General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 9093 US Navy Southwest Division Federal Agency 1220 Pacific Coast Highway San Diego, CA 92132-5190 null Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 870136 GW EX - Naval Base Coronado, Naval Amphibious Base San Diego 9 Domestic Site NEC Owner and Operator 11/02/2020 null 645086 NAVFAC Southwest Utility CS San Diego 9 Collection_System Owner 01/04/2007 null 269450 US Naval Base Coronado (NBC) San Diego 9 Military Facility Owner 01/12/1990 null 260064 San Clemente Island WWTP Los Angeles 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 12/14/1998 07/16/2013 254910 S.E.R.E Camp Landfill San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 02/03/1997 null 248794 US Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) San Diego 9 Military Facility Owner 12/05/2001 null 245910 Old Spanish Bight Landfill San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 02/03/1997 null 245479 Nsw Maritime Facility Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 12/27/1991 null 244934 Naval Auxilliary Landing Field Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 05/30/1997 null 244933 Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 01/31/2002 null 244011 US Navy NBSD Graving Dock San Diego 9 Boatyard/Shipyard None null null 243989 Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) San Diego 9 Military Facility Owner and Operator 01/12/1990 null 238555 Long Beach Naval Complex Los Angeles 4 Facility Owner 10/25/1996 null 227580 Golf Course Landfill San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 02/03/1997 null 226219 Former LB Naval Sta, NEX Gas S Los Angeles 4 Facility Owner 11/05/1998 null 225821 Federal Fire Station 11 Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 12/20/2002 null 211121 Basic Underwater Demolition Center Los Angeles 4 Military Facility Owner 06/08/1990 null 204490 Adm. Baker Golf Course Landfil San Diego 9 Land fill Owner 02/03/1997 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 648081 Frank Williamson Person Legally Responsible Official 12/10/2024 null null 642680 Jasmine Lara Person Data Submitter 11/13/2023 null null 639910 CHRIS KASPROVICH Person Legally Responsible Official 12/28/2023 null null 639910 CHRIS KASPROVICH Person Data Submitter 10/31/2023 null null 636629 Lindsay Nehm Person Employee 12/22/2022 null null 636337 James Webb Person Data Submitter 11/28/2022 null null 635090 Charles Ginsberg Person Data Submitter 08/31/2022 null null 634817 Kim Patrick Impreso Person Data Submitter 08/15/2022 null null 633004 Nick Critti Person Data Submitter 05/09/2022 null null 626505 Samantha Lui Person Data Submitter 07/27/2023 null null 626505 Samantha Lui Person Data Submitter 08/03/2021 null null 626505 Samantha Lui Person Data Submitter 07/26/2023 null null 621390 US Navy Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) Organization In an Agreement With (Passive) 07/06/2021 null Federal Agency 610728 Alejandra Orozco Person Data Submitter 07/02/2020 null null 610603 Vanessa Capestany Person Data Submitter 06/30/2020 null null 608945 Melanie Kito Person Legally Responsible Official 06/05/2020 null null 607878 Katelyn Taylor Person Data Submitter 04/01/2020 null null 607878 Katelyn Taylor Person Data Submitter 01/31/2024 null null 606159 Ashley Labagnara Person Data Submitter 02/18/2020 null null 606159 Ashley Labagnara Person Data Submitter 01/28/2020 null null 605732 Thomas Stockton Person Data Submitter 01/08/2020 null null 602441 Mike Mathias Person Data Submitter 11/25/2019 null null 602441 Mike Mathias Person Data Submitter 09/25/2019 null null 601579 Jacob Dunk Person Data Submitter 08/29/2019 null null 600867 Kayla Carpenter Person Data Submitter 08/07/2019 null null 597549 Irma Govea Person Data Submitter 05/08/2019 null null 597121 Scott Ketcham Person Data Submitter 12/23/2024 null null 597121 Scott Ketcham Person Data Submitter 04/26/2019 null null 596737 Frederick Pedrena Person Data Submitter 04/15/2019 null null 577632 Teresa Toye Person Data Submitter 05/17/2018 null null 577494 CHRISTOPHER LOUGHMAN Person Data Submitter 05/16/2018 null null 577433 Christina Stewart Person Data Submitter 05/15/2018 null null 577342 Justin Rhoads Person Data Submitter 05/14/2018 null null 577342 Justin Rhoads Person Data Submitter 