General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 25146 Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation City Agency 1149 South Broadway Street 9th Flr Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-893-8211 null Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 888692 Hyperion Advanced Water Purification Facility Los Angeles 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility None null null 842799 Ballona Creek Los Angeles 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/14/2017 null 838858 Sepulveda Emergency Flood Control Basin Los Angeles 4 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/15/2017 null 829416 Griffith Park Composting Facility Los Angeles 4 Composting Facility Owner and Operator 10/28/2016 null 631858 Terminal Island CS Los Angeles 4 Collection_System Owner 04/06/2006 null 631789 Hyperion CS null 4 Collection_System Owner 04/06/2006 null 630989 LA City Bureau of Sanitation CS Los Angeles 4 Collection_System Owner 04/06/2006 null 270033 Green Acres Farms - 1 Kern 5F Composting Facility Owner 05/31/2018 null 270032 Green Acres Farm - 2 Kern 5F Composting Facility Owner 05/31/2018 null 267728 Toyon Canyon Landfill Los Angeles 4 Land fill Owner 06/27/1957 null 267571 Donald C. Tillman WWRP Los Angeles 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 05/19/1980 null 267130 Terminal Island Water Reclamation Plant Los Angeles 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 12/14/1981 null 260934 Sheldon-Arleta Landfill Los Angeles 4 Land fill Owner 03/15/1961 null 242324 Marina Interceptor Sewer Line Los Angeles 4 Facility Owner 09/20/1999 null 238582 Lopez Canyon Landfill Los Angeles 4 Land fill Owner and Operator 05/06/1988 null 238582 Lopez Canyon Landfill Los Angeles 4 Land fill Owner 08/24/2020 null 235738 Los Angeles-Glendale WWRP Los Angeles 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 09/18/2020 null 235738 Los Angeles-Glendale WWRP Los Angeles 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator 09/24/1979 null 232063 Hyperion WWTP Los Angeles 4 Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 05/23/1977 null 228592 Gaffey Street Landfill Los Angeles 4 Land fill Owner 01/18/1955 null 211557 Bishop's Canyon Landfill Los Angeles 4 Land fill Owner 08/24/2020 null 211557 Bishop's Canyon Landfill Los Angeles 4 Land fill Owner and Operator 05/19/1965 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 648309 Andres Covarrubias Person Legally Responsible Official 12/04/2024 null null 644761 Michelle Chan Person Data Submitter 04/17/2024 null null 644761 Michelle Chan Person Data Submitter 04/18/2024 null null 642873 Lance Thibodeaux Person Legally Responsible Official 12/13/2023 null null 640180 Reginald Taylor Person Legally Responsible Official 06/30/2023 null null 635152 Barbara Romero Person Legally Responsible Official 08/17/2022 null null 632406 Regidia Voong Person Data Submitter 04/04/2022 null null 632405 Azya Jackson Person Data Submitter 04/04/2022 null null 630886 Ronald Mayuyu Person Legally Responsible Official 03/03/2022 null null 626961 Sheila Brice Person Employee 08/24/2021 null null 602886 Darryl Guenther Person Data Submitter 10/07/2019 null null 602886 Darryl Guenther Person Data Submitter 09/30/2019 null null 595671 James Tomlin Person Data Submitter 03/12/2019 null null 595671 James Tomlin Person Data Submitter 03/13/2019 null null 595658 Mark Fernandez Person Legally Responsible Official 01/22/2020 null null 595658 Mark Fernandez Person Data Submitter 03/12/2019 01/22/2020 null 595633 Kyle Yoder Person Data Submitter 03/11/2019 01/19/2024 null 595632 Vincent Tan Person Data Submitter 03/11/2019 null null 594780 Dwayne Allen Person Data Submitter 02/12/2019 null null 594780 Dwayne Allen Person Data Submitter 02/20/2019 null null 592062 KWASI BERKO Person Legally Responsible Official 03/03/2022 null null 592062 KWASI BERKO Person Data Submitter 12/17/2018 null null 592062 KWASI BERKO Person Data Submitter 12/10/2018 null null 591636 Efrain Gonzalez Person Legally Responsible Official 01/16/2019 06/19/2021 null 575317 Fernando Gonzalez Person Legally Responsible Official 04/10/2018 08/01/2023 null 571061 Hubertus Cox Person Legally Responsible Official 12/14/2017 null null 567862 Steven Pedersen Person Legally Responsible Official 08/15/2017 null null 554139 Stacee Karnya Person Data Submitter 01/06/2016 null null 554139 Stacee Karnya Person Data Submitter 01/04/2016 null null 550996 Rafael Valenzuela Person Data Submitter 07/30/2015 null null 550996 Rafael Valenzuela Person Data Submitter 05/04/2015 null null 550996 Rafael Valenzuela Person Data Submitter 05/07/2015 null null 549246 Hi Sang Kim Person Legally Responsible Official 01/15/2015 null null 546664 Justina Hoang Person Data Submitter 05/29/2014 05/04/2015 null 543428 Timeyin Dafeta Person Legally Responsible Official 10/18/2013 04/15/2024 null 542750 Terry Dickinson Person Data Submitter 08/28/2013 null null 542742 Gerald Watson Person Data Submitter 08/28/2013 12/03/2019 null 542742 Gerald Watson Person Legally Responsible Official 12/03/2019 null null 542645 Nicholas Steffen Person Data Submitter 06/30/2023 null null 541159 Bryant Jones Person Data Submitter 06/19/2013 09/12/2018 null 540005 Khalil Gharios Person Legally Responsible Official 10/28/2016 null null 532991 Michael Ruiz Person Legally Responsible Official 04/11/2012 null null 532244 John Hamilton Person Legally Responsible Official 03/09/2012 null null 531045 Enrique Zaldivar Person Legally Responsible Official 01/06/2012 null null 529973 Mark Starr Person Legally Responsible Official 11/04/2011 04/12/2018 null 526276 Michael Bell Person Legally Responsible Official 03/17/2011 12/31/2011 null 521723 JungSoo Lim Person Data Submitter 03/13/2015 03/13/2015 null 521591 Hiddo Netto Person Legally Responsible Official 03/15/2010 05/22/2014 null 521590 Dave Gumaer Person Legally Responsible Official 03/15/2010 04/03/2018 null 488367 Plant Manager WWRP Person Facility Contact 08/20/2008 null null 488365 Plant Manager LA-Glendale