General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 148431 Brentwood City City Agency 2251 Elkins Way Brentwood, CA 94513 925-516-6060(+) null Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 884821 Sand Creek Road Extension Project Contra Costa 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 12/15/2022 null 882146 Marsh Creek Storm Drain Outfall Project Contra Costa 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 07/06/2022 null 856794 John Muir Parkway Extension Project - Phase 2 Contra Costa 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 03/07/2019 null 839526 Brentwood City WS Contra Costa 5S Utility Structure Owner and Operator 08/31/2017 null 828099 Brentwood Land Application Area Contra Costa 5S Recycled Water Use Area None null null 631495 City Of Brentwood CS Contra Costa 5S Collection_System Owner 04/05/2006 null 271818 Brentwood Water System Flushing Program Contra Costa 5S Service/Commercial Site, NEC Owner 01/10/2002 null 242416 Marsh Creek Outfall Repair WQC Alameda 5S Dredge/Fill Site Owner 06/17/2005 null 239774 Brentwood Master Reclamation Permit Contra Costa 5S Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 03/31/2003 null 210322 Brentwood WWTP Contra Costa 5S Wastewater Treatment Facility Owner 08/22/1995 null 210312 Brentwood Contra Costa MS4 Contra Costa 5S MS4 Owner 06/16/2000 null Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 636549 Jigar Shah Person Legally Responsible Official 12/15/2022 null null 634249 Allen Baquilar Person Legally Responsible Official 07/06/2022 null null 624406 Philip McKinney Person Legally Responsible Official 05/25/2021 04/30/2024 null 595560 John Samuelson Person Legally Responsible Official 03/07/2019 null null 568280 Eric Brennan Person Legally Responsible Official 08/31/2017 null null 547353 Mark Huber Person Legally Responsible Official 04/12/2024 null null 547353 Mark Huber Person Data Submitter 01/23/2024 05/05/2024 null 539103 Ryan Lamunyon Person Legally Responsible Official 12/04/2015 null null 523430 Chris Ehlers Person Legally Responsible Official 07/02/2010 null null 523429 Casey Wichert Person Legally Responsible Official 07/02/2010 null null 523429 Casey Wichert Person Legally Responsible Official 08/05/2011 09/01/2011 null 523106 Juan Herrera Person Data Submitter 05/16/2024 null null 522032 Jacquelyn Parsons Person Data Submitter 04/12/2010 null null 522031 Brett Moroz Person Legally Responsible Official 04/12/2010 10/27/2010 null 393325 Kristopher Vickers Person Legally Responsible Official 08/09/2007 null null 393325 Kristopher Vickers Person Legally Responsible Official 10/29/2010 10/03/2016 null 392355 Chris Ziemann Person Data Submitter 08/08/2007 null null 392353 Rusty Sims Person Data Submitter 08/08/2007 null null 392352 Gary Krehbiel Person Data Submitter 08/08/2007 null null 392348 Dustin Bloomfield Person Data Submitter 08/08/2007 06/26/2014 null 301809 David Stoops Person Legally Responsible Official 04/05/2006 12/04/2007 null Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date 456852 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 NPDES R5-2024-0020 for Brentwood City Active NPDMUNILRG R5-2024-0020 06/01/2024 null Discharger 05/08/2024 null 450511 Enrollee - WDR 5S 5B07CR00252 Enrollee - WDR for Brentwood City - Sand Creek Road Extension Project Active CERFILLEXC 2004-0004-DWQ 01/25/2023 null Discharger 12/15/2022 null 440465 Co-Permitee SB 5B070101001 13627 Order Co-Permitee under 2020-0015-DWQ for Brentwood City Active SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 07/09/2020 null Discharger 09/18/2020 null 430031 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 NPDES R5-2019-0029 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2019-0029 06/01/2019 05/31/2024 Discharger 04/18/2019 null 429292 401 Certification 5S 5B07CR00210 401 Cert for Brentwood City - John Muir Parkway Extension Project - Phase 2 Historical CERFILLEXC null 04/26/2019 05/11/2020 Discharger 03/07/2019 null 416051 Enrollee - NPDES 5S 4DW0084 Enrollee - NPDES under Order 2014-0194-DWQ Drinking Water System Discharges for Brentwood City Active NPDNONMUNIPRCS 2014-0194-DWQ 07/01/2016 null Discharger 08/31/2017 null 411370 Letter 5S null Staff Letter for Brentwood City, Brentwood Contra Costa MS4 Historical MNSTW1 null 01/06/2017 01/06/2017 Discharger 01/12/2017 null 402914 Enrollee - WDR 5S 5B07NC00034 Enrollee under General Recycled Water Order DW-2016-0068 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP Active REC 2016-0068-DDW 03/29/2016 null Discharger 09/18/2015 null 401355 Enrollee - Waiver 5S 5B07NC00032 Enrollee R5-2013-0145-0047 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2013-0145 06/11/2015 12/06/2018 Discharger 06/05/2015 null 392727 Resolution 5S 5B070101001 Resolution R5-2013-0107 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP Historical NPDESWW R5-2013-0107 07/26/2013 02/05/2015 Discharger 07/26/2013 null 392726 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 NPDES R5-2013-0106 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2013-0106 09/14/2013 05/31/2019 Discharger 07/26/2013 null 344253 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 NPDES R5-2008-0006-01 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2008-0006-01 03/15/2008 09/13/2013 Discharger 06/16/2000 null 301612 Enrollee - WDR 5S 5SSO10891 Enrollee of SB SSO WDR for City of Brentwood Active SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 08/03/2006 null Discharger 04/20/2006 null 194733 Enrollee - NPDES 5S 5B07NP00008 Enrollee under R5-2013-0074-045 for Brentwood City, Brentwood Water System Flushing Program Historical NPDNONMUNIPRCS R5-2013-0074 05/31/2013 07/01/2016 Discharger 09/01/2005 null 147735 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 NPDES 5-00-171 for BRENTWOOD, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNILRG R5-2000-0171 06/16/2000 01/24/2008 Discharger 06/16/2000 null 146163 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 NPDES 96-039 for BRENTWOOD, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNILRG 96-039 02/23/1996 06/15/2000 Discharger 02/23/1996 null 141042 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 NPDES 91-053 for BRENTWOOD, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNILRG 91-053 02/22/1991 02/22/1996 Discharger 02/22/1991 