General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 302855 US Navy Naval Base Ventura Cnty Federal Agency 311 Main Road 1 N45v Point Mugu, CA 93042-5000 805-989-3210 null Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 867598 San Nicolas Island WWTP Ventura 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner and Operator 06/24/2020 null 864202 NCG-1 Pile Driving Training Ventura 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 01/14/2020 null 860732 NBVC Port Hueneme Harbor Wharf 4 - Military Training Exercises Ventura 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/27/2019 null 843209 Pennsylvania Street Culvert Ventura 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/27/2017 null 839849 Laguna Road Bank Erosion Repair Ventura 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/11/2017 null 815590 L&M Avenues Culverts Ventura 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/29/2015 null 799458 Point Mugu Facility, UST Site 24 Ventura 4 Military Facility Owner and Operator 10/07/2013 null 799449 Point Mugu Facility, UST Site 006 Ventura 4 Military Facility Owner and Operator 10/07/2013 null 798704 Aquatic pesticides for weed control Ventura 4 Military Facility Owner and Operator 09/11/2013 null 797849 Poin Mugu Project Ventura 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/14/2013 null 796919 Point Magu, Mugu Lagoon, Naval Base, Omega Tanker Crash Ventura 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/17/2013 null 796199 Tide Gate Repair Project, Port Hueneme Tidal Channel, Naval Base Ventura County Ventura 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/26/2013 null 790389 Navy Exchange Gas Station Ventura 4 Gasoline Service Station Owner and Operator 01/16/2013 null 777068 Vector Control Area Ventura 4 Military Facility None null null 726229 Port Hueneme Maintenance Dredging Ventura 4 Development Site, NEC Operator 09/12/2008 null 638815 Installation Restoration Site 24 (Building 352 and 356) Ventura 4 Groundwater Cleanup Site None null null 634131 Building 631, Government Motor Fuel Station Ventura 4 Groundwater Cleanup Site Owner 06/07/2006 null 629533 Installation Restoration Program Site 6 (Bldg 311 Yard) Ventura 4 Groundwater Cleanup Site Owner 10/20/2006 null 260219 San Nicolas Island WWTP Ventura 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 12/10/2008 null 260217 San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant Ventura 4 Water Treatment Plant Owner 11/21/2007 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 646971 Derick Jaramillo Person Data Submitter 10/10/2024 null null 646971 Derick Jaramillo Person Legally Responsible Official 02/05/2025 null null 646969 Breken Davis Person Data Submitter 09/03/2024 null null 607807 Joshua Burton Person Data Submitter 03/26/2020 null null 603073 Paul Gregorio Person Data Submitter 10/03/2019 null null 596746 Noreen Ednave Person Data Submitter 05/24/2019 null null 591934 Jeffrey Chism Person Legally Responsible Official 01/14/2020 null null 581496 Nathan Jacobsen Person Legally Responsible Official 07/24/2018 01/02/2025 null 577342 Justin Rhoads Person Data Submitter 01/23/2025 null null 564199 Steven George Person Data Submitter 05/18/2017 null null 564199 Steven George Person Data Submitter 08/15/2018 null null 543701 J McHugh Person Legally Responsible Official 10/15/2013 null null 543436 Steve Granade Person Legally Responsible Official 10/07/2013 null null 538295 Hasan Jafar Person Employee 01/16/2013 null null 535223 Nora Reyes Person Legally Responsible Official 07/16/2012 null null 531769 Chris Janke Person Legally Responsible Official 07/17/2013 null null 531769 Chris Janke Person Data Submitter 02/02/2012 null null 527483 Daniel Shide Person Legally Responsible Official 10/27/2011 null null 486284 Alicia Thompson Person Legally Responsible Official 07/16/2012 null null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 438843 Enrollee - WDR 4 4A568201057 Enrollee - WDR for US Navy Naval Base Ventura Cnty Active WDRNONMUNIPRCS 2014-0153-DWQ 06/14/2022 null Discharger 06/24/2020 null 436335 401 Certification 4 4WQC40120001 401 Cert for US Navy Naval Base Ventura County Active CERFILLEXC null 04/22/2020 null Discharger 01/14/2020 null 418374 401 Certification 4 4WQC40117160 401 Cert for US Navy Naval Base Ventura County Historical CERFILLEXC null 03/14/2018 03/14/2023 Discharger 12/27/2017 null 416247 401 Certification 4 4WQC40117114 401 Cert for US Navy Naval Base Ventura County Historical CERFILLEXC null 11/21/2017 11/21/2022 Discharger 09/11/2017 null 401280 401 Certification 4 4WQC40115008 401 Cert for US Navy Naval Base Ventura County Historical CERFILLEXC null 06/22/2015 06/22/2020 Discharger 05/29/2015 null 393448 Enrollee 4 4A568600244 Enrollee WDR for GW Remed at Fuel/VOC/Cr VI Sites for Naval Base Ventura County Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS R4-2007-0019 12/31/2013 05/04/2015 Discharger 10/07/2013 null 393442 Enrollee - WDR 4 4A568600243 Enrollee - Gen WDR for GW Remed at Fuel/VOC/Cr VI Sites for Naval Base Ventura County Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS R4-2007-0019 12/30/2013 03/21/2018 Discharger 10/07/2013 null 393165 Enrollee - NPDES 4 4A567900011 Enrollee 2013-0002-DWQ for NAVAL BASE VENTURA COUNTY-AQ PESTICIDES (Region 4) Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2013-0002-DWQ 04/17/2012 null Discharger 04/11/2014 null 392743 401 Certification 4 