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   ESMR At-A-Glance Report


Reporting Year 0
Report Monthly SMR ( MONRPT ) (Monthly SMR) report for April 2011
General Information
Contract All Sections Expand All Sections
Agency Facility Reporting Period Due Date Date Received Certified By
Novato Sanitary District Novato and Ignacio WWTP 04/01/2011 to 04/30/2011 05/30/2011 05/26/2011 John Bailey
Expand/Contract Monitoring Locations
Monitoring Locations
Name Type Lat/Long Associated Discharge Point Receiving Water Description(+)
E-003 Effluent Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A At a point in the outfall from the Novato Plant between the point of discharge
EFF-001 Effluent Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A At any point in the Novato Plant?s outfall between the point of discharge and t
EFF-001P Effluent Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A At a point where all water from the pond to the outfall is present upstream of
INF-001 Influent Monitoring None Novato Discharge Point 001 N/A At any point in the Novato Plant headworks after the influent bar screens at whi
Total Monitoring Locations: 4
Expand/Contract No Discharge Dates
No Discharge Dates
Discharge Point Name Description(+) Dates of No Discharge Comments
Expand/Contract Analytical Data
Data Summary-Analytical
Monitoring Point Parameter Analytical Method Qualifier Result Units Sample Date MDL ML RL Comments
EFF-001 Acute Toxicity Acute Toxicity Test with Effluents and Receiving Waters = 100.0 % survival 04/18/2011 None None None Sampled 4/18/11 through 4/21/11
EFF-001 Ammonia, Total (as N) Standard Method (19th) 4500-NH: Nitrogen (Ammonia) = 0.00078 mg/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Ammonia, Total (as N) Standard Method (19th) 4500-NH: Nitrogen (Ammonia) = 0.34 mg/L 04/20/2011 None None None 04/01/11
EFF-001 Arsenic, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy DNQ 0.33 ug/L 04/20/2011 .02 .5 None J
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 7 mg/L 04/06/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 5 mg/L 04/07/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 7 mg/L 04/08/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 8 mg/L 04/10/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 14 mg/L 04/13/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 9 mg/L 04/15/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 6 mg/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 10 mg/L 04/22/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 6 mg/L 04/27/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 8 mg/L 04/29/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Cadmium, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy ND ug/L 04/20/2011 .04 None None None
EFF-001 Chromium (Total) Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy DNQ 0.42 ug/L 04/20/2011 .06 .5 None J
EFF-001 Copper, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 3 ug/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Cyanide, Total (as CN) Standard Method (19th) 4500-CN E: Total CN ND ug/L 04/20/2011 .9 None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 1700.00 MPN/100 mL 04/01/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 24.60 MPN/100 mL 04/04/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 275.50 MPN/100 mL 04/06/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 37.00 MPN/100 mL 04/09/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 12.10 MPN/100 mL 04/10/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 42.80 MPN/100 mL 04/12/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 25.90 MPN/100 mL 04/18/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 20.30 MPN/100 mL 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable < 1.00 MPN/100 mL 04/25/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 12.00 MPN/100 mL 04/27/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Enterococci Data Unavailable = 14.80 MPN/100 mL 04/29/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 300 MPN/100 mL 04/01/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 2 MPN/100 mL 04/04/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 8 MPN/100 mL 04/06/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 8 MPN/100 mL 04/09/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 4 MPN/100 mL 04/10/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 80 MPN/100 mL 04/12/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 26 MPN/100 mL 04/15/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 30 MPN/100 mL 04/18/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 110 MPN/100 mL 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 2 MPN/100 mL 04/25/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform = 4 MPN/100 mL 04/27/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Lead, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy DNQ 0.14 ug/L 04/20/2011 .03 .25 None J
EFF-001 Mercury, Total Recoverable Mercury in Water by Oxidation, P&T, and Cold Vapor = 0.0036 ug/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Nickel, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 3.5 ug/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Oil and Grease HEM and SGT-HEM by Extraction and Gravimetry, Rev. A ND mg/L 04/20/2011 1.8 None None None
EFF-001 Selenium, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy DNQ 0.21 ug/L 04/20/2011 .11 1 None J
EFF-001 Silver, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy DNQ 0.03 ug/L 04/20/2011 .02 .1 None J
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/01/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 18 Degrees C 04/04/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/05/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 18 Degrees C 04/06/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 18 Degrees C 04/07/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 17 Degrees C 04/08/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 18 Degrees C 04/11/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 18 Degrees C 04/12/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 18 Degrees C 04/13/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 18 Degrees C 04/14/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/15/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/18/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/19/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/21/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/22/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/25/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/26/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/27/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/28/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Temperature Standard Method (19th) 2550 B: Temperature, Lab and Field Methods = 19 Degrees C 04/29/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 10 mg/L 04/06/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 7 mg/L 04/07/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 12 mg/L 04/08/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 6 mg/L 04/10/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 9 mg/L 04/13/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 7 mg/L 04/14/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 8 mg/L 04/15/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 8 mg/L 04/18/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 10 mg/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 6 mg/L 04/22/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 5 mg/L 04/27/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 6 mg/L 04/29/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 Zinc, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 19 ug/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.90 SU 04/01/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.90 SU 04/04/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.80 SU 04/05/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.90 SU 04/06/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 7.00 SU 04/07/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.90 SU 04/08/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.80 SU 04/11/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.80 SU 04/12/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.80 SU 04/13/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 7.10 SU 04/14/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.80 SU 04/15/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.60 SU 04/18/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.70 SU 04/19/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.70 SU 04/20/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.70 SU 04/21/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.70 SU 04/22/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.90 SU 04/25/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.70 SU 04/26/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.80 SU 04/27/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.90 SU 04/28/2011 None None None None
