not done. - MN Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1108939 06/30/2022 Deficient Reporting No notification of TDS samples missed at RGW-001 and RGW-002. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118033 03/31/2023 Order Conditions Operating freeboard of multiple ponds was below 2 feet, which is in violation with Order conditions VI.C.4.a.ix Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105886 05/27/2022 Deficient Monitoring INF001 Lab Results still pending as of July 1, 2022 *** Dismissed:Deficient monitoring for INF sample for pH added to Violation ID 1105887 Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1113263 12/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring for Standard Minerals (1/year) testing at RGW-001 through RGW-003 Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1117476 04/18/2023 Deficient Monitoring Deficient monitoring as follows: INF-001: Only 1 BOD and 0 TSS. No flow for 4/1 through 4/6 - flow not accurate for remainder of month due to backup of water levels in ponds. EFF-001: Only 2 ammonia, BOD, and TSS. Only 1 total coliform. No TSS % removal since no INF TSS results RSW-001: No fecal coliform RSW-002: No fecal coliform Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118003 03/15/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0.019 mg/L and reported value was 0.02 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118035 04/30/2023 Order Conditions Operating freeboard of multiple ponds was below 2 feet, which is in violation with Order conditions VI.C.4.a.ix Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105422 04/08/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105424 04/10/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.9 SU at EFF-001. Violation None Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105426 04/12/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001. Violation None Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1106703 06/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring INF-001 BOD Lab Results sent in but cancelled due the cooler arriving after scheduled date. RGW-001 and RGW-002 no TDS sampled - MN Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1107623 02/28/2022 Deficient Monitoring See attachment for detailed list of Deficient Monitoring violations for the February 2022 SMR period. Discharger monitored at the incorrect frequency while discharging for the following parameters: at INF-001 for BOD (1/Week), Electrical Conductivity (1/Week), and TSS (1/Week) (Table E-2, Attachment E Section III.A.1.); at EFF-001 for Aluminum (1/Month), Ammonia (1/Week), BOD (1/Week), Copper (1/Month), Iron (1/Month), Manganese (1/Month), Nitrite + Nitrate (1/Month), Total Coliform (1/Week), TSS (1/Week) (Table E-4, Attachment E Section IV.A.1.); at RSW-001 for Ammonia (1/Week) (Table E-6, Attachment E Section VIII.A.1.); and at RSW-002 for Ammonia (1/Week), Dissolved Oxygen (1/Week), Electrical Conductivity (1/Week), pH (1/Week), Temperature (1/Week), and Turbidity (1/Week) (Table E-7, Attachment E Section VIII.A.1.). -EJ. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1107678 03/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring See attachment for detailed list of Deficient Monitoring violations for the March 2022 SMR period. Discharger monitored at the incorrect frequency while discharging for the following parameters: at INF-001 for BOD (1/Week), Electrical Conductivity (1/Week), and TSS (1/Week) (Table E-2, Attachment E Section III.A.1.); at EFF-001 for Aluminum (1/Month), Ammonia (1/Week), BOD (1/Week), Copper (1/Month), DOC (1/Month), Iron (1/Month), Manganese (1/Month), Nitrite + Nitrate (1/Month), Total Coliform (1/Week), TSS (1/Week) (Table E-4, Attachment E Section IV.A.1.); and at RSW-002 for Aluminum (1/Month), Ammonia (1/Week), Copper (1/Month), DOC (1/Month), Dissolved Oxygen (1/Week), Electrical Conductivity (1/Week), pH (1/Week), Temperature (1/Week), and Turbidity (1/Week) (Table E-7, Attachment E Section VIII.A.1.). -EJ. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1108941 07/31/2022 Deficient Reporting Failed to report that TDS samples at RGW-001 through RGW-003 were missed Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1109455 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring TSS overlooked and not sampled for 9/13 and 9/27. Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1112852 01/12/2023 Deficient Monitoring Lab did not add Aluminum in the test. Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1113984 01/10/2023 Deficient Monitoring No lab results for BOD and TSS. Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118032 02/28/2023 Order Conditions Operating freeboard of multiple ponds was below 2 feet, which is in violation with Order conditions VI.C.4.a.ix Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105425 04/11/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at EFF-001. Violation None Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105427 04/13/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at EFF-001. Violation None Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1105429 04/15/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001. Violation None Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1107640 07/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Flow at INF-001 missed due on 7/23 and 7/24 to plugged vault. TDS at RGW-001 through RGW-003 missed - MN Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1107676 02/28/2022 Deficient Reporting See attachment for detailed list of Deficient Reporting violations for the February 2022 SMR period. The February 2022 SMR cover letter failed (Attachment E Section X.B.6.b.) to report the Deficient Monitoring violation (specifically incorrect frequency for discharging) of the following parameters: 1/Week at INF-001 for BOD, Electrical Conductivity, and TSS (Table E-2, Attachment E Section III.A.1.); at EFF-001 for Aluminum (1/Month), Ammonia (1/Week), BOD (1/Week), Copper (1/Month), Iron (1/Month), Manganese (1/Month), Nitrite + Nitrate (1/Month), Total Coliform (1/Week), TSS (1/Week) (Table E-4, Attachment E Section IV.A.1.); at RSW-001 for Ammonia (1/Week) (Table E-6, Attachment E Section VIII.A.1.); and 1/Week at RSW-002 for Ammonia, Dissolved Oxygen, Electrical Conductivity, pH, Temperature, and Turbidity (Table E-7, Attachment E Section VIII.A.1.). -EJ. Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1109456 09/30/2022 Deficient Monitoring The following samples were not taken for RGW001 thru RGW003: Ammonia, Nitrate, TDS and TKN Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1110483 10/31/2022 Deficient Monitoring Only 3 lab results for turbidity at RSW-001 and only 1 result for TSS at INF-001 Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1111572 11/15/2022 Deficient Monitoring No lab result for Turbidity Violation N eSMR Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 Y
1118027 01/31/2022 Order Conditions Operating freeboard of multiple ponds was below 2 feet, which is in violation with Order conditions VI.C.4.a.ix Violation N Report Delleker WWTP 433307 R5-2019-0052 N
1139093 12/28/2024 Order Conditions Log Deck pond exceeded its freeboard requirement on December 28, 2024 thru December 31, 2024. Violation N eSMR Burney Cogeneration/Sawmill 433220 R5-2019-0048 N
1139089 12/28/2024 Order Conditions Power Plant pond exceeded its freeboard requirement on December 28, 2024 thru December 31, 2024. Violation N eSMR Burney Cogeneration/Sawmill 433220 R5-2019-0048 N
1138310 11/24/2024 Order Conditions Log Deck Pond exceeded the 2ft Freeboard requirement from 11/24/2024 to 12/14/2024. The power plant was unable to process water the entire month of November. In addition, there was an atmospheric river event week of November 21 which dropped 1.5 ft of snow followed with five (5) inches of rain. Violation N eSMR Burney Cogeneration/Sawmill 433220 R5-2019-0048 N
1138309 11/22/2024 Order Conditions Power Plant Pond exceeded the 2ft Freeboard requirement from 11/22/2024 to 12/10/2024. The power plant was unable to process water the entire month of November. In addition, there was an atmospheric river event week of November 21 which dropped 1.5 ft of snow followed with five (5) inches of rain. Violation N eSMR Burney Cogeneration/Sawmill 433220 R5-2019-0048 N
1124121 01/31/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2023 (2071497) was due on 30-JAN-24 Violation None Report Red Bluff WW Reclamation Plant 421692 R5-2018-0041 N
1109197 09/19/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.27 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116560 04/08/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116561 04/11/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.2 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1117840 05/04/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.2 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1119097 07/20/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1121036 09/12/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1121863 10/27/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.7 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108214 06/30/2020 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of June 2020. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1086300, 1086301, 1086302, 1086303, and 1086304. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108233 05/31/2022 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of May 2022. There were also multiple exceedances of the other two conditions: 5 NTU more than 1.2-Hours in 24-Hour period and 10 NTU at any time. Attachment of Summary Table of May 2022 Turbidity Data that includes: Daily Average, Daily Maximum, Number of Hours above 5 NTU, and Number of Hours above 10 NTU. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1105453, 1105455, 1105456, 1105457, 1105458, 1105454, 1105472, 1105471, 1105459, 1105460, 1105465, 1105466, 1105446, 1105447, 1105448, 1105445, 1105470, 1105469, 1105461, 1105464, 1105473, 1105450, 1105449, 1105468, 1105467, 1105474, 1105462, 1105463, 1105451, 1105452, and 1105475. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109194 09/05/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.22 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1112379 12/28/2022 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116438 11/30/2022 Order Conditions turbidity high due to seasonal change Violation None eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116439 12/31/2022 Order Conditions colder temps, heavy rain, I&I issues Violation None eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116442 03/31/2023 Order Conditions filter issues Violation None eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1118579 06/22/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107974 06/05/2020 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 29 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109191 09/24/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.85 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109921 10/31/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 77.6 ug/L and reported value was 96.5 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1111278 11/30/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 77.6 ug/L and reported value was 93.6 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116437 10/31/2022 Order Conditions Filtration system still not operating. Violation None eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1117820 05/10/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1117850 05/31/2023 Order Conditions During the month of May, there was 23 turbidity violations. 