General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 502400 Riverside City City Agency 3900 Main Street Riverside, CA 92522 null null Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 895274 Staff Working Proposal Regional MS4 Permit Area Riverside 8 MS4 None null null 895268 Draft Order R8-2024-0001 Regional MS4 Permit Area Riverside 8 MS4 None null null 889459 San Bernardino County MS4 in Santa Ana Region San Bernardino 8 Domestic Site NEC None null null 866740 Tequesquite Creek Channel Maintenance Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/12/2020 null 854231 Fairmont Park Channel - Bowling Green Drive Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/11/2018 null 817763 Tequesquite Creek Routine Maintenance Program Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/31/2015 null 807341 Market Street Bike Ramp Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/30/2014 null 804524 Riverside City Tequesquite Creek Emergency Project Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/11/2014 null 783346 Tequesquite Trunk Sewer Protection Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/11/2012 null 783303 SAR Watermain Relocation Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/11/2012 null 783237 University Area Master Drainage Plan Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/10/2012 null 779703 Van Buren Avenue Widening Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/09/2012 null 779371 Tequesquite Sewer Protection Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/02/2012 null 779323 Jurupa Ave Extension from Rutland Ave to Hole Lake Dam Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 04/02/2012 null 779148 Tequesquite Park Construction Project Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/27/2012 null 631503 Riverside City CS Riverside 8 Collection_System Owner 04/05/2006 null 621505 Fairmont Park Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/09/2008 null 276267 Lake Evans-Fairmount Lake Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/13/2008 null 273085 WTP,California Filter Plant Riverside 8 Facility Owner 09/11/1981 null 266583 Truck Wash at Landfill Riverside 8 Service/Commercial Site, NEC Owner 12/16/1977 null 259150 Riverside City WWRF Riverside 8 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner and Operator 11/01/1994 null 259150 Riverside City WWRF Riverside 8 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 09/18/2020 null 258976 Riverside Cnty MS4 Riverside 8 MS4 None null null 258973 Orange County MS4 Orange 8 MS4 None null null 258968 Lake Elsinore MS4 Riverside 8 MS4 None null null 258964 Calimesa MS4 Riverside 8 MS4 None null null 258963 Beaumont MS4 Riverside 8 MS4 None null null 258962 Riverside City MS4 Riverside 8 MS4 Owner 03/08/1996 null 236499 Tequesquite Landfill Riverside 8 Land fill Owner 06/01/1999 null 236478 Panorama Landfill Riverside 8 Land fill Owner 04/08/1977 null 228531 Riverside Public Utility Wellhead Treatment Plants San Bernardino 8 Water Treatment Plant Owner 01/11/2000 null 228517 GW Cleanup-Tippecanoe WTP San Bernardino 8 Facility Owner 07/02/1999 null 228514 GW Cleanup-Sunnyside WTP San Bernardino 8 Facility Owner 01/11/2000 null 220043 Dewatering,STP Riverside 8 Facility Owner 11/14/1986 null 219901 Dewatering,General-HH8000210 Riverside 8 Facility Owner 02/08/1991 null 219900 Dewatering,General-HH0106976 Riverside 8 Facility Owner 12/11/1981 null 210407 Brine Fac, Inactive Riverside 8 Facility Owner 03/20/1970 null 206119 CIty of Riverside, Aquatic Pesticides - Weeds Riverside 8 Waterway/Shoreline Site Owner and Operator 03/22/2002 null 203128 Victoria Avenue Bridge Riverside 8 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/03/2000 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 647319 Estefania Solorio Sanchez Person Data Submitter 09/30/2024 null null 640077 Elijha Curcie Person Data Submitter 06/15/2023 null null 629596 Nicole Greenwood Person Data Submitter 01/10/2022 null null 