General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 470633 UC Davis Government Agency Combination One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 530-754-7229 null Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 845762 UC Davis Poultry Operations Yolo 5S Animal Feeding Owner 03/16/2018 null 828535 CABA Aquatic Center, Aquatic Weed Lab & Hydraulics Lab Yolo 5S Aquaculture/Hatchery Owner and Operator 09/27/2016 null 631055 Uc Davis CS Yolo 5S Collection_System Owner 04/03/2006 null 268934 USDA Aquatic Weed Control Laboratory & J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory Yolo 5S Aquaculture/Hatchery Owner and Operator 09/02/2008 null 268928 UC Davis MS4 Phase II Yolo 5S MS4 Owner 03/10/2003 null 268926 UC Davis Main WWTP Solano 5S Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 09/18/2020 null 268926 UC Davis Main WWTP Solano 5S Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator 10/03/1996 null 236412 Landfill - GW Cleanup System Yolo 5S Facility Owner 01/24/1995 null 231076 J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory, Davis Yolo 5S Laboratory Owner 05/27/1997 null 215645 Cooling Tower Waste Water Yolo 5S Facility Owner 09/17/1993 null 206105 Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture Yolo 5S Aquaculture/Hatchery Owner 03/02/1999 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 646017 Sebastian Acevedo Person Data Submitter 06/28/2024 null null 646014 Suveen Pooni Person Data Submitter 06/28/2024 null null 640008 Monica Linares Person Data Submitter 06/13/2023 null null 629197 Martin Kim Person Data Submitter 02/13/2023 null null 629197 Martin Kim Person Data Submitter 11/19/2021 null null 623037 Jeromy Miller Person Data Submitter 06/14/2023 07/16/2024 null 580113 Aimee Pfohl Person Data Submitter 07/06/2018 null null 575436 Courtney Doss Person Data Submitter 03/20/2024 null null 575436 Courtney Doss Person Data Submitter 05/29/2018 null null 575436 Courtney Doss Person Legally Responsible Official 08/28/2024 null null 575436 Courtney Doss Person Data Submitter 02/13/2024 null null 575436 Courtney Doss Person Data Submitter 04/03/2018 null null 574459 Yasmin Aspiras Person Data Submitter 07/12/2022 01/17/2024 null 557978 Linda Deanovic Person Legally Responsible Official 07/19/2016 null null 549736 Susan Fields Person Data Submitter 05/22/2013 03/23/2017 null 549736 Susan Fields Person Data Submitter 01/14/2015 null null 548646 Cristina Ramirez Person Data Submitter 10/01/2014 null null 543303 Lisa Moretti Person Legally Responsible Official 09/26/2013 09/05/2018 null 532924 Laura Mader Person Data Submitter 04/10/2012 04/04/2016 null 531882 Brad Butterfield Person Data Submitter 02/15/2012 11/14/2016 null 531882 Brad Butterfield Person Legally Responsible Official 11/14/2016 null null 531881 Robert Guider Person Data Submitter 02/15/2012 null null 531866 Benjamin Bradford Person Data Submitter 02/14/2012 null null 531865 Caryn Futrell Person Data Submitter 02/14/2012 null null 531863 Brenda Grewell Person Legally Responsible Official 02/14/2012 null null 529352 Brent Cutler Person Legally Responsible Official 09/30/2011 null null 520803 Mindy Boele Person Data Submitter 01/13/2010 04/29/2013 null 122837 Paul Lutes Person Legally Responsible Official 03/02/1999 07/27/2016 null 117892 Michael Fan Person Legally Responsible Official 08/01/2016 09/30/2016 null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 442761 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800001 NPDES R5-2021-0007 for UC Davis Active NPDMUNILRG R5-2021-0007 04/01/2021 null Discharger 03/30/2021 null 440454 Co-Permitee SB 5A570800001 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for UC Davis Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 431473 Letter 5S 5A570800003 Letter for UC Davis Historical WDRINDIVLRG null 06/13/2019 06/13/2019 Discharger 06/17/2019 null 420145 Enrollee - WDR 5S 5A57NC00050 Enrollee under Gen WDR R5-2016-0087 for UC Davis - UC Davis Poultry Operations Active ANIWSTOTH R5-2016-0087-01 07/20/2018 null Discharger 03/16/2018 null 416306 WDR 5S 5A570800003 WDR R5-2019-0015 for UC Davis Active WDRINDIVLRG R5-2019-0015 02/08/2019 null Discharger 09/13/2017 null 409459 WDR 5S 5A570800005 WDR R5-2016-0099-01 for UC Davis, CABA Aquatic Center, Aquatic Weed Lab & Hydraulics Lab Active WDRNONMUNIPRCS R5-2016-0099-01 12/06/2016 null Discharger 12/06/2016 null 399193 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800001 NPDES R5-2014-0152 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main WWTP Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2014-0152 02/01/2015 03/31/2021 Discharger 12/05/2014 null 394068 WDR 5S 5A570800005 WDR R5-2015-0137 for UC Davis, USDA Aquatic Weed Control Laboratory & J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS R5-2015-0137 12/11/2015 12/05/2016 Discharger 12/11/2015 null 385654 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800003 NPDES R5-2012-0053 for UC Davis, Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture Historical NPDINDLRG R5-2012-0053 07/28/2012 02/08/2019 Discharger 04/30/1999 null 361660 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800001 NPDES R5-2008-0183 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main