General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 27438 M&T Chico Ranch Privately-Owned Business Po Box 308 Chico, CA 95926 null null Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 866790 Llano Seco M&T Ranch Cone Fish Screen Butte 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/15/2020 null 815566 M&T Chico Ranch Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short Term Protection2015 Glenn 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/28/2015 null 766199 M&T Chico Ranch Llano Seco Big Chico Creek Protection 2011 Butte 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 05/05/2011 null 755414 Sacramento River Channel Maintenance Project Glenn 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner and Operator 08/10/2007 null 248792 Point Bar Maintenance Project 2000 Butte 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/20/2000 null 238968 M&T Chico Ranch Llano Seco Ranches Sacramento River Channel Maintenance Butte 5R Dredge/Fill Site None null null 222703 Parrott Phelan Emergency Restoration Work San Bernardino 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 210924 Parrott Phelan Diversion Dam Butte Creek Restoration 2 Butte 5R Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 523891 Les Heringer Person Employee 08/10/2007 null null 523891 Les Heringer Person Legally Responsible Official 05/28/2015 null null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 438094 401 Certification 5R 5A04CR00316 401 Cert for M&T Chico Ranch Historical CERFILLEXC null 07/28/2020 01/19/2022 Discharger 05/15/2020 null 378979 401 Certification 5R 5A04CR00202 WQC 10/11/2011 for M&T Chico Ranch Big Chico Creek Protection 2011 Historical CERFILLEXC null 10/11/2011 10/24/2011 Discharger 05/05/2011 null 375143 401 Certification 5R 5A11CR00014 WQC 10/19/2007 for Sacramento River Channel Maintenance Project Historical CERFILLEXC null 10/19/2007 10/19/2011 Discharger 08/10/2007 null 172611 401 Certification 5R 5A04CR00040 WQC 09/17/2002 for M&T Chico Ranch Historical CERFILLEXC null 09/17/2002 09/17/2007 Discharger 06/17/2005 null 168765 401 Certification 5R 5A04CR00021 WQC 11/02/2001 for M&T Ranch Llano Seco Ranches @ Sacramento River Historical CERFILLEXC null 11/02/2001 11/02/2006 Discharger 11/02/2001 null 150706 401 Certification 5R 5A04CR00001 WQC 08/23/2000 for M&T Chico Ranch Point Bar Maintenance Historical CERFILLEXC null 08/23/2000 08/23/2005 Discharger 08/23/2000 null 149407 401 Certification 5R 5A047264N02 WQC for M&T Ranch Emergency Restoration Work Historical CERFILLEXC null 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 Discharger 06/17/2005 null 149155 401 Certification 5R 5A047264N03 WQC for M&T Ranch Butte Creek Restoration 2 Historical CERFILLEXC null 06/17/2005 06/17/2005 Discharger 06/17/2005 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status 378979 Les Heringer 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 10/11/2011 Historical 378979 Les Heringer 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 10/11/2011 Historical 375143 Les Heringer 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 10/19/2007 Historical 375143 Les Heringer 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 10/19/2007 Historical