629596 Nicole Greenwood Person Data Submitter 12/07/2021 null null 593768 Soledad Chavez Person Data Submitter 01/09/2019 null null 560439 Darlene Warnick Spencer Person Data Submitter 11/09/2016 10/01/2021 null 552815 Thomas Boyd Person Employee 08/31/2015 null null 552815 Thomas Boyd Person Legally Responsible Official 08/30/2015 null null 547301 Thuy Nguyen Person Legally Responsible Official 06/30/2014 null null 545646 Tina English Person Legally Responsible Official 03/11/2014 null null 545231 Adam Ly Person Data Submitter 02/07/2014 null null 545230 Habib Hariri Person Legally Responsible Official 02/07/2014 null null 542781 Pamela Inskeep Person Data Submitter 08/29/2013 null null 542449 Robert Eland Person Data Submitter 11/23/2015 null null 542449 Robert Eland Person Data Submitter 01/17/2017 null null 542449 Robert Eland Person Legally Responsible Official 09/17/2021 null null 539563 Stephen Schultz Person Legally Responsible Official 04/12/2007 01/01/2008 null 537596 Michael Roberts Person Data Submitter 11/13/2012 11/25/2020 null 537596 Michael Roberts Person Legally Responsible Official 12/11/2018 null null 535068 Sandy Caldwell Person Legally Responsible Official 07/11/2012 null null 535006 Mike Katusian Person Legally Responsible Official 07/10/2012 null null 532701 Chris Scully Person Legally Responsible Official 04/09/2012 null null 532662 Lonny Young Person Employee 04/02/2012 null null 532662 Lonny Young Person Legally Responsible Official 04/01/2012 null null 532555 Ed Lara Person Employee 03/28/2012 null null 532555 Ed Lara Person Legally Responsible Official 04/02/2012 null null 532537 Andrew Emery Person Legally Responsible Official 03/27/2012 null null 528089 Kevin Milligan Person Legally Responsible Official 07/11/2012 null null 527731 Bobby Gustafson Person Data Submitter 04/24/2017 null null 521988 Gary Valladao Person Legally Responsible Official 04/07/2010 03/25/2015 null 521844 Kevin Street Person Legally Responsible Official 03/25/2010 null null 520401 Toni Tillman Person Data Submitter 11/04/2009 null null 520355 Norma Rozenstraten Person Data Submitter 03/25/2010 08/13/2015 null 520198 Addi Bishop Person Data Submitter 10/12/2009 null null 502401 Riverside City - Public Utilities Organization Division Of (Passive) 07/10/2006 null City Agency 488217 Richard Pallante Person Legally Responsible Official 10/09/2008 11/25/2020 null 488215 Ponciano Navarro Person Data Submitter 10/09/2008 05/03/2018 null 488213 Kathy Mazur Person Data Submitter 10/09/2008 null null 488212 Berlinda McCadney Person Data Submitter 10/09/2008 null null 488211 Choe Nguyen Person Data Submitter 10/09/2008 null null 459620 Riverside City - Public Works Organization Division Of (Passive) 06/08/2006 null City Agency 375058 Craig Justice Person Legally Responsible Official 08/31/2015 07/23/2020 null 375058 Craig Justice Person Legally Responsible Official 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 null 364131 Edward Filadelfia Person Legally Responsible Official 07/09/2020 null null 359862 Dennis James Person Legally Responsible Official 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 null 299794 Regan Bailey Person Data Submitter 04/23/2007 null null 299036 Karen Connor Person Employee 02/09/2006 null null 149647 Anicia Yambot Person Employee 09/14/2005 11/25/2020 null 140658 David Wilson Person Employee 02/01/2002 null null 139145 Ann Iaali Person Data Submitter 01/29/2013 11/25/2020 null 109498 John Kemp Person Legally Responsible Official 03/25/2010 03/25/2010 null 98100 Dave Commons Person Legally Responsible Official 03/25/2008 08/01/2008 null 37530 Riverside City - Parks Organization Division Of (Passive) 06/08/2006 null City Agency 37530 Riverside City - Parks Organization Division Of (Passive) 08/17/2006 null City Agency Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 452312 Co-Permitee 8 8 332305001 Co-Perm 96-030 for Riverside City Historical MNSTW1 96-030 03/08/1996 03/01/2001 Discharger 03/08/1996 