07/26/2023 null null 577342 Justin Rhoads Person Data Submitter 01/27/2023 null null 572310 Long Tran Person Data Submitter 01/18/2018 null null 571936 Nicholas Popaditch Person Legally Responsible Official 05/05/2022 null null 571936 Nicholas Popaditch Person Data Submitter 01/03/2018 05/05/2022 null 571931 Victoria Pena Person Data Submitter 01/02/2018 null null 568976 Jeremy Judd Person Data Submitter 10/06/2017 03/29/2019 null 564087 Jason Golumbfskie-Jones Person Legally Responsible Official 05/16/2017 04/11/2024 null 564087 Jason Golumbfskie-Jones Person Data Submitter 05/10/2017 05/16/2017 null 555506 Stephen Knowles Person Data Submitter 03/30/2016 07/26/2017 null 555476 Vanessa Jette Person Data Submitter 03/29/2016 09/01/2022 null 553989 Grady Beasley Person Data Submitter 12/17/2015 null null 552547 Anthony Yamat Person Data Submitter 03/30/2020 null null 552547 Anthony Yamat Person Data Submitter 05/06/2020 null null 552547 Anthony Yamat Person Data Submitter 08/14/2015 null null 552539 John Crow Person Data Submitter 04/11/2016 null null 552291 Jeff Waldman Person Data Submitter 07/27/2015 05/24/2017 null 552291 Jeff Waldman Person Data Submitter 09/02/2016 05/24/2017 null 550547 Rose Gutowski Person Data Submitter 03/28/2016 09/13/2018 null 550547 Rose Gutowski Person Data Submitter 03/25/2015 09/13/2018 null 550267 Dustin Burton Person Data Submitter 03/03/2015 07/26/2017 null 548661 J Craft Person Data Submitter 10/02/2014 07/26/2017 null 548161 Rebecca Keller Person Data Submitter 08/19/2014 null null 544889 Jessica Palmer Person Data Submitter 01/13/2014 null null 544889 Jessica Palmer Person Data Submitter 09/01/2016 null null 544889 Jessica Palmer Person Legally Responsible Official 02/12/2019 null null 544889 Jessica Palmer Person Data Submitter 02/09/2015 null null 544888 Sarah Koppel Person Legally Responsible Official 02/05/2020 null null 544888 Sarah Koppel Person Data Submitter 01/13/2014 07/26/2017 null 538059 Thelma Wheaton Person Data Submitter 04/29/2019 04/11/2024 null 538059 Thelma Wheaton Person Data Submitter 09/27/2019 04/11/2024 null 538059 Thelma Wheaton Person Data Submitter 12/21/2012 04/11/2024 null 537988 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Organization Division Of (Passive) 01/07/2021 null Federal Agency 534988 Kevin Korstad Person Data Submitter 01/27/2014 null null 534988 Kevin Korstad Person Data Submitter 07/10/2012 null null 526140 Robert Chichester Person Data Submitter 03/04/2011 11/23/2015 null 525879 Cecilia Ellema Person Data Submitter 02/15/2011 null null 524274 Ryan Anson Person Data Submitter 07/06/2021 null null 524274 Ryan Anson Person Data Submitter 06/08/2016 null null 524274 Ryan Anson Person Data Submitter 03/16/2016 null null 514440 Hadrianna Delos Santos Person Data Submitter 01/29/2015 null null 514440 Hadrianna Delos Santos Person Data Submitter 07/21/2009 null null 514439 Ellen Graubard Person Data Submitter 07/21/2009 07/26/2017 null 511159 Daryel Stager Person Data Submitter 07/21/2009 07/26/2017 null 504822 Mark Edson Person Legally Responsible Official 10/12/2009 null null 504822 Mark Edson Person Facility Contact 04/16/2009 null null 484521 Theresa Morley Person Employee 09/05/2008 07/26/2017 null 367957 Len Sinfield Person Legally Responsible Official 03/06/2007 11/01/2022 null 363402 Luis Perez Person Facility Contact 04/16/2009 null null 125432 Robert Campbell Person Facility Contact 02/03/1997 null null 125432 Robert Campbell Person Enforcement Contact 06/07/2001 null null 125432 Robert Campbell Person Enforcement Contact 01/29/2004 null null 93345 Brian Gordon Person Legally Responsible Official 06/08/1990 null null 93345 Brian Gordon Person Facility Contact 01/12/1990 null null 93345 Brian Gordon Person Facility Contact 06/08/1990 null null 81036 Robert Chichester Person Legally Responsible Official 01/04/2007 null null 81036 Robert Chichester Person Legal representative 01/12/1990 null null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 441129 Enrollee - NPDES 9 null TERMINATED Enrollee - NPDES R9-2015-0013 for US Navy Southwest Division Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2015-0013 11/30/2020 06/30/2022 Discharger 11/02/2020 null 412420 Enrollee - Waiver 4 4B190703008 Enrollee - Waiver for US Navy Southwest Division Historical WDRMUNIOTH 