2.8 (5/1/2023), 3.3 (5/2/2023), 3.3 (5/3/23), 5.2 (5/4), 2.9 (5/5), 3 (5/6), 2.7 (5/7), 2.2 (5/8), 2.6 (5/9), 3.3 (5/10), 2.4 (5/11), 2.5 (5/20), 3.8 (5/21), 4.5 (5/22), 7.3 (5/23). 8.2 (5/24), 7.1 (5/26), 6.5 (5/27), 5.6 (5/28), 4.5 (5/29), 3.5 (5/30), 2.3 (5/31). filter issues. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1119102 07/31/2023 Order Conditions Filter not operating properly. Turbidity violations. 2.7 (7/1/2023), 2.3 (7/2/2023), 2.3 (7/19/2023), 3.5 (7/20/2023), Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108235 07/31/2022 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of July 2022. There were also multiple exceedances of the other two conditions: 5 NTU more than 1.2-Hours in 24-Hour period and 10 NTU at any time. Attachment of Summary Table of July 2022 Turbidity Data that includes: Daily Average, Daily Maximum, Number of Hours above 5 NTU, and Number of Hours above 10 NTU. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1107205, 1107206, 1107203, 1107192, 1107211, 1107195, 1107196, 1107185, 1107186, 1107193, 1107188, 1107204, 1107189, 1107190, 1107191, 1107197, 1107198, 1107213, 1107187, 1107184, 1107201, 1107202, 110212, 1107208, 1107209, and 1107210. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108364 08/31/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 11.0 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1115453 03/09/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.5 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1117842 05/27/2023 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 54.0 lb/day and reported value was 57.0 lb/day at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1121038 09/18/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.1 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1121858 10/01/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.2 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107975 09/23/2020 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day period. limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 500 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107976 09/30/2020 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day period. limit is 240 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 900 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107981 03/19/2022 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 11.9 mg/L and reported value was 18.6 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107984 07/31/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 10 mg/L and reported value was 12 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108215 07/31/2020 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of July 2020. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1086119, 1086120, 1086123, 1086124, 1086127, 1086129, 1086130, 1086131, 1086132, 1086133, 1086134, 1086135, 1086136, 1086138, 1086139, 1086140, and 1086141. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108216 08/31/2020 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of August 2020. See dismissed violations: 1086151, 1086154, 1086159, and 1086162. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108231 03/31/2022 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of March 2022. There were also multiple exceedances of the other two conditions: 5 NTU more than 1.2-Hours in 24-Hour period and 10 NTU at any time. Attachment of Summary Table of March 2022 Turbidity Data that includes: Daily Average, Daily Maximum, Number of Hours above 5 NTU, and Number of Hours above 10 NTU. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1103162, 11103143, 1103158, 1103149, 1103159, 1103166, 1103136, 1103137, 1103148, 1103138, 1103145, 1103142, 1103160, 1103150, 1103164, 1103163, 1103151, 1103144, 1103139, 1103152, 1103153, 1103154, 1103155, 1103146, 1103147, 1103161, 1103156, 1103157, 1103135, 1103140, and 1103141. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109190 09/21/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.42 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116440 01/31/2023 Order Conditions Heavy I&I during storms in January Violation None eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1117846 05/31/2023 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23.0 mg/L and reported value was 34 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107977 04/17/2021 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 11.9 mg/L and reported value was 23.1 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107979 06/05/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 15 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107982 04/09/2022 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 11.9 mg/L and reported value was 15.1 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108217 09/30/2020 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of September 2020. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1086212, 1086213, 1086214, 1086218, 1086216, 1086219, 1086220, 1086221, and 1086222. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108340 08/15/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108363 08/10/2022 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 111 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109198 09/16/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.41 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116441 02/28/2023 Order Conditions filter not performing well Violation None eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116579 04/30/2023 Order Conditions filter issues. Discharger had a turbidity violation reported every day of the month for the month of April 2023. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1119098 07/20/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 3.9 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107978 04/30/2021 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0.019 mg/L and reported value was 0.998 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108220 08/31/2021 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of August 2021. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1098994, 1098995, 1098996, 1098997, 1098998, 1099001, 1098999, 1099002, 1099003, 1099004, 1099005, 1099006, 1099007, and 1099008. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108224 11/30/2021 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of November 2021. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1099012, 1099013, 1099014, 1099015, 1099016, 1099017, 1099018, 1099020, 1099019, 1099021, 1099022, and 1099024. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108226 12/31/2021 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of December 2021. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1099885, 1099890, 1099891, 1099889, 1099886, 1099880, 1099897, 1099893, 1099883, 1099884, 1099872, 1099892, 1099900, 1099873, 1099901, 1099902, 1099894, 1099895, 1099899, 1099898, 1099887, 1099874, 1099875, 1099896, 1099888, 1099878, 1099876, 1099881, 1099879, 1099882, and 1099877. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108229 02/28/2022 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of February 2022. Attachment of Summary Table of February 2022 Turbidity Data that includes: Daily Average, Daily Maximum, Number of Hours above 5 NTU, and Number of Hours above 10 NTU. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1102209, 1102217, 1102218, 1102211, 1102212, 1102210, 1102213, 1102214, 1102215, and 1102216. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108366 08/27/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average limit is 15 mg/L and reported value was 19 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109189 09/10/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.43 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109192 09/15/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.68 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109193 09/30/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 77.6 ug/L and reported value was 99.6 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1110023 10/23/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at EFF-001. Violation N Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1110025 10/25/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001. Violation N Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1116557 04/26/2023 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23.0 mg/L and reported value was 79.0 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1117841 05/16/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.1 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1120162 08/29/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1121037 09/17/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1121039 09/18/2023 Order Conditions Turbidity Violation. Reported turbidity value was 2.3 Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107980 02/19/2022 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 11.9 mg/L and reported value was 16.3 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108218 11/30/2020 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported exceedance of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of November 2020. See dismissed individual Turbidity violation: 1086225. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108362 08/03/2022 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 230 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1109196 09/18/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.42 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1110026 10/30/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001. Violation N Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1114647 02/28/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 5.6 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1117843 05/03/2023 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.3 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1107983 07/16/2022 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 11.9 mg/L and reported value was 19.4 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108219 12/31/2020 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of December 2020. See dismissed violations: 1086230, 1086231, and 1086232. