Violation ID |
Occurrence Date |
Violation Type |
Violation Description(-) |
Violation Status |
Priority |
Source |
Facility Name |
Violated Reg. Meas. ID |
Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. |
Linked to Enf. |
1128525 |
05/08/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Large and numerous areas of exposed waste without adequate daily cover were observed outside of the active fill face in FA2 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Altamont/Resource Recovery Class II & III Landfills,Class II Surface Impoundment |
407660 |
R5-2016-0042 |
Y |
1140020 |
01/30/2025 |
Order Conditions |
Sumps 1, 6, and 9 no longer discharge to onsite storage tanks or to the Class II surface impoundment. The Discharger has intentionally rerouted these three sumps to discharge into areas that drain to storm water discharge locations |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
N |
1139173 |
11/20/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 1 ? Blockage and damage to the curbed drainage channel along the southern limit of the South Pad to the South Pond caused the release noted in Violation 1 above, as well as ponding of compost leachate at numerous locations along the southern limit of the South Pad. Design, Construction, And Operation Requirements ? All Tiers 1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 3, 10, and 11 of the Compost General Order 1. Prohibition 1 of the Compost General Order states: Any feedstock, additive, amendment, or compost (active, curing, or final product) stored, processed, or composted outside of the designated composting operation areas, as those boundaries are specified in an NOI and/or a technical report, and approved by the Regional Water Board, is prohibited. 2. Prohibition 7 of the Compost General Order states: Discharge of wastes including overflow, wastewater, or bypass from transport, treatment, storage, or disposal systems to adjacent drainages or adjacent properties is prohibited. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Western Placer Waste Management Authority Materials Recovery Facility |
408196 |
2015-0121-DWQ |
Y |
1126129 |
02/28/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 3 - During the 28 February 2024 inspection of the Facility, Central Valley Water Board staff observed only about two feet of freeboard in the Facility?s Surface Impoundment |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
Y |
1130369 |
07/16/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Standard Provisions and Reporting Requirements, December 2015, Section D.1 states: ?The Discharger is responsible for accurate characterization of wastes, including a determination of whether or not wastes will be compatible with containment features and other wastes at the waste management unit and whether or not the wastes are required to be managed as a hazardous waste [Title 27, § 20200(c)] or designated waste [Title 27, § 20210].? Prohibitions 1 of the WDRs states in part: ?The discharge of ?hazardous waste? or ?designated waste? into Fill Area 1, Unit 1, a Class III landfill WMU is prohibited except Fill Area 1, Unit 1 may accept asbestos in the designated area shown in Attachment C. ?? Prohibitions 2 of the WDRs states: ?The discharge of ?hazardous waste? into any Class II WMU is prohibited except for asbestos in designated areas documented by the Discharger. For the purposes of this Order, the term ?hazardous waste? is as defined in California Code of Regulations, Title 23, section 2510 et seq. Any violation of Prohibitions 1 and 2 shall be reported in accordance with the Discharger?s MRP R5-2016-0042? Facility Specification C.2 of the WDRs states: ?The Discharger shall immediately remove and relocate any hazardous wastes discharged at this facility in violation of this Order. For the unauthorized discharge of hazardous waste (e.g., waste that has not been granted a variance from hazardous waste management requirements pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 25143), the Discharger upon discovery shall immediately notify Central Valley Water Board staff and DTSC of any violations and provide a schedule for the hazardous waste?s removal.? Standard Provisions and Reporting Requirements, December 2015, Section K.5 states: ?The fact that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with this Order shall not be regarded as a defense for the Discharger?s violations of this Order.? |
Violation |
None |
Report |
Altamont/Resource Recovery Class II & III Landfills,Class II Surface Impoundment |
407660 |
R5-2016-0042 |
Y |
1131979 |
08/02/2024 |
Order Conditions |
5. The Discharger failed to complete GeoTracker uploads as outlined below: a. For 2023, no GEO_Well data (groundwater elevation data) was submitted. Additionally, only Surface Impoundment analytical data for September and December were uploaded. No groundwater monitoring data was uploaded, and Surface Impoundment samples are to be collected quarterly. b. For 2022, only September groundwater monitoring data was uploaded. Groundwater samples are to be collected semi-annual and Surface Impoundment samples are to be collected quarterly. c. For 2021, only December Surface Impoundment, and September groundwater monitoring data was uploaded. Groundwater samples are to be collected semi-annual and Surface Impoundment samples are to be collected quarterly. d. For 2020, while simi-annual groundwater data was uploaded, only semi annual Surface Impoundment samples were uploaded for March and August. Surface Impoundment samples are to be collected quarterly. e. For 2019, while simi-annual groundwater data was uploaded, only semi annual Surface Impoundment samples were uploaded for March and September. Surface Impoundment samples are to be collected quarterly. |