EFF-001 pH Standard Method (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method = 6.90 SU 04/29/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Arsenic, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 0.84 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 271.00 mg/L 04/06/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 218.00 mg/L 04/07/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 239.00 mg/L 04/08/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 213.00 mg/L 04/10/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 262.00 mg/L 04/13/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 249.00 mg/L 04/15/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 295.00 mg/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 300.00 mg/L 04/22/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 373.00 mg/L 04/27/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Standard Method (18th & 19th) 5210 B: 5-Day BOD Test = 298.00 mg/L 04/29/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Cadmium, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 0.2 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Chromium (Total) Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 2.2 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Copper, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 47 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Cyanide, Total (as CN) Standard Method (19th) 4500-CN E: Total CN ND ug/L 04/19/2011 .9 None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 6.77 MGD 04/01/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 6.66 MGD 04/02/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 6.51 MGD 04/03/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 6.09 MGD 04/04/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 6.23 MGD 04/05/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.82 MGD 04/06/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.89 MGD 04/07/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.46 MGD 04/08/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.54 MGD 04/09/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.52 MGD 04/10/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.70 MGD 04/11/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.03 MGD 04/12/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.00 MGD 04/13/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.91 MGD 04/14/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.65 MGD 04/15/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.77 MGD 04/16/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.07 MGD 04/17/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.01 MGD 04/18/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.05 MGD 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.97 MGD 04/20/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.88 MGD 04/21/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.93 MGD 04/22/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.08 MGD 04/23/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.36 MGD 04/24/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.84 MGD 04/25/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.05 MGD 04/26/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 5.38 MGD 04/27/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.66 MGD 04/28/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.78 MGD 04/29/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Flow Data Unavailable = 4.61 MGD 04/30/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Lead, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 1.9 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Mercury, Total Recoverable Mercury (Cold Vapor, Manual) = 0.082 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Nickel, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 6 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Selenium, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy DNQ 0.64 ug/L 04/19/2011 .11 1 None J
INF-001 Silver, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 0.51 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 443.00 mg/L 04/06/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 383.00 mg/L 04/07/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 352.00 mg/L 04/08/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 300.00 mg/L 04/10/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 320.00 mg/L 04/13/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 224.00 mg/L 04/14/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 306.00 mg/L 04/15/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 680.00 mg/L 04/18/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 398.00 mg/L 04/20/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 412.00 mg/L 04/22/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 426.00 mg/L 04/27/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard Method (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C = 306.00 mg/L 04/29/2011 None None None None
INF-001 Zinc, Total Recoverable Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectroscopy = 132 ug/L 04/19/2011 None None None None
Total Analytical Data Points: 164
Expand/Contract Calculated Data
Data Summary-Calculated
Monitoring Point Parameter Analytical Method Qualifier Result Units Sample Date Comments
EFF-001 Acute Toxicity 11-Sample Median = 100.00 % survival 04/18/2011 None
EFF-001 Acute Toxicity 11 Sample 90th Percentile = 100.00 % survival 04/18/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 781.2 kg/day 04/06/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 530.7 kg/day 04/07/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 748.9 kg/day 04/08/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 811.9 kg/day 04/10/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 1287.1 kg/day 04/13/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 735.3 kg/day 04/15/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 644.8 kg/day 04/18/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 548.3 kg/day 04/20/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 915.5 kg/day 04/22/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 464.3 kg/day 04/26/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 593.5 kg/day 04/27/2011 None
EFF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 720.7 kg/day 04/29/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 8.20 MPN/100 mL 04/01/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 8.20 MPN/100 mL 04/04/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 8.00 MPN/100 mL 04/06/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 8.00 MPN/100 mL 04/09/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 8.00 MPN/100 mL 04/10/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 8.00 MPN/100 mL 04/12/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 8.00 MPN/100 mL 04/15/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 26.00 MPN/100 mL 04/18/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 30.00 MPN/100 mL 04/20/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 30.00 MPN/100 mL 04/22/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 26.00 MPN/100 mL 04/25/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 4.00 MPN/100 mL 04/27/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform 5-Sample Median = 4.00 MPN/100 mL 04/29/2011 None
