General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 38180 Ramona MWD Special District 105 West Earlham Street Ramona, CA 92065-1599 760-789-1330(+) Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 852687 Ramona Pipeline Erosion Repair Project San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 11/13/2018 null 631547 San Vicente Treatment Plant CS San Diego 9 Collection_System Owner 04/05/2006 null 631528 Santa Maria CS San Diego 9 Collection_System Owner 04/05/2006 null 256463 Santa Maria/ San Vicente Treatment Plant CS San Diego 9 Collection_System Owner 03/15/1996 null 255679 Santa Maria WWTP San Diego 9 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 05/27/1969 null 255468 San Vicente WWTP San Diego 9 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 09/29/1994 null 251588 Ramona WWTP Constr Dewater San Diego 9 Facility Owner 11/17/2000 null 251584 Ramona MWD-Drinking Water System Discharges San Diego 9 Utility Structure Owner 10/16/2002 null 241574 Mount Woodson Waterline San Diego 9 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 632159 Randy Robertson Person Legally Responsible Official 05/02/2022 null null 632159 Randy Robertson Person Data Submitter 03/29/2022 null null 621878 Cesar Lopez Person Legally Responsible Official 06/01/2021 null null 569036 David Barnum Person Legally Responsible Official 07/01/2017 null null 563115 Edward Corbett Person Legally Responsible Official 04/04/2017 03/03/2022 null 525428 Ralph McIntosh Person Legally Responsible Official 12/22/2010 10/04/2011 null 525263 Jon Miller Person Data Submitter 12/13/2010 null null 372098 Joe Lomeli Person Employee 07/01/2017 null null 145395 Alice Benson Person Facility Contact 09/29/1994 10/04/2011 null 135878 Berry Gerrity Person Facility Contact 09/29/1994 10/04/2011 null 108415 Jim Anderson Person Legally Responsible Official 09/15/2011 null null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 440392 Co-Permitee SB 9 000000077 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for Ramona MWD Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 426361 401 Certification 9 9 000003369 401 Cert R9-2019-0102 for Ramona MWD-Ramona Pipeline Erosion Repair Project Historical CERFILLEXC R9-2019-0102 04/08/2019 04/03/2023 Discharger 11/13/2018 null 416808 Enrollee - NPDES 9 4DW0405 Enrollee - NPDES 2014-0194-DWQ Ramona MWD Drinking Water System Discharges Active NPDMUNIOTH 2014-0194-DWQ 07/01/2017 null Discharger 07/01/2017 null 404699 WDR 9 9 000000077 WDR R9-2016-0154 for Ramona MWD, Santa Maria WWTP Active WDRMUNILRG R9-2016-0154 06/22/2016 null Discharger 02/16/2016 null 403143 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 9 null SEL re R9-2000-0177 for Ramona MWD Santa Maria WWTP Historical WDRMUNILRG R9-2000-0177 10/08/2015 10/08/2015 Discharger 10/08/2015 null 362394 WDR 9 9 000000076 Master Reclamation Permit No. R9-2009-0005 for San Vicente WWTP Active WDRMUNILRG R9-2009-0005 03/11/2009 null Discharger 03/11/2009 null 300771 Enrollee 9 9SSO10698 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for Ramona MWD, Santa Maria Active SSOMUNISML 2022-0103-DWQ 09/21/2006 null Discharger 04/13/2006 null 300698 Enrollee 9 9SSO10695 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for Ramona MWD, San Vicente Active SSOMUNISML 2022-0103-DWQ 09/21/2006 null Discharger 04/13/2006 null 214111 Enrollee - NPDES 9 null Enrollee NPDES R9-2010-0003 Ramona MWD Hydrostatic/Potable Discharges Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R9-2010-0003 10/17/2002 06/30/2017 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 214046 Enrollee 9 9 000000926 Enrollee 2001-96:Ramona MWD Ramona WWTP Construction Dewatering:WDID: 9-926 Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 01-096 12/19/2000 04/20/2004 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 213962 Enrollee 9 9 000000780 Enrollee WDR R9-2007-0005 SSO Ramona Santa Maria / San Vicente TP CS Active SSOMUNISML R9-2007-0005 05/09/1996 null Discharger 09/01/2005 null 169780 401 Certification 9 9 00001C074 9 00001C074 Historical CERFILLEXC null null null Discharger 06/17/2005 null 148103 WDR 9 9 000000077 WDR R9-2000-0177 Ramona MWD, Santa Maria WWTP Historical WDRMUNILRG R9-2000-0177 09/13/2000 06/22/2016 Discharger 09/13/2000 null 147045 WDR 9 9 000000077 WDR 69-019 for RAMONA MWD Historical WDRMUNILRG 69-019 05/27/1969 null Discharger 05/27/1969 null 143360 WDR 9 9 000000077 WDR 87-126 for RAMONA MWD Historical WDRMUNILRG 87-126 10/05/1987 null Discharger 10/05/1987 null 142768 WDR 9 9 000000076 WDR 86-072 for RAMONA MWD Historical WDRMUNILRG 86-072 09/08/1986 null Discharger 09/08/1986 null 142539 WDR 9 9 000000077 WDR 95-022 for RAMONA MWD Historical WDRMUNILRG 95-022 04/13/1995 null Discharger 04/13/1995 null 142436 WDR 9 9 000000076 WDR 93-003 for RAMONA MWD Historical WDRMUNILRG 93-003 02/01/1993 03/11/2009 Discharger 02/01/1993 null 142391 WDR 9 9 000000077 WDR 91-058 for RAMONA MWD Historical WDRMUNILRG 91-058 05/20/1991 null Discharger 05/20/1991 null 141839 WDR 9 9 000000076 WDR 79-017 for RAMONA MWD Historical WDRMUNILRG 79-017 02/26/1979 null Discharger 02/26/1979 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 446943 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for 2006-0003-DWQ & R9-2007-0005 for Ramona MWD (Inspection 47059484 San Vicente CS) SSOMUNISML 03/28/2022 Historical 427809 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2009-0005 SEL for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 05/30/2019 Historical 427336 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2016-0154 SEL for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 08/23/2019 Historical 416429 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 10/26/2017 Historical 411672 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 02/10/2017 Historical 399326 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for Ramona MWD 2014-15 WDRMUNILRG null Historical 398966 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for Ramona MWD, San Vicente WRP, 12-1-2014 WDRMUNILRG 12/11/2014 Historical 397197 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 07/11/2014 for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 08/15/2014 Historical 397194 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for