General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 25974 Lincoln City City Agency 600 6th Street Lincoln, CA 95648 916-434-2450 Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 893663 Henry Rood Park Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/28/2024 null 869028 East Joiner Parkway Widening Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/17/2020 null 864762 City of Lincoln Bridge Preventative Maintenance Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/11/2020 null 858513 Markham Ravine Tributary Maintenance Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/28/2019 null 837301 City of Lincoln's Water Tanks and Residential Parcels Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/20/2017 null 824931 Oak Tree Lane Road Widening and Extension Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/31/2016 null 816926 Midwestern Placer Regional Sewer Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/29/2015 null 799091 Mid-Western Placer Regional Sewer Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 09/25/2013 null 791759 Nelson Lane Bridge Replacement Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 02/19/2013 null 789209 Gravity Sewer and Reclamation Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/20/2012 null 788996 Nicolaus Road Widening Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/13/2012 null 630820 Lincoln CS Placer 5S Collection_System Owner 04/03/2006 null 273103 Lincoln City Reclamation Placer 5S Recycled Water Use Area Owner 06/30/2003 null 238368 Lincoln WWTP Reclamation Water Placer 5S Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 07/07/2003 null 238365 Lincoln City WWTF Placer 5S Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 12/09/1998 null 238351 Lincoln MS4 Phase II Placer 5S MS4 Owner 10/27/2003 null 238349 Lincoln Class III Landfill Placer 5S Land fill Owner 12/31/1968 null 221736 E Street Sewer & Storm Drain Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 208204 Auburn Ravine Dredging Project Placer 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 644682 Vin Cay Person Legally Responsible Official 04/15/2024 null null 639122 Aaron Hookins Person Legally Responsible Official 05/02/2023 null null 627611 Angela Frost Person Legally Responsible Official 09/22/2021 null null 606487 Araceli Cazarez Person Legally Responsible Official 02/11/2020 null null 593859 Jennifer Hanson Person Legally Responsible Official 01/10/2019 null null 573032 Tina Stone Person Data Submitter 01/22/2018 null null 556792 Matthew Wheeler Person Legally Responsible Official 05/31/2016 null null 552321 Dave Lee Person Legally Responsible Official 07/29/2015 null null 552321 Dave Lee Person Legally Responsible Official 09/25/2013 null null 548233 Theodore Gittings Person Legally Responsible Official 08/27/2014 08/08/2017 null 538732 Ray Leftwich Person Legally Responsible Official 02/19/2013 03/21/2022 null 537969 Bruce Burnworth Person Legally Responsible Official 12/13/2012 null null 524825 Devon Morris Person Data Submitter 10/13/2010 01/23/2017 null 524823 Tina Kasabasich Person Data Submitter 10/13/2010 05/19/2017 null 524822 Dennis Gregory Person Data Submitter 10/13/2010 null null 524821 Trey Cain Person Data Submitter 10/13/2010 null null 524802 Justin Gregory Person Data Submitter 10/11/2010 null null 524799 T Gittings Person Legally Responsible Official 10/11/2010 05/19/2017 null 520991 Terry Rodrigue Person Legally Responsible Official 02/04/2010 04/20/2017 null 400595 Danny Bisiar Person Data Submitter 09/26/2007 null null 381666 Doyle Champlain Person Legally Responsible Official 06/01/2007 06/01/2010 null 360174 Gary Hengst Person Legally Responsible Official 11/09/2015 null null 109677 John Pedri Person Enforcement Contact 09/30/2004 06/01/2010 null 109677 John Pedri Person Facility Contact 12/09/1998 06/01/2010 null 109677 John Pedri Person Legal representative 12/09/1998 06/01/2010 null 109677 John Pedri Person Legally Responsible Official 04/03/2006 06/01/2010 null 58020 Charles Poole Person Legally Responsible Official 12/13/2010 04/21/2023 null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 456827 NPDES Permit 5S 5A31NP00011 NPDES R5-2024-0024 for Lincoln-SMD1 Wastewater Authority, LiSWA WWT & WRF Active NPDMUNILRG R5-2024-0024 06/01/2024 null Discharger 01/08/2019 03/15/2023 455974 Enrollee - 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00534-026 Enrollee - 401 Certification for Lincoln City - Henry Rood Park Project Active CERFILLEXC R5-2020-0048 03/20/2024 null Discharger 02/28/2024 null 440478 Co-Permitee SB 5A31NP00011 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for