2012-0032 03/30/2017 03/31/2017 Discharger 03/30/2017 null 412419 Enrollee - WDR 4 null Enrollee - Waiver for US Navy Southwest Division Historical WDRMUNIOTH 2012-0032 03/30/2017 03/31/2017 Discharger 03/30/2017 null 403759 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000495 NPDES R9-2015-0117 for Naval Base Coronado (NBC) Active DODNPDESWW R9-2015-0117 01/01/2016 null Discharger 11/24/2015 null 399403 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190703013 Reclaim R4-2015-0107 for US Navy Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest Active REC R4-2015-0107 05/14/2015 null Discharger 12/14/1998 07/16/2013 395496 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000538 NPDES R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma Active DODNPDESWW R9-2014-0037 08/01/2014 null Discharger 03/26/2014 null 390231 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000497 NPDES R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego Complex and Graving Dock Active DODNPDESWW R9-2013-0064 11/01/2013 null Discharger 05/14/2013 null 388399 NPDES Permit 4 4B190703003 NPDES Permit R4-2013-0111 (CI 6432) for US Navy Southwest Division Historical DODNPDESWW R4-2013-0111 08/30/2013 12/31/2018 Discharger 06/29/2000 07/16/2013 371790 NPDES Permit 9 null WDR & NPDES R9-2009-0081 for U.S. Naval Base Coronado (NBC) Historical DODNPDESWW R9-2009-0081 06/10/2009 12/31/2015 Discharger 05/14/2003 null 318444 Enrollee 9 9SSO11461 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for Commander Navy Regional Southwest Historical SSOMUNISML 2006-0003-DWQ 01/04/2007 06/04/2023 Discharger 01/04/2007 null 260849 Letter 9 null 9 000000815-LT082901 Historical LNDISP null null 06/13/2012 Discharger 08/29/2001 null 213993 Enrollee 9 9 000000822 Enrollee Order 97-011, General WDRs for S.E.R.E. Camp Landfill Historical LFNONOPER null 04/09/1997 02/14/2007 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 213992 Enrollee 9 9 000000821 Enrollee, Old Spanish Bight Landfill Active LFNONOPER R9-2012-0003 04/09/1997 null Discharger 09/01/2005 null 213990 Enrollee 9 9 000000819 Enrollee R9-2012-0002, Golf Course Landfill (US Navy) Active LFNONOPER R9-2012-0002 06/13/2012 null Discharger 09/01/2005 null 213987 Enrollee 9 9 000000815 Enrollee Order 97-011, General WDRs for Admiral Baker Landfill Historical LFNONOPER R9-1997-0011 04/09/1997 11/12/2008 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 194151 Enrollee - WDR 4 4B197000030 Enrollee - Waiver 2012-0032 for US Navy Southwest Division Historical WDRMUNIOWTS 01-031 02/04/2003 12/19/2015 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 194143 Enrollee - WDR 4 4B197000020 Enrollee - Waiver 2012-0032 for US Navy Southwest Division Historical WDRMUNIOWTS 01-031 10/09/2002 11/20/2015 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 194004 Enrollee 4 4B196600123 4B196600123 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 97-046 11/10/1998 02/27/2001 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 148244 NPDES Permit 4 4B190703003 NPDES 00-090 for US Navy Southwest Division Historical DODNPDESWW 00-090 06/29/2000 08/29/2013 Discharger 06/29/2000 null 147522 WDR 4 4B190703011 WDR 00-045 for US NAVY REGION SOUTHWEST Historical WDR 00-045 04/13/2000 null Discharger 04/13/2000 null 136142 WDR 4 4B190703012 WDR 97-128 for US Navy Southwest Division Active WDRMUNIOTH 97-128 09/29/1997 null Discharger 09/29/1997 null 136116 WDR 4 4B190703011 WDR 96-098 for US NAVY REGION SOUTHWEST Historical WDR 96-098 12/09/1996 04/12/2000 Discharger 12/09/1996 null 135355 WDR 4 4B190703010 WDR 92-048 for US Navy Southwest Division Historical WDRMUNIOTH 92-048 07/20/1992 03/29/2017 Discharger 07/20/1992 null 134724 WDR 4 4B190703008 WDR 91-012 for US Navy Southwest Division Historical WDRMUNIOTH 91-012 01/28/1991 03/29/2017 Discharger 01/28/1991 null 133747 NPDES Permit 4 4B190703003 NPDES 79-119 for US NAVY REGION SOUTHWEST Historical DODNPDESWW 79-119 07/23/1979 06/28/2000 Discharger 07/23/1979 null 132753 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190703013 Reclamation Requirements R4-2004-0057 for US Navy Southwest Division Historical REC R4-2004-0057 04/01/2004 05/13/2015 Discharger 04/01/2004 null 132414 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000495 NPDES R9-2003-0008 