WWRP Person Facility Contact 08/20/2008 null null 458263 Brian McCormick Person Legally Responsible Official 02/14/2008 03/02/2020 null 458262 Kent Carlson Person Data Submitter 09/19/2011 null null 458261 Robert Potter Person Legally Responsible Official 02/14/2008 04/13/2017 null 362393 Karen Ingalla Person Data Submitter 02/14/2008 null null 362393 Karen Ingalla Person Data Submitter 02/21/2007 02/08/2008 null 359458 Bernard Rogers Person Data Submitter 02/21/2007 null null 359457 Paul Blasman Person Data Submitter 02/21/2007 04/01/2020 null 359455 Roshanak Aflaki Person Legally Responsible Official 02/21/2007 null null 324018 Douglas Bohlmann Person Legally Responsible Official 06/22/2006 null null 323636 Dave Gumaer Person Legally Responsible Official 06/21/2006 10/07/2013 null 315019 Mas Dojiri Person Data Submitter 05/05/2006 null null 315017 Jeffery Beller Person Data Submitter 05/05/2006 null null 314895 Bryan Pierson Person Data Submitter 05/04/2006 06/05/2017 null 314894 Nilam Patel Person Data Submitter 05/04/2006 null null 314893 Jung Lim Person Data Submitter 05/04/2006 null null 314877 Dan Pierce Person Data Submitter 05/04/2006 09/02/2021 null 314876 Chatchai Vipapan Person Data Submitter 05/04/2006 null null 314875 Anna Felix Person Data Submitter 05/04/2006 null null 314874 Ning Liang Person Data Submitter 05/04/2006 11/10/2020 null 314647 Steven Fan Person Legally Responsible Official 05/03/2006 03/13/2015 null 303053 Kay Yamamoto Person Data Submitter 03/09/2006 10/01/2017 null 300502 Barry Berggren Person Legally Responsible Official 02/14/2008 02/27/2019 null 300497 Hiddo Netto Person Legally Responsible Official 04/06/2006 01/20/2015 null 300483 Joe Mundine Person Legally Responsible Official 04/06/2006 04/13/2017 null 141207 Kao Liao Person Enforcement Contact 06/27/2002 null null 140396 Judith Wilson Person Enforcement Contact 11/20/2001 null null 105553 George Raymond Person Facility Contact 05/23/1977 null null 105553 George Raymond Person Legally Responsible Official 04/06/2006 null null 94254 Bob Birk Person Facility Contact 05/23/1977 null null 82854 Rita Robinson Person Facility Contact 04/05/2007 null null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 452952 WDR 4 4B190106006 WDR R4-2023-0357 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active WDRMUNILRG R4-2023-0357 10/19/2023 null Discharger 06/07/2023 null 452460 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R23-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active NPDMUNILRG R23-002 04/27/2023 null Discharger 05/02/2023 null 452152 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES R4-2022-0343 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active NPDMUNILRG R4-2022-0343 02/01/2023 null Discharger 04/04/2023 null 447892 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES R4-2022-0341 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active NPDMUNILRG R4-2022-0341 02/01/2023 null Discharger 06/01/2022 null 447793 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES R4-2023-0033 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active NPDMUNILRG R4-2023-0033 05/01/2023 null Discharger 05/24/2022 null 447792 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R22-003 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R22-003 04/14/2022 07/31/2023 Discharger 05/24/2022 null 444445 Letter 4 4B190106002 Section 13383 Order R4-2021-0107 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2021-0107 07/29/2021 10/27/2021 Discharger 08/03/2021 null 443776 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106005 NPDES R4-2021-0095 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active NPDMUNILRG R4-2021-0095 08/01/2021 null Discharger 06/16/2021 null 440303 Co-Permitee SB 4B190106001 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 440302 Co-Permitee SB 4B190106002 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 440301 Co-Permitee SB 4B190106004 13267 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 440289 Co-Permitee SB 4B190106005 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 439794 Co-Permitee SB 4B190321009 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2019-0006-DWQ for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active SLIC 2019-0006-DWQ 03/20/2019 null Discharger 08/24/2020 null 439793 Co-Permitee SB 4B190321012 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2019-0006-DWQ for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active SLIC 2019-0006-DWQ 03/20/2019 null Discharger 08/24/2020 null 437848 Resolution 4 null Res R20-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active NPDMUNILRG R20-002 04/16/2020 null Discharger 05/01/2020 null 437841 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R20-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R20-002 04/16/2020 03/31/2023 Discharger 04/30/2020 null 418024 401 Certification 4 4WQC40117153 401 Cert for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active CERFILLEXC null 08/17/2021 null Discharger 12/14/2017 null 415785 Enrollee - 401 Certification 4 4WQC40117035 Enrollee under for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active CERFILLEXC RGP 63 03/08/2017 null Discharger 08/15/2017 null 412701 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R17-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R17-002 04/06/2017 08/31/2018 Discharger 04/13/2017 null 412169 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES R4-2017-0062 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2017-0062 05/01/2017 01/31/2023 Discharger 03/13/2017 null 411846 Resolution 4 null Res R17-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R17-002 04/06/2017 04/06/2018 Discharger 02/15/2017 null 410012 Enrollee - WDR 4 4B198602001 Enrollee - General Composting Order for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active LNDISPOTH 2015-0121-DWQ 09/30/2016 null Discharger 10/28/2016 null 407633 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES R4-2017-0063 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2017-0063 