WWTP Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2008-0183 01/23/2009 01/31/2015 Discharger 01/30/2003 null 351594 WDR 5S 5A570800006 WDR R5-2008-0131 for UC Davis, J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory, Davis Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS R5-2008-0131 07/31/2008 12/10/2015 Discharger 03/01/2002 null 351532 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800005 NPDES R5-2008-0107 for USDA/UC Davis, USDA Aquatic Weed Control Lab Historical ANIWSTOTH R5-2008-0107 07/31/2008 03/27/2014 Discharger 03/16/2001 null 349613 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800006 NPDES R5-2008-0088 for UC Davis, J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory, Davis Historical NPDESWW R5-2008-0088 08/01/2008 07/30/2008 Discharger 03/01/2002 null 317218 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800003 NPDES R5-2006-0126 for UC Davis, Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture Historical ANIWSTOTH R5-2006-0126 12/08/2006 07/27/2012 Discharger 04/30/1999 null 301551 Enrollee - WDR 5S 5SSO11071 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for Uc Davis Active SSOMUNISML 2022-0103-DWQ 08/10/2006 null Discharger 04/20/2006 null 170979 Enrollee 5S 5A57NP00014 Enrollee 2003-0005-DWQ for UC Davis MS4 Phase II Historical MNSTW2 2003-0005-DWQ 07/24/2010 06/30/2013 Discharger 06/17/2005 null 147152 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570309002 NPDES 95-187 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW 95-187 06/23/1995 06/20/1996 Discharger 06/23/1995 null 147077 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800003 NPDES 99-017 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW R5-1999-0017 04/30/1999 12/07/2006 Discharger 04/30/1999 null 146909 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800006 NPDES 97-262 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW 97-262 12/05/1997 02/28/2002 Discharger 12/05/1997 null 146897 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800001 NPDES 97-236 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDMUNILRG 97-236 10/24/1997 01/29/2003 Discharger 10/24/1997 null 146520 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570309002 NPDES 96-227 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW 96-227 08/09/1996 04/25/2002 Discharger 08/09/1996 null 146501 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800004 NPDES 96-18104 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW 96-18104 06/21/1996 08/08/1996 Discharger 06/21/1996 null 142005 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800001 NPDES 92-040 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDMUNILRG 92-040 02/28/1992 09/16/1993 Discharger 02/28/1992 null 141231 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800003 NPDES 94-033 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW 94-033 02/25/1994 04/29/1999 Discharger 02/25/1994 null 141157 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800004 NPDES 93-195 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW 93-195 09/17/1993 02/24/1994 Discharger 09/17/1993 null 140798 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800003 WDR 91-015 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW 91-015 01/25/1991 02/23/1994 Discharger 01/25/1991 null 140388 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800001 NPDES 90-069 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDMUNILRG 90-069 03/23/1990 02/27/1992 Discharger 03/23/1990 null 139547 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800001 NPDES 85-073 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDMUNILRG 85-073 04/26/1985 03/22/1990 Discharger 04/26/1985 null 132629 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800001 NPDES R5-2003-0003A1 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2003-0003A1 01/30/2003 01/22/2009 Discharger 01/30/2003 null 131668 NPDES Permit 5S 5A570800006 NPDES 02-026 for UC DAVIS Historical NPDESWW R5-2002-0026 03/01/2002 06/11/2008 Discharger 03/01/2002 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1139631 12/31/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity 3-Sample Median limit is 25 % effect and reported value was 46 % effect at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR UC Davis Main WWTP 442761 R5-2021-0007 N 1136555 10/19/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average limit is 15 mg/L and reported value was 16 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR UC Davis Main WWTP 442761 R5-2021-0007 N 1135048 09/11/2024 Deficient Monitoring a. The MRP condition IV.A.2.i. requires that ¿effluent samples for temperature, pH, hardness, dissolved oxygen, and dissolved organic carbon shall be taken approximately the same time and on the same date with the receiving water samples for these parameters.¿ The sample for effluent dissolved oxygen was missed when all other listed parameters were collected on 9/11/2024 at both the effluent and receiving water monitoring locations. The issue was not immediately identified, and the effluent DO sampling did not occur until 9/18/2024. Violation N eSMR UC Davis Main WWTP 442761 R5-2021-0007 N 1132969 08/07/2024 Deficient Monitoring Effluent Dissolved Oxygen monitoring was conducted on a different day than the monthly effluent and receiving water monitoring. MRP condition IV.A.2.i. states that ¿the effluent samples for temperature, pH, hardness, dissolved oxygen, and dissolved organic carbon shall be taken approximately the same time and on the same date with the receiving water samples for these parameters.