U.S. Naval Base Coronado (NBC) Historical DODNPDESWW R9-2003-0008 05/14/2003 06/09/2009 Discharger 05/14/2003 null 131368 NPDES Permit 9 null NPDES R9-2002-0169 - US Navy, Naval Base San Diego Historical DODNPDESWW R9-2002-0169 11/13/2002 11/01/2013 Discharger 11/13/2002 null 131212 NPDES Permit 9 9 000000538 NPDES R9-2002-0002 US Navy, Naval Sub Base Point Loma Historical DODNPDESWW R9-2002-0002 09/11/2002 07/31/2014 Discharger 09/11/2002 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1131468 06/18/2024 Surface Water Pier 10 Berth 6: It was determined that an unknown amount of hydraulic oil was spilled into San Diego Bay while conducting maintenance work at the vessel. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131467 06/11/2024 Surface Water Pier 3 Berth 2: During a marine propulsion test, the starboard shaft of the listed naval vessel leaked a small amount of lubricant into the water. The operation was stopped, halting the small release. The incident resulted in an observable sheen that is unrecoverable. No cleanup effort is expected. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131466 05/15/2024 Surface Water Pier 4 Berth 6: One gallon of hydraulic oil discharged from a vessel into San Diego Bay. The cause is unknown and they are investigating the source. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131465 05/14/2024 Surface Water Pier 7 Berth 1: One gallon of AFFF (foam) was accidentally released into San Diego Bay. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131464 05/03/2024 Surface Water Pier 10 Berth 2: While disconnecting a fuel line, the line gave out resulting in a release of diesel marine fuel into San Diego Bay. The material was contained between the vessel and the boom. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131460 05/14/2024 Surface Water Pier 6 berth 5: AFFF was released from #3 fire suppression system into San Diego Bay. The cause of the release is unknown at this time. Sheen color: Whitish Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131459 04/05/2024 Surface Water Pier 6 Berth 6: A vessel released F-76 fuel oil on onto the deck, and went into San Diego Bay. The cause of the release is unknown however they suspect maintenance may have been a factor. A spill kit was deployed and a cleanup of the deck was conducted. Sheen information: Sheen Color: Rainbow. Sheen Size Length: 20 feet. Sheen size width: 10 feet. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131458 04/01/2024 Surface Water Pier 6 Berth 6: About 10 gallons of fuel oil was released from equipment and less than 1 gallon went in to the water. It formed a rainbow sheen, measuring about 30ftX2ft. Pads were placed onto the sheen but nothing was recovered, unrecoverable. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131457 04/19/2024 Surface Water Pier 5 Berth 6: Within the boom of a vessel there was an unknown oil sheen about 10 ft X 20 ft. It may have come from a nearby vessel. Recover was attempted but the sheen was too thin to clean up. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131456 03/06/2024 Surface Water Pier 6 Berth 5: A spill of AFFF onto the flight deck and well deck occurred after an overflow. Approximately 15-20 gallons spilled over the side and into the bay. This is a Landing Ship vessel as well. EVH/HazMat was on scene. Booms are placed around the ship to prevent continued spread. This event is under investigation. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131455 03/18/2024 Surface Water Pier 3 Beth 1: A sheen was observed in San Diego Bay. It is unknown as to why the release occurred. The cause is under investigation. The Navy team deployed booms, skimmers and absorbent pads. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131454 04/12/2024 Surface Water Pier 10 Berth 6: Petroleum was released into San Diego Bay from a vessel. The cause was unknown. Booms were applied, material contained, systems shutdown, area isolated, clean up crew on-site, clean up underway, investigation performed. Release was secured. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131447 05/17/2024 Surface Water A sheen of unknown source was discovered within the perimeter of the boom. Investigation is underway. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131446 05/15/2024 Surface Water Pier 13 Berth 2: A rainbow colored oil sheen was discovered from a barge attached to a ship. The ship was conducting defueling operations at the time of discovery. The ship then notified the base fuel response team of the release which led to Port Operations to come investigate the vessel for any indication of what caused the release. It is speculated to be a release of natural causes unrelated to the vessel and thus was cleared for continued operation. BOOMs and absorbent pads were applied, but the sheen was out of their reach and the release is deemed unrecoverable and expected to dissipate naturally. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131443 06/07/2024 Surface Water Pier 8 Berth 6: During a fuel alignment a valve was accidentally left open and leaked an estimated 50-100 gallons of JP10 F77 fuel into San Diego Bay. This release was stopped, contained, and double booms were used during the clean up. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131439 06/03/2024 Surface Water Pier 7 Berth 6: A mechanical failure occurred on a chain hoist during servicing. The failure resulted in 5 gallons of hydraulic oil being released to San Diego Bay. The ship's boom contained the release. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131438 06/17/2024 Surface Water Pier 10 Berth 1: A rainbow sheen was in the water, but it is unknown how and where it came from. It has a rainbow color but no scent.. A cleanup is being conducted, it is recoverable. Violation N eSMR Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 390231 R9-2013-0064 N 1131422 06/14/2024 Surface Water At the FLC Fueling Pier (DFSP): During fueling operations at a floating fuel farm, a vessel's fuel tank was overloaded with fuel due to a mechanical failure. Substance released into the San Diego Bay. Absorbent pads were laid, release secured and recovered. The spill was 2.32 gallons. Violation N eSMR US Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) 395496 R9-2014-0037 N Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 443407 Notice of Violation R9-2021-0149 NOV R9-2021-0149; for US Navy Southwest Division; three unauthorized discharges of diesel and lubrication oil in 2021 DODNPDESWW 06/07/2021 Historical 441666 13383 Letter R9-2020-0129 13383 Letter No. R9-2020-0129; 12/17/2020 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 12/17/2020 Historical 441557 13383 Letter R9-2020-0116 Investigative Order (13383 Letter) No. R9-2020-0116 for US Navy Southwest Division related to acute toxicity violations DODNPDESWW 11/24/2020 Historical 441508 Notice of Violation R9-2020-0128 NOV No. R9-2020-0128; 12/17/2020 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 12/17/2020 Historical 441415 Notice of Violation R9-2020-0115 NOV R9-2020-0115; 11/24/2020; US Navy Southwest Division; Naval Base Coronado; Acute Toxicity Violations for Storm Water DODNPDESWW 11/24/2020 Historical 430426 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 06/11/2019 Historical 430296 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 05/03/2019 Historical 430176 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/26/2019 Historical 410579 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 SEL re R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma (Annual Reports 2014-2016, Quarterly Jan 2014-Sept 2016) DODNPDESWW 01/26/2017 Historical 407281 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 SEL re R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma (Quarterly Oct 2015- March 2016) DODNPDESWW 08/16/2016 Historical 404337 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 SEL re R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma (Annual 2014, Quarterly April 2015- Sept 2015) DODNPDESWW 01/19/2016 Historical 403816 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0064 SEL re R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego (September 2015) DODNPDESWW 12/08/2015 Historical 403762 Time Schedule Order R9-2015-0118 TSO R9-2015-0118 for Naval Base Coronado (NBC) DODNPDESWW 11/18/2015 Historical 403635 13267 Letter R9-2015-0058 Terminated IO R9-2015-0058 for CalTrans et al. re Investigation of Sediments at Mouth of Chollas Creek INDSTW 10/26/2015 Historical 402798 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 09/09/2015 Historical 402796 