03/01/2001 451905 Co-Permitee 8 null Co-Perm R8-2002-0011 for Riverside City Historical MNSTW1 R8-2002-0011 10/25/2002 01/29/2010 Discharger 10/25/2002 01/29/2010 440338 Co-Permitee SB 8 330117003 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for Riverside City Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 438050 401 Certification 8 332020-14 401 Cert for Riverside City Active CERFILLEXC null 11/04/2020 null Discharger 05/12/2020 null 427648 Enrollee - 401 Certification 8 63-332018-04 Enrollee under for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC RGP 63 12/07/2018 12/20/2018 Discharger 12/11/2018 null 402674 401 Certification 8 332015-18 401 Cert for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC null 11/20/2015 03/17/2018 Discharger 08/31/2015 null 397042 401 Certification 8 null DRAFT WQC for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC null 11/05/2014 11/05/2015 Discharger 06/30/2014 null 395317 Enrollee - 401 Certification 8 null Enrollee under RGP 63 for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC RGP 63 03/13/2014 03/13/2015 Discharger 03/11/2014 null 386133 401 Certification 8 null 401 Cert LTR 08/12/2005 for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC null 08/12/2005 null Discharger 07/11/2012 null 386104 401 Certification 8 null 401 Cert LTR 04/28/2005 for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC null 04/28/2005 null Discharger 07/11/2012 null 386049 401 Certification 8 null 401 Cert LTR 08/24/2004 for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC null 08/24/2004 null Discharger 07/10/2012 null 384270 401 Certification 8 null 401 Cert LTR 06/25/2009 for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC null 06/25/2009 06/25/2019 Discharger 04/09/2012 null 384148 401 Certification 8 null 401 Cert LTR12/30/2009 for Riverside City Active CERFILLEXC null null null Discharger 04/02/2012 null 384121 401 Certification 8 332010-22 401 Cert LTR12/14/2010 for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC null 12/14/2010 12/14/2020 Discharger 04/02/2012 null 383991 401 Certification 8 null 401 Cert LTR10/06/2011 for Riverside City Historical CERFILLEXC null 10/06/2011 10/06/2021 Discharger 03/27/2012 null 376054 NPDES Permit 8 8 330117003 NPDES R8-2013-0016 for Riverside City Active NPDMUNILRG R8-2013-0016 11/01/2013 null Discharger 01/19/2001 null 346961 401 Certification 8 null Lake Evans Dredge Historical CERFILLEXC null null null Discharger 06/13/2008 null 303260 NPDES Permit 8 8 330117003 NPDES R8-2006-0009 for City of Riverside, Wastewater Reclamation Facility Historical NPDMUNILRG R8-2006-0009 04/21/2006 10/31/2013 Discharger 01/19/2001 null 300891 Enrollee 8 8SSO10560 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for Riverside City Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 11/21/2006 null Discharger 04/14/2006 null 298471 NPDES Permit 8 8 330117003 NPDES 01-003 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF-WASTEWATER Historical NPDESWW R8-2001-0003 01/29/2001 04/21/2006 Discharger 01/19/2001 null 298332 NPDES Permit 8 null Archived Historical NPDMUNILRG archived 04/19/2001 04/19/2001 Discharger 01/19/2001 null 260372 Letter 8 null 8 332546001-LT990628 Historical WDR LT990628 null 06/28/1999 Discharger 06/28/1999 null 260173 Letter 8 null 8 332146001-LT900321 Historical NPDESWW LT900321 null 03/21/1990 Discharger 03/21/1990 null 260110 Letter 8 null 8 330117002-LT911227 Historical NPDESWW LT911227 null 12/27/1991 Discharger 12/27/1991 null 259141 Letter 8 null 8 332464001-LT970827 Historical WDR LT970827 null 08/27/1997 Discharger 08/27/1997 null 211533 Enrollee 8 8 362606001 8 362606001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 96-018 10/11/1996 01/22/2002 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 211532 Enrollee - NPDES 8 8 362605001 Enrollee Under General Wellhead Treatment Permit for Riverside City Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS R8-2013-0031 10/11/1996 null