General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 546523 Alameda City City Agency 950 West Mall Square Alameda, CA 94501-7575 925-827-4900(+) null Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 898480 Bay Farm Island Southern Shoreline Repairs Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/07/2025 null 865308 Alameda Point Harbor Seal haul-Out Project Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/03/2020 null 861878 Alameda Point Bulkhead Repair Project Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site None null null 846097 Alameda Point Outfall Project Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/30/2018 null 832365 City of Alameda WS Alameda 2 Utility Structure Owner and Operator 01/31/2017 null 823333 Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal Geotechnical Borings Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/29/2016 null 809711 Alameda Ferry Float relocation Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 10/03/2014 null 807537 Alameda Point Stormwater Outfall Upgrades Project Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/08/2014 null 806207 City of Alameda Alameda 2 Waterway/Shoreline Site Owner 05/19/2014 null 805709 Alameda Lagoons Maintenance Dredging Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 12/05/2018 null 764178 Alameda West Lagoon Homeowner's Association Alameda 2 Facility Owner and Operator 01/21/2015 null 742936 City of Alameda - Harbor Bay Ferry Channel Dredging Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/06/2013 null 737562 Bay Farm Island, Repair bank armoring for 96-inch diameter outfall Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/29/2011 null 630863 Alameda City CS Alameda 2 Collection_System Owner 04/03/2006 null 270988 Vasco Road Widening Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 254245 Rinetti Residence Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 250091 Paseo Padre Pkwy Grade Separat Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 242825 Metroport Development Project Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 241745 Alameda, City of - MS4 Storm Water Alameda 2 MS4 Owner 02/19/1997 null 231401 Hayward Executive Airport Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 218644 Creekside Estates Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 218250 Congregation Beth-El new templ Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 204859 Alameda-Wet Wthr Sewer Bypass Alameda 2 Facility Owner 09/19/1984 null 204844 Alameda City Landfill Alameda 2 Land fill Owner 11/16/1976 null 203307 500 Tinker Ave. Alameda 2 Service/Commercial Site, NEC Owner 07/01/2004 null 201991 2185 Acton St. / Strawberry Ck Alameda 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 636502 Kalani Otenbriet Person Data Submitter 12/12/2022 null null 612137 Emanuel Rios Person Data Submitter 08/25/2020 null null 607196 Debbie Potter Person Legally Responsible Official 03/03/2020 null null 591629 Andrew Nowacki Person Legally Responsible Official 12/05/2018 null null 584346 Michelle Giles Person Legally Responsible Official 09/17/2018 null null 553929 Jennifer Ott Person Legally Responsible Official 07/08/2014 null null 548725 Liam Garland Person Legally Responsible Official 10/08/2014 06/13/2023 null 546633 Robert Haun Person Legally Responsible Official 06/19/2014 12/31/2016 null 540878 Nanette Mocanu Person Legally Responsible Official 10/03/2014 null null 540424 Ernest Sanchez Person Legally Responsible Official 06/06/2013 null null 537355 Erin Smith Person Legally Responsible Official 08/04/2014 null null 524452 Jesse Barajas Person Legally Responsible Official 09/01/2010 04/06/2016 null 520376 Flavio Barrantes Person Legally Responsible Official 11/02/2009 10/03/2013 null 499209 Paul Soo Person Data Submitter 02/10/2009 04/23/2012 null 479439 Flavio Barrentes Person Legally Responsible Official 07/22/2008 10/24/2012 null 475678 Michael Leahy Person Data Submitter 06/30/2008 04/06/2017 null 475673 Patrick Papalagi Person Data Submitter 06/30/2008 null null 475667 Max Arbios Person Legally Responsible Official 06/30/2008 05/24/2016 null 374744 Larry Strunk Person Data Submitter 04/20/2007 02/03/2011 null 194141 Barbara Hawkins Person Legally Responsible Official 11/02/2009 null null 75310 Matthew Naclerio Person Legally Responsible Official 04/03/2006 null null 75310 Matthew Naclerio Person Legally Responsible Official 12/29/2011 null null 75310 Matthew Naclerio Person Legal representative 11/16/1976 null null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 436753 NPDES Permit 2 2 019002001 NPDES R2-2020-0005 for Alameda City Active NPDMUNIOTH R2-2020-0005 04/01/2020 null Discharger 02/13/2020 null 434763 401 Certification 2 2 CW434763 401 Cert for Alameda City Active CERFILLEXC null 06/23/2020 null Discharger 11/07/2019 null 427393 401 Certification 2 2 CW427393 401 Cert for Alameda City Historical CERDREDGE null 12/23/2019 06/30/2021 Discharger 12/05/2018 null 411646 Enrollee - NPDES 2 4DW0807 Enrollee - NPDES under Order 2014-0194-DWQ Drinking Water System