05/01/2017 01/31/2023 Discharger 07/13/2016 null 404825 WDR 4 4B190321009 WDR R4-2016-0139 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active LFNONOPER R4-2016-0139 04/14/2016 null Discharger 02/25/2016 null 404655 Resolution 4 4B190106005 Res R16-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R16-002 04/14/2016 06/30/2017 Discharger 02/12/2016 null 402887 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R15-008 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R15-008 09/10/2015 04/30/2017 Discharger 09/16/2015 null 402447 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R16-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R16-002 04/14/2016 06/30/2017 Discharger 08/12/2015 null 399442 Resolution 4 4B190106005 Res R15-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R15-002 03/12/2015 06/30/2016 Discharger 01/12/2015 null 399400 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106005 NPDES R4-2015-0119 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2015-0119 08/01/2015 07/31/2021 Discharger 01/07/2015 null 395583 Letter 4 4B190106005 Letter R4-2005-0024 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2005-0024 06/26/2008 06/27/2008 Discharger 04/03/2014 null 395582 Letter 4 4B190106002 Letter R4-2005-0020 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2005-0020 12/15/2005 12/16/2005 Discharger 04/03/2014 null 393577 WDR 4 4B190321012 WDR R4-2013-0135 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active LFNONOPER R4-2013-0135 09/12/2013 null Discharger 09/12/2013 null 392069 WDR 4 4B190321002 WDR R4-2013-0136 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active LFNONOPER R4-2013-0136 09/12/2013 null Discharger 07/12/2013 null 390197 WDR 4 4B190321003 WDR R4-2013-0081 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active LFNONOPER R4-2013-0081 05/02/2013 null Discharger 05/13/2013 null 389851 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 4 4B190106001 13267 Non-enforcement for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2011-0197 02/11/2013 02/12/2013 Discharger 04/11/2013 null 389850 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 4 4B190106004 13267 Non-enforcement for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2011-0196 02/14/2013 02/15/2013 Discharger 04/11/2013 null 389843 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 4 4B190106005 13267 Non-enforcement for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2010-0071 02/14/2013 02/15/2013 Discharger 04/11/2013 null 389612 Resolution 4 4B190106005 Resolution R13-001 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R13-001 03/07/2013 12/31/2014 Discharger 03/15/2013 null 389608 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R13-001 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R13-001 03/07/2013 12/31/2014 Discharger 03/15/2013 null 388949 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 4 4B190106002 13267 Non-enforcement for Los Angeles City Bureau of San Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2010-0200 01/30/2013 01/31/2013 Discharger 02/01/2013 null 388697 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R15-002 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R15-002 03/12/2015 11/13/2015 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 387268 Letter 4 4B190321001 Letter dated 8/2/12 extending revised plan due date for LA City Bureau of San Historical LNDISP R4-2012-0107 08/02/2012 08/03/2012 Discharger 03/28/2002 null 385529 WDR 4 4B190321001 WDR R4-2012-0107 (CI 1695) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active LFNONOPER R4-2012-0107 06/07/2012 null Discharger 03/28/2002 null 384632 Resolution 4 4B190106005 Resolution R12-005 (CI 2171) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R12-005 04/05/2012 05/16/2013 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 384607 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Res R12-004 (CI 1492) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R12-004 04/05/2012 03/31/2014 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 384601 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES R4-2017-0045 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2017-0045 04/01/2017 04/30/2023 Discharger 04/20/2012 null 384162 Letter 4 4B190106001 Letter dated 3-29-12 revising MRP for R4-2011-0197 for LA City Bureau of San Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2011-0197 03/29/2012 11/10/2016 Discharger 06/15/1998 null 382755 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES Permit R4-2011-0196 (CI 5695) for Donald Tillman WWRP Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2011-0196 02/03/2012 04/30/2017 Discharger 06/15/1998 null 381070 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES Permit R4-2011-0197 (CI 5675) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2011-0197 01/27/2012 04/30/2017 Discharger 06/15/1998 null 378728 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Resolution R11-004 (CI 1492) for City of Los Angeles-Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R11-004 04/14/2011 09/30/2011 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 378720 Resolution 4 4B190106005 Resolution R11-004 (CI 2171) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R11-004 04/14/2011 09/30/2011 Discharger 04/20/2011 null 377020 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES Permit R4-2010-0200 (CI 1492) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2010-0200 12/24/2010 03/31/2017 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 376407 Resolution 4 4B190106005 Resolution R10-002 (CI 2171) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R10-002 05/06/2010 09/30/2011 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 376406 Resolution 4 4B190106005 Resolution R06-010 (CI 2171) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R06-010 05/11/2006 05/12/2006 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 376405 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Resolution