ࡱ> ` *bjbjss B;" NNNb;;;8;B<tbr0=====zYzYzYtrvrvrvrvrvrvr$%thvrNmcSvYmcmcr ==rgggmc =l=trgmctrggj &",Xk== i;1d ,km\r0rBkiw=eiw,XkiwNXkzYf\g|^(`EzYzYzYrr9g|zYzYzYrmcmcmcmcbbb$,;bbb;bbb  OFFICE NO: 8 INSPECTOR: NNA PCA SYSTEM TASK NO.: 101  8 330117003 City of Riversides Regional Water Quality Control Plant STP WDS No. NAME OF AGENCY OR PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR DISCHARGE NAME OF FACILITY 06-009 5950 Acorn Street 5950 Acorn Street WDR Ord No. AGENCY STREET ADDRESS FACILITY STREET  10 08 08 B1 Riverside, CA 92504 Riverside, CA 92504  MM DD YY TYPE AGENCY STREET ADDRESS FACILITY CITY & STATE 10 08 08 Chandra Johannesson Crag Justice Actual Inspection AGENCY CONTACT FACILITY CONTACT Date (YYDDMM)  909-351-6187 909-351-6187 AGENCY PHONE NO. FACILITY PHONE NO. S Inspection Agency (S=STATE, J=JOINT STATE/USEPA)   N If this inspection is a compliance inspection on an NPDES facility, send a copy of this report to SWRCBs Division of Water Quality, Program Support Unit INSPECTION TYPE (Check One) A1 A type compliance--Comprehensive inspection in which samples are taken. (EPA Type S) B1 X B type compliance--A routine nonsampling inspection. (EPA Type C) 02 Noncompliance follow-up--Inspection made to verify correction of a previously identified violation. 03 Enforcement follow-up--Inspection made to verify that conditions of an enforcement action are being met. 04 Complaint--Inspection made in response to a complaint. 05 Pre-requirement--Inspection made to gather info. relative to preparing, modifying, or rescinding requirements. 06 Miscellaneous--Any inspection type not mentioned above. If this is an EPA inspection not mentioned above please note type. (e.g. biomonitoring, performance audit, diagnostic, etc.)  N Were violations noted during this inspection? (Yes/No/Pending Sample Results)  N Was this a Quality Assurance-Based inspection?  N Were bioassay samples taken? (N=no) If YES then, S= Static or F= Flow through. INSPECTION SUMMARY (REQUIRED) (100-character limit) The facility has been in violation of 12-month TDS incremental limits of Order No. 06- 009, NPDES No. CA0105350. INITIALS: NNA SIGNATURE: DATE: December 18, 2008 For Internal Use: Reviewed by: (1) (2) (3) Regional WDS Coordinator WDS Data Entry Date: -- -- Regional Board File Number:  VIOLATION (IF APPLICABLE) VIOLATION TYPE? (A-G) NA (See Pages IK05.0 and IK05.1 of the Micro Waste Discharger System Users Manual) DATE OF VIOLATION (YYMMDD): NA  DATE OF VIOLATION DETERMINATION (YYMMDD): Na DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION (200 Character Limit): EPA SUGGESTED INSPECTION CHECKLIST SatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot EvaluatedPermitXFlow MeasurementXPretreatmentXOperations and MaintenanceXRecords/ReportsXLaboratoriesXCompliance SchedulesXSludge DisposalXFacility Site ReviewXEffluent/Receiving WatersXSelf-MonitoringX Overall Facility Operation Evaluation  (5=Very Reliable; 3=Satisfactory; 1=Unrelaiable): 3 HISTORICAL INFORMATION: MOST RECENT: Order No.Adopted DateTypeDateInspection TypeViolationsViolation TypeDate06-00903/04/06NPDES10/08/08B1YTDS Incremental ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, ITEMS FOR FOLLOWUP ON FUTURE INSPECTIONS, NOTES, ETC. (On following pages, if necessary) SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION NOTES. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Report Date: December 18, 2008 Location & County: 5950 Acorn Street, Riverside, Riverside County Contact(s): Chandra Johannesson Compliance & Monitoring Manager Inspection Date: October 08, 2008 Inspected By: Najah N. Amin Site(s): Riversides Regional Water Quality Control Plant. Background: The City of Riverside operates the Riverside Regional Water Quality Control Plant (RRWQCP). The RRWQCP is a municipal wastewater treatment plant which discharges tertiary treated wastewater to Reach 3 of the Santa Ana River. This facility is regulated under Order No. R8-2006-0009. The RRWQCP consists of two secondary treatment plants (Plants 1 and 2). In addition, one tertiary treatment plant treats the flow from both plants 1 and 2. A