null 140586 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 WDR 88-194 for BRENTWOOD, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNILRG 88-194 10/28/1988 02/22/1991 Discharger 10/28/1988 null 140095 NPDES Permit 5S 5B070101001 WDR 76-116 for BRENTWOOD, CITY OF Historical NPDMUNILRG 76-116 05/28/1976 10/27/1988 Discharger 05/28/1976 null 133511 WDR 5S 5B07NC00012 RECL 04-132 for Brentwood City Master Reclamation Permit Historical WDRMUNILRG 04-132 09/10/2004 06/23/2016 Discharger 09/10/2004 null Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1139549 12/08/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 9 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139548 12/07/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 15 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139547 12/02/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 3 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139546 12/06/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 15 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139545 12/20/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 3 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139544 12/19/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139543 12/18/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139542 12/14/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139541 12/10/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139540 12/03/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.62 NTU at FIL-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139539 12/16/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 13 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139538 12/03/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 3 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139537 12/02/2024 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day period. limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 59 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139536 12/02/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Average (Mean) limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.67 NTU at FIL-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139535 12/15/2024 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day period. limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 33 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139534 12/10/2024 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day period. limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 114 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139533 12/11/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 9 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139532 12/05/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 15 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139531 12/09/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139530 12/04/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139529 12/01/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 3 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139528 12/17/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139527 12/13/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139526 12/15/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 13 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1139525 12/12/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 3 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1138324 11/26/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1138323 11/25/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1138322 11/24/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1138321 11/23/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1138320 11/27/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1138319 11/18/2024 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day period. limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 54 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1138318 11/26/2024 OEV Total Coliform 7-Day Median limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 4 MPN/100 mL at TCO-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 N 1131308 07/16/2024 Deficient Monitoring Contract lab did not run Dichlorobromomethane sample due to preservative issue. a similar issue was reported for Dibromomethane. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 456852 R5-2024-0020 Y 1125319 02/29/2024 CAT2 Dibromochloromethane 30-Day Average limit is 34 ug/L and reported value was 040.1 ug/L at EFF-001. Violation N eSMR Brentwood WWTP 430031 R5-2019-0029 N Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status 459104 Notice of Violation null NOV 11/08/2024 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 11/08/2024 Historical 456863 Time Schedule Order R5-2024-0021 TSO R5-2024-0021 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 06/01/2024 Active 450562 Notice of Violation null NOV 12/21/2022 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 12/21/2022 Historical 446274 Notice of Violation null NOV 12/30/2021 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 12/30/2021 Historical 444545 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/12/2021 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 08/12/2021 Historical 441578 Notice of Violation null NOV 12/11/2020 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 12/11/2020 Historical 425454 Notice of Violation null NOV 09/25/2018 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 09/25/2018 Historical 420870 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/12/2018 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 04/12/2018 Historical 407240 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/24/2016 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 06/24/2016 Historical 402554 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/09/2014 for Brentwood City NPDNONMUNIPRCS 04/09/2014 Historical 400845 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/27/2015 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 04/27/2015 Historical 398007 Admin Civil Liability R5-2014-0549 ACL R5-2014-0549 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 10/02/2014 Historical 396340 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/14/2014 