Violation |
None |
Report |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
Y |
1139172 |
11/20/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 1 ? Compost and compost leachate were observed south off the South Pad at multiple locations along the southern limit of the South Pad. 1. Prohibition 1 of the Compost General Order states: Any feedstock, additive, amendment, or compost (active, curing, or final product) stored, processed, or composted outside of the designated composting operation areas, as those boundaries are specified in an NOI and/or a technical report, and approved by the Regional Water Board, is prohibited. 2. Prohibition 7 of the Compost General Order states: Discharge of wastes including overflow, wastewater, or bypass from transport, treatment, storage, or disposal systems to adjacent drainages or adjacent properties is prohibited. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Western Placer Waste Management Authority Materials Recovery Facility |
408196 |
2015-0121-DWQ |
Y |
1125998 |
04/10/2024 |
Order Conditions |
The legal requirements outlined below are specific to the violation noted above. 1. Section 21750(f) of Title 27 states in part: ?A stability analysis, including a determination of the expected peak ground acceleration at the Unit associated with the maximum credible earthquake (for Class II waste management units) or the maximum probable earthquake (for Class III landfills). This stability analysis shall be included as part of the ROWD (or JTD) for the proposed Unit, and an updated stability analysis (if the original analysis no longer reflects the conditions at the Unit) shall be included as part of the final closure and post-closure maintenance plan? The addition of soil material onto these previously closed Modules has invalidated any previously approved slope stability analysis. The original analysis no longer reflects the conditions of the Unit. The absence of an approved stability analysis is a violation of Title 27. 2. Finding 40 of the WDRs states in part: ?The Discharger has been implementing measures proposed in the 23 September 1997 Corrective Action Program and subsequent addendum. The CAP specifies the following actions: installation of 8 infill gas wells; closure of Modules 1, 2, 10, 11 and 12? While it is practice to allow a Discharger to manipulate the system to optimize the extraction of landfill gas, the removal of 17 of the systems 22 wells would be an unapproved system modification. This significant reduction of the landfill gas system Further, Section 20430(f) of Title 27 address the termination of corrective action measures and states: ??corrective action measures taken pursuant to ¶(c)(e.g., pumping and treatment of ground water) may be terminated when the discharger demonstrates to the satisfaction of the RWQCB that the concentrations of all COCs are reduced to levels below their respective concentration limits throughout the entire zone affected by the release.? No demonstration of compliance was provided. These WMU Modules are still in corrective action. For these reasons, the removal of landfill gas wells from a unit in corrective action, without Regional Board approval is a violation of Title 27. 3. Finding 70 of the WDRs states in part: ?The RWD/JTD submitted by the Discharger contains a preliminary closure and post-closure maintenance plan (PCPCMP) for the landfill. The PCPCMP includes information required by Title 27 CCR Section 21769(b), and includes a lump sum estimate of the cost of carrying out all actions necessary to close each Unit, to prepare detailed design specifications, to develop the final closure and post-closure maintenance plan, and to carry out the first thirty years of post-closure maintenance. The total amount of the closure cost estimate is $16,846,912, and the amount of the post-closure maintenance cost estimate is $7,374,807. The Regional Board hereby approves these cost estimates.? Like the now invalid seismic analysis, the new morphology of Modules 1, 2, 10 and 11, creates a conflict with the WDRs. Therefore, the financial assurance estimates are no longer applicable and must be recalculated. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Western Regional Sanitary LF |
329292 |
R5-2007-0047 |
Y |
1126127 |
02/28/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 1 - During the 28 February 2024 inspection of the Facility, Central Valley Water Board staff observed ponded contact stormwater (i.e. leachate) across almost the entire southern portion of the treated wood storage area, within the Facility?s precipitation and drainage control system. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
Y |
1126130 |
02/28/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 4 - During the 28 February 2024 inspection of the Facility, as well as in multiple Facility status updates submitted to Central Valley Water Board staff since January 2024, the Discharger has stated that no treated stormwater leachate has been discharged to the City of Riverbank?s wastewater treatment system. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