Discharger 09/01/2005 null 209311 Enrollee 8 8 332703001 Enrollee Under General Aquatic Pesticides-Weed for City of Riverside Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2004-0009-DWQ 03/22/2002 11/30/2013 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 209290 Enrollee 8 8 332548001 8 332548001 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 96-018 08/19/1999 01/22/2002 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 163954 Waiver 8 8 332621001 8 332621001 Historical CERFILLEXC null null null Discharger 06/17/2005 null 147655 NPDES Permit 8 8 330117003 NPDES 95-018 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF-WASTEWATER Historical NPDMUNILRG 95-018 05/26/1995 01/18/2001 Discharger 05/26/1995 null 140677 WDR 8 8 332322001 NPDES 93-03703 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical NPDESWW 93-03703 04/23/1993 null Discharger 04/23/1993 null 140562 NPDES Permit 8 8 332305001 NPDES 96-030 for Riverside County MS4s Historical MNSTW1 96-030 03/08/1996 10/25/2002 Discharger 03/08/1996 null 140480 NPDES Permit 8 8 332246001 NPDES 89-16405 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF-WASTEWATER Historical NPDESWW 89-16405 12/08/1989 null Discharger 12/08/1989 null 140281 NPDES Permit 8 8 330117003 NPDES 92-021 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF-WASTEWATER Historical NPDMUNILRG 92-021 05/08/1992 null Discharger 05/08/1992 null 140120 WDR 8 8 330117004 WDR 91-01811 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical WDR 91-01811 02/08/1991 null Discharger 02/08/1991 null 139877 WDR 8 8 332322001 NPDES 91-017 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical NPDESWW 91-017 02/08/1991 null Discharger 02/08/1991 null 138910 NPDES Permit 8 8 330117003 NPDES 87-101 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF-WASTEWATER Historical NPDMUNILRG 87-101 09/11/1987 null Discharger 09/11/1987 null 138590 WDR 8 8 332146001 NPDES 81-215 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical NPDESWW 81-215 12/11/1981 null Discharger 12/11/1981 null 138571 WDR 8 8 330304002 WDR 81-166 for Riverside City - Tequesquite Landfill Active LFNONOPER 81-166 09/11/1981 null Discharger 09/11/1981 null 138570 WDR 8 8 330117002 NPDES 81-163 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical NPDESWW 81-163 09/11/1981 null Discharger 09/11/1981 null 138539 NPDES Permit 8 8 332246001 NPDES 86-174 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF-WASTEWATER Historical NPDESWW 86-174 11/14/1986 null Discharger 11/14/1986 null 138493 WDR 8 8 330117002 NPDES 86-130 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical NPDESWW 86-130 09/12/1986 null Discharger 09/12/1986 null 137918 NPDES Permit 8 8 330117003 NPDES 82-186 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF-WASTEWATER Historical NPDMUNILRG 82-186 09/10/1982 null Discharger 09/10/1982 null 137531 WDR 8 8 330117004 WDR 77-235 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical WDR 77-235 12/16/1977 null Discharger 12/16/1977 null 137429 WDR 8 8 330304003 WDR 77-070 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical LFNONOPER 77-070 04/08/1977 03/03/2006 Discharger 04/08/1977 null 137326 WDR 8 8 330117001 WDR 70-008 for RIVERSIDE, CITY OF Historical LNDISP 70-008 03/20/1970 05/18/2000 Discharger 03/20/1970 null 131768 NPDES Permit 8 null NPDES R8-2002-0011 - Riverside County MS4 Historical MNSTW1 R8-2002-0011 10/25/2002 01/29/2010 Discharger 10/25/2002 01/29/2010 Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1136858 11/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-wipes/Non-disposables,Debris-Rags,Debris-General,Inappropriate Discharge to Collection System,Vandalism (specify below) caused 30258 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole,Lateral Clean Out (Private) at 4080 Lime St. to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation null SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N 1136832 11/18/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General,Inappropriate