ࡱ> 463'` bjbj{P{P 8$:: %DDDD 8  M  "2 2 2    $hk9  99DD2 2 9DR2 2 9:,"$2    0MRm$$ !   7j   M9999p $p DDDDDD  California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast Region Interoffice Memorandum TO: John Short, File (Eureka, City of, Elk River WWTF) FROM: Charles Reed DATE: 03/30/2010 SUBJECT: INSPECTION REPORT - EUREKA ELK RIVER WWTF [JANUARY 13, 2010] CIWQS Inspection ID # 2237969 On January 13, 2010, I conducted a routine compliance inspection of the City of Eureka, Elk River Wastewater Treatment Facility. The inspection commenced at 9:15 AM and concluded at 12:00 PM. Weather during the inspection was overcast with intermittent rain. In attendance during the inspection was Bruce Gehrke, Utilities Operations Supervisor (707-441-4360), who replaced Clay Yerby in 2009, and Michael Hansen, Laboratory Manager. RECENT SITE HISTORY The NPDES permit for this Facility was renewed on June 4, 2009 in Santa Rosa. The requirements of the renewed Permit are not significantly different from those contained in the previous permit, Order No. R1-2004-0013. The Humboldt Bay area experienced a magnitude 6.5 earthquake on January 9, 2010. The earthquake was centered 47 miles WSW of Eureka and caused a power outage in the Elk River area and superficial damage to structures in the Eureka area. Mr. Gehrke said that there were reports of broken water lines, one sewage pump was damaged, and one lift station required generator service. There were no reported sanitary sewer overflows resulting from the quake. LABORATORY AND RECORDS REVIEW I reviewed laboratory bench sheets for June 2009 and September 2009 to confirm reporting of BOD, TSS and coliform results in the respective self-monitoring reports (SMRs). Bench sheet results were consistent with SMRs. FIELD NOTES I noted no odors on my approach to the treatment facility and at the headworks. Treatment processes appeared to be operating normally. Within last 6 months, City installed a new gate to contain small overflows of primary to secondary effluent channel. Contained primary effluent can now be pumped back to head of clarifier. However, Mr. Gehrke said that blending of primary effluent with secondary effluent occurred during the prolonged power outage. New solids building. Mr. Gehrke said that the single-use bags (50x 30 circumference) being used to dry digested sludge are not working as well as expected. He has tried alternative methods of drying the sludge (i.e., air drying the bagging), but nothing has been successful yet. Mr. Gehrke explained that the City has plans for a screw press, but the project is in limbo because City needs rate increase to pay for it and the political climate is not conducive to sewer rate increases at this time. The City is currently wet hauling sludge to Anderson CA (at 17-23 wet tons per load) at great expense. As alternatives to hauling, the City still looking at Parcel M for biosolids application, as well as other agricultural sites near the Van Duzen River. COMPLIANCE CONCERNS Sludge lagoon lacks storage capacity and the drying bags are not keeping pace with daily solids production and the need for sludge storage.     PAGE  PAGE 1 1DEJK\]`amqrsy     ! " % 5 M X º޶޺޲޺ަ޺ޢ}v hUhf9h hBl 5h h 5 h;5hNohNo5hNohnhphf9hth[UhUh hUhBl 5 hUhUhU5CJaJhUhBl 5CJaJ hUhBl hU5CJ hU5CJ hUh @05CJaJ.1DE\]! 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