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108223 10/31/2021 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of October 2021. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1099009, 1099010, and 1099011. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108228 01/31/2022 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of January 2022. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1101026, 1101044, 1101031, 1101045, 1101027, 1101028, 1101033, 1101040, 1101029, 1101046, 1101022, 1101023, 1101042, 1101030, 1101032, 1101024, 1101041, 1101036, 1101035, 1101037, 1101025, 1101038, 1101034, 1101039, and 1101043. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108232 04/30/2022 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of April 2022. There were also multiple exceedances of the other two conditions: 5 NTU more than 1.2-Hours in 24-Hour period and 10 NTU at any time. Attachment of Summary Table of April 2022 Turbidity Data that includes: Daily Average, Daily Maximum, Number of Hours above 5 NTU, and Number of Hours above 10 NTU. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1104231, 1104212, 1104213, 1104223, 1104219, 1104214, 1104224, 1104221, 1104220, 1104215, 1104229, 1104222, 1104209, 1104216, 1104217, 1104226, 1104227, 1104210, 1104211, 1104225, and 1104218. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108234 06/30/2022 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of June 2022. There were also multiple exceedances of the other two conditions: 5 NTU more than 1.2-Hours in 24-Hour period and 10 NTU at any time. Attachment of Summary Table of June 2022 Turbidity Data that includes: Daily Average, Daily Maximum, Number of Hours above 5 NTU, and Number of Hours above 10 NTU. See dismissed individual Turbidity violations: 1107070, 1107052, 1107053, 1107055, 1107054, 1107071, 1107066, 1107078, 1107079, 1107072, 1107073, 1107074, 1107075, 1107076, 1107065, 1107063, 1107067, 1107059, 1107060, 1107061, 1107068, 1107062, 1107064, 1107081, 1107056, 1107057, 1107058, 1107082, and 1107080. -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108236 08/31/2022 Order Conditions Filtration System Operating Specifications for Turbidity (WDR Section VI.C.4.a.): Discharger reported multiple exceedances of the Daily Average Limit of 2 NTU during the month of August 2022. There were also multiple exceedances of the other two conditions: 5 NTU more than 1.2-Hours in 24-Hour period and 10 NTU at any time. Attachment of Summary Table of August 2022 Turbidity Data that includes: Daily Average, Daily Maximum, Number of Hours above 5 NTU, and Number of Hours above 10 NTU. See dismissed violations: -EJ Violation None Report Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1108338 08/13/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Cottonwood WWTP 400033 R5-2016-0066 Y
1123472 12/02/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0.019 mg/L and reported value was 0.050 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1123474 12/31/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.6 ug/L and reported value was 10.6 ug/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1124273 02/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2023 (2673750) was due on 01-FEB-24 Violation None Report American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1125407 02/29/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.6 ug/L and reported value was 4.69 ug/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1125408 02/29/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0.019 mg/L and reported value was 0.080 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1122974 11/07/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Daily Maximum limit is 7.4 ug/L and reported value was 7.46 ug/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1124433 01/31/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 4.6 ug/L and reported value was 7.1 ug/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1126626 03/20/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual 4-Day Average (Mean) limit is 0.011 mg/L and reported value was 0.013 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1123475 12/05/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Daily Maximum limit is 7.4 ug/L and reported value was 10.6 ug/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1122973 11/30/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 4.6 ug/L and reported value was 7.46 ug/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1126627 03/20/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0.019 mg/L and reported value was 0.620 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
1124272 02/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) (Acute Toxicity Annual Report) report for 2023 (2673751) was due on 01-FEB-24 Violation None Report American Valley WWTP 407661 R5-2016-0049 Y
Report currently showing last five years of violations. Click here to return to viewing one year of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 178
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Total Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties: 0
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/21/2025
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