General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 568606 Brian Fuller null 5550 Skylane Boulevard A Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-576-2806 Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 137757 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Organization Employee 09/15/2017 null Waterboard Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1137437 10/17/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 null Y 1137436 10/17/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of petroleum products to land at WQ1 where they threaten to disperse and discharge to a Water of the State in violation of the California Water Code section 13264. Violation null Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 null Y 1137434 10/17/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1. Violation null Inspection Neil Gaston 047-220-52-00 458864 null Y 1137433 10/23/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2, WQ3, WQ4, WQ5 and WQ6 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 null Y 1137432 10/23/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharges of waste plastic to Garden Creek at WQ6 and earthen material to tributary to Garden Creek at WQ3. Violation null Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 null Y 1137431 10/23/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1 and WQ2. Violation null Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 null Y 1137430 10/23/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Garden Creek at locations WQ3, WQ4 and WQ5 in violation of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2. Violation null Inspection Ivan Suarez 459035 null Y 1137428 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ4 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 null Y 1137427 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of sediment to the USGS mapped blue line tributary to Rocktree Creek at WQ1 and unauthorized discharge of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ4 where it threatens to contaminate groundwater that is a Water of the State in violation of the California Water Code Section 13264. Violation null Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 null Y 1137425 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code Section 13260 at WQ1. Violation null Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 null Y 1137424 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Rocktree Creek from locations WQ2 and WQ3 in violation of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2. Violation null Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 null Y 1137423 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Earthen fill in a United States Geologic Survey (USGS) mapped blue line tributary to Rocktree Creek at WQ1 in violation of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 1. Violation null Inspection Kaylee Seaton 459036 null Y 1137420 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ7 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 null Y 1137419 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of cannabis plant material to a tributary to String Creek at WQ3 and unauthorized discharges of refuse to land at WQ5 where it threatens to disperse and discharge to a tributary to String Creek in violation of Water Code Section 13264. Violation null Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 null Y 1137418 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code Section 13260 at WQ1, WQ3, WQ4 and WQ5. Violation null Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 null Y 1137417 10/28/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of organic or earthen material to String Creek from locations WQ2, WQ3, WQ6 and WQ7 in violation of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2. Violation null Inspection Shadi Elayyan 459038 null Y 1137411 10/28/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 through WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 null Y 1137410 10/28/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ2 and WQ3 where it threatens to contaminate groundwater that is a Water of the State in violation of the California Water Code section 13264. Violation null Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 null Y 1137409 10/28/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1. Violation null Inspection Ivan Cerecedo 459040 null Y 1132818 09/16/2024 Order Conditions Failure to Comply with Cleanup and Abatement and Investigative Order No. R1-2024-0034 (Order) Required Action No. 1 Violation N Complaint Yesenia and Raul Carrillo Property 457878 R1-2024-0034 Y 1132648 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 null Y 1132647 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ2. Violation null Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 null Y 1132646 08/15/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Long Branch Creek from a plugged and undersized culverted stream crossing at WQ1 in violation of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2. Violation null Inspection Wallace Jumbe Allen 458344 null Y 1132645 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Sandra Neumann 458347 null Y 1132619 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1 and WQ2. Violation null Inspection Sandra Neumann 458347 null Y 1132618 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 and WQ2 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Catherine Vanessa Ngo 458348 null Y 1132616 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1 and WQ2. Violation null Inspection Catherine Vanessa Ngo 458348 null Y 1132615 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 null Y 1132614 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1 and WQ2. Violation null Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 null Y 1132613 08/15/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to Tomki Creek at location WQ3 in violation of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2. Violation null Inspection Jose Alvarez 458339 null Y 1132611 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Jason Humpris 458342 null Y 1132610 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3. Violation null Inspection Jason Humpris 458342 null Y 1132600 08/15/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 null Y 1132598 08/15/2024 Other Codes Unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ1 where it threatens to contaminate groundwater that is a Water of the State in violation of the California Water Code section 13264. Violation null Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 null Y 1132596 08/15/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1. Violation null Inspection Deborah Marie Weight 458337 null Y 1131713 08/16/2024 Other Codes Water Code 13260 and 13264 Violation null Inspection Neil Gaston 176-030-08-00 453657 null Y 1131665 07/24/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Elida Farias 458137 null Y 1131664 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 in the vicinity of WQ3. Violation null Inspection Elida Farias 458137 null Y 1131662 07/31/2024 Order Conditions State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Cannabis Cultivation Policy Principals and Guidelines for Cannabis Cultivation (Cannabis Policy) - various provisions. Violation null Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 null Y 1131661 07/31/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ2 and WQ3. Violation null Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 null Y 1131660 07/31/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1, Prohibition 2 Violation null Inspection Sharon Wilson 458252 null Y 1131659 07/31/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ1, WQ2, WQ3, WQ4 and WQ5 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 null Y 1131658 07/31/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land near WQ1 where it threatens to contaminate groundwater that is a Water of the State. Violation null Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 null Y 1131657 07/31/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 at WQ1 and WQ2. Violation null Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 null Y 1131656 07/31/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) Section 4.2.1, Prohibition 2 Violation null Inspection Ivan Suarez 458251 null Y 1131653 07/24/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ2 where it threatens to contaminate groundwater that is a Water of the State. Violation null Inspection Elida Farias 458137 null Y 1131652 07/24/2024 Order Conditions Site conditions at WQ4, WQ5, WQ6 and WQ7 that violate the Cannabis Policy. Violation null Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 null Y 1131651 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 in the vicinity of WQ4 and WQ7. Violation null Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 null Y 1131650 07/24/2024 Basin Plan Prohibition Threatened discharges of earthen material to unnamed tributaries to Mill Creek at locations WQ5 and WQ6 in violation of the Basin Plan Section 4.2.1 Prohibition 2. Violation null Inspection Scott Anderson Property 458175 null Y 1131649 07/24/2024 Other Codes Violations of the California Water Code section 13264 for unauthorized discharges of domestic waste (i.e., human waste) to land at WQ1 where it threatens to contaminate groundwater that is a Water of the State. Pursuant to the State Water Resources Control Board OWTS Policy, Section 11.0 Corrective Actions apply to any OWTS that has surfacing and/or pooling effluent. Violation null Inspection Arturo Ramirez 458117 null N 1131648 07/24/2024 Other Codes Large-scale cannabis cultivation and associated activities that were being conducted without first obtaining regulatory coverage for associated waste discharges, in violation of Water Code section 13260 in the vicinity of WQ2. Violation null Inspection Arturo Ramirez 458117 null Y Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status