R10-002 (CI 1492) for City of Los Angeles-Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R10-002 05/06/2010 09/30/2011 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 374185 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106005 NPDES Permit R4-2010-0071 (CI 2171) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2010-0071 06/25/2010 07/31/2015 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 373787 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES Permit R4-2006-0091 (CI 5695) for Donald Tillman WWRP Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2006-0091 02/02/2007 02/02/2012 Discharger 05/21/2010 null 364492 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Resolution R09-001 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R09-001 03/05/2009 03/06/2009 Discharger 03/05/2009 null 352065 Letter 4 4B190106004 Letter - One-time monitoring offsets Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2006-0091 08/07/2008 08/07/2008 Discharger 06/15/1998 null 352064 Letter 4 4B190106001 Letter - One-time monitoring offsets Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2006-0092 08/07/2008 08/08/2008 Discharger 06/15/1998 null 352056 Letter 4 4B190106002 Letter - Revision of Ocean Monitoring and Reporting Programs Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2005-0020 07/11/2008 07/12/2008 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 331272 Enrollee 4 4B196207008 4B196207008 Historical LNDISP 91-93 08/14/2007 11/13/2007 Discharger 08/09/2007 null 324082 Resolution 4 null Resolultion approving the City of LA's Proposed Special Studies for Hyperion TP Historical NPDESWW R07-004 04/05/2007 04/06/2007 Discharger 04/19/2007 null 323042 WDR 4 4B190106048 WDR R4-2007-0006 for Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation Active WDRMUNILRG R4-2007-0006 01/12/2007 null Discharger 03/24/1986 null 323041 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190106053 Reclamation Req R4-2007-0007 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Active REC R4-2007-0007 01/11/2007 null Discharger 03/24/1986 null 323039 WDR 4 4B190106047 WDR R4-2007-0008 (CI 6185) for Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation Active WDRMUNILRG R4-2007-0008 01/12/2007 null Discharger 06/23/1986 null 321118 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190106052 Reclam Req R4-2007-0009 (CI 9199) for Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation Active REC R4-2007-0009 01/11/2007 null Discharger 06/23/1986 null 318277 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES Permit R4-2006-0092 (CI 5675) for LA-Glendale WWRP Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2006-0092 02/02/2007 01/26/2012 Discharger 06/15/1998 null 307708 Resolution 4 4B190106002 Resolution R06-010 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDESWW R06-010 05/11/2006 05/12/2006 Discharger 08/14/2006 null 304744 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106005 NPDES Permit R4-2005-0024 (CI 2171) for LA City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2005-0024 05/27/2005 06/24/2010 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 301059 Enrollee 4 4SSO10491 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for La City Bureau Of Sanitation Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 11/22/2006 null Discharger 04/14/2006 null 300593 Enrollee 4 4SSO10450 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for La City Bureau Of Sanitation Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 11/22/2006 null Discharger 04/12/2006 null 300353 Enrollee 4 4SSO10502 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for LA City Bureau of Sanitation CS Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 02/19/2008 null Discharger 02/21/2007 null 260826 Letter 4 null 4B190106016-2 Historical WDR 2 null 07/09/2001 Discharger 07/09/2001 null 260653 Letter 4 null 4B190106047-1 Historical WDR 1 null 02/02/2001 Discharger 02/01/2001 null 260583 Letter 4 null 4B190106016-1 Historical WDR 1 null 02/01/2001 Discharger 02/01/2001 null 260581 Letter 4 null 4B190106048-1 Historical WDR 1 null 01/31/2001 Discharger 01/31/2001 null 194994 Enrollee - WDR 5F 5D150200301 Enrollee under General WDR 95-140 for City of LA BOS, Green Acres Farm 2 Active WDRMUNIENROTH 95-140 06/23/1995 null Discharger 05/31/2018 null 193496 Enrollee 4 4B196000517 Enrollee - LA City Bureau of Sanitation, Marina Interceptor Sewer Line Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS 97-045 11/24/1999 11/09/2001 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 148592 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES 98-047 (CI 5675) for Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG 98-047 06/15/1998 12/13/2006 Discharger 06/15/1998 null 148371 WDR 4 4B190321002 WDR 01-071 (CI 1001) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical LFNONOPER 01-071 05/24/2001 09/11/2013 Discharger 05/24/2001 null 148370 WDR 4 4B190321003 WDR 01-070 (CI 2765) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical LFNONOPER 01-070 05/24/2001 05/01/2013 Discharger 05/24/2001 null 145002 WDR 5F 5D152105002 WDR 94-286 for City of LA BOS Green Acres Farm 1 Active WDRMUNIENROTH 94-286 09/16/1994 null Discharger 06/08/2018 null 136480 WDR 4 4B190321002 WDR 55-018 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical LNDISP 55-018 01/18/1955 05/23/2001 Discharger 01/18/1955 null 136357 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES 98-046 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 98-046 06/15/1998 02/01/2007 Discharger 06/15/1998 null 136295 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES 95-075 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 95-075 06/12/1995 06/14/1998 Discharger 06/12/1995 null 136137 Resolution 4 4B190106005 Resolutoin 94-009R - Proposal of LA City to Phase Out Discharge of Effluent from Terminal Island WWTP Historical NPDMUNILRG 94-009R 10/31/1994 11/01/1994 Discharger 10/31/1994 null 135864 Resolution 4 4B190106002 301(H) Waiver From