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 05/14/2014 Historical 395191 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/04/2014 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 03/04/2014 Historical 393591 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/17/2013 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 10/17/2013 Historical 393143 Admin Civil Liability R5-2013-0567 ACL R5-2013-0567 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 10/02/2013 Historical 391978 Notice of Violation null NOV 07/09/2013 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 07/09/2013 Historical 390483 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/31/2013 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 05/31/2013 Historical 390006 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/02/2012 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 05/02/2012 Historical 389638 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/18/2013 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/18/2013 Historical 389142 Notice of Violation null NOV 02/13/2013 for Brentwood City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 02/13/2013 Historical 389025 Notice of Violation null NOV 02/06/2013 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 02/06/2013 Historical 388736 Time Schedule Order R5-2012-0114 TSO R5-2012-0114 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/07/2012 Historical 388461 Notice of Violation null NOV 12/12/2012 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/12/2012 Historical 387786 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/15/2012 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 10/15/2012 Historical 387002 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/16/2012 for Brentwood City, City of Brentwood CS SSOMUNILRG 08/16/2012 Historical 386839 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/03/2012 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 08/03/2012 Historical 379128 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/12/2011 for Brentwood City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 05/12/2011 Historical 378733 Notice of Violation null NOV 04/19/2011 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 04/19/2011 Historical 378169 Notice of Violation null NOV 03/15/2011 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/15/2011 Historical 377791 Notice of Violation null NOV 02/23/2011 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 02/23/2011 Historical 377336 Notice of Violation null NOV 01/21/2011 for Brentwood City, WWTP NPDMUNILRG 01/21/2011 Historical 377055 Notice of Violation null NOV 12/23/2010 for Brentwood City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/23/2010 Historical 376805 Notice of Violation null NOV 12/01/2010 for Brentwood City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/01/2010 Historical 375533 Notice of Violation null NOV 08/10/2010 for Brentwood City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 08/10/2010 Historical 374801 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/13/2010 for Brentwood City WWTP NPDMUNILRG 05/13/2010 Historical 374768 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/15/2010 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 06/15/2010 Historical 372604 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/23/2009 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 10/23/2009 Historical 367645 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/09/2009 for Brentwood City, Brentwood Water System Flushing Program NPDNONMUNIPRCS 06/09/2009 Historical 367601 Notice of Violation null NOV 06/16/2009 for Brentwood City, Brentwood Water System Flushing Program NPDNONMUNIPRCS 06/16/2009 Historical 367492 Notice of Violation null NOV 05/20/2009 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP NPDMUNILRG 05/20/2009 Historical 344254 Cease and Desist Order R5-2008-0007 CDO R5-2008-0007 for Brentwood City NPDMUNILRG 01/25/2008 Historical 256746 Oral Communication null OC 02/24/2003 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 02/24/2003 Historical 252110 Admin Civil Liability R5-2004-0524 MMPC R5-2004-0524 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 06/25/2004 Historical 251755 Oral Communication null OC 03/15/2004 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 03/15/2004 Historical 251667 Oral Communication null OC 07/08/2004 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 07/08/2004 Historical 251648 Oral Communication null OC 02/11/2004 for Brentwood Water System Flushing Program NPDNONMUNIPRCS 02/11/2004 Historical 251614 Oral Communication null OC 07/08/2004 for Brentwood Water System Flushing Program NPDNONMUNIPRCS 07/08/2004 Historical 251123 Oral Communication null OC 01/09/2004 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 01/09/2004 Historical 250807 Oral Communication null OC 02/10/2004 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 02/10/2004 Historical 250564 Oral Communication null OC 10/28/2003 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 10/28/2003 Historical 245972 Oral Communication null OC 01/24/2003 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 01/24/2003 Historical 245806 Oral Communication null Enforcement - 5B070101001 NPDESWW 04/30/2002 Historical 245702 Oral Communication null OC 12/02/2002 for Brentwood WWTP NPDMUNILRG 12/02/2002 Historical 244695 Oral Communication null OC 04/28/2003 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 04/28/2003 Historical 244546 Oral Communication null OC 05/07/2003 for Brentwood WWTP NPDESWW 05/07/2003 Historical 238734 Oral Communication null Enforcement - 5B070101001 NPDMUNILRG 12/19/2001 Historical 237997 Admin Civil Liability R5-2001-0186 MMP Order R5-2001-0186 for Brentwood City NPDESWW 07/26/2001 Historical 235035 Oral Communication null OC 03/27/2001 for Brentwood WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/27/2001 Historical 231967 Oral Communication null OC 03/06/2001 for Brentwood WWTP NPDMUNILRG 03/06/2001 Historical 231640 Notice of Violation null NOV 10/07/1999 for Brentwood City, Brentwood WWTP NPDMUNILRG 10/07/1999 Historical 231355 Oral Communication null OC 06/09/2000 for Brentwood WWTP NPDMUNILRG 06/09/2000 Historical Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status