Lincoln City Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 440220 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00543 401 Cert for Lincoln City - East Joiner Parkway Widening Project Historical CERFILLEXC null 12/11/2020 11/01/2021 Discharger 09/17/2020 null 436708 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00526 401 Cert for Lincoln City - City of Lincoln Bridge Preventative Maintenance Project Historical CERFILLEXC null 10/05/2020 01/13/2025 Discharger 02/11/2020 null 430791 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00516 401 Cert for Lincoln City - Markham Ravine Tributary Maintenance Project Historical CERFILLEXC null 08/22/2019 05/14/2021 Discharger 05/28/2019 null 428207 NPDES Permit 5S 5A31NP00011 NPDES R5-2018-0081 for Lincoln City, Lincoln City Wastewater Treatment Facility Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2018-0081 02/01/2019 05/31/2024 Discharger 01/08/2019 null 406442 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00442 401 Cert for Lincoln City; Oak Tree Lane Road Widening and Extension Project Active CERFILLEXC null 03/21/2017 null Discharger 05/31/2016 null 402248 Enrollee - 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00414 Enrollee RGP 8 for Emergency Actions for City of Lincoln, Midwestern Placer Regional Sewer Project Historical CERFILLEXC RGP 8 10/02/2015 10/01/2020 Discharger 07/29/2015 null 395005 NPDES Permit 5S 5A31NP00011 NPDES R5-2014-0007 for Lincoln City, Lincoln City WWTF Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2014-0007 03/29/2014 01/31/2019 Discharger 02/07/2014 null 393311 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00358 WQC 09/06/2013 for Lincoln City;Med-West Placer Regional Sewer Proj Historical CERFILLEXC null 09/06/2013 04/06/2016 Discharger 09/25/2013 null 389122 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00352 401 Cert 03/07/2014 for Lincoln City, Nelson Lane Bridge Replacement Project Historical CERFILLEXC null 03/07/2014 03/06/2019 Discharger 02/19/2013 null 388508 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00321 WQC 10/01/2012 for Lincoln City; Gravity Sewer and Reclamation Project Historical CERFILLEXC null 10/01/2012 09/30/2017 Discharger 12/20/2012 null 388446 401 Certification 5S 5A31CR00323 WQC 08/03/2012 for Lincoln City; Nicolaus Road Widening Project Historical CERFILLEXC null 08/03/2012 08/02/2017 Discharger 12/13/2012 null 355022 NPDES Permit 5S 5A31NP00011 NPDES R5-2008-0156 for Lincoln City, Lincoln City WWTF Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2008-0156 10/23/2008 03/28/2014 Discharger 10/23/2008 null 301806 Enrollee - WDR 5S 5SSO10987 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for Lincoln, City Of Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 08/25/2006 null Discharger 04/21/2006 null 194492 Enrollee 5S 5A31NP00028 Enrollee 2003-0005-DWQ for Lincoln MS4 Phase II Historical MNSTW2 2003-0005-DWQ 01/26/2004 06/30/2013 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 194472 Enrollee 5S 5A31NC00007 Enrollee R5 Specific Types Waiver for Lincoln City, WWTP Reclamation Water Historical WDR R5-2003-0008 07/15/2003 01/31/2008 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 148089 WDR 5S 5A310102002 WDR 00-029 for Lincoln City, WWT & WRF Historical WDR 00-029 01/28/2000 10/18/2001 Discharger 01/28/2000 null 146893 WDR 5S 5A310102002 WDR 97-224 for LINCOLN, CITY OF Historical WDR 97-224 10/24/1997 01/27/2000 Discharger 10/24/1997 null 141080 WDR 5S 5A310306001 WDR 91-059 for LINCOLN, CITY OF Historical LNDISP 91-059 02/22/1991 09/04/2003 Discharger 02/22/1991 null 139710 WDR 5S 5A310102002 WDR 83-027 for LINCOLN, CITY OF Historical WDR 83-027 02/25/1983 10/23/1997 Discharger 02/25/1983 null 138869 WDR 5S 5A310306001 WDR 69-091 for LINCOLN, CITY OF Historical LNDISP 69-091 12/31/1968 02/21/1991 Discharger 12/31/1968 null 133359 Reclamation Requirements 5S 5A31NP00030 RECL R5-2005-0040-01 for Lincoln City Master Reclamation Permit Active REC R5-2005-0040-01 03/17/2005 null Discharger 03/17/2005 null 132163 WDR 5S 5A310306001 WDR R5-2003-0142 for Lincoln City - Lincoln Class III Landfill Active LFNONOPER R5-2003-0142 09/05/2003 null Discharger 09/05/2003 null 131870 WDR 5S 5A310102002 WDR R5-2001-0249 for Lincoln City, Lincoln City WWTF Historical WDRMUNILRG R5-2001-0249 10/19/2001 02/23/2017 Discharger 10/19/2001 null 131105 NPDES Permit 5S 5A31NP00011 NPDES R5-2001-0242 for Lincoln City Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2001-0242 10/19/2001 10/22/2008 Discharger 10/19/2001 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1137398 