Discharge to Collection System,Debris-Rags,Debris-wipes/Non-disposables,Vandalism (specify below) caused 30258 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole,Lateral Clean Out (Private) at 4080 Lime St. to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation null SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N 1134435 09/26/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Construction Diversion Failure caused 20615 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 4646 Brockton Ave x Tequesquite Ave to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation null SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N 1131253 08/14/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Root Intrusion caused 90 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at Sunbeam Dr & Natalie Lane to Drainage Conveyance System Violation null SSO Riverside City CS 300891 2022-0103-DWQ N Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 386909 Notice of Violation null NOV 8/10/2012 CERFILLEXC null Active 379606 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 06/01/2011 for Riverside City LNDISP 06/01/2011 Historical 375669 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 06/22/2010 for Riverside City MNSTW1 06/22/2010 Historical 340268 Admin Civil Liability R8-2007-0047 ACL R8-2007-0047 for City of Riverside, Wood Rd. Lift Station NPDESWW 08/28/2007 Historical 338012 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 11/07/2007 NPDESWW 11/07/2007 Historical 312472 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 8/29/2005 for City of Riverside, Panarama Landfill LFNONOPER 04/08/1977 Historical 241544 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304003 LNDISP 02/01/2002 Historical 240823 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304002 LNDISP 01/01/2002 Historical 240821 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304002 LNDISP 02/01/2002 Historical 235793 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304002 LNDISP 05/01/2001 Historical 235703 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304002 LNDISP 04/18/2001 Historical 234072 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304002 LNDISP 07/29/1995 Historical 234016 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304002 LNDISP 02/21/2001 Historical 233181 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304002 LNDISP 09/21/1999 Historical 233049 Oral Communication UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330117003 NPDMUNILRG 09/24/1999 Historical 232593 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 8 330304003 LFNONOPER 02/22/2000 Historical 225150 Cease and Desist Order 86-103 Enforcement - 8 330117003 NPDMUNILRG 05/09/1986 Historical 225149 Cease and Desist Order 87-118 Enforcement - 8 330117003 NPDMUNILRG 09/11/1987 Historical 224912 Admin Civil Liability 89-188 Enforcement - 8 330117003 NPDMUNILRG 10/26/1989 Historical 223925 Cease and Desist Order 91-036 Enforcement - 8 330117003 NPDMUNILRG 03/15/1991 Historical 222844 Admin Civil Liability 96-082 Enforcement - 8 330117003 NPDMUNILRG 10/02/1996 Historical 222534 Admin Civil Liability R8-1997-0062 Enforcement - 8 330117003 NPDMUNILRG 08/12/1997 Historical Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status 391044 Riverside City - Public Works 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 10/31/2012 Historical 390213 Riverside City - Public Utilities WDR REC 04/04/2013 Active 383968 Riverside City - Public Works 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 10/05/2011 Historical 383057 Riverside City - Public Works Enrollee - NPDES NPDNONMUNIPRCS 05/15/2012 Historical 376283 Riverside City - Public Works 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) LNDISP 10/01/2010 Historical 374983 Riverside City - Public Works Enrollee LNDISPOTH 07/14/2010 Historical 209269 Riverside City - Public Utilities Enrollee NPDNONMUNIPRCS 10/21/1998 Historical