null WQC 08/08/2013 for Naval Base Ventura County Historical CERFILLEXC null 08/08/2013 08/08/2018 Discharger 08/14/2013 null 392207 Enrollee - 401 Certification 4 null Enrollee under for Naval Base Ventura County Historical CERFILLEXC RGP 63 05/18/2011 05/16/2016 Discharger 07/17/2013 null 391685 401 Certification 4 null WQC 07/17/2012 for Naval Base Ventura County Historical CERFILLEXC null 07/17/2012 07/17/2017 Discharger 06/26/2013 null 388799 Enrollee 4 4A568600209 Enrollee-WDR for GW Remed at Fuel/VOC/Cr VI Sites for Naval Base Ventura County Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS R4-2007-0019 03/21/2013 06/08/2015 Discharger 03/21/2013 null 383094 Enrollee - NPDES 4 4 56AP00025 Enrollee under GO 2016-0039-DWQ for Naval Base Ventura Cnty Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2016-0039-DWQ 03/01/2011 null Discharger 02/02/2012 null 352118 WDR 4 4A560131001 WDR R4-2008-0053 (CI 9447) for Naval Base Ventura Cnty & Oxnard Harbor Dist Historical CERDREDGE R4-2008-0053 08/14/2008 08/13/2013 Discharger 08/14/2008 null 327809 Letter 4 4A568300026 Monitoring modification for lactate and soy oil injection pilot test Historical WDR R4-2005-0030 04/30/2007 04/30/2007 Discharger 03/06/2006 null 322975 Letter 4 4A568300020 Monitoring modification for magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate injection Historical WDR R4-2005-0030 01/22/2007 07/30/2009 Discharger 06/07/2006 null 316256 Letter 4 4A568300026 Enrollee of WDR for GW remed at PET/VOC sites for Naval Base Ventura County Historical WDR R4-2005-0030 10/31/2006 10/31/2006 Discharger 03/06/2006 null 307608 Enrollee 4 4A568300047 Enrollee(CI 9099)- WDR for GW Remed at Pet Fuel/VOC Sites, US Naval Base Ventura Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS R4-2005-0030 07/14/2006 03/23/2012 Discharger 08/13/2006 null 304422 Enrollee 4 4A568300020 Enrollee- GW Remediation at Pet Fuel/VOC Sites for US Naval Base Ventura Cnty Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS R4-2005-0030 07/08/2005 07/30/2009 Discharger 06/07/2006 null 298078 Enrollee 4 4A568300026 Enrollee of WDR for GW remed at PET/VOC sites for Naval Base Ventura County Historical WDRNONMUNIPRCS R4-2005-0030 09/15/2005 03/23/2012 Discharger 03/06/2006 null 148233 NPDES Permit 4 4A560703007 NPDES 00-074 for US Navy Naval Base Ventura County Active DODNPDESWW 00-074 06/29/2000 null Discharger 11/21/2007 null 134976 WDR 4 4A560703001 WDR 94-006 for Naval Base Ventura County Historical WDRMUNIOTH 94-006 01/31/1994 11/10/2022 Discharger 12/10/2008 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1138990 11/12/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 7970 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138989 10/31/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 600 ug/L and reported value was 5550 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138988 10/15/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 18700 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138987 11/30/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 600 ug/L and reported value was 9960 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138986 11/19/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 20500 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138985 11/12/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6000 ug/L and reported value was 7970 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138984 11/04/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 3220 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138983 10/15/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6000 ug/L and reported value was 18700 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138982 10/08/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 3490 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138981 11/26/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 8100 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138980 11/19/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6000 ug/L and reported value was 20500 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138979 11/26/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6000 ug/L and reported value was 8100 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1138978 10/01/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 2960 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1134414 08/27/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Instantaneous Maximum limit is 6000 mg/L and reported value was 12300 mg/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1134413 08/27/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 12300 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1134412 09/24/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Daily Maximum limit is 2400 ug/L and reported value was 4540 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1134411 09/30/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 600 ug/L and reported value was 2200 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N 1134410 08/31/2024 CAT1 Ammonia, Total (as N) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 600 ug/L and reported value was 3650 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR San Nicolas Island Desalination Plant 148233 00-074 N Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status 388799 Hasan Jafar Enrollee WDRNONMUNIPRCS 03/21/2013 Historical