solids- handling facility treats the sludge produced from wastewater treatment. Influent flows into the RRWQCP are metered and are proportionately channeled to Plant 1 and Plant 2. Riverside Regional Water Quality Control Plant (RRWQCP) was inspected on October 08, 2008 to verify the compliance with Order No. R8- 2006- 009, NPDES No. CA 0105350. The influent flow, pH, and electrical conductivity readings were as follows: Acorn Influent checked at 0945hrs. Readings on the recorders and instruments Flow (MGD)12.01pH (units)6.85EC ((s)1278 Jurupa Influent checked at 1000hrs. Readings on the recorders and instruments Flow (MGD)3.71pH (units)8.05EC ((s)1146 Rubidoux Influent checked at 1005hrs. Readings on the recorders and instruments Flow (MGD)2.90pH (units)7.76EC ((s)1466 Riverside/Hillside Influent checked at 1010hrs. Readings on the recorders and instruments Flow (MGD)22.08PH (units)7.12EC ((s)1412 FCE (Final Chlorinated Effluent) flow checked at 1130hrs. Readings on the recorders and instruments Flow (MGD)36.73pH (units)7.35EC ((s)987Chlorine Residual (mg/l)0.00Turbidity (NTU)0.61 The headworks were in good operational condition; the floatables and other solids are being removed efficiently and discarded properly. The electrical conductivity (EC) of some influent flows is greater than 1400 (mhos/cm. Although, the EC is not regulated by the permit, it is necessary to be assessed for potential increase of TDS and its impact to the beneficial uses of the receiving water. The influent composite sampler was located at the proper location for sample collection and the inside temperature was 4 degrees Celsius. Both plants primary clarifiers were also in good operational condition. Before the wastewater enters into the primary clarifiers, ferric chloride is added for odor control and coagulation. An anaerobic condition in the primaries creates septic conditions and as a result there were rising bubbles of air/gas observed. Also some foam was noted on the surface of the wastewater. Despite the anaerobic reactions and foaming there were no significant odors detected. The activated sludge process starts with an anaerobic process where most of the biological phosphorus is removed and the wastewater flows to the aerated basins where nitrification and denitrification processes will be accomplished by maintaining 3.89 to 4.05 mg/L of DO. The air distribution in the aeration system was even and the color of the liquor was dark brown and had a musky odor, an indication of efficient removal of BOD. The wastewater in the secondary clarifiers had clear color with some pin-flocks floating on the surface of the water and passing through the weirs. The wastewater from the secondary clarifiers flows to the filtration units where most of the pin-flocks were removed and the filtered wastewater looked clean and clear. Filtered wastewater passes through the disinfection process in a covered chlorination unit. Sodium hypochlorite (SHC-bleach) is used for disinfection and the chlorine residual in the chlorine chambers is kept between 7-8 mg/L. Sodium bisulfate (SBS) is used for dechlorination of the wastewater before discharge to the Santa Ana River. The effluent chlorine residual was zero during this inspection. The discharge point from RRWQCP is maintained properly and there was some foaming due to water fall. The water in the channel leading to the Santa Ana River looked very clear and some fish were observed in the channel. Beneficial uses of aquatic and contact recreation were confirmed. Both storage tanks for both reagents (SHC & SBS) were installed properly and both tanks have containment tanks around them for spill prevention. RRWQCP has its own laboratory and in this lab the daily, weekly, and quarterly analyses are conducted. Toxicity samples are sent to certified labs. Review of the monthly reports reveals that the city is in violation of the 12-month average incremental TDS from July, 2008 to the present. The city is attributing the TDS violations to chemical uses in the plant and they are investigating the source of the TDS increase.   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