General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 18858 E & J Gallo Winery Privately-Owned Business Po Box 1130 Modesto, CA 95353 209-341-7402 Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 836498 Gallo Winery River Pump Platform Merced 5F Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/06/2017 null 242561 McCALL WINERY Fresno 5F Winery None null null 239108 E & J Gallo Winery Madera Facility Madera 5F Food Processing NEC Owner 03/14/2000 null 237200 E & J Gallo Winery Livingston Winery Merced 5F Winery Owner and Operator 02/26/1971 null 225456 E & J Gallo Winery Fresno Winery Fresno 5F Winery Owner 05/10/1999 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 565123 Adam Wenz Person Employee 07/06/2017 null null 565123 Adam Wenz Person Legally Responsible Official 07/05/2017 null null 547130 Neil McDougald Person Employee 06/13/2014 null null 547111 Dan Martin Person Employee 06/11/2014 null null 544348 John Chavez Person Employee 12/03/2013 null null 526149 Hayley Hanks Person Facility Contact 03/04/2011 null null 524676 Maria Rouse Person Employee 09/23/2010 null null 524674 Kim Burns Person Employee 09/23/2010 null null 524673 Rodney Burns Person Employee 09/23/2010 02/28/2011 null 140487 Gary Schmidt Person Enforcement Contact 12/20/2001 null null 138804 Jo Anne Kipps Person Interested Party 05/25/2018 null null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 458116 Letter 5F 5D102022001 Letter R5-2015-0040 for E & J Gallo Winery Active WDRINDFP R5-2015-0040 08/19/2024 null Discharger 08/20/2024 null 445285 Individual Monitoring Requirem 5F 5C202017001 Ind MRP 94-193 for E & J Gallo Winery Active WDRINDIVLRG 94-193 10/05/2021 null Discharger 10/11/2021 null 443936 Letter 5F 5C202017001 Letter for E & J Gallo Winery Historical WDRINDIVLRG null 06/24/2021 06/24/2021 Discharger 06/24/2021 null 443579 Letter 5F 5D102022001 Letter for E & J Gallo Winery Historical WDRINDFP null 10/20/2020 01/01/2021 Discharger 06/09/2021 null 443576 Letter 5F 5D102022001 Letter for E & J Gallo Winery Historical WDRINDFP null 09/29/2020 01/01/2021 Discharger 06/09/2021 null 442292 Individual Monitoring Requirem 5F 5C202017001 Ind MRP 94-173 for E & J Gallo Winery Active WDRINDIVLRG 94-173 10/13/2000 null Discharger 02/19/2021 null 437839 Individual Monitoring Requirem 5F 5C202017001 Ind MRP 94-193 for E & J Gallo Winery Active WDRINDIVLRG 94-193 12/04/2018 null Discharger 04/30/2020 null 414166 Enrollee - 401 Certification 5F 5B24CR00069 Enrollee - 401 Certification for E & J Gallo Winery Historical CERFILLEXC RGP 8 07/14/2017 08/10/2017 Discharger 07/06/2017 null 400651 WDR 5F 5D102022001 WDR R5-2015-0040 for E & J Gallo Winery Active WDRINDFP R5-2015-0040 04/17/2015 null Discharger 04/23/2015 null 389506 Letter 5F 5D102022001 Letter 3/6/13 for E & J Gallo Winery Fresno Winery Historical WDRINDFP null 03/06/2013 03/06/2015 Discharger 04/22/1994 null 330345 Enrollee 5F 5D102022001 Enrollee under Low Threat Waiver for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery Historical WDR 82-036 05/10/1999 01/01/2003 Discharger 08/23/2007 null 145876 WDR 5F 5C202017001 WDR 94-193 for E & J Gallo Winery, Madera Facility Active WDRINDIVLRG 94-193 06/24/1994 null Discharger 06/24/1994 null 145854 WDR 5F 5D102022001 WDR 94-103 for E & J Gallo Winery Fresno Winery Historical WDRINDFP 94-103 04/22/1994 04/16/2015 Discharger 04/22/1994 null 144875 WDR 5F 5D102024002 WDR 93-098 for SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY EXPRESS Active WDRINDFP 93-098 06/25/1993 null Discharger 03/11/2003 null 144785 WDR 5F 5C242004001 WDR 91-135 for E & J Gallo Winery, Livingston Winery Active WDRINDFP 91-135 06/28/1991 null Discharger 06/28/1991 null 144239 WDR 5F 5C242004001 WDR 77-064 for E & J Gallo Winery, Livingston Winery Historical WDR 77-064 04/22/1977 06/28/1991 Discharger 04/22/1977 null 143687 WDR 5F 5C242004001 WDR 71-188 for E & J Gallo Winery, Livingston Winery Historical WDR 71-188 02/26/1971 04/22/1977 Discharger 02/26/1971 null 142967 WDR 5F 5D102022001 WDR 59-095 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery Historical WDRINDFP 59-095 02/18/1959 04/22/1994 Discharger 02/18/1959 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 451107 Admin Civil Liability R5-2022-0510 ACL R5-2022-0510 for E & J Gallo Winery WDRINDFP 02/02/2023 Historical 450284 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/28/2022 for E & J Gallo Winery WDRINDFP 10/28/2022 Active 449153 Time Schedule Order R5-2022-0901 TSO R5-2022-0901 for E & J Gallo Winery WDRINDFP 07/22/2022 Active 446390 Notice of Violation null NOV 01/24/2022 for E & J Gallo Winery WDRINDFP 01/24/2022 Active 403104 Notice of Violation null NOV for E & J Gallo Winery WDRINDFP 10/27/2015 Historical 383400 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 01/07/2013 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 01/07/2013 Historical 383398 Staff Enforcement Letter null 13267 Letter 2/14/2012 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 02/14/2012 Historical 380640 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 08/01/2011 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 08/01/2011 Historical 378939 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 05/05/2011 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 05/05/2011 Historical 366648 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 10/05/2010 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery (1/31/11) WDRINDFP 10/05/2010 Historical 354857 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 06/17/2009 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery (10/30/09) WDRINDFP 06/17/2009 Historical 348465 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/26/2008 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 06/26/2008 Historical 305715 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/30/2005 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 09/30/2005 Historical 259799 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 08/30/1999 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 08/30/1999 Historical 255258 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 03/22/2000 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 03/22/2000 Historical 251272 Notice of Violation null NOV 02/25/2004 for E & J Gallo Winery, Livingston Winery WDR 02/25/2004 Historical 248686 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 11/28/2002 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 11/28/2002 Historical 242765 Oral Communication null Oral Com 06/14/2002 for E& J Gallo Winery, Madera Facility WDRINDIVLRG 06/14/2002 Historical 238994 Staff Enforcement Letter null SEL 12/20/2001 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 12/20/2001 Historical 229809 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/02/2000 for E & J Gallo Winery, Fresno Winery WDRINDFP 08/02/2000 Historical Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status