Violation ID |
Occurrence Date |
Violation Type |
Violation Description(-) |
Violation Status |
Priority |
Source |
Facility Name |
Violated Reg. Meas. ID |
Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. |
Linked to Enf. |
1137082 |
11/07/2024 |
Basin Plan Prohibition |
Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2 for the threatened discharge of sediment to watercourses |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
5 J's LLC |
433334 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
N |
1137010 |
11/07/2024 |
Order Conditions |
State Water Resources Control Board Order No. WQ 2023-0102-DWQ General Waste Discharge Requirements and Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Waste Associated with Cannabis Cultivation Activities (Cannabis General Order), various provisions |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
5 J's LLC |
433334 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1137008 |
03/20/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Cultivation within setbacks of a Class 1 watercourse under a low risk enrollment |
Violation |
N |
Complaint |
Poleko Farms |
420325 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1136496 |
10/24/2024 |
Other Codes |
California Water Code (Water Code) Section 13264 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Rockaway Investments, LLC |
420432 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
N |
1136495 |
10/24/2024 |
Basin Plan Prohibition |
Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1, Prohibition 2 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Rockaway Investments, LLC |
420432 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
N |
1136494 |
10/24/2024 |
Order Conditions |
State Water Resources Control Board Order No. WQ 2019-0001-DWQ General Waste Discharge Requirements and Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Waste Associated with Cannabis Cultivation Activities (Cannabis General Order) various provisions |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Rockaway Investments, LLC |
420432 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1136098 |
05/07/2024 |
Basin Plan Prohibition |
Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Slow n' Steady Ranch |
442559 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1136097 |
05/07/2024 |
Basin Plan Prohibition |
Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Slow n' Steady Ranch |
442559 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
N |
1135625 |
07/26/2024 |
Other Codes |
California Water Code (Water Code) Section 13260 and 13264 |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
419006 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1135099 |
09/27/2024 |
Other Codes |
Federal Clean Water Act Section 301, 401, and 404 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
231 Cannonball Lane |
453990 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1135098 |
09/27/2024 |
Basin Plan Prohibition |
Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
231 Cannonball Lane |
453990 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1135097 |
09/27/2024 |
Order Conditions |
State Water Resources Control Board Order No. WQ 2023-0102-DWQ General Waste Discharge Requirements and Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Waste Associated with Cannabis Cultivation Activities |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
231 Cannonball Lane |
453990 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1135046 |
09/27/2024 |
Other Codes |
Federal Clean Water Act Section 301, 401, and 404 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
241C |
431586 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1135045 |
09/27/2024 |
Order Conditions |
State Water Resources Control Board Order No. WQ 2023-0102-DWQ General Waste Discharge Requirements and Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Waste Associated with Cannabis Cultivation Activities (Cannabis General Order) various provisions |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
241C |
431586 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1135044 |
09/27/2024 |
Basin Plan Prohibition |
Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
241C |
431586 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1131938 |
09/13/2024 |
Other Codes |
California Water Code Section 13264 |
Violation |
N |
Complaint |
Tony Hyampom |
422091 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1129666 |
06/19/2024 |
Other Codes |
Water Code 13264 and CANGO conditions. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
441, 447 Creekside Rd |
435621 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
1129381 |
06/12/2024 |
Order Conditions |
State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Cannabis Cultivation Policy Principals and Guidelines for Cannabis Cultivation (Cannabis Policy) |
Violation |
N |
Inspection |
Payia Lee |
432914 |
2019-0001-DWQ |
Y |
1129289 |
06/12/2024 |
Order Conditions |
State Water Resources Control Board Order No. WQ 2023-0102-DWQ General Waste Discharge Requirements and Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Waste Associated with Cannabis Cultivation Activities (Cannabis General Order) |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
White Oak |
432039 |
2023-0102-DWQ |
Y |
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.