General Information Party ID Party Name Party Classification Mailing Address Work Phone Email/Website 138518 Vicente Rodriguez null 2375 Northside Drive Ste 100 San Diego, CA 92108 619-521-3966 Related Places Place ID Place Name County Region Place Type Relationship to Party Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Related Parties Party ID Party Name Party Type Role/Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Classification 137768 San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Organization Employee 06/17/2005 null Waterboard Regulatory Measures(non-enforcement) Reg. Measure ID Regulatory Measure Type Region WDID Title Status Program Order No. RM Effective Date RM Termination Date Relationship Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date Violations within the past calendar year Violation ID Occurrence Date Violation Type Violation Description Violation Status Priority Source Facility Name Violated Reg. Meas. ID Violated Reg. Meas. Order No. Linked To Enf. 1129165 05/15/2024 Surface Water This incident resulted in an unknown amount of water mixed with residual oil leaking into the Bay from an over water transfer of tank water causing a 60' x 4' sheen. Violation N eSMR National Steel & Shipbuilding Co (NASSCO) 408359 R9-2016-0116 N 1128917 05/21/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Sea Urchin or Sand Dollar-Fertilization 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 50 % effect and reported value was 100 % effect at EFF-002. Violation N eSMR SeaWorld, San Diego 420773 R9-2018-0004 N 1126525 02/06/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Sea Urchin or Sand Dollar-Fertilization 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at SW-001. Violation N eSMR BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair 401444 R9-2015-0034 N 1126501 04/30/2024 Deficient Monitoring Late submittal Violation N eSMR SeaWorld, San Diego 420773 R9-2018-0004 N 1126500 04/30/2024 Deficient Reporting Late submittal Violation N eSMR SeaWorld, San Diego 420773 R9-2018-0004 N 1126484 01/03/2024 Deficient Monitoring Quarterly sampling for total dissolved solids (TDS) was conducted on 1/3/24 for RSW-002b and sample analysis commenced on 1/4/24, which was within the Standard Method 2540C allowable holding time of seven days. However, the sample for RSW-002b was inadvertently discarded prior to completion of analysis. Due to a laboratory error, RSW-002b was not resampled, rather the original sample collected on 1/3/24 was mistakenly reanalyzed after the 7-day holding time had expired (1/17/24). Although the TDS sample for RSW-002b was analyzed past the allowable holding time, the data result was comparable to historical data at this location. Violation N eSMR Sweetwater Authority Groundwater Demin 412286 R9-2017-0020 N 1126483 02/06/2024 Deficient Monitoring Due to a laboratory oversight, the commercial laboratory (Weck Laboratories) analyzed the ortho-phosphate-P sample for EFF-001b (which was sampled on 2/6/24) beyond the EPA Method 365.3 allowable holding time of 48 hours (on 3/4/24). However, the ortho-phosphate-P result (0.083 mg/L) was comparable to historical data for EFF-001b. Violation N eSMR Sweetwater Authority Groundwater Demin 412286 R9-2017-0020 N 1125970 04/01/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( MONRPT ) (Source Control Report) report for 2023 (2528254) was due on 31-MAR-24 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 N 1125049 03/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) (Outfall Inspection Report) report for 2023 (2127836) was due on 01-MAR-24 Violation null Report SeaWorld, San Diego 420773 R9-2018-0004 N 1124419 01/12/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-Sea Urchin or Sand Dollar-Fertilization Event Discharge limit is 25 % effect and reported value was 98 % effect at M-2. Violation N eSMR National Steel & Shipbuilding Co (NASSCO) 408359 R9-2016-0116 N 1124276 02/02/2024 Late Report Annual SMR ( PROGRPT ) (Pollutant Minimization Program Annual Status Report) report for 2023 (2528255) was due on 01-FEB-24 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1123941 12/28/2023 Deficient Reporting Discharger requested withdraw of report due to deficient reporting. November 2023 (Monthly Self Monitoring Report). Report withdrawn on 1/18/2024. Doc ID: 2528342 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1123940 09/27/2023 Deficient Reporting Discharger requested withdraw of report due to deficient reporting. August 2023 (Monthly Self Monitoring Report). Report withdrawn on 1/18/2024. Doc ID: 2528339 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1123932 11/30/2023 Deficient Reporting Discharger requested withdraw of report due to deficient reporting. October 2022 (Monthly Self Monitoring Report). Report withdrawn on 1/18/2024. Doc ID: 2528329 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1123931 10/31/2023 Deficient Reporting Discharger requested withdraw of report due to deficient reporting. Q3 2022 (Quarterly Self Monitoring Report). Report withdrawn on 1/18/2024. Doc ID: 2528228 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1123930 07/30/2023 Deficient Reporting Discharger requested withdraw of report due to deficient reporting. Q2 2022 (Quarterly Self Monitoring Report). Report withdrawn on 1/18/2024. Doc ID: 2528227 Violation N Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1123802 11/29/2023 Order Conditions On Wednesday 11/29/23 at 13:30 Operations Supervisor notified Environmental that approximately 5 gallons of hydroblast water contaminated with paint chips was discharged from