General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 23863 Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility Privately-Owned Business 24001 Stevens Creek Cupertino, CA 95014(+) 408-996-4000 Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 860195 Permanente Creek Maintenance Project Santa Clara 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/01/2019 null 835484 Permanente Creek Emergency Culvert Cleanout Project Santa Clara 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 05/26/2017 null 808137 Permanente Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project Santa Clara 2 Dredge/Fill Site Owner 08/01/2014 null 273205 Lehigh Southwest and Hanson Limestone Quarry Cement Plant (Permanente) Santa Clara 2 Sand and Gravel Mining Owner 03/16/1994 null 234560 Kaiser Cement-Stormwater Santa Clara 2 Facility Owner 08/20/1974 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 642246 Bradd Statley Person Legally Responsible Official 10/27/2023 null null 642069 Morgan Webster Person Data Submitter 10/05/2023 null null 639172 Gregory Ronczka Person Legally Responsible Official 04/28/2023 null null 637122 Sanjeet Sen Person Data Submitter 04/25/2023 null null 637122 Sanjeet Sen Person Employee 01/31/2023 null null 634577 Avery Richardson Person Legally Responsible Official 08/01/2022 03/31/2023 null 630612 Carolina Addison Person Data Submitter 08/30/2019 04/28/2023 null 621007 Stacy Baird Person Employee 11/01/2017 07/26/2022 null 601614 Andrea Selvog Person Data Submitter 11/02/2017 01/18/2022 null 569362 Antonio Del Rio Person Legally Responsible Official 01/05/2017 null null 569360 Tressa Jackson Person Data Submitter 11/02/2017 09/04/2018 null 569360 Tressa Jackson Person Employee 11/01/2017 01/18/2022 null 562591 Erika Guerra Person Data Submitter 02/22/2017 01/18/2022 null 562591 Erika Guerra Person Legally Responsible Official 08/01/2019 01/18/2022 null 562590 Manjunath Shivalingappa Person Employee 06/01/2016 null null 561722 Keith Krugh Person Data Submitter 02/22/2017 01/18/2022 null 556823 Courtney Perry Person Data Submitter 06/01/2016 04/03/2018 null 553511 Sam Barket Person Legally Responsible Official 11/03/2015 08/15/2017 null 548217 George Wegmann Person Data Submitter 08/25/2014 null null 547908 Chow Yip Person Data Submitter 08/01/2014 null null 545696 James Kertis Person Legally Responsible Official 03/14/2014 07/30/2014 null 527932 Gregory Knapp Person Employee 03/01/2012 null null 139096 Alan Sabawi Person Legally Responsible Official 03/13/2014 05/25/2017 null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 432980 NPDES Permit 2 2 438668001 NPDES R2-2019-0024 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility Active NPDINDLRG R2-2019-0024 09/01/2019 null Discharger 07/12/2019 null 414776 NPDES Permit 2 2 438668001 NPDES R2-2017-0030 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility Active NPDINDLRG R2-2017-0030 10/01/2017 null Discharger 07/19/2017 null 395340 NPDES Permit 2 2 438668001 NPDES permit for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility Historical NPDINDLRG R2-2014-0010 05/01/2014 08/31/2019 Discharger 03/13/2014 null 384455 WDR 2 2 438058002 WDR R2-2018-0028 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Active LNDISPOTH R2-2018-0028 06/13/2018 null Discharger 07/26/1999 null 380558 Enrollee 2 2 438674001 Enrollee Pond 20 Lehigh Southwest Cement Co - Cupertino Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS null 11/22/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 null 380556 Enrollee 2 2 438673001 Enrollee Rock Plant Sump Lehigh Southwest Cement Co - Cupertino Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 null 380550 Enrollee 2 2 438672001 Enrollee Pond 17 Lehigh Southwest Cement Co - Cupertino Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 null 380549 Enrollee 2 2 438671001 Enrollee CAG982001, Pond 9 Lehigh Permanente Plant Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 10/28/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 null 380548 Enrollee 2 2 438670001 Enrollee Plant Reclaim Water System Lehigh Southwest Cement Co - Cupertino Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 null 380546 Enrollee 2 2 438669001 Enrollee Dinky Shed Basin Lehigh Southwest Cement Co - Cupertino Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS null 11/22/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 null 380545 Enrollee 2 2 438668001 Enrollee Pond 4A Lehigh Southwest Cement Co - Cupertino Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 null 380543 Enrollee 2 2 438667001 Enrollee Pond 13B Lehigh Southwest Cement Co - Cupertino Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R2-2008-0011 11/21/2011 05/01/2014 Discharger 10/06/2011 null 146249 WDR 2 2 438058001 WDR 74-065 for KAISER CEMENT CORP.-PERMANENTE Historical WDR 74-065 08/20/1974 null Discharger 08/20/1974 null 143297 Reclamation Requirements 2 2 438058002 WRR 94-038 for Lehigh Southwest Cement-Permanente Plant-WWTP & Recycled Water Active REC 94-038 03/16/1994 null Discharger 03/16/1994 null 143130 WDR 2 2 438058001 WDR 97-061 for KAISER CEMENT CORP.-PERMANENTE Historical WDR 97-061 05/21/1997 null Discharger 05/21/1997 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 455254 Admin Civil Liability R2-2024-1021 ACL R2-2024-1021 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 03/19/2024 Historical 454670 Admin Civil Liability R2-2023-1006 ACL R2-2023-1006 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 10/02/2023 Active 448309 Admin Civil Liability R2-2022-1017 ACL R2-2022-1017 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 11/17/2022 Historical 443743 Admin Civil Liability R2-2021-1021 ACL R2-2021-1021 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility DISCHSW 06/14/2021 Historical 433401 Admin Civil Liability R2-2020-1016 ACL R2-2020-1016 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 02/04/2020 Historical 428523 Admin Civil Liability R2-2019-1014 ACL R2-2019-1014 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 05/21/2019 Historical 424860 Admin Civil Liability R2-2018-1007 ACL R2-2018-1007 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 08/27/2018 Historical 415809 Admin Civil Liability r2-2017-1023 ACL r2-2017-1023 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 08/14/2017 Historical 414777 Cease and Desist Order R2-2017-0031 CDO R2-2017-0031 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 09/01/2017 Historical 411398 Admin Civil Liability R2-2017-1001 ACL R2-2017-1001 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 01/12/2017 Historical 409269 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/30/2016 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 08/30/2016 Historical 401881 Settlement - Court Order Case5:15-cv-01896 Court Settlement Case5:15-cv-01896 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/28/2015 Historical 395347 Cease and Desist Order R2-2014-0011 CDO R2-2014-0011 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDINDLRG 05/01/2014 Historical 390440 Referral to USEPA null Ref to USEPA 10/01/2012 for Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, Permanente Facility NPDNONMUNIPRCS 10/01/2012 Active 384976 Admin Civil Liability R2-2011-0023 ACL R2-2011-0023 INDSTW null Historical 377469 Oral Communication verbal Enforcement of WRR 94-038 for Lehigh Southwest Cement WWTP & Recycled Water REC 02/04/2011 Historical 235404 Clean-up and Abatement Order R2-1999-0018 CAO 99-018 for Kaiser Cement Corp, Cupertino REC 07/26/1999 Active Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status 432980 Sanjeet Sen NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 09/01/2019 Active 432980 Sanjeet Sen NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 09/01/2019 Active 395340 Gregory Knapp NPDES Permit NPDINDLRG 05/01/2014 Historical