12/06/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Root Intrusion caused N/A gallons of sewage to spill from Gravity Mainline at 2508 Halfmoon Ct. to Drainage Conveyance System,Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Violation null SSO Lincoln CS 301806 2022-0103-DWQ N 1130879 08/02/2024 Late Report Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q2 2024 (2790265) was due on 01-AUG-24 Violation null Report Lincoln City WWTF 428207 R5-2018-0081 N 1126231 03/09/2024 Deficient Monitoring On March 9th , our contract lab failed to set up the UV Effluent (UVS-001) total coliform sample due to a power failure at their facility. Violation N eSMR Lincoln City WWTF 428207 R5-2018-0081 Y Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 457478 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/24/2024 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 06/24/2024 Historical 453522 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/23/2023 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 06/23/2023 Historical 446196 Time Schedule Order R5-2019-1003 TSO R5-2019-1003 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 05/22/2019 Historical 425670 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/11/2018 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 10/11/2018 Historical 416445 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/19/2017 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 09/19/2017 Historical 415505 Admin Civil Liability R5-2017-0538 ACL R5-2017-0538 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 09/11/2017 Historical 413249 Admin Civil Liability R5-2016-0568 ACL R5-2016-0568 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 05/15/2017 Historical 408208 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/29/2016 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 07/29/2016 Historical 404722 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/23/2012 for Lincoln City, Lincoln MS4 Phase II MNSTW2 03/23/2012 Historical 396645 Clean-up and Abatement Order R5-2014-0703 CAO R5-2014-0703 for Lincoln City LNDISP 06/03/2014 Active 390556 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/06/2013 for Lincoln City NPDMUNILRG 06/06/2013 Historical 389813 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/11/2013 for Lincoln City LNDISP 03/11/2013 Historical 377054 Notice of Violation null NOV 12/21/2010 for Lincoln City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/21/2010 Historical 376769 Notice to Comply null NSNC 10/05/2010 for Lincoln City, Lincoln MS4 Phase II MNSTW2 10/05/2010 Historical 376087 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/23/2010 for Lincoln City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 09/23/2010 Historical 375307 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/28/2010 for Lincoln City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 07/28/2010 Historical 374847 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/13/2010 for Lincoln City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/13/2010 Historical 372663 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/05/2009 for Lincoln City REC 10/05/2009 Historical 365846 Notice to Comply null NSNC 11/03/2008 for Lincoln City MNSTW2 11/03/2008 Historical 365843 Notice to Comply null NSNC 01/30/2009 for Lincoln City, Lincoln MS4 Phase II MNSTW2 01/30/2009 Historical 365690 Time Schedule Order R5-2008-0157 TSO R5-2008-0157 for Lincoln City, City of Lincoln WWT & WRF NPDMUNILRG 10/23/2008 Historical 364741 Notice of Violation null NOV 12/17/2008 for Lincoln City, WWT & WRF and CS SSOMUNILRG 12/17/2008 Active 352689 Admin Civil Liability R5-2009-0548 MMPO R5-2009-0548 settles MMPC R5-2008-0569 for Lincoln City WWT & WRF NPDMUNILRG 07/15/2009 Historical 346018 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/29/2008 for Lincoln City, City of Lincoln WWT & WRF NPDMUNILRG 05/29/2008 Historical 253332 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/30/2004 for Lincoln City, Auburn Ravine Dredging Project CERFILLEXC 09/30/2004 Historical 249779 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/08/2003 for Lincoln City, City of Lincoln WWT & WRF WDR 10/08/2003 Historical 231946 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/17/1999 for Lincoln City, Lincoln Landfill LNDISP 06/17/1999 Historical 231945 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 07/28/1999 for Lincoln Landfill LNDISP 07/28/1999 Historical 231433 Staff Enforcement Letter null Enforcement - 5A310306001 LNDISP 07/26/2000 Historical Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status