the from the port side scupper of the forecastle of a USS Navy Ship. A subcontractor was conducting non-skid removal on the deck, the unit lost suction due to an uneven surface and the water poured out from the collection hose, onto the deck and through the scupper. The scupper was not protected or blanked. Work was halted until the scuppers on both sides of the deck were sufficiently blanked and sealed. Work did not commence until an containment inspection was called out and approval was obtained from Environmental Dept. The paint chips were unrecoverable due to the location of the spill. A boat could not easily access the area to assist with getting the Jellyfishbot inside the hard oil boom around the ship. Violation N eSMR BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair 401444 R9-2015-0034 N 1123801 12/15/2023 Order Conditions On Friday 12/15/23 Environmental got a call from Ship's Force onboard the USS Navy Ship regarding a discharge of paint chips noted within the boom of the ship. The Environmental technician told Ship's force to shut down any paint removal processes being conducted by the subcontractor until the Environmental Dept. could arrive to investigate. Upon investigation no obvious discharge location was found, but there were areas of built up paint chips and metal dust on the over water side of the containment within the exterior folds of the plastic. The containment was inadequate for the type of work (needle-gunning & hydroblasting) being performed. The subcontractor was approved to continue the paint removal effort as long as an employee with a broom and vacuum was working alongside the paint removal team to ensure paint chips were contained. Around 2 oz. of floating paint chips were recovered from inside the oil boom using the Jellyfishbot with a fine mesh collection bag. Violation N eSMR BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair 401444 R9-2015-0034 N 1121318 09/27/2023 Order Conditions On Wednesday 9/27/23, Environmental was notified by Safety of a heavy rainbow sheen inside the oil boom of the USS Naval ship. Upon investigation by Environmental the heavy sheen ran along the Port side of the ship between the ship and pier. The only active discharge on the Port side was discussed with the CHENG and MPA and determined to be compensating water. The Environmental Mgr requested the compensating discharge to cease in order to further the investigate the source of the discharge. Violation N eSMR BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair 401444 R9-2015-0034 N 1121290 10/18/2023 Late Report Failure to re-submit report following withdrawal. Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) (Monthly Self Monitoring Report) report for September 2022 - Not Submitted. Doc ID: 2528328 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1121289 10/18/2023 Late Report Failure to re-submit report following withdrawal. Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) (Monthly Self Monitoring Report) report for August 2022 - Not Submitted. Doc ID: 2528327 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1121288 10/18/2023 Late Report Failure to re-submit report following withdrawal. Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) (Monthly Self Monitoring Report) report for July 2022 - Not Submitted. Doc ID: 2528326 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1121287 10/18/2023 Late Report Failure to re-submit report following withdrawal. Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) (Monthly Self Monitoring Report) report for June 2022 - Not Submitted. Doc ID: 2528325 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1121286 10/18/2023 Late Report Failure to re-submit report following withdrawal. Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) (Monthly Self Monitoring Report) report for May 2022 - Not Submitted. Doc ID: 2528324 Violation null Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1121285 10/18/2023 Late Report Failure to re-submit report following withdrawal. Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) (Monthly Self Monitoring Report) report for April 2022 - Not Submitted. Doc ID: 2528323 Violation N Report South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant 442331 R9-2021-0001 Y 1120843 08/22/2023 Surface Water On August 22, 2023, NASSCO Security was notified of a spill to San Diego Bay from the USNS Earl Warren (T-AO 3) at Berth 2. Approximately 1 gallon of oily storm water overflowed into the Bay from the flight deck TAO-3 mid ship. Due to the storm prediction for Hurricane Hillary, the vessel was not accessible causing storm water to overflow from the vessel deck. The incident resulted in a visible sheen approximately 20 x 40 feet in size. Violation N eSMR National Steel & Shipbuilding Co (NASSCO) 408359 R9-2016-0116 N 1119467 07/26/2023 Surface Water On July 26, 2023, an unknown amount of hydraulic oil spilled from a boomlift from a ruptured hose during startup. The boomlift was located on a test barge when the incident occurred resulting in a small amount of oil to reach San Diego Bay. NASSCO Security notified NASSCO Fire Department (NFD) and Environmental Engineering to respond. Violation N eSMR National Steel & Shipbuilding Co (NASSCO) 408359 R9-2016-0116 N Enforcement Actions Enforcement ID Enforcement Type Enf. Order No. Title Program Effective Date Status Regulatory Measures linked to Related Parties Reg. Measure ID Organization Regulatory Measure Type Program Effective Date Status 392161 San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Enrollee - 401 Certification CERFILLEXC 11/12/2011 Historical