Secondary Treatment, Hyperion Stp. Historical NPDESWW 85-010R 11/25/1985 11/25/1985 Discharger 11/25/1985 null 135404 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106005 NPDES 93-014 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 93-014 03/01/1993 04/06/2005 Discharger 03/01/1993 null 135261 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190106047 Rec 86-039 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical REC 86-039 06/23/1986 01/10/2007 Discharger 06/23/1986 null 135216 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190106048 Rec 86-016 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical REC 86-016 03/24/1986 01/10/2007 Discharger 03/24/1986 null 135002 NPDES Permit 4 null NPDES 94-021 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 94-021 02/28/1994 05/13/2005 Discharger 02/28/1994 null 134822 WDR 4 4B190321009 WDR 91-122 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical LNDISP 91-122 12/02/1991 12/12/2004 Discharger 12/02/1991 null 134811 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES 91-102 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 91-102 09/09/1991 06/15/1998 Discharger 09/09/1991 null 134490 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES 90-044 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 90-044 03/26/1990 06/12/1995 Discharger 03/26/1990 null 134433 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES 85-034 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 85-034 06/24/1985 09/09/1991 Discharger 06/24/1985 null 134365 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106005 NPDES Permit 84-09804 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG 84-09804 10/22/1984 03/01/1993 Discharger 10/22/1984 null 134364 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES 84-09803 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 84-09803 10/22/1984 06/24/1985 Discharger 10/22/1984 null 134363 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES 84-09802 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 84-09802 10/22/1984 03/26/1990 Discharger 10/22/1984 null 134178 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES 80-03302 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 80-03302 07/28/1980 10/22/1984 Discharger 07/28/1980 null 134141 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106004 NPDES 80-020 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 80-020 05/19/1980 10/22/1984 Discharger 05/19/1980 null 134125 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190106047 SWIM Order Number - 79-161 Historical REC 79-161 10/22/1979 06/23/1986 Discharger 10/22/1979 null 134124 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190106016 Rec 79-160 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical REC 79-160 10/22/1979 05/22/2002 Discharger 10/22/1979 null 134122 Reclamation Requirements 4 4B190106048 SWIM Order Number - 79-156 Historical REC 79-156 09/24/1979 03/23/1986 Discharger 09/24/1979 null 133886 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES 87-095 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 87-095 06/22/1987 02/28/1994 Discharger 06/22/1987 null 133496 WDR 4 4B190321009 WDR R4-2004-0176 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical LFNONOPER R4-2004-0176 12/13/2004 04/13/2016 Discharger 12/13/2004 null 133447 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106001 NPDES 77-142 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 77-142 07/25/1977 07/28/1980 Discharger 07/25/1977 null 133444 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106005 NPDES 77-113 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 77-113 06/27/1977 10/22/1984 Discharger 06/27/1977 null 133440 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES 77-084 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 77-084 05/23/1977 06/22/1987 Discharger 05/23/1977 null 133335 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES Permit R4-2005-0020 (CI 1492) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical NPDMUNILRG R4-2005-0020 05/14/2005 12/23/2010 Discharger 04/07/2005 null 133253 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES 77-029 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 77-029 02/28/1977 05/23/1977 Discharger 02/28/1977 null 133240 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES 76-080 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 76-080 05/24/1976 02/28/1977 Discharger 05/24/1976 null 133231 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES 75-165 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 75-165 12/01/1975 05/24/1976 Discharger 12/01/1975 null 133193 NPDES Permit 4 4B190106002 NPDES 75-100 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical NPDMUNILRG 75-100 08/18/1975 12/01/1975 Discharger 08/18/1975 null 133042 WDR 4 4B190321009 WDR 70-005 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical LNDISP 70-005 01/14/1970 12/02/1991 Discharger 01/14/1970 null 133030 WDR 4 4B190321003 WDR 61-009 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical LNDISP 61-009 03/15/1961 05/23/2001 Discharger 03/15/1961 null 133022 WDR 4 4B190321001 WDR 57-043 for LA CITY BUREAU OF SANITATION Historical LNDISP 57-043 06/27/1957 03/27/2002 Discharger 06/27/1957 null 131660 WDR 4 4B190321012 WDR R4-2002-0128 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical LFNONOPER R4-2002-0128 07/11/2002 09/11/2013 Discharger 07/11/2002 null 131251 Resolution 4 4B190321011 Requirements for disposal of refuse, City of Los Angeles, Bishop's Canyon Landfi Historical LNDISP 65-034R 05/19/1965 05/20/1965 Discharger 05/19/1965 null 131244 WDR 4 4B190321001 WDR R4-2002-0076 (CI 1695) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Historical LFNONOPER R4-2002-0076 03/28/2002 06/06/2012 Discharger 03/28/2002 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1140356 01/28/2025 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Instantaneous Minimum limit is 1.7 mg/L and reported value was 1.53 mg/L. Violation null Report Harbor Water Recycling Project-Dominguez Gap Barrier Project 408354 R4-2016-0334 N 1139033 01/02/2025 Late Report Annual SMR ( PROGRPT ) (Advanced Water Treatment Fac) report for 2025 (2523321) was due on 01-JAN-25 Violation null Report Terminal Island Water Reclamation Plant 443776 R4-2021-0095 N 1138759 10/05/2024 Deficient Monitoring For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) there was a deficient monitoring violation for dissolved oxygen. The sample taken on October 1, 2024, was analyzed for dissolved oxygen, but the analyst recorded the incorrect meter display. The result for that day was reported as analyst error for dissolved oxygen. That resulted in one monitoring deficiency for the week of September 29 to October 5. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1138754 10/01/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3 ml/L and reported value was 20.0 ml/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1137480 09/14/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3 ml/L and reported value was 20 ml/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1137479 09/10/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3 ml/L and reported value was 10 ml/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1137478 09/12/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3 ml/L and reported value was 17 ml/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1137477 09/11/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3 ml/L and reported value was 20 ml/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1137476 09/14/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Weekly Average limit is 1.5 ml/L and reported value was 14.6 ml/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1137475 09/13/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3 ml/L and reported value was 34 ml/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1137383 09/07/2024 Deficient Monitoring For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2 (W-2) there were deficient monitoring violations. The samples taken on September 3, 2024, were not analyzed for total kjeldahl nitrogen and organic nitrogen within their holding time. The samples were put away prematurely before conducting all the required analysis, resulting in the samples being past holding time. Consequently, no results were reported for total kjeldahl nitrogen, organic nitrogen, and total nitrogen for the week of September 1 to September 7 resulting in 1 weekly monitoring deficiencies. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1137382 09/18/2024 Deficient Monitoring The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1137381 09/30/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity Monthly Median limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001A. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1137380 09/07/2024 Deficient Monitoring For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2 (W-2) there were deficient monitoring violations. The samples taken on September 3, 2024, were not analyzed for total kjeldahl nitrogen and organic nitrogen within their holding time. The samples were put away prematurely before conducting all the required analysis, resulting in the samples being past holding time. Consequently, no results were reported for total kjeldahl nitrogen, organic nitrogen, and total nitrogen for the week of September 1 to September 7 resulting in 1 weekly monitoring deficiencies. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1135880 08/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1134460 07/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 32 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1134459 07/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1133977 07/20/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-General caused 15967 gallons of sewage to spill from Gravity Mainline at 2700 South Cresta Place to Other (specify below) Violation null SSO Hyperion CS 300593 2022-0103-DWQ N 1133971 05/19/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Root Intrusion caused 259 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 16421 West Pacific Coast Highway to Other (specify below), Paved Surface Violation null SSO Hyperion CS 300593 2022-0103-DWQ N 1133966 04/04/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Root Intrusion caused 448 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 1986 North Coldwater Canyon Road to Other (specify below) Violation null SSO Hyperion CS 300593 2022-0103-DWQ N 1131759 06/30/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity Monthly Median limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001A. Violation N eSMR Los Angeles-Glendale WWRP 452152 R4-2022-0343 N 1131758 06/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1131556 08/29/2024 Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/ Type: Category 1 Spill; Root Intrusion caused 6428 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 300 North Paseo Miramar to Other (specify below) Violation null SSO Hyperion CS 300593 2022-0103-DWQ N 1130799 05/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1129477 04/02/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3 ml/L and reported value was 8 ml/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1129423 04/30/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Monthly Median limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001A. Violation N eSMR Los Angeles-Glendale WWRP 452152 R4-2022-0343 N 1129422 04/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1128616 03/31/2024 CAT2 Cadmium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.83 ug/L and reported value was 1.488 ug/L at EFF-001A. Violation N eSMR Los Angeles-Glendale WWRP 452152 R4-2022-0343 N 1128615 03/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1128614 03/31/2024 Deficient Monitoring The monitoring of effluent carbon tetrachloride is required monthly. This analysis was missed in March 2024, resulting in a monitoring deficiency violation. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N 1128610 03/02/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 45 mg/L and reported value was 68 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1128609 03/31/2024 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal 30-Day Average limit is 85 % and reported value was 82 % at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1128608 03/09/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value was 55 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1128607 03/02/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 160000 lb/day and reported value was 175290 lb/day at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1128606 03/02/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average (Mean) limit is 45 mg/L and reported value was 78 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1128605 03/31/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 34 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1128604 03/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal 30-Day Average limit is 85 % and reported value was 76 % at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1128603 03/09/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value was 48 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1128602 03/31/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 37 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127441 02/24/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 160000 lb/day and reported value was 484510 lb/day at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127437 02/24/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value was 193 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127436 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Percent Removal Monthly Average limit is 85 % and reported value was 83 % at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127428 02/29/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 80 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127427 02/29/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 105000 lb/day and reported value was 205540 lb/day at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127422 02/29/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 16 ug/L and reported value was 30.1 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127421 02/24/2024 OEV Turbidity Weekly Average limit is 100 NTU and reported value was 101 NTU at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127419 02/24/2024 CAT1 Settleable Solids Weekly Average limit is 1.5 ml/L and reported value was 12 ml/L. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127416 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 105000 lb/day and reported value was 270260 lb/day at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127415 02/29/2024 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 105 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127414 02/24/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average limit is 160000 lb/day and reported value was 334380 lb/day at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127413 02/24/2024 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Weekly Average limit is 45 mg/L and reported value was 133 mg/L at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR Hyperion WWTP 447793 R4-2023-0033 N 1127322 02/29/2024 Deficient Monitoring The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. This IF resulted in one deficient monitoring violation for February 2024. Violation N eSMR Donald C. Tillman WWRP 447892 R4-2022-0341 N Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 458903 Admin Civil Liability R4-2024-0148 ACL R4-2024-0148 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation SSOMUNILRG 10/18/2024 Active 457064 Admin Civil Liability R4-2024-0184 ACL R4-2024-0184 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 07/31/2024 Historical 452468 Admin Civil Liability R4-2023-0007 ACL R4-2023-0007 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 03/29/2023 Active 449891 Notice of Violation null NOV for CWC Section 13383 Order and its Amendments, 11/30/2021 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 11/30/2021 Historical 449399 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/26/22 for Hyperion CS SSOMUNILRG 07/26/2022 Active 445548 13267 Letter R4-2021-0118 NOV and 13267 Letter 10/08/2021 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 10/08/2021 Historical 439252 Admin Civil Liability R4-2020-0036 ACL R4-2020-0036 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 11/20/2020 Historical 430944 Admin Civil Liability R4-2019-0047 ACL R4-2019-0047 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 06/18/2020 Historical 420931 Admin Civil Liability R4-2017-0199 ACL R4-2017-0199 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 04/16/2018 Historical 419497 Admin Civil Liability R4-2018-0015 ACL R4-2018-0015 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 10/23/2018 Historical 410123 Notice of Violation null NOV 11/02/2016 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation SSOMUNILRG 11/02/2016 Historical 409908 Admin Civil Liability R4-2016-0295 ACL R4-2016-0295 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 12/12/2016 Historical 403540 13267 Letter R4-2015-0189 13267 Letter 10/07/2015 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 10/07/2015 Historical 403091 Admin Civil Liability R4-2015-0150 ACL R4-2015-0150 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 12/18/2015 Historical 397689 Admin Civil Liability R4-2014-0146 ACL R4-2014-0146 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 10/21/2014 Historical 395849 Admin Civil Liability R4-2014-0044 ACL R4-2014-0044 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 08/01/2014 Historical 394052 Admin Civil Liability R4-2013-0017 ACL R4-2013-0017 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation SSOMUNILRG 11/18/2013 Historical 393809 13267 Letter R4-2013-0147 