Discharges for Alameda City Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2014-0194-DWQ 07/01/2016 null Discharger 07/01/2016 null 398833 NPDES Permit 2 2 019002001 NPDES R2-2014-0046 for Alameda City Historical NPDMUNIOTH R2-2014-0046 12/01/2014 03/31/2020 Discharger 11/14/2014 null 398382 Enrollee - 401 Certification 2 null Relocation of the Alameda Ferry Landing Float at Pier 5 Historical CERFILLEXC NWP-2012 10/09/2014 03/18/2017 Discharger 10/03/2014 null 397137 401 Certification 2 2 CW397137 401 Cert for Alameda City Active CERFILLEXC null 12/10/2015 null Discharger 07/08/2014 null 396423 401 Certification 2 null WQC for Alameda City Historical CERDREDGE null 05/21/2014 05/21/2019 Discharger 05/27/2014 null 396290 Enrollee - NPDES SB 2 01AP00015 Enrollee 2013-0002-DWQ for CITY OF ALAMEDA_SPARTINA-AQ PESTICIDES (Region 2) Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2013-0002-DWQ 05/29/2014 null Discharger 05/29/2014 null 390523 401 Certification 2 null WQC 08/25/2010 for Alameda City Historical CERDREDGE null 08/25/2010 08/25/2015 Discharger 06/06/2013 null 382618 401 Certification 2 null WQC 02/11/2010 for Alameda City Historical CERFILLEXC null 02/11/2010 02/11/2015 Discharger 12/29/2011 null 372033 NPDES Permit 2 2 019002001 NPDES R2-2009-0081 for ALAMEDA, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNIOTH R2-2009-0081 11/18/2009 11/30/2014 Discharger 03/17/2004 null 340985 Enrollee 2 2 01AP00013 Enrollee 2013-0002-DWQ for CITY OF ALAMEDA PWD-AQ PESTICIDES (Region 2) Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2013-0002-DWQ 01/02/2014 null Discharger 01/02/2014 null 300319 Enrollee 2 2SSO10087 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for Alameda, City Of Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 11/27/2006 null Discharger 04/11/2006 null 180011 Enrollee 2 2 019449001 2 019449001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2004-0055 04/25/2005 09/19/2006 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 173622 401 Certification 2 03 01000074 03 01000074 Historical CERFILLEXC null null null Discharger 06/17/2005 null 172354 401 Certification 2 2 0301000069 WQC - Alameda City, Vasco Road Widening (2 0301000069) Historical CERFILLEXC WQC null null Discharger 06/17/2005 null 172353 401 Certification 2 2 0301000069 WQC-Alameda City, Creekside Estates (2 0301000069) Historical CERFILLEXC WQC null null Discharger 06/17/2005 null 172352 401 Certification 2 2 0301000069 401 WQC Alameda City (WDID 2 0301000069) Historical CERFILLEXC null null null Discharger 06/17/2005 null 172351 401 Certification 2 2 0301000069 WQC-Alameda City, Congregation Beth -El new temple (2 0301000069) Historical CERFILLEXC WQC null null Discharger 06/17/2005 null 152947 401 Certification 2 2 01C325324 2 01C325324 Historical CERFILLEXC null null null Discharger 06/17/2005 null 146308 WDR 2 2 019122001 WDR 76-126 for ALAMEDA, CITY OF Historical LNDISP 76-126 11/16/1976 null Discharger 11/16/1976 null 146016 NPDES Permit 2 2 019002001 NPDES 84-064 for ALAMEDA, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNIOTH 84-064 09/19/1984 null Discharger 09/19/1984 null 143344 NPDES Permit 2 2 019002001 NPDES 94-113 for ALAMEDA, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNIOTH 94-113 09/21/1994 03/16/2004 Discharger 09/21/1994 null 142375 WDR 2 2 019122001 WDR 95-189 for ALAMEDA CITY's Doolittle Landfill Active LFNONOPER 95-189 09/13/1995 null Discharger 09/13/1995 null 141625 NPDES Permit 2 2 019002001 NPDES 89-150 for ALAMEDA, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNIOTH 89-150 09/20/1989 null Discharger 09/20/1989 null 132730 NPDES Permit 2 2 019002001 NPDES 04-008 for ALAMEDA, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNIOTH R2-2004-0008 03/17/2004 null Discharger 03/17/2004 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 416259 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 09/21/2017 for Alameda City SSOMUNILRG 09/21/2017 Historical 398531 Settlement - Court Order C09-00186-RS Court Settlement C09-00186-RS for East Bay Municipal Utility District (WPCP) NPDESWW 09/22/2014 Active 385939 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 05/05/2012 for Alameda City MNSTW1 05/05/2012 Historical 304115 Oral Communication null phone call to Alameda City CS NPDESWW 03/15/2006 Historical 253883 Staff Enforcement Letter SEL-10/15/2004 Enforcement - Staff Enf Letter- Alameda City (2 0301000069) CERFILLEXC 10/15/2004 Historical 225658 Admin Civil Liability R2-2000-0022 Enforcement - 2 019423N01 UST 09/13/2000 Historical 223405 Cease and Desist Order 93-134 CDO Order No. 93-134 NPDMUNIOTH 10/20/1993 Historical 219379 Cease and Desist Order 86-01701 Enforcement - 2 019002001 NPDMUNIOTH 03/19/1986 Historical 219295 Cease and Desist Order 78-086 Enforcement - CDO 78-086, for Alameda CIty's Doollitle Landfill (2 019122001) LNDISP 10/17/1978 Active 219294 Cease and Desist Order 79-047 Enforcement - CDO 79-047, for Alameda CIty's Doollitle Landfill (2 019122001) LNDISP 04/17/1979 Active Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status