¿ Effluent DO was missed during sample collection on 8/7/2024, and was instead collected on 8/8/2024. Violation N eSMR UC Davis Main WWTP 442761 R5-2021-0007 N 1132968 08/14/2024 Deficient Monitoring Effluent ammonia sampling was not completed at the weekly frequency specified by the MRP condition IV.A.1. No sample was collected for the week of August 11th. Staff missed this bottle when collecting samples for the subcontract lab. UC Davis staff did conduct in-house sampling via the HACH TNT method on 8/14/2023 and the result was 0.433 mg/L. The in-house ammonia analysis is just for process control and was not conducted by an approved test procedure under the WDRs, so this value has not been reported to CIWQS or used to determine compliance with the monthly effluent limitations. Violation N eSMR UC Davis Main WWTP 442761 R5-2021-0007 N 1126367 03/30/2024 Deficient Reporting The Annual Progress Report was due on 2/28/2024 as part of the Compliance Schedule for Final Effluent Limitations for Chronic Toxicity. Due to staff changes and oversight of this reporting requirement, the University requested an extension on 2/16/2024 so that a thorough and useful update could be provided. At the time of the request, University staff were working with sewer system dischargers to understand the cause of past intermittant toxicity. Violation N eSMR UC Davis Main WWTP 442761 R5-2021-0007 N Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 457520 Admin Civil Liability R5-2024-0513 ACL R5-2024-0513 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 09/24/2024 Historical 456510 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/05/2024 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 04/05/2024 Historical 456508 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/18/2023 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 08/18/2023 Historical 456505 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/13/2020 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 03/13/2020 Historical 452263 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/17/2023 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 03/17/2023 Historical 449193 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/14/2022 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 09/14/2022 Historical 446952 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/07/2022 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 03/07/2022 Historical 445188 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/22/2021 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 09/22/2021 Historical 434577 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/26/2019 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 09/26/2019 Historical 426380 Notice of Violation null NOV 11/09/2018 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 11/09/2018 Historical 425539 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/03/2018 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 10/03/2018 Historical 421697 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/29/2018 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 05/29/2018 Historical 419384 Notice of Violation null NOV 01/31/2018 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 01/31/2018 Historical 414899 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/21/2017 for UC Davis Main NPDMUNILRG 07/21/2017 Historical 412848 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/18/2017 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 04/18/2017 Historical 409243 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/30/2016 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 08/30/2016 Historical 407864 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/21/2016 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 07/21/2016 Historical 407647 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/07/2016 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 07/07/2016 Historical 406340 Notice of Violation null NOV 02/23/2016 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 02/23/2016 Historical 402988 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/22/2015 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 09/22/2015 Historical 400511 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/07/2015 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 04/07/2015 Historical 399592 Notice of Violation null NOV 01/22/2015 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 01/22/2015 Historical 397421 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/17/2014 for UC Davis NPDINDLRG 07/17/2014 Historical 394703 Notice of Violation null NOV 01/24/2014 for UC Davis ANIWSTOTH 01/24/2014 Historical 394056 Notice of Violation null NOV 11/13/2013 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 11/13/2013 Historical 391280 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/12/2013 for UC Davis, UC Davis CABA WWTP ANIWSTOTH 06/12/2013 