13267 Letter 10/02/2013 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation SSOMUNILRG 10/02/2013 Historical 389923 Admin Civil Liability R4-2013-0059 ACL R4-2013-0059 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 07/01/2013 Historical 388466 Time Schedule Order R4-2012-0180 TSO R4-2012-0180 (CI 5695) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 12/06/2012 Historical 385171 13267 Letter R4-2012-0095 13267 Letter 05/17/2012 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation SSOMUNILRG 05/17/2012 Historical 384550 Time Schedule Order R4-2012-0007 TSO R4-2012-0007 (CI 5695) for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation NPDMUNILRG 02/02/2012 Historical 377317 13267 Letter R4-2011-0013 13267 Letter 01/14/2011 for Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation SSOMUNILRG 01/14/2011 Historical 376790 Clean-up and Abatement Order R4-2010-0176 CAO R4-2010-0176 for City of Los Angeles SSOMUNILRG 09/30/2010 Historical 355044 Admin Civil Liability R4-2008-0107-M Expedited Settlement Ltr sent 10/31/08 for one Pb effluent violation. NPDMUNILRG 10/31/2008 Historical 354657 Notice of Violation NOV NOV Sent 10/20/2008 - Overdue Monitoring Reports LNDISP 10/20/2008 Historical 354577 Notice of Violation NOV NOV Sent 05-22-08 Failure to complete closure activities. LNDISP 05/22/2008 Historical 353015 Admin Civil Liability R4-2008-0072-M Stipulated Order R4-2008-0072 for $6,000 issued 1/22/09. NPDMUNILRG 09/30/2008 Historical 320858 Notice of Violation NOV NOV sent 11/28/06 to City of Los Angeles for violations of MS4 permit. MNSTW1 11/28/2006 Historical 256998 Staff Enforcement Letter SEL Notice of Noncompliance sent advising discharger of reporting deficiencies. LNDISP 01/28/2003 Historical 256925 Notice of Violation NOV NOV sent 1/31/03 for failure to maintain the groundwater monitoring well network LNDISP 01/31/2003 Historical 251119 13267 Letter 13267 Letter NOV sent 12/31/03 for noncompliance with the facility's WDRs LNDISP 12/31/2003 Historical 248794 Admin Civil Liability R4-1998-0002 ACLO R4-1998-0002 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (01/26/98) NPDMUNILRG 01/26/1998 Historical 248788 Notice of Violation NOV NOV - LA City, Bureau of Santitation, Marina Interceptor Sewer Line (06/27/02) NPDNONMUNIPRCS 06/27/2002 Historical 248290 Admin Civil Liability R4-2002-0046 MMPC R4-2002-0046 - LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Marina Interceptor Sewer NPDNONMUNIPRCS 06/27/2002 Historical 245058 Staff Enforcement Letter SEL SEL LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (12/06/02) NPDMUNILRG 12/06/2002 Historical 239976 13267 Letter 13267 Letter 13267 Letter LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (11/20/01) NPDMUNILRG 11/20/2001 Historical 239313 Notice of Violation NOV NOV - Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, Donald Tillman WWRP (10/26/01) NPDMUNILRG 10/26/2001 Historical 228996 Cease and Desist Order R4-2000-0128 CDO R4-2000-0128 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (08/31/00) NPDMUNILRG 08/31/2000 Historical 228493 Admin Civil Liability R4-1999-0102 ACLO R4-1999-0102 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, LA-Glendale WWRP NPDMUNILRG 02/15/2000 Active 227690 Settlement - Court Order Settlement - Court Order Settlement Court Order LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (01/29/99) NPDMUNILRG 01/29/1999 Historical 227688 Admin Civil Liability R4-1999-0061 ACLC R4-1999-0061 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, Donald Tillman WWRP NPDMUNILRG 08/11/1999 Historical 227685 Time Schedule Order 98-071 TSO R4-98-071 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, LA-Glendale WWRP NPDMUNILRG 09/14/1998 Historical 221253 13267 Letter 13267 Letter Enforcement - 4WIP1090345 WIP 11/09/2000 Historical 220597 Cease and Desist Order R4-1998-0073 CDO R4-1998-0073 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (09/14/98) NPDMUNILRG 09/14/1998 Historical 220489 Admin Civil Liability R4-1998-0076 ACLC R4-1998-0076 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (09/30/98) NPDMUNILRG 09/30/1998 Historical 219640 Admin Civil Liability R4-1987-0096 ACLC R4-1987-0096 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (07/27/87) NPDMUNILRG 07/27/1987 Historical 219534 Time Schedule Order R4-1998-0070 TSO R4-1998-0070 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, Donald Tillman WWRP NPDMUNILRG 09/14/1998 Historical 219532 Formal Refer to Attorney Gen LT880429 Referal to AG LT880429 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (04/29/88) NPDMUNILRG 04/29/1988 Historical 219531 Admin Civil Liability R4-1985-0701 ACLC 85-701 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (10/28/85) NPDMUNILRG 10/28/1985 Historical 219530 Cease and Desist Order R4-1987-0094 CDO 87-094 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (06/22/87) NPDMUNILRG 06/22/1987 Historical 219529 Admin Civil Liability R4-1985-0601 ACLC 85-601 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (08/23/85) NPDMUNILRG 08/23/1985 Historical 219528 Formal Refer to Attorney Gen 87-113 Referal to AG 87-113 LA City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (07/27/87) NPDMUNILRG 07/27/1987 Historical 219527 Cease and Desist Order R4-1986-00002 CDO 86-002 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, Hyperion WWTP (01/27/86) NPDMUNILRG 01/27/1986 Historical 219080 Time Schedule Order R4-1985-0019 TSO 85-019 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, LA-Glendale WWRP (02/25/85) NPDMUNILRG 02/25/1985 Historical 219079 Time Schedule Order R4-1990-0808 TSO Recission 90-808 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, LA-Glendale WWRP NPDMUNILRG 08/08/1990 Historical 219078 Time Schedule Order R4-1983-0035 TSO 83-035 Los Angeles City, Bureau of Sanitation, LA-Glendale WWRP (06/27/83) NPDMUNILRG 06/27/1983 Historical Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status 418024 Sheila Brice 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 08/17/2021 Active