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 SEL re R9-2014-0037 for Naval Base Point Loma (June 2015 Spill) DODNPDESWW 09/23/2015 Historical 402793 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0064 SEL re R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego (2015) DODNPDESWW 09/23/2015 Historical 401672 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2009-0081 SEL re R9-2009-0081 for Naval Base Coronado DODNPDESWW 07/10/2015 Historical 401652 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0064 SEL re R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego (July 2014- April 2015) DODNPDESWW 07/10/2015 Historical 398348 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2013-0064 SEL re R9-2013-0064 for Naval Base San Diego (2014) DODNPDESWW 10/08/2014 Historical 398204 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 10/08/2014 Historical 397912 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 10/08/2014 Historical 395193 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 01/21/2014 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 01/21/2014 Historical 393217 Time Schedule Order R9-2013-0095 Time Schedule Order R9-2013-0095 for US Navy Southwest Division, Naval Base San Diego DODNPDESWW 11/01/2013 Historical 393169 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for US Naval Base Point Loma Monitoring Reports DODNPDESWW 09/16/2013 Historical 392139 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/15/2013 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 07/15/2013 Historical 386888 Notice of Violation R9-2012-0051 NOV R9-2012-0051 USN BAE and NASSCO for Violation of Directives CAO R9-2012-0024 SLIC 07/10/2012 Historical 373950 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/13/2010 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical 373949 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/13/2010 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical 373921 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/13/2010 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical 373920 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/13/2010 for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical 373913 Notice of Violation null NOV for US Navy Southwest Division DODNPDESWW 04/13/2010 Historical 371760 Notice of Violation NOV NOV sent 9/25/09 for 10 late monitoring reports. WDRMUNIOTH 09/25/2009 Historical 340860 Clean-up and Abatement Order R9-2012-0024 CAO No. R9-2012-0024 for Shipyard Sediment Site San Diego Bay SLIC 03/12/2012 Active 329375 13267 Letter UNKNOWN Follow-up 13267 Letter - Palmer Hall cross-connection WDRMUNILRG 07/30/2007 Historical 252207 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000495 NPDESWW 07/29/2004 Historical 252206 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000497 NPDESWW 07/29/2004 Historical 249855 Notice of Violation R9-2001-0195 Order R9-2001-0195, NOV for failure to submit semiannual report LNDISP 06/07/2001 Historical 249830 Notice of Violation R9-2004-0043 Order R9-2004-0043, NOV for failure to provide complete report LNDISP 01/29/2004 Historical 242233 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000495 NPDESWW 08/21/2003 Historical 240472 Notice of Violation NOV NOV sent 1/16/02 for 41 effluent violations & numerous reporting deficiencies. DODNPDESWW 01/16/2002 Historical Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status 446991 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - NPDES NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/01/2022 Historical 444835 US Navy Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) Co-Permitee DODNPDESWW 11/01/2013 Active 441771 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - Waiver WDRINDIVSML 01/25/2021 Active 439448 US Navy Naval Base Coronado 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 07/30/2020 Historical 420104 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 03/19/2018 Historical 402759 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 10/18/2015 Historical 392844 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 08/23/2013 Historical 390231 US Navy Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) NPDES Permit DODNPDESWW 11/01/2013 Active 388458 US Navy Naval Base Coronado Enrollee DODNPDESWW 01/03/2013 Historical