Historical 389871 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/10/2013 for UC Davis, UC Davis CABA WWTP ANIWSTOTH 04/10/2013 Historical 389789 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/28/2013 for UC Davis, Main Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/28/2013 Historical 389754 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/25/2013 for UC Davis, UC Davis CABA WWTP ANIWSTOTH 03/25/2013 Historical 388962 Admin Civil Liability R5-2013-0504 ACL R5-2013-0504 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 01/11/2013 Historical 388766 Notice of Violation null NOV 01/03/2013 for UC Davis, UC Davis CABA WWTP ANIWSTOTH 01/03/2013 Historical 387903 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/18/2012 for UC Davis, Main Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 10/18/2012 Historical 386772 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/30/2012 for UC Davis, Main Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 07/30/2012 Historical 385656 Time Schedule Order R5-2012-0054 TSO R5-2012-0054 for UC Davis, Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture ANIWSTOTH 06/08/2012 Historical 384909 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 04/23/2012 for US Dept of Agriculture, UCD Aquatic Weed Laboratory ANIWSTOTH 04/23/2012 Historical 383852 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 02/28/2012 for UC Davis, Main Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 02/28/2012 Historical 382636 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 12/20/2011 for UC Davis, Main Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/20/2011 Historical 378156 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/17/2011 for UC Davis, Main Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/17/2011 Historical 377805 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 02/18/2011 for UC Davis, Main Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 02/18/2011 Historical 377148 Admin Civil Liability R5-2011-0503 MMPC R5-2011-0503 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main WWTP NPDMUNILRG 01/07/2011 Historical 376658 Notice of Violation null NOV 11/17/2010 for UC Davis, Main Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 11/17/2010 Historical 376333 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/20/2010 for UC Davis Main WWTP NPDMUNILRG 10/20/2010 Historical 375965 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/14/2010 for UC Davis, Main WWTP NPDMUNILRG 09/14/2010 Historical 375776 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/31/2010 for UC Davis, Davis Main WWTP NPDMUNILRG 08/31/2010 Historical 374850 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/10/2010 for UC Davis WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/10/2010 Historical 374822 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/21/2010 for UC Davis WWTP NPDMUNILRG 04/21/2010 Historical 373199 Notice of Violation null NOV 02/23/2010 for UC Davis, Davis Campus WWTP NPDMUNILRG 02/23/2010 Historical 372602 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/08/2009 for UC Davis NPDMUNILRG 10/08/2009 Historical 372040 Admin Civil Liability R5-2009-0564 MMPC R5-2009-0564 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main WWTP NPDMUNILRG 11/10/2009 Historical 367497 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/22/2009 for UC Davis, UC Davis CABA WWTP ANIWSTOTH 05/22/2009 Historical 364724 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/15/2008 for UC Davis, J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory, Davis NPDESWW 10/15/2008 Historical 362707 Admin Civil Liability R5-2009-0513 MMPC R5-2009-0513 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main STP NPDMUNILRG 03/16/2009 Historical 352693 Admin Civil Liability R5-2008-0577 MMP Complaint R5-2008-0577 for UC Davis, Main STP NPDMUNILRG 09/22/2008 Historical 253547 Cease and Desist Order R5-2003-0004 CDO R5-2003-0004 for UC Davis, Main STP NPDMUNILRG 01/30/2003 Historical 236801 Admin Civil Liability R5-2001-0513 MMPC R5-2001-0513 for UC Davis, Main STP NPDMUNILRG 04/16/2001 Historical 231721 Cease and Desist Order R5-1997-0237 CDO R5-1997-0237 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main STP NPDMUNILRG 10/24/1997 Historical 231635 Oral Communication null OC 01/20/2000 for UC Davis Main WWTP NPDMUNILRG 01/20/2000 Historical 231241 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/17/2000 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main STP NPDMUNILRG 07/17/2000 Historical 224636 Clean-up and Abatement Order R5-1997-0713 CAO R5-1997-0713 for UC Davis, Field Station, Davis DISCHLND 09/23/1997 Active 224292 Cease and Desist Order R5-1989-0186 CDO R5-1989-0186 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main STP NPDMUNILRG 10/27/1989 Historical 224291 Cease and Desist Order R5-1985-0094 CDO R5-1985-0094 for UC Davis, UC Davis Main STP NPDMUNILRG 04/26/1985 Historical 224209 Clean-up and Abatement Order R5-1993-0706 CAO R5-1993-0706 for UC Davis, Field Station, Davis WDR 06/14/1993 Historical 224036 Clean-up and Abatement Order R5-1994-0710 CAO R5-1994-0710 for UC Davis, Field Station, Davis WDR 08/15/1994 Historical Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status