Ramona MWD, San Vicente WWTP 7-14-2014 WDRMUNILRG 07/14/2014 Historical 382107 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for Ramona MWD Santa Maria WTP, 11-10-2011 WDR 11/10/2011 Historical 379324 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL WDR 93-003 for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 05/25/2011 Historical 376501 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 11/08/2010 for San Vicente WWTP WDRMUNILRG 11/08/2010 Historical 376388 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 11/03/2010 for San Vicente WWTP WDRMUNILRG 11/03/2010 Historical 376380 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 10/28/2010 for Santa Maria WRF WDRMUNILRG 10/28/2010 Historical 376076 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 09/30/2010 for Santa Maria WRF WDRMUNILRG 09/30/2010 Historical 374887 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 07/07/2010 for San Vicente Wastewater Treatment Plant WDR 07/07/2010 Historical 373114 Notice of Violation R9-2010-0035 NOV R9-2010-0035 WDR 02/18/2010 Historical 373113 Notice of Violation R9-2010-0034 NOV R9-2010-0034 SSOMUNISML 02/18/2010 Historical 372214 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL for Ramona MWD SSOMUNISML 12/15/2009 Historical 372054 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 07/08/2009 for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 07/08/2009 Historical 372053 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/09/2009 for Ramona MWD WDRMUNILRG 07/09/2009 Historical 355042 Notice of Violation R9-2008-0154 NOV No. R9-2008-0154 for San Vicente Water Reclamation Facility WDRMUNILRG 11/17/2008 Historical 332519 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL: Effluent and Reporting Violations Mar07-Jun07 SMR WDR 09/21/2007 Historical 321028 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN SEL for TDS violation on SMR for Oct-Dec 06 WDRMUNILRG 02/16/2007 Historical 314939 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Violations for May 06 and Apr-Jun 06;SMRs WDRMUNILRG 11/15/2006 Historical 314397 Staff Enforcement Letter null TDS Violations for Apr-Jun and Jul-Sep 06 SMRs WDRMUNILRG 11/02/2006 Historical 306368 Notice of Violation R9-2006-0092 NOV; Effluent violations for Dec 05-Apr 06 Monthly SMR's WDRMUNILRG 07/14/2006 Historical 305139 Notice of Violation R9-2006-0087 NOV for TDS exceedances; Oct-Dec05 and Jan-Mar 06 WDRMUNILRG 06/23/2006 Historical 255945 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 02/25/2005 Historical 253906 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 12/07/2004 Historical 253429 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000780 WDRMUNILRG 10/07/2004 Historical 253428 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000780 WDRMUNILRG 10/07/2004 Historical 252390 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 08/09/2004 Historical 252155 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDR 07/26/2004 Historical 251279 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 03/05/2004 Historical 250369 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 10/31/2003 Historical 250325 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 12/19/2003 Historical 248817 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 02/25/2002 Historical 248816 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 03/12/2002 Historical 247831 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 08/12/2002 Historical 247756 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 08/09/2002 Historical 246212 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 10/25/2002 Historical 245922 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 12/10/2002 Historical 245048 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 02/19/2003 Historical 245046 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 02/19/2003 Historical 244966 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000780 WDRMUNILRG 05/05/2003 Historical 244544 Notice of Violation UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 05/07/2003 Historical 244540 13267 Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 05/07/2003 Historical 243707 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 05/22/2003 Historical 243658 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 05/22/2003 Historical 242040 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 08/12/2003 Historical 242015 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDR 08/12/2003 Historical 235495 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 04/10/2001 Historical 235488 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDR 05/14/2001 Historical 235486 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDR 05/18/2001 Historical 235251 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000780 WDRMUNILRG 11/22/2000 Historical 235121 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 01/09/2001 Historical 235026 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 08/03/2000 Historical 234888 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 07/07/2000 Historical 234673 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 06/06/2000 Historical 234431 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 05/26/2000 Historical 234417 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 11/09/1999 Historical 233409 Staff Enforcement Letter UNKNOWN Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 12/02/1999 Historical 222896 Time Schedule Order 85-057 Enforcement - 9 000000076 WDRMUNILRG 06/10/1985 Historical 222895 Time Schedule Order 85-056 Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 06/10/1985 Historical 222782 Cease and Desist Order 86-086 Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 10/27/1986 Historical 222781 Admin Civil Liability 93-052 Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 06/21/1993 Historical 220452 Cease and Desist Order 95-0221 Enforcement - 9 000000077 WDRMUNILRG 04/13/1995 Historical 219931 Cease and Desist Order R9-1999-0003 CDO No. 99-03 for Ramona Municipal Water District WDRMUNILRG 03/10/1999 Historical Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status 416808 Joe Lomeli Enrollee - NPDES NPDMUNIOTH 07/01/2017 Active