EFF-001 Fecal Coliform Monthly Geometric mean = 26.4 MPN/100 mL 04/30/2011 None
EFF-001 Flow Other = 159.22 MGD 04/30/2011 MG N/A in Units = Total MG per Month
EFF-001 Oil and Grease Daily Maximum < 164.5 kg/day 04/20/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 1112.9 kg/day 04/06/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Average Monthly (AMEL) = 97.90 % 04/06/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 736.4 kg/day 04/07/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 1164.5 kg/day 04/08/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 609.0 kg/day 04/10/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 864.2 kg/day 04/13/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 631.9 kg/day 04/14/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 718.2 kg/day 04/15/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 736.9 kg/day 04/18/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 877.3 kg/day 04/20/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 543.9 kg/day 04/22/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 464.3 kg/day 04/26/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 494.6 kg/day 04/27/2011 None
EFF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 492.2 kg/day 04/29/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 5967.00 kg/day 04/06/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 4857.00 kg/day 04/07/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 4937.00 kg/day 04/08/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 4448.00 kg/day 04/10/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 4956.00 kg/day 04/13/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 4380.00 kg/day 04/15/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 4814.00 kg/day 04/18/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 5546.00 kg/day 04/20/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 5595.00 kg/day 04/22/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 4356.00 kg/day 04/26/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 7591.00 kg/day 04/27/2011 None
INF-001 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum = 5389.00 kg/day 04/29/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 6.77 MGD 04/01/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 6.77 MGD 04/01/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 6.66 MGD 04/02/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 6.66 MGD 04/02/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 6.51 MGD 04/03/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 6.51 MGD 04/03/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 6.09 MGD 04/04/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 6.09 MGD 04/04/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 6.23 MGD 04/05/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 6.23 MGD 04/05/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.82 MGD 04/06/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.82 MGD 04/06/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.89 MGD 04/07/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.89 MGD 04/07/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.46 MGD 04/08/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.46 MGD 04/08/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.54 MGD 04/09/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.54 MGD 04/09/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.52 MGD 04/10/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.52 MGD 04/10/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.70 MGD 04/11/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.70 MGD 04/11/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.03 MGD 04/12/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.03 MGD 04/12/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.00 MGD 04/13/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.00 MGD 04/13/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.91 MGD 04/14/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.91 MGD 04/14/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.65 MGD 04/15/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.65 MGD 04/15/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.77 MGD 04/16/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.77 MGD 04/16/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.07 MGD 04/17/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.07 MGD 04/17/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.01 MGD 04/18/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.01 MGD 04/18/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.05 MGD 04/19/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.05 MGD 04/19/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.97 MGD 04/20/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.97 MGD 04/20/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.88 MGD 04/21/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.88 MGD 04/21/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.93 MGD 04/22/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.93 MGD 04/22/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.08 MGD 04/23/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.08 MGD 04/23/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.36 MGD 04/24/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.36 MGD 04/24/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.84 MGD 04/25/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.84 MGD 04/25/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.05 MGD 04/26/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.05 MGD 04/26/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 5.38 MGD 04/27/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 5.38 MGD 04/27/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.66 MGD 04/28/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.66 MGD 04/28/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.78 MGD 04/29/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.78 MGD 04/29/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Average Monthly (AMEL) = 5.31 MGD 04/30/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Average (Mean) = 4.61 MGD 04/30/2011 None
INF-001 Flow Daily Discharge = 4.61 MGD 04/30/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 9753.00 kg/day 04/06/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 8534.00 kg/day 04/07/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 7271.00 kg/day 04/08/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 6265.00 kg/day 04/10/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 6053.00 kg/day 04/13/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 4161.00 kg/day 04/14/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 5383.00 kg/day 04/15/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 12888.00 kg/day 04/18/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 7483.00 kg/day 04/20/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 7684.00 kg/day 04/22/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 6877.00 kg/day 04/26/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 8670.00 kg/day 04/27/2011 None
INF-001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum = 5533.00 kg/day 04/29/2011 None
Total Calculated Data Points: 130
Expand/Contract Calculated Data
Violation ID Violation Date Violation Type Description(+) Corrective Action Created By Last Modified By
Total Violations: 0
Expand/Contract Attachment Data
File Name Description Size
Apr2011_L166780.pdf None 124 KB
Standard Observation - April 2011.pdf None 769 KB
Total Attachments: 2
Expand/Contract Cover Letter
Cover Letter
File Name
SMR Transmittal - April 2011.pdf
Total No. of Cover Letter Files: 1      Cover Leter Text: No
The current report was generated with data as of: 12/10/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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