Y |
1136036 |
11/18/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Discharge of waste outside the Facility?s Class III landfills to the unsaturated zone and groundwater beneath the Facility and beyond the Point of Compliance. WDRs Prohibitions A.2, A.8, and A.9, and Facility Specifications C.7, and Detection Monitoring Specifications F.6. Current Status ? ? VOCs are detected outside the units both in groundwater and landfill gas. ? No corrective action has been initiated to address the groundwater impacts. ? The previously landfill gas system has be covered over by the unpermitted placement of soil removed from the Module 6 project. ? The Discharger is not in compliance with the existing WDRs, and Title 27. Section 20430(j) of Title 27 states: RWQCB-Initiated CAP Changes -Any time the RWQCB determines that the corrective action program does not satisfy the requirements of this section, the discharger shall, within 90 days of receiving written notification of such determination by the RWQCB, submit an amended report of waste discharge to make appropriate changes to the program. |
Violation |
None |
Report |
Western Regional Sanitary LF |
329292 |
R5-2007-0047 |
Y |
1126003 |
04/10/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Compost and compost leachate appears to have been pushed or flowed off the Facility?s containment pads at two locations: 1) along the northern side of the Receiving /Processing Pad and 2) along the norther side of the South Pad. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Western Placer Waste Management Authority Materials Recovery Facility |
408196 |
2015-0121-DWQ |
Y |
1126004 |
04/10/2024 |
Order Conditions |
The concrete lined drainage channel that discharges runoff from the Receiving/ Processing Pad to the North Pad has been intentionally blocked to facilitate construction atop the North Pad. The blockage of this drainage channel could result in a direct discharge of compost leachate to surface water. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Western Placer Waste Management Authority Materials Recovery Facility |
408196 |
2015-0121-DWQ |
Y |
1126132 |
02/28/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 6 - During the 28 February 2024 inspection of the Facility, Central Valley Water Board staff observed the Poly Urea Process Building, which is located in an area that was not paved when the WDRs were issued in 2010. Additionally, Poly Urea processing is not included as a treatment process in the 2010 WDRs. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
Y |
1126128 |
02/28/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 2 - During the 28 February 2024 inspection of the Facility, Central Valley Water Board staff observed ponded contact stormwater (i.e. leachate) across almost the entire CCA/ACZA diversionary structure and the expanded CCA/ACZA diversionary structure. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
Y |
1126131 |
02/28/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 5 - During the 28 February 2024 inspection of the Facility, Central Valley Water Board staff observed the Sump 1 discharge pipe disconnect from the pipe that is used to transfer leachate from Sump 1 to the Class II surface impoundment. Discharge from the Sump 1 pipe can now flow to an adjacent offsite property. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
Y |
1128524 |
05/08/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Numerous areas of leachate-stained soil and ponded leachate atop FA1/ Unit 1 and FA1/Unit 2 |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Altamont/Resource Recovery Class II & III Landfills,Class II Surface Impoundment |
407660 |
R5-2016-0042 |
Y |
1140019 |
01/30/2025 |
Order Conditions |
Violation 1. The concrete curb of the expanded CCA/ACZA diversionary structure has been intentionally cut so leachate can flow out of the diversionary structure and into Sump 5 in violation of: Discharge Specifications B.22, which states: The CCA/ACZA diversionary structure shall be inspected for cracks, leaks, or damage to the pavement surface or concrete curbs at least annually, and shall be maintained and repaired to prevent leakage. Design And Construction Specifications C.5, which states: The CAA/ACZA diversionary structure shall be paved with asphaltic concrete and have a 12 to 18 inch concrete curb or berm around it as described in the August 2010 ROWD and in Finding 22 of this Order. Provision F.9, which states: The Discharger shall immediately notify the Central Valley Water Board of any flooding, equipment failure, slope failure, or other change in site conditions which could impair the integrity of waste or leachate containment facilities or precipitation and drainage control structures. |
Violation |
None |
Inspection |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
N |
1131978 |
08/02/2024 |
Order Conditions |
No Financial Assurance updates, as required by Section E of the WDRs, have been submitted since 2021, and the last submittal expired on 4 February 2022. |
Violation |
None |
Report |
Thunderbolt Wood Treating Class II Surface Impoundment |
377017 |
R5-2010-0125 |
Y |
Report defaults to display violations within the last year. Click here to see last five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.